2014-09-15 UTC
iboxifoo_, hadleybeeman_, a_____, GWG-, lukebrooker, Pea1, lmjabreu___, JonathanNeal_, gRegor`_, paulcp and ngoldman__ joined the channel
# 00:06 GWG- Anyway....aside from that...webmentions are working again
# 00:06 GWG- But more questions arise
jancborchardt__, Garbee_, dialdn, ozatomic_, halorgium_ and bear_ joined the channel
# 00:14 GWG bear: I had this crazy idea of copying your website design
mattl, amblin, fmarier, KevinMarks and Reykjavik joined the channel
# 00:26 Loqi acegiak: GWG left you a message 8 hours, 24 minutes ago: Thank you.
# 00:26 Loqi acegiak: GWG left you a message 6 hours, 44 minutes ago: Fixed and pushed webmention fix
tantek and tantek_ joined the channel
# 00:30 tantek GWG that's pretty funny. especially since it's 10 years old (I *really* should update it) ;)
saurik joined the channel
# 00:35 GWG But, I'm still convinced I'm using reply, like, and now favorite wrong
snarfed joined the channel
saurik joined the channel
# 00:55 kylewm is there any rule or precedent that says rel=webmention should be an absolute url?
# 00:56 kylewm GWG: like and favorite maybe, but how can you be using "reply" wrong?
# 00:58 kylewm like when i write a response to someone else's post?
# 01:04 GWG What is the different then between a response and a reply?
# 01:04 GWG If I read an article and I want to comment on it...that seems to be a response
# 01:04 GWG But if I am directly communicating with the author...aren't I replying?
# 01:05 acegiak I feel like that's kinda dependent on the context
# 01:05 acegiak like if you're responding to a note it's a reply but if you're responding to an article it's a "response"
# 01:06 GWG But they both are classified as replies?
wolftune and addal joined the channel
# 01:16 kylewm IMO likes, favorites, and replies are all types of response
lukebrooker_ joined the channel
# 01:26 gRegor` kylewm: Kartik has a relative rel=webmention on his forms, yes.
# 01:26 gRegor` I think in Link: headers it should, ideally, be an absolute URL, though? Not sure.
# 01:28 gRegor` GWG: What is the use-case for differentiating "reply" and "response"?
# 01:30 gRegor` webmention was my first foray into doing much with headers, aside from sending Location: headers, so it was kinda fun.
# 01:30 gRegor` I did both for maximum compat, in case an implementation is only looking for one or the other.
# 01:31 gRegor` Except I don't support the deprecated rel=webmention.org version.
# 01:31 gRegor` Just rel=webmention
glennjones joined the channel
# 01:37 gRegor` I did not know about theindieweb.com. Anyone we know?
paulcp joined the channel
scor joined the channel
# 02:08 bret woop, got a bunch of backlogged posts working
# 02:09 bret and yikes, noticed a bunch of random bugs on gitpub
# 02:11 bret anyone see where the indieweb breakfast photo landed?
paulcp, j12t and Reykjavik joined the channel
# 02:32 kylewm hey snarfed, you have a msg waiting in indiechat
# 02:32 snarfed kylewm: o rly? it may be waiting there for a while then :P
# 02:33 snarfed er sorry, that should have been GWG ^ (wiki links)
# 02:33 kylewm snarfed: ha, it's from bear, about indie-stats
cmhobbs joined the channel
# 02:40 bret So is known independent of mattervc now?
# 02:59 jden good evening! has anyone tried or talked about hacking indieauth into sandstorm?
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 03:07 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 03:12 kylewm /msg snarfed he just said <bear> !tell snarfed I have the scaffolding in place for indie-stats - now I
# 03:12 kylewm just need to do something with the stored mf2 data that is generated
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 03:16 snyder__ how ya doin this evening?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 03:19 snyder__ So I am new to the indie web idea. I saw the people from known on twit the other day & was looking to get some info on installing it on my blue host account. Anyone have any pointers?
# 03:19 bret there has to be some people here who can give pointers. i dont run known myself though
# 03:21 snyder__ well im open to whatever. The only thing I know about is known so thats why I was asking about it. Im open for whatever cause it looks like a great thing to do
# 03:23 snyder__ Well I haven't started yet just wanted to get input on if thats a good platform or if there's others. Just wanting to learn more about it. I looked around the indie web camp site. Im not a programmer but am willing to learn it's on my list of things to learn
# 03:23 snyder__ Yea I have a few doamins & hosting paid for 3 years
paulcp joined the channel
# 03:24 snyder__ I have hosting through blue host you heard of them?
# 03:25 bret known is definitely a great publishing tool if you like the indieweb building blocks like silo syndication and cross site commenting
# 03:25 bret yeah blue host is a pretty dependable shared hosting env irrc
# 03:26 snyder__ so is there other type other than silo stuff?
# 03:27 bret definitely hang around in irc and see what people are up to
# 03:27 snyder__ yea I think I looked at that page but it just confused me more let me see if its a diff page
# 03:27 snyder__ Yea thats how I found this channel
# 03:28 bret snyder__ the main thing is to build and use tools that replace the value you find in sharecropping your content on other sites, so silio syndication is a key ingredient for a lot of people
# 03:28 bret what kinds of other things are you interested in?
# 03:31 snyder__ I do alot of research & stuff I am a prepaid cell phone dealer & I flash phones & what not. So I do some sharing on Social media. Looking to maybe start a blog or just start writing somewhere are the main things
# 03:32 snyder__ so that would most likely be fine for me. It has plugins correct? so I could always add on other stuff down the road right?
# 03:32 bret known does yes. wordpress is also another plugin supported publishing tool
# 03:32 bret that have a number of indieweb features
# 03:32 snyder__ I was liking how known pulls everything comments & all into 1 place
# 03:33 acegiak I feel like there should be some kind of salmon effect that happens?
# 03:33 acegiak Or should my post also webmention the post that you're replying to
# 03:33 bret snyder__ the cool thing about that is that its not just known that can do that now. http://brid.gy is the tool that backfeeds that content to known/other sites using a thing called webmention
# 03:34 snyder__ yea I was looking at that webmentions.io & org pages
# 03:35 bret snyder__ basically you set up brid.gy to poll your silo accounts for activity, and when it finds it, it creates a standard representation of that data, and pings your site with a webmention. if your software supports webmention, it will pull in that data
# 03:36 acegiak I don't have the semantic linkbacks plugin enabled
# 03:37 GWG acegiak: Did you try the code I pushed to the repository?
# 03:37 snyder__ I have wordpress on my 1 site that I need to finish already & I have another domain that is for personal use I was thinking about maybe doing a blog with. So I could just go ahead with word press maybe & use a setup with brid.gy
# 03:38 bret there are lots of small things that are being actively developed and researched by the community that when put together make up a really rich picture. everything from domain as identity logins (indieauth) to fragmentation linking and annotations using existing standards, microformats and UX design principals, standard publishing apis etc
# 03:38 GWG acegiak: It seems to send the webmention now.
# 03:38 bret snyder__ that might be an easy path if you want to stick with wordpress
# 03:39 GWG snyder__: acegiak, snarfed, and I, all in the room, are Wordpress users.
# 03:39 snyder__ well it's not a must but its a option. I seen that indieauth & was going to look into it more as well.
# 03:41 acegiak snyder: I just finished documenting the user flow for my wordpress based setup
# 03:41 snyder__ GWG so you guys just use wp as your base & add plugins on for what you need or build them(which I would like to do soon)
# 03:41 snyder__ did you post that flow chart somewhere?
# 03:42 GWG snyder__: Wordpress is pretty extensible.
# 03:42 snyder__ thats seems like prob the smartest thing to do is us wp as me base
# 03:42 GWG snyder__: The basic stuff is well established.
# 03:42 snyder__ its really flexable
# 03:42 bret i personally use a static website generator. what is cool about most indieweb stuff is that its possible for your site to be almost entirely static html with small additional helper programs to automate things. it really cuts down on the long term maintenance of things
# 03:43 GWG Webmentions and Semantic Linkbacks form the basis of an implementation.
# 03:43 GWG There are a few Microformats 2 compliant themes. Sempress is the most popular.
# 03:44 snyder__ see I would like some automated stuff on my Biz site like Activations n stuff like that
# 03:44 acegiak damnit. So both semantic linkbacks and whisperfollow include the Mf2 library. which means now the two copies of the library are trying to declare mf2/parse()
# 03:45 bret known is going to score the highest out of the box indiemark score im pretty sure at this point
# 03:46 snyder__ I seen them on this week in google on TWiT.tv this week
# 03:46 snyder__ thats how I learned about known
# 03:49 snyder__ i was looking around & seen the hcard info & got all kinds of confused so thank you all very much for info. im not leaving just saying thanks
# 03:49 GWG snyder__: We're here to try and help
# 03:49 snyder__ so you guys have seen an influx cause of that then? thats good
# 03:50 snyder__ right on im going to look at a couple of these page you all gave me info on ill be back in a few
# 03:53 snyder__ is it possible to say pull webmentions & post them in may 2 diff pages on a site? I would just have to put that plug in in the place I want it on each page correct
# 03:54 GWG Well, they show up on the page they were directed to
# 03:57 bret snyder__ webmentions are really tiny http requests that have two parameters. a source and a target. the source is a url of a page that links to the target. you would ping the server that the target is hosted on with these parameters to send a webmention
# 03:57 snyder__ Ill have to look a bit more on how the webmentions work n see if its possible to do Im sure i could make it work some how
# 03:57 bret its kind of a really low level mechanic
# 03:58 bret GWG: indeed! and you all are doing great and important work for wordpress
# 03:59 GWG bret: Important maybe. If you saw my code, you might not say great.
# 03:59 bret snyder__ webmentions as a spec basically a pingback without some technical xml cruft, and recommendations on how to display useful information
# 04:01 snyder__ GWG: atleast your doing it. It will get better with time. I want to learn how to code sometime in the near feature
# 04:09 snyder__ bret thanks ill watch it in a minute looking up domain with my name I already own 4mattsnyder.com prob as close as im going to get
# 04:12 bret snyder.sexy might be available you never know ;)
# 04:13 snyder__ yea theres alot of new ones just released & that domai.nr is expensive isn't it for short domains? I may be thinking of another site that looks like that 1
# 04:15 kylewm it looks like Known should work on Bluehost just fine
snarfed joined the channel
# 04:16 snarfed hey bret, just fyi, i'm seeing a 500 on your webmention handler
# 04:20 kylewm isn't bret's webmention handler webmention.io?
# 04:20 snyder__ kylewm yea i have php54 installed by default but I wasnt sure how to get it onto my server for 1. I unziped it & wasnt sure if I upload all the folders n files 1 by 1 or the main folder or rar file or what to start so I thought I would look around n see what all was out there. Im new to this type of stuff.
# 04:21 snyder__ Ive installed wordpress but on bluehost u just click install wp & it installs
# 04:23 kylewm snyder__: you don't need to use git to install anymore, but the rest should hold true
# 04:25 snyder__ yea but it was kinda confusing but ill sit down with my bluehost cpanel open & go thru it that will prob help me. I try to do some research before I go bothering people but like I said im new to this type of stuff uploading to my own server n what not
# 04:26 kylewm no worries, in general you need to upload everything in the zip file (including .htaccess) to your web root
# 04:27 kylewm create a MySQL database for known, and create config.ini with the username/password for it
# 04:28 snyder__ i appreciate the help though so dont take that wrong. I help people with flashing stuff & when they dont try to solve an issue on their own it gets kinda annoying after awhile cause they dont look at nothing I like to try and figure stuff out maybe im stubborn lol
# 04:29 snyder__ ok yea I saw a MySQL Logo in my Cpanel so Ill click on it & it will prob walk me thru that. See I wasnt sure about that stuff also
# 04:31 snyder__ then after I create the config.ini will that be a folder?
# 04:32 snyder__ ok so ill look into installing MySQL before I do that thanks 4 the heads up
# 04:32 snyder__ yea wasnt sure if it was a folder then I was going to ask if I put all the known files in it if it is a folder
# 04:33 kylewm oops remembered one more thing, you have to run a script to create the tables and stuff
# 04:33 kylewm but you should be able to do that through whatever mySQL interface they give you in cpanel
# 04:33 snyder__ did that last post make sense to you?
# 04:34 snyder__ ok so im coping & pasting this into my note pad lol
# 04:35 snyder__ I just went back & i missed the part u said to load everything to root as a zip file
# 04:36 snyder__ i think I grasp the general outline now u filled in a few blanks for me I had. Thank you alot
fmarier joined the channel
# 04:38 kylewm snyder__: great! good luck, let us know how it goes
wolftune joined the channel
# 04:40 snyder__ kylewm: will do & thank you much for filling in the blanks. Ill be back now that ive found this community ;-)
# 04:41 snyder__ im going to watch that utube video someone posted think it was bret
moizsyed, snarfed, addal and fmarier joined the channel
# 05:24 kylewm addal: on ashersilberman.com? I'm not seeing a rel-webmention link on there
# 05:25 addal kylewm, sorry yeah havn't actually pushed the update yet
fmarier joined the channel
# 05:27 addal kylewm, cool thanks. Looks like you can do it with curl too
# 05:28 addal that'd be easier than setting up node
snarfed joined the channel
chrissaad, addal, lmjabreu___, lukebrooker, lukebrooker_, pazz0, ShaneHudson, eschnou, KartikPrabhu, kensanata, petermolnar, alanpearce, Pierre-O, carlo_au, Sebastien-L, krendil, annevk, hadleybeeman, JonathanNeal, ngoldman_, jancborchardt, Guest32898, ooland, brianloveswords and alexhartley joined the channel
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michel_v, reedstrm, michiell, amblin, verdi and ben_thatmust joined the channel
ben_thatmust, snarfed, chrissaad and glennjones joined the channel
# 14:32 jonnybarnes I beleive its considered best practice to not include the root certificate in your certificate chain
# 14:32 barnabywalters oh dear, did I imply that you should include the root as well as intermediates somewhere?
# 14:34 jonnybarnes well, cURL for example doen't need the intermediate certs, just the root certs
# 14:34 jonnybarnes (maybe you didnt imply one needs to include the root cert as well)
# 14:35 snarfed "Incorrect string value: '\\xF0\\x9F\\x90\\x9A s...' for column 'author_name' at row 1"
# 14:35 barnabywalters jonnybarnes: “cURL doesn’t need the intermediate certs” — I found that to not be the case, which is exactly what the article is about
# 14:36 barnabywalters jonnybarnes: also I added some clarifications to ensure that people don’t get the idea that they should be sending root cert
# 14:36 barnabywalters jonnybarnes: rather, to clarify: cURL doesn’t require the intermediate cert to be *sent* (although it should be), but it does require the intermediate cert in it’s cert bundle
# 14:37 jonnybarnes I though it was the other way round, given that most people will only point cURL to a CA bundle of root certs, one needs to send the intermeidate certificate as well
# 14:38 barnabywalters jonnybarnes: Al’s configuration works fine, but only now that I’ve added StartSSL’s intermediate certs to my bundles
# 14:39 barnabywalters and I want my tools’ HTTP behaviour to mirror web browsers as much as possible, to avoid difficult-to-debug issues like these
# 14:39 jonnybarnes yes, but this is the point of identity verification: Al can't expect that every peice of software that interacts with his site to have all the intermeidary certs loaded laready
gRegor` joined the channel
# 14:40 barnabywalters jonnybarnes: nope, so he *should* be sending the intermediate cert, but I want my tools to work successfully as much as possible
# 14:41 barnabywalters e.g. if someone subscribed to Al’s site in Shrewdness, I don’t want it to say “nope, he hasn’t quite set his TLS up right” when it could securely, successfully subscribe
# 14:42 barnabywalters I would like to add a warning to indiewebify.me if this issue is detected, warning the site owner that their site might not work successfully with other sites
# 14:45 jonnybarnes Im sure someone already "answered" this on StackOverflow with the right search terms
# 14:50 jonnybarnes and as it says, you can then use the openssl_ functions to verufy things
glennjones and Reykjavik joined the channel
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# 15:02 barnabywalters this is ridiculous. Sounds like the problem is spread across Guzzle, cURL, homebrew and the system
# 15:04 jonnybarnes yeah, its not really a problem with either homebrew or guzzle, its speicifically a problem with cURL when compiled against Apple's darwinSSL securty library
# 15:11 barnabywalters it’s not shipping with intermediate certs and therefore not mimicking browser behaviour and therefore confusing developers and users
# 15:12 barnabywalters if it could fetch them automatically there would be no issue but as far as I can tell cURL can’t be made to do that
# 15:12 barnabywalters I think glennjones mentioned that there’s a node package which downloads intermediate certs on the fly
# 15:15 barnabywalters well if Guzzle has write permissions to a directory/file where the bundle is stored, then a similar thing could be built for PHP
# 15:15 barnabywalters although really it’s probably better to try to use the system bundle, which is what the next version will apparently do
# 15:18 gRegor` Not enough indieweb stuff in lisp :)
# 15:20 gRegor` I've only skimmed this SSL conversation, but it seems the takeaway is . . . ssl is really hard and kinda messed up? (as usual)
# 15:21 barnabywalters gRegor`: TLS itself seems okay, it’s the surrounding ecosystem which is a nightmare
# 15:24 gRegor` I've only scratched the surface on TLS, but I wish more of a web of trust model was feasible instead of root certificates.
friedcell joined the channel
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# 15:34 reedstrm barnabywalters: agreed, re: README for node-ssl-root-cas - not just a README practically a tutorial
tantek-ipod and petermolnar joined the channel
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# 15:50 barnabywalters tantek: the relevant part is “If two URIs differ only in the 's' of 'https:', then they may never be used for different things.”
npdoty joined the channel
# 15:51 gRegor` barnabywalters: Do we need approval before trying out shrewdness? I just authed successfully and it says "You must be logged in to view this page"
# 15:51 barnabywalters I’d give you an account but my superfeedr bill is racking up and I need to impliment my own polling infrastructure before letting anyone else sbscribe to more stuff :)
# 15:52 tantek barnabywalters: what about implementing PuSH first instead to be more efficient?
# 15:52 tantek should be less work that a polling infrastructure
# 15:52 tantek then how about letting people have accounts who implement PuSH?
# 15:52 tantek that way you don't have to pay anything to get their feeds
# 15:53 tantek each person that creates an account should make sure that THEIR feed doesn't cost you anything
moizsyed joined the channel
# 15:54 barnabywalters which is still pretty easy to implement, but not as widely supported or documented
# 16:01 barnabywalters oh btw, both waterpigs.co.uk and Shrewdness got upgraded to HTTPS by default today (apart from external content as yet)
# 16:02 tantek in fact there is "How to publish PuSH 0.3 or 0.4" section ironically
# 16:08 gRegor` barnabywalters++ for https
# 16:09 tantek barnabywalters: is there a lot of mixed passive content?
# 16:09 barnabywalters tantek: on shrewdness, yes, loads. Taproot, less so, just a few assets per page typically
# 16:09 barnabywalters but I’m making a middleware thingy to cache them locally, so it won’t be a problem for long
# 16:11 tantek kind of like an extension to the nicknames cache?
# 16:12 barnabywalters the idea being to just show the poster with a play button then load on click, for performance+privacy
# 16:12 tantek.com edited /PubSubHubbub (+623) "write up a How to PuSH 0.3 off the top of my head with roughly the info I used to get mine working, move notes about 0.4 into a how-to sections, likely needs more "how-to"-ness" (
view diff )
# 16:13 tantek barnabywalters: do we have to use superfeedr for level 0.4?
# 16:15 tantek barnabywalters: which currently says "add a rel-hub header pointing to superfeedr (the only hub that supports spec 0.4 yet) "
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# 16:28 aaronpk kylewm: what command do you use to count the used space of flat files?
# 16:28 aaronpk i meant comparing file size vs space on disk used
alanpearce joined the channel
# 16:29 kylewm so i just cat'ed all the text files together into one and checked its size
# 16:30 aaronpk "461,394,716 bytes (500.9 MB on disk) for 18,160 items"
# 16:30 reedstrm aaronpk: du gives disk usage, ls (or du --apparent-size) does what it says.
ShaneHudson joined the channel
# 16:31 aaronpk hm osx doesn't have the --apparent-size option. will run on linux
# 16:35 ShaneHudson Mentioned to someone about starting university young and their reply was "You can't have done, you don't have a wikipedia page" LOL
# 16:40 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 16:40 aaronpk "Incorrect string value: '\\xF0\\x9F\\x90\\x9A s...' for column 'author_name'..."
jschweinsberg and gRegor` joined the channel
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# 18:17 snarfed looks like they're all from bridgy, so probably an interop problem with bridgy's mf2
# 18:17 snarfed voxpelli_ ^^ happy to help debug if/when you want
# 18:17 Loqi snarfed: aaronpk left you a message 1 hour, 37 minutes ago: ugh, emoji are confusing my DB
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# 18:23 voxpelli_ !tell tantek Thanks for pointing it out, I'll fix the black bird URL!
# 18:23 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 18:28 aaronpk we've been using comma to specify multiple values like tags
# 18:29 dlyke Is there any standard for "From this RSS feed or this page, get back to an OPML file that the site publisher thinks are relevant other RSS feeds?"
# 18:29 dlyke I'd like to do a "find sites which might reference a posting on one of the RSS feeds I read..."
# 18:30 dlyke But you can put a comma directly in a URL.
# 18:31 dlyke Encoding it as %2b is optional. I think. Skimming the W3c spec right now.
# 18:31 dlyke I seem to remember that spaces must be encoded as "+", so space would be a good list separator.
# 18:31 dlyke (Sorry, just tuned in in the middle of this)
# 18:33 dlyke from the BNF in the URL spec: extra ! | * | " | ' | ( | ) | ,
Reykjavik joined the channel
# 18:35 voxpelli_ snarfed: thanks for the link to the comments-presentation page –Â only problem I have with that is that a webmention from a blog-post needs it p-name – just inserting the summary often wont make sense
# 18:35 ben_thatmustbeme dlyke, from what i saw, sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")" / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="
# 18:36 dlyke and the "path" portion contains segments, the segments contain xpalphas, which eventually map back to a set of xalphas
# 18:36 snarfed voxpelli_: sure! i don't feel strongly about this stuff. let me know if you think bridgy's mf2 should change, and i'll happily consider it
# 18:37 voxpelli_ snarfed: looking at my code, I have a check for whether the p-name is equal to the p-summary – now looking at the wiki I wonder where I got that from or if the wiki have changed without me noticing it (hard to keep up with changes :P)
# 18:38 dlyke I see httpaddress h t t p : / / hostport [ / path ] [ ? search ]
# 18:38 dlyke And then follow "path" down through it's def to a set of xalpha.
ShaneHudson joined the channel
# 18:41 ben_thatmustbeme dlyke from /fragmention For future reference. Valid characters as per URL spec are: ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~" / "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG / "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")" / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "=" / ":" / "@" / "/" / "?" -Sandeep.io 20:58, 23 April 2014 (PDT)
# 18:41 kylewm voxpelli_: I do the same thing, usually if p-name != e-content.value, it means p-name is a title
# 18:42 voxpelli_ kylewm: Yeah, I need to add that – just wonder why I'm doing it with p-summary now and not e-content :P
# 18:43 kylewm voxpelli_: sorry, missed p-summary. I need to work on my reading comprehension today
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# 18:46 dlyke ben_thatmustbeme freakin' morphing "standards" (my biggest "Grrr" is the morphing of semantics of the Reply-To header between RFC822 and RFC2822...).
# 18:47 dlyke ben_thatmustbeme but that does say that, yes, commas are valid in URLs both in the old docs and the new one.
# 18:47 bret really wish media wiki had PRs on pages
# 18:51 voxpelli_ snarfed: I'll add that example Bridgy page to my testpinger then, I guess that okay as I already have one of your like pages in there :)
# 18:51 dlyke Last paragraph in 3.3 says that a comma must be treated opaquely as part of the path component.
# 18:53 voxpelli_ snarfed: um, looking at the code now btw – you're truncating the p-name? That makes it impossible for me to know it it's an actual title or not as I can no longer match it to e-content
# 18:54 snarfed voxpelli_: yeah, i do that because it can be arbitrarily long, e.g. fb/g+ comments
# 18:54 dlyke ben_thatmustbeme, so, yeah, there's last paragraph of 3.3, and the BNF: chase path->segment->pchar->subdelims, the comma is there.
# 18:54 voxpelli_ snarfed: I would need it to either match the p-summary or the e-content to be able to know that it's not the title of an article, right?
# 18:54 ben_thatmustbeme gets me back to the point of in-reply-to links, perhaps we should be using array of in-reply-to post values
# 18:56 snarfed voxpelli_: one option is to see if it's a prefix of content (or summary, etc), minus a trailing ellipsis if it has one, instead of exact string match
# 18:57 voxpelli_ snarfed: and matching for an ellipse seems both complex and brittle
# 18:58 snarfed voxpelli_: yeah that would be my interpretation too. again, i don't have many opinions on presentation, and i'm happy to generate any (reasonable) mf2
# 18:58 snarfed (voxpelli_: prefix matching and optionally removing a trailing ellipsis doesn't seem *too* complex or brittle to me, but i understand)
# 18:59 voxpelli_ snarfed: if you could either make the p-name and e-content have the same content (possible for Twitter I guess), or make p-summary and p-name have the same content, then that would indicate that the p-name is just an alternate presentation of the body text
# 19:00 snarfed voxpelli_: true! we could also use different logic for note vs article, e.g. include p-name for articles but not notes.
# 19:01 voxpelli_ snarfed: the weird thing with that would be that while the article is the "normal" h-entry, it's also the only one with a p-name out of all the different types we currently have – right?
# 19:01 snarfed voxpelli_: i don't know. we should probably find someone who knows mf2 better instead of me.
# 19:02 voxpelli_ So rather than having the ones of a specific type opt-in to a title, all the ones with a type would have to opt-out – and that becomes hard when we add new ones as they will all have to get hard coded support for having their titles opted out of?
# 19:04 snarfed voxpelli_: agreed! i understand your concerns. maybe different logic for article replies vs note (or non-article) replies?
# 19:04 kylewm voxpelli_: snarfed: remeber that p-name is auto-generated if one is not provided. so there's no way to leave it out
# 19:04 snarfed voxpelli_: more importantly, i'm really the wrong person to help figure this out. sorry. :/ i suggest asking tantek or KevinMarks or barnabywalters, etc
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# 19:05 voxpelli_ snarfed: yeah, same here I guess – so – if you're okay with my fix we could perhaps solve it that way for now and then make sure one of us documents this talk and our conclusion and points them to it?
# 19:06 snarfed voxpelli_: your fix is to have bridgy not ellipsize twitter replies?
# 19:07 snarfed alternatively i could remove p-name from replies/comments altogether
# 19:07 snarfed seems reasonable, since they don't have an explicit title/name
# 19:07 voxpelli_ snarfed: removing p-name would be a solution as well :) or adding a p-summary
# 19:08 voxpelli_ I'll be checking if p-name matches p-summary or e-content and remove p-name if it matches either
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# 19:10 voxpelli_ snarfed: what's the reason that you can't have p-name and e-content on the same tag and if there are multiple paragraphs put p-name and p-summary on the first paragraph instead?
# 19:10 snarfed removing p-name from bridgy's notes and replies sgtm, i'll do that. voxpelli_, feel free to file an issue if you want, otherwise i will in a bit.
# 19:10 snarfed voxpelli_: good question, and i don't know the answer, mostly because i try to avoid thinking about mf2 too hard :P
# 19:11 kylewm snarfed: I think that would make the problem worse :P
# 19:11 voxpelli_ snarfed: you should think ;) and document your thinking ;)
# 19:11 voxpelli_ kylewm: are you sure p-name is always auto-generated? Or what problem do you see?
# 19:11 snarfed voxpelli_: it's prioritizing. only a certain amount of time and energy for thinking, gotta choose what to spend it on :P
# 19:12 kylewm voxpelli_: yeah p-name is generated if one isn't provided. on a non-trivial h-*, the generated p-name is uuuuugly
# 19:13 snarfed off to lunch. thanks for helping think this through, guys!
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# 19:15 kylewm I should give some context -- that's the parsed output of bridgy's mf2 if p-name were removed
# 19:16 gRegor` Is the use-case here knowing when to display so-and-so "mentioned this in [post title]"? vs just "mentioned this in a note"?
# 19:18 kylewm gRegor`: it looks like webmention.herokuapp.com shows the text "title\ncontent", if it decides they aren't equivalent
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# 19:28 Loqi tantek: voxpelli_ left you a message 1 hour, 5 minutes ago: Thanks for pointing it out, I'll fix the black bird URL!
# 19:30 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 19:31 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 19:31 voxpelli_ tantek: no time tonight unfortunately and leaving for yet another conference tomorrow :/
# 19:32 tantek voxpelli_: hah - and I'm on a flight to London myself!
paulcp joined the channel
# 19:32 voxpelli_ tantek: welcome back to Europe then! good idea, I'll fix that
# 19:32 gRegor` I guess I'm overlooking the scenario where someone writes an article that's in-reply-to one of my articles/notes...
# 19:33 gRegor` But I don't currently do anything with the name. If the wm has in-reply-to, I display the content. Otherwise I display "mentioned this"
# 19:33 voxpelli_ gRegor`: yeah, WebMentions can work like your good old pingback – we shouldn't ignore that use-case just because of twitter and facebook I think :)
# 19:33 KartikPrabhu wordpress people! Anyone know the rules to modifying SemPress. I don't understand the huge GPL license file
# 19:35 KartikPrabhu pfefferle: I don't want to change the actual SemPress theme, only edit it to better suit a friends' website needs
# 19:36 tantek I'm still blogging the demos from IndieWebCamp UK
# 19:36 tantek could someone here create those stub pages ^^^
# 19:36 gRegor` Basically it's "do what you want with it" and if you redistribute it, the GPL license has to be included, right?
# 19:36 tantek I'll be offline and blogging on a flight for ~12 hours.
# 19:37 aaronpk and any software that includes it must also be GPL
# 19:37 snarfed kylewm: re your example of auto generating p-name…huh. odd that it uses the entire h-entry's text and not just the e-content
# 19:37 gRegor` "changes you make must be GPL" is what i meant, but that only applies if you're distributing it, right?
# 19:38 KartikPrabhu gRegor`: but if I use it on a friends site it is being distributed no?
# 19:38 aaronpk i believe if you are not distributing the source code then yes. but that is impossible for Javascript code for example
# 19:38 gRegor` No, that's not my understanding.
# 19:38 aaronpk if it's server-side code then you're not distributing the code
# 19:38 gRegor` Ah yeah, good point on js
# 19:38 aaronpk but you are distributing the HTML, CSS and JS that is on your site
# 19:39 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: gRegor` pfefferle: so it seems if I modify SemPress and only keep it on the server then it should be fine. If I release it/put on github then it should be GPL
# 19:40 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 19:41 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 19:41 kodfabrik.se created /registerProtocolHandler (+437) "Created page with "{{stub}}
'''<dfn>registerProtocolHandler</dfn>''' is a method on the <code>window.navigator</code> object usable from JavaScript in the browser. With it one can register custom ..."" (
view diff )
# 19:41 gRegor` indielawsuits--
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# 19:48 ben_thatmustbeme i'm thinking of just making webmentions async too, since receiving mentions and pulling in reply-context already are
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# 19:53 snarfed ben_thatmustbeme: yeah, i don't think bridgy got either of those publish webmentions
# 19:54 ben_thatmustbeme i was just tweaking things to give me twitter/facebook syndication selection for my micropub client
# 19:57 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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Gold and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 20:08 neuro` bret: are you giving jekyll a try, or are you working on it?
# 20:09 neuro` bret: nice. I gave it a try when I thought I'd drop Publify (formerly Typo). Octopress is nice too.
# 20:10 bret I'm thinking I need to spend a few project days rewriting my site templates and do a note first approach, progressively enhancing them when there are are front-matter fields for things little title, images files embeds etc.
# 20:11 bret neuro` i did octopress a bit.... didn't like it. made something simple into something not so simple
# 20:11 mko bret: You could also take the h-entry first approach (which is what I've done). I have a "pure" template for an entry and then my templates morph the display based on entry type.
# 20:12 mko It's mostly hide/show with a minor amount of custom display logic.
# 20:12 kylewm it seems like Parker Moore has done a really good job stewarding Jekyll
# 20:12 bret jekyll supports the ruby asset pipeline now (in safe mode even!) so you can render sass coffee script in a single build step. there is also a data folder which supports json, cdv, etc as well as custom collections! and configed defaults
# 20:13 bret mko yeah first step is researching how others have done something similar
# 20:13 neuro` Nice, it has greatly evolved since I tried it.
# 20:13 bret my site templates have so many work arounds in them... would be nice to start fresh
# 20:15 mko Yeah. My templates are still pretty messy. I've been pretty "ship it and fix it later" focused lately.
# 20:15 neuro` When using Bootstrap, the first thing I do is making it less bootstrapish.
# 20:15 bret neuro` when i bootstrapped my site, I was literally like, "sweet don't have to learn css now"
# 20:15 neuro` bret: we released a bugfix version yesterday and are about to release a Rails 4.1 version. Next step is making it an engine.
# 20:15 voxpelli_ bret: wow, I agree, they have quite a pace now the Jekyll team
# 20:15 bret my feeling on the matter has changed greatly since then
# 20:16 bret nice would love to get my css down to thast
# 20:17 bret i'm going to prioritize simple html structure with minimal classing outside of uf2
# 20:18 bret i'm curious how well that will work out.
# 20:18 bret yeah definitely neuro`! looks super good
# 20:19 bret I should come up with a jekyll template that works with gitpub out of the box
# 20:20 bret with that, I can focus on nailing down an h-entry first approach
# 20:20 bret would be nice to work on something with less baggage
# 20:20 bret (than my current site structure/content)
# 20:20 neuro` Thank you guys. I'll release an open source version of it. It's just some Bootstrap after aall
# 20:21 bret voxpelli_ if you know node, its a very simple concept at this point
# 20:21 bret get micro pub request, turn it into your static site's post format and save it
# 20:22 bret its kinda my first major software project I have done on my own
# 20:23 voxpelli_ bret: well, I rather run yours than build one myself :) webmention.herokuapp.com is enough for me right now
# 20:23 mko aaronpk: Does OwnYourGram go back and extract previous photo posts into a machine-readable format to do PESOS?
# 20:23 voxpelli_ bret: it's also in Node.js so please feel free to be inspired :)
# 20:23 aaronpk it doesn't have an import feature, it just starts sending new photos starting after you authorize it
# 20:23 mko That's what I thought. Just wanted to make sure.
# 20:24 bret voxpelli_ I want to turn gitpub into a web mention endpoint. maybe we can modularize some things and share code
# 20:24 aaronpk importing old photos is kind of on my list for it, but not a super high priority
# 20:25 neuro` I'll probably extend Publify model to make galleries
# 20:25 neuro` Everything is already there, and we have Flickr integration
# 20:25 bret i like that flicker got a bit better again lately
# 20:26 neuro` We have tags we can use to make galleries, and contents linked to files. Just need to define a Picture content type and add some UI
# 20:27 neuro` Probably less than 1 day work when I see what we did for the notes.
krendil, moizsyed and pfefferle joined the channel
# 20:42 aaronpk just added ctrl+s keyboard shortcut to save a note in Quill
# 20:45 Loqi aaronpk meant to say: just added ctrl+s keyboard shortcut to create a note in Quill
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# 20:50 bret aaronpk how do you name your syndication links based on the url you get back?
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# 21:05 neuro` bret: keep calm and carry one, no one parse XML anymore.
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# 21:06 bret my dad reads my site with a news reader so I at least owe it to him to get a working feed till I can get him an indieweb reader
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# 21:08 aaronpk does barnaby's h-feed to atom bridge not work for him?
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# 21:15 KevinAtAppleStor so, what should I try on this air to see if its fast enough
# 21:15 aaronpk I've been doing everything on an 11" Air for a long time.
# 21:23 bret KevinAtAppleStor LaTeX document compilation
# 21:23 bret aaronpk that would maybe work! but I don't have a good way to redirect him.
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# 21:27 bret i could do http equips ;) but it prob won't work
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# 21:43 KevinAtAppleStor hm, air or pro? it's only $300 more
# 21:46 bret KevinAtAppleStor i did the pro... love it, but I use VMs a lot
# 21:47 bret i would either do the 11inch air or 13 inch mbr
# 21:48 bret aaronpk does the air have glass over the screen?
# 21:48 bret KevinAtAppleStor a few other surprises: no more IR ports on laptops... so your remotes won't work
# 21:49 bret KevinAtAppleStor you can't update ram anymore on mbr max it out when you get it
# 21:49 bret KevinAtAppleStor there also isn't any status or battery indicator lights on the new mbrs
# 21:49 bret get the smallest flash drive, and upgrade that later
# 21:50 bret you can't go from hdmi to display port, only display port to hdmi
# 21:51 bret mbrs and airs don't have line in audio ports anymore
# 21:51 bret Or fiberoptic audio I think.... not sure on that one
# 21:56 sparverius KevinAtAppleStor: if you do audio work or high quality audio it'd be worth investing in a decent USB based DAC
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# 23:02 bret anything notable happening in the w3c #social wg? I have not been keeping up
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# 23:17 bret can apple push notifications trigger background tasks on iOS?
# 23:18 bret like "hey phone, sync up if your environment permits"
# 23:21 sparverius bret: yes but they're limited and my knowledge of ios is a bit outdated but i believe the device will only run it for a certain amount of time
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# 23:36 bret sparverius i know it was like that for a while, but for example, the podcast app can download in the background
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