#indiewebcamp 2014-12-13
2014-12-13 UTC
KartikPrabhu, wolftune, mlncn-agaric and danlyke_ joined the channel
@kevinmarks @pamelafox also a good question to ask in #indiewebcamp irc (twitter.com/_/status/543586357138817025)
KartikPrabhu aaronpk: example link?

mdik joined the channel
KartikPrabhu i think bridgy uses it to distinguish mentions from likes and so on, but they need not be explicit

KartikPrabhu true

mlncn-agaric joined the channel
colintedford joined the channel
Loqi [bridgy] Aaron Parecki favorited a tweet http://indiewebcamp.com/events/2014-12-14-openchateau#RSVP (https://twitter.com/xtof_fr/status/543410104641413121)

aaronpk heh the bridgy twitter likes are different from the FB ones. it has u-like-of of both URLs https://brid-gy.appspot.com/like/twitter/xtof_fr/543410104641413121/14447132

colintedford Anyone else having trouble with the IWC front page?

colintedford Like "301 Moved Permanently" trouble?

colintedford !tell aaronpk I see a 301 error page where IWC's homepage should be. Other pages seem fine.

benjamin-agaric and becker_11 joined the channel
aaronpk that was one of the "side effects" i was worried about: https://github.com/indieweb/wiki/issues/17#issuecomment-66861083

colintedford np

colintedford Ah, well on the bright side now you've solved *2* problems ;)

cmhobbs, snarfed and reedstrm joined the channel
snarfed (lurkers here, feel free to follow along on https://github.com/aaronpk/webmention.io/issues/34)
aaronpk okay so this one is great, assuming the u-mention markup is fixed https://brid-gy.appspot.com/like/facebook/11500459/10101739853306936/501544848

snarfed we've discussed ideas before, e.g. https://indiewebcamp.com/original-post-discovery#POSSE_copy_domain_approximation , but afaik we haven't found a silver bullet yet
aaronpk here's one, not a very good example, but still: https://aaronparecki.com/replies/2014/11/27/1/indieweb

aaronpk that should result in a webmention sent to wmio with a target of indiewebcamp.com as well as one for the /wiki/backup page

aaronpk the text shoudl be "aaron replied to a post that linked to http://indiewebcamp.com"

dns53 joined the channel
snarfed1 and wolftune joined the channel
snarfed1 sounds like the same reason i had to make that maybe_get fn
snarfed joined the channel
danlyke_ joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
Loqi [bridgy] Ryan Barrett favorited a tweet that linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/events/2014-12-14-openchateau#RSVP (https://twitter.com/xtof_fr/status/543410104641413121)

danlyke_ joined the channel
Loqi [bridgy] Ryan Barrett favorited a tweet that linked to https://indiewebcamp.com/FreeMyOAuth (https://twitter.com/t/status/540211039452037122)

@corps_winford RT @JaimieHollick Sometimes I feel this way, especially during the sprint of #nanowrimo #amwriting #indieauth (twitter.com/_/status/543647064664834049)
KartikPrabhu Loqi: messages?

npdoty, eschnou, KartikPrabhu, michielbdejong, dns53, snarfed and snarfed1 joined the channel
Loqi [mention] yatil posted 'Heinz Wittenbrink hat ein ”žvorsichtiges Plädoyer für eine Doppelstrategie“ zum Posten von Beiträgen auf Medium und einem eigenen Blog veröff...' linking to https://indiewebcamp.com (http://yatil.de/medium-vs-blog-ein-pladoyer-furs-eigene-blog/)

Loqi [mention] yatil posted 'Heinz Wittenbrink hat ein ”žvorsichtiges Plädoyer für eine Doppelstrategie“ zum Posten von Beiträgen auf Medium und einem eigenen Blog veröff...' linking to https://indiewebcamp.com/POSSE (http://yatil.de/medium-vs-blog-ein-pladoyer-furs-eigene-blog/)

danlyke_ and cmhobbs joined the channel
Pea1, benjamin-agaric and wolftune joined the channel
wolftune and reedstrm joined the channel
sub-lunar, memecake, gRegor`, richardlitt, danlyke_, cmhobbs, emmak, tantek, KartikPrabhu, PMurphs and Pea1 joined the channel