#rascultook me and ssllabs.com awhile to get that cipher list right, every client is supported by the best available cipher
snarfed joined the channel
#rasculif you use sni that cipher list can be trimmed down a little more to drop support for clients that can't do sni, but i haven't bothered to do that yet
#mkoaaronpk: I've got a Redis search index for all incoming/outgoing posts right now. It works really well. ES might be a good fit, but Redis is super responsive (assuming your server can handle holding the index in memory).
#aaronpkok well that was fun. knocked off another item on my todo list. now I can add tags to existing posts using a very similar interface to wordpress
#tommorrisno, I just buggered up nginx.conf, then restarted. I undid my changes and then had to start it again
#neuro`Feel lucky :) In 2001, I had sent the whole night upgrading a parc of OpenBSD machines. At 7AM, I finally had downloaded the just released Slackware 9, launched the upgrade on my workstation, told the installer to format my home and leave / untouched.
KevinMarks__, glennjones and Techlifeweb joined the channel
#GWGpetermolnar, I'm working on a different syndication plugin. I know you contributed to the other one.
#petermolnarI have not contributed to snap, I've started an entirely different one, but so far it's doing nothing, just implemented some ui & some hooks to the keyring plugin
tantek joined the channel
#petermolnarI'd be happy to contribute to a new one
pbeaulieu, ShaneHudson, alanpearce and xtof joined the channel
#petermolnarby the way, how did Sunday go at the indieweb uk? I'm sorry I had to leave, I hope there are many more https sites out there than it was before :)
#tantekannevk thanks for the heads-up. I'm going to push pretty strongly to have W3C reference external specs (rather than incorporate). WHATWG is a good example. I plan on pushing for that with #microformats and #indiewebcamp specs too.
#ShaneHudsonFixed my redirect, gone to without www (like it used to be) :)
#ben_thatmustbemei want to make a mircopub posting page like http://waterpigs.co.uk/notes/new/ but that means i need to request scope=post. But I don't want to always ask for post access, so I'll have to do some sort of asking for elevating privileges, which could be pretty cool
#ben_thatmustbemebut i don't really know if i have post access or not do I?
#tantek!tell aaronpk any ideas for an indieweb breakfast for Saturday morning and/or Sunday morning close to the conference venue? and perhaps an Indie Event for that too?
#Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 13 minutes ago: any ideas for an indieweb breakfast for Saturday morning and/or Sunday morning close to the conference venue? and perhaps an Indie Event for that too?
#ben_thatmustbemeokay, fairly certain i'm confusing auth code and token again. trying to figure out how to make a micropub page work
#ben_thatmustbemeso i'm using indieauth for login, asking for scope=post
#aaronpkan auth code is used to obtain an access token
#ben_thatmustbemeokay, right now i send them over to indieauth.com/auth. they get validated, and it redirects them to my page/login with code=blahblahblah then i verify that the code is good by connecting back to indieauth. where to i get the token from there?
#aaronpkit uses a helper library to do all the discovery of the endpoints, but should be readable
#ben_thatmustbemei'm wondering if i should just have a seperate login for this. I don't see it as nice to have the login always ask for post scope unless they actually want to do that
#KartikPrabhukylewm: do you know a line number or something for that. I can file a bug
#ben_thatmustbemeso have i been doing this all wrong then. for just simple login, is it fine to just always post to indieauth.com/auth? but now for this login because I will need a token i have to go to their site and find their auth provider (or i'll never get a token)
#aaronpkfor simple login you can also find their auth endpoint if they have one
#aaronpkor you can just let indieauth.com do all the work (pending my finishing indieauth.com doing the discovery of the person's auth endpoint)
#ben_thatmustbemei could, but didn't know if it was really worth it. I'll implement it now anyway, but didn't know if it would really gain me anything
lukebrooker_, lukebrooker, fmarier and paulbooker joined the channel
#ShaneHudsonTurns out every post for which I imported a comment, I somehow deleted the post. So manually adding the posts back :( luckily not too many!