#acegiakso a job I applied for has asked for a php code sample which includes an class with at least two functions one of which has to be a mysql query and the second of which can do "something magical of your choosing" so I'm trying to decide what to do
#rknLAi've been doing developer support as part of my job for the past year and a half, so it's a convenient way for me to get push notifications from being in an IRC channel 24-7
#rknLAi kind of wish i could use it as a proxy from a desktop irc client sometimes though
#aaronpkso.. i couldn't find a way to subscribe to my feed in pushover, but I did in Boxcar
#aaronpkbut it's missing some critical components... like a feed title, and URLs for each entry, so it just says things like "Alex likes this" but I don't know what "this" is
#snarfedfor everyone thinking about android push notifs: KevinMarks has used them a lot and thought about both UX and implementation. worth talking to him for details!
nloadholtes, pfefferle, friedcell, carlo_au and petermolnar joined the channel
#rknLAhas anyone put much though into short dates for URLs? i did some quick math, and you can use "/D9q/" in a URL to mean the same thing as "/2014/06/13/"... does anyone else do this sort of thing?
#aaronpkkylewm: personally I feel like there are a number of otherways someone can figure out if I'm at home or not, so that's not a big worry for me. Someone could, for example, wait outside my house and wait for me to walk out the door.
edge226, luxagraf, KevinMarks, vanderwal and tilgovi joined the channel
#aaronpknext step is to merge all my archives into a single master archive. I somehow ended up with a few fragmented versions of the logs, and some overlapping too which is gonna be annoying.
#bnvkI play this game with myself, when i'm yak shaving the most smelly of yaks- I try to think of what lyrics in the hip-hop universe fits my inner turmoil- then I blurt it out
#tantekI used to fill it out (sometimes still do out of habit)
#tantekbut it's invisible metadata, and as such is likely to either be wrong or get out of date
KevinMarks joined the channel
#aaronpkk. I'll include a full example there once I actually add them to p3k
#rknLAtantek: that shortlink computation writeup is helpful. i was thinking about just using it as the canonical url, though, since my main domain is already short (rkn.la)
#kylewmrknLA: just as another datapoint, barnabywalters uses the base 60 encoded date for his notes
#kylewmso you could ask him if he's still happy with it :)
#rknLA!tell barnabywalters according to kylewm, you're using base60 encoded dates for your notes.. how are you feeling about that decision now? i'm considering doing something similar.
#gregorlove.comedited /MySQL (+1208) "/* Lack of timezone in date columns */ add clarification about DATE, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP. Quote MySQL docs." (view diff)
#gRegor`recommend a timestamp field over a separate TZ field. Of course, that doesn't help with existing data :)
#gRegor`I became pretty familiar with that for my webmention implementation. :) I convert all the times to UTC so I can display them in local time and still chronologically correct.
#aaronpkI just end up not trusting the database to do anything correct with dates, so now I just write everything to the db as UTC
#aaronpkand ensure all my code is set to UTC, and very manually and explicitly do timezone conversions for display
#gRegor`I was thinking of times that might be ambiguous, but I guess if they don't include a proper UTC offset or properly named/abbreviated timezone, it doesn't matter... just assume local time.
#gRegor`e.g. a date-time published in Arizona, which doesn't do DST. But they should be publishing their offset correctly.
#rascul:( indeed, and this was the part that took me a couple days to figure out
paulcp and barnabywalters joined the channel
#Loqibarnabywalters: rknLA left you a message 1 hour, 41 minutes ago: according to kylewm, you're using base60 encoded dates for your notes.. how are you feeling about that decision now? i'm considering doing something similar.
petermolnar joined the channel
#barnabywaltersrknLA: yep, I’m using 6 character identifiers where the first three are the ordinal day, and the last one-three are the number of seconds into that day
#barnabywaltersI like the fact that they’re predictably short yet meaningful, and that they order chronologically
#rasculonly reason i use timestamp is because that specific timestamp doesn't change so every time i regenerate the site the urls don't change
#gRegor`The nice thing about using timestamp type (mysql) is that it's stored in UTC, *and* you don't have to perform any math to adjust it. Just set the timezone you want before your query and it works. Unless you're changing timezones a lot between rows, I think that's simpler.
#rasculthe order they come in doesn't matter much to me in this case
#rknLAbarnabywalters: hm. interesting. is that written up anywhere?
#kylewmso like with that @thedatahive article that was tweeted again today, it's nice that the url is 2014/04/10/... so i know not to click on it again
#barnabywalterskylewm: that’s a good benefit of having more human-readable dates in URLs
#aaronpkkylewm: every time that datahive article is tweeted I've looked at the date and not clicked cause I recognize it's old