2014-09-01 UTC
rschulman_, JonathanNeal_, sdboyer_, wagle, benward___, crossdiver, jacus, snarfed, the_merlin, acegiak_, saurik_, finchd, PMurphs, bretolius, iboxifoo, halorgium_ and ozatomic_ joined the channel
# 00:22 acegiak_ GWG: I think I'm gonna do some javascript to automatically tick and untick the boxes for reply and repost in indieweb custom taxonomy
snarfed joined the channel
# 01:04 acegiak_ snarfed: hmm. it would be cool to get bookmarklets working with the indieweb custom taxonomy plugin
snarfed and galledallegator joined the channel
mko joined the channel
# 01:47 mko KevinMarks: Regarding /link-preview -- have you thought about just implementing a simple OEmbed provider that returns an iFrame or modified view of the page requested? I just finished implementing an OEmbed and OpenGraph Embed consumer for my site ( see https://mowens.com/notes/2014/08/20/1/ as an example ).
# 01:48 mko Next, I'm going to make an OEmbed Provider for my site that provides a Rich HTML response similar to that seen below that post.
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 02:59 kylewm how common are oembeds for content you'd link to, mko?
# 02:59 mko A handful of real-world examples from my entries: Twitter, Rd.io, YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Flickr
# 03:00 kylewm I like the sound of that. look forward to seeing more examples on your site
# 03:01 mko The rest I have an OpenGraph fallback for so if they contain OpenGraph data, it OEmbeds a Rich type that I construct on the server.
# 03:07 mko Those were the pages I was using to test various implementations. :-)
# 03:09 kylewm mko: wow! do you have to do some special coding for each provider?
# 03:09 mko snarfed: that was actually why I mentioned it to him, as being an OEmbed provider seems more useful, as it seems like a well-known and well-structured standard.
# 03:10 mko kylewm: Nope. I wrote one OEmbed Consumer and then added the definitions of those providers into my provider list.
# 03:11 mko On oembed.com you can find most, if not all, of the known OEmbed providers.
# 03:11 mko I did have to write custom code to convert OpenGraph data into a rich-type OEmbed, but that was pretty easy, too.
# 03:12 mko It's still pretty rudimentary, but for now it meets or surpasses most of Twitter.com / Facebook.com link-preview functionality.
# 03:13 mko The process of testing and validating providers is pretty fast. I figure if I wanted to add all of the known providers it would be a half day's work since some of them actually don't follow the rules set forth by OEmbed to the letter.
Nadreck joined the channel
Nadreck joined the channel
# 03:16 snarfed kylewm: not afaik; O is just a common prefix for "open" standards
# 03:17 snarfed mko: iirc people here have mixed feelings about oembed, esp the mf2 advocates, since they think you should use mf2 for everything
# 03:18 kylewm irc it that way too, was looking back at logs for confirmation
# 03:18 kylewm "tantek: oembed seems like extra work to support (as a publisher) when you can simply publish rich h-entry markup instead"
# 03:20 kylewm snarfed: what's the thing you say, "be lenient on what you'll accept and strict on what you publish"?
# 03:20 snarfed sure! definitely not me though. forgot the name, but it's an old school tech "law"
# 03:21 snarfed i interpret it as making sure you emit valid, well-formatted data, not necessarily that you harshly minimize the number of formats, but that's just me
colintedford joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 04:40 kylewm acegiak: totally up to you I think. if the thing you're citing is part of the post content, I think it's appropriate in the e-content. if it's more like a reply-context, that might be better outside
paulcp, wolftune, yakker, crossdiver, snarfed, tantek, Jihaisse, ShaneHudson, glennjones, alanpearce and Sebastien-L joined the channel
plieuse, krendil, adactio, fofr, barnabywalters, petermolnar and friedcell joined the channel
plieuse joined the channel
# 09:55 jonnybarnes ok, slightly more verbose response, it failed to send the webmention
# 10:00 jonnybarnes ok, so its defintely an error in my webmention endpoint discovery code
Kopfstein and petermolnar1 joined the channel
# 11:19 jonnybarnes barnabywalters: yes, not yor fault, I didnt think it would error the way it has.
# 11:20 jonnybarnes basically I have a line that checks if profile images are pbs.twimg.com links, and if so force them to be https links
# 11:20 jonnybarnes however, for non twitter mentions, I cache the profile image and serve it myself
# 11:21 jonnybarnes so my function that checks if a link is a pbs.twimg.com link is throwning an error because your profile image isnt technically a url
# 11:33 jonnybarnes it normally resolves my jmb.so links correctly to jonnybarnes.uk links
# 11:34 jonnybarnes i.e. when it makes a POST request the target is jonnybarnes.uk/notes/id
# 11:35 jonnybarnes but because it was getting 500 errors when resolving the inital jmb.so link from barnabywalters tweet it then tried sending POST with target jmb.so/t/id
plieuse and alanpearce joined the channel
# 12:27 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Sebastien-L and Erkan_Yilmaz joined the channel
pbeaulieu joined the channel
pfefferle joined the channel
# 13:10 barnabywalters jonnybarnes: you have php-mf2 available, right? it comes with a URL resolving function
# 13:14 barnabywalters the params should be the other way round, and really you should also be taking <base> elements into account, but yes
# 13:15 barnabywalters if so you can just do $mf->resolveUrl($relativeUrl) and it’ll take care of all that for you
# 13:17 jonnybarnes i dont have a parser object for the page, this is code being run from my new notes oage once ive put your url into the reply to field
# 13:17 barnabywalters well, if you want to do really reliable relative URL resolution then you coul just make a Mf2\Parser document and use ->resolveUrl()
# 13:30 jonnybarnes I'd still have to loop through the rels and match for `webmention` anyway
# 13:30 jonnybarnes I'd just be looping through an array instead of using DOMDocument directly
# 13:31 barnabywalters jonnybarnes: I’d do that, and no need to loop — just check for $rels[‘webmention’][0]
# 13:32 jonnybarnes and if someone only had <link rel="http://webmention.org/" href=" ">?
# 13:42 barnabywalters well it should never return a completely empty array — at the very least, an array with two empty arrays in
# 13:42 jonnybarnes current code: $mf2 = new \Mf2\Parser($html, $url); $rels = $mf2->parseRelsAndAlternates();
# 13:44 jonnybarnes basically, for some reason, php-mf2 doesnt get an actual html string from guzzle4
# 13:45 jonnybarnes not sure why, forcing the issue by tyecasting works, i,e, $html = (string) $response->getBody();
# 13:47 barnabywalters I added a string cast to php-mf2 to handle cases like that but I think they only cause ->toString() to be called if they’re syntatically inline, not in a different function
ngoldman_ and tommorris joined the channel
# 13:49 jonnybarnes so I think I have this working now barnabywalters, only issue being I have to look not into $rels, but into $rels[0]
irdan joined the channel
trailbureaucrat joined the channel
# 13:50 Loqi jonnybarnes meant to say: will the webmention array entry always be in $rels[0]?
# 13:52 barnabywalters the first array are plain rel values, the second is alternates as they have more information attached
# 13:52 barnabywalters the webmention endpoint should never be an alternate as well, so you can skip the second array
friedcell joined the channel
# 13:56 jonnybarnes well, theres more code prior to this checking the HTTP header values
# 13:58 jonnybarnes barnabywalters: can I not worry about wether or not they've used link's or a's, as long as either have rel="webmention" stuck in there php-mf2 should expode it in the rels array?
sebastien__ joined the channel
# 13:59 barnabywalters jonnybarnes: php-mf2 parses any element with href and rel attributes, so both <a> and <link> will work, as well as <area>
# 14:04 jonnybarnes yeah, I currently rel=author back to my homepage which has all my h-card info on it
# 14:15 jonnybarnes barnabywalters: who do you think is wrong here, shrwedness or my markup?
pfefferle_ joined the channel
# 16:03 GWG pfefferle: Do people ever cold call you off your site?
# 16:22 GWG I'm considering putting an expanded h-card up and concerned about marketers
gRegor`, yakker, wolftune, pbeaulieu and tecgirl joined the channel
tecgirl, snarfed and crossdiver joined the channel
# 17:42 Garbee GWG: I'd be more concerned about spam-bots reading phone numbers and then having automated systems call you non-stop. Or them taking it and adding it to a list to sell to telemarketers.
# 17:42 Garbee I don't think too many people (or even marketers directly) go around the web just looking for phone numbers to call.
# 17:46 bear I had to take mine down - got added to robocall lists
snarfed1 joined the channel
# 17:53 Jeena has someone here got the new Firefox Accounts server up and running? It seems very complicated to get it running with 5 or six deamons which have to run at the same time at different ports, etc.
snarfed joined the channel
# 18:17 GWG Garbee: I was told Robert Scoble has his number up online. I could call him and ask
# 18:18 GWG Garbee: Then I'd have to talk to Robert Scoble
# 18:18 Garbee Just make it quick.
# 18:18 ben_thatmustbeme anyone know if you can put a link to the h-card on the main page and how to mark that up?
# 18:19 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: Check the wiki...this is a hotly debated issue
alanpearce joined the channel
# 18:51 gRegor` Authorship is usually the use-case, though.
# 18:51 gRegor` There was some talk of abbreviated h-cards and linking to a full h-card. Not sure there's any examples of that yet, though.
ScruffyDan, snarfed, gRegor-phone and alanpearce joined the channel
# 19:22 KevinMarks I never want anyone to phone me so not publishing my number makes sense
alanpearce joined the channel
# 19:34 GWG KevinMarks, still stalled on my new h-card
alanpearce and friedcell joined the channel
# 19:50 ben_thatmustbeme to clarify, I have just started to clean up the microformats on my site. Currently it has h-card for each post which just has my name and photo
# 19:51 ben_thatmustbeme hmm, i have an author link in there, perhaps i should link that to my new h-card page
alanpearce joined the channel
# 20:04 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: I am working on a sidebar for it
# 20:12 ben_thatmustbeme once I have the admin pages for it done i plan to have it so I can group contacts and then select what contacts can see what info
# 20:17 GWG I just don't know what everyone should see.
alanpearce, barnabywalters, alanpear_ and krendil joined the channel
scor, alanpearce, barnabywalters, j12t, lukebrooker, ScruffyDan and bret_web joined the channel
fmarier and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
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