2014-08-30 UTC
tantek joined the channel
squeakytoy2 joined the channel
# 00:18 tantek KevinMarks, aaronpk, KartikPrabhu that entire blog post read like "We at Yahoo have zero confidence in our technical leadership in the industry, so we're going to submit to cargo cult fragile ephemeral single-page app fashionable frameworks"
# 00:19 tantek it was like a big giant "In case you weren't sure, we have zero technical innovation leadership, just to be clear, in case you might have thought otherwise, e.g. with our past innovations like YUI"
# 00:20 tantek KartikPrabhu: I do not believe "isomorphic" adds anything to that phrase
# 00:20 tantek or if it does, I don't understand what it means beyond just "single page apps"
# 00:21 aaronpk useful because SO MANY SILO APIs completely forget about returning timezone information for dates
# 00:21 aaronpk but there is often a lat/lng in a post, so I can go figure out the timezone based on that
squeakytoy joined the channel
# 00:39 tantek why show "instagram.com/davystevenson Davy Stevenson" when you could simply show "Davy Stevenson" and link to instagram.com/davystevenson ?
# 00:39 aaronpk I made the decision to show both the domain and real name of people everywhere
# 00:40 tantek yeah - makes sense for indieweb domains because they are often different and name like - we know each other by our URLs
# 00:40 aaronpk it's also somewhat a matter of trust. because if you made an h-entry on tantek.com with an author name of "barnaby" then I would only be displaying barnaby
# 00:40 aaronpk the same is true for silo profiles though, which happens a lot on twitter
# 00:41 aaronpk I have several friends who change their display name on twitter daily, usually to completely unrelated things
# 00:41 aaronpk and in some cases, twitter only shows the display name, not username, which is super confusing cause I don't know who it is
squeakytoy2 joined the channel
# 00:42 aaronpk and a more malicious version of that would be to set your twitter display name to "waterpigs.co.uk" which would really trip things up
# 00:42 aaronpk so anyway that's a long way of saying why I show both the URL of the author as well as the name
# 00:44 tantek took a bit of thinking as to where to stick it to make it useful just when someone might be looking for it
# 00:44 tantek which I figured was when they're implementing reply-contexts
# 00:45 aaronpk ah yeah he's probably the person I notice most often in my stream who does that
# 00:45 tantek I like Twitter's styling of [icon] name @-alias - where alias is in the smaller grey text
# 00:46 aaronpk although ironically the second tweet in my current stream is someone else who did that
# 00:46 aaronpk they only show the name for the "retweeted by" text, but both name and username for the main author
# 00:48 tantek I just figure they keep tweaking the displays of these things, so when any one of us feels like we see something "interesting" that we should capture it
# 00:48 aaronpk benatkin: lol did you know I was talking about you?
squeakytoy joined the channel
# 00:53 aaronpk benatkin: now you are captured forever in the wiki
# 00:57 benatkin there should be a note somewhere about people who idle in IRC for months at a time without checking it
tantek joined the channel
squeakytoy joined the channel
squeakytoy, squeakytoy2, etymance1 and michel_v_ joined the channel
# 01:25 kylewm !tell acegiak your tagged people with class="h-card u-url" parse a little wonky; my guess is that you don't want the u-url in there. good news is it helped me find a bug in bridgy posse-post-discovery :)
# 01:25 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
finchd, tallpaul, michel_v, edrex, etymance1, Phyks, reidab, eliemich1l, KevinMarks_, mdik, jacus, ben_thatmustbeme, muhh and sandro joined the channel
# 02:05 kylewm and if you write in clojurescript, you can have homoiconic isomorphic single page apps
# 02:16 kylewm !tell snarfed, npdoty Publish to Tumblr is a great idea, might as well add backfeed at the same time too right? :P
# 02:16 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
squeakytoy and j12t joined the channel
# 02:24 benatkin anyone know of an IndieWeb thing that puts impact text on an image so people can host their own memes?
# 02:38 kylewm i think there is a loqi plugin for that somewhere? (but not this loqi)
tantek, wolftune and paulcp joined the channel
# 03:27 acegiak benatkin: there's got to be an imagemagik thing for that
# 03:27 Loqi acegiak: kylewm left you a message 2 hours, 2 minutes ago: your tagged people with class="h-card u-url" parse a little wonky; my guess is that you don't want the u-url in there. good news is it helped me find a bug in bridgy posse-post-discovery :)
# 03:28 acegiak kylewm: whats the bestway to markup those quick tags?
pauloppenheim joined the channel
# 03:37 acegiak kylewm: updated now its just an anchor marked up with h-card
fmarier, squeakytoy2, crossdiver, snarfed, j12t, wolftune, hidgw, KevinMarks, paulcp, eschnou and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, paulcp, dietrich_, dysfun_, lmjabreu__, WHARGARBL, reicherd, realz, bear and valan joined the channel
wagle_, glennjones_, Tallken_, natronics1, wagle, trodrigues, dissolve, jacus_, hidgw, muhh_, natronics2, acegiak_, Erkan_Yilmaz, paulcp, acegiak, lmjabreu__, hober2, dysfun, dietrich and squeakytoy joined the channel
realz and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 12:53 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
fofr joined the channel
# 12:59 indie-visitor sseaurchin
michel_v_, bear, finchd_, paulcp, hidgw, trodrigues, neuro`_, catsup, Guerillero|BNC, smcgregor, glennjones, benatkin and tantek_ joined the channel
# 14:25 tantek_ and it actually works a lot faster than IPS and is A Lot faster wow
# 14:25 Loqi tantek_ meant to say: and it actually works a lot faster than iOS and is A Lot faster wow
tantek_ joined the channel
# 14:36 tantek_ lock screen, unlock and reopen Firefox also works (which does not stay connected on iOS)
caseorganic and tantek_ joined the channel
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mlinksva_, the_merl1n, kronda_, Jeena_, bretolius, halorgium_, arlen_, piney0, b0bg0d_____, GWG-, hadleybeeman, jden_, amblin, Garbee, swartwulf, paulcp, tantek_ and arlen- joined the channel
# 15:23 tantek_ interesting. my browser got in a state where I could still type to the channel 07:45 07:49 but the websocket connection had dropped so the page didn't display what I'd typed until I reloaded
# 15:25 tantek_ huh and there it happened again. pretty sure that went to the channel but it didn't display in my browser
caseorganic joined the channel
tantek, KartikPrabhu and snarfed joined the channel
# 15:46 tantek interesting - that @BorgosMN account is someone apparently running for Minnesota state attorney general.
# 15:47 tantek I'm quite curious how they got hooked up withknown.com ;)
caseorganic, paulcp, ShaneHudson and Erkan_Yilmaz joined the channel
# 15:59 KartikPrabhu tantek: I think someone came in here once asking for a site for someone running for public office and got directed to benwerd
# 15:59 tantek lol - I think we had that discussion two days ago
pauloppenheim joined the channel
# 16:06 KartikPrabhu tantek: who manages repos in the indiewebcamp github? like accept PRs and stuff?
# 16:06 tantek I think anyone here who has been somewhat productive that asks
# 16:07 KartikPrabhu tantek: no not be a member. But if I add a repo to that account, I still have to manage it right?
# 16:07 tantek I guess? I mean potentially any group organizer can I think. I'm not too familiar with how github orgs work.
# 16:08 KartikPrabhu finds is great that tantek wants all information of the world on / :P
# 16:08 kylewm what are you thinking about adding, KartikPrabhu?
# 16:10 kylewm Github project ownership is weird... like it's still mojombo/jekyll even though TPW doesn't manage it anymore
# 16:10 kylewm It's sort of a tribute to the person who started it
# 16:10 tantek KartikPrabhu: no I mean documentation of community use of github.com/indieweb
hober joined the channel
# 16:13 snarfed kylewm: +1 to doing things by hand until it hurts
# 16:13 Loqi snarfed: kylewm left you a message on 8/29 at 7:16pm: Publish to Tumblr is a great idea, might as well add backfeed at the same time too right? :P
# 16:14 snarfed huh. maybe! …sure? i don't really know tumblr much, so i don't know what would be backfed…but i guess it has likes, reposts, etc, so sure!
# 16:14 tantek snarfed kylewm +1 to doing things by hand until it hurts
# 16:14 tantek (have certainly been doing a lot of that myself)
# 16:14 snarfed hey speaking of which, tantek, have you ever considered hand authoring indie events on your own site?
# 16:15 snarfed i always feel bad when i see you have to ask benwerd etc
# 16:15 tantek snarfed - yes, I have started down that road several times
# 16:15 tantek and each time I end up adding a bit more support to my display code to handle seeing an "h-event" instead of an "h-entry"
# 16:15 snarfed i guess i meant fully authoring by hand, ie not (yet) writing any code
# 16:16 snarfed tantek: sure, but still, you can't author raw html inside your posts?
# 16:16 tantek indeed - yet I see an event as a top level "h-event" , not inside an "h-entry"
# 16:17 snarfed sure. i guess you could do everything *except* the top level h-event part
# 16:17 tantek and I have plenty more personal use-cases too - like the "Speaking & Events" box in the bottom right of my home page
# 16:18 tantek right it's just static and manually edited (and out of date) part of my home page index.html template
# 16:18 tantek but ideally I'd like that autogenerated by /Falcon looking forward in time in my storage files
# 16:18 tantek (and right now Falcon only looks backward in time in my storage files)
# 16:19 tommorris tantek: that looks cool. Haven't done much Haskell but will take a look.
# 16:19 tantek but at least I *do* have support in Falcon for handling the situation where storage has future things in it
# 16:19 tantek so that was one of the step ones toward indie events on my site. handling future things.
# 16:20 tantek and I got an incremental usable feature out that work too
# 16:21 tantek so now that I've noticed my Speaking & Events box being so out of date I'm going to go update it - by hand
wolftune and paulcp joined the channel
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# 16:36 tantek snarfed, I see what you did with the h-event inside the h-entry
# 16:36 tantek my goal is to be able to post an event *without* having to put it inside an h-entry
# 16:37 tantek I see indie events, and posts *about* events as different things
# 16:37 snarfed …but until our server software supports it, it's nice to be able to do a manual halfway step like this
# 16:38 tantek still pretty amazing that you got that all working, even by hand, with Bridgy backfeeding RSVPs from Facebook.
# 16:38 snarfed manual until it hurts, and manual indie events haven't hurt (me) yet
# 16:40 tantek looking for first, and approximately how many, maybe a recent one too
# 16:44 tantek since you did the hardwork of coding, I was recognizing it ;)
caseorganic joined the channel
# 16:51 tommorris tantek: looks like the haskell library just implements a set of types for microformats2 and serializes and deserializes from JSON, but doesn't yet parse HTML.
# 16:53 tantek tommorris: interesting - so it operates on the JSON output of other microformats parsers?
# 16:54 kylewm wonder if it has something to do with pandoc?
# 16:54 tommorris tantek: it's probably implemented like that to separate out the types from the parser. the idea is that you might have multiple pluggable parsers.
caseorganic joined the channel
# 16:59 tantek.com edited /event (+464) "/* Ryan Barrett */ note POSSE FB event, and tweet/G+ posts *about* it which worked as proxy POSSE posts for Bridgy backfeeding interactions" (
view diff )
# 17:00 tantek snarfed, is there a Bridgy Publish feature request for making POSSE copies of indie events?
# 17:00 Loqi tantek meant to say: snarfed, is there a Bridgy Publish feature request for making Facebook POSSE copies of indie events?
cmhobbs joined the channel
# 17:00 snarfed tantek: hmm! i don't think so. definitely a good feature request
# 17:01 tantek would remove a manual step for Aaron, Ben, and you!
# 17:01 tantek (I know that's a small start, but so far *everyone* is manually POSSEing events to FB)
paulcp joined the channel
# 17:09 tantek snarfed, on that 2014-06-16 event you posted, you have a *featured* image! <img class="shadow" src="/french_press.jpg" />
# 17:12 snarfed i'm surprised known doesn't have code to posse fb events
# 17:13 tantek I think it's the same sort of thing, event posts (or posting events) is not quite frequent enough a use-case for folks to add more code support to it
# 17:13 tantek though of course making it easier might make you want to post more events etc.
# 17:14 tantek especially if you could trivially invite your FB friends *from your site*
# 17:14 tantek (just a bit about how to display and send webmentions to people's home pages inviting them to events)
# 17:15 tantek POSSE invitations from an event to a FB copy of an event would be interesting too
# 17:16 tantek imagine you could post an indie event on your own site with invitations to any of your friends to: 1) their personal site, 2) their twitter nickname, or 3) their FB profile, and from their perspective they'd just see it in whatever system/site/silo they were using, could easily respond, and it would backfeed to your event on your site.
# 17:17 Loqi tantek meant to say: so that's why we're all doing it manually :(
# 17:19 tantek well perhaps Eventbrite is the next POSSE destination then
# 17:19 tantek since people do seem to response to Eventbrite invitations
paulcp joined the channel
# 17:26 kylewm I don't super trust the Facebook API documentation anymore
techlifeweb joined the channel
# 17:29 kylewm I've never posted a silo event either, to be fair
# 17:29 tantek there's a first time for both then it seems :)
# 17:30 tantek you going to try posting an indie event and calling the API to POSSE it?
ShaneHudson joined the channel
# 17:30 kylewm     "message": "(#12) events management API is deprecated for versions v2.0 and higher",
# 17:31 kylewm tantek: nah, just messing around in the FB Graph API Explorer
paulcp joined the channel
# 17:40 tantek LOL, Eventbrite event API has a field called "privacy" which you set to "0" for *private* and "1" for public. How is that not the opposite of obvious?!?
ben_thatmust joined the channel
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# 17:45 tantek at least we captured a few bridgy itches in case we get a critical mass of indie event publishers
# 17:45 bret-web I'm going to do more event work soon
# 17:46 tantek bret - do you POSSE any of your indie events?
mko joined the channel
# 17:47 bret-web Tantek, I have not yet no.
# 17:48 bret-web I only implemented display and uF2 of events and RSVP
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# 17:50 bret-web That's the easy part :) just mapping some vars to a starter template
# 17:58 ben_thatmustbeme huh, so fragmention confusion just got even worse.. I just realized you can have a + sign in an ID
# 17:59 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: that's good that it's inconsistent, that means we can likely fix it
# 18:00 tantek what does the spec say about IDs with + in them?
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# 18:01 ben_thatmustbeme The value must be unique amongst all the IDs in the element's home subtree and must contain at least one character. The value must not contain any space characters.
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# 18:12 ben_thatmustbeme i think i have been looking at this from a different perspective than you. I have been looking at this as fitting it in to current standards, whereas i should be looking at this as creating new standards. this doc is what actually says that + should be defined as space. so that makes sense.
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# 18:15 18VAAQP55 Someone said + as space applied to the query part of the URL, not the fragment, but I don't have a source
# 18:15 ben_thatmustbeme i think the case that was being made was that if we don't use the ##, we are still staying within the old RFC, which did not allow a nother # anywhere after the first #
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 18:16 18VAAQP55 I think changing it to simplify further is OK. That's why single # makes sense to me
# 18:17 18VAAQP55 Wait, is that my nick?
# 18:18 ben_thatmustbeme that was the other arguement, plus ## turns in the # on directs in FF, plus it was breaking some other implementations i believe
# 18:18 indie-visitor Hi everyone, my name is Rosa... I don't really know where to go to ask this but I am interested in attending indie web camp in Brighton on 6-7th September. I have been working as a developer for about 7 months now so I feel like I might need some guidance, so can I be somebody's apprentice? Is this the right place to ask??
# 18:19 KartikPrabhu indie-visitor: HI Rosa... this is the right place to ask. you might want to change your nick by /nick yourname
# 18:19 ben_thatmustbeme #+ would work i think but it does not leave you any way to add a second mention for the defining start and end
# 18:19 tantek speaking of which I was just creating a Lanyrd for IndieWebCamp UK
# 18:20 tantek Rosa, can you try typing /nick rosa_ (or something else you choose for yourself)
# 18:21 ben_thatmustbeme #+ specifically because it immediately has a space saying "this is definitely not and ID"
# 18:21 KartikPrabhu ben_thatmustbeme: we don';t need to say "this is definitely not an id"
# 18:21 KartikPrabhu KevinMarks: may be the place where the official fragmention thing is documented could switch to single # by default ?
# 18:23 tantek coincidentally I am creating a Lanyrd right now for IndieWebCampUK in Brighton on 6-7th September
# 18:24 rosa sorry I was cooking at the same time!
# 18:24 tantek no problem! there's often multitasking / multithreaded conversations in this channel :)
# 18:25 rosa soo what do I need to do? Do I just sign up on Lanyrd?
# 18:26 ben_thatmustbeme rosa, its great to have you on board though. I am exceited to go to my first indiewebcamp in a month or so
# 18:26 tantek realizes we can ask humans and not the bot by asking "what's" rather than "what is"
wolftune joined the channel
# 18:27 tantek rosa, to sign-up, if you have your own website already, we can help you do that right now!
# 18:27 rosa ah I do have a website it is a bit basic! www.techfox.co.uk
# 18:28 tantek and don't worry about needing some guidance, we all need some of that, and we all help guide each other :)
# 18:30 rosa what kind of stuff will we be doing? I have a blog on wordpress which I want to move over... and trying to make an app which I could use to post projects and stuff i'm working on... would I be building something like that? or are there set tasks or something?
# 18:30 KartikPrabhu rosa: those sound ideal for indiewebcamp. It is quite free form but you seem to have more of a plan that I did!
# 18:30 tantek we will be doing a day of discussion sessions (BarCamp style), and then a day of hack sessions, and for both days the focus is on any aspect of improving your own site that *you* want to focus on
# 18:31 tantek of course if you're looking for suggestions to work on, there's plenty to draw from
# 18:33 ben_thatmustbeme rosa, personally i have been trying to get as much done before IWC as I can so I can get help with the harder stuff. It will also give me the ability to help get others started. Everyone is different
# 18:34 rosa ah ok great :) I will be able to bring something to work on then :) sounds like it will be really good... I will probably push it to Heroku first and then change my domain over to it once its done... can I still just use my current domain to register?
# 18:34 tantek I see that you have a Twitter link on your contact page
# 18:35 tantek so I'm going to assume you don't want a visible Twitter link on your home page, is that correct?
# 18:39 rosa cool ok :) should I just sign up as a creator?
arlen joined the channel
# 18:44 tantek.com edited /2014/UK (+8) "/* Organizers */ adding myself as co-organizer since I'm creating the Lanyrd and tweeting about it from IndieWebCampUK" (
view diff )
irdan joined the channel
gRegor` joined the channel
# 18:49 rosa thanks checking it out now
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# 18:56 rosa ah ok so it seems like I need to change the links to social media on my website to have rel="me" in the links... and then it should authorise?
# 18:56 rosa I will have to do it tomorrow I think... friend is coming over soon
# 18:56 tantek rosa - yes - though the links need to be on your home page
# 18:57 tantek however, if you don't want them visible, you can add it using <link rel=me href=…> in the <head>
# 18:57 tantek just realized that the hashtag for an event on Lanyrd is what causes its Lanyrd slug
# 18:57 tantek rosa, for example you could add this to your home page <head> :
# 18:58 rosa ooh ok yeah I don't want them to be visible on the home page, thanks will put into the head
# 18:58 tantek <link rel="me" href="https://twitter.com/rosaemerald">
paulcp joined the channel
# 19:16 rosa cool thanks I will check it out. Aw thanks! I need to write something else soon... trying to do once a fortnight but time has dissapeared this week!
# 19:17 tantek were you able to sign-in once you added that <link> tag?
# 19:20 rosa aw yeah Codebar is awesome, come check it out sometime... it is every other tuesday
# 19:20 rosa soon to be every tuesday
# 19:21 tantek oh kevinmarks, did you see above? "techlifeweb: tantek: thanks...not done yet. Hit publish by mistake lol"
# 19:21 tantek poor guy, now you've sent the herds his way ;)
# 19:21 rosa I haven't tried adding the rel="me" thing yet I will so it tomorrow my friend was meant to get here at 8 so I could probably have done it by now! but they are late lol I will let you know if it for some reason doesn't work
# 19:22 tantek rosa - yes! go ahead and add it and try signing-in - it will take you less than a minute :)
# 19:24 tantek rosa, definitely feel free to ask any questions about any issues or difficulties with signing in etc.
# 19:24 tantek or even anything which seems confusing - it's all an indieweb work in progress, so there are no bad questions.
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# 19:33 snarfed i wonder if this is another case of twitter's search occasionally missing results
# 19:38 KevinMarks Hm, the in-page links to the poem aren't working on Chrome Android
# 19:38 snarfed yeah, known issue with twitter's search api. :( sorry
# 19:45 snarfed check the format again. for /comment you need two tweet ids, first the original then the reply
# 19:46 tantek Anyone here posting recipes on their own site?
# 19:47 KevinMarks_ was chatting to benwerd about recipe blogging, and realised that the widespread hrecipe markup coudl amke for nice previews
# 19:51 tantek KevinMarks: last time I asked benwerd, reply-contexts were not very high on his priority list
# 19:51 tantek for any kinds of replies, nevermind replies to recipes in particular
# 19:54 snarfed jonnybarnes: yeah it does that in a few places, i think including tweet rendering
wolftune joined the channel
# 19:55 snarfed jonnybarnes: twitter uses a t.co link inside the tweet content there. bridgy resolves it and replaces it with the real url. final resolved urls are always nicer, when possible, and when rendered nicely
# 19:56 bret im not sure how I can do reply context other than the basics in-reply-to. seems complicated
# 19:56 jonnybarnes snarfed: and by rendered nicely do you mean ellipsizing the displayed url?
# 19:56 tantek unwinds his stack back to editing his upcoming events on his home page by hand.
# 19:57 tantek just work on adding one small piece at a time
# 19:58 KevinMarks_ hordes I sent to techweblife's post: 4 (thanks twitter analytics)
# 20:09 bret TIL images on webpages look terrible on high res macs
paulcp joined the channel
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# 20:33 bret sorry walking from room to room. at debconf14 :)
# 20:40 ben_thatmustbeme can't get all the kinks out of this code, but my idea was to try basically #id#start#end
# 20:40 ben_thatmustbeme and if id is blank and end isn't given you end up at the original implementation of ##some+text
# 20:41 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: the UX of trying to link to a particular ID is so bad I wouldn't design for that
# 20:41 tantek that's why I instead went down the path of from … to
# 20:42 ben_thatmustbeme well i figure it makes sense for 1 implementation that way though, just leave off the ID all the time
# 20:42 ben_thatmustbeme it still distinguishes between ID vs fragmention, and defines a case if you give both
# 20:45 KartikPrabhu ben_thatmustbeme: what is the need to distinguish ID and fragmention?
# 20:51 Loqi Ok, I'll tell her that when I see her next
# 20:52 tantek updated his static upcoming events box in the footer of his home page, and then noticed he needed to update his "Currently Working On" column too. Now all updated and live. Time for lunch.
# 20:55 tantek thankfully has no such section to update (at least on his website)
# 20:56 tantek oh that appears to be down - sorry twitter api broke it
# 21:17 KevinMarks I think id's become a fallback case for fragmentions, if that's not too megalomaniacal
# 21:18 KevinMarks Happy to give them precedence if found first, to not change existing link behaviour
# 21:19 tantek KevinMarks: I'd doubt that browsers would want to make that big of a likely breaking change
# 21:19 tantek to treat ids as a fallback case for fragmentions
# 21:20 tantek nothing to do with megalomaniacal or not, has to do with perception of it being too big of a change to risk breaking tons of existing sites
# 21:20 tantek I'd say it's not worth exploring options that are likely to be non-starters to browsers
# 21:20 tantek so you don't mind that fragmentions of single words becomes - fragile?
# 21:22 KevinMarks_ This is why I want to explore the 'highlight the words I linked" case
# 21:23 KevinMarks_ the scrollto code should still do the containment stuff for context
tecgirl, lewiscowper, ShaneHud_, snarfed, wolftune, GWG and eliemichel joined the channel
# 23:46 kylewm hey cool, Known is in the list of apps nominated to be ported to Sandstorm.io
tantek joined the channel