ben_thatmustI don't see that as so much of an issue, when you pull the mention to see if its a like or just mention, you can see if there is a u-tag-of your site
KartikPrabhutantek: i haven't seen any but wouldn't be hard to do. You use your JS code to pull in from and then run marginalia.js after it. The trouble is I don't think that does fragmentioned webmentions
KartikPrabhulike if you wrote a code that pulls webmntions from and want to use marginalia to display it. How would I give you access to the 3 functions in marginalia?
bretthe idea is to write smaller single purpose modules with an actual module loading system (like in python or ruby) rather giant do everything libraries like jquery, that expose themselves as global window variables
kylewmcolintedford: that would be a good feature request for the wiki (differentiate links to not-yet-created pages) ... want to file it here
KartikPrabhuwell I changed some fields and the db migration croaked. then I fixed it but the migration code does not know about the fix so now my dbs lost the original field and don't have the new one
KartikPrabhucolintedford: yeah horrible and frustrating. which is why I want to move my own site to a file-based storage ASAP. but that is going to take some dedicated coding
tantekKartikPrabhu: ugh - sorry to hear that about the local db dataloss :( if there's some way you can write up a warning about what you did, perhaps we can help prevent it from happening to others
KartikPrabhutantek: yes. I was planning to write it up when I get my file-based system up but that seems to be a long way in the future. Maybe a preemptive post about "why" I am swichting to file-system.... so much to write and no local site to test it
KartikPrabhuthe problem is exactly trusting others JS. I can trust the browser to render faulty HTML written by others (like templates) but not faulty JS because it just stops
michielbdejong1I guess you could say that a criticism of javascript could be that it's hard to write code that works (harder than writing html code that works)
michielbdejong1So if you feel that is a relevant criticism of javascript as a technology, then you should add that as a second criticism. I just edited the "Sites break without Javascript" point.
KartikPrabhuagain not disputing anything you wrote. I agree with those, but "no one has their JS turned off" and "Google now render JS" has been used as an argument against progressive enhancement before. Just on the indiewebcamp wiki
KartikPrabhumichielbdejong1: just to get this straight. we are not disagreeing just the degree of agreement :) you seem to be in a bteer timezone to find citations and also spell :P
KartikPrabhualso note that the error handling extends to dependencies. so if you have a JS that depends on JS that depends on JS, the some error in the last one might cause the whole chain to fail
elf-pavlikdo you know if people tend to check tickets often here? which doesn't matter that much since i can always hitchhike the rest of the trip if get kick out of the train :D
elf-pavliksounds good! i have call with Lloyd from Social IG Vocabulary TF at 7PM to discuss describing *skills* in online profiles, maybe we could meet sometimes after 8PM?
kylewm.comedited /JavaScript (+187) "/* Sites break without Javascript */ make discussion a bit more direct, add a 3rd reason for graceful degradation without JS" (view diff)
kylewmsnarfed: hey what do you think about that out-of-date BeautifulSoup github mirror? i'm thinking we could 1) ask them to update it, 2) make our own mirror, 3) use the repository directly
kylewmtantek: re single-page-antipattern, where do you fall on sites that do client-side rendering but have normal-looking permalinks (like ember.js apps)?