2014-06-16 UTC
snarfed1, KevinMarks, gRegor`, luxagraf, dybskiy, nloadholtes and chrissaad joined the channel
# 01:47 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 01:53 gRegor` I'll be writing it up, yeah. The way I've done it may not be the most elegant, but it works for now. :)
# 01:54 gRegor` You store your webmentions in flat files, right?
# 01:54 KartikPrabhu no! unfortunately not yet. I still can't figure out the best file storage
# 01:55 gRegor` He did for a while, but then stopped again.
# 01:55 gRegor` Oh, ok. If it's in mysql, then my method might work ok for you. Will write and we can discuss Wed too.
paulcp and luxagraf joined the channel
lukebrooker, wtd, ScruffyDan and snarfed joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, dybskiy, lukebrooker, dybskiy_, snarfed and gRegor` joined the channel
dybskiy joined the channel
# 05:10 gRegor` The tricky part is that you need to account for multiple u-urls, which I had not been doing.
# 05:10 gRegor` I was just using the first one.
# 05:11 gRegor` Bridgy favorites used to only return the twitter profile URL, since it's being scraped rather than by the API.
# 05:11 gRegor` And Twitter replies were pulling in the URL linked in the profile.
# 05:12 gRegor` Now bridgy returns both for Twitter replies, so I can associate the favorite and reply together
dybskiy and brianloveswords joined the channel
jsilvestre, tobiastom, KevinMarks, LauraJ, Jihaisse, eschnou, fmarier, nloadholtes, krendil, petermolnar, Sebastien-L, glennjones, adactio, zaal, pfefferle, friedcell and tantek joined the channel
# 11:18 Loqi tantek: barnabywalters left you a message 12 hours, 44 minutes ago: also spotted whilst feed testing: errant trailing slash in <a> on line 233 of your homepage, and no photo property on the h-card
# 11:24 tantek !tell barnabywalters my content is posted in pacific time zone
# 11:25 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 11:25 tantek !tell barnabywalters errant trailing slash in u-url for h-feed fixed. figuring out a photo/logo for my homepage h-card will take a bit more work / redesign / remarkup. -t
# 11:25 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
wtd, glennjones, pbeaulieu, pfefferle, tantek and barnabywalters joined the channel
# 12:52 Loqi barnabywalters: tantek left you a message 1 hour, 27 minutes ago: my content is posted in pacific time zone
# 12:52 Loqi barnabywalters: tantek left you a message 1 hour, 26 minutes ago: errant trailing slash in u-url for h-feed fixed. figuring out a photo/logo for my homepage h-card will take a bit more work / redesign / remarkup. -t
# 12:53 barnabywalters pretty sure there’s no way to determine the timezone from the markup on your site — might be an idea to add timezone information in there
# 12:55 barnabywalters !tell tantek RE timezone info, I can’t find a way to determine the timezone from the markup on your site, so you should add timezone information in there somewhere otherwise consuming apps are going to assume that it’s UTC
# 12:55 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 12:56 barnabywalters !tell tantek unless of course we want to spec out a timezone-implying algorithm based on geo lookups of data given in your h-card — likely to be complex overkill though :)
# 12:56 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
tantek joined the channel
# 13:06 Loqi tantek: barnabywalters left you a message 10 minutes ago: RE timezone info, I can’t find a way to determine the timezone from the markup on your site, so you should add timezone information in there somewhere otherwise consuming apps are going to assume that it’s UTC
# 13:06 Loqi tantek: barnabywalters left you a message 10 minutes ago: unless of course we want to spec out a timezone-implying algorithm based on geo lookups of data given in your h-card — likely to be complex overkill though :)
# 13:08 tantek barnabywalters: no it's definitely a content problem on my end
# 13:09 tantek at a minimum Falcon should be fixing up the datetimes with explicit TZ info so that cosuming software doesn't have to guess at anything (or errantly assume Z)
chloeweil joined the channel
# 13:11 barnabywalters if you continue to use split date/time parts using value-class it’ll be another good test case — not sure I’ve ever seen separated date/time/timezone dates in the wild
# 13:13 tantek something like <data class="value" value="-0700">Pacific Time</data>
# 13:13 tantek inside the same value-class structure as the date and time
# 13:16 chloeweil barnabywalters Thanks, will do
# 13:17 chloeweil Mmm, medium :)
# 13:18 chloeweil Thanks a lot!
# 13:18 chloeweil Depends, it’s dry steak
# 13:20 tantek barnabywalters: one of the reasons I've kept postponing the TZ info is that it starts to get caught up in location related things
# 13:20 tantek ideally I'd like to post in the timezone of whereever I happen to be, AND have it captured / stored /published that way
# 13:21 barnabywalters tantek: what’s blocking you from doing so? can you not just write in the timezone you’re posting from when you author the post?
# 13:23 tantek not sure it will roundtrip with proper fidelity from storage to Falcon to permalink markup
# 13:24 barnabywalters it’s probably safest to use a UTC version of the datetime for those, and use the local version elsewhere
# 13:27 tantek the problem with using UTC version of datetimes *anywhere* that you're not actually in UTC yourself is human verifiability
# 13:27 tantek it's always better to store data in the form that is most easily human verifiable
# 13:31 barnabywalters tantek: human verifiability in what case? you as the author making sure the information is correct?
Sebastien-L and pfefferle joined the channel
# 13:34 tantek right - as the author/developer (per selfdogfood)
chloeweil joined the channel
# 13:47 petermolnar > tantek: it's always better to store data in the form that is most easily human verifiable
# 13:47 petermolnar I disagree: to store, store in in the way it's easiest to work with ( thus unix timestamp )
# 13:47 tantek longterm data fidelity is more important than "easiest to work with"
# 13:48 tantek "easiest to work with" sounds like a job for a cache
# 13:48 tantek the #1 priority of storage is longterm data fidelity. all other priorities are secondary, including "easiest to work with"
jsilvestre_ joined the channel
# 13:50 petermolnar but we have the ISO format for that, which includes all the required data
# 13:50 tantek and is less readable than separate dates and times (and timezones)
# 13:52 tantek is that the weird email datetime format? that's even worse. and not international-friendly.
# 13:52 barnabywalters and, in shrewdness, stores the actual date, but computes the UTC version, which is used for indexing+querying
ttepasse joined the channel
# 14:01 barnabywalters tantek: “actual” as in the published date, with timezone, given, with some normalisations done
# 14:02 tantek funny, I thought "actual" meant the date(time) that you "actually" wrote the event, relative to where you were
# 14:02 tantek not sure why you'd want to cap future dates to the present either
# 14:02 tantek I use future dates as a delayed posting mechanism
# 14:04 barnabywalters tantek: this is for a reader — allowing posts to be in the future would allow people to “stick” posts permanently at the top of your timeline by setting the date to 9999-12-30
# 14:04 ben_thatmustbeme I tend to use local time for posting (human verify) and that is the date that is indexed/how the URL is define, thought the date stored and date shown in timestamp for a post is in UTC (ISO8601). Displaying timestamps for events upcoming would certainly be something that should be in the local time for the event though
# 14:07 tantek barnabywalters: or you could just hide future posts in the reader too
# 14:08 barnabywalters tantek: in what circumstance should legitimate future post markup ever reach a reader?
# 14:09 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: a bit of out of order in the IRC messages there. ISO8601 is fairly intl friendly (aside from the long form written unreadability). it's RFC(2)822 style dates that are not intl friendly.
# 14:10 ben_thatmustbeme barnabywalters, i think tantek is correct, hiding them would be best. legitimate future posts markup should never reach a reader, and thus if it gets one its probably better to discard (hide)
# 14:10 tantek like accidentally publishing a future post that shouldn't be shown
# 14:11 KartikPrabhu should indieweb readers also do calendar things? like event reminders? then future posts woiuld be of use
# 14:12 barnabywalters and there’s little point hiding things which can be seen by going to a public URL
# 14:12 tantek because you don't know why they're in the future, better to just discard rather than show
# 14:13 ben_thatmustbeme true, but as you pointed out, sticking them to the top isn't right either, perhaps just use current timestamp if it is in the future
chrissaad joined the channel
# 14:14 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: exactly, that's why it's better to ignore at first
# 14:15 tantek barnabywalters: the reason to hide it, despite it being visible at a public URL, is to provide a better fidelity (higher signal to noise ratio) experience
# 14:15 tantek assuming that such visible future posts are errors
# 14:16 tantek better to just ignore them than try to "fix" them
# 14:16 ben_thatmustbeme i don't like ignore, it would be extremely frustrating for a user if their favorite site has a bug that has timestamp format incorrect (switching days and months for example)
# 14:16 tantek KartikPrabhu: is exactly right. e.g. my design for my own event posts involves storing them at their dt-start date and time which likely means the future
# 14:16 barnabywalters given that this has not yet happened, I am hesitant to make destructive decisions without actual real world examples
# 14:16 barnabywalters ben_thatmustbeme: exactly, which is my rationale behind “show what is there”
# 14:17 barnabywalters the other option is to have a compact, dummy placeholder sayind “X future posts hidden”
# 14:17 tantek "capping" will do the wrong thing for future event posts
# 14:17 tantek I plan on putting them in my feed/storage along with all other posts
# 14:17 tantek for those that want to see all the "bugs", then keeping future posts floated to the top is a good way to indicate a problem that they can then use to contact their favorite site and get fixed.
# 14:19 barnabywalters tantek: events == h-event == should be in the future, posts == h-entry == should not be in the future
# 14:20 barnabywalters events should certainly be published in the same place as posts, but not consumed in the same view
# 14:20 tantek barnabywalters: my feed will include events as they happen,
# 14:20 tantek but if your reader didn't know about events explicitly, that's exactly what it would do (cap them)
# 14:20 tantek the point is, your reader does not know about all possible future types of posts
# 14:21 barnabywalters tantek: in that case there’s a difference between *published* date and *start* date
# 14:21 tantek or assume you will always know when to treat things specially like that
# 14:22 tantek barnabywalters: except from a stream perspective it makes sense to show the event as it is happening
# 14:22 tantek I'll likely do that - make them the same for the event post itself
# 14:23 barnabywalters tantek: that totally makes sense, but presumably you’ll also publish the event before it happens
# 14:23 tantek I might also publish a separate *note* that gives people a heads-up about an upcoming event
# 14:24 tantek that would obviously have its own published date
# 14:24 barnabywalters tantek: so what do people RSVP to? the heads-up which is shown, or the event which isn’t shown due to being a future post?
# 14:24 tantek that's correct the event itself won't show up in my stream until it is occuring
# 14:24 tantek 1. my upcoming events box in the footer (which is currently manual)
# 14:25 ben_thatmustbeme so we are mixing arguments here of displaying events inline with posts vs displaying posts with published date in the future
# 14:25 tantek 2. the sub-post of me "creating" the event will likely show up in my stream
# 14:28 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: nope, not mixing, just using "events" as an example post type about how a "dumb" feed reader can't assume anything about future posts.
# 14:28 tantek "dumb" meaning feed reader that only explicitly knows to handle generic things about posts like a note or article would have
# 14:28 barnabywalters and has a dt-published property from the time benwerd clicked “publish”, but a dt-start property about the actual event
# 14:32 barnabywalters tantek: I totally want to make Shrewdness be future-post-type-friendly, but also want it to be robustly predictable
# 14:33 barnabywalters which in the case of posts with a published datetime set in the future, IMO should mean capping that to the present and showing them
# 14:33 ben_thatmustbeme so forget about what type of post it is, focus on the single aspect of "what do you do if you are consuming an 'item' with a date 'published' in the future". I think it obvious that no matter the type, a date published in the future is an error. Discarding leaves things too confusing for the user, just displaying at top allows for one erroneous site to take over the feed completely, and displaying with a current timestamp might cause
# 14:33 barnabywalters ben_thatmustbeme: I am ignoring the “type” of post in order to be future-post-type friendly
petermolnar1 joined the channel
# 14:34 ben_thatmustbeme I think from those options, if you are going to default to (or only have one) way to handle it displaying by current timestamp seems best
# 14:34 barnabywalters ben_thatmustbeme: yep, all of those cases are undesirable, but IMO showing the data which is there is less confusing and more robust
# 14:35 ben_thatmustbeme from UI perspective, i would default to that but also have it note that there is an error, and have a setting to select any of those 3
# 14:35 barnabywalters ben_thatmustbeme: I’m certainly going to expose the information somewhere in the UI, along with the given date (if for example it *is* the datetime of an event), might also allow the user to pick what behaviour is applicable
# 14:36 ben_thatmustbeme perhaps if the TZ info isn't published and it gets assumed to be UTC that could happen
alistair, petermolnar, luxagraf, gRegor` and wolftune joined the channel
bnvk joined the channel
# 15:10 Jihaisse A friend told me that there is an event in brighton, indie tech
# 15:10 barnabywalters several people from the indiewebcamp community are speaking, along with a bunch of other awesome people
snarfed joined the channel
# 15:11 Jihaisse I didn"t get the difference between indie tech and indie web
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 15:12 barnabywalters Jihaisse: indieweb is very web-publishing focused, indie tech is bigger picture/more vauge, depending on how you want to look at it :)
# 15:13 petermolnar oh, I didn't know about this, now I need to get a day off somehow
# 15:13 bnvk Jihaisse: I'll be there, but speaking about FOSS design not IndieWeb stuff
# 15:17 Jihaisse we are talking about creating a TEDx in Chambéry (or anywhere in Savoy)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 15:28 gRegor` !tell tantek This is minor, but I'm confused by this on this week's HWC page "Note the Minneapolis meeting is at 19:30 CDT (will sync with PDX and SF at 18:30 PDT)" Meaning the second hour will sync up with PDX/SF?
# 15:28 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
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pbeaulieu, iangreenleaf and brainTrain joined the channel
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snarfed, pbeaulieu, emmak and luxagraf joined the channel
# 17:26 npdoty I'm not sure when the gray box was added to the indiewebcamp.com front page, but I think these three positive statements are really great (your content is yours
brainTrain joined the channel
# 17:35 kylewm !tell npdoty yeah, those short positive statements are great! Scott Jenson reworked that page at IndieWebCamp SF earlier this year
# 17:35 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
luxagraf joined the channel
iangreenleaf and tantek joined the channel
# 18:03 Loqi tantek: gRegor` left you a message 2 hours, 35 minutes ago: This is minor, but I'm confused by this on this week's HWC page "Note the Minneapolis meeting is at 19:30 CDT (will sync with PDX and SF at 18:30 PDT)" Meaning the second hour will sync up with PDX/SF?
lupinedev joined the channel
# 18:10 tantek gRegor`: that's right! sounds like you interpeted it correctly :D
# 18:12 gRegor` The phrasing seems weird. My first thought was "19:30 CDT isn't 18:30 PDT"
benwerd joined the channel
# 18:13 gRegor` Is anyone else coming to the MN meetup?
# 18:14 tantek gRegor`: a bunch, but they're all RSVP'd on the FB event
# 18:14 gRegor` I just tried out a FB RSVP today on the SF HWC, to see it come through on snarfed.org
# 18:17 aaronpk man I really need a better interface for making events on my site
# 18:17 tantek I'm curious what snarfed's UI is for making events on his site.
pfefferle joined the channel
# 18:18 tantek wait - you had to add support for the RSVP parsing and display though right?
# 18:19 snarfed rsvp parsing and display is all pfefferle's plugin
# 18:20 snarfed between wordpress and pfefferle's plugins, i've done approximately zero work building my own CMS, which i'm unreasonably proud of
# 18:20 snarfed (odd to be proud of a non-accomplishment, but meh!)
# 18:21 kylewm snarfed, maybe add u-syndication around the link to the facebook event?
# 18:22 snarfed heh yes, but so far that's avoided becoming a CMS
# 18:23 GWG I have based all my work on pfefferle 's.
eschnou joined the channel
# 18:25 GWG Without pfefferle and snarfed work there would be no point in what I did
# 18:26 tantek GWG - we're all building upon the shoulders of those that built stuff before us :)
# 18:26 snarfed looks like twitter itself is confused. it says 3 faves but only shows two. you're missing
# 18:26 tantek doesn't make our work any less special or useful or important
# 18:26 GWG I merely was saluting their shoulders
# 18:26 tantek I hear you. And I was saying there *was* a "point in what [you] did" :)
# 18:27 GWG tantek, I would not complain if I was able to get some adoption though
# 18:27 GWG My work is for me, but other people using it is nice too
# 18:28 snarfed it actually sent a webmention. akismet caught it, but still.
paulcp joined the channel
# 18:29 snarfed tantek: ugh, those are other spam akismet didn't catch. bleh.
# 18:29 aaronpk they have to be pingbacks. I can't believe we would have already reached the point of getting webmention spam.
# 18:29 snarfed pfefferle: hmm, pingbacks show up differently. your plugin doesn't handle them, right?
# 18:29 tantek snarfed - actually ALL the comments on there are spam
# 18:29 pfefferle snarfed semantic linkbacks work for pingbacks, trackbacks and webmentions
# 18:29 tantek snarfed - have you considered displaying how you got those comments? via pingback, via webmention?
# 18:30 aaronpk it occurs to me that I should be logging spam pingbacks and webmentions handled by webmention.io just so we have stats
# 18:30 tantek just as you currently show via Twitter or via G+ etc.
# 18:30 aaronpk tantek: doesn't that go against the visible plumbing rule?
# 18:31 snarfed nm, pfefferle was right, it was a pingback. damn, and i got all excited
# 18:31 benwerd just discovered that he's completely broken events on his own site :|
luxagraf joined the channel
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 19:03 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
chloeweil_ joined the channel
# 19:35 gRegor` Hah, that was odd (indie-visitor through lolapalooza nick changes)
glennjones joined the channel
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dybskiy and chloeweil joined the channel
# 19:50 bigbluehat KevinMarks: we're working heavily with selection stuff at hypothes.is
# 19:52 bigbluehat would love to get some collaboration goodness going among All The Things
luxagraf joined the channel
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# 20:03 bret looks neat bigbluehat! ill check it out when I have time
tantek and eschnou joined the channel
# 20:13 tantek just noticed thedatahive has tweeted his own (one) post about the indieweb for the THIRD time
# 20:14 tantek so when people ask why people make fun of marketing people, this is why
# 20:14 tantek even worse - he hasn't bothered to follow-up to any of the TWO comments on the article
# 20:16 KartikPrabhu following up on relevant comments is a good indicator of how interested someone actually is
# 20:16 tantek do we need a generation 5 for people who retweet their own stuff multiple times but don't bother to follow-up to comments?
# 20:22 gRegor` @shanley is trying to export her content from medium.com and running into problems. Sounds like it might be technical problems, but still another good argument for POSSE.
# 20:23 aaronpk hm I thought medium was supposde to have a good API for that
pfefferle joined the channel
# 20:26 gRegor` aaronpk: She's been getting a lot of harassment from reporters
# 20:26 gRegor` And, well, just a lot of people in general
# 20:26 tantek gRegor`: if shanley is running into problems trying to export her content from medium.com then I fully expect to see a medium.com post from her about those problems.
# 20:26 aaronpk oh sorry I should have put that comment in #indiechat
# 20:27 tantek as work / employer sites tend to be ephemeral (especially their permalinks)
# 20:27 gRegor` Hehe, yep, tantek. She will definitely be vocal about it.
# 20:27 tantek bigbluehat, well done. that's a good length of time to keep a site going.
# 20:29 aaronpk i still have the problem that my domain is my full name so it doesn't make sense to put anything before the @
# 20:30 aaronpk that's why I got parecki.com, so my email could be aaron@parecki.com instead of me@aaronparecki.com or aaron@aaronparecki.com
# 20:30 tantek bigbluehat: I think this pattern "http://user@example.com/" fails the initial usability considerations
# 20:31 tantek yup - it's like cognitive dissonance between a web address and an email address
# 20:31 aaronpk people are pretty used to x@y.z being an email address, it looks pretty strange to have http before it
# 20:31 KartikPrabhu maybe @username.com could directly be an email address? it might need some non-trivial hoop jumping
# 20:31 tantek bigbluehat: "shouldn't be" does't matter. there is.
# 20:31 tantek email addresses are ever present, as are URLs
# 20:32 tantek but here's the bigger question - what use-case are you trying to solve?
# 20:34 tantek finally it loaded one time without showing as being favorited, so I favorited it again, reloaded, and suddently it showed my icon, count was updated
# 20:34 tantek I believe this is a cache inconsistency problem
# 20:35 bigbluehat tantek: for me it solves a decade plus bad habbit of putting emails into browser location bars...and being disappointed
# 20:36 tantek tries putting an email address into the browser bar
# 20:36 tantek gets confronted with a login confirmation dialog box
# 20:36 tantek bigbluehat: going to be difficult to change existing browser UI in response to email addresses in URL bars, since it doesn attempt to do something (login)
# 20:37 snarfed i deployed your latest PR just now, so that's good validation
# 20:37 tantek but I will agree that the current behavior is annoying/disappointing
# 20:37 tantek regarding obviating gravatar, I think we did that already with hcard and personal domains.
# 20:38 tantek bigbluehat: in any case, looking forward to seeing your prototype. it will be interesting to see what it feels like actually using it.
# 20:39 kylewm snarfed: so the like on a that post was a very specific circumstance
# 20:40 kylewm snarfed, need better validation before i'm ready to call it (even partially) solved :)
# 20:41 bret bigbluehat are you coming to indiewebcamp?
KevinMarks_, krendil and friedcell joined the channel
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# 20:51 bret Doing one in NY and portland, they are lots of fun
iangreenleaf joined the channel
# 20:53 tantek snarfed, finally getting back to your repost example on your site - very interesting approach including listing the POSSEing thereof.
wolftune joined the channel
# 20:54 snarfed tantek: i forgot the context. got the url handy? (and thanks!…i think. :P)
luxagraf joined the channel
# 20:56 tantek repost example "many of us have (indie retweeted),"
# 20:56 tantek snarfed - wait for it to load and highlight :)
# 20:57 snarfed ah, found that. the fragment goes elsewhere, to something petermolnar said
# 20:58 tantek wow I don't know why I was misscrolled/highlighted
# 20:59 tantek snarfed, you're manually reposting / POSSEing retweets right?
# 21:04 snarfed the UI isn't as pretty as known's, but it lets you indie reply/like/repost with just two clicks, for both indie pages and silo posts
# 21:08 GWG I am up to 3 github repositories, thanks to the Indieweb
# 21:10 snarfed i've been inspired by inbox zero and browser tabs zero. i'm now aiming for repos zero.
# 21:10 GWG I had none before I joined this movement
# 21:10 tantek snarfed, I don't think GTD said to achieve projects zero.
# 21:10 gRegor` Hahaha, snarfed
# 21:10 snarfed aaronpk: repos are even worse. they're not just single shot todos, they're ongoing maintennance :P
# 21:11 gRegor` aims for divide by zero
# 21:13 GWG I am enjoying chronicling my work in public
# 21:14 tantek is aiming for useful Twitter differentiation zero.
# 21:14 snarfed but there's a kernel of truth too. working in public, definitely. but ongoing maintenance for an ever increasing set of projects can become unsustainable
# 21:15 GWG I would like to find a helper for one project
dybskiy joined the channel
# 21:17 tantek since a repost is supposed to be a post of a copy without modification
# 21:17 snarfed technically he didn't modify them, he concatenated them
# 21:17 tantek multi-reply makes sense because it's *one* reply to *multiple* other posts.
# 21:18 tantek it just so happens that the individual posts themselves are reposts
# 21:18 kylewm collection makes senes. is the problem that i marked it up incorrectly?
# 21:18 tantek is hoping that KevinMarks is engaging in a good IndieWeb dialog with Shanley.
# 21:21 tantek kylewm I'm just having trouble understanding how the term "mult-repost" makes any sense
# 21:21 kylewm tantek: I'm not married to it. aggregation, collection, etc. are more accurate
# 21:23 tantek kylewm do you have any reposts that originated on kylewm.com?
# 21:23 kylewm yeah, everything before 12/2013 is PESOS. sure let me find an example
# 21:27 kylewm I sometimes repost things with ~1 line of commentary (I think that is how Tumblr works?). does that make it not a repost?
# 21:28 gRegor` Yeah, that's an option on tumblr's "reblog" - you can add text to it.
# 21:28 snarfed commentary on reposts, likes, rsvps, etc seems ok to me
# 21:29 tantek snarfed - it's ok, it's just no longer that thing
# 21:29 tantek based on existing uses / expectations in the wild
# 21:30 tantek with the exception of RSVPs, which do have a long history of comments accompanying the actual yes/no/maybe
# 21:30 tantek thanks kylewm - your repost example with POSSE retweet (including link!) is very well done
# 21:31 kylewm tantek: oh cool, I didn't realize it was considered a comment on Tumblr, comment on your own blog POSSE to the other, that's very indieweb for all being inside a silo :)
# 21:31 tantek is done collecting repost/retweet examples for now
# 21:31 tantek on Tumblr, comments including the reply-context that is the original post in its entirety
# 21:36 aaronpk gRegor`: i'm going to set up something like ownyourgram.com but for foursquare checkins soon if that makes any difference
# 21:36 aaronpk I don't want to lose the network I have on foursquare, and the app is really good and I don't feel like re-creating the interface for myself
# 21:37 aaronpk step 1 for me is to mock up the single-checkin post view on my site and also the data storage for it
# 21:37 aaronpk then I'll update my micropub endpoint to be able to create those posts
# 21:37 aaronpk then i'll make "yoursquare" which does the same thing ownyourgram.com does
# 21:43 gRegor` Yeah, I didn't really get that.
jonnybarnes and pfefferle joined the channel
# 21:47 KevinMarks_ looks like to PESOS from medium you'd need to download the images too, and remove ther "go to original" link from the bottom
# 21:53 KevinMarks_ I have foursquare piped into google calendar. do we have a term for that? PESET?
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# 22:16 benwerd Man, if I could only RT that Shanley tweet. Exactly bang on the money. But private.
# 22:17 benwerd It'll suffice to say she deleted her Medium account and reached a very indie web conclusion
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# 22:24 benwerd *nod*. I like MVC, and actually really like getting it through the mail
# 22:30 GWG aaronpk: How many of these do you plan on having?
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# 22:57 GWG gRegor`: Would you be willing to give me feedback on my display?
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# 22:58 GWG The grey boxes are the test displays for a response to something.
# 22:58 GWG I think the backend is coming along, but I want to refine the appearance.
# 22:59 GWG The grey box is the only thing I'm concerned about
# 22:59 GWG The rest is not part of the same code
# 23:01 gRegor` So the "Replied"under "This is a Test of a Response to a Link with Citation"?
# 23:01 gRegor` At first glance, I thought the text beside the "Replied" was your response to something, not the source you were replying to.
# 23:02 gRegor` "Reposted" and "Liked" seem to work ok in that context, because they don't imply more content from you.
# 23:04 gRegor` I've not thought through these type of UI decisions at length, yet.
# 23:04 GWG gRegor`: Would it work better if the box was under my content?
# 23:05 gRegor` I don't think so, no. Generally I think it's good to put the content you're responding to first.
# 23:05 gRegor` Yeah, I'm basically saying the "Replied" text seems ambiguous.
# 23:06 gRegor` Otherwise I think it's good
# 23:06 GWG Replied now changed to In Reply To
# 23:07 GWG Once I'm satisfied, it will take work to bring this live
# 23:08 gRegor` Oh, just noticed the star beside "Reposted" That usually indicates a favorite. </nitpick> :)
# 23:08 GWG What symbol is good for a repost?
# 23:09 gRegor` Usually the two arrows pointing in a "circle", a la Twitter RT button
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# 23:09 gRegor` I guess the refresh icon.
# 23:10 gRegor` Or the stumbleupon phallus. Lulz.
# 23:10 GWG I'm worried about the " because the blockquote usually gets styled with that
# 23:11 gRegor` Yeah, repost / quote are not exactly the same. Per some discussion earlier in IRC and the wiki
# 23:11 GWG How about the cloud download one?
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# 23:12 GWG At least this is easier than choosing a font.
# 23:12 gRegor` Are you using Genericons because it comes with WP?
# 23:12 GWG gRegor`: No, Dashicons comes with Wordpress
# 23:12 gRegor` I think "refresh" is the best of that font. It's closest to the commonly used repost icon on twitter and tumblr
# 23:14 GWG I just found Genericons clean, simple, and common
# 23:18 shepazu wouldn't "share" be a better icon?
# 23:18 GWG shepazu: I was using Share for Syndication
# 23:18 shepazu U97FMdGAqgbKlYKICw&ved=0CDUQ9QEwCw&biw=1148&bih=626#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=yHYHbdi-yGvezM%253A%3BVeoZFMFzy2FH7M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ffc02.deviantart.net%252Ffs71%252Ff%252F2012%252F034%252Fb%252F4%252Fshare_icon_in_windows_8_by_tembohu-d4ohf8l.png%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ftembohu.deviantart.com%252Fart%252FShare-Icon-in-Windows-8-282988389%3B256%3B256
# 23:18 GWG I'll wait for an official indieweb icon font
# 23:20 bret github just released their icons today
# 23:20 GWG KartikPrabhu: You are welcome to implement it for me. The code is in a repository
# 23:21 GWG Right now...I'm staying as it is. Might change.
# 23:24 GWG I spent two weeks implementing a nice custom taxonomy to cover like, repost, bookmark, etc.
# 23:25 GWG The icon decision should not be as hard
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# 23:35 GWG My employer's VPN router doesn't, but mine does.
# 23:36 jonnybarnes cos myhouse connection doesn't, and my little pet project tonight was getting my site accessible over IPv6 considering v6 addresses are free
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# 23:53 jonnybarnes thoughy my VPS seemed to randomly drop v6 conectivity just before
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