#Loqiaaronpk: KartikPrabhu__ left you a message 8 hours, 34 minutes ago: maybe the lower footer on the beta version of chat logs could be stuck to browser window? easier to find context and reply directly without scrolling down
#Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 8 hours, 31 minutes ago: it seems some browsers (ahem) redirect twtr.io URLs to www.twtr.io when offline, and then when resuming online, they retry the www.twtr.io URLs which then 404. Could you redirect permanent from www.twtr.io to twtr.io?
#aaronpktantek: looks like t.co has the same www problem
#Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 8 hours, 28 minutes ago: on second thought, keep returning 404 from www.twtr.io. I'm going to file a Firefox bug on this. This is dumb behavior in the browser and I'll use twtr.io as an example of why the browser shouldn't be "sticky" to the www.* version of a URL.
#aaronpki can never remember which order the links vs text goes, and whether to use [] or () for which
#aaronpkmediawiki syntax has been around for a long time, and there isn't a whole lot wrong with it. not sure why gruber felt like making a bunch of tiny stylistic changes to basically the same thing
#squeakytoy2aaronpk, so i need to pick a format syntax, either if its bbcode, mediawiki or a new homebrew solution. You have any experience or feedback concerning this?
#warpedHTML is just some crap a few lines of code generates from the Turtle here. screw it. obsolete stuff i'd rather not touch (and certainly not dig around in for Microformats, RDFa, or MicroData)
EOGreer, j12t, reederz, eschnou, pfefferle, Kopfstein, erlehmann, thierrymarianne, tantek, scor, butter and mlncn joined the channel
#mkoaaronpk: regarding food post clustering, if you want to chat about data/metrics clustering, I'd be happy to chat. I'm looking at a 100:1 ratio of data to content posts right now, so I started designing a cached h-feed with clustered individual posts.
indie-visitor joined the channel
#LoqiWelcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
KevinMarks, grant, halorgium, arlen, Gold, tommorris, amblin, alanpearce, npdoty, gRegor` and alanpearce_ joined the channel
#squeakytoy2kylewm, nope. my "structure" is currently what I personally need. But sooner or later, maybe more and more will join the network, and we together define what is needed. But first step for me, is it build it in a way it includes everything of my public social data.
#kylewmsqueakytoy2: tbh, it feels a little bit like reinventing the wheel, when there are already lots of competing efforts at creating this type of schema
#LoqiSquiso wants to create a decentralized open social web, by allowing users to host their own social data or trust a service provider of their choice http://indiewebcamp.com/squiso
#squeakytoy2kylewm, yupp i know :-) so i am an outsider
#gRegor`squeakytoy2++ for adding Squiso on the wiki
#kylewmaaronpk: if i want to support logging in with an arbitrary authorization_endpoint on my site, do I need to follow the whole micropub flow to get an access token?
#kylewmit seems like that's the only way to verify the response from the auth endpoint
#aaronpkyou don't need a micropub endpoint, but you need the others
#aaronpki've been typing in german for the past couple hours...
#kylewmyou can provide a redirect url to brid.gy/twitter/auth, so that when it finishes authorizing with twitter, it wll redirect back to some external url (e.g., withknown.com/setup)
#kylewmso the state parameter just has that callback
#kylewmthe worst thing they could do is make it so bridgy redirects them to malicioussite.com after authorizating wtih twitter
#KartikPrabhu__kylewm: interesting. but wasn't the whole signing into unknown sites the problem that trustless flow was trying to address?
#kylewmKartikPrabhu__: the trustless micropub still requires sign-in and an access token, but you can grant read-only permissions ... voxpelli's indie-config stuff doesn't require any sign in at all
#KartikPrabhu__kylewm: the no sign in thing is a big advantage particularly for sites you don't trust.
#LoqiKevinMarks meant to say: yes, the point being that the well defined boundary is what makes components work, which implies some degree of standardisation
#KartikPrabhu__KevinMarks: yup. the boundary communication needs to be standard but the rest is upto you. which is what indiewebcamp has been doing pretty well
#KevinMarksThat can just be http+json level agreement, but then you still need to write translators, it it can be agreeing on bigger structures
#KevinMarksAnd then you can have transducers like unmung or bridgy
#KartikPrabhu__yup like http+mf2 for webmentions but then your blog backend can do whatever it wants