#ben_thatmustso syndicate-to=link1&syndicate-to=link2. by default php overwrites, but you can process yourself. Problem being as soon as you use encoding types it doesn't let you do that
#ben_thatmustwhich is rather important for image submits
#ben_thatmustit makes sense, highly portable, and its highly likely this will be parsed by javascript
#kylewmjust for testing, can you make q=actions return a stringmore like like=like%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Fben.thatmustbe.me%2Fnew%3Ftype%3Dlike%26like%3D%7Burl%7D&reply=https%3A%2F%2Fben.thatmustbe.me%2Fnew%3Freply_to%3D%7Burl%7D
#kylewmshould have been like=https%3A%2F%2Fben.thatmustbe.me%2Fnew%3Ftype%3Dlike%26like%3D%7Burl%7D&reply=https%3A%2F%2Fben.thatmustbe.me%2Fnew%3Freply_to%3D%7Burl%7D
#kylewmalso, I don't think this is likely to be parsed yb JavaScript -- since it requires a micropub token to query it, it almost has to be called from the server side
#kylewmactually I'd be up for supporting either one depending on the content type
#ben_thatmustindie-config feels too hacky, relying on custom protocol handler, I like the idea of it polling your own site to find the URL to load this way
#ben_thatmustideally it would be awesome, but this will work much better cross devices, no need to register protocol, also allows you to use multiple clients for different things really, you can have it return a URL for whatever you want to use
#ben_thatmustjust need to work out the JS for popups
#kylewmi wish there were some way to figure out indie-cofnig without the config step
#kylewm"Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because one of the following protocols (indie+reply) isn't associated with any program or is not allowed in this context."
#ben_thatmust!tell kylewm I got the popup bit working from twitter. if implement ?q=json_actions then log in to my site, the reply links on the main page work as popups
#KartikPrabhu__no on G+ itself. But with micropub's returning form elements that could be made to work inline on your own site and probably on someone elses
#KartikPrabhu__maybe use *-mp-* as micropub specific mf2 things for forms?
#KartikPrabhu__like h-mp-form on the main form element and then everything inside it can be treated as a micropub form
KevinMarks joined the channel
#kylewmKevinMarks: I'm not understanding what the mf2 on the form is for?
#Loqikylewm: ben_thatmust left you a message 1 hour, 9 minutes ago: I got the popup bit working from twitter. if implement ?q=json_actions then log in to my site, the reply links on the main page work as popups
#KevinMarksInstead of returning magic json to a get, return a form to post the micropub marked up with mf2 so you can use it for the extra data you need
#kylewmso, marked up with micropub as in <input name="h" value="entry"/> ?
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#ben_thatmustThe problem with returning a form for the site to post to is that you have to trust the site you are posting on. You need to give post access to the site, which we are trying to avoid
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#ben_thatmustbemedamn, caught up in work, but once i am able to, these reply and other such in-line actions should work excellently
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#tantekvery cool ben_thatmustbeme - are you using the indie-config method or micropub or … ?
#ben_thatmustbemeand that would require privileged access, thus when I go to Quill, i could set that as my NEW action, and maybe my own site for edit/delete, etc
#kylewmben_thatmustbeme: yeah, I don't see the need to hide them either; I was just following the q=syndicate-to pattern again ... the next hting i want to do is add a "Profile" editor so that when you are logged in you can manually edit your own access points
#kylewm(and that would work fine with plain old indieauth, no micropub required)
#ben_thatmustbemeyes. i like that too, just want to get rid of "manually edit" if possible
#Loqimp-config is a method of using a query to a micropub endpoint to allow you indie website to discover user support for webactions http://indiewebcamp.com/mp-config
#tantekroom reserved for HWC SF this week. We are a go for 1st floor @MozSF
#ben_thatmustbemekylewm, sounds good, i'll try to implement that on the train home today
#marginalventuresI thank you all for providing me a new blog platform that I'm interested in exploring. I wanted to give one bit of feedback about the installer
#marginalventuresit didn't tell me that I didn't have mysql installed
#marginalventuresotherwise it's working for me so far
#marginalventuresoh I just expected the first step of the getting started wizard thing that told me I was missing mod_rewrite and such to let me know I was missing mysql
#tanteklol! please add to /Facebook#Issues (or #Criticism) - as that's a real UI issue we should document as something to avoid in our own UIs.
#KevinMarksThere should be a delete comment link next to each one for you
reedstrm joined the channel
#tantekhey ben_thatmustbeme since you also got an indie /comms UI working on your site, have you looked into the JS that people (e.g. Tim at IWC Cambridge, lots of other sites) seem to use for the animated "Tap here to Add to Homescreen" on first load effect?
#tantekI tried to get it to work but couldn't, but couldn't figure out if that was due to its first load logic failing because I'd already been working on the page or not
#Loqicommunication in the context of the indieweb refers to using your personal website as a starting point and potentially way for people to communicate with you http://indiewebcamp.com/comms
#voxpellitantek: Nice! I'll try to make a follow up post that digs more into the code as soon as possible, but I got the code on my blog working much better now
#cweiskeI think it's important that multiple applications can register themselves for different actions. my calendar app should be able to handle RSVPs, my bookmark app likes/faves
#tantekcweiske: you may be an exception - everyone else I've seen in person finds it faster / simpler / easier to click "Reply" and do so inline without any copy/window-switch/paste
#cweisketantek, but then I have to be logged in to every blog I want to reply to
#kylewmcweiske: thanks a lot for the feedback, btw. good point about it being faster to just copy paste than to go through indieauth for every site on the internet...
#tantekthis is the kind of UX advances we need to make with indieweb technologies to make them friendlier / easier for us as well as people used to silo UX
#ben_thatmustbemeoy, mp-config, indie-config, webactions. starting to wonder who will emerge victorious
#tanteknext challenge - who's going to get posting such a reply to voxpelli's post working on their *mobile* device? (or did you already post that from mobile kylewm ? )
techlifeweb joined the channel
#tantek(and then of course post a video of the flow)
#tantek!tell obra what was the name of your Android intent handler app that shared stuff to Known to reply to, and can it also be configured to handle "web+action:" URLs?
#Loqiobra: tantek left you a message 33 seconds ago: what was the name of your Android intent handler app that shared stuff to Known to reply to, and can it also be configured to handle "web+action:" URLs?
#kylewmvoxpelli++ of course! is the fallback to twitter based a timer now?
#obrathere are a couple options for app design. one is just a 'shim' that launches a browser activity based on grabbing the right endpoints from your iw site
#obraanother is what i actually want. a local app that wraps your indieweb site and consumes the urls internally.
#obraCC0, MIT, 3 clause BSD. whatevs. I'll take a pull request to clarify that license if anyone cares
#tantekthen the next question is, how to turn my site itself into a "web app" with its own "manifest" that claims to handle the web+action: "web activity", which then I can install on FirefoxOS
#tantek(quite a big step up from just "Add to Homescreen")
#ben_thatmustbemeperhaps a mixing of the two is what is needed. I like that it is my site that controls what app to use, I don't register a protocol on someone else's site (quill for example), but rather make changes to my endpoint that says where I should go. Perhaps we make the protocol handler point to our own MP endpoint, then its the clients we add to our list, and load the list via promise/iframe
#voxpelliben_thatmustbeme: Well, one could and I wrote a quick one that did – but realized that was a bit overengineered so reverted to a simple callback-based loader now
#ben_thatmustbemeso here is my problem with indie-config right now, i can't realistically have multiple apps (one for reply, one for edit, etc) http://cweiske.de/tagebuch/webactions.htm proposed an new handler for each, which would work, but i feel like its putting all the management of it on the client machine, not on the person
#ben_thatmustbememp-config puts all config managed by the micropub endpoint, but requires you to log in
#voxpelliben_thatmustbeme: you very much can, you return one endpoint per action in the indie-config – the only thing you have to have is a single indie-config that specify them all
#ben_thatmustbemewhat if we use web+action:// to point to the micropub endpoint, now you get the json list, just like with indieconfig but now its managed on server side
#ben_thatmustbemevoxpelli, thats what i'm getting at, but no one has implmented it that way yet, its all playing at "register this editor as your editor"
#voxpelliben_thatmustbeme: No, everyone that I know ha simplemented a "reply" url that's used for replies
#techlifewebkylewm: Thanks for your help testing my Known install
#voxpelliben_thatmustbeme: not sure I understand what part is trying to set all?
#voxpellithere's a single protocol handler, that's kind of the point (Firefox though allows you to pick which registered one you want to use whenever a site asks for it though) – then that protocol handler returns any number of different endpoints that can handle any number of different actions – so far only a "reply" endpoint has been used to my knowledge
#ben_thatmustbemeno, i was setting mine up for reply, repost, edit, delete, undelete, new / create
#ben_thatmustbemevoxpelli, rather than I go on to a MP client and it says "Set me as your handler", I log in to my site, and set my handler as my own config (ala mp-config) then when I go to a mp-client it asks (after i log in) if i want to use this client as my client for 'reply'
#ben_thatmustbemeso the only time you would set the protocol handler is once per device
#ben_thatmustbemeand your settings are then shared across all your devices
#voxpelliben_thatmustbeme: not sure how that would differ actually
#voxpellibut its getting pretty late over here so might just be me getting tired
#voxpellineed to read up on mp-config it feels like to understand the difference
#ben_thatmustbemeits more of difference in how things are handled, but it also adds the ability to query the config without the custom handler if you are logged in to a site
#ben_thatmustbemei'll try to implement it all and hopefully have something to show you by the end of the week
#voxpelliFeels to me like mp-config and indie-config is very much the same thing, one is accessed server-side the other client-side, but they both contain the same data for the same purpose
#voxpelliAnd that's great – there are use cases for both
#ben_thatmustbemekylewm, did you try out my site with the pop-up version?
#voxpelliOh, regarding my WebMentions implementation btw: I don't have Bridgy working on my blog so the fallback won't be as nice as it could have been :P
#GWGI'm sitting here realizing that I need to build tools to quickly post notes as a higher priority because it takes me too much time to do it now, and that raises the barrier to quick thoughts.
#KartikPrabhu_not really. this is just replacing my old one that died. after installing things I need to migrate data belh
#KartikPrabhu_tantek is bascially saying "go to indiechat" ;)
#GWGThere is a php-mf2 parser. I want to learn the ropes of using it by integrating the ability to retrieve content on a reply context into my Indieweb Taxonomy plugin.
#GWGI figure if I get that working, I can go to the harder level
#GWGCan a client use an authentication method other than Indieauth and still use MicroPub?
#kylewmGWG: it doesn't have to be indieauth.com but it has to follow the same basic protocol, GET /auth with some paramters returns a code, POST /auth with the code to verify the user is who they say they are
#GWGkylewm: I just would, if I added it to WordPress, I'd want it to also support providing the code if I'm logged into WordPress already
#kylewmwordpress as an authorization endpoint would be really cool
#GWGkylewm: WordPress authentication has some weaknesses that are often fixed by plugin
#GWGFor example, it does not lock accounts if you try passwords over and over again.
#gRegor`I'm kinda surprised account locking has not become a core feature yet
#gRegor`Given the install base and how targeted WP is as a result.
#GWGgRegor`: Me too. Especially after the botnet attacks
#kylewmnevertheless, getting wordpress to work as an authorization endpoint would be a good atomic/incremental step on the way to micropub
#GWGkylewm: Is that something that stands outside of MicroPub?
#kylewmsnarfed: I'm curious, what do you want micropub for?
#kylewmGWG: yep the auth part is separate, some sites will use the authorization_point you define instead of indieauth.com just as part of regular sign-in
#GWGkylewm: I'd need to learn a lot more about how WordPress works for that, I think. At least the authentication part
#snarfedkylewm: posting? seems like many of the cool things people are making these days (e.g. indie actions, teacup, etc) use micropub
#snarfedtantek: yeah, voxpelli and i have seen this before. he's unusuall in that he shows both title/summary and content unless they're exactly identical
#GWGsnarfed: If I ever get to my interim plan of writing custom post forms that can be added to a custom page location using a shortcode, I'll tell you.
#GWGsnarfed: I want to use them in a plugin. I've never used the libraries. I picked the lower bar of using php-mf2 to import reply context data as a good way to start.
#snarfedtantek: heh, re equivalence, actually a serious suggestion. up to you though :P
#tanteksnarfed - was just thinking that name is a bit broad. e.g. "equivalence algortihm" might be expected to do A LOT more than just check between title/summary/content.
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#tantekkylewm, "explicit title algorithm" sounds pretty good, just wondering if "explicit" might get easily misinterpreted as implying some sort of keyword or other filtering
#tantekwhich either returns the "explicit" name/title, or "" if there is none or if it was apparently automatically generated from content?
#snarfedtantek: oh, i was just suggesting the word "equivalence," not that it would be the full title. e.g. "title/content equivalence" alg. but i'm happy with anything!
#kylewmI like post name discovery -- more outcome oriented
#tanteksnarfed - fair enough. I still have mixed opinions as well but for now am erring on the side of preferring an explicit breadcrumb, and avoiding a click target that provides no extra information to the user.
#tantekhence nothing < PSC > PSL for short posts for me
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#adactiotantek: the problem is that because your permashort-thingy *isn't* a link, it isn't clear what it is. It looks like txtspk.
#kylewmthis post would be way more convincing if it had a srch URI
#KartikPrabhu_srch URI are quite some bit of over enginnering. similar to "search by class" in the URL or somthing
#KartikPrabhu_thinks this has been discussed/debated before
#adactiotantek: but then again, I said the same thing to Chris about hashtags. ;-) …I stand by my (unhashtagged) words!
#tantekadactio - the question is whether lack of clarity is worse or better than increased distraction from a link that goes to something with the same content
#tantekI mean, they're both forms of distraction, I see the permashortcitation as less-so than a permashortlink to the same exact content
#tantekin terms of emotional design, I suppose I'm preferring confusion (over txtspk) over annoyance (over having clicked a URL and not seeing anything new)
#adactiotantek: why not just replace the space with a slash? Then it would look like a link (which it is), without being a clickable link (which doesn't lead to anything new).
#tantekadactio - ah, let me check my archives for when I used to do that, and then Twitter changed their auto-linker, thus actually making those clickable, and then I switched the space " " instead of the "/" )
#adactiotantek: i.e ((ttk.me/t4Ya2) instead of (ttk.me t4Ya2)
#tantekit does. I'm looking for the date they started to
#kylewmit's interesting that they autolink a bare ttk.com but not ttk.me
#KartikPrabhu_i suppose my own auto-linking code will link that too
#adactiotantek: As it is now, it looks *kind of* like a link, but a human has to copy it, and then paste it, replacing the space with a slash ...only to find it leads to no new information. Surely that's more frustrating than just clicking?
#tantekadactio - if anyone *is* doing that then yes, that is absolutely more frustrating. haven't heard of any actual reports of that though. only of confusion.
#KartikPrabhu_it seems the problem is to say "here is original post with same content" vs "here is the original *full* post"
#adactiotantek: So in answer to Scott's question ("Is it for you or me? If you, why is it there?") it is there for *you* then, right?
KevinMarks joined the channel
#tantekKartikPrabhu: correct. hence original post same content -> PSC. original post more content -> PSL.
#tantekadactio it's also a clue that something else is going on. that you're looking at a copy, not an original.
#KartikPrabhu_adactio: I disagree. I have used PSCs to find original post from ben_thatmustbeme 's twitter post
#@tso many creative works to build, yet so much time-sucking brain-dulling logistics, paper forms, accounting work to do. (ttk.me/t4EF1) (twitter.com/_/status/122781208089346048)
#kylewmp3k does original-post-discovery when you reply to a tweet (I think) ... if there is a PSC in the tweet, then it finds the original automatically
#snarfedpersonally, i'm with adactio. i include a full link when there's more content, otherwise nothing
#snarfed(now that twitter t.cos everything, short urls are less useful. maybe mostly just offline now…?)`
#KartikPrabhu_snarfed: I do that too but if there is nothing there is no way to find the original post is there?
#snarfedsyndication links let you do the same original post discovery and are less confusing to users
#adactioWhat if there were to indicate that the link is metadata, while still having it look like a like (i.e. no space)? e.g #ttk.me/t4Ya2 ...except not # because that's already taken by goram hashtags.
#tanteksnarfed - I do see PSC's as transitional, once a site includes more *functionality* that tweets (e.g. bridgy comments from other silos) then it's worth always having a PSL - because you do always have more.
#Loqitantek meant to say: snarfed - I do see PSC's as transitional, once a site includes more *functionality* than tweets (e.g. bridgy comments from other silos) then it's worth always having a PSL - because you do always have more.
#snarfedthe facebook "See Original" custom link we've used is a way better solution. wish twitter supported that
#KartikPrabhu_I use the convention "more: full link" if there is more content
#snarfedtantek: eh. that's the one argument i can understand…but it's still just one factor. for me personally, the tradeoff still isn't worth it
#tanteksnarfed - we have been asking for "See Original" style metadata / source since the days of Twitter annotations. deaf ears. :(
#snarfedconfusing my followers isn't worth letting a small minority of them see that people liked the same post on FB etc
#snarfedtantek: yup, i've seen that. we've discussed arguments against the first three points here. (all links are the same length on twitter now; PSCs are debatable UX; syndication links are arguably as good for original post discovery, maybe better)
#snarfedtantek: so only the last one compels me personally
#gRegor`"The problem is still the complete power over an increasingly important communication medium residing in a single company and its single centralized service." Marco on Twitter