2014-06-12 UTC
# 00:00 bret could webmention be made more consistent with microformat vocab?
# 00:00 aaronpk the nice thing about webmention is that it's so simple and just a notification, doesn't actually contain any data on its own
# 00:01 bret like should soruce/target be in uF? or some other term from uF be used instead?
bnvk1 joined the channel
# 00:21 kylewm curious, how'd you see the webmention so fast?
# 00:22 kylewm my broken avatar is a little bit ironic given the post...
vanderwal joined the channel
# 00:32 bret aaronpk: is webmention.io supposed to return a relative ulr for the photo?
# 00:34 bret kylewm: fixed your photo, now all of bridgy's broke
# 00:35 bret sometimes it returns a relative url other times it returns a full url
# 00:36 snarfed on a related note, bret, bridgy's currently trying to send you a home page webmention :P
# 00:36 snarfed oh interesting, actually the failure isn't your fault. investigating
# 00:38 bret snarfed: sorry to unearth an edgecase
# 00:48 kylewm snarfed, the issue is there is a missing u-mention (i think that's what you called it) link to bret.io?
# 00:48 snarfed kylewm: yeah, looked like it. i haven't dug much yet
tilgovi, wtd, scor and wolftune joined the channel
vanderwal_, tantek, dybskiy, KartikPrabhu, paulcp and emmak joined the channel
grantmacken and scor joined the channel
# 02:46 GWG acegiak: By the way, I've had clarity
# 02:48 GWG I figured out how to solve the dilemma about the Wordpress embed code
vanderwal joined the channel
# 02:57 GWG acegiak: Well, I wanted to use the Wordpress embed handler for displaying certain links. However, there were several comments that made me think that might not be the ideal option for everyone.
fmarier and j12t joined the channel
# 03:10 GWG acegiak: But, it goes back to what I would call the pfefferle solution...
# 03:12 GWG It is already in some of the functions.
snarfed joined the channel
# 03:26 bret aaronpk, check some of the json records for my site
# 03:26 bret bridgy vs regular webmentions from a site
# 03:30 kylewm !tell snarfed hey does this exception mean anything to you? having some trouble figuring out how to add things to a task queue http://goo.gl/xTJcSm
# 03:30 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
gRegor` joined the channel
# 03:34 gRegor` So I'm not really sure my girlfriend qualifies as an apprentice, but if IWC west isn't full is it OK if she sits in on some of it?
# 03:35 aaronpk gRegor`: are you willing to help her set up a website for herself during IWC?
# 03:36 gRegor` Actually, she has a domain. Just doesn't use it much. It links off to a silo blog on wordpress.com
# 03:37 gRegor` I suppose I could, sure. We've talked about getting her set up with a better CMS system.
# 03:37 gRegor` I just hadn't thought maybe that would happen at IWC. :)
# 03:39 GWG acegiak: What is the $verbs variable for?
# 03:41 aaronpk it's best when an apprentice can demo something they got working on their own site by the end, or show that they have even just a simple profile page set up on a domain that didn't exist before
grantmacken joined the channel
nloadholtes joined the channel
# 04:03 GWG kylewm: I have a question for you
# 04:05 GWG So, you share links with a citation and mark them up as a repost?
snarfed joined the channel
# 04:06 Loqi snarfed: kylewm left you a message 36 minutes ago: hey does this exception mean anything to you? having some trouble figuring out how to add things to a task queue http://goo.gl/xTJcSm
legastero joined the channel
# 04:07 GWG acegiak: Figured. It is just the declaration, not the usage.
# 04:07 GWG acegiak: Right now, I'm looking at u- vs p-
# 04:07 snarfed kylewm: aha, yeah. have you seen the util.add_*_task methods?
# 04:08 GWG acegiak: You don't mark up the URL on your site, you mark up the entire citation
# 04:09 acegiak the citation has an anchor in it marked up as u-url
# 04:10 kylewm GWG, yeah reposts show up as bare links if the target doesn't have microformats
# 04:10 snarfed kylewm: ahh. the queues are defined in queue.yaml
# 04:10 GWG I'm looking at how people mark things up
# 04:10 snarfed kylewm: do we want a new queue though? or just piggyback on the poll task?
# 04:11 kylewm snarfed: I wasn't sure actually, I thought piggybacking on the poll task meant using the poll task to enqueue a refetch task, but actually just doing it all inside polling would be nice
# 04:13 snarfed kylewm: remind me, we were thinking every 2h or so?
# 04:13 kylewm I don't think we ever decided. 2h sounds right to me
# 04:16 gRegor` Try #zombiechat ;)
snarfed joined the channel
# 04:19 GWG tantek: The concept is that there is a URL of some sort...that the h-entry refers to. I'm calling it a 'response URL' for variable sake, as it is something you are responding to. Let's say you are liking that URL. Under what circumstances would you mark the container around it with p-like vs just the URL with u-like-of?
snarfed joined the channel
cweiske joined the channel
# 04:23 cweiske tantek, I checked my logs and did not find any 504 errors. are you sure they were from my server?
# 04:24 tantek and it was minutes before that IRC entry - in case that helps look it up in the logs
# 04:24 cweiske I would think it was a proxy between you any my server
# 04:25 tantek then again, if a proxy just timed out with your server taking too long, then you wouldn't see it as an error on your server
# 04:25 tantek good to know it wasn't an error on your site!
# 04:25 KartikPrabhu GWG: if there is just a url you'd mark it up as "u-like-of". If you are also citing something from there or have other content from that url you'd have a < div class="p-like-of h-cite"> <a href="url fo the original" class="u-url"></a> other content </div>
# 04:27 tantek !tell bret have you implemented reposts with POSSEing native retweets on Twitter?
# 04:27 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 04:28 tantek GWG p-like and u-like-of are totally different!
# 04:29 GWG tantek: The example in the wiki is confusing me
scor joined the channel
# 04:29 GWG p-like seems to only be for incoming.
# 04:29 GWG u-like-of is supposed to be for outgoing
# 04:31 KartikPrabhu oh yeah sorry my bad. I thought you were asking u-like-of vs p-like-of
# 04:35 gRegor` I didn't realize "bloggers" was a separate category from creator/apprentice. Is that newer?
# 04:35 GWG Okay. That being settled, now I have to figure out h-cite.
snarfed joined the channel
# 04:42 kylewm GWG, you know that p-like-of and u-like-of represent the same property right?
# 04:44 gRegor` So I'm thinking my girlfriend could sign up as a blogger, since that description fits.
# 04:44 GWG kylewm: Yes. I just was trying to see if anyone marked up things as p-like-of
# 04:46 tantek gRegor`: yes! if she blogs about it and sends a pingback to the Guest_List then it will show up here and we can add her
# 04:46 GWG I think when I explained my issue, I forgot the of
# 04:46 gRegor` Currently the blog is a wordpress.com blog. Not sure if they send pingbacks.
# 04:46 GWG I'm trying to write a set of universal functions I can use to write the various specific types
# 04:47 GWG So, I'm trying to build a foundation here
# 04:47 gRegor` She has a domain, though, which links off to the wordpress.com blog and other profiles, so I could get her set up to log in to the wiki pretty easily
# 04:48 gRegor` Make that blogspot, actually.
# 04:52 tantek gRegor`: even better then - get her setup with indieauth!
# 04:52 snarfed gRegor`: she can sign the blog up for bridgy, and it will send webmentions for her posts
# 04:53 tantek exactly, get her up there as a full-fledged creator!
# 04:55 gRegor` I still need to gauge her interest. :) She kinda falls in the "design" aspect of creator. She knows photoshop well and set up the design of her landing page, but otherwise isn't much of a web geek.
# 04:56 gRegor` I asked originally because it was an excuse to spend more time together, since it's a long-distance relationship. but even better if I can get her hooked on indieweb. ;)
# 05:00 gRegor` Her lack of a decent laptop might be a problem.
# 05:01 gRegor` Anyway, I'll figure this all out in the coming days. Booked the room tonight, so I'm getting excited for IWC
# 05:01 gRegor` Ask what, GWG?
# 05:02 GWG gRegor`: How lacking in decency her laptop is?
# 05:03 gRegor` Very. I'd go with "very." :) Rather old netbook, dying keyboard.
# 05:03 gRegor` Adequate for basic surfing, but not for Photoshop
# 05:05 GWG gRegor`: I brought a Chromebook to Indiewebcamp NYC
# 05:05 gRegor` Can we borrow it? ;)
# 05:06 gRegor` Wait, that was the price new, or your price for us to borrow it? :)
# 05:06 GWG Up to $119...but they now throw in a new sleeve
# 05:07 GWG This may be something to take to #indiechat
# 05:07 gRegor` Ah. Good to know. I might point her to that.
# 05:07 gRegor` Probably. I'm actually heading to bed though.
# 05:09 GWG acegiak: Working on the logic now for display. Three fields, url, title, and quote. If !url, then use title/quote, If !title, use post_title.
# 05:10 acegiak GWG: having trouble picturing it. I'll have to look when you push
wolftune and legastero joined the channel
# 05:15 GWG acegiak: I could push it before it does anything.
# 05:16 acegiak GWG: I'm not gonna be doing much today anyway so don't rush things
# 05:17 GWG acegiak: I'm heading to bed in a few. Remember, it is 1AM here
# 05:17 acegiak push if you like and I'll take a look in a few hours
# 05:18 GWG Well, let me see how far I get...
# 05:25 GWG acegiak: Pushed the basic logic piece.
dybskiy and dybskiy_ joined the channel
# 05:41 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
friedcell, memecake and andicascadesf joined the channel
# 06:15 andicascadesf Hey guys
glennjones joined the channel
# 06:16 andicascadesf I want to continue to attend blog writing hours
# 06:16 andicascadesf but my scheduling conflicts have been less predictable lately.
# 06:17 andicascadesf Can we meet any other times for the blogging hour?
nloadholtes joined the channel
andicascadesf and cweiske joined the channel
# 07:07 cweiske bret, regarding "Microformats (rel=me auth) instead of OpenID" - this is not true. during my indieauth server implementation, I did nothing with microformats
# 07:08 cweiske indieauth.com simply happens to rely on rel=me for service discovery, but the indieauth protocol in the background is agnostic to that
# 07:08 cweiske also "Webmention (HTTP) instead of Pingback (XMLRPC)" is kinda wrong, because pingback is also http
eschnou joined the channel
# 07:13 cweiske the only difference between webmention and pingback is the serialization of the actual data
# 07:14 aaronpk nvm ignore me, I just got back from karaoke and should not be online right now :)
# 07:22 KartikPrabhu cweiske: a more detailed "critique" of the indieweb approach wrt previous approaches speaking to protocol agnostic way of doing things would be quite useful (specially for people who only knows the ins/outs of one approach, like me)
friedcell, jonnybarnes, pfefferle, petermolnar, krendil, Sebastien-L and dybskiy joined the channel
# 09:19 cweiske does someone know how bret.io sends out linkbacks/webmentions?
Sebastien-L, dybskiy, tobiastom, nloadholtes, Garbee and bnvk joined the channel
# 10:30 cweiske calling his custom service that does the pinging?
barnabywalters joined the channel
# 10:30 cweiske I'm interested in this code because I did not receive any linkbacks
dybskiy joined the channel
barnabywalters, bnvk, nloadholtes, memecake, tantek, pfefferle, dybskiy and scor joined the channel
Sebastien-L, dybskiy, bnvk, ttepasse, tantek and pfefferle joined the channel
brianloveswords, vanderwal, pbeaulieu and dybskiy joined the channel
chloeweil joined the channel
# 14:03 petermolnar although I was looking for a swatch internet time wrist watch, without success so far
gavinc, pfefferle and luxagraf joined the channel
# 14:15 tantek petermolnar: I have a couple of those (Swatch BEAT watches) that need new batteries ;)
snarfed joined the channel
bnvk, dybskiy, j12t and brianloveswords joined the channel
# 15:09 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Sebastien-L joined the channel
# 15:23 Loqi [@BarnabyWalters] #336699becca banner for @meyerweb and family, and everyone else who’s lost a child.
# 15:26 jonnybarnes its just wierd because Twitter has obviously seen its a URL and then shortened it
# 15:27 barnabywalters yep, pretty sure it’s Twitter’s problem, whatever it is. hopefully just a transient bug and not a new change to how they auto-link things
# 15:28 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
gRegor` and dybskiy joined the channel
tilgovi joined the channel
# 16:14 GWG Am I correct for the webmentions plugin that if the URL a post mentions is not in the_content, I'd have to fire the function to send it separately?
wolftune joined the channel
erikmaarten joined the channel
# 16:20 Loqi aaronpk: barnabywalters left you a message 1 hour, 11 minutes ago: http://waterpigs.co.uk/notes/new now has h-x-app/h-product markup and nascent Taproot logo. looking forward to seeing these used in authorization UI!
# 16:21 barnabywalters the approach he talks about isn’t *exactly* what we’re doing, but much the same idea
# 16:21 GWG pfefferle, still working on something similar to your reply context plugin and wanted to make sure that I added this step
paulcp, snarfed and dybskiy joined the channel
# 16:42 Jeena hm somehow I am not getting any webmentions from brid.gy anymore
# 16:48 kylewm Jeena, interesting. i will look and see if Bridgy handles relative links in the http header
pfefferle and chrissaad joined the channel
# 16:53 tantek Jeena - relative URLs in HTTP headers is a new thing
# 16:54 Jeena a new thing like never been done before or we just started doing it?
# 16:56 Jeena I had it always with the domain but just a week ago or something I found out that my own code doesn't work for some other website which only had /webmentions so I changed it to be able to test it. Then I forgot to change it back.
pfefferle_ and snarfed joined the channel
# 16:56 GWG Is there such a thing as a like-context?
# 16:56 Jeena I always thought the Link header is just the same as <link> in the HTML, but perhaps it is not.
# 16:58 kylewm GWG: I'd say that acegiak posts like-contexts, but they are usually/always "like and reposted"
# 16:58 JonathanNeal Have we opened Pandora’s Box? Is individual privacy going to be a thing of the past?
# 16:59 GWG kylewm: I just don't want to have to set up significantly different displays for like vs reply and such
# 17:00 bret !tell cweiske my webmention support is pretty poor right now, XD I have to deal with it manually
# 17:00 GWG barnabywalters: They aren't. That was more the point.
# 17:00 Loqi bret: tantek left you a message 12 hours, 33 minutes ago: have you implemented reposts with POSSEing native retweets on Twitter?
dybskiy joined the channel
# 17:00 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 17:01 bret thanks tantek :) No I do all my tweet posseing manually.... but I layed the groundwork for all sorts of neato automation this past weekend
awolf joined the channel
# 17:03 GWG barnabywalters: The code I'm writing inserts the URL being responded to(hence referred to as the response URL) display above the content. A like would effectively not have anything in the content box, it would only have the display of the external URL marked up appropriately
# 17:03 GWG barnabywalters: That would be consistent, from what I understand.
# 17:03 bret tantek: i PESO instagram automatically
# 17:03 tantek bret, do you publish reposts on your own domain at all? or just do native retweets?
# 17:03 bret tantek: kinda been mixing a process of both
# 17:04 bret somtimes I tweet things that I dont nessisary need to keep on my own site
# 17:04 bret i just wanna say it and see it disapear mostly
# 17:05 bret ohh i see what you are asking, my retweets on twitter?
luxagraf joined the channel
# 17:06 GWG barnabywalters: I'm trying to get the logic working correctly. So far, we've added in the fields for a response url, title, and citation. And I'm working on the display logic...as all three of those fields are optional
# 17:06 bret i have some loosy goosy PESETAS to back up my twitter activity to pinboard
eschnou joined the channel
# 17:09 bret tantek: definately recomend adding ownyourgram support, so much fun :)
# 17:11 tantek bret, next on my itch list is implementing reposts with POSSE retweets
# 17:11 tantek (I guess own my activity of reposting as part of my stream)
# 17:11 GWG tantek: How can you own someone else's content?
# 17:12 tantek GWG - you can't. You can just own the *action* of reposting.
emmak joined the channel
# 17:13 GWG tantek: This brings me to mind to what I was plotting the other day
erikmaarten joined the channel
# 17:13 luxagraf barnabywalters: is the code that handles your in-reply-to notes public?
# 17:14 GWG tantek: I wanted to optionally embed tweets using Twitter's embed code where the reply was to a a Tweet. Someone pointed out that wouldn't be owning them.
# 17:14 barnabywalters luxagraf: no, which part in particular? the part which stores the notes? the UI? the part which fetches reply contexts? or sends webmentions?
# 17:14 tantek Twitter's embed code still includdes an inline <blockquote> of the content
# 17:15 Jeena is it possible to let bridgy try to send older likes and comments from facebook? I missed that this was not working and now quite a lot of them have not been pushed, or will it retry automagically after some time even for one week old ones?
# 17:15 tantek which is what is displayed if the author deletes the tweet later
# 17:15 luxagraf barnabywalters: i worked something up that handles twitter, but wanted to see what it might take to abstract it more
# 17:15 GWG tantek: What if Twitter went out of business?
# 17:15 bret !tell cweiske irony asside, i hope the post didnt come across as agressive, im happy to see openid interoperating with indieauth :)
# 17:15 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 17:15 tantek GWG then you'd see the inline <blockquote> content
# 17:15 snarfed Jeena: not right now, sorry. it retries for three days, but not longer
# 17:16 snarfed i think there's a feature request in github. looking
# 17:16 GWG tantek: So, as long as I cache the embed code? Because I was using the built-in Wordpress embed handler. I think they've been debating cache duration
# 17:16 tantek I have no idea what the built-in Wordpress embed handler does
# 17:17 luxagraf barnabywalters: okay, that comment code helps, thanks.
# 17:17 tantek I am only talking about what you copy and paste from the "Embed Tweet" box on Twitter
# 17:17 barnabywalters which reminds me, I need to make sure php-mf2-shim works with the new timeline layout
# 17:17 bret !tell cweiske the rel=me microformat is the key ingredient for setting up indieauth. I think maybe I misunderstood exactly what you did, but its interesting to see how indieauth can route around the rel me auth all toegether
# 17:17 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 17:17 tantek GWG who knows what randomness the WP plugin does. You'd have to ask it.
# 17:17 GWG tantek: I wasn't really asking that though. It uses oembed, so it would be the same code.
# 17:17 tantek oembed is vulnerable to exactly the problem of Twitter shutting down
# 17:18 tantek note that Twitter's own copy/paste "Tweet Embed" code DOES NOT use Oembed
# 17:18 GWG tantek: Oh, good to know. I was passing it off because it will get me to feature complete faster.
# 17:18 Loqi tantek meant to say: note that Twitter's own copy/paste "Tweet Embed" code DOES NOT use Oembed
# 17:19 snarfed er, sorry, those are both actually replies, but i do the same thing for likes
# 17:20 GWG snarfed: I feel better. You use Wordpress, so I'd imagine you know about their Embed features. I wanted to use that
# 17:20 luxagraf barnabywalters: hmm, wonder if any of the python people have ported php-mf2-shim
# 17:20 tantek given that GWG was asking about them separately
# 17:20 snarfed tantek: yeah, i wasn't clear enough. there may be a difference, but i can't see it yet, and i don't differentiate at all on my own site
# 17:21 GWG tantek: The difference is minimal in my opinion
# 17:21 tantek snarfed - I'm going to assert that there *IS* a difference simply by how popular silos present each
# 17:21 bret tantek, is the plan to backfeed retweets to your own site? if so it sounds like a job for a micropub client
# 17:21 tantek reply, repost, like all have VERY different presentation
# 17:22 tantek bret no. the plan is to use my site (UI) to "retweet" which will post a repost on my site first (with a permalink I own), and then auto-POSSE a native retweet on Twitter if applicable.
# 17:22 GWG tantek: Agree with you on that. But, the data that is pulled in is pretty much the same. The differences in presentation vary
# 17:22 tantek I want to keep *reducing* dependence on any part of Twitter's UI
# 17:23 tantek GWG, the differences in presentation are what matter.
# 17:23 barnabywalters looks like I need to dig out the research I did into these UX flows for these microinteractions, and how the differences are what define them
# 17:23 tantek barnabywalters: keep documenting such research directly on the wiki
# 17:23 GWG tantek: I'm focusing on iteration right now. Using their code will allow me to get the feature up and running. I can replace it with mine in future.
# 17:24 bret tantek: do you plan on adding a shortlink to your own copy in twitter?
# 17:24 GWG tantek: The Twitter embed and such.
# 17:25 GWG tantek: To include in my reply-context code.
# 17:27 GWG tantek: But I intend to use a variant of the same code for likes.
# 17:28 GWG tantek: So the code will determine what I'm responding to, and how I'm responding to it, and call the right display function
paulcp, lupinedev and chrissaad joined the channel
# 17:30 GWG Which is why I keep dismantling acegiak's pull requests into smaller pieces. He's too specific and I'm trying to be general.
# 17:30 bret aaronpk: for indie reposts, where I want to point to someones url and retweet it, would adding something like that to quill be appropriate or a separete client all together?
# 17:32 aaronpk probably a new page on it, like quill.p3k.io/repost instead of quill.p3k.io/new
# 17:33 aaronpk I would make a bookmarklet that could jump right to the repost page with a URL in the query string, kind of how I currently do replies right now
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# 17:37 tantek GWG the Twitter embed code is good (resistant to site death). Oembed is bad (lossy).
# 17:38 bret i like kylewm's native repost format on his site
# 17:38 bret before embedding crap on your site, remember people who have tiny old computers. embedded content kills performance
# 17:38 bret on or two elements are usually fine, but in a feed view it can be killer
# 17:39 bret i know because i violate this rule >:[
# 17:39 aaronpk kylewm: nice syndication icons! i'm gonna have to steal those
# 17:39 bret actually using a js loader system can be helpful here
# 17:39 bret shild me from excess JS with a little bit of js
# 17:40 aaronpk also I am signed in to your site, I don't remember how or why
# 17:42 aaronpk I only do inline embedding of content on permalink pages so that there is only one at a time
# 17:43 barnabywalters inline embedding is something I’m finding is causing performance problems with feedreaders
# 17:43 GWG tantek: Any way to automatically get the embed code with the tweet URL?
# 17:43 barnabywalters because there’s the potential to have a *lot* of embedded content on the screen at once
# 17:44 GWG bret: I would only embed on single pages
# 17:44 barnabywalters so say you want all textareas with class=“codemirror” to have codemirror applied to them, but not to load codemirror at all on pages without said textareas
# 17:45 barnabywalters you call enhanceEach(‘textarea.codemirror’, [‘path/to/codemirror’ (requirejs dependency list)], callback)
# 17:45 barnabywalters and if there are any elements matching the selector, the libraries are loaded, and callback(element, *dependencies) is called for each element
# 17:45 barnabywalters it’s a pattern I use everywhere in Taproot and Shrewdness, and got tired of writing it out explicitly :)
# 17:46 barnabywalters there’s no reason why it couldn’t be made requirejs-agnostic, by just passing the paths to scripts
# 17:47 bret barnabywalters thoughts on browserify>
# 17:47 barnabywalters bret: I actually do not know what browserify is. the thing for making nodejs server-side code usable on the frontend?
# 17:48 bret it replicates `var module = require('module')` in the browser
# 17:49 barnabywalters bret: glancing over the docs, it looks like it bundles up all your dependencies into one file and always loads that
# 17:49 barnabywalters which is great for some sites, but the exact opposite of my goal of only loading the JS which is necessary
# 17:50 barnabywalters because my site is weird, and has some pages which require *huge* amounts of js (e.g. abcJS, codemirror) which aren’t used anywhere else
# 17:50 bear browserify bundles the nodejs node_modules directory so you can use it as a "normal" web page
# 17:50 bear and not all nodejs modules can be put into browserify sadly
# 17:50 bret bear does it allow for selective loading?
# 17:50 bear err (not really a tarball, but you get the idea)
# 17:51 bret hey man, you use to be a noob at one point ;)
# 17:52 bear with nodejs I still am - I just have supported or deployed gobs of nodejs code now and have gotten to learn to love/hate the thing
# 17:52 GWG tantek: The list of Wiki pages I'd like to add to continues to grow.
# 17:52 tantek GWG, you have to simply edit and add as you go
# 17:52 bear yes, i'm a server kinda coder - nodejs just feels wrong to me
# 17:52 tantek just edit and add a one-liner at least - same as you typed in IRC
# 17:52 barnabywalters requirejs actually allows you to use var name = require(‘path’) syntax, by scarily parsing it out of function.toString and re-writing the function :O
# 18:03 GWG tantek: I was just about to say that
# 18:05 bret barnabywalters, any issues with blockquotes in a reply to your site?
# 18:06 luxagraf of the 72 tabs i have open, 6 are indiewebcamp pages i plan to contrib to
# 18:10 snarfed guys, practice safe computing! strive for browser tab zero. it's not just for inboxes any more.
# 18:11 luxagraf not really actually. have more for that page, but still compiling research
# 18:12 aaronpk bret: it looks like cweiske's webmention endpoint is actually a pingback endpoint
# 18:12 bret <p>Pingback received and processed</p>
# 18:17 bret snarfed are you referencing xss attacks?
# 18:18 bret isnt there a bookmark all tabs hotkey?
# 18:20 bret aaronpk, did cweiske basically route around rel=me auth? he noted something about not having to touch microformats
# 18:21 bret which would mean no rel=me requirements
# 18:21 aaronpk bret: the OAuth part of indieauth doesn't require a rel=me link cause the site turns into its own OAuth provider
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# 18:23 Loqi cweiske: barnabywalters left you a message 2 hours, 54 minutes ago: waterpigs.co.uk’s client_id should be a proper URL now!
# 18:23 Loqi cweiske: bret left you a message 1 hour, 22 minutes ago: my webmention support is pretty poor right now, XD I have to deal with it manually
# 18:23 Loqi cweiske: bret left you a message 1 hour, 7 minutes ago: irony asside, i hope the post didnt come across as agressive, im happy to see openid interoperating with indieauth :)
# 18:23 Loqi cweiske: bret left you a message 1 hour, 6 minutes ago: the rel=me microformat is the key ingredient for setting up indieauth. I think maybe I misunderstood exactly what you did, but its interesting to see how indieauth can route around the rel me auth all toegether
# 18:23 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 18:24 aaronpk cweiske: does your xmlrpc endpoint also speak webmention?
# 18:24 aaronpk ah crazy. confused me when I saw rel=webmention href=...xmlrpc :)
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# 18:28 aaronpk oh yeah! love the webmention status on link hover!
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# 19:31 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: But I have some feedbck
# 19:32 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: Which work in people focused URLs are you referring to?
# 19:33 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: You are doing the hangouts icon on SMS
# 19:34 ben_thatmustbeme I should probably do some media tag to reformat for anything larger than mobile screens
# 19:34 ben_thatmustbeme yes, its based for android, the newest versions from google have only hangouts for SMS
# 19:35 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: I have a N5. But, also I think we need a better indieweb icon
# 19:35 aaronpk the indiewebcamp logo should link to your profile page on indiewebcamp.com
# 19:36 GWG I still think that a better icon is needed
# 19:36 aaronpk why do you need one for your site? clearly they are on your site if they're seeing this page :)
# 19:37 ben_thatmustbeme so, my idea is to have a set of pages like this that i access privately. its my own contacts list that i access
# 19:37 ben_thatmustbeme others that authenticate would have access to this page, so i control my own entry for them, and they control their own entry for me
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# 19:40 cweiske aaronpk, you said "bret: the OAuth part of indieauth doesn't require a rel=me link cause the site turns into its own OAuth provider"
# 19:40 cweiske but I don't need rel=me links for the auth part already
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# 19:52 aaronpk cweiske: technically it's using it for authentication there, but I don't think it really makes sense to have to specify two endpoints, one for authentication and one for authorization
# 19:53 aaronpk you need *some* rel=me link unless you specify a rel=authorization_endpoint
# 19:54 cweiske yep. indieauth (the protocol) does not care for rel=me
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# 19:55 cweiske indieauth.com implements both indieauth and relmeauth
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# 20:00 aaronpk if i was better at naming things this may not be so confusing
# 20:00 aaronpk cause indieauth.com would have been called something else
# 20:04 GWG aaronpk: How about superduperauth?
# 20:17 GWG snarfed: How did you get your nickname, by the way?
# 20:18 snarfed sadly there's no story. came from picking a domain with friends in college, ~12y ago
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# 20:25 GWG snarfed: That's how I got some of mine
# 20:26 GWG Can't say I disagree with @valuedstandards whoever they aare
# 20:27 gRegor` Yeah, the wiki is overwhelming at first.
# 20:28 gRegor` I think once it's made clear that it's fine (and even better) to take it in small steps... it works a lot better.
# 20:28 gRegor` Rather than reading all through /webmention, then getting on a tangent of marking up your content with mf2 to work with webmentions, then oh yeah, displaying reply-contexts . . . and so on
# 20:29 gRegor` Instead, just start with marking up your current blog with mf2. Relatively simple step.
# 20:29 GWG gRegor`: More Indieweb for Dummies Articles
# 20:30 snarfed indiewebify.me is often a better place for newbies to start than the wiki
# 20:30 gRegor` :) Yeah, it's on my list.
# 20:30 gRegor` Good point, snarfed
# 20:30 snarfed wiki front page is a decent sales pitch, then indiewebify.me to get started, then wiki again for deeper contributions
# 20:31 gRegor` unfortunately indiewebify.me isn't linked on the homepage until the bottom third.
# 20:32 gRegor` I bet the majority of first timers won't even get that far, distracted down other wiki pages.
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# 20:32 aaronpk you realize it's a wiki, right? that means you can fix it ;)
# 20:32 gRegor` Oh, I'd forgotten. ;)
# 20:33 gRegor` I'm pretty cautious about making big changes to the front page and other "big" ones
# 20:33 gRegor` But yeah, it's on my list to help improve these. At some point. So many things. ;)
# 20:34 aaronpk that's fair. you can always copy the home page to a page under your user page like User:gregorlove.com/Home and make changes there
# 20:35 cweiske aaronpk, is there a defined relation between client_id and redirect_uri? or can they be on different domains, different protocols etc?
# 20:36 aaronpk I just realized why they must be able to be on different domains / protocols
# 20:36 gRegor` (Just doing that now for Getting Started, aaronpk :) )
# 20:36 aaronpk the client_id must register its list of valid redirect_uris, but the valid redirect URIs can be any scheme/host/etc
# 20:40 cweiske is indieauth.com the official indieauth protocol fallback for homepages that have not authorization_endpoint?
# 20:41 aaronpk it's up to the consuming site to decide how to do the relmeauth
# 20:41 aaronpk one way is to use indieauth.com, but that's up to the consuming site
# 20:42 cweiske so you want to tie indieauth protocol to relmeauth?
# 20:43 aaronpk well the alternative is if no authorization_endpoint is found, then you're out of luck
# 20:44 aaronpk it's true. that's why I made indieauth.com in the first place
# 20:45 aaronpk if you look at ownyourgram.com or quill.p3k.io, they won't let you sign in until you've specified an authorization_endpoint
# 20:46 aaronpk I think as a guide for client implementations, that could point to indieauth.com as a helpful tip
# 20:46 aaronpk but I wouldn't want that to be in the indieauth spec itself
# 20:47 aaronpk I think an implementation guide could recommend using indieauth.com
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# 20:51 GWG aaronpk: I'm curious what the full extent of your vision is
# 20:52 cweiske as fallback for the case the user's homepage did not link a authorization_endpoint
# 20:56 aaronpk GWG: I definitely have a plan. But rather than making a bunch of flashy talks about it or writing up a "manifesto" I'm trying to demonstrate it piece by piece by documenting it and building out implementations
# 20:58 GWG aaronpk: I was more curious if you see it becoming widely adopted?
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# 21:08 gRegor` @valuedstandards replied that he might have to come by IRC soon
# 21:28 GWG tantek: The oembed includes the blockquote on Twitter
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# 21:35 gRegor` I chose to make each subheading an action. e.g. "Get a personal domain" instead of "Personal domain"
# 21:35 gRegor` I broke out web sign in and authorship information into two steps.
# 21:36 gRegor` Linked the indiewebify.me rel-me test earlier in the page too
# 21:39 gRegor` Don't really care for "Each of these steps is a just a bit more challenging and will make you a bit more indie." but I'm not sure a replacement.
# 21:40 gRegor` How about "a bit more independent"?
# 21:41 GWG How about... bring you closer to your goal of ultimate independence?
# 21:44 GWG How about... bring you closer to full liberation from the corporate internet?
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# 22:10 rascul aaronpk is there no rss for news.indiewebcamp.com?
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# 22:24 rascul well almost, there's some funny unicode thing going on by the looks of it
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# 22:38 aaronpk bret: ew there's some encoding errors on indienews
# 22:39 aaronpk oh wait that may have been the fault of aaronparecki.com
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# 22:58 kylewm snarfed, the good news is that I finished the first cut at refetch and reparse h-feed behavior, the bad news is it's almost half as many lines as the original posse-post-discovery PR itself :P
# 22:59 snarfed kylewm: wow! just the actual code? or including the tests?
# 22:59 snarfed might be worth seeing if there's some of that, and maybe see if it can be unified a bit
# 23:01 snarfed kylewm: more importantly, thanks! glad it's out! i'll look at it tonight
# 23:05 bret kylewm: how do you store your website data?
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# 23:57 Loqi [@rtaibah] #Path gives up on memories