2014-09-09 UTC
# 00:01 bear fencing with language hint is so much better than trying to guess if an indent is a code block or just badly imported text with tabs
# 00:01 tantek pretty sure I have a solid superior and defensible alternative proposed on my wiki page
# 00:02 tantek the more I look at markdown, the more I can't believe people have put up with the crappy constructs for links and images, nevermind the noise for code blocks
# 00:02 tantek none of that stuff obeys the primary design principle markdown itself starts with
# 00:03 bear I don't see how ``` is nonsensical at all - yes, it's a bit more wordy than other markdown items but it does what it says - denotes a block of code
# 00:03 bear while also allowing it to be cut-n-pasted as is
# 00:04 bear it's just as non-sensical (IMO) as using --- and === for headers
# 00:04 bear is that a dash following a line or a header marker
# 00:04 tantek bear - nope - both the ========== and ------------ have prior use in plain text emails
# 00:05 bear sorry - but prior use does not immediately give something more weight for current use
# 00:05 tantek bear - it absolutely does per the primary markdown design principle
# 00:06 bear or I would still be known as a long series of node!node!node@server
# 00:06 tantek if you're going to be punctuation noise in your plain text, then all you have is another wiki-like syntax
# 00:07 bear I view the ** for bold to have the same issue as ## for H2
# 00:07 bear if your going to allow variable length markers for one, why not the other
# 00:08 bear and "just use auto-link" ignores the biggest feature that markdown's link syntax allows - the specification of title text
# 00:09 tantek bear - then <a href=url>link text</a> is good enough for that
# 00:09 tantek I don't see sufficient advantage in using bizarro markdown syntax for hyperlinking text
# 00:09 bear haha - I'm getting a chuckle from which of the items we both feel are bizarro :)
# 00:10 bear yea, I learned to love the ``` just from sheer weight of it being used by github folks
mko joined the channel
# 00:14 ShaneHudson Is there a reason microformats aren't namespaced more generically? Feels weird having h-, p- etc all being part of the same thing
# 00:15 tantek "namespacing" in general is a hypothetical architecture handwave to be avoided, especially in formats.
# 00:16 mko aaronpk: I apparently got disconnected last night when you asked regarding my redis use. Specifically, I am using a slightly modified version of https://github.com/visionmedia/reds running Redis in its default configuration.
# 00:16 ShaneHudson That's fair enough, no problem really just feels odd despite knowing which each prefix means
# 00:17 mko aaronpk: I haven't tried doing any optimization on my search system yet. I just wanted a basic one in place so I could search my archive of 16k+ posts.
cmhobbs joined the channel
# 00:18 tantek I was blown away by how many people went from 0 to Level 5 this past weekend.
# 00:18 bear yes, I love seeing all the new folks at level 5 - I'm loving that the documentation work is helping others
# 00:18 ShaneHudson Yeah, luckily it is mostly just config and people have already written the long lines of recommended ciphers!
# 00:20 Loqi HTTPS is an abbreviation for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, a protocol for secure communication, supported by web servers (like Apache & nginx) and browsers http://indiewebcamp.com/https
# 00:20 mko Wasn't sure if there were separate DFNs or not.
# 00:21 ShaneHudson I really need to sort out naming conventions for my notes. I would do by id but id isn't created until after publish. And of course going by previous causes problems with deleted posts
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
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# 00:28 ShaneHudson Does anyone know much about the state of SPDY? I was going to add it but saw a 6 month old post mentioning it is not advised as it modifies mod_ssl and has a security risk of some kind?
# 00:40 ShaneHudson rascul: I think this was a different issue. But appears it could have been fixed by an offiical patch landing in mod_ssl, rather than using the modified version
# 00:44 rascul if you find the post again i would be interested to see it
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# 00:45 bear oh joy - Comcast is injecting javascript into pages served with plain HTTP for anyone using it's XFinity hotspots
# 00:48 rascul i got a tinc vpn from my router to a digitalocean droplet, only thing comcast knows is osfag8ye8tgyw4ewao08408
# 00:48 bear they are sending a big ol'd F-You to anyone with DoNotTrack enabled
# 00:50 ShaneHudson For notes, what do you all think of '/2014/09/09/note-1'? Where the 1 increases each note, resetting per day. I can't have an accurate id, and don't want manual slugs for each note
# 00:52 bear i'm also going to add this as a Pro for HTTPS page
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# 00:55 bear I was just doing that and wondered why it suddenly was working
# 00:59 bear type in the wiki page url - edit page - #REDIRECT...
# 01:01 bear replace "pagename" with the target page
# 01:03 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 01:04 kylewm is everyone who is HTTPS Level 5 off SHA-1 then?
# 01:05 kylewm haha, no i mean it loaded, it just doesn't work when i try to check a website
# 01:06 bear i'll have to code up a version using python - that was a handy check
# 01:08 bear probably a bad star trek movie reference
# 01:09 tantek kylewm - definitely not. since CAs were still selling SHA1 certs as of this weekend.
# 01:09 tantek I would assume current HTTPS Level 5 folks are *mostly* SHA-1
# 01:09 bear the option to generate a sha-2 is still undocumented if you use openssl to generate the CSR
# 01:10 tantek GWG a mix. though https still keeps a good bg hum going
# 01:12 GWG tantek: 4, but only because I use SNI and when I enabled HSTS, I had trouble with another site on the same server
# 01:13 tantek GWG, oh cool! when did you add the http to https redirect ?
# 01:13 GWG kylewm: I just upped my certificate to 4096 bits
# 01:15 GWG I got into an argument about this two weeks ago
# 01:15 bear I'm just being silly - doing a faux ego thing about all the ssl updates you guys are kicking arse on
# 01:15 GWG What's my important to you? Encryption or identity in a certificate?
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# 01:16 GWG But, honestly..none of us are doing e-commerce...do we care who our CA is?
# 01:17 GWG Even a self-signed CA will still provide secure encryption
# 01:18 ShaneHudson Yeah, if it were not for being given a C on the test I would not have bothered improving after I got basic SSL working lol
# 01:19 rascul getting scored seems to be a motivator to improve https
# 01:19 GWG I have a bunch of new projects though
# 01:20 GWG I haven't proven SPDY is faster for me
# 01:20 bear hmm, startssl.com is not resolving for me
# 01:20 GWG I also tried Pagespeed but it wasn't helpful
# 01:21 bear sorry - I keep saying resolve when it's a browser page load fail
# 01:21 GWG I sprung for the $60 identity verification package
# 01:21 rascul i've seen cases where it worked for me but not someone a few states over due to their weird maintenance
# 01:22 GWG Nothing like a late night call from an Israeli guy
# 01:22 GWG bear: They are in Israel. It is the time difference
# 01:23 bear I did it because I was able to then add our company to my identity which allows for free certs
# 01:25 GWG I just custom-compiled Nginx, which I avoided doing because I know I'll forget to upgrade if it isn't in a package
# 01:25 GWG Added in SPDY support, Pagespeed, and Cache Purgre
# 01:28 GWG When I get to 20 karma, can I redeem for prizes?
# 01:28 mko Karma then redeems you for prize.
# 01:29 GWG How do I make my site load faster? I'm looking for some new Nginx tweaks
# 01:30 GWG I'm running a LEMP stack with FastCGI_Cache to store pages statically
# 01:30 bear add cache headers to your page and then enable page caching
# 01:32 kylewm bear: is that different from nginx's proxy_cache stuff?
# 01:32 GWG kylewm: Proxy cache proxies the site
# 01:33 GWG Fastcgi cache caches the output from the fastcgi server
# 01:33 bear proxy_cache stores the result of a request from the upstream server
# 01:33 bear fastcgi_cache technically does the same thing - but it uses the existing nginx cache control to manage it
# 01:34 bear proxy_cache IMO is a sledge hammer approach
# 01:34 GWG bear: One is for upstream web servers, the other for upstream fastcgi servers
# 01:34 rascul GWG why build nginx instead of using the package?
# 01:34 GWG Proxy cache is when you have multiple backends, I think
# 01:34 GWG rascul: Cache Purge, SPDY, etc aren't built in
# 01:35 bear uwsgi is to python like fastcgi is to php
# 01:35 kylewm so would proxy-cache be the right thing to use with uwsgi?
# 01:35 bear technically you can use both with both - but it's hard enough getting one to work ;)
# 01:38 GWG The key to page caching is the best cache invalidation possible so you can set the expiry to a high time and are effectively serving static pages
# 01:38 bear IMO fastrouter is for folks who don't want to mess with nginx/apache (or who can't because of hosting issues)
# 01:39 bear but I don't do a lot in uwsgi land so take my thoughts with a big grain-o-salt
# 01:40 kylewm I've been trying to speed up my site, was just getting to the point of thinking about caching, but man it is confusing
# 01:40 GWG kylewm: Anything on your site require dynamic? Or can you cache static pages and be happy?
# 01:41 kylewm GWG: static would be great, as long as i can invalidate it quickly when i post something or receive a wm...
# 01:41 GWG What language is your site written in?
# 01:42 GWG So, add the Nginx Cache Purge module and write some code to invalidate the cache
# 01:42 kylewm bear: thank you for the tip about zones and stuff, bookmarking for when i can take time to understand
# 01:43 bear it's called fastrouter because it let's use route based on url path *before* it hits your app
# 01:43 bear which is why I made the "don't want to touch nginx" comment
# 01:43 bear IMO those things should be done at the nginx layer
# 01:43 bear goes to get dinner before he forgets again
# 01:44 bear kylewm - quick before I *really* leave comment... yea, stick with web zones and cache invalidation tools
# 01:44 bear your life will be easier and less painful IMO
# 01:45 bear plus if you *really* want to invalidate - just restart nginx ;)
# 01:52 tantek is also falling asleep but hasn't finished with post-IndieWebCampUK wiki updates :/
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# 04:54 aaronpk i dunno, i was gone a while and lots of discussion here
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# 05:07 KevinMarks_ is amused that tantek thinks I'm more awake as I was on UK+US time this weekend and didn't sleep saturday night
# 05:07 neuro` KevinMarks_: are you the one in the UK today?
# 05:08 KevinMarks_ no, I'm in california, I just did a UK timezone shift at the weekend too for IWC UK
# 05:09 KevinMarks_ it was really obvious in my notes on the demos that I was not really in control of my faculties
# 05:09 neuro` I was less present at the demo day, kids were saking for my time.
# 05:11 benwerd KevinMarks_: Lots of respect for doing that. Really wish I'd seen more of it. I need to catch up on the notes.
# 05:11 KevinMarks_ there was a lot fo cool SSL progress, which doesn't really demo well
# 05:12 neuro` Oh, OK, then I was not there, only caught up on IRC / Twitter.
# 05:14 neuro` KevinMarks_: thank you for taking these notes. Even with sleep deprivation they are precious.
# 05:17 neuro` kylewm: what type of caching are you trying to setup? microcache?
# 05:18 neuro` kylewm: sure, let me grab another coffee and have the kids get up
# 05:22 kylewm maybe microcache is the way to go, I'm just trying to get a feel for what the options are
# 05:22 kylewm so i was trying to get it to cache things for 5 minutes
# 05:28 neuro` kylewm: so you'll cache everything, included POST request?
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# 05:34 neuro` kylewm: just replace <%= @frontend_cookie %> with your cokie name, I c/p that from my Puppet templates and forgot to remove the variable
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# 05:37 neuro` kylewm: you're welcome. By default nginx caches everything.
# 05:38 kylewm it's very possible that i'm just using too old of a version, before uwsgi_cache stuff was supported
# 05:38 kylewm Ubuntu 12.04 is getting a little long in the tooth
# 05:38 GWG kylewm: It would say when you do configtest
wolftune joined the channel
# 05:41 GWG kylewm: Then all the commands work
tilgovi, alanpearce, glennjones, friedcell, KartikPrabhu, RichardLitt and ShaneHudson joined the channel
carlo_au, fmarier, eschnou, kensanata and petermolnar joined the channel
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# 12:18 jonnybarnes anyone on here happen to be using Yosemite and have PHP installed?
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# 12:43 GWG petermolnar: About what I mentioned yesterday, I was referring to wordpress-syndication, the one that inserts the links into the posts.
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# 12:47 GWG petermolnar: I'm working on my version, which takes the return from Bridgy using code based on the Bridgy code snarfed contributed, and stores the URL in post meta.
# 12:54 petermolnar that is a good idea, but you could put the code additionally to the syndication plugin, could you not?
# 12:54 petermolnar therefore we'd have a single codebase instead of a series of plugins :)
# 12:57 GWG petermolnar: I thought about a fork, but the design is fundamentally different.
# 12:58 GWG I want to give it Bridgy Publish capabilities
# 12:58 GWG Wordpress Syndication is more to add the rel-syndication links.
# 12:59 petermolnar the bridgy publish sounds good, but please make it sure you do not hardcode brid.gy as url, since there is a possibility that someone will run their own brid.gy
# 13:00 GWG I'll be posting the code at some point. But it takes the metadata code I used in my other plugin for displaying Facepiles, so I'll be removing same from that codebase. I'm adjusting what goes in what.
# 13:01 GWG So, it will have a few display options, options for manual entry of URLs(G+ for example, which can't autopost), etc.
# 13:01 GWG Jihaisse: I'm sorry I didn't fork you.
# 13:03 GWG I don't know if this will get usable anyway.
# 13:05 GWG Jihaisse: My plan is to have a plugin that does the display of the rel-syndication links, but also allows for manual entry of same, and can publish via Bridgy.
# 13:06 GWG Jihaisse: We'll see if I finish it
# 13:20 GWG I also still have this idea about using the WP JSON API to create micropub endpoints for Wordpress.
# 13:20 GWG Thus allowing the indie action stuff demoed in the UK to work.
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# 13:41 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: I'm thinking of a project, getting ready to go out to visit my butcher...nothing excited
# 13:46 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: The JSON API for Wordpress is available as a plugin, scheduled for integration into core Wordpress for the next version
# 13:46 GWG jeremyzilar was, at Indiewebcamp back in June, working on publishing directly from the front of his site without going into the admin interface.
# 13:47 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: I'm not ready for that. i have some other things I want to do.
# 13:48 GWG I figure by the time I get to it, the JSON API will be integrated.
shreesh, chrissaad, brianloveswords, ShaneHudson and Sebastien-L joined the channel
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# 15:13 jonnybarnes does anyone have any good guides on resizing images whilst keeping aspect ratio?
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# 15:15 neuro` jonnybarnes: you mean letting convert do the job?
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# 15:18 jonnybarnes I was hoping the Box class Imagine provides would preserve AR but it doesn't
# 15:20 neuro` You'll probably need to get width and height, find the ratio and apply
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# 15:23 neuro` jonnybarnes: you can also give Imagick::scaleImage a try
# 15:23 neuro` if ImageMagick is installed on your system which is probably the case
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# 15:50 aaronpk jonnybarnes: in my experience imagemagick is pretty feature complete and you can usually hunt down code examples pretty easily with a couple google searches
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# 15:55 jonnybarnes this should be simple enough aaronpk, btw, do you happen to know the php function to round an number to the neares integer?
# 15:57 ben_thatmustbeme well, that was a long way around to get indieauth working again, but now with the a person's own auth provider not just defaulting to indieauth.com/auth
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# 16:17 aaronpk basically clients can stick something there and the auth server just has to echo it back. it could be a session identifier, or encoded text, or whatever. it's up to the client what the value actually is.
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# 16:50 aaronpk the primary concern with database-as-primary-storage is the long-term viability of the data
# 16:50 aaronpk so an HTML export of a database is not super useful unless you can re-create the database from that html trivially
# 16:52 aaronpk also i'm in a bit of a sore spot right now dealing with mysql in particular. encountering lots of limitations of mysql that postgres doesn't have
# 16:52 aaronpk specifically with backing up and migrating large amounts of data (like >100gb tables)
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# 17:40 ben_thatmustbeme hopefully very soon I'll have a client page so i can start posting from my own site without needing the admin interface
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# 18:25 ben_thatmustbeme yeah, i noticed that last night. i'm just using the open source fragmention.js i thought
# 18:26 kylewm oh duh! i was looking in the old place for the login box
# 18:28 aaronpk although the real answer is that your authorization server could present you a UI to tweak the scopes that are granted
# 18:34 kylewm a thousand points to the first micropub implementation that supports editing :)
# 18:35 kylewm not sure how you mean. i'm thinking open an existing post, and then send it back as an update instead of a new post
# 18:44 aaronpk i was sticking with one-letter names for micropub fields
# 18:47 kylewm cool, I think "h" makes sense since it's not actually a property of the object (as you convinced me previously)
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# 18:50 ben_thatmustbeme kylewm, i think i will take that challenge.. being the first site to do editing via micropub
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# 19:09 ShaneHudson What is the challenge? Surely editing is the same as writing new, just need to provide an id for the one to edit?
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# 19:16 kylewm ShaneHudson: yeah I don't think it will be difficult, but no one has done it yet to my knowledge! it would also be nice if the editor slurped in the post and pre-filled all the fields
# 19:17 ShaneHudson Yeah, it would be nice to have a micropub client for offline editing :)
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# 21:27 bret on your notes/articles/links on the home pate
# 21:28 ShaneHudson Thanks :) It is nice to have some content on there! Really need to get POSSE working nicely though
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# 21:30 rascul soon here i'm gonna have myself a hack weekend to get a bunch of stuff done with my site that i've been not doing, if i can accept webmentions by cambridge i'll be happy
# 21:31 ShaneHudson Firefox has changed the built in webrtc button from a phone to chat, looked far better phone... this makes it looks like a chat rather than phonecall
scor joined the channel
# 21:39 snarfed ShaneHudson: are you sending webmentions for links in your posts?
# 21:40 ShaneHudson snarfed: Not all links, I need to make it automated. But I can send webmentions
# 21:43 eliemichel Hi! Is there some Firefox plugin that add a "Send webmention" entry to the dialog menu that appear when right-clicking onto links?
# 21:44 eliemichel It could be a very easy way to signal mentions manually
# 21:44 eliemichel go and see whether it is easy to do a Firefox plugin
# 21:46 eliemichel actually I've never look at that
# 21:46 eliemichel but as I know how Mozilla loves Web techs, it would not surprise me ;)
# 21:48 ShaneHudson snarfed: In the preview, it seems to be getting my p-name instead of e-content?
# 21:49 snarfed ShaneHudson: yeah, the logic is custom per silo. twitter usually uses name/title, facebook usually uses content
# 21:50 ShaneHudson Ah ok, I presume there is no way to manually say which I want to use?
# 21:51 snarfed no way to choose which manually yet, but there's a feature request, finding...
# 21:51 ShaneHudson Okay, so if I just hide the title on notes then it should work? I didn't want titles at all, but it was a technical issue with the CMS, so can just hide :)
# 21:52 snarfed ShaneHudson: i was wrong, no feature request. if by hide you mean omit the title from the html, then sure! or feel free to file an FR
# 22:03 gRegor` I've tried adding (?!http) in the seemingly correct places, but no dice.
# 22:06 rascul gRegor` gimme a few minutes and i'll take a look at the regex
# 22:09 gRegor` Use-case is that my webmention code currently extracts full URLs quite well, with/without the a href...
# 22:09 gRegor` I'm migrating to a new CMS and working on wm code for it. When linking to internal pages it uses relative links...
# 22:10 gRegor` So i was thinking of just running an additional regex to extract only those relative links, so I could send wm to them.
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# 22:11 gRegor` Wondering if it might just be easier to use DOMxpath, though, and discard duplicates, mailto:, etc.
# 22:12 gRegor` And also use xpath to take base href into account
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# 22:21 rascul ahh so you just need the path part of the url, not the host/domain?
# 22:22 gRegor` Preferably only relative URLs. In this example, it would ignore the cnn link
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# 22:24 bret i need a natural language to regex converter
# 22:25 gRegor` Heh, that would make all of our lives easier.
# 22:26 gRegor` Siri, what is the regex for...
# 22:26 bret or at least a longhand version that does not use slashes carrots or dollar signs
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# 22:33 rascul and... don't look too long at the regex else you might go blind and/or insane
# 22:34 rascul oh, not quite there but it looks like it's getting there
# 22:34 gRegor` Don't think it saved properly. Just shows <a href=('|\ and no results.
# 22:35 gRegor` I can see it in the source.
# 22:35 gRegor` bad escaping, looks like
# 22:35 gRegor` (on their end)
# 22:35 rascul <a href=('|\")?((https?:\/\/)?\S+)?\/?(\S*)('|\")?>.*<\/a>
# 22:37 gRegor` Yeah, still capturing the cnn link
# 22:37 gRegor` You don't have to spend much time on it. I appreciate it, though. :)
# 22:38 gRegor` I think I'll give xpath a try
# 22:39 rascul actually though, it may be easier with some bash, grep, sed, cut, and/or awk ;)
# 22:50 eliemichel Is there any testing page to try and comment a post though webmention and in-reply-to”¯?
# 22:53 eliemichel So I can flood it with tests?
# 22:54 eliemichel Oh and if I want to edit a comment, do I have to do something alse than just re-webmentionning the target?
# 22:54 snarfed eliemichel: technically that's it. in practice though, not everyone supports it
# 22:55 gRegor` That post requires pingback, IIRC
# 22:56 eliemichel snarfed: Does your page support webmentions?
# 22:56 eliemichel gRegor`: ok
# 22:56 eliemichel You answered before I asked ^^
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# 22:57 rascul gRegor` to get the regex better seems to be taking awhile and is getting pretty complex
# 22:57 eliemichel snarfed: can't find the endpoint though
# 22:58 gRegor` rascul: Yeah, I was afraid of that. Thanks for trying, though!
# 22:59 snarfed eliemichel: on the eschnou.com page? yeah looks like it's gone. :/ feel free to try on snarfed.org
# 23:00 rascul gRegor` i'm still going at it but i'm gonna go up to the beer store shortly
# 23:01 gRegor` Yeah, eschnou is the post requiring pingback. I remember because I was excited to send my first webmention to it and found out I had to build in pingback fallback support :)
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# 23:09 eliemichel Well, I should add a link to an h-card
# 23:10 eliemichel The idea is to install it (i.e. just copy files) on your server and use it to reply to IndieWeb entries
# 23:10 eliemichel note that there is absolutely no CSS for now
# 23:11 eliemichel well, just enough not to be disgused by my own creation ^^
# 23:12 snarfed i actually liked your idea of a browser extension. any reason you didn't try that?
# 23:13 snarfed actually nm, in a browser extension that shouldn't matter
# 23:13 rascul gRegor` do the absolute links always have http:// or https:// ?
# 23:13 eliemichel snarfed: I gonna try it ;)
# 23:13 eliemichel But I just wanted to finish that
# 23:13 eliemichel (where 'that' means my code to post comments)
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# 23:24 snarfed if you're using the "indieweb" plugin, it's a bit old. consider uninstalling it and install the webmention and semantic-linkbacks plugins separately (they're not in the wp directory :/)
# 23:24 snarfed and also consider nudging pfefferle to update the indieweb plugin bundle
# 23:27 gRegor` rascul: Yeah. I want links starting with / or ../ or just a relative path to the current page.
# 23:28 techlifeweb snarfed: thanks. I have to look around, somewhere there are confusing details about the 2 separate plugins vs. the "indieweb" plugin. Something got me believe the "indieweb" one was better.
# 23:33 techlifeweb snarfed: Thanks for the speedy help as always. I'll update my WP docs tonight.
# 23:34 kylewm interesting, I subscribed to gRegor`'s "Indieweb" twitter list in shrewdness, and now my "indieweb" search column shows all posts from it
# 23:34 kylewm 'twould seem search searches the url as well as the content
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