#tantek!tell adactio,snarfed perhaps the answer to the PWC/PSL dilemma/confusion is simple. Always post more content on the original on your own site, always link to the original since there is always more content there.
#snarfedtantek: heh, funny idea. i like the spirit! …i'm not sure it works in practice though. plenty of note posts are a single, small, atomic idea that shouldn't be either abbreviated or bloated
brianloveswords joined the channel
#Loqisnarfed: tantek left you a message 33 minutes ago: perhaps the answer to the PWC/PSL dilemma/confusion is simple. Always post more content on the original on your own site, always link to the original since there is always more content there.
#snarfedpure photo posts (ie without caption) even more so
#tanteksnarfed - ownyourgram is PESOS from IG->yoursite
#tanteksnarfed, the difference is that on Flickr (rather than IG, for the purpose of practical example), it is reasonable to leave comment like: Originally posted at: (permalink)
#tantekor put it as part of the "description" on the photo
#tanteksimilar to the experience on FB POSSE copies
#snarfedtantek: ok. so the proposal to always post more content on your own site is twitter-specific?
#snarfedit wouldn't work for me personally - i definitely post tweet-length notes and photos with tweet-length captions that i wouldn't want to invent filler for - but that's just me. it could work for others!
paulfitz, j12t, tilgovi, brianloveswords, xxcoeurxx, fmarier, gr0k, chrissaad, snarfed, guest9771 and jet__ joined the channel
#snarfedso kylewm, i have yet another snipe to push on top of your stack :P
#snarfednot at all urgent…but when you get a chance, could you try using the known reply bookmarklet and see what the path and query params are for the in-reply-to URL and title?
#tommorristhe main thing is that there was some footer text that was confusing to people so I wanted to change it, and I figured I should deploy the other stuff I had queued up.
#gRegor`Hey, cuibonobo. Haven't seen you around in a while. How's your project going?
#cuibonoboit's going very well! though I took a break from it for a little while because Eve, the RESTful framework i'm using as a base, had a few bugs i needed to fix
#cuibonobohmans: it's a RESTful framework that uses Flask to build the application itself and MongoDB as storage (though the storage is extensible and people have got it working with SQL dbs)
#hmansI posted a big old 4-month retrospective yesterday, going into some technical detail. http://hmans.io/zgb163
chalettu joined the channel
#reedstrmhehe: watched a presentation showing how easy it was to add any given language to PostgreSQL as a PL (procedural language). He chose lolcode as his example. (there, let's cross the streams - DBs _and_ language! :-) )
#cuibonobohmans: just read your post. very interesting! there were a few things that we ended up doing similarly, which gives me some peace of mind: open-source from the start, choosing a framework you're very familiar with, and server-side HTML rendering
#cuibonoboi ended up using a document database though, mostly because i didn't know how my schema would end up
#reedstrmwell, yeah, not really. Fun at first, but ... limits the possibility to really take off. I certainly can't suggest it as a replacement for my evernote using colleagues at work ... (sorry to be the old man)
#cuibonoboreedstrm: exactly! i don't *want* you to recommend it. it's not ready for anyone to install and it's still missing a bunch of features. right now it only works for me, which is what i was going for. if for any reason i want to open it up to more people in the future, i'd likely rebrand
#reedstrmagreed - I had the experience of making up a cool project name once, when testing someone's plugin-manager site, w/ the understanding that the db would be cleared when it went live. The author liked my name and description so much he left it live. Which lead to people contacting me about how that project was going.
#reedstrmWhich I'd never written code for. Even had an offer to give a talk!
#ben_thatmustbemei'm going to be making my own personal contact list that is available once I sign in. rather than managing it all via my homescreen icons, I'm going to try an make it look and feel like that, but in a web-page, so that it unifies design for example
#joskarben_thatmustbeme: I'm not sure what you mean by 'implemented a contact entry page', but I have my email and skype info on my front page. Does that count?
#ben_thatmustbemeyeah, i'm going to parse those too if you don't have a page that has any more info
#ben_thatmustbemejoskar, i have a page that lists my phone number, email address, etc but only after someone logs in
#joskarben_thatmustbeme: So you want to test pages that require logging in?
#aaronpkI was wondering how long it'd take before someone picked up on that
#aaronpknow the missing piece is my foursquare checkins, then it'll be a pretty complete picture
#aaronpkstill don't have a solution i'm happy with for storing venues on my site. I think I'm just going to be doing incrementing numbers as files in my "venues" folder
#LoqiA venue is a higher level abstraction of a location or address/geo that typically has a name, and is used for checkins http://indiewebcamp.com/venue
#marginalventuresdid you write it yourself because no others can post to your server?
#aaronpkyeah, and because I am very particular about collecting that data
#mkoFor me, "Like" is more transient and long-term will not have advanced viewing methods. It's typically used for short-term shows of appreciation. "Favorites" on the other hand are a type of Bookmark for me that will turn into a curated list of links.
#mkoLikes are also not as strong of a statement as Favorites.
#mkoNot yet. Haven't decided how I'd want to publish those.
#aaronpkok so it looks like your venues are uniquely identified by a slug
#mkoBut basically, I see Favorites as a long-term browsable historical reference of strong positive sentiment bookmarks while Likes are a short-term browsable reference of moderately positive sentiment bookmarks.
#mkoAll I do right now is just URLify the name with a basic slug.
#aaronpki'm planning on doing proper venue pages though, with venue info, a map, etc, plus the list of checkins below, so I need to have unique slugs per venue
#mkoThere's a secondary qualifier with the location hash that I'm tracking for the full address of the venue appended to the venue slug for when I need to separate them.
#aaronpk23456789bBCdDFgGhHjJKlLMnNPqQrRtTVWX "Characters are chosen to avoid vowels, vowel-like numbers, character confusion, and to use lowercase characters which are generally distinct from their uppercase equivalents in standard typefaces."
musigny joined the channel
#cuibonoboavoiding untended English words in a hash seems like an odd thing to want
#aaronpkfor something like a hash of a location, where the characters themselves don't have any human-parseable meaning, I don't want to introduce accidental meaning by spelling a word
#GWGaaronpk: I was giving that some thought. What have you considered so far?
#cuibonobothat's fine. i think i'm coming the idea that i know these characters have no human-parseable meaning, so finding accidental words might actually be a bonus. like finding shapes in the clouds.
#aaronpkGWG: right now I'm leaning towards a slug, and for duplicate slugs like "starbucks", making them unique by adding a hyphen and the geohash of the location
#tantekGWG start with ISO Ordinal dates if you want to live in the future.
#tantekmko: could you expand upon your thinking/motivations for this statement? "Should have shared the short url instead of the canonical url." I'm very interested the use-cases / considerations people have for that
#cuibonoboaaronpk: each bit halves the range of possibilities. fascinating!!
#aaronpktantek: no results found searching your wiki for "geohash"
#aaronpktantek: without an example there I can't tell... does it have the same property of geohash where you can remove characters at the end of the string to make it less accurate?
#aaronpkor are the lat/lng still encoded separately?
#tanteknote singular use of "digit" in that summary
#tantekeverything is built out of math. (cue Pi soundtrack)
#mkotantek: I prefer the short url (the Whistler URL) of most of my entries over the canonical URL because it's just easier to read and doesn't have the ridiculous slug converted from the name at the end of the URL.
#tantekI have notes on it from watching a session on hilbert curves at one of those where/location conferences held by O'Reilly in Santa Clara - somewhere.
#pauloppenheimtantek: it's not about usability, it's about locality and precision levels
#aaronpkthat only matters if you need to index that for search
#tantekin OctalGeo, each part of each digit "means" the same thing in terms of directions (NS/EW). whereas in a hilbert curve compression, each "digit" rotates its meaning depending on the value of the previous digit. this is illustrated by this diagram: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5f/Figure2_Hilbert.gif
#tantekaaronpk, I'll give you a clue - how do you get from two 3-bit numbers to a 6-bit number?
#tantekhow do you get from two 8-bit numbers to a 16-bit number?
#aaronpkquestion... why not use the full range of 512 for both lat/lng? why limit to 128 and 256?
#aaronpkyou're already scaling [-90, 90], why not scale that to [-512, 512]? seems like you could get more accurate locations with fewer digits that way
#tanteksqueakytoy: did you mean to post that in #indiewebcamp? that's both offtopic, and appears to be mocking epileptics (not cool)
#aaronpkok I can see you have thought this through
#gRegor`!tell KartikPrabhu I forgot to email Marcy to confirm the venue this week; they apparently have the venue rented tonight, so we'll need to meet elsewhere.
#tanteksqueakytoy: that kind of verbal nitpicking is otherwise referred to as "lawyering" in a community context (e.g. see Wikipedia), and is also not a particularly positive behavior. your joke mentioned "epileptic" and thus was unacceptable.
#squeakytoyand given that the top comment was "Seizure salad got me." with 1345 votes, second place is "The Walking Dad" with 506, I believe most people would find it funny because it was a play on words and not aimed at mocking people.
#reedstrmsqueakytoy: gotta stand up for tantek here: that joke was in poor taste at best. And off topic. Your further comments demonstrate a lack of understanding of how humor operates.
#squeakytoyYou are making this more dramatic than it needs to be.
#tanteksqueakytoy: there is no "stop" to this. it is bad jokes like this that must stup. this is something you have to understand and accept while participating in this community. I'm saying this as a founder/admin and will just say that your apology is accepted (thank you) and suggest you read http://indiewebcamp.com/code-of-conduct
#reedstrmNope, we're just standing up for community standards here.
#Loqitantek meant to say: squeakytoy: there is no "stop" to this. it is bad jokes like this that must stop. this is something you have to understand and accept while participating in this community. I'm saying this as a founder/admin and will just say that your apology is accepted (thank you) and suggest you read http://indiewebcamp.com/code-of-conduct
#reedstrmSo, anyone have a good tech for html/web annotation?
#squeakytoyDifferent people have different sensitivity.
#tantekreedstrm: what's the specific use-case you have in mind?
#davidpeachi wonder if anyone could help with sharing to twitter? Ive got it working with SNAP plugin, but am wondering how to best link it back to my site? I am using bridgy to pull in faves etc.
#reedstrmWell, we're building textbooks, and need to do teachers editions. The TEs are basically just annotated versions of the SE.
#LoqiMarginalia are interactions or responses to arbitrary parts of a post, in contrast to a traditional comment which refers to the entire post http://indiewebcamp.com/marginalia
#GWGdavidpeach: When you say linkback, do you mean the link in the tweet or not?
#reedstrmages ago we implemented annotea, and I think we may have been about the only ones to do the server half :-( But that's all water under a very old bridge.
#davidpeachSorry, yes. in bridgy it says "No post links found". but I read that linking back when the content is the same is bad practice - not offering reader any more that the note on twitter
#LoqiAnnotations are comments (including marginalia), highlights or any other interactions that add to (part of) a post, typically added by individuals other than the author http://indiewebcamp.com/annotation
#GWGdavidpeach: There are two rel-syndication plugins for WordPress
#tantekben_thatmustbe: re: "how one should h-card annotate contact methods like skype username and such" u-url
#GWGdavidpeach: One is called Syndication Links, and I prefer it. But that is because I wrote the thing. The other is called Wordpress Syndication. It is more automated than mine at the moment, but less plans for customization.
#davidpeach"rel-syndication for wordpress" is first one I found.
#ben_thatmustbemehmm, seems silly for things like mailto: or sms: etc
#GWGdavidpeach: rel-syndication is the old version of Wordpress Syndication.
#ben_thatmustbemealso, I was doing more research on the subject, there is a method for urls for android using href="intent://..." that will load the app you specify in the play store if it doesn't support the custom URL scheme
#GWGdavidpeach: I have some plans for automatically pulling in the data, but I always build manual entry and then add in automatic entry.
#ben_thatmustbemeunfortunately that means more custom for android bits, that I want to get away from. And I did more checking in to aim and fb-messenger, They took out the ability to call anything from the web in those apps. There is a manifest value "BROWSABLE" that has to be set, and they don't have it anywhere
#GWGdavidpeach: Also, all of the display functions for my plugins are being rewritten to make them more flexible and work with multiple themes. I coded them a bit too quick and dirty the first time.
andys_, Kopfstein and andys__ joined the channel
#davidpeachokay cool. I do use snap so think ill go with automated one. Is that the one called "Wordpress Syndication"
#GWGdavidpeach: The major difference is that WordPress syndication stores the links as a block of HTML. I only store the URLs and build the links when displaying.
#GWGdavidpeach: So, what is still missing on your end?
#davidpeachrel-syndication links are showing now, thanks. I think the only thing is to have site pull in the faves, replies etc from bridgy.
tilgovi joined the channel
#GWGdavidpeach: Well, regrettably, Bridgy doesn't have a retry function.
#davidpeachoki. just posted another test with syndication in place
#davidpeachI just posted another test and still says "No post links found" in bridgy. Should it still pick up replies with syndication link in place or am i missing something obvious?
#ben_thatmustbemetantek. So i'll just push any recognition of the type of url to the client that is polling these pages.
#tantekben_thatmustbeme: not sure of what you mean absent a specific scenario. I mean yes, you can use CSS based on what the href attribute starts with to style something with a background-image in its padding
#ben_thatmustbemethats a good point, i could do it that way. Originally i was thinking to parse it when I curl the page, that way I can contacts wide just hide all AIM links if I don't have it installed, but I can do that with CSS too. and really it just becomes a list of URLs for each person then.
glennjones joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemeIt will be most interesting to try to simulate the drag and drop for all contact icons in the screen. And thus organize contacts on the fly just like the homescreen
#tantekwhoa - a homescreen web app. someone must have built that already. at least something that mimics iOS.
#Loqibutter: tantek left you a message on 10/20 at 10:55pm: welcome back. go ahead and add yourself to indiewebcamp.com/irc-people
fiatjaf and eschnou joined the channel
#gRegor`davidpeach: Link to your test? Bridgy looks at the homepage for rel-syndication links, or follows a rel=feed link to look for the syndication links there.
#gRegor`davemenninger: Bridgy also only refreshes the rel-syndication check every ~2 hours, I believe.
#gRegor`I've had replies to twetes not come through, bugged snarfed, but by that point they'd already come through because Bridgy had an older version of my notes feed.
#gRegor`I presume we're talking about backfeeding replies/favorites from Twitter, right davidpeach?
#gRegor`My notes stream is not on my homepage, so I have <link rel="feed" href="http://gregorlove.com/notes/" type="text/html" /> in the <head>
#ben_thatmustbemeThis is what I have been wanting to get to the point of working on ever since i saw that first post of yours on comms
#davidpeachahhh. okay i get it. thanks! Back in sec
#ben_thatmustbemeactually i really like the idea of the folders though, I can use the folders as the group for a person and that becomes method for whitelist to certain values on my contact sheet. 'Only the people I have listed in my "Friends" folder have access to my actual phone number'
#gRegor`davidpeach: It then might take up to 2 hours, but those bridgy wm should come through eventually. :)
#GWGben_thatmustbeme: I was starting to think about improved contexts...such as reply-contexts. This would mean more data on the people I'm replying to. For example, you post something, and I reply to your post...I load up your profile picture and such...
#GWGben_thatmustbeme: I started thinking about creating a user profile for the people I am replying to.
#LoqiKartikPrabhu_: gRegor` left you a message 2 hours, 10 minutes ago: I forgot to email Marcy to confirm the venue this week; they apparently have the venue rented tonight, so we'll need to meet elsewhere.
#GWG1. It doesn't support settings for publish. I have to switch the settings for SNAP from Note to Photo configuration. The only way for me to solve this is to switch Publish solutions or to not POSSE till later.
#KartikPrabhu_gregor`: yup. now have to remember all the uncommitted changes I made to code everywhere
#GWGSNAP stands for Social Network Auto Poster. It is a WordPress plugin that is popular, but horribly written codewise. It is very confusing to look at
#LoqiTantek-ing is a method of encouraging people to contribute to the wiki by indirectly prompting the person who first mentioned the term to create a short wiki dfn page for it http://indiewebcamp.com/tanteking
#reedstrmI figured if loqi knew, it'd save you answering. Isn't tanteking ... hehe I think of it as doing it when you already know the answer. :-)
#GWGdavidpeach: I showed you the kind/reply archive option. Would an option for archiving posts without a selection? Such as Kind=None?
#davidpeachstrangely enough i was thinking of that the other day. Once clicked one, cant unclick them
#GWGdavidpeach: You have two choices. You can disable the radio selection and go back to the multi-picker, or you can wait...because I want to solve that problem.
#GWGdavidpeach: But this is about a custom taxonomy archive for when nothing is selected.
#snarfedjust not the one that's there now, since it points to a collection, not the single post/picture
#GWGsnarfed: This is making me more annoyed at SNAP
#snarfedGWG: nah, be annoyed at FB for having multiple ids for the same post, and automatically collecting multiple picture together without you asking for it
#GWGsnarfed: But if I change the URL to try to fix it...
RichardLitt joined the channel
#snarfedGWG: yeah, it won't work now if you change it since we haven't implemented that, as discussed before
#snarfedyou can send them manually though (not easy i know)
#GWGYes, but it won't work manually unless it can find the target link
#GWGsnarfed: I know SNAP and it still drives me nutsx
#joskargRegor`: For me it would be nice to know (programmatically) the language of the site. In case I reply to it, then my response could automatically be placed in the English section of my own website.
#joskargRegor`: I wouldn't care much about the '-US' part of the language string though...
#gRegor`I'm updating a WordPress header template so it can be used on non-WordPress pages, too, so I was wondering if I should just remove it. I've hardcoded lang="en" for now.
#GWGsnarfed: It shows how to compose a webmention on the help page.
#aaronpkjoskar: whoa you wrote a microformats parser in C?
#snarfedGWG: ahhh i see. sure! i wouldn't prioritize that myself, but i'd happily accept a PR
RichardLitt joined the channel
#joskaraaronpk: Yup...it's pretty much a generic microformats2 parser. No backwards compatibility though :(
#joskaraaronpk: Are there any special parsing rules about p-* and nested h-* that I'm unaware of? The p-in-reply-to wont resolve to a URL when it's parsed (at least not the examples in /reply-context)
#joskarHuh. That rule was not clear at all from the microformats wiki...That explains my confusion.
#joskarI thought they (the 'in-reply-to' and 'cite') would become siblings when parsed, not parent-child.
#aaronpkI am not at all an expert on the details of parsing. tantek and other authors of parsing libraries are much more qualified to speak about that :)
#gRegor`So I might use it to check if the 'type' of an in-reply-to is h-cite or h-something, and if true, extract data from the 'properties' key of an in-reply-to
#tantekcatching up on logs (even from this morning)
#tantekre: rebranding - I don't think it's that bad at all. I think cuibonobo has the right idea.
#tantekreal world experience example: idno -> Known
#tantekbenwerd started with naming his project simply, maybe somewhat geeky, but it was just for himself to start with and that was totally fine.
#tantekAs he scratched his itches and made it easier to setup / maintain, keeping it all open source, helping others set it up, he and collaborator erinjo decided to rebrand it and did so. I think it's worked beautifully.
#tantekben_thatmust, aaronpk, kylewm: re: contact entry page - I think anything to do with "contacts" is heavily overloaded by lots of different expectations (e.g different expected use-cases etc.) hence I separated the "contact me" discussion into /comms.
#aaronpkthey have "l" in there too which I don't like
#tantek.comcreated /contact (+22) "redirect to plural because it is far more often used, for now, until someone wants to come up with a distinct meaning for contact like a verb or something [[comms]] related" (view diff)
#tantekKevinMarks: B and 8 look quite different in my view of the logs. And I'd say in typical fonts too.
#tantekwhat font are you seeing confusion between 8 and B
#KevinMarks_venues are hard. They need constant maintenance, and yet youwant historic ones for logs too. Foursquare has the best one I've seen. SimpleGeo open sourced theirs on shutdown, but not sure it was maintained.
#tantek.comedited /code-of-conduct (+20) "/* Respect */ medical conditions - calling out explicitly even though it could (sometimes is) interpreted as subset of / related to disability" (view diff)
#aaronpkmaintenance of indie venues is interesting
#aaronpkI may want to indicate a venue is closed for example
#aaronpkvenues also sometimes move, in which case I'm not sure if I would want to have the old and new location show up as separate venues or what
#ShaneHudsontommorris, tantek and I were speaking about that at dConstruct. OSM try to show just the current information. But for most of our cases you wouldn't want the data to be overwritten (ie. Starbucks becomes a strip club).
#KevinMarks_!tell ben_thatmustbeme Android apps can claim http URL fragmentt as intents, so an app can take over, say, https://twitter.com/intent/tweet/ or anything from twitter.com
#KevinMarks_wishes he was going to hwc to chat to benwerd tonight
#benwerd_KevinMarks_: I wish that too. Rented a car (mine died) for the whole week of IIW next week - do you think there's scope for meeting in SJ at some point?