2014-09-02 UTC
mdik and pbeaulieu joined the channel
Nabil and lukebrooker joined the channel
lukebrooker and lukebrooker_ joined the channel
techlifeweb joined the channel
gRegor`, crossdiver, JonathanNeal and paultibbetts joined the channel
# 01:47 mko !tell kylewm Your site is 502'ing.
# 01:47 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
fmarier, KartikPrabhu, j12t and KartikPrabhu1 joined the channel
# 02:47 Loqi kylewm: mko left you a message 1 hour ago: Your site is 502'ing.
# 03:02 mko kylewm: No worries. Was starting my Like implementation and noticed your site was down while perusing Like examples.
# 03:08 kylewm KartikPrabhu: I'm still able to connect to google talk through pidgin
# 03:09 mko KartikPrabhu: And I'm on Google Talk (or "Hangouts") via Jabber on Adium.
wolftune, colintedford, crossdiver, KartikPrabhu, ScruffyDan, snarfed, irdan and tantek joined the channel
# 06:01 Loqi tantek meant to say: Loqi, any !tell messages?
tecgirl and friedcell joined the channel
glennjones, crossdiver, ShaneHudson, plieuse and alanpearce joined the channel
petermolnar, carlo_au, krendil and friedcell joined the channel
Sebastien-L and fofr joined the channel
# 09:32 petermolnar hi all, question about the upcoming UK event: I've over calculated my spare time a bit and it seems I could only join for Saturday. Would it be an issue if I cannot join on Sunday?
# 09:32 Loqi petermolnar: GWG left you a message on 8/15 at 12:25pm: I have a question for you about your full page cache plugin
# 09:33 petermolnar !tell GWG I was out for vacation, please poke me about wp-ffpc any time
# 09:33 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
alanpear_, wagle, friedcell and pbeaulieu joined the channel
# 10:40 tommorris petermolnar: nope, turning up for Saturday only is fine. ;-)
# 10:40 tommorris Hotel booked. And not only that, I also defrosted my freezer. I am beginning to suck less at life. ;-)
alanpearce, adactio, Sebastien-L, friedcell, squeakytoy, tantek, glennjones, scor and Nadreck joined the channel
# 12:39 tantek.com edited /https (+731) "/* Level 2 security */ added instructions for https-only just for your admin UI (e.g. with self-signed cert), which I first tested by deploying to my own site" (
view diff )
alanpearce and wolftune joined the channel
friedcell, ScruffyDan, Sebastien-L, barnabywalters, brianloveswords, adactio, mdik, eschnou and gRegor` joined the channel
# 15:06 Loqi GWG: petermolnar left you a message 5 hours, 33 minutes ago: I was out for vacation, please poke me about wp-ffpc any time
# 15:31 GWG petermolnar: Nice to have you back.
# 15:32 petermolnar I have no idea so far what's causing it, I'll definitely take a closer look
ShaneHudson joined the channel
# 15:42 barnabywalters just been improving the way shrewdness (and taproot/subscriptions) subscribes to non-PuSH-enabled content, to reduce server load (and load on my wallet)
# 15:45 barnabywalters kylewm: you’re not going to try to create a recursive subscription now are you?
# 15:45 petermolnar GWG so far I was not able to reproduce the draft saving issue with wp-ffpc, could you please give me a few more details about your wordpress setup & the backend?
# 15:45 GWG petermolnar: I also found it wasn't necessarily beating fastcgi_cache on a tmpfs in page serving
# 15:45 GWG petermolnar: But that is unrelated.
# 15:46 aaronpk I'm gonna have to set up the PuSH thing for the IRC logs again aren't i
# 15:47 petermolnar GWG: fastcgi_cache on a tmpfs is an insanely fast thing, as it is in-memory and nginx built-in thing, no network connection to anywhere, I do not expect a mere WP plugin to be faster than a C code :)
# 15:47 barnabywalters aaronpk: well by default I just fall back to superfeedr subscriptions, but I also encourage you to set up PuHS 0.4 (the new, good variety) and will help if I can
# 15:47 barnabywalters basically: add two link elements to the page, then send a HTTP request whenever the content updates
# 15:48 aaronpk barnabywalters: is there a hub we can use? or should I set one up
# 15:48 GWG petermolnar: I did want to test it though. I thought maybe direct nginx memcache serving could beat fastcgi serving
# 15:49 barnabywalters I’d like to write a PHP one though, in the same style as taproot/authentication or taproot/subscriptions so it can either be set up on it’s own or bolted onto an existing application
# 15:49 barnabywalters as taproot/authentication already serves double duty as indieauth client/resource provider
# 15:51 kylewm I was getting SSL errors from Superfeedr recently and disabled PuSH, need to try turning it back on...
# 15:51 barnabywalters Superfeedr’s been having a bunch of load balancer problems recently but they’re sorted now
Sebastien-L joined the channel
# 15:54 kylewm nice, looks like it worked. my favorite kind of bug
friedcell joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 15:57 kylewm barnabywalters: oh oops no, I turned push back on for kylewm.superfeedr.com. haven't seen anything come through for irc yet
# 15:57 barnabywalters I just resubscribed to a bunch of stuff with fragment subscriptions and am not sure if they’re working properly
# 15:58 kylewm ah interesting, IRC doesn't work becuase it sends plain-text when the user-agent is curl
# 15:58 aaronpk hm not sure I'm looking at the accept header. let me check.
npdoty joined the channel
# 16:02 barnabywalters kylewm: what resources on your site are PuSH-supported? ATOM feeds? I’m not seeing rel=self and rel=hub links on your HTML feed pages
# 16:03 kylewm thanks for pointing that out, I think rel=hub didn't make it into my new theme
# 16:05 barnabywalters so to make an arbitrary resource PuSH 0.4 enabled requires two <link> elements or HTTP headers: rel=self to the canonical URL of the current page, and rel=hub to the hub used for subscriptions
# 16:07 kylewm barnabywalters: and shrewdness will use those if the normal h-feeds have them?
# 16:07 tantek ooh - is someone here actually consuming PuSH updates?
# 16:07 barnabywalters yep, shrewdness will attempt to subscribe at the designated hub, falling back to using superfeedr’s polling service
# 16:08 tantek is there any indicator in the UI that it is seeing PuSH updates directly from the source (rather than superfeedr) ?
# 16:08 tantek i.e. I post PuSH notifications from tantek.com but ever since status.net went down I have no idea if anyone is consuming them
# 16:08 kylewm ok that's awesome, right now I'm only sending PuSH notifications for Atom feeds, but I will add the h-feeds in ASAP
# 16:09 barnabywalters tantek: your homepage doesn’t have link rel=self so doesn support PuSH 0.4 — it should be really easy to enable it though! just add the link element/header and send pings for your homepage
scor joined the channel
# 16:15 kylewm btw, an embarrassing thing is when you meet julien51, and ask him a question about PuSH and he asks which hub you are using and you say pubsubhubub.appspot.com
# 16:15 barnabywalters I would have thought he’d be happy about it — he genuinely cares about decentralisation
# 16:16 kylewm I mean he didn't flip over the table or anything
# 16:16 kylewm he just chuckled and said he couldn't help debug it then
# 16:17 kylewm or rather couldn't look at the logs to see why it wasn't pinging IFTTT immediately
# 16:24 tantek barnabywalters: that makes no sense as neither of those URLs are for real on my site
# 16:25 tantek I don't understand why tantek.com in particular needs a rel=self to *anything*
# 16:25 aaronpk no I mean if you wanted to get PuSH updates from the IRC logs
# 16:26 tantek I'm still trying to work out why barnabywalters is asking for a rel=self, and to where
# 16:26 aaronpk that's what I mean, is the rel=self useful for the IRC log use case?
# 16:28 tantek servers by default are supposed to ignore #fragment part of URLs
# 16:29 tantek still waits for a use-case that justifies rel=self in the specific example of tantek.com
# 16:30 aaronpk looks like Brad Fitzpatrick, Brett Slatkin, Julien, and I don't know M. Atkins
tecgirl joined the channel
# 16:31 aaronpk there's nothing in the spec indicating the motivations for the rel=self value
# 16:34 aaronpk "The most common issue is that subscriber tend to subscribe to a url
# 16:34 aaronpk that is not the "self" when feedburner only 'pings' the hub for the self
dysfun joined the channel
Sebastien-L joined the channel
# 16:36 tantek anyway I can see a need for rel=canonical if someone gets a fudged version of a URL with ?wtm_blah whatever track crap on the end
# 16:37 tantek but my point was if a subscriber subscribes to "tantek.com" then why does it need a rel=self to anywhere?
# 16:40 tantek hopes barnabywalters can help simplify PuSH 0.4 from the publisher perspective.
# 16:46 tantek yeah this seems like dumb spec think. if there's no rel=self, why not just use the URL that is given? what am I missing?
# 16:46 tantek why the extra work for no reason in the simple / default / obvious case that your home page is your feed?
# 16:46 aaronpk I'm trying to figure that out because at first glance it seems unneeded
# 16:46 aaronpk doesn't even need to be your home page, should just work with any URL
# 16:47 tantek sure. I mean even for that thread. on your home page there is no case-sensitivity issue because the domain name is case-insensitive!
# 16:47 tantek seriously tired of legacy spec over-engineering by architecture astronauts.
# 16:52 bear use of rel="self" is used in Atom only within the feed's xml - to help identify which of the many links are for the feed itself
# 16:53 bear it really doesn't have any atom specific use in html land
# 16:53 tantek bear my point is that it should be *optional* in PuSH
# 16:53 bear yep, just answering the atom piece :)
# 16:55 bear "According to the RSS Advisory Board's Best Practices Profile, identifying a feed's URL within the feed makes it more portable, self-contained, and easier to cache. For these reasons, a feed should contain an atom:link used for this purpose."
ShaneHudson and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 17:09 tantek should != must. thus implementations must NOT require rel=self from a publisher.
paulcp and paulcp_ joined the channel
# 17:15 bear I'm in complete agreement with you about rel=self being over-engineered cruft that we should actively disabuse folks from using
# 17:16 bear it's just process noise and needs to be hacked out of daily use IMO
paulcp and paulcp_ joined the channel
# 17:42 ben_thatmustbeme yeah, i tried to force weird situations. the original idea for start and end was that you could site exact phrases rather than it assuming the whole paragraph.
# 17:42 ben_thatmustbeme plus I figured with that format it falls back to ##something as a fragmention as previously defined
# 17:43 ben_thatmustbeme its just a blank ID (so search body tag) and no end text (so assume the entire parent entity)
npdoty, colintedford and jonathanfrei1 joined the channel
# 17:52 KartikPrabhu I am quite concerned about Firefox accepting the + symbol in the id without encoding. Can't seem to find a definitive spec for URL fragments
# 17:57 bear could the fragment be implied by what element the anchor is relative to?
# 17:58 bear hmm, thinking about it - probably not because fragments could be pulled from inside of a long <p> item
# 17:58 bear I was thinking like how folks use <span/> to isolate items within <p/>
# 17:59 KartikPrabhu bear: yes :) and that would the most useful case.... linking to deep inside a <p>
# 17:59 bear to avoid having to encode the start/stop in the url
tilgovi and hober joined the channel
pauloppenheim joined the channel
# 18:03 KevinMarks But I really can't see any case for combining with an id at all
bear and crossdiver joined the channel
# 18:12 tantek simpler is arguable (what is simple?) where as shorter is objective metric
paulcp joined the channel
# 18:13 ShaneHudson There may be a potential problem with the entire quote, especially if using a CMS. Not only do shorter work better but URLs do have a max char limit, which may be reached by accident with the entire quote
barnabywalters and gRegor` joined the channel
# 18:31 ShaneHudson As in wherefore..capulet to quote shakespeare? That would certainly make it shorter
mcepl, glennjones and smcgregor joined the channel
# 18:40 KevinMarks I'm thinking about quoting practice. I use ellipses in tweeted quotes all the time
dysfun joined the channel
# 18:42 KevinMarks There are conventions for this [] around rephrased words (usually replacing a pronoun with a noun), ellipses… for omitted words
verdi, ShaneHudson, caseorganic, eschnou, TimAbraldes and fmarier joined the channel
paulcp joined the channel
glennjones joined the channel
# 19:35 ben_thatmustbeme KevinMarks, I moved on from the ellipses in the fragmention because it could easily by in the text. i figure better to use something that should encoded in the URL, thus the #start#stop
# 19:36 ben_thatmustbeme the biggest issue i saw with using this type of fragmention is what happens if the start and stop are actually in different elements
# 19:36 barnabywalters aaronpk: did you get anywhere with your turn-any-resource-into-an-image thing?
KartikPrabhu and paulcp_ joined the channel
# 19:51 voxpelli @barnabywalters Perhaps Embed.ly if you don't want code to host yourself?
petermolnar, glennjones_ and scor joined the channel
# 20:29 bear otherwise it will be crowded when the nginx bits are added
# 20:31 ShaneHudson I need to sort out SSL on my site, I bought the cert for the wrong domain (my primary .co.uk instead of my website's .net)
krendil joined the channel
# 20:32 bear jonnybarnes - yes, that would be a great mention for https page
# 20:33 ShaneHudson Not sure I trust that... "Nice. shanehudson.net is using a certificate signed with SHA-256, a form of SHA-2.", shanehudson.net doesn't have a cert at all
# 20:34 bear ShaneHudson - your site is returning a cert for .co.uk
# 20:35 ShaneHudson bear, that's correct. Or do you mean it is returning .co.uk for .net?
# 20:36 ShaneHudson It shouldn't do that, since it isn't a wildcard (they cost a fortune)
# 20:36 ShaneHudson It returns but the URL is not valid (due to not using a wildcard), so chrome moans
# 20:37 ShaneHudson Explains why that site shows it as working though :) I think that can be classed as my fault! Cheers
# 20:37 bear yea, I checked on safari - it shows bad CN's cleaner
# 20:37 bear np - always glad to help debug ssl/site problems
snarfed joined the channel
# 20:45 snarfed tantek: yay https! made a minor tweak to the redirect language
# 20:48 tantek nor how to do it for just the admin page/path
# 20:48 tantek (shouldn't that be a SHOULD instead of a MAY?)
# 20:48 snarfed HSTS is just an HTTP response header, you can definitely set it on a per path basis
# 20:49 snarfed oh i see what you mean, since it applies to the domain…?
# 20:49 tantek this was specifically just for achieving Level 2
# 20:49 tantek I'm both unsure what setting HSTS *does* for your admin page, nor how to.
# 20:50 snarfed sure. i'm happy to drop the HSTS part. my main goal was to revise the language about leaking cookies, since the first request will often still leak credential cookies
# 20:50 snarfed we can instead say explicitly to mark the login cookies with the secure flag, to achieve the same goal
# 20:50 snarfed (should be obvious, but too many servers still don't)
# 20:51 snarfed iirc ";secure" at the end of the set-cookie header
# 20:52 bear +1 to having SHOULD for secure cookies
brianloveswords joined the channel
# 20:53 tantek interesting. now I'm curious how to do that in PHP
# 20:53 snarfed some frameworks/libs do it automatically if they can tell they're currently serving over https
# 20:54 tantek it's like I got the first two, and now the bar's been raised (to achieve the objective of preventing someone from sniffing / signing-in as me.)
# 20:56 bear i'm doing some session cookie tightening myself - making sure they are cleared for any bad calls, errors or mismatched anything really
# 20:57 tantek.com edited /https (+187) "/* Level 2 security */ numbered list, has a logical order of implementation, expand/explain why for #2 and #3" (
view diff )
friedcell, Aeyoun and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
barnabywalters and tilgovi joined the channel
# 21:48 pdurbin "our dedicated apps and API for third-party apps will be going away. Apps are great, but The Verge is a website"
barnabywalters joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
lukebrooker, grantmacken, KevinMarks and verdi joined the channel
# 22:37 tantek is still figuring out how to secure his cookies (not a euphemism).
# 22:37 tantek thinks it's too bad that Firesheep wasn't named "CookieMonster"
# 22:48 GWG I had a SPDY problem with my site when I tried turning it on
# 22:52 GWG snarfed would know how, as he runs Wordpress
# 22:55 tantek hmm that chain looks loose enough for someone to still sniff the cookies
sparverius joined the channel
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# 23:20 aaronpk !tell adactio I would like to paypal you ££ to cover coffee and/or other food for IndieWebCamp UK! We should talk!
# 23:20 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 23:25 tantek so first question about secure cookies, looks like I can inspect whether or not a cookie is secure in the Firefox preferences / Privacy / Cookies… button/dialog
# 23:26 tantek if it says "Send For: Any type of connection" that's not secure
# 23:26 tantek if it says "Send For: Encrypted connections only" presumably that's secure
# 23:26 tantek any cookie / security experts want to verify those assertions?
# 23:27 tantek checks his twitter.com cookies and sees that e.g. _twitter_sess shows "Send For: Encrypted connections only"
# 23:29 tantek looks for calls to setcookies and finds none.
# 23:30 Loqi tantek meant to say: looks for calls to setcookie and finds none.
# 23:33 aaronpk "session.cookie_secure specifies whether cookies should only be sent over secure connections. Defaults to off."
# 23:34 tantek I'm going to make the policy decision that relmeauth.php should require secure cookies by default.
# 23:34 rascul that would only secure the transmission of the cookie? i'm not really sure what "secure cookie" means
# 23:34 aaronpk it tells the browser not to send the cookie when making a regular http request, only if the request is https
# 23:35 KevinMarks_ what's the easy way of adding images? reference hem first then upload?
# 23:35 rascul nothing different about the cookie itself though?
# 23:35 tantek so the server doesn't e.g. send a session cookie
# 23:35 aaronpk I think it causes the server to add the ;secure flag to the cookie it send
# 23:36 tantek "and is only used via HTTPS" - makes me think it's only *sent* back via https
# 23:37 rascul tantek right after that "ensuring that the cookie is always encrypted when transmitting from client to server"
# 23:47 aaronpk it doesn't matter particularly where the width param is, it just needs to be in the format NNNpx
# 23:47 KevinMarks_ OK, just making sure it's width and not height - I have retina screengrabs so need to shrink 'em
# 23:56 tantek wonders what the best way is to set session.cookie_secure = 1 in PHP