#GWGacegiak: Well, I wanted to use the Wordpress embed handler for displaying certain links. However, there were several comments that made me think that might not be the ideal option for everyone.
fmarier and j12t joined the channel
#aaronpkshoot is webmention.io doing something wrong?
#GWGacegiak: But, it goes back to what I would call the pfefferle solution...
#kylewm!tell snarfed hey does this exception mean anything to you? having some trouble figuring out how to add things to a task queue http://goo.gl/xTJcSm
#aaronpkit's best when an apprentice can demo something they got working on their own site by the end, or show that they have even just a simple profile page set up on a domain that didn't exist before
#GWGSo, you share links with a citation and mark them up as a repost?
snarfed joined the channel
#Loqisnarfed: kylewm left you a message 36 minutes ago: hey does this exception mean anything to you? having some trouble figuring out how to add things to a task queue http://goo.gl/xTJcSm
#snarfedkylewm: do we want a new queue though? or just piggyback on the poll task?
#kylewmsnarfed: I wasn't sure actually, I thought piggybacking on the poll task meant using the poll task to enqueue a refetch task, but actually just doing it all inside polling would be nice
#GWGtantek: The concept is that there is a URL of some sort...that the h-entry refers to. I'm calling it a 'response URL' for variable sake, as it is something you are responding to. Let's say you are liking that URL. Under what circumstances would you mark the container around it with p-like vs just the URL with u-like-of?
#tantekgood to know it wasn't an error on your site!
#KartikPrabhuGWG: if there is just a url you'd mark it up as "u-like-of". If you are also citing something from there or have other content from that url you'd have a < div class="p-like-of h-cite"> <a href="url fo the original" class="u-url"></a> other content </div>
#gRegor`She has a domain, though, which links off to the wordpress.com blog and other profiles, so I could get her set up to log in to the wiki pretty easily
#gRegor`I still need to gauge her interest. :) She kinda falls in the "design" aspect of creator. She knows photoshop well and set up the design of her landing page, but otherwise isn't much of a web geek.
#gRegor`I asked originally because it was an excuse to spend more time together, since it's a long-distance relationship. but even better if I can get her hooked on indieweb. ;)
#gRegor`Her lack of a decent laptop might be a problem.
#cweiskebret, regarding "Microformats (rel=me auth) instead of OpenID" - this is not true. during my indieauth server implementation, I did nothing with microformats
#cweiskeindieauth.com simply happens to rely on rel=me for service discovery, but the indieauth protocol in the background is agnostic to that
#cweiskealso "Webmention (HTTP) instead of Pingback (XMLRPC)" is kinda wrong, because pingback is also http
#KartikPrabhucweiske: a more detailed "critique" of the indieweb approach wrt previous approaches speaking to protocol agnostic way of doing things would be quite useful (specially for people who only knows the ins/outs of one approach, like me)
friedcell, jonnybarnes, pfefferle, petermolnar, krendil, Sebastien-L and dybskiy joined the channel
#cweiskedoes someone know how bret.io sends out linkbacks/webmentions?
Sebastien-L, dybskiy, tobiastom, nloadholtes, Garbee and bnvk joined the channel
#pfefferlecweiske I think he uses the github webhooks
#cweiskecalling his custom service that does the pinging?
barnabywalters joined the channel
#cweiskeI'm interested in this code because I did not receive any linkbacks
#jonnybarnesits just wierd because Twitter has obviously seen its a URL and then shortened it
#barnabywaltersyep, pretty sure it’s Twitter’s problem, whatever it is. hopefully just a transient bug and not a new change to how they auto-link things
#barnabywalters!tell cweiske waterpigs.co.uk’s client_id should be a proper URL now!
#GWGAm I correct for the webmentions plugin that if the URL a post mentions is not in the_content, I'd have to fire the function to send it separately?
#aaronpknice! yeah self-encoded tokens are awesome
erikmaarten joined the channel
#Loqiaaronpk: barnabywalters left you a message 1 hour, 11 minutes ago: http://waterpigs.co.uk/notes/new now has h-x-app/h-product markup and nascent Taproot logo. looking forward to seeing these used in authorization UI!
#barnabywaltersthe approach he talks about isn’t *exactly* what we’re doing, but much the same idea
#GWGpfefferle, still working on something similar to your reply context plugin and wanted to make sure that I added this step
#tantekJeena - relative URLs in HTTP headers is a new thing
#Jeenaa new thing like never been done before or we just started doing it?
#barnabywaltersIIRC it’s one of the new things in the update to HTTP 1.1
#tantekjust started being supported by some servers
#JeenaI had it always with the domain but just a week ago or something I found out that my own code doesn't work for some other website which only had /webmentions so I changed it to be able to test it. Then I forgot to change it back.
#GWGbarnabywalters: The code I'm writing inserts the URL being responded to(hence referred to as the response URL) display above the content. A like would effectively not have anything in the content box, it would only have the display of the external URL marked up appropriately
#GWGbarnabywalters: That would be consistent, from what I understand.
#bretsomtimes I tweet things that I dont nessisary need to keep on my own site
#breti just wanna say it and see it disapear mostly
#bretohh i see what you are asking, my retweets on twitter?
luxagraf joined the channel
#GWGbarnabywalters: I'm trying to get the logic working correctly. So far, we've added in the fields for a response url, title, and citation. And I'm working on the display logic...as all three of those fields are optional
#breti have some loosy goosy PESETAS to back up my twitter activity to pinboard
#GWGtantek: This brings me to mind to what I was plotting the other day
erikmaarten joined the channel
#luxagrafbarnabywalters: is the code that handles your in-reply-to notes public?
#GWGtantek: I wanted to optionally embed tweets using Twitter's embed code where the reply was to a a Tweet. Someone pointed out that wouldn't be owning them.
#barnabywaltersluxagraf: no, which part in particular? the part which stores the notes? the UI? the part which fetches reply contexts? or sends webmentions?
#luxagrafbarnabywalters: the part that fetches reply contexts
#tantekTwitter's embed code still includdes an inline <blockquote> of the content
#Jeenais it possible to let bridgy try to send older likes and comments from facebook? I missed that this was not working and now quite a lot of them have not been pushed, or will it retry automagically after some time even for one week old ones?
#tantekwhich is what is displayed if the author deletes the tweet later
#luxagrafbarnabywalters: i worked something up that handles twitter, but wanted to see what it might take to abstract it more
#GWGtantek: So, as long as I cache the embed code? Because I was using the built-in Wordpress embed handler. I think they've been debating cache duration
#tantekI have no idea what the built-in Wordpress embed handler does
#luxagrafbarnabywalters: okay, that comment code helps, thanks.
#tantekI am only talking about what you copy and paste from the "Embed Tweet" box on Twitter
#barnabywalterswhich reminds me, I need to make sure php-mf2-shim works with the new timeline layout
#bret!tell cweiske the rel=me microformat is the key ingredient for setting up indieauth. I think maybe I misunderstood exactly what you did, but its interesting to see how indieauth can route around the rel me auth all toegether
#brettantek, is the plan to backfeed retweets to your own site? if so it sounds like a job for a micropub client
#tantekreply, repost, like all have VERY different presentation
#tantekbret no. the plan is to use my site (UI) to "retweet" which will post a repost on my site first (with a permalink I own), and then auto-POSSE a native retweet on Twitter if applicable.
#barnabywalterslooks like I need to dig out the research I did into these UX flows for these microinteractions, and how the differences are what define them
#GWGtantek: I'm focusing on iteration right now. Using their code will allow me to get the feature up and running. I can replace it with mine in future.
#GWGtantek: But I intend to use a variant of the same code for likes.
#GWGtantek: So the code will determine what I'm responding to, and how I'm responding to it, and call the right display function
paulcp, lupinedev and chrissaad joined the channel
#GWGWhich is why I keep dismantling acegiak's pull requests into smaller pieces. He's too specific and I'm trying to be general.
#bretaaronpk: for indie reposts, where I want to point to someones url and retweet it, would adding something like that to quill be appropriate or a separete client all together?
#aaronpkprobably a new page on it, like quill.p3k.io/repost instead of quill.p3k.io/new
#aaronpkI would make a bookmarklet that could jump right to the repost page with a URL in the query string, kind of how I currently do replies right now
#barnabywaltersso say you want all textareas with class=“codemirror” to have codemirror applied to them, but not to load codemirror at all on pages without said textareas
#barnabywaltersand if there are any elements matching the selector, the libraries are loaded, and callback(element, *dependencies) is called for each element
#barnabywaltersit’s a pattern I use everywhere in Taproot and Shrewdness, and got tired of writing it out explicitly :)
#barnabywaltersbecause my site is weird, and has some pages which require *huge* amounts of js (e.g. abcJS, codemirror) which aren’t used anywhere else
#bearbrowserify bundles the nodejs node_modules directory so you can use it as a "normal" web page
#bearand not all nodejs modules can be put into browserify sadly
#bearyes, i'm a server kinda coder - nodejs just feels wrong to me
#tantekjust edit and add a one-liner at least - same as you typed in IRC
#barnabywaltersrequirejs actually allows you to use var name = require(‘path’) syntax, by scarily parsing it out of function.toString and re-writing the function :O
#Loqicweiske: barnabywalters left you a message 2 hours, 54 minutes ago: waterpigs.co.uk’s client_id should be a proper URL now!
#Loqicweiske: bret left you a message 1 hour, 22 minutes ago: my webmention support is pretty poor right now, XD I have to deal with it manually
#Loqicweiske: bret left you a message 1 hour, 7 minutes ago: irony asside, i hope the post didnt come across as agressive, im happy to see openid interoperating with indieauth :)
#Loqicweiske: bret left you a message 1 hour, 6 minutes ago: the rel=me microformat is the key ingredient for setting up indieauth. I think maybe I misunderstood exactly what you did, but its interesting to see how indieauth can route around the rel me auth all toegether
#aaronpkcweiske: technically it's using it for authentication there, but I don't think it really makes sense to have to specify two endpoints, one for authentication and one for authorization
#aaronpkyou need *some* rel=me link unless you specify a rel=authorization_endpoint
#cweiskeyep. indieauth (the protocol) does not care for rel=me
#gRegor`I think once it's made clear that it's fine (and even better) to take it in small steps... it works a lot better.
#gRegor`Rather than reading all through /webmention, then getting on a tangent of marking up your content with mf2 to work with webmentions, then oh yeah, displaying reply-contexts . . . and so on
#gRegor`Instead, just start with marking up your current blog with mf2. Relatively simple step.
#aaronpkthat's fair. you can always copy the home page to a page under your user page like User:gregorlove.com/Home and make changes there
#cweiskeaaronpk, is there a defined relation between client_id and redirect_uri? or can they be on different domains, different protocols etc?
#aaronpkI just realized why they must be able to be on different domains / protocols
#gRegor`(Just doing that now for Getting Started, aaronpk :) )
#aaronpkthe client_id must register its list of valid redirect_uris, but the valid redirect URIs can be any scheme/host/etc
#aaronpkfor mobile apps, an app like https://quill.p3k.io/ may register a redirect URI of quill://auth so that the mobile app launches after the user signs in
#GWGaaronpk: I'm curious what the full extent of your vision is
#cweiskeas fallback for the case the user's homepage did not link a authorization_endpoint
#aaronpkGWG: I definitely have a plan. But rather than making a bunch of flashy talks about it or writing up a "manifesto" I'm trying to demonstrate it piece by piece by documenting it and building out implementations
#gRegor`Don't really care for "Each of these steps is a just a bit more challenging and will make you a bit more indie." but I'm not sure a replacement.
#kylewmsnarfed, the good news is that I finished the first cut at refetch and reparse h-feed behavior, the bad news is it's almost half as many lines as the original posse-post-discovery PR itself :P
#snarfedkylewm: wow! just the actual code? or including the tests?