owen1i am running gitolite for personal projects. but for public projects i like the fact that people collaborate on stuff and i want to be part of it.
owen1http://werd.io/ - i am surprised that there is no rss icon. i think it's here - http://werd.io/?_t=rss but from some reason people (or software, in that case) tend to hide it.
owen1if you don't want people to follow your content, i would assume that those people would remove it from the html. unless they use a tool that doesn't allow it.
Loqiowen1 meant to say: if you don't want people to follow your content, i would assume that you would remove it from the html. unless they use a tool that doesn't allow it.
LoqiBackfeed is the process of syndicating interactions on your POSSE copies back (AKA reverse syndicating) to your original posts http://indiewebcamp.com/backfeed
tantekneat to see these indie-to-indie conversations happening where the twitter thread is only summaries and you have to follow the indie posts to actually understand what is going on
LoqiWelcome to news about the IndieWeb where recent notable articles about the IndieWeb are cited and linked to keep you up to date http://indiewebcamp.com/going_on
tantekowen1 - it's linked from my home page with "standard" discovery techniques, you shouldn't have to "view source" your "rss client" should have auto-discovered it from my URL
owen1you mean it's in the html - <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" href="updates.atom"/> i guess u are correct but how will a human know your blog have an rss? the nice rss icon is the common solution. maybe my usecase is not common?
owen1tantek: i am a bit confused by a human does not care about an "rss". every time i go to a blog without a visible rss icon, i have to search for it in the 'view soure'. i guess is due to my client. i use newsbeuter and i don't think it has any 'discovery' feature.
owen1tantek: i am reading that you are using the ubSubHubbub protocal to notify about new content. it also mention somethnig about Google Buzz and StatusNet. what is the purpose of pushing content and who is the client that recieves it?
tantekit is also possible to use an indie /reader which reads directly from the structured HTML+microformats of the home page - no separate /feed_file needed
tantekre: that forum.status URL- I tried to login with OpenID but then it asks for email, username, password anyway. a prime example of why OpenID failed.
tantekowen1 if you have access to that forum, please add a note saying StatusNet was mered with GnuSocial who have taken it over per http://indiewebcamp.com/GNU_social
LoqiPersona is a protocol for email-based identity spearheaded by Mozilla that is supported by IndieAuth for rel-me links to email addresses http://indiewebcamp.com/Persona
tantekKartikPrabhu: it's how PuSH works. Subscribers give the hug a webhook callback. The Hub calls the webhook when it receives new content notifications from the publisher.
snarfed!tell tantek looks like you had the "include link” checkbox unchecked when you previewed and sent that post, at least according to the logs. I'll double check though.
Loqisnarfed: tantek left you a message 2 hours, 56 minutes ago: looks like Bridgy Publish to FB is no longer providing the "Originally posted at" text in POSSE copies, e.g. see original in Edit history on https://www.facebook.com/tantek.celik/posts/10101383480740303
Loqitantek: snarfed left you a message 6 hours, 31 minutes ago: looks like you had the "include link” checkbox unchecked when you previewed and sent that post, at least according to the logs. I'll double check though.
tantek!tell snarfed oh there's a checkbox for "include link"? somehow I thought it was automatic. is that new? consider default "checked" to help promote indie web sites? (another reason to default "include link": it's easier to edit / remove it, than edit / add it after the fact also)
tantek!tell snarfed when I look at https://www.brid.gy/facebook/214611 "[x] Include link" is default checked, so I don't understand what went wrong. Or maybe Bridgy Publish depends on JS? I was using NoScript with none of the JS enabled.
tantek!tell thedod - "subjective comment threading" seems like quite the deep dive. Consider this challenge instead: post 100% of your notes on your own site first, then POSSE to Twitter. ownyournotes and never post first to Twitter per http://indiewebcamp.com/ownyourdata#Per_Silo
tantek!tell cweiske if you're looking for an opportunity to criticize or harshly double-check h-entry *or* hentry adoption, what *would be* useful is checking to see if anyone *dropped* usage, e.g. check http://microformats.org/wiki/hatom-examples-in-wild#examples_by_category and note which (if any) no longer support it.
Loqisnarfed: tantek left you a message 55 minutes ago: oh there's a checkbox for "include link"? somehow I thought it was automatic. is that new? consider default "checked" to help promote indie web sites? (another reason to default "include link": it's easier to edit / remove it, than edit / add it after the fact also)
Loqisnarfed: tantek left you a message 54 minutes ago: when I look at https://www.brid.gy/facebook/214611 "[x] Include link" is default checked, so I don't understand what went wrong. Or maybe Bridgy Publish depends on JS? I was using NoScript with none of the JS enabled.
fiatjafsnarfed: I'm trying to publish a post with bridgy, but I'm getting "Error: 'dict' object has no attribute 'strip'" when it is parsing my html (I presume), right after clicking "Preview". what should I do?
Loqithedod: tantek left you a message 3 hours, 30 minutes ago: - "subjective comment threading" seems like quite the deep dive. Consider this challenge instead: post 100% of your notes on your own site first, then POSSE to Twitter. ownyournotes and never post first to Twitter per http://indiewebcamp.com/ownyourdata#Per_Silo