2014-09-08 UTC
gavinc_, KevinMarks_, pbeaulieu, catsup, wolftune, gRegor` and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
chrissaad joined the channel
gRegor`, fmarier, KevinMarks___ and pbeaulieu joined the channel
# 02:25 aaronpk i'm trying to update my SSL, but having problems. I'm wondering if it's because of an old version of nginx
# 02:27 aaronpk i've copied the ssl_protocols and ciphers lines from the wiki
# 02:29 rascul check also if you have it defined in the http block
# 02:30 rascul i put it in the http block and only the host specific stuff in the server blocks
# 02:31 rascul i was curious if maybe you have it defined twice
# 02:32 GWG Well, what I do is create divide my nginx configuration into individual files.
# 02:33 aaronpk it picked up the new cert, shaaaaaaa is happy now
# 02:36 rascul aaronpk could you post your nginx config somewhere that i might look at it? maybe i can see something that looks funny
# 02:41 aaronpk i apparently have sslv2 set on some other domains
LavaLevel joined the channel
# 02:45 rascul the cipher list i mean is probably better, but you might find some other stuff that's not yet mentioned in /nginx
# 02:45 aaronpk i do like the idea of putting all that in the http block
# 02:45 rascul i did it like that because that stuff won't change per host
# 02:46 rascul took me and ssllabs.com awhile to get that cipher list right, every client is supported by the best available cipher
snarfed joined the channel
# 02:48 rascul if you use sni that cipher list can be trimmed down a little more to drop support for clients that can't do sni, but i haven't bothered to do that yet
# 02:49 rascul i gotta go to bed, hopefully you can get your ssl stuff worked out
# 02:53 aaronpk didnt work. oh well. willprobably put it off until i move servers.
fmarier joined the channel
# 03:39 aaronpk now i'm really tempted to set up an elasticsearch instance to index all posts coming into and out of my site
# 03:39 aaronpk barnabywalters: I may ping you about that later. it's not super itchy yet but i've been noodling on it
# 04:02 mko aaronpk: I've got a Redis search index for all incoming/outgoing posts right now. It works really well. ES might be a good fit, but Redis is super responsive (assuming your server can handle holding the index in memory).
# 04:03 aaronpk i hadn't heard of redis being used to generic search before
# 04:04 aaronpk what are the commands you'd use for using it as a search index?
# 04:11 aaronpk ok well that was fun. knocked off another item on my todo list. now I can add tags to existing posts using a very similar interface to wordpress
npdoty, RichardLitt and chrissaad joined the channel
squeakytoy, wolftune, jkphl, KevinMarks_ and fourtonfish joined the channel
# 05:58 tommorris no, I just buggered up nginx.conf, then restarted. I undid my changes and then had to start it again
# 06:00 neuro` Feel lucky :) In 2001, I had sent the whole night upgrading a parc of OpenBSD machines. At 7AM, I finally had downloaded the just released Slackware 9, launched the upgrade on my workstation, told the installer to format my home and leave / untouched.
KevinMarks__, glennjones and Techlifeweb joined the channel
squeakytoy and ShaneHudson joined the channel
glennjones, eschnou, Jihaisse, fmarier, alanpearce, carlo_au, sammachin, petermolnar, kirilind, michel_v, krendil, BjornW, friedcell, fourtonfish, LauraJ and adactio joined the channel
# 10:57 GWG petermolnar: Good morning. See you editing there.
# 10:58 GWG I was just looking at your website last night
# 11:14 GWG petermolnar, I'm working on a different syndication plugin. I know you contributed to the other one.
# 11:18 petermolnar I have not contributed to snap, I've started an entirely different one, but so far it's doing nothing, just implemented some ui & some hooks to the keyring plugin
tantek joined the channel
pbeaulieu, ShaneHudson, alanpearce and xtof joined the channel
# 11:54 petermolnar by the way, how did Sunday go at the indieweb uk? I'm sorry I had to leave, I hope there are many more https sites out there than it was before :)
# 12:27 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
dentonjacobs and Erkan_Yilmaz joined the channel
shreesh joined the channel
Phyks and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
brianloveswords, verdi and snarfed joined the channel
chrissaad, petermolnar1, wolftune, shreesh, brianloveswords, eschnou and gRegor` joined the channel
kensanata, ShaneHudson and saurik joined the channel
# 16:01 ben_thatmustbeme i missed the beginning when people were showing off their own sites. I heard shrewdness got shown off though
# 16:01 annevk (is that going to work?)
# 16:11 annevk breaking the web
# 16:12 ben_thatmustbeme supposedly doing actual work. but... looking in to adding syndication links to my site
benwerd joined the channel
# 16:26 ben_thatmustbeme hmm indieauth.com doesn't list anything about post= in the documentation for developers
paulcp joined the channel
# 16:29 aaronpk ben_thatmustbeme: the state parameter is just passed through. it's from OAuth 2
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
snarfed, donpdonp, tantek, ShaneHudson, shreesh, benwerd, obensource, obensource_, eschnou and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 17:23 tantek looks like @tipu_majed is a spammer - those two tweets are copies.
badgermind joined the channel
# 17:27 tantek annevk thanks for the heads-up. I'm going to push pretty strongly to have W3C reference external specs (rather than incorporate). WHATWG is a good example. I plan on pushing for that with #microformats and #indiewebcamp specs too.
PierreO joined the channel
# 17:48 ben_thatmustbeme i want to make a mircopub posting page like http://waterpigs.co.uk/notes/new/ but that means i need to request scope=post. But I don't want to always ask for post access, so I'll have to do some sort of asking for elevating privileges, which could be pretty cool
originalbf, yakker and eschnou joined the channel
# 19:00 bret are people going t xoxo again this year?
# 19:05 gRegor` bret: Pretty sure it sold out quickly, yeah
# 19:06 gRegor` No. I'd love to but $$. Maybe if they do it next year
# 19:06 bret if people are around, we should totally have a mini iwc/hwc
# 19:06 gRegor` Shane Becker is going, I believe
# 19:06 gRegor` I think tantek is going, too
tantek and julien51 joined the channel
# 19:10 tantek we should organize some indieweb breakfasts like last year! cc: aaronpk
fourtonfish joined the channel
# 19:13 gRegor` "The content is curreently unavailable" KevinMarks_
# 19:22 bret not that familiar with that part of town
# 19:23 bret lots of neat places around there though
# 19:23 tantek !tell aaronpk any ideas for an indieweb breakfast for Saturday morning and/or Sunday morning close to the conference venue? and perhaps an Indie Event for that too?
# 19:23 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 19:25 bret ack my parents are in town on thursday tho, so i'll be with them
# 19:27 bret "meat cheese bread"... right next to "beer"
# 19:28 bret thats where we did breakfast last year iirc
# 19:30 bret i just realized i can't meet thursday is the thing (parents in town)
# 19:31 bret is mcb open for breakfast? that was an evening sugestion
# 19:32 bret i'm not actually sure. only have been there in the evenings outside
# 19:33 bret maybe wait till aaronpk's input. he knows pdx a bit better than me
# 19:34 bret KevinMarks_: were you at xoxo last year?
# 19:36 Loqi aaronpk: tantek left you a message 13 minutes ago: any ideas for an indieweb breakfast for Saturday morning and/or Sunday morning close to the conference venue? and perhaps an Indie Event for that too?
# 19:37 aaronpk Zell's is good but it'll be super packed saturday morning and they'll want to rush us through
# 19:37 aaronpk pdx weekend brunch in sunny weather is kind of insane
benwerd joined the channel
# 19:41 KevinMarks_ meat cheese bread looks like tiny tables inside, some street space
# 19:44 aaronpk how would ppl feel about 8:30 breakfast to make sure to leave enough time for registration at xoxo?
# 19:46 aaronpk actually meat cheese bread is probably a good call
# 19:46 aaronpk it's open early enough and appears to be order-at-the-counter style which is good for adhoc groups of unknown numbers of people
# 19:49 KevinMarks_ good bench style tbales outside so as long as it's nto raining too hard'
# 19:49 aaronpk looks like the weather forecast is like 80-90 this weekend
# 19:52 bret except when it dumped super hard for like 10 mins when I was outside in it
shreesh joined the channel
# 19:54 gRegor` Chicago has had the reverse. It's been super mild until the last couple weeks when real summer decided to visit.
# 19:54 gRegor` But it's back in the 70s last couple days
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 19:57 KevinMarks_ it took me a while after moving here to realrie that saying "lovely day today" to people id like saying "gravity is still working"
ShaneHudson joined the channel
# 20:09 aaronpk dietrich: are you hosting homebrew website club this week?
# 20:09 aaronpk I saw you changed the venue a couple weeks ago to mozpdx!
# 20:11 dietrich aaronpk: yap, tantek asked if we could host for this one and the next one
kylewm, brianloveswords and markmhendrickson joined the channel
benwerd joined the channel
Nadreck joined the channel
# 20:26 KartikPrabhu snarfed: kylewm: can I not reply with a photo through bridgy publish?
krendil and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 20:48 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
# 20:48 kylewm` KartikPrabhu: it looks like replies and photos are orthogonal in activitystreams-unoffic. file a bug?
fourtonfish and benwerd_ joined the channel
# 21:04 ben_thatmustbeme okay, fairly certain i'm confusing auth code and token again. trying to figure out how to make a micropub page work
# 21:09 ben_thatmustbeme okay, right now i send them over to indieauth.com/auth. they get validated, and it redirects them to my page/login with code=blahblahblah then i verify that the code is good by connecting back to indieauth. where to i get the token from there?
# 21:09 aaronpk something that your micropub endpoint knows about
tilgovi joined the channel
# 21:10 aaronpk the token endpoint is going to be the thing that ends up verifying the auth code
# 21:14 aaronpk it uses a helper library to do all the discovery of the endpoints, but should be readable
# 21:19 ben_thatmustbeme i'm wondering if i should just have a seperate login for this. I don't see it as nice to have the login always ask for post scope unless they actually want to do that
# 21:21 KartikPrabhu kylewm: do you know a line number or something for that. I can file a bug
# 21:23 ben_thatmustbeme so have i been doing this all wrong then. for just simple login, is it fine to just always post to indieauth.com/auth? but now for this login because I will need a token i have to go to their site and find their auth provider (or i'll never get a token)
# 21:24 aaronpk for simple login you can also find their auth endpoint if they have one
# 21:24 aaronpk or you can just let indieauth.com do all the work (pending my finishing indieauth.com doing the discovery of the person's auth endpoint)
# 21:24 ben_thatmustbeme i could, but didn't know if it was really worth it. I'll implement it now anyway, but didn't know if it would really gain me anything
# 21:30 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
paulcp joined the channel
# 21:44 jonnybarnes when you get a bug in one of your dependencies and you can't work out how to fix it :(
# 21:56 KevinMarks_ heroku fails, but I can run ti locally, and I need to spend a while talking to them
fmarier, tantek, lukebrooker and paulcp joined the channel
# 22:43 kylewm.com edited /storage (-16) "/* Flat files */ changed "vast majority" to "many", many counter-examples (Known, Bundle, Publify, Homesteading)" (
view diff )
lukebrooker_, lukebrooker, fmarier and paulbooker joined the channel
# 23:36 ShaneHudson Turns out every post for which I imported a comment, I somehow deleted the post. So manually adding the posts back :( luckily not too many!
KevinMarks and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 23:50 kylewm` fenced before and after with ```
# 23:51 kylewm` and you can optionally name the language after the first one ```python
# 23:52 ShaneHudson I like that style, can't stand the idention of some implementations