2014-08-29 UTC
# 00:01 snarfed anyone else seen gradual degradation in twitter api's availability over the last few weeks?
# 00:01 snarfed used to be only ~.2% of bridgy's twitter polls would time out on an api call (avg 2-10 calls per poll)
# 00:03 snarfed !tell gRegor` i suspect your bridgy access token has lost the write permission (somehow). try disabling and re-enabling publish?
# 00:03 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 00:03 snarfed KevinMarks_: heh. it started ramping up weeks ago though
dariusdunlap_ joined the channel
# 00:13 kylewm snarfed: re Publish to Wordpress comments -- are there three separate ways to receive comments in wordpress wp.com, jetpack, and plain old comment form comments (is that what you have?)
# 00:14 kylewm that is, I think the three ways to receive comments are: {wp.com, jetpack, comment form}
# 00:14 snarfed kylewm: kind of. they're not disjoint, more like extensions of the built in comment feature
# 00:15 snarfed kylewm: oh, you mean, how to create them programmatically? in that case, wp.com and jetpack are the same: both handle the REST API
# 00:17 kylewm ah ok, so I think those were the two separate issues tantek was asking about -- comment form vs. jetpack/wp.com
# 00:18 snarfed hmm, maybe. i definitely interpreted it differently. meh, no matter!
# 00:55 aaronpk I thought about doing my short URLs that way. I will probably archive some of my shortURL domains that way when I stop using them to make new links
# 00:56 aaronpk I like your trick of autogenerating new codes on requests for starter.txt
# 00:57 bear I use a variation of that method for my nginx configs to rewrite my old blog urls to the new domain - I was thinking of doing that for a shortener and now I see you have proved it would be useful
# 00:57 lucasgonze it only works if the .htaccess generated by the script is not the .htaccess aliasing the script
# 00:58 bear my method involved creating a custom *.conf file that is included into nginx - the benefit of .htaccess is that it doesn't require a restart of the web server
# 01:00 lucasgonze if there's a nginx-friendly syntax for the starter.txt output, it would be good to make a generator
# 01:01 lucasgonze not hard at all to create nginx-starter.txt, once I know the rule file to generate
# 01:06 bear you can s/permanent/redirect/ to change it from a 301 to a 302
# 01:06 bear the list of rewrite lines would go into a seperate file and then just included into the location / {} block for the subdomain
gRegor` joined the channel
# 01:17 gRegor` KartikPrabhu: Forgot to bring it up last night, but I'm going to move next HWC back to 1900
scor joined the channel
# 01:17 Loqi gRegor`: snarfed left you a message 1 hour, 14 minutes ago: i suspect your bridgy access token has lost the write permission (somehow). try disabling and re-enabling publish?
# 01:18 gRegor` wonders if we're nearing time for separate h-events
wolftune and willnorris joined the channel
# 01:48 willnorris aaronpk: I see that indiewebcamp.com does serve https traffic, but it’s not the default. Is that just an experiment, or can we rely on that sticking around?
basal, cmhobbs, j12t, KevinMarks_, paulcp, j12t_ and saurik joined the channel
yakker, paulcp, fmarier, wolftune, j12t and willnorris joined the channel
# 04:42 acegiak_ is there a wiki page discussing @tags? i cant find it
# 04:55 acegiak cause at the moment i use a person's twitter @tag as the text of a link to their url
# 04:56 acegiak im using my wordpress blogroll as a contact list at the moment so maybe ineed to use that
# 04:57 acegiak at some point im gonna have to take all the code ive hacked on the microblogposter plugin nd refactor it into my own plugin
# 04:57 acegiak i just hate trying to write stuff to do with oauth
# 04:59 acegiak on the plus side my wordpress posting kupfer plugin is kicking ass
yakker joined the channel
# 05:21 acegiak KartikPrabhu: it's a launcher like synapse or gnome-do
# 05:22 acegiak I justreally wanted a way to post things to my blog from my desktop without having to open a browser window and the wordpress dashboard
wolftune, tantek, fofr, jancborchardt__, CaptainCalliope and glennjones joined the channel
# 06:46 tantek !tell benwerd that's a great article from 2006!
# 06:46 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
colintedford joined the channel
# 06:56 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 06:57 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
ShaneHudson joined the channel
# 07:05 JonathanNeal KartikPrabhu: While I have every confidence in my own team, I fear the higher ups at the university may begin blocking access to the fragmentions project. Have you pulled to your own fork recently?
# 07:05 KartikPrabhu neuro`: very nice post indeed... I was meaning to write one similar in spirit maybe soon
# 07:06 JonathanNeal It would be a good idea. There was some uncommunicated shutdown of access. After I’ve pulled the latest myself, I’ll email them about it.
# 07:10 colintedford JonathanNeal: Thanks. Hopefully someone with the skills to make something more finished out of it can do so.
# 07:11 JonathanNeal Fusing the quotes and the link icon might be work experimenting in your design, colintedford.
# 07:13 colintedford JonathanNeal: I'll mess around with it later; that had crossed my mind but one very brief experiment with it didn't pan out.
# 07:14 neuro` tantek: KartikPrabhu thank you. I'm blushing even more now.
# 07:14 colintedford kylewm: Every time you use a fragmention you can imagine King Kai delivering it or speaking it :)
# 07:16 KartikPrabhu it s based on the link icons from Entypo so that version would have to be CC-SA . If a more liberal license is needed I can make one from scratch. I also haz SVG version ;)
# 07:18 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: just so understand, the people at Chapman U can block access to fragmentions by changing the license?
# 07:19 JonathanNeal KartikPrabhu: I’m more concerned with them removing the repository before we pulled the latest changes, if they somehow deemed it unfit.
# 07:21 JonathanNeal The team I worked with was incredible, but I never really fit in with the institutional infrastructure or culture there. In my last few weeks, they really started tightening things down, restricting access, etc.
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 07:21 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
# 07:23 JonathanNeal Yes, and this one was no exception. I hope I’m unfounded in my concern, but better to be safe.
# 07:24 JonathanNeal Sure, I’d love to discuss it further. Shall we move it to #indiechat or another room?
# 07:33 KartikPrabhu oh the behaviour there ^ is of fragmentions.js right? not of fragmentions in general...
# 07:34 KartikPrabhu for instance some other code could choose to highlight just the phrase and not the "closest element"
# 08:04 acegiak yaay! got my twitter posse to @tag people wi their twitter handle when I @tag htem in an indieweb post if I have it in my system
# 08:05 acegiak using a json object in the link notes field in my blogroll
eschnou and friedcell joined the channel
# 08:18 acegiak is trying to work out the simplest way to mark the imagemap locations for peopletagging an image
krendil, ShaneHudson and Sebastien-L joined the channel
# 08:52 acegiak does <div class="h-photo"><img class="u-photo" src="blah" usemap="#map10"><map name="map10"><area shape="circle" coords="124,58,8" class="microcard h-card u-url" href="http://acegiak.net" alt="acegiak"></map></div> make sense?
# 08:53 eliemichel an h-card inside a h-photo?
# 08:54 acegiak trying to work out an ok way to mark up people being in photos
# 08:55 eliemichel I'm still not an h-expert, can't say ;)
# 09:03 eliemichel but for identifying people on a picture I think it makes sens
# 09:05 acegiak I think it's kinda annoying hta the image points to the id of the map not the other way around
# 09:12 ShaneHudson acegiak: Heh yeah that is a bit odd, but I think it is so that maps can be used for multiple elements?
ben_thatmustbeme, sandro, aranasaurus, michel_v, yakker and danfowler joined the channel
KevinMarks__, Phyks, hober, reidab, bear and edrex joined the channel
KevinMarks, aaronpk_, Jeena_, markmhx, muhh_, PMurphs_, rknLA_, jacus, hmans, kylewm_, ngoldman_, amblin_, b0bg0d_____, jden_, Phaw, kronda_, annevk_, iboxifoo_, hugoroyd_, Garbee_, piney, rschulman_ and arlen_ joined the channel
# 10:05 eliemichel acegiak: Do you know whether it exists a list of tricky uses of h-entries such as your picture identifying method?
# 10:07 acegiak eliemichel: i don't know. i think a h-entry can contain multiple photos
GWG- joined the channel
# 10:09 eliemichel no, I mean a place somewhere in the wiki that referes every possible use of h-entries
# 10:09 eliemichel that are not exactly official
# 10:09 eliemichel but used by some people
donpdonp and hugoroyd joined the channel
# 10:20 eliemichel there is no "trick-list"
# 10:20 eliemichel the usual way of using it is well described
# 10:20 eliemichel but there is nothing about little hacks
# 10:21 eliemichel that could eventually be shared and used by many people
# 10:21 eliemichel like your pict-id
dysfun_, natronics1, eliemich1l, barnabywalters and XgFgX joined the channel
# 10:31 barnabywalters acegiak: interesting use of the <map> element for people-tagging! it makes a lot of markup sense, but can map regions be styled? sure they can be clicked but beyond that I’m not sure they can be used for UI-parity with existing silos
bitraten, Garbee_, mattl_, danfowle1, protman_, finchd, bigbluehat_, bret, swartwulf, jancborchardt__, adactio and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 11:12 indie-visitor Hi I am very keen on attending Indie Web Camp 2014 in Brighton but I fall under the apprentice category and need a Creator, if anyone would be kind enough to tolerate me you can find me at chris@digitalbliss.uk.com thx!
barnabywalters1 joined the channel
# 11:18 barnabywalters1 (had to change nicknames due to IRC client problems)
# 11:18 barnabywalters1 is digitalbliss.uk.com your personal site?
muhh, the_merlin, Leeky, binbasti, jlsuttles, hadleybeeman, teknotus_, mdik_, eliemich1l, tallpaul, squeakytoy, eschnou, etymancer and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 12:11 indie-visitor hi barnaby yes it is
# 12:13 barnabywalters1 indie-visitor: cool! well I’ll add you to the RSVP list. Also, if you can edit your site and have a twitter/github/etc account you only need to add one link to be able to log in yourself
# 12:14 indie-visitor great! what do I need to do?
# 12:16 barnabywalters1 also, in IRC you can change your name by typing /nick yournewname
aranasaurus and jacus joined the channel
# 12:19 barnabywalters1 huh apparently that doesn’t work in irc?beta
# 12:25 indie-visitor Thanks Barnaby! Will go through the setup now.
tallpaul, hidgw, amblin and Sebastien-L joined the channel
scor joined the channel
# 13:23 acegiak barnaby: yeah i was thinking that it would be better to have some simpler markup and do the fancy ui stuff with js
verdi_ joined the channel
# 13:24 acegiak but i couldnt think of an elegant way to express the locations of the people in the picture
GWG joined the channel
# 13:40 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
barnabywalters joined the channel
# 14:18 glennjones Added NPL time parsing for fun, try “meeting @test today at 16:30” make sure you add 2014-08-29 into publisheddate
# 14:23 barnabywalters listing which datetime segments are implied is SUPER useful — might be an idea to add timezone to the datetime info too — e.g. in this example the timezone is implied
# 14:30 glennjones Looks like I need to add a few more test to deal with time blocks spanning other marked-up text like usernames
ShaneHudson joined the channel
# 14:32 glennjones if you try “today at 16:15 EDT” you will see the timezone come into play
# 14:33 glennjones Or switch the publishdate to full iso date like 2014-08-29T00:00:00-04:00
ben_thatmustbeme, friedcell, michel_v, jacus, pfefferle, ShaneHudson, piney and snarfed joined the channel
caseorganic and gRegor` joined the channel
caseorganic joined the channel
# 15:59 aaronpk holy cow that owntracks app is extremely thorough
# 16:02 ben_thatmustbeme the newsletter should be pretty interesting this week given all the emoji pages created
# 16:15 ben_thatmustbeme huh transmat.io could become very useful service if I do parse out h-cards as I would like to
paulcp, squeakytoy, KevinMarks, caseorganic, j12t, colintedford, colintedford_, colin_tedford, wolftune, tecgirl, tantek and ShaneHudson joined the channel
# 17:25 tommorris I've been noodling around today with large-scale data processing of OSM data.
# 17:26 tommorris Extracting the POI subset from the whole planet file took 52m on my laptop. ;-)
# 17:27 KevinMarks__ (they had a long chat about federation and diaspora adn tent on TWiG this week)
# 17:29 tommorris Well, I was running it on the server but then realised that the test runs were so quick that I didn't need to bother. ;-)
jgarber joined the channel
# 17:41 tantek "Post Thumbnail, now Featured Image, is an image that is chosen as the representative image for Posts, Pages or Custom Post Types. The display of this image is up to the theme. This is especially useful for "magazine-style" themes where each post has an image. "
# 17:43 KevinMarks__ they didn't mention monoculture explicitly, which is why I pinged them to go on and explain
# 17:43 tantek it's funny, the monoculture pattern replicates so often and regularly, how could they not see it?
# 17:44 tommorris If everyone just uses the [software|protocol] I've come up with, it'll all be fixed!
tecgirl1 joined the channel
# 17:48 tantek KevinMarks: and yet they didn't see the pattern, from identica, to diaspora, to tent?!?
tecgirl1 joined the channel
# 17:49 aaronpk and is easily overpowered by the marketing/promo language around the product
# 17:49 tantek I just kind of assumed any old tech person had developed a marketing/promo-language-filter.
# 17:50 tantek KevinMarks: even email is failing as that, as in practice more and more folks are switching to hosted email by a large provider like gmail
# 17:51 tantek aaronpk true! irc is like diaspora in that regard. lots of little pods (servers), who don't talk with each other.
tecgirl joined the channel
# 17:52 aaronpk the "federation" people talk about is how there's a bunch of freenode servers rather than a single freenode server, but it's not like anyone can set up a server to join the pool
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 17:52 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
# 17:52 tommorris it's a silo, but emoj.li is now running. it's like Yo, but your username is an emoji, and you can only send emojis to others.
# 17:52 tantek aaronpk - that's not federation, that's merely horizontally distributed computing.
# 17:53 aaronpk that's why irc is not a good example of a federated system
# 17:53 indie-visitor Hello, I'm looking to rent a IRC service to have a bot 24/7 in the channel I registered
# 17:53 tantek tommorris: my user name is pen & pencil (the emojis aren't too readable in IRC)
# 17:54 tantek how did you register a channel as indie-visitor?
# 17:54 tommorris tantek: do post them in IRC so I can copy-paste them on the iPhone. ;-)
# 17:54 indie-visitor Am I in the wrong place?
# 17:55 indie-visitor I did register it with another nick
# 17:56 indie-visitor my nick is: alfacent
# 17:56 indie-visitor just a sec
# 17:56 tantek aaronpk, pen & pencil are right next to each other on iOS's emoji keyboard
alfacent joined the channel
# 17:57 alfacent So, can you help me with that?
# 17:57 alfacent Yes, I want it to be 24/7 on the channel
# 17:58 alfacent And do thinks like posting every new post/link from a specific subreddit. They have a rss feed for that
# 17:59 alfacent Also let users know of any tweets that contain specific words
# 18:00 alfacent (from twitter into my channel)
# 18:01 alfacent Can you help me out with this?
# 18:01 tantek alfacent - why not aggregate all that to your own website instead? much more usable/visible/searchable
# 18:02 donpdonp alfacent: an irc channel dedicated to irc bots might be more helpful
# 18:02 alfacent do you know of any such channel?
# 18:03 tantek your asking that question demonstrates that it's hard to search for/in IRC channels and thus discovery is difficult (as you demonstrated).
# 18:03 tantek whereas searching for indieweb sites is much easier
# 18:03 tantek assuming you want to build a community around your specific subreddit
# 18:05 alfacent right now I just want to get started with a bot to make this IRC channel more cool
# 18:05 alfacent I don't want to have a website at this moment
# 18:06 tantek but what if one already exists that is cool? do you want to duplicate the work?
# 18:07 alfacent You are making my life difficult. I just want a bot in my IRC channel.
# 18:08 alfacent it seems IRC bots is not your field of expertise. Am I right?
# 18:13 tantek alfacent I am merely asking questions. If you know the answers it should not make your life difficult.
# 18:14 tantek Why do you want your own IRC channel for a specific subreddit?
# 18:16 tantek better to have a community for a specific topic
# 18:16 neuro` tantek: agree with your point about how difficult it is to search a IRC channel history. Tech companies have been struggling with that for ages (and are still)
# 18:16 alfacent For people interested on that subreddit to get to know each other on IRC
# 18:17 aaronpk alfacent: this channel is about the http://indiewebcamp.com community, and while we do use IRC and have bots, you will probably get better help from a channel dedicated to people making IRC bots.
# 18:17 tantek alfacent - better to start with a website so that people interested in that topic can more easily find it! since IRC channels are so hard to find - as you demonstrated with your questions about IRC channels for bots.
# 18:17 tantek if any such channels exist - good luck with your search!
# 18:17 aaronpk also search around github as there are lots of IRC bot frameworks you can use
# 18:19 tantek the WP community now calls them "Featured Images"
# 18:20 tantek and many online media/news sites have featured video accompanying an article *instead* of featured image
# 18:21 tantek and aaronpk, the biggest example, to which you yourself have contributed to - Twitter Cards
caseorganic joined the channel
# 18:25 neuro` Twitter Cards provide a great case study of featured content, with markup, rules etc...
# 18:27 tantek and how it is far too easy to overdesign metadata
# 18:31 neuro` The worst part of it is that you nede to provide metadata for Twitter, Facebook and G+ repeating the same thing 3 times
# 18:32 tantek neuro`: or you reject them all and help create an open standard
# 18:34 tantek instead of Dr. Seuss metacrap like "twitter:label1" and "twitter:label2"
# 18:34 neuro` tantek: definitely agree with you (even though I'm using them for pure ego marketing presented as user experience)
# 18:36 neuro` BTW, the variety of Twitter card is a self resignition of how they failed at analyzing the data by themselves.
crossdiver joined the channel
# 18:43 bear I need to find a mozillian to "sponsor" me again once mozillians.org resets
# 18:45 tantek KevinMarks__: perhaps tweet at them about it, ironically ;)
# 18:45 KevinMarks__ they did start a bit simpler, a lot of these types have been bodged on
# 18:45 Loqi tantek meant to say: bear I believe I have that ability
# 18:45 bear tantek - nice, i'll give you a polite poke when the deadline passes \o/
# 18:45 tantek KevinMarks__: they could have started with merely a u-featured URL for example
# 18:46 neuro` tantek: they could, but I believe they need that much data to help display ads.
# 18:47 KevinMarks__ they could have started with allow us to attach metadata and seeing what we converged on
# 18:47 tantek neuro`: I'm saying for 80 (90?) % of use-cases, all the other information can be derived from existing data
# 18:47 tantek KevinMarks__: hahaha yeah. Then rohit and I scared them with colorized tweets ;)
# 18:48 neuro` tantek: sure, but why spending time and resources processing the data when you can have people format them for you for free?
# 18:48 tantek they didn't expect anyone would fit an entire style sheet into 255 bytes ;)
# 18:48 KevinMarks__ so if I'm doing a fragmentionsession at mozfest, we will need a firefox plugin...
# 18:48 neuro` Colorized tweets? You mean like people using colors on IRC? Scary.
# 18:49 tantek KevinMarks__: yes! what are the existing browser plugins?
eschnou joined the channel
# 18:53 tantek neuro`: YES. I figured out a way to compress a style sheet, including rules, for styling chunks of the text in a tweet, into 256 bytes (or was it 512)
# 18:53 tantek KevinMarks: perhaps make a #lazyweb request for the #firefox add-on equivalent of that chrome extension?
# 18:55 tantek aaronpk I called them TSS - tweet style sheets
# 18:56 aaronpk KevinMarks__: I think webmention.com was registered way before we were doing webmentions
# 18:59 KevinMarks__ i have fragmention.com and org, but maybe i should get fragmentions.com too
# 19:03 KartikPrabhu tantek: featured image is good. but that is still different sounding than representative image
# 19:05 KevinMarks__ well, they make sense in different contexts - the splash image behind the top so you look like medium and every damn other site, and the image that is shown by sites linking to you
# 19:07 tantek KartikPrabhu: did you read the URL I pasted or the quote?
# 19:07 KevinMarks__ so is fragmention "Build and Teach the Web" or "Open Science and the Web" or "Open Data"
# 19:07 tantek it specifically referred to *representative image*
# 19:08 tantek note the evolution in terminology, likely due to experience from usage
# 19:08 tantek so let's learn from their experience and simply skip to the answer
# 19:09 tantek and rather than "featured image", drop the "image" and just use "featured"
# 19:09 bear notes he has webmention.co and webmention.me registered
# 19:09 tantek which would then allow for any of the kinds of objects/cards that Twitter bolluxed up with too much complexity
pauloppenheim joined the channel
# 19:10 aaronpk micropub.net redirects to indiewebcamp.com/micropub right now
# 19:10 bear aaronpk - yea, 2 beats after hitting enter I was like "d'oh!"
paulcp joined the channel
# 19:11 tantek otherwise I say for now we go with WordPress's experience from "thumbnail" and conceptually "representative image" to "featured image", and drop the "image" from the name because it isn't needed.
# 19:12 tantek thus a u-featured property, to link to an image (or video, or audio stream) that a "featured" piece of media for the post.
# 19:14 KartikPrabhu tantek: does the change in meaning of u-photo then only apply to h-entry or also h-card?
# 19:14 tantek KartikPrabhu: feel free to pick apart my "proof" analysis above that results in that conclusion ;)
# 19:14 KartikPrabhu but just featured sounds too broad... does not convey any meaning as to what can possibly go there
# 19:14 tantek KartikPrabhu: I'm not sure any change in meaning of u-photo is necessitated in the general case
# 19:15 aaronpk oh yeah there was a discussion of u-photo recently that I was supposed to chime in on but was AFK
# 19:16 tantek now we're onto how to re-address the previous use-case of " a representative photo or image for the entry"
# 19:17 tantek I figure sticking tweets in the logs makes them more findable in the future of web search
# 19:18 tantek KartikPrabhu: thought that part was particularly good for this channel :)
# 19:18 KevinMarks__ is that a good precedent? or are we better off explicitly distingusing the 'image to one side" and "image as focus" cases?
# 19:19 tantek brilliant! the internet archive captured the tweet styler prototype that Rohit and I hacked up !
# 19:21 tantek yes with just that little bit of CASSIS code, we demonstrated how trivial it was to arbitrarily style tweets in a handful of bytes in a single tweet annotation
pauloppenheim joined the channel
# 19:22 tantek we started with colorizing a "Hello world" tweet in two colors
# 19:22 aaronpk so what you're saying is you turned twitter into myspace
# 19:23 tantek and finished with showing how you could recreate the poster for the hackfest in a single tweet + TSS
# 19:23 tantek aaronpk, no we would have turned *every tweet* into a myspace
# 19:24 tantek the look of horror on ev's face was hilarious, and then we realized afterwards that we likely scared them into killing off twitter annotations
# 19:24 bear yea, I found that I had the others - completely forgot about them
yakker joined the channel
# 19:25 tantek because we'd gone the extra step of releasing TSS decoding as open source - so that *every* twitter client could trivially add support for displaying it (encoding was pretty trivial to)
# 19:25 tantek and once twitter clients supported colorized tweets, there would be no turning back
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 19:30 tantek ah, back when all my POSSE tweets had permashortlinks. those were the days. ;)
# 19:31 tantek KartikPrabhu: see above gigaom article I cited
# 19:34 tantek Rohit and really did not intend to kill them, seriously
# 19:34 tantek we just thought, hey, how much fun could we have with this? I mean, like really, how ridiculous a thing can we build that will be funny?
# 19:34 tantek we were cracking ourselves up with laughter most of the time we were coding it. I'm sure the other teams at the hackfest thought we were mad.
# 19:35 KartikPrabhu has anyone written a "New XYZ thing and what it means for the Web? Nothing. "
# 19:35 tantek I mean they did call it a "hackfest", so we thought, hey, that's an invitation to see how deep we can hack this thing >:D
# 19:40 tantek as in, they should have u-featured on them inside the h-entry on their permalink pages
# 19:43 aaronpk note that my reply looks like a reply to a text note, not a reply to a photo
mdik joined the channel
# 19:53 tantek ah, back when TwitterAPI was documented on *another* silo.
# 19:54 tantek "total size of bytes must be no more than 512 bytes" - plenty to cause plenty of trouble ;)
# 20:08 KartikPrabhu "Would love to start using annotations to add machine readable semantics to tweets. " seriously... what motivates people to do this?
gRegor` joined the channel
# 20:09 KartikPrabhu tantek: you seem to have more resources to start a Twitter Annotations page
# 20:10 tantek KartikPrabhu: I just did the searchings and provide a first-hand-perspective filter (since I was *there* when Annotations was announced at Chirp, and at the Annotation Hackfest)
# 20:10 tantek It would be better for another person to write the page, or at least start it, with those resources
# 20:24 tantek oh neat! I should get to iterating on what we got working at IndieWebCamp 2014
wolftune joined the channel
# 20:48 ben_thatmustbeme hmm, having some weird trouble signing in on an alternate page at the moment with my site
npdoty joined the channel
# 20:49 npdoty has anyone talked with Tumblr about the possibility of WebMention support?
# 20:50 npdoty it occurs to me that they already have this "notes" concept at the bottom of every post (their term for "reactions", which includes likes and reblogs and responses)
# 20:52 npdoty and it would be a pretty cool advocacy for having your own indie blog to say: hey, you can interact with your friends on Tumblr and your friends on Facebook and your friends on Twitter, all from the same place
scor joined the channel
# 20:53 npdoty and I could even imagine a kind of shim, where you set-up a Tumblr account and then Bridgy posts little pointers to your posts to a Tumblr account that interacts with other Tumblr accounts
snarfed joined the channel
# 20:56 snarfed npdoty: totally! sounds like a great feature. it's halfway there already, since it uses the tumblr API
# 21:01 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: that's ok and even great! variants welcome!
# 21:01 bear I for one welcome android-y examples ben_thatmustbeme
# 21:02 bear since I have zero design skills and will be borrowing heavily from it ;)
# 21:08 KevinMarks__ this fits the "apps with difernt modalities have differnt icons" idea
# 21:08 tantek aaronpk, ben_thatmustbeme contact URLs are not just "elsewhere" URLs
# 21:08 tantek not just take you to another profile where get distracted by another list of posts
# 21:09 tantek aaronpk - no, NONE of them are "real contact URLs"
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# 21:09 ben_thatmustbeme i wanted to put all my "digital card" in one place" i was thinking more as "contact list entry" not "contact me"
# 21:09 tantek *all* of them take you to another profile where get distracted by another list of posts
# 21:10 aaronpk SMS, email, call, AIM, fb message are all real contact URLs
# 21:10 tantek other profiles don't really - since they just provide another form of non-contact distraction
# 21:10 ben_thatmustbeme i need some way to divide the list. But i want to still have elsewhere links for people to connect me with other locations
# 21:11 ben_thatmustbeme i have both, but you are correct, doesn't make sense to have that behind white-list and the twitter link not
# 21:12 tantek similarly with FB - since you're already providing your FB id -
# 21:12 tantek and then from a UI perspective, providing profile links actually makes it *worse*
# 21:12 tantek since you're diluting contact links with non-contact links
# 21:13 tantek some of which don't even perform a contact function! so it becomes a guessing game as to which buttons actually "work" to contact you vs. read you
# 21:16 aaronpk "At the Toronto office of Edelman, the global public relations firm, managers created the “7-to-7” rule. Employees are strongly discouraged from emailing one another before 7 a.m. and after 7 p.m."
# 21:16 KevinMarks__ "They also start using phone calls and face-to-face chats to resolve issues quickly, so they don’t metastasize into email threads the length of “War and Peace.”"
# 21:19 aaronpk oh funny... that's actually Lin's favorite of benwerd's tweet that's showing that
# 21:21 snarfed (aaronpk, tantek, this is actually part of what you all have been advocating for: stricter interpretation of what's considered a direct reply/like vs just a mention :P)
# 21:22 snarfed aaronpk, assuming you're using pfefferle's wp plugins, i believe he always just renders "mentioned this" for mentions, no snippet
# 21:22 aaronpk well +1 from caseorganic then, she just made a comment to me about how weird it was that some of the tweets only say "mentioned"
# 21:22 aaronpk snarfed: there's several tweets that show the full tweet text and "via twitter.com" at the bottom
# 21:23 snarfed aaronpk: yes, i expect those were sent with u-reply or u-like-of, as opposed to just u-mention
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# 21:24 tantek snarfed, hence "possible … bug", as I figured I was likely just getting confused ;)
# 21:25 snarfed tantek: agreed! trying to get all the semantics right, for all cases, is complex and confusing.
# 21:26 snarfed this is also closely related to distinguishing posse from non-posse, like we've been discussing
# 21:33 tantek KevinMarks: re: that NYT email article, what if I told you I just did an experiment with waiting a week to read email? Forget 7-7 rule, about the the every 7 days rule?
# 21:34 tantek and I didn't miss that much, and the actionable things I did miss (expired) were not really a big loss.
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# 21:35 KevinMarks__ I kind of do that, in that I don't ever "process all" email but I let "important" ping my phone
# 21:37 tantek what happened to Brett Slatkin when he commented referencing POSSE on that winer post
# 21:38 tantek trying to get him to upload a screenshot of his comment to the indiewebcamp wiki
# 21:38 tantek and a real world example of why you should #ownyourcomments
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# 21:59 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
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# 22:25 aaronpk interesting, just noticed twitter disables the RT button when viewing a private account's tweets
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# 23:35 aaronpk I wasn't sure what you mean, then I read it, and holy cow
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