mkotommorris aaronpk: I use the Swarm app to handle most of my checkins specifically because of that notifications panel checkin feature. I use the Foursquare PUSH API to propogate it to my personal site simultaneously (though I can check in from my website and syndicate it back to Foursquare as well).
mkogRegor`: I ask because there's some really good out of the box full-text search indexing options for PHP, Node.js, and Django/Python that don't require much infrastructure.
gRegor`LAMP - WordPress in this instance. Not going to invest the time in changing anything at this time. The 404 is just a minor nuisance at this point, not causing issues
KartikPrabhuanyone know how to add links in the ::after pseudo-element? I am numbering chapters and equations, and would like to add links on the actual numbers
Loqitimezones are a way to create dependencies in your code on legislative bodies in countries you have never heard of[1]
tantekalso, the "slug" is not the entire "path" of the URL - the slug is only the handful of human -readable words, camelCase, or hyphen or underscore delimited used typically in the latter part of the URL.
kylewmI'm seeing kind of weird behavior with wiki logins. If I log in and click an http link (like the link to HWC above), it looks like I'm logged out
tantek!tell KartikPrabhu have you considered showing other types of responses/interactions on your paragraphs via fragmentions in addition to notes/comments? E.g. likes, quotations, tags?
LoqiA quotation is a type of post that includes a subset of the contents of another post, and a citation of that other post
tantekI wonder if a quotation is a type of response, where the in-reply-to is a fragmention of the original of the quotation. If you did that then the original could link back to you from marginalia next to the quoted paragraph with something like "quoted by so-and-so on YYYY-MM-DD".
tantekperhaps a quotation can be its own post (e.g. quoting an overheard conversation in person), or it can be a type of response to some other post, where all you're doing is quoting part of that other post.
tantekI suppose that begs the question of, then what's the difference between a quotation response to a post that quotes the entire post, and a repost?
tantekand perhaps that's enough to indicate that the author of the quotation / repost has a different intent in mind, and thus it's worth reflecting that in the format.
Loqiaaronpk: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 1 hour, 17 minutes ago: looks like the patch to ruby-lang got accepted to trunk, I don't know when they will backport this
aaronpkI'm not a fan of "always default to your home timezone" for content, because then the post permalink doesn't accurately reflect the time the post was made
LoqiGWG: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 2 hours, 20 minutes ago: looks like the patch to ruby-lang got accepted to trunk, I don't know when they will backport this
mkoI'm okay with the timeboxing of my URL "days" as pinning everything to the Z timezone. I don't think of my data at the "day" resolution very often anyway.
mkoI could put make URLs for the resultant views of those, but it would be horrifying to have to manage all of that infrastructure. I'm fine with doing that type of analysis locally for now.
LoqiKartikPrabhu: tantek left you a message 7 hours, 20 minutes ago: have you considered showing other types of responses/interactions on your paragraphs via fragmentions in addition to notes/comments? E.g. likes, quotations, tags?
KartikPrabhutantek__: I have considered showing mentions and likes and so forth. but don't know how useful they are. For instance having a little icon on a paragraph only to have it reveal "1 like" seems strange.
@benwerdThe #indieweb community hangs out on IRC 24/7. I'm beginning to wish there was a similar channel for connected course / #ds106 instructors. (
tantek!tell KartikPrabhu " having a little icon on a paragraph only to have it reveal "1 like" seems strange." agreed. Thus more icons! @(2) +(6) ^(5) "(2) (@=comment, +=like, ^=repost, "=quotation) and then clicking reveals actual marginalia comments, facepile of likes/reposts, quotations etc.
LoqiKartikPrabhu: tantek left you a message 50 seconds ago: " having a little icon on a paragraph only to have it reveal "1 like" seems strange." agreed. Thus more icons! @(2) +(6) ^(5) "(2) (@=comment, +=like, ^=repost, "=quotation) and then clicking reveals actual marginalia comments, facepile of likes/reposts, quotations etc.
KartikPrabhui check for "u-in-reply-to" vs "u-like-of" vs "u-repost-of" if none of these are found but there still is a link to my post then it becomes a "mention