2014-10-19 UTC
xxcoeurxx, squeakytoy, npdoty, tullyhansen and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 00:32 kylewm KartikPrabhu__: that permalink has three h-entries; doesn't really seem like Known's fault
# 00:32 kylewm that did make it look very spammy though, when it wasn't
annevk, squeakytoy2, mdik_, mlncn, Haxxa, dariusdunlap_ and snarfed joined the channel
chrissaad and squeakytoy joined the channel
KevinMarks__, paulfitz and krendil joined the channel
# 03:11 fiatjaf hmans: how did you get so much people to use your pants?
# 03:12 fiatjaf hmans: you didn't ask me, but I think you comment server is a good idea.
j12t, gr0k, squeakytoy2, beepbloop, tantek and SRCR joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
# 06:42 Loqi aaronpk: KartikPrabhu__ left you a message 8 hours, 34 minutes ago: maybe the lower footer on the beta version of chat logs could be stuck to browser window? easier to find context and reply directly without scrolling down
# 06:42 Loqi aaronpk: tantek left you a message 8 hours, 31 minutes ago: it seems some browsers (ahem) redirect twtr.io URLs to www.twtr.io when offline, and then when resuming online, they retry the www.twtr.io URLs which then 404. Could you redirect permanent from www.twtr.io to twtr.io?
# 06:43 Loqi aaronpk: tantek left you a message 8 hours, 28 minutes ago: on second thought, keep returning 404 from www.twtr.io. I'm going to file a Firefox bug on this. This is dumb behavior in the browser and I'll use twtr.io as an example of why the browser shouldn't be "sticky" to the www.* version of a URL.
thierrymarianne joined the channel
tullyhansen, j12t, wolftune, alanpearce, xxcoeurxx, eschnou, annevk and thierrymarianne joined the channel
# 08:04 aaronpk interesting, is that like those one-off service-name@your-domain.com email addresses?
# 08:17 squeakytoy2 updating text from markdown to indiewebcamp syntax is getting more and more painful :P
# 08:18 aaronpk heh yeah, not sure why markdown decided to use different header syntax
# 08:19 squeakytoy2 but its also bullets, images, links
# 08:19 aaronpk i can never remember which order the links vs text goes, and whether to use [] or () for which
# 08:21 aaronpk mediawiki syntax has been around for a long time, and there isn't a whole lot wrong with it. not sure why gruber felt like making a bunch of tiny stylistic changes to basically the same thing
# 08:22 warped maybe he's a Diva. if those posts about him flipping about CommonMark prior-names (including "markdown" in them) is true
# 08:27 aaronpk i mean there are plenty of annoying things about mediawiki syntax too, don't get me wrong :P
# 08:31 aaronpk before I started p3k I was working on my own syntax for my wiki
# 08:31 squeakytoy2 how do you know the user you are on the wiki?
# 08:31 squeakytoy2 i still havent figured that out
# 08:31 aaronpk I'm gonna try to make it show up next to the "Log Out" button in the header tho
# 08:31 squeakytoy2 right, thanks
# 08:43 squeakytoy2 this chat will be spammed with all my edits :P
# 08:46 squeakytoy2 i have to create a fullstack website from scratch again.. sigh, not looking forward to it
jsun and jsun_ joined the channel
# 08:53 squeakytoy2 aaronpk, so i need to pick a format syntax, either if its bbcode, mediawiki or a new homebrew solution. You have any experience or feedback concerning this?
# 08:54 squeakytoy2 or maybe markdown
# 09:01 squeakytoy2 aaronpk, html is too specifik :|
erlehmann joined the channel
# 09:02 squeakytoy2 its a too specific format to use in data
# 09:02 squeakytoy2 abstraction-wise
# 09:02 aaronpk my articles are stored in markdown with some additions that I linked above
# 09:02 aaronpk but now and then I enter plain HTML into the articles because the markdown for it is cumbersome or not possible
# 09:03 squeakytoy2 it makes it harder for a native android app to intepret and render the article tho :-)
erlehmann joined the channel
# 09:03 squeakytoy2 Markdown creates an abstraction
# 09:04 squeakytoy2 (thats kinda the whole purpose)
# 09:04 squeakytoy2 make with mediawiki
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
# 09:18 KevinMarks__ HTML cares an abstraction too, but with converged, well defined behaviour, And good handling of unknown markup
# 09:19 warped think of HTML as "extreme markdown"
catsup and EOGreer joined the channel
# 09:39 squeakytoy2 i dont agree
# 09:39 squeakytoy2 too specific for a certain audience
tullyhansen joined the channel
# 09:48 warped HTML is just some crap a few lines of code generates from the Turtle here. screw it. obsolete stuff i'd rather not touch (and certainly not dig around in for Microformats, RDFa, or MicroData)
EOGreer, j12t, reederz, eschnou, pfefferle, Kopfstein, erlehmann, thierrymarianne, tantek, scor, butter and mlncn joined the channel
alanpearce, Mark87, butter, eschnou, thierrymarianne, EOGreer, chrissaad, parzzix, j12t, erlehmann and KevinMarks joined the channel
mko joined the channel
# 16:29 kylewm squeakytoy2++ project page for /squiso looks good, thanks for adding! you should also add yourself to /irc-people when you have a chance
# 16:31 mko aaronpk: regarding food post clustering, if you want to chat about data/metrics clustering, I'd be happy to chat. I'm looking at a 100:1 ratio of data to content posts right now, so I started designing a cached h-feed with clustered individual posts.
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 16:35 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
KevinMarks and wolftune joined the channel
# 16:49 squeakytoy2 i got karma
# 16:49 squeakytoy2 will it help me get a gf?
# 16:49 GWG squeakytoy2: I haven't found a use for it
# 16:51 GWG !tell acegiak Made a change in Indieweb Taxonomy for future development that would affect you
# 16:51 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 16:52 ShaneHudson Regarding data collecting, which peices of data are the easiest to collect?
# 16:58 squeakytoy2 kylewm, did you understand the purpose of squiso? (if you cared enough that is ;) )
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:11 kylewm squeakytoy2: yes I think I understand the purpose
# 17:12 kylewm squeakytoy2: is your data structure based on an existing spec? (ActivityStreams, schema.org, etc.)
j12t and paulfitz joined the channel
thierrymarianne joined the channel
KevinMarks, grant, halorgium, arlen, Gold, tommorris, amblin, alanpearce, npdoty, gRegor` and alanpearce_ joined the channel
# 18:16 squeakytoy2 kylewm, nope. my "structure" is currently what I personally need. But sooner or later, maybe more and more will join the network, and we together define what is needed. But first step for me, is it build it in a way it includes everything of my public social data.
# 18:18 kylewm squeakytoy2: tbh, it feels a little bit like reinventing the wheel, when there are already lots of competing efforts at creating this type of schema
# 18:19 squeakytoy2 kylewm, such as activitystreams?
# 18:19 squeakytoy2 or what is the closest wheel you can identify?
# 18:20 kylewm check out the charter of the social WG that tantek is involved with
# 18:21 Loqi kylewm meant to say: check out the charter of the social WG that tantek is co-chairing
# 18:21 kylewm www.w3.org/2013/socialweb/social-wg-charter.html
# 18:22 kylewm you may be interested in following along with their work
# 18:25 squeakytoy2 perhaps its reinventing the wheel
# 18:26 squeakytoy2 but from what I know and have seen, the goals and the scope is not the same
# 18:28 squeakytoy2 but that could also be the lack of my knowledge with all these standards :-)
# 18:28 kylewm it's easy to change that stuff later anyway, if suddenly the world miraculously switches over to a standard
# 18:30 squeakytoy2 true, but what standard are you refering to?
# 18:32 squeakytoy2 if you take activitystream, thats great. but i believe its not what I want.
# 18:33 squeakytoy2 we will see what happens :-)
# 18:35 kylewm I don't know which standard... we like microformats2 around these parts
# 18:36 gRegor` What is Squiso?
# 18:37 squeakytoy2 kylewm, yupp i know :-) so i am an outsider
# 18:37 gRegor` squeakytoy2++ for adding Squiso on the wiki
annevk joined the channel
# 18:39 squeakytoy2 thats because very little is built apart from a prototype/proof of concept
# 18:39 gRegor` I just chose the first instance of "Squiso". squeakytoy2 can better put a 'is' statement in there :)
# 18:40 gRegor` I don't see a license on your github for it, squeakytoy2. Just a heads up that the wiki is CC0. You hotlinked the logo, so that's no problem.
# 18:41 squeakytoy2 not sure what can be copyrighted
# 18:41 squeakytoy2 i guess the current standards, but thats v0.1-draft
# 18:41 squeakytoy2 tbh, i dont know any legalz concerning standards
# 18:42 gRegor` Mostly just letting you know that contributions on the wiki are public domain.
# 18:43 squeakytoy2 yupp yupp, thanks
parzzix joined the channel
# 18:46 kylewm aaronpk: if i want to support logging in with an arbitrary authorization_endpoint on my site, do I need to follow the whole micropub flow to get an access token?
# 18:46 kylewm it seems like that's the only way to verify the response from the auth endpoint
# 18:47 aaronpk you don't need a micropub endpoint, but you need the others
# 18:50 aaronpk man I really gotta finish support for that on indieauth.com
# 18:50 kylewm ohhh I see, you POST back to the auth endpoint to verify
# 18:50 aaronpk yep that's a neat little trick we can do since everything is http
chrissaad and thierrymarianne joined the channel
# 19:18 kylewm is there anything wrong with saving the discovered authorization_endpoint url in the client session?
# 19:19 kylewm when I get the callback, i want to verify the code against the authorization_endpoint
# 19:21 aaronpk you can also avoid a server-side session by storing everything you need in the state parameter
# 19:22 kylewm ah yeah, that is what we did on a bridgy thing
# 19:22 kylewm that's why i was complaining about urlencoding json :)
# 19:22 aaronpk you shouldn't be putting raw JSON into query strings. use something like JWT so that you can sign it so you know people can't mess with it
# 19:24 Loqi aaronpk meant to say: define harmless?
mlncn joined the channel
# 19:25 aaronpk i've been typing in german for the past couple hours...
# 19:25 kylewm you can provide a redirect url to brid.gy/twitter/auth, so that when it finishes authorizing with twitter, it wll redirect back to some external url (e.g., withknown.com/setup)
# 19:25 kylewm so the state parameter just has that callback
# 19:26 kylewm the worst thing they could do is make it so bridgy redirects them to malicioussite.com after authorizating wtih twitter
# 19:27 kylewm still sounds like a good idea, I'll see what snarfed thinks
# 19:27 aaronpk at the very least JWT is all base64-encoded so at least it's not visibly JSON
# 19:28 aaronpk but yeah for the indieauth thing, you would absolutely need to sign it in a JWT or something otherwise people could do some screwy things
eschnou joined the channel
# 19:32 kylewm it looks like ben_thatmustbeme fetches the user homepage again too, i'll just do that for now
j12t, KevinMarks and parzzix joined the channel
parzzix, friedcell, thierrymarianne, krendil and dariusdunlap_ joined the channel
wolftune, yakker, KartikPrabhu__ and krendil joined the channel
# 21:12 KartikPrabhu__ squeakytoy2: would be good if you documented use-case for squiso along with the plumbing details
# 21:26 bret hmans: pants is awesome btw great work on it!
gRegor` joined the channel
dariusdunlap_, paulfitz, nicolascluz and xxcoeurxx joined the channel
gr0k, scor, fmarier and friedcell joined the channel
paulfitz, Gold and gr0k joined the channel
erlehmann joined the channel
# 23:06 kylewm only a handful of people know about micropub, so I'll take what I can get ;)
# 23:10 kylewm it could be seen as overloading micropub, but i could argue that it serves the same purpose as the "trust-less flow" suggested above
lukebrooker joined the channel
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 23:14 KartikPrabhu__ kylewm: interesting. but wasn't the whole signing into unknown sites the problem that trustless flow was trying to address?
# 23:16 kylewm KartikPrabhu__: the trustless micropub still requires sign-in and an access token, but you can grant read-only permissions ... voxpelli's indie-config stuff doesn't require any sign in at all
# 23:17 KartikPrabhu__ kylewm: the no sign in thing is a big advantage particularly for sites you don't trust.
# 23:18 KartikPrabhu__ i like the idea of GET request to micropub endpoint giving an idea of the capabilities of the endpoint
gr0k joined the channel
# 23:21 kylewm "have you tried it?" -- first answer on every StackOverflow question
# 23:21 GWG kylewm, a little. I just started my vacation.
# 23:24 kylewm GWG: that's good, hopefully you are somewhere relaxing and not somewhere that requires lots of exertion?
# 23:25 KartikPrabhu__ that is also why I don't want to post simple "likes" and "repost" but have some text which says "why I like it or why I reposted this"
# 23:26 KevinMarks By composability I mean being able to plug components together without having to know all the detaila
# 23:26 KartikPrabhu__ KevinMarks: does that include cross-backend talking? As in a PHP code should be able to talk to a Python code base?
# 23:28 GWG kylewm, I am on a plane 37000ft above the earth
# 23:29 kylewm sounded like they didn't understand what is meant by monoculture
# 23:30 kylewm like, by that definition HTML is a monoculture
# 23:31 kylewm (I just mean the indiewebcamp definition, not impugning Glyn's intelligence)
# 23:31 KevinMarks yes, the point being that the well defined boundary is what makes components work, which implies sinew degree of standardisation
# 23:32 Loqi KevinMarks meant to say: yes, the point being that the well defined boundary is what makes components work, which implies some degree of standardisation
# 23:33 KartikPrabhu__ KevinMarks: yup. the boundary communication needs to be standard but the rest is upto you. which is what indiewebcamp has been doing pretty well
# 23:33 KevinMarks That can just be http+json level agreement, but then you still need to write translators, it it can be agreeing on bigger structures
# 23:34 KartikPrabhu__ yup like http+mf2 for webmentions but then your blog backend can do whatever it wants
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 23:36 kylewm isn't that like saying it'd be cool to use your twitter API key on facebook?
scor joined the channel
# 23:38 KartikPrabhu__ API keys are for the API not for authentication or something. And you indieauth token must change periodically unlike an API key
# 23:42 kylewm I'll give the benefit of the doubt and assume it's a 140-character issue
KevinMarks, scor and lukebrooker joined the channel