#snyder__So I am new to the indie web idea. I saw the people from known on twit the other day & was looking to get some info on installing it on my blue host account. Anyone have any pointers?
#snyder__well im open to whatever. The only thing I know about is known so thats why I was asking about it. Im open for whatever cause it looks like a great thing to do
#snyder__Well I haven't started yet just wanted to get input on if thats a good platform or if there's others. Just wanting to learn more about it. I looked around the indie web camp site. Im not a programmer but am willing to learn it's on my list of things to learn
#snyder__Yea I have a few doamins & hosting paid for 3 years
#bretsnyder__ the main thing is to build and use tools that replace the value you find in sharecropping your content on other sites, so silio syndication is a key ingredient for a lot of people
#bretwhat kinds of other things are you interested in?
#snyder__I do alot of research & stuff I am a prepaid cell phone dealer & I flash phones & what not. So I do some sharing on Social media. Looking to maybe start a blog or just start writing somewhere are the main things
#snyder__so that would most likely be fine for me. It has plugins correct? so I could always add on other stuff down the road right?
#bretknown does yes. wordpress is also another plugin supported publishing tool
#acegiakkylewm: so I've replied to your reply on my post
#acegiakI feel like there should be some kind of salmon effect that happens?
#acegiakOr should my post also webmention the post that you're replying to
#bretsnyder__ the cool thing about that is that its not just known that can do that now. http://brid.gy is the tool that backfeeds that content to known/other sites using a thing called webmention
#snyder__yea I was looking at that webmentions.io & org pages
#bretsnyder__ basically you set up brid.gy to poll your silo accounts for activity, and when it finds it, it creates a standard representation of that data, and pings your site with a webmention. if your software supports webmention, it will pull in that data
#acegiakI don't have the semantic linkbacks plugin enabled
#GWGacegiak: Did you try the code I pushed to the repository?
#snyder__I have wordpress on my 1 site that I need to finish already & I have another domain that is for personal use I was thinking about maybe doing a blog with. So I could just go ahead with word press maybe & use a setup with brid.gy
#bretthere are lots of small things that are being actively developed and researched by the community that when put together make up a really rich picture. everything from domain as identity logins (indieauth) to fragmentation linking and annotations using existing standards, microformats and UX design principals, standard publishing apis etc
#breti personally use a static website generator. what is cool about most indieweb stuff is that its possible for your site to be almost entirely static html with small additional helper programs to automate things. it really cuts down on the long term maintenance of things
#GWGWebmentions and Semantic Linkbacks form the basis of an implementation.
#snyder__see I would like some automated stuff on my Biz site like Activations n stuff like that
#acegiakdamnit. So both semantic linkbacks and whisperfollow include the Mf2 library. which means now the two copies of the library are trying to declare mf2/parse()
#snyder__so you guys have seen an influx cause of that then? thats good
#snyder__right on im going to look at a couple of these page you all gave me info on ill be back in a few
#snyder__is it possible to say pull webmentions & post them in may 2 diff pages on a site? I would just have to put that plug in in the place I want it on each page correct
#GWGWell, they show up on the page they were directed to
#bretsnyder__ webmentions are really tiny http requests that have two parameters. a source and a target. the source is a url of a page that links to the target. you would ping the server that the target is hosted on with these parameters to send a webmention
#snyder__Ill have to look a bit more on how the webmentions work n see if its possible to do Im sure i could make it work some how
#bretsnyder.sexy might be available you never know ;)
#snyder__yea theres alot of new ones just released & that domai.nr is expensive isn't it for short domains? I may be thinking of another site that looks like that 1
#kylewmit looks like Known should work on Bluehost just fine
#snyder__kylewm yea i have php54 installed by default but I wasnt sure how to get it onto my server for 1. I unziped it & wasnt sure if I upload all the folders n files 1 by 1 or the main folder or rar file or what to start so I thought I would look around n see what all was out there. Im new to this type of stuff.
#snyder__Ive installed wordpress but on bluehost u just click install wp & it installs
#kylewmsnyder__: you don't need to use git to install anymore, but the rest should hold true
#snyder__yea but it was kinda confusing but ill sit down with my bluehost cpanel open & go thru it that will prob help me. I try to do some research before I go bothering people but like I said im new to this type of stuff uploading to my own server n what not
#kylewmno worries, in general you need to upload everything in the zip file (including .htaccess) to your web root
#kylewmcreate a MySQL database for known, and create config.ini with the username/password for it
#snyder__i appreciate the help though so dont take that wrong. I help people with flashing stuff & when they dont try to solve an issue on their own it gets kinda annoying after awhile cause they dont look at nothing I like to try and figure stuff out maybe im stubborn lol
#snarfed"Incorrect string value: '\\xF0\\x9F\\x90\\x9A s...' for column 'author_name' at row 1"
#barnabywaltersjonnybarnes: “cURL doesn’t need the intermediate certs” — I found that to not be the case, which is exactly what the article is about
#barnabywaltersjonnybarnes: also I added some clarifications to ensure that people don’t get the idea that they should be sending root cert
#barnabywaltersjonnybarnes: rather, to clarify: cURL doesn’t require the intermediate cert to be *sent* (although it should be), but it does require the intermediate cert in it’s cert bundle
#jonnybarnesI though it was the other way round, given that most people will only point cURL to a CA bundle of root certs, one needs to send the intermeidate certificate as well
#jonnybarnesi.e. Al has his server configured incorrectly
#barnabywaltersjonnybarnes: Al’s configuration works fine, but only now that I’ve added StartSSL’s intermediate certs to my bundles
#barnabywaltersand I want my tools’ HTTP behaviour to mirror web browsers as much as possible, to avoid difficult-to-debug issues like these
#jonnybarnesyes, but this is the point of identity verification: Al can't expect that every peice of software that interacts with his site to have all the intermeidary certs loaded laready
gRegor` joined the channel
#barnabywaltersjonnybarnes: nope, so he *should* be sending the intermediate cert, but I want my tools to work successfully as much as possible
#barnabywalterse.g. if someone subscribed to Al’s site in Shrewdness, I don’t want it to say “nope, he hasn’t quite set his TLS up right” when it could securely, successfully subscribe
#barnabywaltersI would like to add a warning to indiewebify.me if this issue is detected, warning the site owner that their site might not work successfully with other sites
#barnabywaltersor just add a link/embed ssllabs.com’s testing UI
#jonnybarneswhat language is indiewebify.me written in?
#barnabywaltersthis is ridiculous. Sounds like the problem is spread across Guzzle, cURL, homebrew and the system
#jonnybarnesyeah, its not really a problem with either homebrew or guzzle, its speicifically a problem with cURL when compiled against Apple's darwinSSL securty library
#jonnybarnesat least the version of darwinssl that comes with Yosemite
#jonnybarnesthe knock on being that then things like Guzzle don't work
#barnabywalterstantek: the relevant part is “If two URIs differ only in the 's' of 'https:', then they may never be used for different things.”
npdoty joined the channel
#tantekwe should capture just that piece somewhere
#barnabywalterswhich is consistent with my experiences with shrewdness and taproot
#gRegor`barnabywalters: Do we need approval before trying out shrewdness? I just authed successfully and it says "You must be logged in to view this page"
#barnabywaltersI’d give you an account but my superfeedr bill is racking up and I need to impliment my own polling infrastructure before letting anyone else sbscribe to more stuff :)
#barnabywalterse.g. images in posts in shrewdness, or poster images of videos
#barnabywaltersthe idea being to just show the poster with a play button then load on click, for performance+privacy
#tantek.comedited /PubSubHubbub (+623) "write up a How to PuSH 0.3 off the top of my head with roughly the info I used to get mine working, move notes about 0.4 into a how-to sections, likely needs more "how-to"-ness" (view diff)
#tantekbarnabywalters: do we have to use superfeedr for level 0.4?
#KevinMarksBecause bridgy puts the description in?
#dlykeIs there any standard for "From this RSS feed or this page, get back to an OPML file that the site publisher thinks are relevant other RSS feeds?"
#ben_thatmustbemeand i use the micropub interface i made as the main interface
#ben_thatmustbememy concern is that in theory a url could have a comma in it, couldn't it?
#aaronpkyeah I'd say specify multiple URLs with commas
#dlykeI'd like to do a "find sites which might reference a posting on one of the RSS feeds I read..."
#dlykefrom the BNF in the URL spec: extra ! | * | " | ' | ( | ) | ,
Reykjavik joined the channel
#voxpelli_snarfed: thanks for the link to the comments-presentation page –Â only problem I have with that is that a webmention from a blog-post needs it p-name – just inserting the summary often wont make sense
#ben_thatmustbemedlyke, from what i saw, sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")" / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="
#dlykeand the "path" portion contains segments, the segments contain xpalphas, which eventually map back to a set of xalphas
#KevinMarksvoxpelli do you see the issue on my page?
#snarfedvoxpelli_: sure! i don't feel strongly about this stuff. let me know if you think bridgy's mf2 should change, and i'll happily consider it
#voxpelli_snarfed: looking at my code, I have a check for whether the p-name is equal to the p-summary – now looking at the wiki I wonder where I got that from or if the wiki have changed without me noticing it (hard to keep up with changes :P)
#JonathanNealabout the valid characters in a fragmention, that is
#kylewmvoxpelli_: sorry, missed p-summary. I need to work on my reading comprehension today
eschnou joined the channel
#dlykeben_thatmustbeme freakin' morphing "standards" (my biggest "Grrr" is the morphing of semantics of the Reply-To header between RFC822 and RFC2822...).
#dlykeben_thatmustbeme but that does say that, yes, commas are valid in URLs both in the old docs and the new one.
#voxpelli_snarfed: um, looking at the code now btw – you're truncating the p-name? That makes it impossible for me to know it it's an actual title or not as I can no longer match it to e-content
#snarfedvoxpelli_: yeah, i do that because it can be arbitrarily long, e.g. fb/g+ comments
#dlykeben_thatmustbeme, so, yeah, there's last paragraph of 3.3, and the BNF: chase path->segment->pchar->subdelims, the comma is there.
#voxpelli_snarfed: I would need it to either match the p-summary or the e-content to be able to know that it's not the title of an article, right?
#ben_thatmustbemegets me back to the point of in-reply-to links, perhaps we should be using array of in-reply-to post values
#snarfedvoxpelli_: one option is to see if it's a prefix of content (or summary, etc), minus a trailing ellipsis if it has one, instead of exact string match
#voxpelli_snarfed: and matching for an ellipse seems both complex and brittle
#snarfedvoxpelli_: yeah that would be my interpretation too. again, i don't have many opinions on presentation, and i'm happy to generate any (reasonable) mf2
#snarfed(voxpelli_: prefix matching and optionally removing a trailing ellipsis doesn't seem *too* complex or brittle to me, but i understand)
#voxpelli_snarfed: if you could either make the p-name and e-content have the same content (possible for Twitter I guess), or make p-summary and p-name have the same content, then that would indicate that the p-name is just an alternate presentation of the body text
#snarfedvoxpelli_: true! we could also use different logic for note vs article, e.g. include p-name for articles but not notes.
#voxpelli_snarfed: the weird thing with that would be that while the article is the "normal" h-entry, it's also the only one with a p-name out of all the different types we currently have – right?
#snarfedvoxpelli_: i don't know. we should probably find someone who knows mf2 better instead of me.
#voxpelli_So rather than having the ones of a specific type opt-in to a title, all the ones with a type would have to opt-out – and that becomes hard when we add new ones as they will all have to get hard coded support for having their titles opted out of?
#snarfedvoxpelli_: more importantly, i'm really the wrong person to help figure this out. sorry. :/ i suggest asking tantek or KevinMarks or barnabywalters, etc
squeakytoy joined the channel
#voxpelli_snarfed: yeah, same here I guess – so – if you're okay with my fix we could perhaps solve it that way for now and then make sure one of us documents this talk and our conclusion and points them to it?
#voxpelli_snarfed: what's the reason that you can't have p-name and e-content on the same tag and if there are multiple paragraphs put p-name and p-summary on the first paragraph instead?
#snarfedremoving p-name from bridgy's notes and replies sgtm, i'll do that. voxpelli_, feel free to file an issue if you want, otherwise i will in a bit.
#snarfedvoxpelli_: good question, and i don't know the answer, mostly because i try to avoid thinking about mf2 too hard :P
#kylewmsnarfed: I think that would make the problem worse :P
#voxpelli_snarfed: you should think ;) and document your thinking ;)
#voxpelli_kylewm: are you sure p-name is always auto-generated? Or what problem do you see?
#snarfedvoxpelli_: it's prioritizing. only a certain amount of time and energy for thinking, gotta choose what to spend it on :P
#voxpelli_tantek: welcome back to Europe then! good idea, I'll fix that
#gRegor`I guess I'm overlooking the scenario where someone writes an article that's in-reply-to one of my articles/notes...
#gRegor`But I don't currently do anything with the name. If the wm has in-reply-to, I display the content. Otherwise I display "mentioned this"
#voxpelli_gRegor`: yeah, WebMentions can work like your good old pingback – we shouldn't ignore that use-case just because of twitter and facebook I think :)
#KartikPrabhuaaronpk: gRegor` pfefferle: so it seems if I modify SemPress and only keep it on the server then it should be fine. If I release it/put on github then it should be GPL
#kodfabrik.secreated /registerProtocolHandler (+437) "Created page with "{{stub}} '''<dfn>registerProtocolHandler</dfn>''' is a method on the <code>window.navigator</code> object usable from JavaScript in the browser. With it one can register custom ..."" (view diff)
#neuro`bret: nice. I gave it a try when I thought I'd drop Publify (formerly Typo). Octopress is nice too.
#bretI'm thinking I need to spend a few project days rewriting my site templates and do a note first approach, progressively enhancing them when there are are front-matter fields for things little title, images files embeds etc.
#bretneuro` i did octopress a bit.... didn't like it. made something simple into something not so simple
#mkobret: You could also take the h-entry first approach (which is what I've done). I have a "pure" template for an entry and then my templates morph the display based on entry type.
#mkoIt's mostly hide/show with a minor amount of custom display logic.
#kylewmit seems like Parker Moore has done a really good job stewarding Jekyll
#bretjekyll supports the ruby asset pipeline now (in safe mode even!) so you can render sass coffee script in a single build step. there is also a data folder which supports json, cdv, etc as well as custom collections! and configed defaults
#bretmko yeah first step is researching how others have done something similar
#neuro`Nice, it has greatly evolved since I tried it.
#bretmy site templates have so many work arounds in them... would be nice to start fresh
moizsyed_, KevinMarks, lukebrooker, caseorganic and snarfed joined the channel
#bretanything notable happening in the w3c #social wg? I have not been keeping up
bitwit and caseorganic joined the channel
#bretcan apple push notifications trigger background tasks on iOS?
#bretlike "hey phone, sync up if your environment permits"
#sparveriusbret: yes but they're limited and my knowledge of ios is a bit outdated but i believe the device will only run it for a certain amount of time
caseorganic joined the channel
#bretsparverius i know it was like that for a while, but for example, the podcast app can download in the background