#indiewebcamp 2014-09-22
2014-09-22 UTC
bret KevinMarks, sent you a PR: https://github.com/kevinmarks/noterlive/pull/5

KartikPrabhu tantek: more like "How does someone without a blog make any statement of more than 140chars?" 140 char limit of Twitter is a self-imposed restriction

KartikPrabhu I have a response already, I am just letting the question simmer for a bit ;)

KartikPrabhu GWG: I think people who are already here are more calm and sensible about it

KartikPrabhu GWG: For instance I haven't seen tantek "condemn" anyone for having a database and vice-a-versa

KartikPrabhu only outsiders who read one wiki page take it as some sort of indieweb directive

KartikPrabhu GWG: by outsiders I mean people not actively participating

KartikPrabhu again not using "outsider" as a pejorative

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
KartikPrabhu opps accidental log out

KevinMarks_ joined the channel
KartikPrabhu yes probably. did not intend it though

alexhartley joined the channel
KartikPrabhu we did get a few "agreement" type tweets on the whole debate too

KartikPrabhu they were drowned by the "wars" but they did show up in the channel

KartikPrabhu GWG: I think that is a people problem not a technology problem

GWG "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow."
npdoty and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
KartikPrabhu unless you feed them

KartikPrabhu yes ^ troll has become a general word to use against the opposing party in a debate

parzzix Sorry to interupt the discussion...does anyone here know how to get known to look for mongodb instead of sql...the default script seems to want sql?
KartikPrabhu any self-hosted Known people around? bear , kylewm ^

tantek does the /Known#FAQ help at all here?

parzzix haven't found anything...lol I could do sql, just have to figure out how to use it..
parzzix no, I didn't create it. But when I go to page for first time I cannot get past giving the sql database settings
parzzix You can see it at ...
KartikPrabhu kylewm: maybe now Known defaults to MySQL, changing the config file to use MongoDB might work?

parzzix kylewm, I downloaded the zip file of the withknown website
parzzix I'm just tring to get somthing self hosted going...I really like known and redwind, but maybe it's beyond my tech skills...maybe I should just use wordpress
KartikPrabhu parzzix: can you access the config.ini in your installation root folder?

parzzix yeah...it
KartikPrabhu does it say MySQL in database ?

parzzix opp..hit enter..it's in a VPS
parzzix just a sec
parzzix right now I don't have a config.ini
KartikPrabhu oh i see. kylewm is the MongoDB config file same as the MySQL one except for the database="" property ?

parzzix i'm going to copy yours kylewm ...for now...see if it helps
KartikPrabhu parzzix: that would be a good step :)

frzn joined the channel
parzzix kylewm, KartikPrabhu ....used that config.ini and now I killed it..lol
KartikPrabhu killed in a good way?

KartikPrabhu kylewm: maybe for the feed reader?

parzzix lol....getting a Not Found
KartikPrabhu :(

parzzix looking
parzzix it's till there kylewm
kylewm it's an .htaccess thing somehow because works
parzzix yes
parzzix hmm...but it breaks after that link also..I think.
kylewm parzzix: AllowOverride in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
parzzix ok....let me check/do
kylewm <Directory /var/www/html>
parzzix made changes....restarting apache
parzzix got this .... The requested URL /begin/register/ was not found on this server.
KartikPrabhu kylewm: good one on documentation. I was going to suggest that

KartikPrabhu kylewm++ even

kylewm parzzix: Did you replace /var/www/html with the actual root of your installation?
kylewm.com edited /Known (+176) "/* Use MongoDB */ caveat that benwerd recommends MySQL" (view diff)
parzzix yes.......it's in that directory
kylewm.com edited /Known (+146) "/* Setup Known on nginx */ add rascul's nginx configuration" (view diff)
alexhartley joined the channel
@puppet_ebooks NOT writing a social media campaign about diversity. indieweb is getting some aspects of creating an old lady. Driving past Folsom street... (twitter.com/_/status/513858229093556224)
KartikPrabhu wtf ^

parzzix thanks to kylewm my known is working...thanks so much.... now to figure out how to get plugins and themes working...lol
alexhartley joined the channel
kylewm like, is he literally saying that my reply doesn't show up on https://kylewm.com/page/5 ?
KartikPrabhu The (3) links are broken. so I don't really know

KartikPrabhu parzzix++ on Known

KartikPrabhu kylewm++ for helping parzzix

KartikPrabhu Loqi where be points?

@BillSeitz RT @puppet_ebooks: NOT writing a social media campaign about diversity. indieweb is getting some aspects of creating an old lady. Driving p… (twitter.com/_/status/513872430440263681)
Loqi [mention] https://brid-gy.appspot.com/rsvp/facebook/724885424/1566815933547350/214611 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/events/2014-09-24-homebrew-website-club (webmention)

parzzix Anyone know why plugins don't load in current release of known?
alexhartley joined the channel
tantek check it out - now I'm causing duplicate RSVPs :D http://known.kevinmarks.com/2014/homebrew-website-club

acegiak !tell benwerd is my mf2 here weird? http://acegiak.net/2014/09/22/ben-werdmuller-screw-your-tesla-im-getting-a-terrestrial-shrub-rover-httpwww-youtube-comwatchvgtvtdhj6fqo/
snarfed joined the channel
parzzix what directory should the known pligins be in? ldno or ldnoplugins?
parzzix docs saying ldnoplugins but not working.
tilgovi, paulcp and alexhartley joined the channel
kartikprabhu.com edited /events/2014-09-24-homebrew-website-club (+46) "/* Where */ no Chicago meeting" (view diff)

wolftune joined the channel
snarfed, paulcp and npdoty joined the channel
KartikPrabhu GWG: you pass the HTML through a cleaner of sorts stripping away the javascript stuff and then use a mfparser to get the needed content. Not much different than a webmentioed comment I think

KartikPrabhu there is no need to treat external comments differently than other external content

tantek joined the channel
@denials I now have a #posse with Known (http://withknown.com/). Groovy #indieweb publishing platform with hooks to the Twitters. (twitter.com/_/status/513899524931457024)
KartikPrabhu do people here support both a comment form and webmention?

KartikPrabhu acegiak: you can choose to keep those tags then

KartikPrabhu I allow img in replies iirc

KartikPrabhu nope

KartikPrabhu i don't have a local cache yet. debating whether to have one

Loqi [mention] https://kartikprabhu.com/notes/twitter-140-comment-system linked to http://indiewebcamp.com (webmention)

KartikPrabhu well there ^ is the response I set to stew

KartikPrabhu yeah that had to be handcrafted... usual truncation isn't good enough for the 140 limit

KartikPrabhu it started with some #OpenTwitter thing and people asking for webmention based conversations. and then moved to "what is someone does not have a blog" and "having both a comment system and webmention is too much work" full thread: https://twitter.com/joeld/status/513699407129505792

@joeld .@gRegorLove? RT @BillSeitz: @joeld @davextreme @manton any visible examples of back-and-forth BlogThread using WebMention? #OpenTwitter (twitter.com/_/status/513699407129505792)
KartikPrabhu hopes to have a reply-thread that captures such conversations some day

KartikPrabhu i think people are figuring out how to do a RSS twitter thing and for notifications of replies came up on webmention and its hows and whys. so it is a meandering conversation

KartikPrabhu for a short summary of the BillSeitz thinking http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/BlogThread#Sept.272014:_Pondering_interface_challenge

KartikPrabhu kylewm: also if you don't want notifications from that to your Twitter I'll remove your mention next time around. Will also give me more room ;)

alexhartley and alexhart_ joined the channel
KartikPrabhu :) thanks

KartikPrabhu it helps that I am not actually a dev and have no stakes in a "war" :P

KartikPrabhu I see. neat

KartikPrabhu I know. I didn't want to go down the RSS vs HTML route

KartikPrabhu they can do that "exercise for the reader" themselves

tantek and heck, all of /IndieMark

KartikPrabhu yes. trying to sort out all possible problems before starting, means you probably won't start. true of many things, science, dev, design, art

tantek especially all the /monoculture communities

KartikPrabhu despite all the diff. approaches I might add

KartikPrabhu nods

tantek speaking of which we need to document the differences of opinion on /database-antipattern

KartikPrabhu i think gregorlove` and kylewm made sime changes to that page

KartikPrabhu s/sime/some

tilgovi joined the channel
KartikPrabhu yes a link to File-Storage#indiweb_examples and same for database would be useful

KartikPrabhu one of the strangest arguments against HTML based storage I saw was about needing to put CSS and JS to view it in a browser

KartikPrabhu which is downright incorrect

KartikPrabhu for reference in the future: https://twitter.com/duckinator/status/512853376594223104

@duckinator We'll need CSS for the inspectability you want. Are browser prefixes okay? Can I include JS? Can I include REALLY OBNOXIOUS JS?@kevinmarks (twitter.com/_/status/512853376594223104)
tantek joined the channel
KartikPrabhu i think I wrote a longish article about it

KartikPrabhu yeah AJAX remember :P

KartikPrabhu it was for a my college tech-fest. I think they still do tat shit

KartikPrabhu tantek: oh that photo only shows as a thumbnail in feed. I should update it for newer best practices

KartikPrabhu tantek: for the record, I worked on one of the earlier version of this monstrosity: http://ktj.in/

KartikPrabhu in the following years they have also managed to make a worse UI :| sheesh

KartikPrabhu tantek: yes. This is an old post :P

KartikPrabhu pre-indieweb days too

KartikPrabhu in fact 2 months (approx) before indieweb

KartikPrabhu morning neuro`

KartikPrabhu good point

KartikPrabhu I have been thinking that too, but just clubbed all meta-data at the bottom

KartikPrabhu but date on top and tags on bottom seems like a better choice

KartikPrabhu neuro`: I did. Started work on a website for a friend so more Django+python in the near future

KartikPrabhu awesome!

KartikPrabhu a literal Homebrew Website Club

tantek.com edited /events/2014-09-24-homebrew-website-club (+25) "/* URLs */ comment out MSP & CHI for this week" (view diff)

tantek.com edited /events/2014-09-24-homebrew-website-club (+25) "/* RSVP */ comment out MSP & CHI this week" (view diff)

tantek.com edited /events/2014-09-24-homebrew-website-club (+25) "/* Notes */ comment out CHI & MSP this week" (view diff)

@lenciel database-antipattern - IndieWebCamp: link:http://indiewebcamp.com/database-antipattern (twitter.com/_/status/513928483966562304)
tet would you guys delete an article about the microformat antipattern?
KartikPrabhu tet: what would you suggest using instead of microformats?

tet Ruby's HTML-parser libs keep breaking - hipsters invent new ones, abandoning old ones (HPricot, now Nokogiri), xml lib churn breaks them whether via SWIG/C-binding error issues or otherwise, then your microformats libs build on these are brokentoo
tet as far as i can tell, mf2 stil isn't fully decentralized-extensible ala RDFa predicates?
tet on 'antipattern' comment on angular-UI - linked-data UIs never work unless you have good webarch to begin with, proper doc/thing URI distinction, content-negotiation, CORS support, you'd be full of red-dots and errordialogs in no time. it's just a silly-trick in *addition* to lynx-support noJS HTML
tet in short, i believe all those things, and ditching ad-hoc microformats are key components to longevity and flexibility (related) more so than minting these oneoff 'mention/pingback' things to make twitter/diaspora clones before fixing basic webarch issues, etc etc
KartikPrabhu unfortunately I don't understand most of those words

tet structured data is preferable to unstructured, i'm not a MF hater, it just seems like something to consider *After* your server is returning turtle or jsonld properly.. in case someone really insists on fishing around inside HTML
KartikPrabhu I want my website to be for humans not robots so not much into the whole turtle/jsonld thing I am afraid

tet KartikPrabhu: i will expand it into a longform "microformats antipattern" post on my own site
tet to be in spirit of the indieweb
tet link to everytrhing, try to explain to those unfamiliar with the ways in which web architecture favors longevity and flexibility and decentralization that people are underutilizing
tet turtle's a lot more pleasant to read, and it's less fragile, you ust need a turtle parser, not an xml/htl5 lib, scripting-lang bindings to said lib, then microformats parsers for inside that structure
tet and once it's in that format it's trivial to spit out HTML with the same data in it via a 1line script, for those that want HTML
KartikPrabhu but my browser reads HTML just fine.

KartikPrabhu again if the end result is to be HTML, I really don't want to deal with intermediates. Me not being a dev and all

tet sure, use whatever format you want
tet HTTP is MIME-type agnostic
tet i would encourage more usage of text/plain too
tet trivial https?://\s+ scanners on links
KartikPrabhu tet: we already do that for notes :)

tet or /(https?:\/\/(\([^)>\s]*\)|[,.]\S|[^\s),.”\'\"<>\]])+)/ or whatever
KartikPrabhu but that does not tell me how others should interact with my website for comments and all that stuff

KartikPrabhu but of course, you can write said article on your own website... I'd read it :)

KartikPrabhu I spend enough time trying to navigate Latex, Markdown, HTML, CSS, JS to be really bothered with another format

KartikPrabhu not to mention all the SASS, LESS, CoffeeScript that people keep telling me to use

michiell joined the channel
KartikPrabhu and all that regex you spoke that went flying over my head :P

tet it how i'm extracting HTTP links from plaintext. alternates welcome
KartikPrabhu I am not the one to ask :P

tet once your stars align and your html5/python-html5/mf-parsers work, how do you add arbitrary new properties? eg with RDF you just POST them on your own webserver, can't get more indie than that. no petitiotnin danbri@google, tantek@mf.org, whoever
tet how do you get the same data expressed in the mf2 in one of the deployed graph-data formats
KartikPrabhu I have never needed a "graph-data format" for anything so far

tet it should be doable with the right webserver, if you dig writing HTMLfirst
tet it's been a timesaver here. not having to write *any* HTML-generation code. (tho i have some fallback stuff for lynx)
tet eg, tim and some of his students wrote a data-browser
tet kylewm: don't have one
KartikPrabhu ahh tet you should have one and show us how this can work. I have learnt a lot by seeing others' websites and the source :)

tet http://m.whats-your.name/2014/09/22.n3 is the graph data
tet s/n3/html/ and you get HTML data.
Loqi tet meant to say: http://m.whats-your.name/2014/09/22.html is the graph data

tet ehhe wtf
tet this is good, now you don't even need the bloated, crufty HTML5 environment anymore
tet you still have a global web of data, but can interact with it in wayas you prefer
KartikPrabhu can't see it in my browser to read

tet ie, if you hate JS, and want an openGL or ncurses UI, have at it using the n3/turtle
KartikPrabhu I hardly use any JS anyway

KartikPrabhu I don't think I want to say to my friends "hey here is my website, but you can't read it in FF"

KartikPrabhu seems like HTML is what is read by most people, and so I'll just build on that instead of inventing a new browser

tet they already exist, written in JS
KartikPrabhu oh man JS is worse than writing HTML

tet even if you have JS disabled, most of your browser's UI is written in JS , so it's kind of hypocritical to go luddite on it if you use chromium/firefox and just block it eveyrwehre
KartikPrabhu I like that my browser does not cough up errors when my HTML is bad

KartikPrabhu not the same with JS running

KartikPrabhu tet: using your Turtle LinkedData magic would you still output HTML?

tet this is the graph-data KartikPrabhu. arguable more readable than HTML. even if you lac a parser/browser, a plaintext reader will do in a pinch
tet if you've installed https://github.com/linkeddata/tabulator , your browser gains support for this MIME type
KartikPrabhu tet: I dont think my readers will want to read that unfortunately

KartikPrabhu and I don't have a text-reader on my phone at the moment

tet kylewm: procmail doesnt seem to allow arbitrary suffixes. i believe that's the -mh format, as opposed to maildir, it's just filenames its greated
ShaneHudson joined the channel
@kevinmarks #indieweb @kevinmarks: also thanks to @bretolius for another pull request (twitter.com/_/status/513948242837372929)
KevinMarks__ hm, noterlive needs an icon. Suggestions?

KartikPrabhu KevinMarks__: http://thenounproject.com/term/edit/12944/

KevinMarks__ lots of notes too

KevinMarks__ note seems crayon themed

alanpearce_ joined the channel
KevinMarks__ this is live http://thenounproject.com/term/live/63206/

KartikPrabhu this is good: http://thenounproject.com/term/note/48407/

KevinMarks__ I was thinking take a pencil and put that in the transmitter tower

KartikPrabhu maybe combine the live icon with this http://thenounproject.com/term/note/40033/

michiell, npdoty, krendil and friedcell joined the channel
acegiak GWG: this is weird. Installed indieweb taxonomy on emily's site and got the following: http://pastebin.com/F86L5bQM
@filiptepper Database-Antipattern, an interesting approach, I love simplifying things. http://indiewebcamp.com/database-antipattern?utm_source=dbweekly&utm_medium=email (twitter.com/_/status/513956025280770048)
eschnou, petermolnar, alexhartley and elima joined the channel
KevinMarks__ there we go: http://www.noterlive.com/noterlive.svg

Sebastien-L joined the channel
KartikPrabhu KevinMarks__: nice

@elfpavlik I wonder if http://indiewebcamp.com/micropub could use application/ld+json besides application/x-www-form-urlencoded ? #indiewebcamp @aaronpk (twitter.com/_/status/513966688539537408)
KevinMarks__ also, noterlive now has tweet length countdown warnings

KevinMarks__ what is with the LD fanboys?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "with the LD fanboys" yet. Would you like to create it? http://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/index.php?action=edit&title=with+the+LD+fanboys

KevinMarks__ hah

KartikPrabhu it is the new thing KevinMarks__ get with the times ;)

KevinMarks__ json-ld is the new n3

KartikPrabhu KevinMarks__ I think we went through n3 tonight already

KartikPrabhu what is n3?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "n3" yet. Would you like to create it? http://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/index.php?action=edit&title=n3

KevinMarks__ no

KevinMarks__ see earlier comments from tet

KevinMarks__ who kept saying things were trivial, yet somehow didn't have a homepage

glennjones joined the channel
KartikPrabhu I don't understand the obsession to compile into HTML

KartikPrabhu since HTML is the final output anyway

KartikPrabhu reminds me to writing Latex to make PDF urggh

KevinMarks__ these rdf/n3/turtle/json-ld types are mostly harmless as they only write in formats no-one but them can read anyway

KevinMarks__ it's like lojban

alanpearce_ I like the idea of lojban :)
KartikPrabhu alanpearce_ and I like the idea of RDF until I went to write it

KevinMarks__ I like Danny O'Brien's comment "RDF was the LSD of the 90s"

michiell_ joined the channel
KartikPrabhu but in all seriousness, I hope someone tries making a publish->parse->notification system using RDF or whatever else

KartikPrabhu and actually uses it

@xtof_fr FB envisagerait de facturer 2.99 USD par mois et par utilisateur. >> http://au.ibtimes.com/articles/567070/20140922/facebook-charge-users-2-99-monthly-fee.htm#.VB_GliuSzl1 Pas vu d'alternatives #indieweb ? (twitter.com/_/status/513972525772972032)
@WaldoKanto RT @xtof_fr: FB envisagerait de facturer 2.99 USD par mois et par utilisateur. >> http://au.ibtimes.com/articles/567070/20140922/facebook-charge-users-2-99-monthly-fee.htm#.VB_GliuSzl1 Pas vu d'alternatives #indieweb ? (twitter.com/_/status/513972776269774848)
KartikPrabhu, glennjones, Sebastien-L and elima joined the channel
@JockelLohkamp Out in the Open: A Blogging Tool That Lets You Actually Own What You Post http://www.wired.com/2014/09/known/ #indieweb #GETDBerlin #P2P (twitter.com/_/status/513982479816880130)
@OpenSteps RT @JockelLohkamp: Out in the Open: A Blogging Tool That Lets You Actually Own What You Post http://www.wired.com/2014/09/known/ #indieweb #GETDBerlin #… (twitter.com/_/status/513984653586628608)
glennjones_ joined the channel
@homobil RT @JockelLohkamp: Out in the Open: A Blogging Tool That Lets You Actually Own What You Post http://www.wired.com/2014/09/known/ #indieweb #GETDBerlin #… (twitter.com/_/status/513985802842693632)
ttepasse joined the channel
michiell_, Sebastien-L and Haxxa joined the channel
@rorykoehler Thanks to organisers @JockelLohkamp & @hildebrand and everyone else who attended #GETDBerlin . Feeling inspired by the #indieweb movement (twitter.com/_/status/514001164632088576)
@jongold @imcatnoone but it's very much an indieweb affectation vs the realities of trying to build a business before you run out of money. (twitter.com/_/status/514003428398616576)
parzzix and michiell_ joined the channel
parzzix Known plugins not working..ben told me somthin about setting path in config.ini?
alexhartley joined the channel
parzzix kylewm, going to install redwind on another instance and see which I like more...Can I just start with a lamp stack for it?
ShaneHudson joined the channel
alexhart_, michiell_, elima, Sebastien-L, friedcell1, Rev_Illo and verdi joined the channel
friedcell, ShaneHudson and PierreO joined the channel
@McMasterMCM Will your intranet get Known? @shelholtz discusses the IndieWeb movement & #internalcomms http://holtz.com/blog/internal/will-your-intranet-get-known/4405/ (twitter.com/_/status/514037406115188737)
Rev_Illo, michiell_ and tantek joined the channel
parzzix good morning tantek
parzzix ok....no plugins working yet though
frzn joined the channel
tantek I want to add it to /database-antipattern if that's ok ;)

parzzix morning neuro`
@conflictmedia IndieWeb advocates launch Known so bloggers can be social and still control their content https://gigaom.com/2014/09/11/indieweb-advocates-launch-known-so-bloggers-can-be-social-and-still-control-their-content/ https://indiewebcamp.com/Known (twitter.com/_/status/514046712017854464)
pfefferle joined the channel
tantek Hey nice WIRED article too - interesting that it hasn't been tweeted as much - or perhaps just failed to mention "indieweb" in the title: http://www.wired.com/2014/09/known/

petermolnar (offtopic) Loqi, you made my day, thank you: http://aaronparecki.com/articles/2011/02/12/1/loqi-the-friendly-irc-bot

petermolnar tantek I don't think that link fits in the antipattern page; databases do have their place in the world (just like flat files) and I have not found what that db in the article was used for

gr0k joined the channel
petermolnar I have stories on that as well, with broken replication chains and so on, but still, we would not survive without dbs at all :)

cmhobbs and michiell_ joined the channel
tantek Ok wikipedia editors, this is enough to get a "Known(software)" article started: http://indiewebcamp.com/Known#Articles <-- citations. cc: tommorris

ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
sandro joined the channel
tantek tommorris cool - then I'll just ask you opnion/advice questions instead then. Since enwp.org/Known redirects to enwp.org/Knowledge, should I create this first? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Known%28disambiguation%29

@livingthepart And so the week begins - have a great one everybody! If u need a giggle check out livingthepart .com for a funny Web Series! #indieweb #film (twitter.com/_/status/514052789090385920)
parzzix thinking of having a wordpress and my known...so i have somthing stable until known is 100%
eschnou joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme hey all

Loqi [mention] https://brid-gy.appspot.com/rsvp/facebook/724885424/1566815933547350/2053809 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/events/2014-09-24-homebrew-website-club (webmention)

Loqi [mention] https://brid-gy.appspot.com/rsvp/facebook/724885424/1566815933547350/2524850 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/events/2014-09-24-homebrew-website-club (webmention)

Loqi [mention] https://brid-gy.appspot.com/rsvp/facebook/724885424/1566815933547350/700017 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/events/2014-09-24-homebrew-website-club (webmention)

parzzix hey ben_thatmustbeme
ben_thatmustbeme hey parzzix, what are you up to today?

Loqi [mention] https://brid-gy.appspot.com/rsvp/facebook/724885424/1566815933547350/507420 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/events/2014-09-24-homebrew-website-club (webmention)

ben_thatmustbeme looks like it

ben_thatmustbeme huh, never noticed the irc logs pull in icons for tweets too. nice touch

Loqi [mention] http://blog.uebyn.com/post/98145462179 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/ (webmention)

Loqi [mention] http://blog.uebyn.com/post/98145462179 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/Getting_Started (webmention)

Loqi [mention] http://blog.uebyn.com/post/98145462179 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/Principles (webmention)

Loqi [mention] http://blog.uebyn.com/post/98145462179 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/fun (webmention)

parzzix ben_thatmustbeme, trying to get my plugins working on my known site
Loqi [mention] https://brid-gy.appspot.com/rsvp/facebook/724885424/1566815933547350/1103436 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/events/2014-09-24-homebrew-website-club (webmention)

Loqi [mention] https://brid-gy.appspot.com/rsvp/facebook/724885424/1566815933547350/4001907 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/events/2014-09-24-homebrew-website-club (webmention)

ben_thatmustbeme I'll just blame Loqi

Loqi [mention] https://brid-gy.appspot.com/rsvp/facebook/724885424/1566815933547350/6015444 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/events/2014-09-24-homebrew-website-club (webmention)

pfefferle joined the channel
Loqi [mention] https://brid-gy.appspot.com/rsvp/facebook/724885424/1566815933547350/3320535 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/events/2014-09-24-homebrew-website-club (webmention)

Loqi [mention] https://brid-gy.appspot.com/rsvp/facebook/724885424/1566815933547350/205868 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/events/2014-09-24-homebrew-website-club (webmention)

@Uebyn "We don’t care to see yet another recycled design, we want to see you..." Free the Web, http://blog.uebyn.com/post/98145462179/free-the-web
#MondayBlogs #indieweb (twitter.com/_/status/514060802689474560)
tantek nice blog post http://blog.uebyn.com/post/98145462179/free-the-web

Loqi [mention] https://brid-gy.appspot.com/rsvp/facebook/724885424/1566815933547350/215522 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/events/2014-09-24-homebrew-website-club (webmention)

Haxxa Can Loqi bot be disabled or made less annoying
Haxxa yep
tantek KartikPrabhu, kylewm apparent very poor choice of hashtag: OpenTwitter - so many different uses of it - https://twitter.com/hashtag/opentwitter?f=realtime&src=hash

wolftune and brianloveswords joined the channel
Loqi [mention] http://gregorlove.com/notes/2014/09/22/1/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/reply-thread (webmention)

@gRegorLove @BillSeitz Reply threads are an interesting thing some people are working on. See: http://indiewebcamp.com/reply-thread @joeld @davextreme @manton (twitter.com/_/status/514070438473768960)
kylewm Loqi missed this one https://twitter.com/joeld/status/513723527204462592
@joeld So many people on both sides of this Indy web thing confuse plumbing issues with appliance design issues. (twitter.com/_/status/513723527204462592)
tantek exactly - perhaps we should write up the /plumbing-antipattern

kylewm tantek: ICYMI https://github.com/themattharris/RelMeAuth/pull/5
tantek the /plumbing-antipattern is the common antipattern between all the "RSS Twitter" folks (hint - don't start with plumbing which is what RSS is) and those would would obsess over RDFa/JSONLD/turtle/n3 who don't actually publish on the web.

gr0k joined the channel
tantek tet - you mentioned last night "unless you have good webarch to begin" - I for one will not accept anything you claim about webarch until you can prove you understand the basics of webarch by *doing* it - by publishing on the *web* on your own website. until then all your webarch talk is armchair.

gr0k joined the channel
tantek KartikPrabhu: everything you said starting here: http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2014-09-21#t1411366121306

ShaneHudson joined the channel
tantek tommorris - was that a yes re: creating http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Known%28disambiguation%29 ?

pfefferle joined the channel
parzzix thanks kylewm , i'm trying it now.
parzzix they still don't load :(
dlyke joined the channel
kylewm parzzix: check /var/log/apache2/error.log
parzzix ok kylewm
parzzix [Mon Sep 22 11:38:37.866581 2014] [:error] [pid 1299] [client] Known ( ERROR - Invalid object ID 4, referer:
parzzix kylewm, shows errors like this
parzzix lol...ok kylewm
parzzix I may give up and stick to hosted....do a wordpress for my own... I looked into setting up red wind...that looks a like a little to much for me also.
parzzix I am very much a step by step instructions type of guy.
ShaneHudson It is errors like that which will help him make it easier to install

parzzix kylewm, I can snapshot my instance and save it...can always load it up later.
tilgovi joined the channel
kylewm interesting, GMail uses JSON-LD to add action links to emails https://developers.google.com/gmail/actions/reference/one-click-action
paulcp joined the channel
j12t joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
KartikPrabhu completely missed this last night: http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2014-09-21/line/1411367080635

KartikPrabhu tet: we don't need stars aligning for mfparsers to work. I could write major code for mf2py within 2 months of learning python, while I couldn't even figure out how to put RDFa in HTML correctly. And we don't have to email tantek@mf.org or anyone else to use new properties. We just use them, and there is an microformats wiki to document use cases.

KartikPrabhu bret: long story begins here if interested: http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2014-09-21#t1411365170005 in summary replacing Turtle/jsonld and the like instead of mf2. ALso n3 made an appearance

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "n3" yet. Would you like to create it? http://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/index.php?action=edit&title=n3

alexhartley joined the channel
bret tet: re a microformat antipattern wiki page. Rather than just showing up and immediately starting a page calling microformats an antipattern your first day here, starting fairly framed discussion on its advantages and disadvantages on the existing microformats page or your own site would probably be more helpful to everyone

alexhart_ joined the channel
KevinMarks_ Writing a microformats antipattern article without grasping the bikeshed-independence of mf2 seems a little quixotic

cmhobbs and tilgovi joined the channel
alexhartley joined the channel
KevinMarks_ I think RDF is an abbreviation for Recursive Descent Forever

KevinMarks_ Danlyke: how does feed.unmung.com cope with your feeds? Do I need to add to the template?

KevinMarks___ and elima joined the channel
danlyke bret, yeah, it's that a good number of the pages off of indiewepcamp.org/irc-people don't have RSS or Atom feeds easily discoverable (I'm doing inbound checks from feeds rather than WebMention because of my concerns over the latter re-re-re-inventing all of the issues of Referer tracking/Trackback/Pingback/etc).
fmarier joined the channel
KevinMarks___ It's a grammatical correction that doesn't follow the spec, like spelling referrer correctly

KevinMarks___ There is also the problem of posting multiple feeds that cover different things

gr0k joined the channel
gr0k joined the channel
danlyke The http://www.intertwingly.net/wiki/pie/AutoDiscovery page doesn't have an "a" tag.
bret oh crap I should update my tags: https://blog.whatwg.org/feed-autodiscovery

tantek, 7YUAAVW76 and pauloppenheim joined the channel
pauloppenheim joined the channel
kylewm danlyke: hey, have you generated an OPML for /irc-people?
tantek joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
@argaldo La base de datos como anti-patrón para el almacenamiento de información … http://indiewebcamp.com/database-antipattern (twitter.com/_/status/514117947120685056)
bret kylewm: error: exception while processing webmention HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=4000): Max retries exceeded with url: /2014/09/22/flow-control-libs-li/ (Caused by <class 'ConnectionRefusedError'>: [Errno 111] Connection refused)

grantmacken joined the channel
KevinMarks__ I wonder if argaldo would like to start a spanish translation nf indiewebcamp

indie-visitor joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
KartikPrabhu tantek: re: documenting questions asked yesterday. sure. but I have no idea where to put them.

tecgirl joined the channel
KartikPrabhu seems like i did something right :P

@WeMustCode database-antipattern - IndieWebCamp http://indiewebcamp.com/database-antipattern?utm_source=dbweekly&utm_medium=email #wemustcodedata (twitter.com/_/status/514125770491719680)
@imaginationapps database-antipattern - IndieWebCamp http://indiewebcamp.com/database-antipattern?utm_source=dbweekly&utm_medium=email #wemustcodedata (twitter.com/_/status/514125771871617024)
tantek so now people are just tweeting the URL of /database-antipattern without commentary? does that mean they agree? or think it's interesting?

KartikPrabhu yeah I was going to ask

KartikPrabhu at least they are not highly upset about it

yakker joined the channel
KevinMarks___ As it's switched from a polemic to a discussion through editing and feedback, the responses have changed too

KartikPrabhu tantek: note that it has utm = email . so it is being circulated through email threads

brianloveswords joined the channel
@BillSeitz RT @gRegorLove: @BillSeitz Reply threads are an interesting thing some people are working on. See: http://indiewebcamp.com/reply-thread @joeld @davextrem… (twitter.com/_/status/514126537147547648)
KartikPrabhu tantek: see http://wemustcode.events/ and https://twitter.com/WeMustCode

KartikPrabhu though I don't know about the "pre loading screen" :P

KartikPrabhu tantek: hey if there is a .club there has to be a .events

Loqi [mention] https://brid-gy.appspot.com/repost/twitter/gRegorLove/514070438473768960/514126537147547648 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/reply-thread (webmention)

KartikPrabhu I thought Web 2.0 was gone and done for

KartikPrabhu wait I'm pre loading again

KartikPrabhu same here...

KartikPrabhu single-page-website--

KartikPrabhu hmm that seems wrong

KartikPrabhu websites can have one page

KartikPrabhu probably a "framework" of som sort

KartikPrabhu <i> !! lol

KartikPrabhu maybe they will. it is in 151 days :P

indie-visitor joined the channel
garron thanks tantek, been listening to kevin marks going on about the indie web on twig for a couple of months now
JasonO joined the channel
garron thought i should try get involved
garron i do, garrongray.com
KevinMarks__ kinda database antipatterns https://twitter.com/izs/status/514127474557341696

@izs If running the public @npmjs registry has taught me one thing over the last 5 years, it's NEVER EVER PUT BINARY ATTACHMENTS IN COUCHDB. (twitter.com/_/status/514127474557341696)
KevinMarks__ Hi Garron

garron hi
KartikPrabhu hi garron! have you seen this: http://indiewebcamp.com/Getting_Started#Set_up_your_home_page_and_web_sign-in

garron been going through it today
KartikPrabhu since you already have a homepage, you can setup IndieAuth and sign in and edit the wiki

KartikPrabhu sweet!

garron i love the principles
npdoty and garron1 joined the channel
@kevinmarks @timbray if only there was some way you could publish your complaints where anyone can read them and send out a link via twitter #indieweb (twitter.com/_/status/514141801800663041)
GarronGray I'm curious… how many nationalities are represented here?
KartikPrabhu GarronGray: quite a few I think. US, UK, Germany, France, (I would count as Indian)

KartikPrabhu we did have a Brazilian person stop by once, but I haven't heard from them in a while

GarronGray Any other South Africans out there?
tecgirl1 joined the channel
KartikPrabhu hmm yeah where are the Southies? ;)

KartikPrabhu Southies = Souther Hemisphere-ians

KartikPrabhu should stop making up words

KartikPrabhu ahh cool

parzzix southern us..not hemisphere though.
KartikPrabhu parzzix: I don't think that is south enough ;)

GarronGray :)
KartikPrabhu GarronGray: definitely get more people interested and maybe start a Homebrew Website Club...

GarronGray So can anyone start a Homebrew Website Club? Is it not a sanctioned thing?
parzzix is there any other all inclusive system similiar to withknown? I am starting to think customized wordpress is the best option?
Mark87 joined the channel
KartikPrabhu GarronGray: no, it isn't some officially signed off thing. You meetup with people who are interested in indieweb principles and work on things together

parzzix Mark87, I've been having issues with installing known...thought of doing from scratch myself, but all i
parzzix i'm capable of from scratch would be a simple html page
KartikPrabhu parzzix: nothing wrong with having a static site

KartikPrabhu there ^

KartikPrabhu bret: are you a file storage users?

parzzix Mark87, ran into mongodb issues
KartikPrabhu bret: then add yourself here: http://indiewebcamp.com/file-storage

KartikPrabhu we are documenting who uses flat files and who uses databases

parzzix To be honest, because mongodb doesn't take much setup, known does the work itself. I'm not versed in either.
KartikPrabhu git uses flat files to store things. so yea flat files

KartikPrabhu yeah ^

KartikPrabhu version control

parzzix bret, do flat files take up more or less space compared to a DB?
KartikPrabhu parzzix: is that the deciding question?

KartikPrabhu anyone using databases add yourself to the appropriate one following links in http://indiewebcamp.com/database

parzzix KartikPrabhu, my question to Bret? no not deciding..just curious
KartikPrabhu Mark87: you can have comments and the article in the same file and each comment is an update :)

KartikPrabhu parzzix: ok. I would thing space is cheap. Compared to the head-ache (at least for me) of dealing with a black box database

KartikPrabhu Mark87: ok we are hypothesising here. But once you get a webmention, you parse it and append the reply to the main article HTML file, then git commit it

parzzix [Mon Sep 22 11:38:37.866581 2014] [:error] [pid 1299] [client] Known ( ERROR - Invalid object ID 4, referer:
KartikPrabhu also same with a comment form

KartikPrabhu also git versioning helps save draft versions at least wagtail.io a Django CMS does this

parzzix KartikPrabhu, to be honest I am very inexperienced at most of the web technologies, but I am good at moving aroug linux machines. That is why i use do droplets for everything
parzzix Mark87, that is from my apache log..lol. plugins won't load...wich makes known sort of useless
KartikPrabhu parzzix: whatever works for you should be what you use. Don't let dogma get in the way of getting things done

parzzix rascul, that is cool.
XgF joined the channel
parzzix KartikPrabhu, well whay I know right now is some basic html and css..everything else I do is looking for step by step guides.
KartikPrabhu parzzix: if you move to wordpress you will be using MySQL anyway, so why not try a MySQL install of Known which seems to be more default now

KartikPrabhu parzzix: that is how I learnt too. :)

KartikPrabhu I learnt python to build my website about a year and a half ago :)

parzzix Well I have my instance still, I guess I could rip mongo out and throw in sql
KevinMarks Re database antipatterns, this is well worth reading https://backchannel.org/blog/friendfeed-schemaless-mysql

KevinMarks It's also how known uses mysql

KartikPrabhu marked to read

KartikPrabhu that is like /database-cache no?

KartikPrabhu Mark87: FF tabs ;)

KartikPrabhu and tab-groups :P

KartikPrabhu I want to start posting bookmarks on my site though. Now that Quill has a cool tool for it

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "that" yet. Would you like to create it? http://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/index.php?action=edit&title=that

KartikPrabhu what is Quill?

Loqi Quill is a simple app for posting text notes to your website using micropub http://indiewebcamp.com/Quill

KartikPrabhu Quill is by aaronpk, the latter being the person :)

Mark87 i'm thinking of Quim Gill https://twitter.com/quimgil
KartikPrabhu I also have quite a few "saved items" in my feed reader Feedly

elima joined the channel
KartikPrabhu yup!

KevinMarks My flat files are in github, so there are diffs there

barnabywalters joined the channel
KevinMarks I use strikethrough if there is some change that needs showing (ie not typo corrections)

barnabywalters Mark87: I store data in the filesystem, and edits/other style updates are done to through or to my application, just as they would be if I was using an opaque database

barnabywalters Mark87: are you maybe confusing filesystem storage and static sites?

barnabywalters I should add that as an FAQ

KartikPrabhu barnabywalters: yes!

KevinMarks joined the channel
parzzix ok...can someone tell me how to import the bass sql config that is provided
parzzix via command line
parzzix for known that is
KartikPrabhu oh yeah barnabywalters add yourself as an example to /file-storage

waterpigs.co.uk edited /database-antipattern (+331) "/* FAQ */ added static hosting FAQ" (view diff)

barnabywalters Mark87: currently YAML

parzzix ok kylewm
barnabywalters for most of my data at least — my web archive is stored as HTML files in a URL-mimicking folder structure

barnabywalters and ABC files for sheet music

@OuiShareLabs RT @JockelLohkamp: Out in the Open: A Blogging Tool That Lets You Actually Own What You Post http://www.wired.com/2014/09/known/ #indieweb #GETDBerlin #… (twitter.com/_/status/514156947290193921)
paulcp joined the channel
jonnybarnes I get an XML parsing error when opening http://www.flutterby.com/indieweb/irc-people.opml in firefox nightly

parzzix rascul, ok..worked..now using sql... but no plugins, themes, and my profile pic doesn't seem to show up.
jonnybarnes is flutterby.com danlyke's site?

KartikPrabhu parzzix: you used the Known setup to upload profile picture

parzzix KartikPrabhu, no...but after work I edited my user
parzzix error follows
parzzix [Mon Sep 22 17:03:17.139282 2014] [:error] [pid 1145] [client] PHP Warning: file_put_contents(/var/www/data/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/Idno/Files/LocalFileSystem.php on line 83, referer:
parzzix rascul, it didn't work on mongo either
jonnybarnes does anyone know what time GMT new firefox nightly's come out?

jonnybarnes a slightly annoying bug has been fixed today so should be in the next nightly

parzzix I made data folder in www like setup said to do...
parzzix bear, apache
rascul parzzix did you change the permissions and/or ownership of /var/www/data so that whatever user known is running as can write to it?

parzzix rascul, it's set to 777
jonnybarnes danlyke: is http://www.flutterby.com/indieweb/irc-people.opml meant to be viewed in a browser? cos I get an xml parse error

jonnybarnes bear: hmmm, so Ill have to wait a while yet

parzzix fixed picture issue
jonnybarnes im also suffering a seperate bug, a fix for which appears to have been commited into the mozilla-inbound branch, but I have no idea how long that will take to get into nightly

parzzix permissions were actually 771..i now made it 777
parzzix i was wrong
parzzix :)
jonnybarnes rascul you beat me to it

jonnybarnes bear, but it makes nightly quite unusable, so hopefully itll get in quickly: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1070038

jonnybarnes I love the first developers comment "Uhhh thats bad..."

parzzix now time to make plugins work
rascul danlyke your regex comment reminds me of this http://stackoverflow.com/a/1732454

KartikPrabhu parzzix: congrats on Known working :)

KartikPrabhu parzzix: maybe you should post about your installing experience and document the problems you found. benwerd and erinjo would find that useful for the future

elima joined the channel
parzzix KartikPrabhu, I may, but I want to have things fully functional...still don't have any plugins working.
KartikPrabhu parzzix: yes. I meant after you finish installing :)

@kragen http://identity.mozilla.com/post/78873831485/transitioning-persona-to-community-ownership I didn't realize Persona had died in March. A sad end to what could have been a crucial piece of the #indieweb. (twitter.com/_/status/514165963743571968)
parzzix rascul, are plugins working on your known?
tantek danlyke - go ahead and file github issues on indiewebify suggesting improvements! https://github.com/indieweb/indiewebify-me/issues

parzzix bear, 0.6.2 which is latest posted on the site.
tantek danlyke - also check out the prose approach (rather than "test your URL" approach) https://indiewebcamp.com/IndieMark

parzzix bear, right now, I have 0 plugins...I would at least like to have the twitter one going :(
KartikPrabhu or flavour^

parzzix rel-me links don't seem to be working either...I guess I will put up a static page also..until I get this working fully..lol
danlyke well, I migrated away from the [url link text] format, but the [[Topic]] and [[Topic|link text]] is just another subdivision inside text before it gets passed to the entity decoder.
danlyke but early on I was writing a lot of email with _some text here_ (http://thepage/) so started there, and it's just grown since.
parzzix Hey guys, to start just a plain static page..should i go with lemp or lamp..need to start a new instance for it..or any other suggestion.
tilgovi joined the channel
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "lemp" yet. Would you like to create it? http://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/index.php?action=edit&title=lemp

parzzix tantek, basically apache or nginx stack
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "lamp" yet. Would you like to create it? http://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/index.php?action=edit&title=lamp

parzzix kylewm, I cant choose themes....stuck with default
parzzix kylewm, themes and plugins still don't load
tantek.com created /LAMP (+407) "stub with dfn, see also, other variants in use by indieweb folks" (view diff)

parzzix kylewm, yeah..the lemp thing had my confused for awhile..couldn't figure out where nginx was coming from..until I learned it was pronounced enginex
tantek any other /file-storage folks want to chime in?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "Litespeed" yet. Would you like to create it? http://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/index.php?action=edit&title=Litespeed

tantek.com edited /LAMP (+121) "MongoDB is ok for M as well, iterate common exceptions" (view diff)

tantek kylewm: http://www.litespeedtech.com/ claims LiteSpeed is a "High performance Apache drop-in replacement" so is it worth making a distinction?

kylewm tantek: ah no probably not, I was thinking http://www.lighttpd.net/
Mark87 I'm going to start using SSL on my server, but I need a certificate. I started going through the process at startssl, but I need an email address using my domain to finish it, and I don't want to pay hover.com extra for an email forward, nor do i know of any email providers i can use for my dns mx records. Any ideas?
arlen joined the channel
Loqi LAMP is a acronym for Linux Apache MySQL (or MongoDB) and one or more of Perl PHP and/or Python http://indiewebcamp.com/lamp

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "lemp" yet. Would you like to create it? http://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/index.php?action=edit&title=lemp

danlyke bret, for a single account... https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/google-appengine/pVZfdeky-ow/TO1SmipM2Y0J
KartikPrabhu parzzix: what is your KNown URL?

tantek rascul, btw on XML valid HTML5, my home page is both valid HTML5: http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A//tantek.com/ and XML valid: http://schneegans.de/xp/?ct=application/xml&url=http%3A//tantek.com/

tantek I used the W3C HTML validator and application/xml proxy favelets on favelets.com to quickly check both of those. http://favelets.com/

brianloveswords joined the channel
parzzix KartikPrabhu, timapple.me
KartikPrabhu sucks that you didn't get Known working completely

parzzix I know...making a static now with rel=me links so I can log into indiewebcamp..
lukebrooker joined the channel
kevinbae joined the channel
KartikPrabhu danlyke: please document the trouble you are having and file a bug report or something.

parzzix Got my super advanced static page up at timapple.com ...lol
KartikPrabhu parzzix++ for static homepage

parzzix Look at me riding the Karma train :)
parzzix bret, whats your url..I would like to check your site out.
bret parzzix, please excuse the broken: http://bret.io

KevinMarks So if you use rails is it LAMR?

andys joined the channel
parzzix So should I be adding myself to ircpeople??
KevinMarks My site is Heroku Amazon Node Github - HANG

bret we have http://fatberg.org ;)

jonnybarnes any PHP gurus here?

jonnybarnes I've fixed a bug in my code, but only if the following is true would I know why: https://jonnybarnes.uk/notes/3K

jonnybarnes so the object's __construct wouldnt get called?

Mark87 joined the channel
KevinMarks The point of static variables/methods is that they're shared by all instances, right?

KevinMarks So they are pre-initialiased before you make any instances

brianloveswords joined the channel
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "phpmyadmin" yet. Would you like to create it? http://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/index.php?action=edit&title=phpmyadmin

Guest___ joined the channel
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "mysql workbench" yet. Would you like to create it? http://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/index.php?action=edit&title=mysql+workbench

bret.io created /mysql_workbench (+115) "Created page with "

{{ stub }}
<dfn>MySQL Workbench</dnf> is a GUI application used to inspect and perform actions on MySQL databases."" (view diff)#
Loqi MySQL Workbench is a GUI application used to inspect and perform actions on MySQL databases http://indiewebcamp.com/mysql_workbench

bret.io created /phpmyadmin (+110) "Created page with "<dfn>phpmyadmin</dfn> is a web application that can be used to inspect and perform actions on mysql databases."" (view diff)

Loqi indie is short for “independent” and “independence” and is often used as a prefix to describe independent things or things designed for independents, such as indie rock, games, films, and of course, IndieWebCamp itself http://indiewebcamp.com/indie

Loqi ind.ie is a website created by Aral Balkan for the Indie Tech Manifesto http://indiewebcamp.com/ind.ie

KartikPrabhu Mark87: no my RSS/Atom is for articles only so far. And it is a bad one having all articles in it instead of first few or something

KartikPrabhu KevinMarks___ can unmung do h-feed -> Atom?

KartikPrabhu eh yes :)

KevinMarks No, that is a separate problem

KartikPrabhu Mark87: that would give you microformats, not Atom just so you know

KartikPrabhu KevinMarks: oh ok

KevinMarks Though adding h-feed parsing to universal feed parser sounds like a good project

bret Mark87 a tool to be aware of: https://waterpigs.co.uk/services/microformats-to-atom/

KevinMarks Also at some point we should check that feeds round trip through them both

KevinMarks Unmung is a feed reader of sorts

KevinMarks It's actually really handy for podcasts

KartikPrabhu :D

Loqi Unmung is a service that turns legacy feeds into h-feeds http://indiewebcamp.com/unmung

KevinMarks I need to add feed discovery to it at some point

KartikPrabhu KevinMarks: nice use of u-audio for podcasts :)

KevinMarks If you check the show raw box that's the output of universal feed parser

KevinMarks Which I left in for debugging

KevinMarks For people putting in urls of sites that aren't feeds

KevinMarks I use Universal Feed Parser, the python one

KevinMarks Which is spectacularly comprehensive

KevinMarks Hm, looks like I have the check box wrong

KevinMarks I suppose it's the podcast case I'm thinking of there

KevinMarks__ hm, did I not make that checkbox do anything? I must have been really tired and dreamt I made it work.

gr0k and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
KevinMarks__ OK, fixed the 'show raw' checkbox so you don't get json cruft at the end by default

KevinMarks__ hm, looks like tantek's feed is causing me trouble too ;)

brianloveswords joined the channel
KevinMarks__ look at the title of your 3rd post

KevinMarks__ I should pass that through without escaping?

KevinMarks__ then you'll get <h3><h1 etc>

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
KevinMarks__ sure storm away

KevinMarks__ Known has checkboxes for that - it gets a bit confusing

KevinMarks__ Known defaults some off, which means that you don't see, for eg RSVPs

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