2014-11-21 UTC
Pierre-O joined the channel
# 00:21 tantek thedod: lol: "If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer you may need to click on the yellow bar above and select 'Allow Blocked Content'. You must then click 'Yes' on the following security warning."
# 00:22 tantek come now, you can serve some plain HTML and not depend on JS for everything. ;)
# 00:22 tantek (and will give a hard time to any indiewebber who doesn't serve static HTML as at least the initial page load)
# 00:24 thedod tantek, can't blame you for noscripting, but I gotta admit this text you're quoting is new to me
# 00:25 tantek thedod - it's what I see when I load "dubiousdod.org/go/OpenID" without JS
# 00:25 thedod so you probably get the whole wiki as a single mess
# 00:25 tantek I'm just clicking links and reporting back what I see :)
# 00:27 thedod bloody hell. where do [prvicay warriors] firefox hide their "disable JS" GUI *this* time?
# 00:27 tantek just install NoScript add-on - and make your browsing MUCH faster :D
# 00:31 tantek you know what's even faster w/o JS? Yahoo search. And Bing. both are faster than Google w/o JS.
# 00:31 aaronpk nvm, none of the photo metadata loads on photo permalinks
# 00:31 thedod just installed it (but allowing scripts from my own site)
michielbdejong joined the channel
# 00:38 thedod tantek, luckily, I now have that h-card bottom left so that noscripters can get to my not-so-js-intense /indie.
fmarier joined the channel
# 00:47 gRegor` thedod: Probably too late, but in Firefox Developer tools: Settings gear > Advanced settings > Disable Javascript
# 00:50 gRegor` Heh. First time I'd ever read an article on linkedin
# 00:50 gRegor` But it's good, imo
# 00:50 gRegor` benwerd and erinjo are behind Known
mlncn joined the channel
# 00:55 tantek gRegor`: and here I thought you were going to post a /repost on your own site ;)
# 01:01 kylewm gRegor`: sounds pretty FUDy to me... why is this root CA any different than all the other root CAs
caseorganic joined the channel
# 01:02 gRegor` As far as the problems posed, none. CAs are a problem.
reedstrm joined the channel
# 01:02 gRegor` As far as introducing a new one that gives out free certs and thus might be more uptake...
# 01:02 thedod gRegor`, I just installed noscript so my guess is tantek sees a blank page now
npdoty joined the channel
# 01:03 tantek I have no patience for silos that require JS just to see the main content of a page which should be rendered serverside and sent as HTML.
# 01:04 gRegor` (author of that article)
# 01:06 gRegor` ? That's what he's saying
# 01:08 thedod As one of the crusaders for a better CA-less world at https://hidden-id.github.io I agree that the CA system is broken, but an interim where 90% of the site need MITM and hanky panky in order to monitor can be quite itchy for the NSA
# 01:09 gRegor` I just hope the tech attention span doesn't forget the problems with CAs because Super CA came along.
gr0k joined the channel
# 01:23 kylewm thedod: looks like Known is having http vs. https issues, I only get that error if i reply to the https verison
# 01:23 kylewm which makes sense, I think https is v. new addition for them
michielbdejong1 joined the channel
michielbdejong joined the channel
# 01:31 kylewm "https issues" is probably overselling it. probably just string comparison issues :)
caseorganic joined the channel
caseorganic, KartikPrabhu, lukebrooker_, lukebrooker, chrissaad, Pea1, gr0k, parzzix and mdik joined the channel
indie-visitor, gr0k and Electrin joined the channel
# 03:00 Electrin hi guys, just wanted to check, any plans for indiecamp in Asia?
# 03:00 GWG Electrin: No one has proposed one, but you could organize one.
# 03:01 Electrin sounds good. :)
# 03:01 Electrin been an eternity since I used IRC.
# 03:01 bret Electrin: your apart of the modern IRC resurgence! ;)
# 03:02 Electrin i love IRC, used to help out on #irchelp at dalnet
# 03:02 Electrin had a wedding dinner table reserved for IRC friends even.
# 03:02 bret freenode is pretty hoppin these days. im hooked
# 03:03 Electrin we met in SXSW 2003
# 03:04 bret links your website from the logs, and you can add a picture too
# 03:05 Electrin lol tantek, still remember you were clad in a leather jacket and carried a motorbike helmet
# 03:05 Electrin oh yeah...been a while...memories are fuzzy
# 03:06 Electrin i attended sxsw 2003 and 2006
# 03:06 Electrin from Singapore btw.
# 03:07 Electrin thanks for the tips
# 03:08 Electrin at some point I'm getting really tired of using someone elses' platform. I love Medium's tools, but feels like i'm losing my identity.
# 03:09 tantek Electrin - exactly. Better to post on your own site and the /POSSE to Medium.
caseorganic joined the channel
# 03:09 Loqi tantek meant to say: Electrin - exactly. Better to post on your own site and then /POSSE to Medium.
# 03:11 Electrin philosophy sits well with me. :)
# 03:11 Electrin will hang around here, if it's ok. Need to finish up some work.
gr0k, lukebrooker, j12t, snarfed, chrissaad, snarfed1 and verdi_ joined the channel
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thedod_, verdi_ and tantek joined the channel
# 04:19 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: Did you see the bug went up another level?
# 04:25 bret i think there might be some outstanding issues w/ webmention.io
snarfed joined the channel
# 05:02 aaronpk just got my yubikey thing and tried it out with my google account
# 05:02 aaronpk setup was super easy, and didn't require me to install a browser extension
# 05:03 aaronpk so why do all the docs say a browser extension is required?
# 05:12 aaronpk wtf: "Currently, you need Google Chrome and the FIDO U2F extension to enable U2F (on non-Google domains)."
# 05:12 aaronpk why and how are google domains treated separately?
KartikPrabhu, j12t, caseorganic, fmarier and parzzix joined the channel
# 06:18 Loqi Upcoming, also known as Upcoming.org was (perhaps) the first social event sharing silo, then acquired and shutdown by Yahoo, and is now in the process of being recreated http://indiewebcamp.com/Upcoming
chrissaad, brianloveswords and lukebrooker joined the channel
yakker joined the channel
chrissaad, j12t and danfowler joined the channel
loic_m joined the channel
npdoty, brianloveswords and eschnou joined the channel
ricmac, j12t, icco, friedcell and brianloveswords joined the channel
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stream7, Sebastien-L and petermolnar joined the channel
yakker, Acidnerd, j12t, friedcell and Pierre-O joined the channel
michielbdejong, j12t, yakker, parzzix and Acidnerd joined the channel
j12t, yakker, eschnou and JasonO joined the channel
friedcell, mlncn, brianloveswords and yakker joined the channel
Sebastien-L, mlncn, iboxifoo, tommorris, jonnybarnes, amblin and shiflett joined the channel
tgbrun, reedstrm, j12t, gr0k, danlyke_ and cmhobbs joined the channel
Pierre-O joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# 15:34 ben_thatmustbeme hey, i'm hoping to be able to test something out by the end of the day. can anyone easily create a note with an h-card embedded in it (not your own)
mlncn joined the channel
Pierre-O joined the channel
# 15:37 snarfed you can too, of course, just upload a static file to any number of file silos (github, dropbox, etc)
cmhobbs joined the channel
# 15:48 aaronpk oh darn, just noticed my likes and reposts are showing up in the h-entry as child h-cards. that doesn't seem right.
j12t, yakker and mlncn joined the channel
# 15:59 thedod aaronpk, is there a simply intro/tutorial to mf2? My head's still swimming in conceptual whirlwinds re who rel
# 15:59 ben_thatmustbeme yeah, i realized i'm actually going to need more rewrites than i though to make sure i pull in the h-card from a comment correctly
# 16:00 aaronpk i think a lot of the mf1 use of "rel" isn't used so much in mf2 anymore
# 16:01 thedod goes to show you how much I understand about this :)
# 16:02 thedod btw, if the class of an element has semantic reference, classes should be filtered from external input, or it's an attack surface
# 16:05 bret thedod: you mean someone could add data externally to your page that might get parsed as non-external content?
Sebastien-L and mlncn joined the channel
gr0k and shiflett joined the channel
# 16:26 michielbdejong there is already a use of the word "Indie Hosting" to mean basically hosting at home, which is going to be a bit confusing
# 16:26 michielbdejong I propose to call hosting under your physical control (e.g. Raspberry Pi) "Home Hosting", is that a good term?
tilgovi and mko joined the channel
# 16:37 aaronpk I dunno, I think putting a server at a colo still counts as under your control. and tha'ts decidedly not home
verdi_ joined the channel
# 16:44 michielbdejong sorry, i just saw your message when i already clicked 'update'. we can change it back if we find a better term
# 16:48 michielbdejong by physical control i mean in a room which you can lock so nobody else can come physically near your server
# 16:49 reedstrm michielbdejong: I like that def. Also 'home' to me means "the Feds have to serve _me_ a warrant, not some business"
# 16:50 reedstrm Not that I'm worried about Feds. :-) Just channeling thedod
j12t and Pea1 joined the channel
# 16:50 reedstrm michielbdejong: not sure where that leaves colos where you get a cage w/ your own key. They still do that anywhere?
# 16:51 michielbdejong yes, you often see cages in data centers. I guess that's a bit of an edge case, and also financially not attainable for indiewebbers
# 16:52 reedstrm Personally, I think Indie Hoster whould be 'anyone who considers themselves part of the Indie movement, and hosts themselves'. As described on the page, I'd call the new section 'Indie Friendly Hosters'
# 16:52 aaronpk there's a place in portland you can get a cage for only lik $500/mo
# 16:52 aaronpk that's not out of the realm of possibility, especially if you go in on it with a few friends
# 16:54 aaronpk where did this term come from and are there any other references to it?
# 16:54 reedstrm Recently had to rejigger severs at home (HD on the PDVR died) and was shocked at the amount of dustbunnies I had to clean out. I've been spoiled by works first class datacenter.
# 16:55 reedstrm aaronpk: agreed looks funny to me. See my suggestion of Indie friendly hosting
# 16:55 petermolnar as far as I understand Indie Hoster is a regular sysadmin for you
# 16:57 aaronpk this sounds like dreamhost with their one-click installs?
# 16:58 michielbdejong aaronpk: no, it's different, it's closer to CMS as a service than to shared hosting
# 16:58 petermolnar according to the link above, it's a container based managed server
# 16:58 aaronpk okay, so there's a category for hosted CMS on the web hosting page already
npdoty joined the channel
# 17:00 aaronpk the main difference from the examples given is that indiehosters.net lets you choose from multiple CMSs, whereas the others offer their own
# 17:00 aaronpk (the examples given being Known, wordpress.com, wp engine)
# 17:00 aaronpk those sound like distinguising features of indiehosters.net
# 17:00 petermolnar uum, no, you can always choose what you want at a lot of places for the managed server option, you just need to pay more
# 17:01 Pierre-O and the terms of service *will* be better, because you have a personal relationship with your indiehoster
# 17:01 aaronpk petermolnar: this is one level removed from a managed server it sounds like
# 17:01 Pierre-O no, you, as an indiehoster, needs to have a friend to go on holidays :)
# 17:02 petermolnar is a 9to5 sysadmin, was a shared hosting provider a long time ago, with personal relations to the customers and will never go back there
# 17:03 Pierre-O facebook manages 1M customer per employee, we believe we can host 20k
fiatjaf and j12t joined the channel
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# 17:28 michielbdejong I guess we're still in the process of defining what IndieHosters.net is and will be once it grows up :)
# 17:31 aaronpk michielbdejong: you should add the distinguishing features of indiehosters.net to that page too!
shiflett joined the channel
# 17:49 Pierre-O I think that this Migration thing is really what would make a difference
wolftune and snarfed joined the channel
j12t, tantek, gr0k and friedcell joined the channel
# 18:33 tantek aaronpk - re: likes and reposts are showing up in the h-entry as child h-cards
# 18:33 tantek similar to putting received comments on a class="p-comment h-entry"
# 18:34 tantek put received likes and reposts on class="p-like h-entry" and class="p-repost h-entry" respectively
# 18:34 tantek that way they're neatly contained in specific properties of your h-entry, rather than being floating children
# 18:36 michielbdejong we were lucky to get featured on Wired yesterday, crowdfunding is taking off well.
# 18:36 aaronpk oh oops I'm not even enclosing the links in an h-entry
# 18:37 tantek since you're *citing* the external like, comment etc.
# 18:37 tantek this also solves thedod's concern about "if the class of an element has semantic reference, classes should be filtered from external input, or it's an attack surface" - because once you've contained it in an h-cite, you're good to go.
# 18:38 tantek no need to filter classes from external input
# 18:38 tantek in fact, don't filter them, or if you feel like filtering, at least *keep* all the uf2 prefixed classes (h- p- dt- u- e-) in order to maintain maximum semantic fidelity.
# 18:39 tantek michielbdejong: next, add yourself to indiewebcamp.com/irc-people !
# 18:41 tantek sometimes like to pretend to play non-techie person that doesn't get the jargon, just to make a point.
# 18:44 Loqi migration in the context of the indieweb refers to the process of moving your indieweb site from any one or more of one CMS / web host / DNS provider / URL design / domain name to another http://indiewebcamp.com/migration
# 18:45 thedod should I do the "grumpy old man" routine on privacy too?
# 18:46 tantek grumpy old man commenting from an arm chair is not very useful
# 18:46 tantek right, that's the one feedback I have on your /security additions - lots of chicken-little handwaving - no specific examples
# 18:46 thedod are you referring to what I've written on security, tantek, or in general?
# 18:46 tantek and that kind of thing (handwaving = fear) actually hurts security design
# 18:47 tantek security is about focusing on *actual* probable problems, by example, not on making thing "airtight" for all possible theoretical scenarios
# 18:47 tantek in fact, anyone who is designing security by theory doesn't understand security in practice.
# 18:48 thedod what about the actual problems I mention (after a week of browsing around casually?)
# 18:48 tantek they're not actual problems unless you can demonstrate an exploit - that's the point
# 18:48 aaronpk what do you mean you can't log in to the wiki over https?
# 18:49 thedod I want all my communication with IWC to be secure, and I need to go to http for login
# 18:49 tantek otherwise, any theoretical security concerns should be moved to a "hypothetical" section, to quarantine them from *actual* problems
# 18:50 thedod I know it does, but the *implementation* redirects to http
# 18:51 thedod reconstruct the bug: go to httpS://indiewebcamp.com and login
# 18:51 thedod there's already metadata saying you logged in
# 18:51 thedod tantek, don't handwave my examples out of existence
# 18:52 thedod and the fact that I only wrote a few is because I'm a single guy who's new here. bot a pro peer-review team
# 18:53 thedod so you believe we should wait until a system is attack in order to build security for it in hindsight?
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# 18:54 tantek citations of examples != system is attack[ed]
# 18:54 thedod while you're at it, maybe fix the thing where webmention.io treats #hashes as separate urls, and embed WebmentionDressing at the wiki :)
# 18:55 tantek but researches come up with real examples all the time before attacks
# 18:55 thedod snowden is a military *historion*. we already lost wwIII
Pierre-O joined the channel
# 18:58 thedod let's ask this: is there any reason, at the age of HSTS, to enable http connections *at all* for a site that can redirect to https?
# 18:58 thedod Except for "I know it's not OK, I'll fix this soon"
# 18:59 thedod or maybe even go deeper and say any URL "known to have an https equivalent" should be converted *everywhere*?
# 19:01 thedod I know "known to be" is a bit of handwaving, but - for example - sites can say in the header link rel=cannonical or something
# 19:02 thedod but if we have "security best practices" on the wiki,
# 19:03 thedod then people who find the time would spend it "right"
Pea1 and dariusdunlap joined the channel
# 19:06 thedod so do you still consider what I wrote irrelevant hadwaving (or a similar adjective)?
# 19:06 tantek thedod - if it really is a *best* practice, it deserves citations that back that up
# 19:06 tantek otherwise it fails burden of proof for *best*
# 19:07 tantek didn't say irrelevant. please stop strawmanning.
# 19:07 thedod I didn't say that my text suggested specific "best practices" except for "don't have any of the known problems" :),
# 19:08 tantek if it is a *known* problem, the aspect of knownness means you can provide a citation
# 19:08 tantek if you can't provide a citation to a "known" problem, is it really known?
# 19:08 thedod but what I try to say is that there should be a goal to write down such best practices because these things have to be written, not guessed
# 19:09 thedod all problems under "known problems" are bugs I can recreate
# 19:09 tantek if you can't cite why something is known, then you can't claim you're avoiding *known* problems
# 19:09 thedod do you mean the formality is to blog about it and link there? I could do that.
# 19:09 tantek you shouldn't have to recreate them - if they're already *known*, they should have *existing* citations!
# 19:09 aaronpk thedod: documenting the https login issue with the wiki was constructive because it pointed to a real problem. now I fixed it. so that was nice.
# 19:09 tantek if it is *known* you should be able to cite *someone else* who has already written about it
# 19:10 thedod it was a problem, I *knew* it was a problem, fixing it *proves* it *was* a problem, what citation is needed? the wiki page is the ticket
# 19:12 tantek thedod - great - then documenting it like you did was sufficient. no need to call it a "known problem" which asserts at least some degree of broader knowledge than just one person
# 19:13 thedod btw, regarding the problem at withknown, I think kyle has something about it too. brb
# 19:15 tantek known problems consist of known known problems, unknown known problems, nothing-to-do-with-known-project known problems
# 19:17 kylewm not exactly a security problem, just a string matching problem
# 19:17 tantek speaking of HTTPS issues, I'm consistently getting "Safari can't establish a secure connection to the server "www.facebook.com". " (again, it was like this two days ago too)
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# 19:18 thedod it's not a security problem per se, but creates more http links on the net we want to take back.
# 19:18 ben_thatmustbeme thedod, the webmentions you sent me came in as generic mentions of my page instead of comments on a single post, odd
# 19:19 thedod this is not hand waving. this is measured in clickls
# 19:19 thedod ben_thatmust, let me try again (been a few merges from kylewm since then probably)
# 19:20 kylewm grr, I don't think I have changed anything that would have affected that :(
# 19:25 tantek excellent, the hosting companies are competing about offering Known
# 19:26 thedod I still don't understand what known does (although I have an accout)
# 19:28 ben_thatmustbeme darn, for some reason it thinks thats a generic mention, not a comment on my post, strange
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
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# 19:42 tantek KevinMarks: heh indeed. that would be the pithy response ;)(
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# 19:46 thedod tantek, I've read /Known [again] and I still don't get it: it's a platform (like my redwind), the only difference is that I *think* it was supposed to show all my tweets (and doesn't).
# 19:47 thedod so it's like "redwind if you don't have one"?
# 19:48 thedod I also don't see something like "contacts" where I can say @kylewm and it knows the domain
# 19:52 tantek hah - 2 more RTs and it will have more than the original tweet ;)
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cmhobbs joined the channel
# 20:01 thedod one problem with @names (I also see that at twister, diaspora, etc.) is that there's no way to tell @alice at my cache from @alice in twitter.
# 20:01 reedstrm Is that everyone retweeting Kevin's "API magic" tweet?
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# 20:03 thedod Maybe we should have a "long form" @[twitter]kylwm @[irc]kylem and @kylwm means @[me]kylewm (it's a silent [me])
# 20:03 thedod then when you tweet something, or push to diaspora, you know how to translate this soup
# 20:04 kylewm thedod: what problem are you trying to solve?
tantek joined the channel
# 20:07 thedod When I say something about meeting a friend from twister and one from twitter, they're both called @joe
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# 20:08 kylewm thedod: and the concern is that they are two different people? or the same person with accounts on different services?
# 20:09 tantek Twitter has pretty much won the @-space, except among photographers, who seem to prefer IG's @-space.
# 20:11 kylewm yeah I pretty much add people based on their twitter name and IRC nick, haven't had a collision yet...
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# 20:17 tantek lol. thedod - you did cite their home page - that's not handwaving ;)
# 20:18 thedod about the censorship resistant bit, I'm sure they say it somewhere, but it's quite obvius from the code anyway :)
# 20:20 thedod What we do today is never forgotten (both google and NSA log what they can), but we're not *aware* of it. In twister, all your mistakes are in-your-face forever
# 20:21 thedod Loqi's answer to what is decentalized should be: there are answers all around the web for this
# 20:21 tantek reedstrm I think you just got told by the bot.
# 20:22 reedstrm well, for decentralized. Some of the rest would have indieweb spins.
# 20:23 thedod kids at home won't believe me where I'm hanging out :)
# 20:23 tantek if a page doesn't exist for it, it's likely some form of jargon
# 20:24 thedod on a scale from jargon and a force of nature, I'd say bitcoin - for example - scores 9
# 20:27 reedstrm thedod: bitcoin blipped into the mass media briefly this summer. during the silly/slow news season. Looks like it's back into techno obscurity to me.
# 20:28 reedstrm The new hotness is tap-to-pay-so-apple-can-track-me :-)
# 20:29 thedod reedstrm, you have a point, but for far more complex reasons. e.g. bitcoin is mega-trackable
# 20:29 thedod also, the time to confirm a transaction (sometimes >1 hour) makes it unfit for coffee etc.
# 20:30 thedod so Adi Shamir says it would become a currency for conversion, savings, and large payments
# 20:31 thedod I still think it's cool for stuff like servers, voip, and other services
# 20:32 thedod the "blip" was also because there was a *huge* volume of contraband trade (which is as stupid as doing it in a police station)
# 20:32 tantek thedod do you accept bitcoin on your personal site?
# 20:32 thedod I used to accept bitcoin on a site, but for complex reasons, I don't anymore
# 20:33 thedod it wasn't my site. it officially didn't belong to someone *else*
# 20:34 tantek we have a whole page on /payment and so far no one has bothered to document BItcoin which makes me wonder if it matters to indieweb folks
# 20:34 thedod I could write something about accepting bitcoin,
# 20:35 tantek though if you don't do so on your indieweb site, then it's a bit off topic
# 20:35 thedod the question is whether it's donations or you're selling something (where it *matters* whether you got paid or not)
# 20:35 tantek would be interesting to know the challenges you've run into - the "complex reasons"
# 20:35 tantek the question should anyone with an indieweb site care about bitcoin? and if so, where are those with indiewebsites that accept them?
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# 20:46 ben_thatmustbeme which by the way tantek, you had asked a while back if anyone tracks mentions the the homepage URL, anything the system doesn't recognize as a comment/like/mention of a specific post, it just dumps to that "Recent Mentions" section on my side bar
# 20:47 thedod btw, speeking of generic mentions (and *what* they mention): at a blog there's "about", and "all posts". In twitter it's the same page, but "me" should be an "about" page. When you mention me you don't mention "stuff I've been saying lately".
# 20:47 tantek so "recent mentions" = home page mentions + other 404 targets on your domain
# 20:48 ben_thatmustbeme not 404 targets but other 200 targets that don't track comments etc, like my micropub client, search pages, etc
# 20:50 ben_thatmustbeme actually (upon reviewing it) its anything determined to be a "Mention" too, not in-reply-to
# 20:50 bret i accept bitcoin and dogecoin because sometimes people have them to give to me and it was super easy to add. That being said, I dont really use it that much
# 20:51 tantek bret - do you have a payment page or something on your personal web site where you accept them?
# 20:51 thedod bret, it's easier when you're not selling something. You just post an account number (maybe QR code).
# 20:52 thedod The problem is if you need to know whether the customer has paid or not. For that - each transaction needs a different account number
# 20:53 thedod now it's easy to generate them, but you need the private key (you keep at home)
# 20:53 thedod so what people do is simply keep a "stack" of pregenerated accounts, and pop one per deal
# 20:54 thedod You can get DoSed out of all account numbers, but that's childish :)
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# 21:00 bret tantek: i just have the addresses in my "elsewhere" section next my other rel=me's
# 21:00 bret yeah im not selling anything, at least, as a storefront
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# 21:02 reedstrm So, can I just dump bitcoin into bret's account, and he can't tell who sent it?
# 21:02 thedod reedstrm, maybe *bret* can't, but Adi Shamir has tricks ;)
# 21:03 reedstrm thinks regularly scheduled anon payments matching external events that bret has nothing to do with ...
# 21:03 tantek bret - perhaps you could document your technique for accepting Bitcoin on your personal site on a /Bitcoin page? And add yourself to a section "IndieWeb Examples" ?
# 21:04 thedod this is why it's only good for donations, because if you pay bret and I see the transaction I can go "hey bret I sent you money" at your expense
# 21:04 ben_thatmustbeme damn, i was trying to work out some way to make tagging of people in an image work just by some markup in the commenter's post and javascript
# 21:05 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: server-side image maps FTW :)
# 21:05 reedstrm So, the real indie web interest might be hosters that accept bitcoin. Which exist.
# 21:05 ben_thatmustbeme tantek, I know, I figured it would be more like a patch for those that didn't want to add server side patches, just include JS
# 21:06 thedod reedstrm, true that. if they also accept HiddenID, we can actually have anonymous indie sites :)
KevinMarks and gRegor` joined the channel
# 21:08 ben_thatmustbeme no harm in investigating different ways about it, in any case I may set it up to include linking to sections of my photos via JS highlight / media-frag bit
# 21:09 thedod tantek, "ethical" question. Indie are supposed to be personal sites. Now what if there's a community (knitting club, biker gang), how does their site appear on the "indie map"? can they have an h-card? webmentions?
# 21:11 thedod I want to install the WP ICW plugin there, but "who" are we?
# 21:11 thedod the "venue" zzzen.com *happens* to belog to my wife and me
# 21:12 thedod but it's actually a bunch of people I don't really know :)
# 21:14 tantek thedod - I think the question has come up before, for independent businesses as well, and the general vibe I've seen is that anything that encourages at least some degree of independence is incrementally good
# 21:15 tantek part of the challenge is to not get "stuck" in thinking each site *does* have multiple people, because then you go down the Diaspora path, where people end up not having their own sites, care less, and stuff is lost / not maintained again.
# 21:15 thedod well, independence we don't lack. Our sysadmin is a "don't call us, we'll call you" kinda guy/girl
# 21:15 tantek e.g. what happens when a couple with a shared "family" site gets divorced? how do they handle disentangling and maintaining web identities?
# 21:16 tantek thus there's a strong encouragement to enable everyone to have and be their own
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# 21:17 thedod it's true, but hiddenid is more like a "home for runaway kids" thing. They keep running away, so in a way we're usedf to it :)
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# 21:17 tantek sure, ephemeral identity has its own (dis)advantages and trade-offs
# 21:17 ben_thatmustbeme i think when its a centralized/community site it would be better as sort of a syndication target fro personal sites
# 21:17 thedod anyway, I guess the answer is "install the plugin and see"
# 21:18 tantek I do know that Known itself is designed to be multiuser even on a single site
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# 21:19 thedod ben_thatmust, the problem with hiddenid is that the users are not 24/7 online. they need a "silo". On the other hand, they're less touchy about their "posessions" more careful not to be *accused* of saying stuff :)
# 21:20 thedod the way around this is that since they have SSO, they can put stuff in several silos, and [hopefully] aggregators will let you keep track of the "trail" they leave behind
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# 21:21 thedod it's indiewebcamp for people with a weak sense of self
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# 21:23 tantek thedod - are these aspects of hiddenid documented anywhere?
# 21:26 thedod rascul, you need tor to have a HiddenID (normally, you just run a tor browser and you have it
# 21:30 gRegor` Started /Tor. Feel free to update, as well.
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# 21:35 bret lol my dogecoin service i was using go haxed
# 21:35 bret dang someone stole my less than penny
# 21:41 gRegor` wow. much hacking. so cryptocurrency.
# 21:43 tantek bret - perhaps an issue / criticism to note re: dogecoin?
# 21:44 bret its an issue with pretty much all crypto currencies. physical storage and security of valued private keys
# 21:46 tantek KevinMarks: MIT.edu is quite far from IndieWeb
# 21:49 tantek that opening definition has resonated with a lot of people
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# 22:03 thedod bloody hell the wordpress site itself is down :(
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# 22:06 aaronpk shh.. nobody say "error establishing a database connection"
# 22:06 thedod I hope it's ok (except for the site being down)
# 22:10 thedod A very direct form of "no": ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user ... (using password: YES)
# 22:19 tantek which has a proper intro, explanations why, scenarios etc.
# 22:19 Loqi communication in the context of the indieweb refers to using your personal website as a starting point and potentially way for people to communicate with you http://indiewebcamp.com/comms
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# 23:09 fiatjaf I didn't know P2P, decnetralization, anonymous things and the NSA were topics related to IWC
# 23:10 mko I wouldn't generally describe them as directly related, no.
# 23:11 mko However, IndieWeb members might want to implement anonymity and related technologies as it relates to their IndieWeb site.
# 23:14 mko Depends on what kind of decentralization we're talking about. If you're talking about moving to a distributed, decentralized peer-to-peer model, I wouldn't describe that as "IndieWeb" (compare The "Indienet" espoused by Ind.ie with the network of Independent Websites as espoused by IndieWebCamp).
# 23:14 mko Decentralization in the sense of removing the dependency upon silos and owning your own data is very much directly related to IndieWebCamp.
# 23:15 mko I would actually refer to the second one more as "Democratization" than "Decentralization" because it's more about who owns and controls the existence and flow of the data.
# 23:18 mko Hosted Known, for example, is technically a "centralized" service in that everyone is using a namespaced instance on a central silo, but it is a more democratized service than silos like Facebook or Twitter as the users have significantly more control over their data.
# 23:19 reedstrm tempted to c&p irc log into the wiki page as a starting point :-)
# 23:28 gRegor` What is Mustache?
# 23:31 tantek been thinking about archives recently, in the year/month personal site sense, and started to look at what silos do
# 23:31 tantek looks like /Facebook has a vertical clickable timeline of years in the top right corner of your profile page
# 23:32 tantek when you click a year, it scrolls to the "highlights" for that year (whatever that means)
# 23:32 tantek and then expands the vertical timeline widget thingy to show months as well
# 23:33 tantek when you click on a month, it loads the most recent posts in that month, and you have to scroll down (infinite scroll) to see earlier in that month
# 23:34 tantek problem with that is of course the usual infinite scroll fragility - JS - timeouts, long load times etc.
# 23:35 tantek and all of this is done with JS - no separate links for archives for a year, nor archives for a month
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# 23:35 tantek (of course some other silos, e.g. Twitter, have no navigable online by year/month archives)
# 23:38 gRegor` Yeah, I really like the Facebook timeline thing for easy of going back in time, but dislike the JS/lack of permalink structure
# 23:38 Loqi gRegor` meant to say: Yeah, I really like the Facebook timeline thing for ease of going back in time, but dislike the JS/lack of permalink structure
# 23:39 tantek which means if you ever click on something accidentally and navigate away, then navigate back, your entire scroll history / archive nav state is lost
# 23:39 aaronpk Once I refactor to not have the post type in the URL I look forward to having fully hackable URLs
# 23:39 gRegor` I don't know if you can opt out of it, but what's displayed is based on FB privacy settings, of course. If tantek didn't have access to anything I posted in 2008, he wouldn't see 2008 listed in the years, I think.
# 23:39 aaronpk I'm pretty happy with my month and date URLs already
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# 23:40 tantek gRegor`: uh - I think you might be giving FB too much credit
# 23:40 tantek last I checked, you can scroll back in your "friends" archives from before you "friended" them
# 23:40 tantek and typically you didn't have access to those before, e.g. old photos
# 23:41 gRegor` I'm talking about per-post privacy settings.
# 23:41 tantek and it's a frequent reason people "stress" about friending someone - do I want them to see older photos of me?
# 23:41 gRegor` But yes, I don't think Facebook has time-based privacy settings.
# 23:41 tantek so the default case is, people see odler things
# 23:41 Loqi tantek meant to say: so the default case is, people see older things
# 23:41 tantek hmm - should we come up with a more specific name for such dated archives?
# 23:42 tantek trying to figure out a way to create two separate pages for the two concepts captured in this definition:
# 23:42 KevinMarks Twitter has downloadable year month archives eg kevinmarks.com/tweets
# 23:43 tantek but that's more of the *second* meaning of archive
# 23:43 gRegor` What do you mean by 'dated archives'? Aren't all archives dated? You mean the URL structure of the archives?
# 23:44 tantek "date-grouped sets of indieweb site posts (a common form of navigation among posts)"
# 23:44 gRegor` oops, missed that.
# 23:45 tantek vs. "copy of a web page made at a particular point in time." - i.e. a "web archive file", warc etc.
# 23:45 tantek which maybe is more of a "mirror" or "snapshot"?
# 23:45 gRegor` Semi-related, I have thought about adding a hook to the "Save page now" on Wayback Machine after posting an article. https://archive.org/web/
# 23:45 tantek which usage is more common? archive as live date-based nav? or archive as copy of something at a certain point in time?
# 23:46 tantek gRegor`: perhaps with a 24hr delay to give yourself time to make corrections
# 23:48 tantek as well as mirror everything you link to, to archive.orgt
# 23:48 gRegor` Like I bookmark example.com, and tell Wayback to archive it at the same time?
# 23:48 tantek "accumulation of historical records, or the physical place they are located.[1] Archives contain primary source documents that have accumulated over the course of an individual or organization's lifetime, and are kept to show the function of that person or organization."
# 23:48 gRegor` Cool. I like it.
# 23:49 tantek note: *historical records*, *primary source documents*, *an individual*, *the function of that person*
# 23:49 tantek that strongly resonates with the first meaning of archive
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# 23:58 gRegor` What is archive.org?
# 23:58 gRegor` What is The Wayback Machine