2014-09-10 UTC
# 00:01 Phyks hi, I've been hanging around for a while, to remember to have a look at microformats and h-feeds and finally got some time to handle it.
# 00:02 Phyks I'm wondering about the implementation of h-feeds, as if I understood correctly, that only requires to add some classes on key elements in HTML (h-entry, and so on)
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# 00:02 Phyks but then would that mean that a feed agregator wanting to parse my feed would have to handle the full HTML of my blog and parse it to extract the relevant data ?
# 00:04 aaronpk Phyks: there is a well-defined parsing algorithm that takes the additional classes you add and returns a nice data structure
# 00:05 Phyks but I'm wondering how does it compares to parsing Atom feed directly
# 00:05 Phyks AFAIK, parsing HTML requires much more computation power and network bandwidth than a simple feed, no ?
# 00:06 aaronpk the difference in parsing HTML vs XML is so slight that in practice it really doesn't matter
# 00:06 aaronpk and HTML feeds tend to be smaller than Atom or RSS
# 00:06 Phyks (actually, I was wondering whether I should add this on the homepage, or create also a separate light page with only the necessary elements, ATOM-like)
# 00:06 gRegor` mf2 is a lot less finicky than XML, too
# 00:09 gRegor` I'd recommend the homepage. It maintains DRY and I've not heard of anyone having problems re: computation power/bandwidth
# 00:10 Phyks gRegor`: I'm not necessarily talking about real life problems, but unnecessary extra computation / slower loading on slow networks and so
# 00:11 Phyks actually, maybe it's a vision formatted by my habits with Atom/RSS, but it seems to me that using my homepage is definitely not optimized as up to half of the actual content can be really useful for the feed for instance
# 00:11 Phyks and I was wondering whether it was still the way to go, or I missed something
# 00:13 eliemichel In my opinion, h-feeds can't completely be machine-friendly as soon as they are human-readable
# 00:13 eliemichel humans do not want to read at the same time 50 articles
# 00:14 eliemichel but machines prefere that
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# 00:14 aaronpk not really. if you're polling for updates, you really don't want to get the last 50 articles every time
# 00:14 gRegor` Eh. "machines" can easily be made to make multiple requests to get up to X posts, if that's what they want
# 00:14 eliemichel well, if you want to automatically gather the whole articles of a blog, you should browse many pages if they are organised in a human-confortable way
# 00:15 Phyks aaronpk: as I see them, "feeds" and "syndication" is a machine to machine process, whereas HTML usually serves machine to human content. That may be why it seems strange to me.
# 00:15 eliemichel Maybe you don't want, but that seems to be what Phyks want
# 00:15 gRegor` Phyks: I think the pros outweigh the cons. Even if only half of the HTML on your homepage is mf2, the benefit of having one version of your data and not having to maintain an XML feed, is worth it.
# 00:15 eliemichel And that's what I was looking for some days ago
# 00:16 Phyks gRegor`: +1 for the non duplication of data
# 00:16 Phyks but still, it seems to me it is more human oriented that machine oriented
# 00:17 aaronpk yep, a common problem is that sites will update the human-readable version and forget to update the machine-readable version, leading to broken rss feeds
# 00:17 aaronpk so focusing on making the human-readable version also be machine-readable solves that
# 00:17 Phyks (ie machines do not care about readability, etc., the only matter is efficiency and low bandwith requirements)
# 00:18 eliemichel People that command machines care about what machines do
# 00:18 Phyks care in the sense of "requires no more than"
# 00:19 Phyks aaronpk: I feel like mf2 is taking the counterpart and prefers human readability on machine readability
# 00:19 gRegor` Phyks: What is the filesize of your homepage HTML vs its XML feed?
# 00:20 eliemichel gRegor`: What is interesting is the ratio of the size of the page and the amount of raw information
# 00:20 eliemichel (interesting for the machine I mean)
# 00:20 gRegor` php-mf2 uses xpath and has always seemed quite fast to me.
# 00:21 aaronpk I feel like most of these quesitons/arguments are already answered on the microformats wiki, anyone remember the page?
# 00:22 Phyks half of the info on my blogpage is useless for the feed
# 00:22 Phyks but still, the feed is a bit larger than the html file
# 00:23 snarfed also, if you're worrying about your web site's speed, html file size is pretty damn low on the list of things to optimize. *many* other things matter more.
# 00:23 gRegor` The pin13.net parser aaronpk referenced runs php-mf2, so feel free to test it out there
# 00:25 Phyks snarfed: not really worrying for my speed, but for the other speed. An increase of 10% of the size, would mean 10% more time to refresh the feeds, and that's a real problem for an agregator
# 00:25 snarfed Phyks: no, that's not the math. lots of stuff matter for network time and cpu time for processing. file size is only one (often small) factor for either
# 00:25 aaronpk I think even a 10% increase in time to process would not be a thing worth optimizing
# 00:26 snarfed design/write the simplest code possible until something is actually too slow. only then optimize
# 00:27 Phyks aaronpk: I'm working on a feed agregator right now, that's how I came across mf2, and reducing the refresh delay is a real pain. No need to increase it :)
# 00:27 Phyks (especially when I have to download more than 100 feeds each time :)
# 00:27 aaronpk aha! cool. well you're going to get a much bigger speed boost by being smarter about polling vs the (hypothetical) 10% increase in parsing time
# 00:28 Phyks yes, I know about polling, that is planned as well
# 00:28 aaronpk such as using PuSH to be proactively notified of new content
# 00:30 Phyks snarfed: I read a lot about PubSubHubbub, but did not come accross superfeeedr. But one of the main problems remains the implementation on server side…
# 00:31 Phyks (RSS / Atom already has some mechanisms to reduce polling, but they are barely used as far as I could see)
# 00:32 eliemichel My problem with h-feeds is that I have just no page where full articles are listed. On the home page I put only summaries. So to be able to get the full feed I would need to query each article-related page…
# 00:32 Phyks I display the date in a specific format, for instance dd/mm on my blog, so this means I should add an element with the full date and hide it in CSS ?
# 00:33 eliemichel no, you can use the <time> tag
# 00:34 eliemichel <time datetime="yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" class="dt-published">dd/mm</time>
# 00:34 Phyks eliemichel: ah true, I missed it in the example code, my bad
# 00:35 snarfed Phyks: sure. rss/atom still need polling. the point is that superfeedr does it for you, so you don't have to. (they amortize the polling across all of their clients.)
# 00:35 Phyks snarfed: yes, but that mean one more centralized service
# 00:35 Phyks I'm not in favor of feeburner… nor am I for superfeedr…
# 00:36 snarfed Phyks: ok. i'm not too interested in getting religious about decentralization, so i'll back away slowly now. P:
# 00:36 Phyks whereas ATOM/RSS polling reduction can be done on the client side
# 00:36 Phyks (for instance "check hourly" or "check everyday except weekend" or so)
tantek joined the channel
# 00:43 gRegor` Welcome back, tantek
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# 00:52 eliemichel (actually he's gone, it's about to be 3am here in France
# 00:53 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 01:03 kylewm it looks like aaronpk is POSSEing to known.kevinmarks.com
fmarier joined the channel
# 01:06 tantek kylewm - it looks like a duplicate event post - not sure what is going on there. aaronpk - what's the reasoning for two indie events for the same event? did you repost KevinMarks's indie event?
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# 01:35 eliemichel it's a nice way to discover FF addon system
# 01:36 eliemichel but it's 3:30a.m. now…
# 01:36 eliemichel so, good nite!
# 01:38 tantek kylewm: hmm - perhaps that's a protocol vulnerability we should explore?
# 01:38 tantek we shouldn't need to "be careful" about sending webmentions - since obviously anybody *could* be doing so (maliciously)
# 01:39 kylewm tantek: maybe, I think the right solution is for receivers to only process the first h-entry on a page
# 01:39 kylewm it was a bug in Known a couple months ago, probably fixed now
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# 01:44 kylewm tantek: sure! i have to vacate the office right now, but i will add tonight
# 02:23 KevinMarks Tantek that's a manual POSSE I think, not sure there is direct RSVP mapping yet
lukebrooker, KevinMarks__ and RichardLitt joined the channel
# 02:55 tantek KevinMarks: right, if you manually POSSE a FB event for your indie event, Bridgy will send RSVP webmentions from the FB event back to your original indie event
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# 03:27 KevinMarks Can bridgy understand that I have more than one indieweb site for a given Facebook account?
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# 04:17 kylewm KevinMarks: Bridgy will only search one domain for posse-post-discovery, but if your posse copy includes a link to the original it should still find it (i think)
# 04:18 KevinMarks So do I need to sign up with known.kevinmarks.com as well as kevinmarks.com?
# 04:19 kylewm nope, I don't even think you could if you wanted to
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# 04:33 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
# 04:55 kylewm KevinMarks: did you have benwerd set a CNAME for you for known.kevinmarks.com, or is there some way to do it without his intervention?
# 04:56 KevinMarks Other way round - I cname known.kevinmarks.com to domains.withknown.com and Ben does the hosting
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# 05:00 kylewm (for context, i'm watching my partner walk through the set up process)
# 05:07 kylewm amusing quote ... her: "oh there is some explanatory text for dumb people", me: "hey not everyone knows what a bookmarklet is", her: "all women do!"
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# 09:48 Phyks tantek___: thanks ! I'll add myself. My personal website is http://phyks.me as linked by eliemichel (content mostly in French and occasionally in English)
# 09:49 Phyks and yes, I went to sleep, it was 3am in France =)
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# 13:34 GWG !tell acegiak I see your Whisperfollow plugin uses the JSON API. I have an idea for using it to add a reply/like/etc endpoints to Indieweb Taxonomy
# 13:34 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 13:38 jonnybarnes hmm, that needs some dfn tags, but I've never added them myself before
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# 14:14 ShaneHudson What is the best way to test sending webmentions from site? I am not sure mine is working, it does work internally though
persand, Guest97536 and ShaneHudson joined the channel
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# 15:15 ben_thatmustbeme weird thing of bridgy i noticed this morning, it thought my linkedin account was my indie web page.
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# 15:42 ben_thatmustbeme just with the link or shortlink i can already pull up the post, its just the UI for the micropub page, and UI for syndication links being displayed
# 15:43 aaronpk what are your thoughts on whether that parameter should be "u" or "url"?
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# 15:48 GWG I am thinking about the demo from Sunday.
# 15:49 ben_thatmustbeme h-entry => h=entry, u-url => ? u=<some value> doesn't really fit the same scheme to me
# 15:49 GWG Replying seamlessly from someone else's site.
# 15:50 aaronpk the only danger with using >1-letter parameter names is that those names can't be used for the actual data in the request
# 15:51 ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk, i was trying to think of things that url= would be used for other than setting the URL for a new post. and that would actually line up perfectly
# 15:52 ben_thatmustbeme so url= would be the URL of the post, if it doesn't exist, the MP endpoint should create it with that URL (if it supports that), if it does exist, update it
# 15:54 aaronpk jonnybarnes: there was a demo that did not require micropub access for commenting
# 15:55 aaronpk I really want someone who worked on it to make a diagram explaining it
# 15:55 GWG I am trying to figure out how to add this to WordPress
# 15:55 voxpelli aaronpk: I'm here :) Just have been traveling around since the camp :P
# 15:56 kylewm GWG: do you have those sort of reply intent urls in wordpress?
# 15:57 GWG I have been working on the idea since Sunday.
# 15:58 GWG I am moving toward an idea of how to implement them.
# 15:59 GWG The next version of Wordpress will have a new JSON API
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# 16:01 GWG That is why I am reading and planning.
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# 16:23 aaronpk so if I want to be able to do that on my site, what do I need to add to aaronparecki.com?
# 16:23 aaronpk I think I need to add a page that does navigator.registerProtocolHandler?
# 16:23 aaronpk and the JS that does the window.parent.postMessage?
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# 16:29 voxpelli Barnaby decided to add the navigator.registerProtocolHandler() on a hidden URL and the postMessage() on the frontpage
# 16:30 voxpelli and checking on the frontpage if the page is framed or not and only postMessage() if it is framed
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# 16:32 voxpelli is on a train with bad wifi so might lose connection momentarily now and then
# 16:32 aaronpk voxpelli: isn't '/?url=%s' on line 12 supposed to be a full URL?
# 16:33 voxpelli aaronpk: It's relative to the page, registering the index-page as the page the protocol resolves to
# 16:34 voxpelli the "?url=%s" part is just there as at least Firefox required it to be, it will contain the full protocol URL that was resolved
# 16:37 voxpelli and um, as the component broke in Chrome you can't test the configuration in anything but Firefox right now :P
# 16:38 voxpelli that's because of my failed web components skills rather than Chrome/Opera not being able to load the configuration though, that they can
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# 16:48 tantek interesting, based on that screenshot I wonder if a different scheme would read slightly better
# 16:48 tantek voxpelli: how would you feel about using the scheme "web+action" instead of "web+indie" ?
# 16:49 tantek "Allow yoursite.example.com to open all web+action links? Learn more [ Deny ] [ Allow ]
# 16:49 tantek to me that reads much more sensibly, and directly ties the permission to something which is googleable etc.
# 16:51 voxpelli tantek: original idea was that the config wasn't necessarily tied to webactions but the indieweb in general, but true, the use case is just for web-actions right now I agree that it might be a better protocol
# 16:51 tantek cool. I also think that it has plenty of room for growth too.
# 16:52 tantek since "web actions" in general describe doing something from one site across to another site (e.g. your own site), and that's exactly what registering a protocol handler is for in general!
# 16:52 voxpelli yes, I like that everything don't have the "indie" name as well
# 16:53 voxpelli tantek: most importsnt thing now: Getting a page up on the wiki for all of this indie-config stuff
# 16:54 voxpelli I'm still traveling around so will still have a bit of a hard time getting such a page up
# 16:54 tantek thanks to voxpelli's innovative use of protocol handlers and postmessage, we've got webactions working cross-site WITHOUT having to install anything!
# 16:55 aaronpk wait a sec... this "setup" page that has the JS you linked in that gist, is that ok if I am the only one who can view that page?
# 16:55 voxpelli aaronpk: The one with the registerProtocolHandler()? Yes
# 16:57 aaronpk and also the URL that handles the web+action:// protocol
# 16:57 voxpelli The one with the postMessage() could be locked down as well, but would be advisable to at least have an alert() or something telling you if you're not logged as you will have a hard time noticing
# 16:57 tantek aaronpk - or it can be on your *logged-in* home page - i.e. only send that registerProtocolHandler script to the client if your server knows that it's you that is logged in
# 16:58 voxpelli aaronpk: a cool privacy hack is to use a confirm() in the iframe to ask if one wants to whitelist the current page, save a whitelist in localStorage and only send a postMessage() if the document.refeerer matches a page in the localstorage
# 16:59 aaronpk this is really stretching my brain lol. one thing at a time.
# 17:02 aaronpk i'm doing this on a separate page right now so I don't confuse the crap out of myself later
# 17:02 tantek aaronpk - doesn't your home page have logged-in-logic to show a textarea for writing a new post at the top already?
# 17:03 tantek (e.g. adactio has that setup on adactio.com - it looks awesome, like original Twitter)
# 17:03 tantek same place that outputs the <textarea>, then just put in the little <script> snippet to do the registerprotocolhandler
# 17:04 aaronpk is there any harm in running that register protocol thing every time I load my home page?
# 17:04 tantek adactio is that a screenshot of your home page?
# 17:04 tantek I don't see any posts below it - it looks like a dedicate post writing page
# 17:04 Loqi tantek meant to say: I don't see any posts below it - it looks like a dedicated post writing page
# 17:04 tantek aaronpk - should be fine - pretty sure it's a NOP if it's already registered
# 17:05 tantek adactio - where's the "embed" button on Dribble so I can copy/paste some markup to embed that image?
# 17:09 voxpelli aaronpk: If you run the registerProtocolHandler() on the same page that's already registered nothing will happen – it will know that everything is registered as it should
# 17:12 aaronpk because then every time I view someone's site that has web+action:// links it will load an iframe with my home page
# 17:13 tantek what? no it should only load the iframe if you *click* one of those links
# 17:14 aaronpk I thought the method voxpelli described is embedding an iframe with src="web+action://"
# 17:14 tantek and it should load *your handler* not your homepage
# 17:14 aaronpk my handler only needs to be the JS that runs postMessage. so you didn't intend on me also putting that on my home page?
# 17:15 voxpelli I had a problem in Chrome when quickly prototyping where it insisted on only loading the index page, that's why i opted for the index page in my code
# 17:15 voxpelli didn't have time to dig deeper into it and understand why
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# 17:24 tantek indeed. aaronpk, interestingly enough this protocol handler / webaction stuff worked/works better in Firefox - so you might want to try it out with that first while you're working with it
# 17:24 tantek once you have it working there like it should, then we can document the Chrome problem(s) and file bugs accordingly.
# 17:27 voxpelli yeah, I will look into separating out my indie-config stuff from my web-component to aid with that, the web component is much more complex and should take all the stuff we talked about in Brighton into consideration
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# 17:32 aaronpk which means if I click any reply links in chrome, it's gonna open firefox
# 17:33 tantek that's a good reason to *not* put it on a separate page
# 17:33 aaronpk I don't understand why having it on a separate page has anything to do with that
# 17:33 tantek because "Add Indie Config (aaronparecki.com) as an application for web+indie links?" makes less sense
# 17:33 tantek "Add Aaron Parecki (aaronparecki.com) as an application for web+action links?"
# 17:34 tantek where did the "Indie Config" text come from?!?
# 17:34 aaronpk "Indie Config" is just the text from the register handler call. has nothing to do with the page it's on
# 17:34 tantek well, good reason to use just your name there then
# 17:36 aaronpk hm chrome somehow has a stranglehold on this protocol
# 17:39 sammachin evening all, IndieAuth question, is there any way to get the client id param in the callback ?
# 17:40 aaronpk sammachin: you should get the client_id when you verify the auth code
# 17:40 sammachin aaronpk: ah so its in the response whe I get the code
# 17:41 sammachin but I need to also send the client_id in that request don't I?
# 17:43 aaronpk you can set a session ID as the state parameter so that you can store the client_id for your request server-side
# 17:43 sammachin aaronpk: is there any way to pass additional parameters through indieauth, say have a page on site A but you indie auth with site B and then get redirected back to site A
# 17:44 sammachin but there could be multiple site A's and only one site B so it needs to know where to send you back to
# 17:44 aaronpk you should be able to do what you need with a combination of redirect_uri and state parameters
# 17:44 sammachin hmm, I'll keep digging :)
# 17:44 sammachin ah I can pass a query string in the redirect_url :)
# 17:45 sammachin that should work
# 17:45 aaronpk keep in mind that you'll (eventually) need to "register" the redirect URLs, so you might be better off finding a way to do this with "state"
# 17:45 voxpelli aaronpk: tantek: if using a absolute URL in registerProtocolHandler then any URL seems to work in Chrome, with relative it seems to always resolve to the top path
# 17:46 sammachin aaronpk: hmm that might be harder as for this I won't always know the redirect urls, the idea is that a user can drop a widget onto their site that uses my backend app and indie auth
# 17:50 aaronpk like if you wanted you could JSON-encode data even
# 17:50 sammachin what do you mean by state?
# 17:50 sammachin is there something specific in indieauth?
# 17:51 aaronpk it's one of the parameters you include in the original redirect to the auth server
# 17:51 sammachin ah didn't see that in the docs!
# 17:52 sammachin that does just what I want though :)
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# 17:57 tantek aaronpk, Flickr says: "We are experiencing technical difficulties" inside a black box where the video would be.
# 17:58 tantek maybe it's just not deployed to the content farm in this geo
# 18:01 tantek since voxpelli said he's fine with it, let's switch it all over to use web+actin:
# 18:01 aaronpk ok. voxpelli can you update your code relatively quickly to use web+action?
# 18:01 aaronpk otherwise this will not work withy your example if someone else tries this
# 18:03 tantek KevinMarks: I would if I had a reply-posting-endpoint on my site :(
# 18:03 tantek kylewm: yeah? can you also switch to using the "web+action:"
# 18:05 tantek this is why it's important to get the "How to" setup steps documented by someone who has successfully done so but was *not* @IndieWebCampUK - I think aaronpk's notes will be essential
# 18:07 neuro` I really should give known a try, it looks great
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# 18:10 techlifeweb Anyone know if bridgy will work with a FB page instead of personal account?
# 18:11 aaronpk unfortunately this is completely broken in chrome
# 18:11 tantek not the first time something has worked first in Firefox
# 18:12 aaronpk i'm trying just launching web+action:// links on my own, and it's really messede up
# 18:12 voxpelli yes, much more messed up, but I'm able to load it when trying locally
# 18:12 aaronpk because I have both the chrome and firefox versions registered to open web+action:// urls, firefox prompts me to ask which I want to use to open it
# 18:16 tantek aaronpk - yeah! we were all abuzz about that at the camp!
# 18:16 aaronpk it's like a slightly different approach to web actions
# 18:17 aaronpk in my screenshot there's a little arrow icon, that's my "reply" url
# 18:17 Loqi aaronpk meant to say: in my screenshot there's a little arrow icon, that's my "reply" button
# 18:17 tantek yup - we talked about just using icons for webactions in a stream
# 18:17 aaronpk which effectively does the same thing as this web+action thing, but is part of my browser instead of part of voxpelli's page
# 18:18 tantek there's plusses/minuses to both the "icon in the browser toolbar" and the "icon near the content it's actually acting upon"
# 18:18 aaronpk the browser one obviously only works on post permalinks
# 18:18 tantek and is out of view / out of flow when you're reading
# 18:18 aaronpk whereas the inline one would work in a reader or someone's feed
# 18:18 tantek also why it makes sense to put Reply actions at the bottom of a post
# 18:19 tantek (that was part of my initial UI/UX analysis of webactions back in the day)
# 18:19 aaronpk just realized I don't have reply buttons at allll on my site
# 18:21 aaronpk what does the last step do? document.getElementById('result').textContent = JSON.stringify(loadedConfig);
# 18:22 aaronpk ok cool. so in reality you'd use the config to change URLs on the "reply" links on posts?
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# 18:37 tantek aaronpk, don't worry about the details of Promises for now, just know that they work better :)
# 18:37 aaronpk it's a somewhat significant change cause I have to think about the UI
# 18:38 tantek fortunately there's been lots of thinking about the UI by various folks
# 18:38 tantek and this weekend I just figured out decent UI for in-stream web actions
# 18:38 tantek more like researched / determined based on prior art (e.g. Twitter)
# 18:39 tantek funny thing is, I got stuck in needing to update some storage code to make this work on my home page, so now I'm considering a pretty big overhaul there.
# 18:40 aaronpk well the good news is it didn't take me long to add support for web+action links on the author side
# 18:42 voxpelli Thinking I should add the loading exmaple somewhere, would linking to the Gist work or do we want it into the wiki itself?
# 18:47 voxpelli tantek: aaronpk: thoughts on how to add the code? don't remember how it's typically done when it's kind of a reference code
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# 18:48 voxpelli tantek: ok, I'll try adding it there and you can move it somewhere better if you feel there's a betetr place for it
# 18:54 sammachin aaronpk: is state implemented in indieAuth? I'm setting it on the initial form but it doesn't seem to be in the callback or the response when I validate the code
# 18:56 aaronpk you'll get redirected back to localhost and state=foo will be there
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# 18:59 sammachin ah it was there that time
# 18:59 aaronpk you sure it's not? it would be in the query string for the request to talk.sammachin.com/app/auth
# 19:00 sammachin right I gor it, I was looking in the response to the code validation
# 19:06 aaronpk side effect of making that screencast... I now have video support
# 19:06 voxpelli !tell barnabywalters We decided to change the "web+indie" protocol to "web+action" instead, so you will need to update your code
# 19:06 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
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# 19:07 kylewm so the thing I'm confused about now is why does web+action need to do the configuration back and forth... as opposed to registering the intent url itself as a handler for web+action?
# 19:09 aaronpk otherwise you'd have something like <a href="web+action://reply"> and that link would be dead if you didn't have a handler for it
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# 19:11 voxpelli now you can have a timeout mechanism, cache or something where you decide to revert to a fallback like Twitter
# 19:11 kylewm voxpelli: could you use navigator.isProtocolHandlerRegistered ?
# 19:11 kylewm and if it is registered, enhance the Reply link with the web+action link?
# 19:12 voxpelli also, isProtocolHandlerRegistered is a potential privacy leak
# 19:12 aaronpk you can find out what iOS apps are installed on a phone that way
# 19:12 aaronpk cause a lot of apps register their own URIs, like facebook:// twitter:// etc
# 19:12 voxpelli with this solution, as I confused aaronpk with earlier, you can instead control your own privacy by yourself deciding if you want or don't want to do the postMessage on a site by site basis
# 19:13 voxpelli but I guess we shouldn't be thinking about that too much that until people get used to the simple concept :)
# 19:15 voxpelli My train is arriving back home now so I have to leave
# 19:15 tantek aaronpk - really re: "you can find out what iOS apps are installed on a phone that way" ? - that would be very handy for my People Focused Comms UI
# 19:16 tantek can you show me a code snippet illustrating what you mean? E.g. is "facetime:" registered -> hide/show Facetime button
# 19:16 aaronpk tantek: that is totally possible from within an iOS app. not sure if safari implemented the isProtocolHandlerRegistered thing
# 19:19 aaronpk unfortunately most people who want to do this are trying to launch their mobile app when someone with their app views their web page
ShaneHudson joined the channel
# 19:42 gRegor` !tell KartikPrabhu Just a heads up that I will be out of town for the 9/24 HWC
# 19:42 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 19:44 gRegor` I've cc'd her on each HWC announcement tweet. She's starred a couple of them, but hasn't showed up yet.
# 19:45 gRegor` I believe she's friends with Marcy, who provides our venue, so maybe just a matter of time.
npdoty joined the channel
# 19:54 gRegor` Since /indie-config was a UK session as well, should I create a section on the page for the etherpad dump?
# 19:55 gRegor` Just looking at the grid and noticed no etherpads appear to be dumped yet :)
# 19:57 gRegor` Heh, well you just got home yesterday :)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
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# 20:16 gRegor` Etherpads for UK #indiephotos and #clients don't exist. The others have been dumped.
# 20:21 gRegor` !adactio Was there an etherpad for the indiephotos session?
# 20:22 gRegor` !tell barnabywalters Was there an etherpad for the clients session?
# 20:22 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 20:23 Loqi KartikPrabhu: gRegor` left you a message 40 minutes ago: Just a heads up that I will be out of town for the 9/24 HWC
# 20:25 gRegor` Yeah, that page definitely helped more than reading the logs. I still think I only understand 3/4 of it, though. :)
# 20:25 gRegor` Seems pretty cool, though
# 20:27 aaronpk wow what studio are benwerd and erinjo in? they have great lighting
# 20:31 aaronpk benwerd needs a slightly better mic tho. sounds a little tinny.
krendil_ joined the channel
# 20:31 ShaneHudson At least he is using it :) I've bought a nice mic etc but don't have the confidence to use it often!
friedcell joined the channel
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# 21:00 aaronpk i'm already logged in from last time, but it says "You must log in with Post access to use this page"
# 21:03 ben_thatmustbeme yeah, i've had that issue. I'm setting Location: in the header. but i also echo out any response from the micropub endpoint.
scor joined the channel
# 21:09 ben_thatmustbeme huh, note to self, micropub endpoint doesn't check if http is that the start of the URL for in-reply-to
# 21:11 gRegor` ben_thatmustbeme: looks like your comment to leo has the permalink messed up
# 21:13 gRegor` Dangit. I need to figure out what my site is doing that is throwing a bad request when I wm Known sites
# 21:16 gRegor` Nice! "I'm replacing my blog platform with this as soon as possible." Leo Laporte on withknown.com
# 21:18 ben_thatmustbeme oddly, it should have sent the correct webmention URL on that code. odd that the permalink is so messed up
# 21:19 aaronpk but would love to get leo's tweet replies backfed to this post!
# 21:21 gRegor` ben_thatmustbeme: seeing two versions of your comment on your site, but yeah the permalinks look fine
tilgovi joined the channel
# 21:33 aaronpk twit.tv show sent about 3x traffic spike to indiewebcamp.com
grantmacken joined the channel
# 21:41 kylewm ben_thatmustbeme: the problem is that you have u-url on your u-in-reply-to
# 21:42 kylewm and so the microformats parser is concatenating them
wolftune joined the channel
# 21:51 ShaneHudson That should do it, took me a while to realise it was Cambridge US not UK :P
# 21:56 ShaneHudson I didn't add Brighton to Past Events as there is no photo, want me to add anyway?
fmarier joined the channel
# 22:02 ShaneHudson On the front page, do you want a new row or drop the oldest event?
npdoty joined the channel
# 22:03 tantek on the front page, add tom's photo from 2014/UK, and turn it into 3 rows of 3 :)
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 22:11 aaronpk if the URL ends in .jpg or .png it'll turn it into an img tag
# 22:12 tantek and IMAGEURL is the thing that ends with .jpg .png .gif
# 22:13 tantek and if the IMAGEURL you found doesn't have an image file extension, then add ?x=.jpg to the end for example
benwerd joined the channel
# 22:14 benwerd And KevinMarks did a super-great job talking indieweb after we'd left. Was awesome.
# 22:15 benwerd I kept trying to break in and make an Oxford-Cambridge joke and I think it's probably a great thing that I didn't manage to.
# 22:21 ShaneHudson Yeah you all did great, got some interesting discussion going in irc :) I think some people were starting to get the point of it, Leo certainly did
# 22:34 sammachin another indieweb question, can I have more than one domain but sign in using the same twitter account?
# 22:34 sammachin s/indieweb/indieauth
# 22:34 Loqi sammachin meant to say: another indieauth question, can I have more than one domain but sign in using the same twitter account?
# 22:37 tantek sammachin: your twitter account only has one "Website" field, so no
# 22:38 sammachin thanks tantek thats what I thought, will have to use a 2nd twitter account as well to have a test domain
# 22:38 kylewm sammachin: you can use twitter for one domain and github for another
# 22:39 tantek if your OAuth provider lets you put in multiple rel=me links to websites, then you can use it for multiple IndieAuth logins :)
# 22:39 sammachin kylewm: yeah I just need a 2nd domain setup for testing some stuff
# 22:44 kylewm tantek: could you use Persona on multiple domains?
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# 22:56 kylewm ben_thatmust_: did you see my note about your u-urls?
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indie-visitor joined the channel
# 23:41 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
ShaneHudson and snarfed joined the channel
# 23:46 snarfed ben_thatmust_: looks like your last wm to bridgy publish didn't work because the bridgy link had a ` at the end
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