#sparveriusi just believe that they defeat the purpose of readable hyperlinks pointing at a distinct resource. although, i guess with the way iwc uses it means they have a higher chance of being printed
#tantekbear is there a need for a separate indieauth channel?
#tanteksparverius - indeed - on both counts. The rise of use-cases for short(er) URLs has led to explicit use of short domains to help with that.
#tantekthough some have (and sometimes in just some cases) used *one* domain but with a short path instead. e.g. when I POSSE my blog posts to Twitter, I link with tantek.com but with a short-path instead of the full domain (I realize that due to t.co this is unnecessary, but just providing an example)
#KartikPrabhu_gregor`: my db saves the author info (name, photo, url) and the webmention type (mention, repost, like etcc), content, the relative URL of my post it replied to, and the source sending the mention (like brid.gy))
#sparveriusnow that i think about it i only use subdomaining because i run everything in separate VMs and it's easier that way
#kylewmif the only problem with that approach it is that most visitors won't know what to do with a web+reply: link, then maybe do the same JS-timeout trick that voxpelli does when web+action isn't handled after 3 seconds
#kylewmxxcoeurxx: ohh no sadly, i couldn't purchase the domain yet via name.com and didn't care enough to seek out another registrar :P
snarfed joined the channel
#xxcoeurxxkylewm: haha well i think you can get it via namecheap tho
erlehmann_ joined the channel
#ben_thatmustkylewm, the problem with web+reply is you are managing protocol handlers on every device
#ben_thatmustwould be nice to have just one, and config is on the browser side that way, not the server side
#ben_thatmustplus you have to load iframe for every protocol you want to use
#ben_thatmustalso, I pushed code, so if you edit the login on mine to ask for a scope, (or login from ben.thatmustbe.me/new) it will get a token and pass that along to your MP endpoint
#kylewmben_thatmustbeme: I don't understand why the iframe is needed with web+reply?
gr0k, fmarier, tantek and paulfitz joined the channel
#ben_thatmustkylewm from cweiske's post "Currently it is not possible to check if a browser handles a given protocol, so we have to rely on the iframe hack. "
#tantekI'm still really impressed by bridgy's ability to POSSE even RSVP posts
#tantekI was able to RSVP for the POSSE copy of this week's HWC SF event with a single curl statement (to Bridgy's endpoint, after I'd auth'd Bridgy with FB).
#LoqiAn invitation is a type of post that is both a reply to an event post, and a notification to one or more individuals that they have been invited to that event http://indiewebcamp.com/invitation
#tantekif a "normal" post is just an h-entry, with you (A) as the p-author, the invitees (B1…Bn) could be specified with either minimal u-invitee properties just to their home page, or the more human friendly p-invitee properties of minimal <a href> h-cards with name, URL, even icon. that just leaves something for the event that you're inviting them too.
#tantekperhaps an invitation is an example of an interaction with an event post? and thus an invitation post should be posted with an in-reply-to link to the event!
#ben_thatmustyeah, sounds like in-reply-to event and mention to all the people they are inviting
#tantekyou would send webmentions to all of the invitees's homepages, and to the event URL
willowbl00 joined the channel
#tantekthe people receiving the invitation webmentions would have to notice that the link to them is on a p-invitee property (similar to detecting if the link is on a u-like-of or u-repost-of)
#tantekand then their site should present those as "invitations" rather than just home page mentions
#tantekperhaps even with buttons to RSVP yes maybe no
#tantekAND then link each invitee's h-card to *both* their home page and their facebook profile URL
#tantekthen a POSSE proxy like Bridgy publish could simply look for both the in-reply-to FB event, and then p-invitee h-cards with FB profile URLs, and post the invitation on FB for them.
#ben_thatmustis happy to start lining up all his action icons, edit, delete, undelete, reply, repost, like, bookmark
squeakytoy, gr0k and snarfed joined the channel
#ben_thatmust!tell kylewm your mp-config doesn't seem to respond to Content-Type:application/json I was trying to switch over to that. You should have working icons when you log in to my site now though
#Loqikylewm: ben_thatmust left you a message 14 minutes ago: your mp-config doesn't seem to respond to Content-Type:application/json I was trying to switch over to that. You should have working icons when you log in to my site now though
#fiatjaf.alhur.escreated /Orkut_scrapbook (+1291) "Created page with "The '''scrapbook''' was a feature of the late [[silo]] orkut (see [[site-deaths]]) still, to this day, a kind of messaging platform unseen in any other social network or hosted s..."" (view diff)
tantek____ joined the channel
#kylewmbutter: so... I created a rww.io account, and now it says i need a TLS certificate
#kylewmcimba.co is the Linked Data answer to Twitter?
#thierrymI recently figured you meed to register your profile at brid.gy in order to benefit from cross-socnet interactions
#thierrymor what do you mean by "I can't seem to connect to Facebook."
#techlifewebWell there is a part where you create an App on Facebook then after you enter you key and secret, you connect to it. I can't seem to connect to it. It all looks like it works but it seems there is a piece missing somehow.
#voxpellitantek: WebMentions for /homepage? Some special handling for those cases or?
#tantekvoxpelli: indeed. there are numerous use-cases for homepage webmentions, but as there's not much sending of them, there's not much UI/UX for showing them.
j12t joined the channel
#thierrymtechlifeweb: I'm trying to install the plugin on my instance.
#techlifewebthierrym: to be honest, I'm not sure. The plugin was part of the Known install package I downloaded from withknown.com
#thierrymtechlifeweb: I'll try to follow the same path you have :)
#tantekvoxpelli neat - that's more like a post / wiki page about "openwebicons/contact/" than a "home page" per se though. what about receiving webmentions on your personal domain home page?
fmarier joined the channel
#voxpellitantek: Yeah, it's more the concept of a catch-all mentions page like Twitter's that is kind of interesting. My personal domain page needs some updates like that – should add it to my Itch page :P
#tantekI'm trying to work out how "invitations" can work (so far I have three use-cases) and I wanted to try to post a test invitation post which would send webmentions to everyone invited.
gRegor` and snarfed joined the channel
#snarfedtantek: re bridgy auto-posseing rsvps to invitation posts…it has a similar feature already: if you reply/like etc an original post, and bridgy sees a syndication like, it auto posses that interaction into the silo
#LoqiAn invitation is an optional feature of an event post (an event with invitations), or a reply to an event post that also notifies a list of invitees that they've been invited to the event, or a special case of that, an RSVP to an event that also invites additional people to it http://indiewebcamp.com/invitation
#tantekok that's enough brainstorming/braindumping for tonight. I may try posting a plain invitation post tomorrow just to see what it looks like as an extension of a note.
#tantekreally need/want a nickname cache for that though, so I can post invitations to people's home pages, and then have the POSSE Twitter copy of my invitation use their @-names instead, and then when POSSEing to FB, auto-convert their URLs to their FB profiles.
#snarfedgood call. that's one big reason i still manually posse most notes
#tanteksnarfed, yeah. I kind of want to figure out all this with a manual flow, and then I feel like I'll understand it well enough to propose adding to / extending the Bridgy Publish feature for POSSEing invitations
#ben_thatmusttantek_ tantek__ tantek___ I receive and process any webmentions to any valid page of mine. It should default back to a generic mention or like for the main page. which i believe should be displayed as a "recent mention" in the right sidebar, but it has been some time since that was tested.
EOGreer, parzzix, pfefferle, elima, j12t, tantek___, glennjones, sandro, adactio, eschnou, Kopfstein, tantek, mlncn, tfontaine, musigny, scor, Mark87, shiflett, Sebastien-L, xxcoeurxx, paulfitz and gr0k joined the channel
#Loqiadactio: tantek left you a message on 10/20 at 4:47pm: your suggestion is very close to what I discovered a couple of years ago - Twitter does not hashtag-link nor hyperlink #http - e.g.: https://twitter.com/t/status/225102430981988354
reedstrm, chalettu and brianloveswords joined the channel
#adactioI just published a lengthy write-up of the indie web building blocks that aaronpk and myself were showing in Nuremberg last weekend: https://adactio.com/journal/7698
#adactiotantek: Remember when every profile on huffduffer (or at least every one with a person's URL) had a list of "elsewhere" links (Twitter, etc.) powered by Google's now-defunct social graph API?
#adactiotantek: I was thinking: if I could revive that feature on Huffduffer, and make a micropub endpoint on Huffduffer ...then Huffduffer would have a writable API!
#adactiotantek: you could post to your Huffduffer account from third-party apps.
#benwerdtantek - Image tagging is an itch but not as big as many of the other itches.
#benwerdI use tagging as a silo-specific notification method to let people know I uploaded a photo of them, rather than any kind of filtering mechanism
#tantekbenwerd - the point of person-tagging your own photos is to avoid having to use silo-specific UIs to do so - and instead let your POSSE posting handle that.
#ShaneHudsonWould be a useful feature for a micropub client
#benwerdIt's definitely a good feature to have - but something for after the reader (as having that directory functionality fully in place will also help with the tagging)
#tantekright, the auto-complete UI for people-tagging is one of the challenges, and using followings will be helpful
brianloveswords, shiflett, Mark87, JasonO and tilgovi joined the channel
#aaronpkat the very bottom of the article there is a small paragraph "What is Phoenix?" but there is no link to it despite the article saying "Today we're releasing Phoenix..."
#tantekaaronpk - perhaps a friendly reply asking for a link to this supposed Phoenix?
#bret"It should be noted that there has been more iteroperable sucess between MP Clients and Endpoints within its first year than Atompub ever acheived as far as I am aware."
KartikPrabhu__1 joined the channel
#aaronpk"number of interoperatble implementations"
#tantekbret - simple googling for "atompub implementation" reveals no support other than some old / half-baked libraries
#bret"It should be noted that there has been more implementations of interoperable MP Clients and Endpoints within its first year than Atompub ever acheived as far as I am aware. "
#aaronpkoh wordpress is killing it in favor of their new json API i think
#tantekhey bret - I'm curious what you're "Working On" implementing (i.e. what indieweb features) and what "Itches" you're keeping track of - check https://indiewebcamp.com/User:Bret.io but didn't see any such sections ;)
#tanteke.g. /IndieMark has a whole bunch of features. /Twitter#Features has a whole bunch of features. I'm curious which of those you're working on for gitpub and/or have personal itches to implement
#tantekright - I did something similar with Falcon - I put my "Working On" and "Itches" there for that project in particular: /Falcon#Working_On and /Falcon#Itches
#shiflettGotta say, I'm loving the vibe of this movement/community already.
#tantekas you follow along in adactio's blog post, there's also a nice validator / suggester: indiewebify.me (where you can plug in your domain or permalinks and it checks it and provides suggestions)
#tantekshiflett - v2 grandfathers through backcompat parsing the classic microformats that actually got good adoption by publishers and folks parsing them.
#tantekright - we've improve a bunch of things since then! making it easier to remember with uf2 and more accessibility friendly with the HTML5 <time> element
#bretor a simplification: MF2 allows machines to read HTML documents as easily as a human
#Loqitantek meant to say: right - we've improved a bunch of things since then! making it easier to remember with uf2 and more accessibility friendly with the HTML5 <time> element
#aaronpkit was fascinating to talk with him about that in portland!
#gRegor`davidpeach: Cool. Looks like you're set with rel=me links on your Github/Twitter already. If they link back to your site, you can sign in to the wiki and add yourself to http://indiewebcamp.com/irc-people
#snarfedGWG: heh, definitely not! but most wp indieweb users are. we're the exception
#gRegor`No worries about experience level, davidpeach. Pretty friendly and helpful bunch here
#davidpeachI installed a load of plugins in wordpress that were linked from the indieweb plugin v2. Wasn't sure what was doing what so disabled a few for now. Was jumping in too fast i think.
#tantek_____snarfed, it wouldn't surprise me, however do you think WP users are an actual majority in this community? Or simple the most numerous of any one project/CMS?
#tantek_____Aka most popular - which is different from "majority"
#davidpeachtanek____ yes its got h-cite. google plus is handled by jetpack.
#tantek_____How the heck is jet pack auto posting to g+?!?
#snarfedtantek_: counting domains that bridgy's successfully sent a wm to, WP is the majority by a ways
#tantek_____I suppose I don't conflate users and community. So I wouldn't look at any one service's users as the community, however Bridgy is quite exceptional in this way in the functionality it enables.
#snarfedi expect it tracks the community as a whole, ie it's not slanted toward WP users specifically, but that's just an educated guess
#tantek_____I like looking at the rough number of Indiewebcamp participants itself as some determiner of "community". Eg whether having attended in person, or edited the wiki, or perhaps weakest, participating here in irc.
#aaronpkalthough a few of those are leftover tanteks
#tantek_____I think Bridgy is *particularly* useful to Wordpress users because of the friendly/easy to setup plugins
#davidpeachthink ill be looking at using brid.gy tomorrow.
#tantek_____The number of steps to make Bridgy "useful" is fewer/simpler for Wordpress users than likely anyother project, except maybe Known. Though I wonder how many withknown.com signups Bridgy is seeing.
#snarfedtantek___: interesting! i don't quite follow though. you mean bridgy listen, not publish, right?
#aaronpkI suppose the correct way to handle the web chat is for the server to request pings from the browser just like real IRC does
#snarfedare you including the setup work to accept webmentions?
tantek______ joined the channel
#GWGtantek______: The Indieweb Taxonomy plugin automatically does an h-cite. Although I do have to rewrite that
#aaronpksnarfed: oh btw this weekend I set up my own streaming twitter search for my @-replies, and send myself webmentions with bridgy URLs when they come in!
#tantek______Yes Bridgy listen. It really is a testament to all the WP folks here.
#aaronpkit's been working great so far :) realtime twitter webmentions ftw!
#snarfedaaronpk: awesome! so that you get them faster?
#tantek______And yes I'm including the setup work to accept webmentions as part of making it "useful". That setup is easier in WP thanks to the plugins.
#aaronpkof course bridgy finds the mention a few minutes later so I get a duplicate webmention but no harm done
#tantek______To be clear, all of what I'm saying is praise for WP, the plugins people have written, and the way the WP community (or intersection with this one) operates in such a rapidly friendly productive way. Definitely an inspiration to the rest of us. :)
#davidpeachGWG I had to manually pulled out the post meta for each of the custom meta boxes on my single.php page - Is there a better way of doing this then? Have I done a silly thing?
#GWGdavidpeach: No. There are 3 ways of doing it with the IWT plugin. And that aspect of it is changing. That is why there was a major change in 0.1
#GWGdavidpeach: 1. Autoembed into the_content. It's a settings option
#GWGdavidpeach: 2. Add a custom filter to your theme.
#GWGdavidpeach: Call the response_display function in your theme
#GWGdavidpeach: I developed the plugin. In 0.10 I changed the post meta from 3 variables to a single array. This is because I want to add more fields and then experiment with an option to parse another page and import the context automatically into the citation/content box.
#GWGSo, anyone who goes to 0.10 will have to select the upgrade option to move the data into an array
#GWGdavidpeach: If you have any suggestions for development, I'll be working on it more when I get back. I'm away now
#GWGdavidpeach: On the list includes refining the default appearance, adding some additional choices.
#snarfedhey GWG, the FB syndication link in that post, i assume it was added immediately after the post was published? ie within seconds or 1m or so?
#snarfedok kylewm GWG, i think changing the syndication link (mentioned above) actually did trip it up. once bridgy has found a valid syndication link for a post to a given silo, it doesn't notice if that link changes, which it did here. (kylewm, mind confirming? that's based on https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/tree/master/original_post_discovery.py#L324 )
#snarfedGWG: FB treats posts and photos confusingly. there are (at least) two separate ids for them, and the post id sometimes coalesces multiple photos posted within a given time window. details in https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/189
#aaronpki've been wondering when we will get to the point of needing to check the source URL for a link inside an h-entry rather than just on the page somewhere
#aaronpkI mean I know *I* certainly don't want a push notification on my phone every time someone makes a new post that links to my site in their footer