#KartikPrabhutantek: one naive I idea I had was, when A sends a webmention to B, A could include a "secret_code" in the POST request, which B can use while using GET to verify the mention by A, then A allows access only if the secret_code matches .... ?
#KartikPrabhutantek: no for preventing DDOS type things
#tantekbut I'm thinking that could work for webmentions from private posts where you want the receiver of the webmention to be able to verify it
#KartikPrabhuafaik a third party won't have these secret codes right? if both parties are using HTTPS
j12t joined the channel
#tantekKartikPrabhu: downside - "secret_code" enables MASSIVE per receiver spamming
#KartikPrabhuso the DDOS attacker will fail due to not having a secret code
#KartikPrabhutantek: but if I send the code through HTTPS only to the people I want to webmention... ?
#kylewmdoesn’t a GET request for the same URL work without a secret code?
#tanteki.e. if I set secret_code to same as target, then I can webmention EVERYONE and simply include a temporary link to secret_code in EVERY response to a query with a secret_code
#tantekpresto - I've just faked my way to showing up on *everybody's* posts without including links back to them
#KartikPrabhutantek: hmm I was thinking the webmention receiver only does a GET if it gets a secret_code with it
#npdotyKartikPrabhu, in the DDOS attack, the attacker is the one who sent the ping (he acts as sender, or person A), so he would choose the secret code
#tantekKartikPrabhu: that's my point - that's the scenario in which the abuser wins
#KartikPrabhunpdoty: yup and the attckers code does not match the one I have set, so I reject the GET equest immediately
ben_thatmust_1 joined the channel
#tantekreceiver does a GET with the secret_code in it, and sender includes in the reply a custom HTML page that includes a link to secret_code which happens to be the same as target. then receiver goes oh there's my target, verified.
#tantekKartikPrabhu: you're missing the point, the attacker *is* the one that set the secret_code in the first place
#KartikPrabhutantek: aaah i see, if the sender changes the HTML based on secret code... yes, it is a spam waiting to happen... i did not think of that :)
#ben_thatmust_1so reading back i agree comments are what we get in response to a post
#ben_thatmust_1since in the dictionary definition, a context is both text before and after
#KartikPrabhudid not follow that discussion but for me "context" is posts that this post is in response to, and "response" is the responses to this post
#ben_thatmust_1i didn't really like the term history for the recursive in reply-to chain
#tantekif we know the context, then what is the protext ?
#Loqiben_thatmust_1 meant to say: just like the opposite of congress is progress?
#KartikPrabhuand the opposite of contest is protest ?
#ben_thatmust_1in-reply-to chain is the least ambiguous i can think of
#ben_thatmust_1we drop any "history" as it doesn't make sense
#KartikPrabhuben_thatmust_1: not to worry, you guys can decide the "best" terminology for the wiki and I can keep using what makes sense to me on my site #indieweb ;)
#tantekben_thatmustbeme: I suggest we drop all *-thread history-* and *-chain
#ben_thatmust_1honestly, i am not sure any of these threads need their own page.
#ben_thatmust__he's been planning on switching for quite some time if I remember
#kylewmmko was making mongo sound pretty great the other day
gr0k joined the channel
#ben_thatmust__tantek, reading back on this vouch stuff now... haven't gotten all the way through it, but wouldn't it only take one person who has auto accepting webmentions to be able to spam everyone in their friends network
#ben_thatmust__or rather, once one spam link gets it, it could spread to all that site's friends, and then that sites, friends. and once that is accomplished you basically have the task of trying to fight a virus
#ben_thatmust__i think an XFN 'friend list' would be useful, then you know its not some errant link or a "look at this site, its funny but also has spam" link
#KartikPrabhutime to send a DM... wish I had private posts working already
#ben_thatmust__KartikPrabhu, me too, that should get interesting though and probably tie in to a list of contacts idea
#KartikPrabhuyes and indieauth :) only see post if you login with your domain
#KartikPrabhuseems I can't DM adactio on twitter because he does not follow me... interesting
j12t joined the channel
#ben_thatmust__well yes, but i mean, its annoying if i want to send a message to someone or worse multiple people, I have to look up their url constantly
#ben_thatmust__it would be nice to just have a drop down and say "post this privately to A,B,and C"
#KartikPrabhuben_thatmust__ : of course. same as auto-linking in notes :)
gRegor` joined the channel
#KartikPrabhuhow would one send a private webmention?
#KartikPrabhukylewm: already does this. should work the same for private posting :)
#ben_thatmust__/indieweb-messaging has you polling twice for every request. I really wish there were some way to say in the webmention 'this is a priv message, i'll need an auth key'
#ben_thatmust__you could infer it from it being a reply to a private post, but thats all
#ben_thatmust__alternatively i could just always include the auth keys when polling from a site I have a key for, but then i don't know what ones are private or public
#ben_thatmust__certainly, just need something standard for that. I know a number of people don't like to do things in the http headers as they cannot do that on static sites, but it could be done in meta tags or in microformats perhaps
#ben_thatmust__i wouldn't mind showing the viewers of the post that it was intended for them and someone else
tantek joined the channel
#ben_thatmust__or do you mean the webmention say that its private when it sends
#tantekacegiak - in short - it makes it: 1. less work on the part of the receiver.
#tantek2. allows a *dynamic* 2nd degres to comment on your stuff - beyond XFN tree whitelist
#KartikPrabhuacegiak: sounds sot of like the objection i was making against "vouch"
#KartikPrabhujust like I don't go back and see if my comment passed moderation or not, it is unlikely that i'll go back, look for a suitable vouch and resend a webmention
#acegiaktantek: oh. i get it in the context of manually adding webmentions
#acegiaktantek: can you explain the dynamic bit a little more?
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#tantekit's dynamic because every day people you've linked to in the past, themselves link to new folks all the time - thus dynamic. even if you're not doing anything yourself.
#acegiaktantek: ah ok. so you're suggesting that non-xfn links also count
#tantekthe point is you can *still* moderate, delete, block *after* that
#tantekthis is just to auto-filter all the obvious spams from people you don't know who are just trolling you for linkbacks etc.
#tantekit won't stop people you sort of know from spamming you - the response to that is to give them a hard time socially. that is, if you have a social tie with them already, them spamming you is straining that social tie
#tantekand that aspect no code/protocol will deal with - you have to deal with that human to human
#LoqiWhisperFollow is a WordPress based social reader create by acegiak that currently supports H-Entry, RSS, Atom and PubSubHubbub http://indiewebcamp.com/Whisperfollow
#GWGI want to refine it, and add in the ability to build other things off it.
gr0k, eburcat, brianloveswords and Jihaisse joined the channel
#voxpelli!tell tantek,barnabywalters,kylewm My quick stab at a web component using X-Tags can be found here: https://github.com/voxpelli/indie-action-component Not sure if X-Tags is the right way to go, Polymer might be preferable. (Or perhaps a non-Web Component polyfill)
#Loqivoxpelli: barnabywalters left you a message 8 hours, 25 minutes ago: did you publish your indie-action webcomponent code anywhere? I’d love to add it to shrewdness for people who don’t have micropub enabled!
#Loqivoxpelli: tantek left you a message 8 hours, 12 minutes ago: could you provide the URL where you have (had?) <indie-action> markup plus web componenets support e.g. with reply and pay actions?
#voxpelli!tell kylewm Regarding how to fallback if no indie configuration is present, I believe one would have to use a timeout on the request, but perhaps there are better ways.
#barnabywaltersI didn’t really understand that issue. Does RDFa “break” if you have links with rel attributes on the page?
#Loqibarnabywalters: voxpelli left you a message 6 hours, 4 minutes ago: My quick stab at a web component using X-Tags can be found here: https://github.com/voxpelli/indie-action-component Not sure if X-Tags is the right way to go, Polymer might be preferable. (Or perhaps a non-Web Component polyfill)
#tantekben_thatmustbe: in general you should NOT put rel=nofollow on your links - that's the point - you're linking to something you think has relevance and that someone you're likely ok with commenting on your posts
#Loqitantek: voxpelli left you a message 6 hours, 10 minutes ago: My quick stab at a web component using X-Tags can be found here: https://github.com/voxpelli/indie-action-component Not sure if X-Tags is the right way to go, Polymer might be preferable. (Or perhaps a non-Web Component polyfill)
#tantekben_thatmustbeme: what vouch adds is the implicit "ok to comment" on people that your links themselves link to, which is a reasonable approximation. It's unlikely that those you link to themselves link to spam.
eschnou joined the channel
#tantekor if they do, *then* you can a) tell them directly, and then link to them with nofollow.
#acegiaktantek: I've fallen back to using your atom feed because I can't work out why whispefollow won't read your h-entries
#acegiakbarnabywalters: it doesn't seem to be creating an issue for any other mf2 pages?
elima joined the channel
#barnabywaltersacegiak: strange. It’s worth fixing regardless, as that conditional will always fall back to $page as it is :) Other than that I can’t see what might be wrong
#barnabywaltersdo you have a PHP debugger set up? if not, you could interactively test that function locally with tantek’s site and see what’s going on
#barnabywaltersacegiak: btw, mf-cleaner also has some functions for more robustly getting microformats properties, e.g. rather than assuming e-content with $mf[‘properties’][‘content’][0][‘html’], M\getHtml($mf, ‘content’, [optional fallback]) will look first for [‘html’], falling back to html-escaping the value if it’s a plaintext property
#barnabywalters(and falling back to [optional fallback] if the ‘content’ property doesn’t exist at all)
paulfitz, alanpearce and gr0k joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemetantek_ tantek___ that all makes sense to me, i'd make sure to note that the vouch could also be a link from within your own site as well. if I linked to an article, i may not record that, but i'd still want to accept mentions from them. Also note that this really only works as a generated white list, its just a first level to spam filtering
#acegiakand yeah I should set up a debugger, just haven't got around to it yet
#barnabywaltersacegiak: I think netbeans does interactive PHP debugging quite well, but my favourite is jetbrains PHPStorm, which you can get a free copy of if you’re working on open source software
#cweiskein that case you also may only use it to work on OSS software
#barnabywalterscuibonobo: do you use atlantic.net? they look like quite a good deal
#barnabywaltersespecially the XS or S packages, which is slightly better than my current provider but for much less
#cuibonobobarnabywalters: i don't, but i'm specifically interested in how to get lower-income people on the indie web so it seems like a good entry-level option
#cuibonoboi personally use digitalocean. they've been excellent
pfefferle joined the channel
#barnabywaltersyeah, $12 a year is a pretty great price for a VPS
#barnabywaltersI’m also cautiously interested in whether the various free domain name registrars could be used to make it easier for people to get on the indieweb
#barnabywaltersif they have an API for registering domain names, hosted services like known could offer free signups with your own domain name, completely config-free
#barnabywaltersjust type the desired domain name in a text field when signing up
#cuibonobobarnabywalters: i've been researching that as well but from a different angle: getting dynamic DNS sites like noip.com to point to a server
snarfed joined the channel
#cuibonobothe only catch is that you need to 'renew' your domain name every 30 days, but i just tried it and it seems to work: jenmontes.sytes.net
#barnabywaltersas far as I can tell, if you don’t pay you can register them for up to 12 months, and then renew for free two weeks before the end of the renewal period
#barnabywalterscweiske: yeah exactly, hence being quite cautious of these services
#barnabywaltersthere’s no point giving people free domains if myname.tk is less reliable and you have less control than myname.withknown.com
#barnabywaltersif nothing else, it would be a wonderfully compelling demo, to actually have a working “sign up for a personal website” service with a single field
#barnabywaltersit would show that “this is how easy it can be, and should be”
#petermolnarin theory a tld domain could be used for free, non-commercial, personal sites
#petermolnarbut as far as I know, there's no intention going around doing it
reedstrm joined the channel
#cuibonobook. i'm researching the dot TK company in particular. seems like the government of Tokelau gave them exclusive registration rights for their country, and any proceeds will go toward development projects on the Islands of Tokelau
#petermolnarI have a long-shot idea: what if there really was a tld domain, with as much free entries as many DNS servers you're willing to host to serve the tld zone?
#cuibonoboother revenue streams for dot TK include a $75 a month subscription service for brand protection to make sure trademarked stuff isn't squatted on
#cuibonoboand then the regular stuff you'd expect from a domain provider: hosting, DNS, etc.
vanderwal, gRegor` and erlehmann joined the channel
#cuibonobobesides monetizing expired domains, nothing on their "business opportunities" section seems too fishy
#barnabywalterscuibonobo: .tk also charge huge amounts of money for very short domains (e.g. if tantek wanted t.tk he’d have to shell out thousands of $$$)
#cuibonobobarnabywalters: and i got a 502 error the first time i clicked the confirmation link. hardly the kind of infrastructure i'd like to make an app depend on, but it's free!
#barnabywalterscuibonobo: heh — maybe one of the other free registrars are better
#barnabywalterscuibonobo++ for actually trying free registrars out
#petermolnarI feel a Loqi patch had to be done soon :)
#ben_thatmustbemecuibonobo, eventually I want to make my own auth endpoint, which will warn you if you don't have an auth endpoint specified. OR if you are getting there and it isn't your proper endpoint.
#LoqiWelcome to news about the IndieWeb where recent notable articles about the IndieWeb are cited and linked to keep you up to date http://indiewebcamp.com/new
jet___, wolftune and eburcat joined the channel
#GWGTrying to figure out how to prioritize the Indieweb things that I want to do
#Loqikylewm: voxpelli left you a message 9 hours, 29 minutes ago: My quick stab at a web component using X-Tags can be found here: https://github.com/voxpelli/indie-action-component Not sure if X-Tags is the right way to go, Polymer might be preferable. (Or perhaps a non-Web Component polyfill)
#Loqikylewm: voxpelli left you a message 4 hours, 51 minutes ago: Regarding how to fallback if no indie configuration is present, I believe one would have to use a timeout on the request, but perhaps there are better ways.
#Loqiaaronpk_: tantek left you a message on 9/30 at 1:40pm: all of tantek_ and tantek___ and tantek_otp are leftover connections from ?beta Join - server might need rebooting to let go of those connections.
#Loqiaaronpk_: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message on 9/30 at 1:41pm: ben_thatmust_ is leftover too
#aaronpk_I was pushing photos so fast to flickr that the API guys noticed it!
#ben_thatmustbemehey, I was thinking about including the Short_url in my posts
#aaronpk_I ran in to one of them at a hackathon and he was like oh you're the guy that made that app?
#ben_thatmustbemebut don't know what the correct markup for that would be
#davidmeadi think this is now the pain point of #indieweb - wrestling your content from silos and import it in a meaningful way to your blog. retaining the meta info & dates
#aaronpk_I spent a loooong time making sure to grab all the metadata from instagram when it imports to flickr
#ben_thatmustbemewell with micropub the idea would be it should iterate over each of those and just ship them out
#davidmeadaaronpk: cool thing about yr ownyourgram & #indieauth was I just changed my homepage URL in Twitter bio to http://davidmead.withknown.com/, and it worked like a dream :-)
#aaronpk_man google analytics is confusing the crap out of me, it's all different than it was 5 years ago. I think I might just turn it off on my site cause I don't even know what to look for anymore
#aaronpk_basically I just want to know what pages are getting the most traffic
#ben_thatmustbemethere is a definite downside to ownyourgram... even the terrible photos of my co-worker end up on my site
#aaronpk_methinks we're gonna see a lot of questions about "how do I ____ after I change my domain name" thanks to known providing subdomains by default
j12t and reedstrm joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemeaaronpk_ you might be right. does known offer redirects to new domain names if you change off
#tantekben_thatmustbeme: will do! thanks for the initial write-up!
j12t joined the channel
#barnabywalterstantek: indeed, which demands some sort of identity check e.g. requiring a unique email address, and then (for example) limiting people to one free domain per email
#tantekI'd like to see a way to bootstrap (in the general sense) to a new domain *without* previously owning an email or phone number.
#Loqitantek meant to say: I'd like to see a way to bootstrap (in the general sense) to owning a new domain *without* previously owning an email or phone number.
#tantekthe more people we have writing code to natively read/write HTML for the web for their apps, the more holes we poke in the theories that you always "need" XML/JSON/RDFa/databases/YAML/etc. for "storage" for all apps.
squeakytoy, chrissaad, catsup, a_ and emmak joined the channel
#jancborchardthmm – tantek is erinjo around in this channel at all? Just wanted to let here know that our »Open Source Design« devroom for the FOSDEM conference in Brussels was accepted – and it would be cool to have her there: https://twitter.com/jancborchardt/status/517350150574837760
#tantekjancborchardt: she pops in from time to time. And congrats on getting the design devroom accepted!
#jancborchardttantek: thanks! Are you at FOSDEM at all? Or are there any other IndieWebCamp folks you think should attend especially the OS Design devroom? I’m already in touch with Brennan
#tantekI'm not unfortunately. Brennan (bnvk in the channel) is the right contact as he ran IndieWebCamp 2014 in Berlin (as you know :) )
#aaronpk_maybe caseorganic would be up for it? (not sure her travel schedule around that time)
#tantekmaybe also ping Harry Halpin - he seems to be in Europe often and may be going to FOSDEM
#tantek(boy do they / we need a ton more UX / user / design focus more than protocols :) )
#jenmontes.comedited /personal-domain (+604) "/* Free Domain Registrars */ Added note about how ToS for free domain registrars could be dangerous" (view diff)
cweiske, benwerd and RichardLitt joined the channel
#tantek! tell KevinMarks perhaps next time you have a timely tweet re: Ello, perhaps suggest that they add IndieWeb support per http://indiewebcamp.com/friendly
#tantek!tell KevinMarks perhaps next time you have a timely tweet re: Ello, perhaps suggest that they add IndieWeb support per http://indiewebcamp.com/friendly
#cuibonoboaaronpk_: i'm trying to understand the `vouch` extension. are you saying that you can vouch for someone if you have their site on a list where the link *does not* have rel=nofollow?
j12t joined the channel
#aaronpk_I think you should ask tantek about that. I haven't caught up with the "vouch" work yet.
caseorganic joined the channel
#tantekcuibonobo: no list. just a link without rel-nofollow
#tanteknice of elf to find a workaround to the issue he found!
#KevinMarks_Tantek I tried unmunging ello's json to h-feed yesterday, but their permalinks aren't in it
#LoqiKevinMarks_: tantek left you a message 11 minutes ago: perhaps next time you have a timely tweet re: Ello, perhaps suggest that they add IndieWeb support per http://indiewebcamp.com/friendly
#tantekgRegor`: not quite, not "linked to spam.com" before but *actually links to spam.com now*
#tantekben_thatmustbeme: aaronpk likely has linked to google.com
#tantekthus using google.com as vouch is reasonable
#tantekhowever this does raise an issue for our IRC logs
benwerd joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemealso a reason I would not trust indiewebcamp.com at all either
#tantekI suggest that any hyperlinks in any statements from anyone in the logs who is *not* in /irc-people have rel=nofollow place upon them, so people can't use the logs for vouching
#aaronpk_KevinMarks_: there are no permalinks in the JSON feed? That seems like... bad design
#danlykeyeah, I think sites/implementers need to be super cautious about who they use as vouch sites; I won't trust every site I link to.
#ben_thatmustbemetantek, anyone could edit the wiki and then use that as their vouch
#danlykeHeck, in moments of weakness I've linked to sites like sfgate.com and Huffington Post, it's quite possible that advertisers on those sites will spam me with WebMentions.
#tantekben_thatmustbeme: and there's exactly zero spam on the wiki right now
#gRegor`If a link has rel=nofollow, it shouldn't be used for vouching, correct?
#tantekand note that that takes *money* to do, so it's still a sufficiently high barrier to typical web spam
#tantekif you get a well known brand trying to spam you, you can a) block them (black list), b) embarrass them by posting about it with a rel=nofollow link
#ben_thatmustbemetantek, for that matter, the same is true of google though. Just because I link to google, does not mean i trust it as a vouch. google.com/+spam is under google's domain, but I am not about to trust anything from there
#TysonBrooksKevinMarks: what were question were you answering from me? I just seen I had mIRC still opened and had a notification from you saying: "they do at http://stream.withknown.com/"
#tantekuntil we rel=nofollow any links from anyone not listed in /irc-people
#tantekaaronpk ^^^ not sure where to put that request
#ben_thatmustbememy biggest concern with using any link i don't put rel=nofollow on is puts the burden on me to worry about who i link, rather than the other way around which was what this was for. maybe i am being overly cautious, but I see this as a shortcut through any extra spam filtering, so I want to make sure what is getting through is as clean as possible
#tantekif you ever get a spam link via a vouch, go see who vouched for it, and then give them a hard time, up to and including replacing all your links to them with rel=nofollow
#aaronpk_wouldn't it make more sense from a publisher perspective to have to explicitly mark up the links that *should* be used for vouching instead? (e.g. add markup to the links from people who *are* on irc-people)
#ben_thatmustbemetantek, to clearify, do you mean i have to have linked to the exact page, or linked to somewhere on the site?
#aaronpk_(caveat: I haven't been following the vouch logic completely)
#tantekwhat's much more likely is that it's an old blog post, with a link to an expired/squatted domain, and your friend you linked to will be happy to be made aware of the link to fix!
#danlyketantek, I'm not sure what bad actors we're going to be fighting, I'm just saying that blog authors are going to have to be selective about which external sites they allow to be vouch sites.
#tantekdanlyke - those that spam pingback currently
#gRegor`Yeah, I was just thinking we could rel=nofollow all links from IRC logs, then just use /irc-people
#tanteknot advertisers that *buy* advertising. sheesh
#cuibonoboaaronpk_: i would definitely prefer an explicit whitelist to being watchful of what does / doesn't have rel-nofollow
RichardLitt joined the channel
#tantekcuibonobo: you can do an explicit whitelist *now*, without vouch, and you likely should if you like the whitelist approach
#tantekaaronpk - re: "explicitly mark up the links that *should* be used for vouching " nope nope nope - too much burden.
#cuibonobotantek: indeed! i was only looking through the vouch extension to see if it somehow put less burden on the receiver's end, but sadly that isn't the case.
#tantekdon't worry about those you link to, just assume that when you link, you're linking to someone you consider reasonably legit.
#danlyketantek, the amount of malware attempts delivered through ads in sites I read (and potentially link to) is high, so I assume there'll be lots of overlap. But most of those ads are currently served via Ajax inclusion, not in the raw HTML.
#ben_thatmustbemeokay, a spammer sets up a user account, twitter.com/spammer with rel=me back to their site. they send me webmention with vouch = twitter.com/spammer, I link to twitter.com/dissolve33 with rel=me
#ben_thatmustbemethank you cuibonobo, perfect example. if i link to ello right now without a rel=nofollow, (i forgot) now anyone with an ello account can spam me
#tanteka-ha Ello is new at this, they'll learn. until then, link to them with rel=nofollow. done.
#ben_thatmustbemei think its better off as a list of sites that i trust. You can implement that as any site you link to
#gRegor`If you get Ello spam, then you can add the nofollow that you forgot.
#tantekben_thatmustbeme: twitter has nofollow on links from twitter.com/spammer back to their site
#ben_thatmustbemetantek. its also non-trivial for you to verify that you linked to a site, not without storing every link you ever made that doesn't have a rel=me
#danlykeThat's not meant to counter your prediction for their longevity at all :-)
#danlykeben_thatmustbeme It just requires a *cough* database :-D
#Loqitantek meant to say: specifically, highlighting projects that multiple people have installed and are using on their primary sites
#cweiskebear, indiestats.com during login: Internal Server Error
#cweiskeThe server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.
#bretaaronpk_: what do you think about voicing irc-people?
#cuibonobotantek: mostly links to twitter profiles for authors. i found an article with a link to the cdc. i don't think they add nofollow to anything though.
#aaronpk_bret: could you write something up on /irc in a "voice" section maybe?
#ben_thatmustbemetantek, i would be fine with you implementing any non-relnofollow links, but I think it would be best to prefer an XFN list of some sort. as I won't implment it for all links
#bret:/ maybe have loqi /msg chanserv and set a flag?
#aaronpk_the wiki would be a good place for use case too
ngoldman joined the channel
#brettantek: differentiating people who are on irc-peopple and who are not?
#gRegor`Not sure voice is much of a incentive to add yourself to irc-people
#tantekBTW - ben_thatmustbeme only minor complaint about your /vouch write-up so far, you mixed up (swapped) A and B from my description in IRC which could be confusing
#ben_thatmustbemetantek, exactly what i'm saying, but if someone grabs the wrong link because the only place i test for B->C is my XFN list, then they are SOL
#bretgRegor`: for some people it might be, but otherwise its just for differentiating people
#tantekgRegor`: semi-agreed. the logs are more incentive. but maybe for some?
#tantekThere is no indieweb social network. There is the whole web we use as a social network.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#KartikPrabhutoo much smiling... get back to work everyone :P
#aaronpk_so basically when someone joins, Loqi would do an "ACC" on their nick to find if they are registered with nickserv. If so, would then check the irc-people list and if they are present, would +v them.
#gRegor`Ah, KartikPrabhu is back to continue the beatings until morale improves. ;)
#tantekaaronpk - would it make sense to also only link / avatar people in the logs if their nick is registered? is there some way to capture in the logs "this person had +v when they spoke" ?
#gRegor`sparverius: Yeah, there's a fair range of opinions on databases in the community. I'm fairly pro, but definitely see some good points on /database-antipattern
KevinMarks_ and snarfed joined the channel
#gRegor`I balked at the page early on, but that was before I fully understood this isn't intended as a /monoculture
ngoldman joined the channel
#tantekthe page has certainly been improved by all the questioning and criticism
#jonnybarneshow the hell did tantek get the twitter name "t"?
#aaronpk_was one of the first people to join twitter?
#tantekearly adopter and breaking with convention (of not using single letters for usernames)
#tantekother early adopters tried it, didn't like it, switched to "traditional" user names
#tantekit wasn't til at least (maybe?) a year later that people thought it was "cool" to have a shorter name. for me it was pure utility - initially you could tweet longer if your username was shorter. tweet length used to be 156 - length-of-username.
adactio joined the channel
#gRegor`Does anyone manually cross-post comments into disqus or other comment silos?
#KartikPrabhunot really. he has criticised ello for exactly what he thinks is wrong with them, and he is providing an alternative to correct those wrongs
#cuibonoboprivate synchronization over P2P sounds like bittorrent.
#KartikPrabhui'm more interested in how the experience is rather than technical details. like if I post privately where is the post stored. If I post publically is it viewable on a URL. If so whose URL? Or is all of this stuck inside Heartbeat, in which case so much for freedom
#bretim totally behind his vision, the problem is that its never been done, and its going to be a) super duper hard to and cost a ton of money and work to get anything remotely close to what is being called for in a short ammount of time and b) no proof of prior related work so I am afraid its all talk
#cuibonobore heartbeat: i dunno. the maidsafe guys have been working on data decentralization for years and years to ensure that even if your computer is off, your public stuff will remain public somehow. color me skeptical
#aaronpk_purely p2p just isn't a priority for me. I'm totally ok with a "server" running somewhere
#KartikPrabhucuibonobo: ae there any examples of a working system like that?
#cuibonoboKartikPrabhu: they're in the middle of wrapping up their first test network. test net 2 is scheduled for this week, and i think 'the real thing' will probably deploy at the end of the year
#GWGI know this keeps coming up, but if I don't hang around on silos, how do I know what to reply to on my own site if I want to engage with less independent people? Except I don't want to hang around on silos really
#cuibonoboGWG: i feel you. i'm doing a combination of RSS and email notifications from silos.
#aaronpk_GWG: not sure what you mean? do you mean how do you find content from non-indieweb sites without actually having an account on a bunch of silos?
#GWGaaronpk_: I still would like to get some more detailed feedback on the Wordpress stuff I've been doing. I keep missing that guy who comes in and was asking about it, davidmear, I think it was.
#GWGI want to refine it and make it easier for a new person to add it to their site.
#GWGFor someone who already has an established Wordpress system
#techlifewebGWG: ping me if you write a post about that
#GWGtechlifeweb: What aspect interests you the most?
#techlifewebGWG: I guess general set up. Pain points you had and how you solved or worked around them them.
#techlifewebGWG: sounds like you are a developer so anything where something existed that wasn't working so you decided you could do it better. Or you saw a need and filled it.
snarfed, jet__ and lukebrooker joined the channel
#GWGtechlifeweb: I'm not a developer. I'm an amateur
#LoqiBitbucket is a source code silo and alternative to github as it offers free git (and mercurial) repository hosting for public and private projects for individuals http://indiewebcamp.com/Bitbucket