2014-06-11 UTC
benwerd joined the channel
# 00:11 GWG Other than Facebook Twitter, Gplus, and Instagram, what sites with embed code are people likely to reply to?
gRegor` joined the channel
benwerd joined the channel
# 00:26 onewheelskyward pinterest
# 00:26 onewheelskyward Is the other social network we use.
# 00:27 GWG I have never done pinterest. But I am writing reply code for my site
benwerd_ joined the channel
# 00:27 onewheelskyward Me, either. But it has a following.
# 00:29 GWG onewheelskyward, what prompted your username? pikot?
# 00:29 onewheelskyward Close. Motorcycle.
# 00:30 onewheelskyward I had a 929 that was geared down rather dramatically. Which led to many a one-wheeled take-off from lights in California.
# 00:30 onewheelskyward The bike was running Pilots at the time.
paulcp and snarfed joined the channel
# 00:56 kylewm GWG, more things someone might reply to: news articles, wikipedia articles
# 00:56 GWG I was thinking sites with embed code.
# 01:01 GWG My plan is to use embed code for anything that has some and style everything else independently
# 01:13 kylewm (barnaby pointed me to that article when I asked about using twitter's embed code)
scor, snarfed and vanderwal joined the channel
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# 01:41 Loqi acegiak: GWG left you a message 6 hours, 6 minutes ago: Pushed again, updated roadmap with plans. Starting to build display elements
# 01:42 GWG acegiak: Did you see what I pushed?
# 01:48 acegiak I think setting it to delta might actually be the best way to go
# 01:50 acegiak GWG: working on a game, our android build has been running at weird speeds
efecto99 and caseorganic joined the channel
# 01:57 kylewm brainstorm: if EvilAaronpk made CloneYourGram, a POOS service that copies your instagrams to twitter, I think it would be very popular
tantek and snarfed joined the channel
# 02:08 acegiak I'm just merging the two branches so that my content filter makes use of your functions
# 02:09 GWG acegiak: I've been doing this since I started with these Indieweb plugins a few months back.
# 02:09 GWG acegiak: I build it, then dismantle it into little pieces. I'm trying to get better at building the pieces first.
# 02:10 GWG acegiak: It seems to work. Then I go back and break it into even more pieces.
# 02:11 GWG acegiak: So, for the kind stuff, the next step, which I noted into the README, is the code that will display the URL being responded to. So I turned to the Wordpress Embed system
# 02:11 acegiak alright, I'mmma test this merge and if it's all good I'll do a pull request
# 02:20 acegiak GWG: I'm not sure I like doing things like embedding textual content? seems like asking for trouble with shifting urls etc?
# 02:21 acegiak but then, I'm hotlinking content images which isn't much better...
# 02:21 GWG Well, my plan would address that for you.
# 02:22 GWG The design I'm thinking is that it checks the Wordpress Embed Provider, and if the site isn't supported, it defaults to a local handler.
# 02:22 GWG I'll take pfefferle's philosophy every time I ask him that sort of question
# 02:23 GWG acegiak: More offloading visual presentation to the provider.
# 02:24 acegiak so then indieweb sites need to be oembed providers?
# 02:24 GWG acegiak: No. Then it falls back to a non-embed provider. But you can always write a handler for any site and add it to your installation
KartikPrabhu and snarfed joined the channel
# 02:31 kylewm haha POOS is Post Only On Silos. sadly I didn't come up with it
# 02:37 aaronpk 1.5 million photos copied from instagram to flickr... not bad
# 02:40 onewheelskyward heh, funny
# 02:40 onewheelskyward I want the other way around
# 02:41 onewheelskyward But instagram doesn't have an import.
# 02:41 Loqi gives onewheelskyward the other way around
# 03:03 acegiak GWG: just trying to work out what situations I need to throw an h-cite into the class list
# 03:03 GWG The conditionals will likely get more complicated.
# 03:04 GWG Note, the way I set it up is partly based on tantek's suggestion about building one feature at a time, and one thing...like, reply, etc at a time.
# 03:04 GWG I needed a baseline to start from before doing that.
# 03:08 aaronpk tantek: which homebrew website meeting was the photo from outside?
# 03:10 aaronpk ok to upload to the wiki? it's hotlinked right now
# 03:12 aaronpk has a new appreciate for not hot-linking after attempting to back up the oauth.net wiki
# 03:12 Loqi aaronpk meant to say: has a new appreciation for not hot-linking after attempting to back up the oauth.net wiki
emmak joined the channel
# 03:14 GWG But this brings up a question back to the discussion I was having with acegiak a few moments ago. Would you hot-link and/or embed to a silo?
# 03:15 Loqi gives aaronpk the site to be standalone
# 03:15 aaronpk i want to be able to download a copy and read the whole thing offline
# 03:15 GWG Right now, I'm just trying to get the thing up. I think offline access can be a goal later.
# 03:20 GWG Does anyone think the best way to preserve a post on a site is screenshot, rather than citation?
# 03:21 bret aaronpk posted a screenshot of a hoax article and people belived it
# 03:26 bret im going to go with just storing a copy of a reply context
# 03:26 bret that seems difficult to do programatically
# 03:27 GWG But what does a reply-context look like and how you store it is another big question that would delay putting anything up.
# 03:27 bret parsing h-entry vs toying with image magic
# 03:32 GWG acegiak: Someone is working on that
# 03:33 bret i think parsing the reply context and re-displaying it is probrably enough evidence that someone said something
# 03:35 GWG bret: pfefferle is working on that for Wordpress, the CMS both acegiak and I use.
# 03:36 bret the question is, is it evil to keep a hidden copy of something someoe requests a delete for, like how its evil for facebook to do it?
# 03:36 GWG bret: Unless you have a takedown request, I suppose
# 03:41 GWG acegiak: I used a different file structure so both could co-exist, actually, by the way
# 03:45 bret we could cryptographically sign our posts, and the reply contexts would allow for verification
# 03:45 aaronpk you *can* do any number of things. the real question is what is the end goal.
# 03:46 aaronpk why do you need to prove/verify/whatever that the thing was posted
# 03:46 bret i just want all your pretty faces to show up next to my post
# 03:46 aaronpk I can tell you from personal experience that courts will go off of a printout of a screenshot of a tweet, they don't need more than that in some cases.
# 03:47 bret in which case, that hoax website is tool for legal terrorism
# 03:51 GWG acegiak: I may make a few modifications to your code. For one, I want to add a class that is common to all of the responses.
caseorganic, nloadholtes and pauloppenheim joined the channel
# 04:32 GWG acegiak: I agree. How did it get in there?
# 04:33 GWG But, either way, wrapping the post content in e-content could be a problem
# 04:35 GWG It already wraps the_content in the right classes. By doing it within the content filter, you would be effectively doing it twice
caseorganic joined the channel
# 04:35 rascul oh ok, it's an implementation specific issue i guess
# 04:36 rascul not something i need to worry about for making my site i mean
# 04:36 GWG rascul: Yes. It is specific to the Wordpress plugin work we're doing
# 04:37 rascul it only caught my eye because i had just been playing with h-entry and e-content yesterday and was still on my mind
snarfed joined the channel
# 04:38 GWG acegiak: My point was that the filter should only mark up itself, not the other content.
# 04:40 rascul ooo staring at sempress search results on duckduckgo just helped me come up with an idea how to store things for my site heh
# 04:42 rascul see at first i was trying to come up with some sort of alternative to metadata/front matter
# 04:42 rascul and i figured i could parse it out with mf2py which works fine but leaves a bunch of ugly html at the top of the markdown files
# 04:42 rascul solution i now have that is easier than all my other ideas is file names
# 04:43 rascul filename="$(date --utc +%s)-article-title.md"
# 04:44 rascul this seems so simple and obvious to me that i'm surprised it took me this long to figure it out
eschnou joined the channel
# 04:45 rascul at first i didn't want date in path because it makes it hard for me to figure stuff out when i list the files, but this way is easy for me and is automagically sorted by date when i ls
# 04:54 kylewm rascul: is date/title the only thing you wanted to store in front matter?
# 04:55 rascul i can't really think of anything else to put there
# 04:55 rascul or at least anything else i need to put there
# 04:55 kylewm tags, location, in-reply-to urls, are the types of things i stick in there
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# 04:56 rascul i'm happy to express all that in microformats inside the post
# 04:56 kylewm but if you don't need that stuff or have a different way to store it, that's great
# 04:56 rascul the site generator doesn't need to know all that i don't think
# 04:57 rascul but then i get the problem i was trying to avoid at one time of mixing markdown and html, but i don't think that can be avoided unless i go all html
# 04:58 rascul also i discovered that mf2py was closing my <p> tags
# 04:59 rascul didn't bother me, but i often don't close them just to avoid the extra typing heh
# 05:00 rascul i mean, i often don't close <li>, i didn't mean that mf2py does because i didn't notice that
fmarier joined the channel
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# 06:43 cweiske aaronpk, who wrote the mediawiki indieauth plugin? when will it support federated logins?
# 06:44 aaronpk I did. it just delegates to indieauth.com to handle logins. so as soon as I make indieauth.com understand federated logins the wiki will support it.
# 06:45 cweiske so it will be wiki -> indieauth.com -> indieauth.id.cweiske.de -> id.cweiske.de -> indieauuth.id.cweiske.de -> indieauth.com -> wiki
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# 07:45 cweiske aaronpk, I'm confused by the names. did I implement an indieauth-openid proxy, a rel-me-proxy or something else?
# 07:48 aaronpk i was planning on rearranging it once I get more of the specific pages done
# 07:54 aaronpk course you could always come up with a clever name for your indieauth+openid service
# 07:58 aaronpk alright i'm going to bed, it's super late! was working on the sponsorship page this evening.
# 07:58 aaronpk congrats again on getting that working! super cool!
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# 08:15 cweiske !tell aaronpk - taproot/barnabywalters gives a incomplete URL as client_id: client_id=waterpigs.co.uk - is that allowed?
# 08:15 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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nloadholtes, Jeena, tobiastom and tantek joined the channel
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# 13:16 GWG pfefferle: I have a question for you
# 13:18 GWG pfefferle: To what degree do you think a filter and or action hook is the answer to adding functionality? Been working on that project that acegiak is also contributing to
# 13:20 GWG pfefferle: I ask because I've been putting in filters
# 13:20 pfefferle I depends on the use case… I tried to focus only on webmention stuff for the webmention-plugin but I implemented nearly every parsing use-case in the semantic-linkbacks plugin
# 13:22 pfefferle I like to keep plugins simple… everything that fits the scope should be part of the plugin and every special case should be handled seperately
# 13:23 pfefferle semantic-linkbacks implements mf2 parsing but allows other parsers to hook in
# 13:25 cweiske barnabywalters, your indieauth login does not send a full URL as client_id
# 13:25 GWG pfefferle: Do you have any advice for me? The Indieweb Taxonomy plugin is essentially the inverse of the semantic-linkbacks plugin. Semantic-Linkbacks adds the same thing to the comments type that Indieweb Taxonomy adds to the post type
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# 13:26 barnabywalters either that, or I was thinking that it would be used on sites in “posted via X” attributions
# 13:27 pfefferle GWG: oh, I hope I won’t change it… But I think I would keep it like that if it should work independently from the semantic-linkbacks plugin
# 13:28 GWG pfefferle: It should. One is for adding the layer to comments, the other for adding the same layer to posts
# 13:29 GWG Although it may overlap with the reply-context plugin.
# 13:29 pfefferle GWG we should add the meta-keys to the WIKI to stay compatible
# 13:32 cweiske barnabywalters, please tell me once you fixed it. I'll try my indieauth proxy then on it
# 13:32 pfefferle GWG can you send me the url to the plugin we are talking about?
chrissaad and pfefferle joined the channel
# 13:43 GWG Although acegiak 's latest commit is something I have to make some changes to.
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# 13:46 GWG petermolnar: That character count code...why not throw that into a plugin?
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# 13:56 petermolnar because I was lazy to to that and because it's not working in tinymce mode yet
# 13:56 GWG petermolnar: I could use the counting
# 13:56 GWG petermolnar: I will defer to you. I have enough Wordpress projects right now
# 13:57 petermolnar I might have some time on Saturday to put it together, including the brilliant subversion of Wordpress.org
# 13:58 GWG petermolnar: Even if you put it in a repository, people can download it
# 13:59 petermolnar yes, but I'd like to solve why it's not working with the visual mode yet
# 13:59 GWG On that note, must head off for a bit and contemplate if I should split off the location bits I put in the Taxonomy plugin into their own plugin or leave it where it is
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# 15:13 Loqi aaronpk: cweiske left you a message 6 hours, 57 minutes ago: - taproot/barnabywalters gives a incomplete URL as client_id: client_id=waterpigs.co.uk - is that allowed?
# 15:13 aaronpk yes I think full URLs should be required as the client_id
# 15:14 barnabywalters aaronpk: if that’s not part of the spec/docs then it should be — “id” is rather vague
# 15:15 barnabywalters might also be a good idea to specify, or at least suggest some really basic client app property discovery
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# 15:17 barnabywalters bnvk and I were documenting some common app properties in sight of creating app store discovery, and there’s plenty of other existing work on app-describing vocabs which is valid prior research
# 15:18 aaronpk the idea is the OAuth screen should say "this app wants to ____" and show the app icon and name etc
# 15:19 barnabywalters might it be worth forcing the u-url property of any discovery to at least have the same domain as the client_id? either that or ensure that the client_id is surfaced somewhere in the authorization UI
# 15:21 barnabywalters yeah, a h-card isn’t really suitable here because an app isn’t a person, organisation or other contactable entity
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# 15:23 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 15:45 aaronpk barnabywalters: k! update the indieauth pages to reference h-app then too
# 15:46 barnabywalters aaronpk: h-app doesn’t exist yet :) I need to take all bnvk’s research to the microformats wiki and start brainstorming. but for the moment h-x-app h-product with name, logo and URL will do fine
# 15:46 aaronpk i'm gonna also want redirect_uri in there, which is how apps "register" their valid redirect URIs
iangreenleaf, caseorganic, friedcell, paulcp, j12t and pauloppenheim joined the channel
# 16:51 barnabywalters ugh now I have to finally come up with a logo for taproot, without using a cliché tree
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# 17:27 aaronpk turns out it was just bad markup causing the wrong p-name to be displayed
# 17:31 barnabywalters hrm, h-feed doesn’t have a “p-title” property. another issue to raise on sempress, perhaps
tilgovi, j12t, caseorganic and lupinedev joined the channel
Kopfstein and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 18:31 barnabywalters basically less stuff when it’s smaller — fewer triangles, single green connecting line between each
# 18:32 aaronpk keep distilling it down so that it looks good small. then chances are that will look good large.
# 18:33 aaronpk the best logos have very few and highly recognizable components
# 18:33 KartikPrabhu barnabywalters: IMO too many colours! Simple icons with 3-4 colours seem best
# 18:34 barnabywalters aaronpk: true — I think my instinct to start big was that a) that I always draw tiny detailed things, and b) from remembering when I thought that 512px was totally a great size to design iOS icons at, and that there’d totally never be any reason to have larger ones :)
# 18:35 barnabywalters KartikPrabhu: thanks! I quite like having variations in colour but agreed there might be too many here. and of course I will provide a SVG version, but for publishing drafts it’s SO MUCH CODE to write
# 18:36 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: most drawing software have a lot of cruft in SVG, you'd have to edit it later anyway
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# 18:36 barnabywalters aaronpk: sometimes :) but using sketch for this. I’m actually referring to code used to embed it
# 18:37 barnabywalters export twice, upload twice, write <object>, remember SVG mime type, add <img> with PNG, add text description
# 18:37 bnvk has anyone played with MF for to-do list items?
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# 18:38 aaronpk my "file upload UI" is Skitch pointing to my WebDAV endpoint :)
# 18:38 barnabywalters 1) if the client detects that the to-be-uploaded file is a SVG, add another file upload dialogue for a fallback PNG
# 18:39 bnvk a decentralized to-do list using MF and web-mention just popped into my brain, seems like it would solve many of the worlds problems
# 18:40 barnabywalters KartikPrabhu: does that produce good results? I’ve never found the magic setting in imagemagic/gd which makes it produce images which look good
# 18:41 KartikPrabhu barnabywalters: haven't really played with it, but have been thinking of doing so for my own site for SVG fallbacks
# 18:41 barnabywalters bnvk: if your idea of a “todo list” scales all the way up to things like trello, then each item/card could just be a h-entry
# 18:41 barnabywalters and then marking something as “done” is just another response type like RSVP
# 18:42 aaronpk I haven't even found a todo list mechanism that I like using, much less an app
# 18:42 barnabywalters aaronpk: we use trello at work and have had some success with it. it’s flexible enough that it can be moulded to our liking
# 18:43 aaronpk I like where this is going though. todo lists are a good "hello world" app.
# 18:44 bret Would be fun to build that on top of task warrior
# 18:44 bret Todo is haarrrrddd. It's ieasy to make a todo system that requires a todo list to manage
# 18:45 barnabywalters bnvk: thanks for the feedback! to clarify, making the logo actually look like carrots is not what I’m going for :) Tor already took that idea
# 18:46 bnvk barnabywalters: yes, exactly about the h-entry
# 18:46 bnvk and on the receiving end, a client could choose to "accept" the RSVP (or todo item) onto their list
# 18:46 barnabywalters this whole todo thing is quite similar to indieweb code issues, which has been discussed a little
# 18:47 bnvk barnabywalters: but tor took onion, not a carrot
# 18:47 bnvk but, it's your logo, I was just thinking a nice vector carrot would look cool
# 18:47 barnabywalters bnvk: yeah, but I don’t want to do a me-too “vegetable logo” — it’ll just look like I’m copying Tor
# 18:48 bnvk I def wouldn't think one other tech company (that does something quite diff) has a vegetable you were me too-ing it
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# 18:50 bnvk barnabywalters: it's just the current iteration is on the road to really neat abstract colored logo, but had you not posted the picture below, I never would have guessed carrots
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# 18:59 barnabywalters choosing one green is exponentially more difficult than choosing a bunch of different greens, it turns out
# 18:59 bret Carrot master would be a good project name
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# 19:04 aaronpk cweiske: "scope" was missing from the "auth-brainstorming" page, but not from the "login-brainstorming" page. good catch tho.
# 19:08 cweiske when having all the books (including world of poo) counts as fan, then yes :)
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# 19:16 cweiske the two are my most recent aquisitions. both are available in english only, which is ok for where is my cow - instant translation while reading the kids is easy, but impossible for world of poo
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# 19:27 Jeena I implemented a local cache for webmention avatars. As always the biggest problem is not solved yet, cache invalidation. I'm not quite sure how to do it, I would need to add metadata to the files somehow do know when to redownload the images. But where would I put it ...
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# 19:28 aaronpk if we assumed URLs never changed, then the solution is simple
# 19:28 aaronpk for example when you upload a new avatar to twitter, it gets a new URL
# 19:28 aaronpk then any future posts would reference the new filename
# 19:29 snarfed aaronpk: huh. i actually wonder if twitter already does that right now
# 19:30 snarfed aaronpk: why yes it does. tweet.author.image.url in their JSON data
# 19:30 Jeena I just wanted to prevent the non existent avatars if someone uploads a new one
# 19:31 Jeena but polling the twitter api to get the new avatar seems kind of a overkill
# 19:31 snarfed exactly, aaronpk's solution is way better, and works right now. brilliant!
# 19:32 Jeena but what with people like me who change the image but the url is still the same
# 19:32 aaronpk then new tweets will reference a new URL which you'll then go fetch and save. you'll end up storing several avatars per person btu that's probably good actually.
# 19:32 barnabywalters is going to have to over-ride the display of bridgy’s default “favourited” message with the proper spelling ;)
# 19:32 snarfed Jeena: the filename is usually different. i'd guess twitter actually *always* makes it different
# 19:33 Jeena snarfed yes, twitter does, Facebook doesn't, I don't either so the cache would never be updated
# 19:33 aaronpk in twitter's case yeah, but I think Jeena was talking about indieweb avatars
# 19:33 snarfed twitter is really the only problem child of the silos
# 19:33 snarfed so in parallel, we keep lobbying twitter to let developers use a long-lived URL that always redirects to the current image, like FB, G+, etc., since what are we, farmers? :P
# 19:34 aaronpk if you really want to have a well-known avatar URL on your own domain, just send a 302 redirect to the actual file from that URL
# 19:34 aaronpk then clients caching it can cache based on the final URL
# 19:35 aaronpk then the caches will be automatically updated when you update your photo
# 19:35 barnabywalters who was it talking about having multiple avatars, changing automatically based on emoticons in posts? that was an awesome idea
# 19:35 aaronpk point is it works, and if some people do it, it becomes a design pattern others can follow
# 19:35 Jeena people will just upload a different image and expect the clients to change it after the Expire time
# 19:36 aaronpk then clients should also respect the expire headers, what's hard about that?
# 19:36 snarfed as opposed to the other silos, which officially support theirs
# 19:37 Jeena the only thing hard is to where to put the metadata about the image :-p
# 19:38 Jeena but yeah, that is not cool, I assume I will just add a $id.cache file where I put all the metadata in
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# 19:44 Jeena the coolest thing about the cache is the speed, getting the avatars from different servers, and then letting the browser resize it took quite some time, now the file size is tiny, 2-3kb and doesn't have to be resized by the browser anymore
# 19:45 aaronpk you're serving them all from your own domain now?
# 19:45 aaronpk I wonder if it's worth an optimization like inlining the image into a data URI, or making an avatar CSS sprite
# 19:46 aaronpk for a facepile with like 20 or more images it might make a difference. not sure tho.
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# 19:48 Jeena first time loading https://jeena.net/photos/9 with about 60 avatars took 3,2 seconds (it needed to get the pictures from facebook and twitter) second time without browser cache but cached on the server 2,2 seconds third with browser cache 820ms
# 19:49 Jeena firefox downloaded about 30 of them parallel
# 19:51 Jeena oh no, that is not true, it doesn't download that many of them in parallel, just 4 or 5 at a time it seems
# 19:52 Jeena hm so first time would be faster to inline them but after that it wouldn't matter a lot I think
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# 20:17 Jeena Ok, I went for the easy solution. If someone wants to see the avatar and it is older then 2 weeks then I redownload it. If the download doesn't work I just touch the file so it will not hit the cache check for the next two weeks
# 20:20 Jeena one more cool thing is that all images are now served from a https website
tantek, tantek_, krendil, aaronpk_, the_merlin, sdboyer, icco, reidab and tommorris joined the channel
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# 20:48 wolftune I want to come attend IndieWebCamp as an apprentice in some sense… basically I've been wanting to get toward indie web and update my own site (currently a mix of Google/Blogger hosted old stuff)
# 20:49 aaronpk great! which coast are you on? it's happening in Portland and in New York!
# 20:49 aaronpk also if you have your own site and can add a link to your twitter or github, you may even be able to sign in to the wiki right now and add yourself to the guest list!
# 20:49 wolftune I started into more independent directions and concerns about proprietary software and centralization a little over two years ago, but I ended up getting involved in big ambitious Free/Libre/Open type projects and still haven't dealt with my own site
# 20:50 wolftune My crazy long-term plan is really to start fresh with Yesod and get a server and all
# 20:51 wolftune right now, it's a blogger site at blog.wolftune.com and an old Google Sites thing at www.wolftune.com that I haven't touched in years
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# 20:52 wolftune I kept thinking maybe I could revamp my site before IndieWebCamp but I just keep being busy with the truly independent website I'm building with others that isn't my personal site
# 20:53 wolftune aaronpk: are you saying I could get things working using the Blogger-hosted or Google Sites thing that is the status quo of wolftune.com ?
# 20:53 aaronpk possibly, depends on how much markup they let you add
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# 20:54 aaronpk if you can add a link to your twitter profile that has a rel=me attribute then yes
# 20:54 wolftune truth is, I want to escape from all of that… but, well, it's where I'm at right now
# 20:55 wolftune I'm confused, I thought IndieWebCamp was about independence from centralized services”½
# 20:56 aaronpk also if your email address supports persona you can use that
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# 20:56 wolftune the main project I work on uses Persona exclusively (other than a built-in log-in) to be as privacy and indepent-respecting as possible
# 20:57 aaronpk so if you already have that set up, just add a link to your email address on your home page like <a href="mailto:you@example.com" rel="me"> then you should be able to sign in to the wiki using persona
# 20:57 cweiske is anyone besides me running his own indieauth server (not counting indieauth.com)?
# 20:57 rascul i do like persona it's quite good and can be decentralized and is from mozilla
# 20:57 rascul cweiske i'm not but it's possible that i might eventually
# 20:57 wolftune it's too bad that Persona got their funding cut off though
# 20:58 wolftune long-term we're hoping to provide Free/Libre/Open projects with more sustainable fundraising, so maybe in the *long* term we can help Persona… ;)
# 20:59 rascul no didn't get funding cut, they just moved full time devs from it
# 21:00 wolftune they thought that their minimal marketting didn't go amazingly well so they gave up and decided to focus on "Firefox Accounts"
# 21:01 wolftune rascul: right, and that indicates that they did not think it was feature complete by a long-shot. The whole browserID aspect hasn't been done even
# 21:01 rascul i like to make stuff up when i don't really remember the details
# 21:01 rascul i do it all the time without even realizing it heh
# 21:02 wolftune aaronpk: so, I wish it wasn't so, but my domain's e-mail goes through Google still at this time, I don't suppose that's what you meant about authenticating through Persona… I mean, I don't actually authenticate Persona myself, if I use it with the e-mail, it either validates through Mozilla or Google…
# 21:03 aaronpk yeah I just mean if you've set up persona it'll work
# 21:03 aaronpk liek.. if you've ever logged into anything with persona before
# 21:06 wolftune aaronpk: one more question: what counts as "home" ? I make http://wolftune.com redirect to blog.wolftune.com right now, but you can successfully go to www.wolftune.com
# 21:07 aaronpk the redirect handling is a little complicated, but less complicated using email for auth. you should be able to sign in as www.wolftune.com
# 21:08 aaronpk if you can add your email address link to your blogger blog, then you should be able to sign in as just wolftune.com
# 21:08 wolftune aaronpk: should be fine then, thanks! I'll figure it out
# 21:08 wolftune snarfed: I'm not sure what that is, but I'm wary of all the centralized "social network" things… I still find it weird that IndieWebCamp is referencing them much
# 21:09 snarfed aaronpk wolftune: blogger does support that. you can edit your template and add arbitrary html
# 21:09 snarfed wolftune: understood. IWC references them because they're the reality right now, ie they're in the lead in terms of adoption and features
# 21:09 snarfed and given that, cooperating with them is more likely to help us succeed (as opposed to fighting and staying disconnected)
# 21:09 wolftune snarfed: I *really* like the idea of connecting with pragmatists who do what is needed but who are willing to *apologize* for it and acknowledge what stinks!
# 21:10 Jeena rascul I tried to install my own browserid instance but honestly I don't think it is possible with the software which is out there now without writing and implementing quite a lot of stuff
# 21:10 rascul Jeena i've never tried, i just recall seeing some docs from mozilla about getting it going
# 21:10 wolftune My personal view is that people should feel the need and the pressure to apologize for using Facebook etc.
# 21:14 snarfed there's a range of opinions here. plenty of us still like and appreciate the silos, as well as wanting our own data
# 21:15 wolftune I don't like dogma, but I don't like ambivalence, apathy, or people downplaying and avoiding political issues either
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# 21:17 bret wolftune: what do you mean by "weird that IndieWebCamp is referencing them much
# 21:17 wolftune KartikPrabhu: yes, but I got "communicating over IRC, and editing wikis… and Comfortable with lengthy documentation." from Gen1, and I'm learning Haskell which is web-based via Yesod (and know basic HTML/CSS)
# 21:17 bret Yesod looks rad, i want to learn it soon
# 21:17 wolftune bret: I meant like it's weird to me on first impression to see IndieWebCamp have Facebook and Twitter etc prominent in some places
# 21:18 wolftune bret: you want to learn Yesod?? I've got a project for you!
# 21:18 bret lol i have a few projects in the qeueue right now, but hit me ;)
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# 21:18 aaronpk wolftune: the key is to own your identity. that's different from saying "don't use silos"
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# 21:18 bret wolftune: what do you mean by 'have' twitter/facebook in places?
# 21:19 bret does it seem like we are promoting their use?
# 21:19 wolftune bret: are you a software-freedom sorta supporter / sympathizer?
# 21:19 aaronpk bret: i think he was referencing when I suggested linking to his twitter or github profile to sign in to the wiki
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# 21:19 KartikPrabhu bret: i think wolftune is referring to things where we use silos for the indieweb for instance Twitter/Github for Indieauth, or POSSE and bridgy
# 21:19 bret well partially, not sure how to have it manafest personally
# 21:20 snarfed KartikPrabhu, bret, wolftune: definitely! we don't mind using the silos as infrastructure for hard parts they do well. e.g. friend graphs, pubsub, etc.
# 21:20 rascul i'm not gonna use facebook but i might posse to twitter eventually
# 21:20 wolftune bret: ok, seriously then: our project is up your alley AND we've been actively helping new folks learning Yesod and Haskell (I'm one of the learners as I'm coming from a non-coding background)
# 21:20 snarfed as well as distribution to the majority of users who aren't yet indiewebified
# 21:20 KartikPrabhu in an ideal world everyone would have an indiewebsite which are interoperable, but until then we have to work with existing silos and write code to talk to them through POSSE and bridgy
# 21:20 bret im personally trying to build tools that make those things secondary to my own choice (which happen to be what I build myself) at this point
# 21:21 wolftune it's *completely* independent from silos and such and 100% Free/Open
# 21:22 mattl wolftune: are you still based in Rhode Island?
# 21:22 bret i like that but I also worry that it can be too isolating
# 21:22 wolftune bret: yes, but it's the starting point from which to go forward
# 21:23 wolftune we're ok with isolation for now as we haven't launched or promoted yet as it isn't operating yet
# 21:23 bret we need to build lots of bridgest that meet at different points
# 21:23 wolftune we WANT to build bridges, but we want the strongest foundation on one site to build from
# 21:23 wolftune mattl: hi, and no, I'm from Michigan actually but moved out to Oregon last summer
# 21:23 mattl wolftune: aha... i'm thinking of cashmusic i guess.
# 21:24 bret know some internetians who live out there
# 21:25 mattl i've never been to oakland but i'm in SF a lot.
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# 21:27 bret wolftune: if silo integration isn't part of your interest, there have been a few projects and efforts to create cross website/implementation communication via webmention and microformats 2 as well as identity stuff like indieauth and recently micropub allowing posting clients to work across implementations
# 21:28 wolftune I care about the privacy issues with the internet these days
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# 21:28 bret the parts we have to agree on are pretty minimal and rock solid... like http POST requests ;)
# 21:29 bret microformat 2 vocab aslo, but all that is a few html class names
# 21:29 rascul it might be nifty if there was an indieweb silo type thing
# 21:30 rascul i dunno if silo is the term for what i'm looking for though
# 21:33 rascul looks like only a few people sending stuff to news.indiewebcamp.com maybe the word needs to be spread some more
# 21:33 bret in terms of examples, check out community member personal websites mainly
# 21:34 wolftune it's interesting and certainly people come to different ways of making sense of our networked world…
# 21:34 aaronpk rascul: likely there needs to be more incentive to put things there
# 21:34 aaronpk like if there was even IRC notifications that something had been submitted there :)
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# 21:36 wolftune aaronpk: should the rel=me thing be used for a public link that other people might use to e-mail me? or should I keep it hidden for some reason?
# 21:36 aaronpk wolftune: if you already have a public link you can just add it to that. otherwise it's fine to put it on a hidden link if you don't want it visible
# 21:37 bret you can also use that as a way to find peoples projects if you are talking to them in irc
# 21:39 wolftune aaronpk: oh interesting, is there any reason necessarily to use the SAME e-mail as the rel=me for Persona??
# 21:39 wolftune because I could use a different Persona-connected e-mail, that wouldn't work, right?
# 21:40 aaronpk in the case of email login, it's not doing bidirectional verification, just one-way
# 21:41 wolftune aaronpk: so, it's like anyone could log-in to IndieWebCamp with my domain just because there's a rel=me link?
# 21:42 aaronpk if you can convince me to add your email address with a rel=me link on my site then yes you can sign in as me
# 21:43 wolftune aaronpk: that's not what I mean. I mean, I assume that Persona needs to tell IndieWebCamp that the logged in e-mail matches the thing from the site, right?
# 21:43 bret so could I put a rel me into a comment on a poorly coded site, and log in as them?
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# 21:57 aaronpk wolftune: we don't check for a link back from your email to your website, so any email you link to with rel=me from your home page can be used to sign in
# 21:57 wolftune aaronpk: that's fine, I just assumed it would complain if I then signed in with a different e-mail
# 21:57 rascul wolftune now you gotta make your user page! and put a dfn in it so you get nifty stuff like this
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# 22:06 kylewm bret: checkmention tries to do that hack specifically, tries to add a comment with a rel-me to Jony Ives'
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# 22:24 GWG aaronpk has been reproducing asexually?
# 22:25 GWG You are going to need more whiteboards
# 22:25 aaronpk maybe I should run another instance of indieauth.com at auth.indiewebcamp.com just to point out that a web service delegating logins to indieauth.com does not make indieauth a centralized protocol
# 22:27 kylewm does that criticism come up much? (that indieauth is centralized?)
# 22:27 aaronpk at first glance it looks like everything has to go through indieauth.com
# 22:28 bret the counter argument to that criticism should be "Is it?"
# 22:29 bret kylewm: shweet, need to play with that
# 22:30 aaronpk "And please provide a link to an RSS/Atom feed for just your PHP category, Planet PHP readers usually don't want to read about your cat"
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# 22:32 bret aaronpk: can indieauth use an openID provider as an auth provider?
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# 22:32 aaronpk bret: it used to but it was super unstable and error prone so I disabled it. cweiske just made a proxy that lets you do that tho
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# 22:36 bret reinvention, or making wheels better!?
# 22:38 bret it could also be seen as a simplification, microformats instead of libravatar, atom feeds and ombed
# 22:39 bret 3 separete things, all consolidated into a single format
# 22:39 aaronpk sounds like good material for a short blog post :)
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# 22:40 tantek Sort of? Got blurred as soon as HTML5 decided to officially use the microformats rel registry.
# 22:41 bret gah, wish my micropub endpoint was working with quill
# 22:41 bret lol frantic hacking to cut the scope of the days work to just get ownyourgram working
# 22:42 bret a lot of abstractions were cut and overlapped that day
# 22:42 bret and make it handle ALL forms and generalize data handling
# 22:43 tantek Bret what was the context of your 3 separate things?
# 22:45 aaronpk jeez I wish there was a good tool that let you preview an RSS/Atom feed...
# 22:45 aaronpk if only we had some way to render the feed as html...
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# 22:54 tantek Yes it makes the case quite well that we've simplified the previous "stack" / mishmash of DNS extension, XML, and JSON
# 22:55 tantek Great! what you said about simplification rather than reinvention.
# 22:56 bret i assumed to was like a .well-known extension
# 22:57 KevinMarks he bridged indieauth to openID? but indieauth is my OpenID provider. loop time?
# 22:59 bret aaronpk how hard would it be to run my own indieauth server on a free paas?
# 22:59 aaronpk KevinMarks: yep getting dangerously close to loop territory
# 22:59 aaronpk bret: i haven't ever tried running it on heroku but in theory you can
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# 23:00 bret running my own authentication server sounds dangerously unexciting
# 23:04 snarfed like the famous description of war. "long periods of boredom, punctuated by moments of sheer terror"
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# 23:12 bret what were the key ingredients to openid? like how indieauth is rel=me and oauth
# 23:13 rascul i wonder if it would be worth signing my posts and making a signed copy of it available
# 23:14 aaronpk sure! would be interesting to see if anybody does anything with it
# 23:14 rascul i've been pondering that for today and yesterday
# 23:14 bret yeah would be neat to see it if you want to do it
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# 23:18 aaronpk never seems to be a high enough priority for anyone to actually start
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# 23:33 bret im not edward snowden, and publishing private things is a bad way to keep them private
# 23:34 bret something that is unstopable and deeply empowering and difficult to screw up
# 23:35 bret even if there are only a few tools available
# 23:35 bret it seems like the tooling is the hardest part
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# 23:44 aaronpk oh yeah I don't have a proper h-feed, just a bunch of h-entries
# 23:46 bret it would probrably work, how does the feed look in the feed validator?
# 23:48 kylewm KevinMarks, curious to hear your experience with it. i've been wondering if it would make my stuff more or less complicated
# 23:53 bret aaronpk: is micropub just atompub with microformat vocab and without xmlrpc?
# 23:54 bret aaronpk: do you know the vocab that atompub used?
# 23:55 aaronpk atompub does a little more though cause it also include a way to retrieve records
# 23:55 KevinMarks "you're replacing a square, triangular and pentagonal wheel with a set of round ones"
# 23:55 bret Its even funnier to read that in your head with KevinMarks's voice
# 23:56 bret aaronpk: do we even need... yes source formatting
# 23:57 bret KevinMarks: its called your thought process ;)
# 23:57 aaronpk good point, I can't really picture what my voice sounds like
# 23:58 bret at least i imagine others thinking like how they speak
# 23:58 bret thats why its importaint to speak gooder