#tantekjust realized /Instagram *also* has no sequential nav from their photo permalinks, i.e. no way to navigate to the next/previous photo from someone
#tantekon website photo permalinks, nor when view a single photo in their iOS native app. no way to swipe/nav left/right previous/next
#tantekthis lack of sequential nav was one of my biggest frustrations (still unsolved) with Twitter which drove me to creating Falcon
#KevinMarks_is that the ios 'back to home' design pattern leaking through?
#tantekI wonder if Akismet could be used for the "approval algorithm" in /vouch
#gRegor`I haven't visited /vouch in a while, but I'd definitely considered Akismet as a relatively quick way to check incoming webmentions for obvious spam.
#bretkylewm: presumably it could also check if anything is spam, but might require encoding AS
#gRegor`The basic required fields are your base url, permalink of the post, comment author, email, url, and content. So you could submit webmention for that.
#kylewmbret: oh yes probably, i was adding not correcting
#tantek__in short - in practice they are treated the same. user defined/created spaces of labels. whether explicitly hierarchical or implicitly with a "/" in the string, it matters not
#tantek__tags are merely fashionable new(er) name for categories
#tantek__u-tag-of is similar to u-like-of. instead of indicating that the current post is a like of another post, u-tag-of indicates that the current post is a tagging of the linked to post.
#GWGI've been thinking of this as part of the community since March. How many years have you been doing this sort of work?
#tantek__what do you mean by "this sort of work"? could you be more specific?
#GWGIn the broadest sense, contemplating standards.
#GWGIn the narrowest sense, aren't we 4+ years into Indiewebcamp?
#tantek__contemplating *new* standards of some sort, especially cross-platform, since 1992 (and before that simply learning about/using standards like SQL, Postscript back to 1987)
#GWGThus I expect you to be ahead of me due more time thinking about it.
#tantek__actively working on (new) web standards since 1998. microformats since 2004.
#GWGI'm still curious. How does a post tag another post? I don't get the relationship.
#tantek__you could ask the same question about how does a post like another post?
#tantek__just as you keep comment content separate from post content, you can also choose to keep 3rd party tags separate from your own tags
#tantek__and even link back to their original tag-reply posts to show where they came from
reedstrm joined the channel
#tantek.comedited /tags (+223) "move Hashtags, Person Tags, Private Tags from intro to their own section to simplify intro, general page cleanup" (view diff)
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#GWGtantek: You have me reading WordPress arguments on this subject.
#tantekGWG re: "How would a u-tag-of indicate what something was being tagged as?" - for now, read through the IRC log from 2 days ago for details. short answer, the "tag reply" itself has a "p-category" of any tag it wants to assign to the thing it is replying to
#tantek.comedited /tags (+486) "improve dfn, note relation to HTML tags, move free=form definition to its own Web 2 history section" (view diff)
mlncn, ricmac, demis, dariusdunlap and indie-visitor joined the channel
#LoqiWelcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
mlncn, danlyke_, eschnou, tantek, ricmac, badgermind, tilley and chrissaad joined the channel
#tantekanother reason (use-case) why you should use indie /comms (people-centric comms) and not comms apps directly (app-centric comms) ...
#tantekmy ipod touch has crashed (is crashing) badly! like so badly that holding down the power button does not give you the usual "swipe to power off" screen/option.
#tantekso I can no longer get txts or facetime on it, or skype calls for that matter
#tantekthus I've updated my /contact page to remove those options!
#tanteknow anyone going to my /contact page will see *current* options for what works and hopefully use one of those
#Loqitantek meant to say: but that would take more design work than I have this morning
#reedstrmI've recently rediscovered strikethru as a useful style to communicate negation of information.
#reedstrmWe're trying it out in a collaboration environment to indicate rejection of an invitation.
#tantekof course after waiting a while (15 min?) and letting the iPod play alarms automatically, then get interrupted into "show notifications from FB chat on lock screen" (thanks to a friend), I was able to get it to fully power down, and restart
#tantekso first thing I do? tried to reproduce the nasty crash (like a good programmer), rather than not risk it and have a comms device
#tantekthus I need a second one I can activate and use
#tantekhow I crashed it: I out-typed the touch-keyboard while typing in the name of a city, state into Dark Sky. The system UI process (handles keyboard, showing clock, battery state, assistive touch etc.) all died, then auto-restarted, then died, etc. stuck in an auto-restart loop.
#tantekwhich also meant the system-power-off UI couldn't be activated.
#reedstrmbuffer overflow on the stack, you think? Race condition with the exact behavior depending on stack allocation and exactly what characters overflow.
#snarfedi've started seeing webmentions to the homepages (on those blog providers) of people using that feature, and i'm not sure what to do
#snarfed1) return a 400 and say it's not supported
#snarfed2) accept it, store it, do nothing beyond that
demis joined the channel
#snarfed3) forward it to something like webmention.io or webmention.herokuapp.com and tell users to show those wms on their home page by adding an iframe, JS injection, etc.
#snarfed(er, sorry, hoping not to fall into a JS debate rathole :P)
#snarfedGWG: i think the majority of the php people here do
#GWGsnarfed: I was trying to see if anyone had written a function using it to find the representative h-card of a URL. I hate to reinvent the wheel, and that was the first thing I wanted to do with it.
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