KartikPrabhuanother idea a site could advertise the original-of endpoint and bridgy could use it directly for POSSE-post-discovery instead of scanning feeds? cc: snarfed kylewm
Loqitantek: KartikPrabhu left you a message 5 hours, 40 minutes ago: hmm didn't know about /original-post-discovery . would be useful to implement for replying and so on like p3k does
aaronpkso the best you can do is own your data, and treat things like bridgy or your own version as plumbing that can be replaced, where you're not relying on it to store things or as public identifiers
bret"The decision of Google comes as response to new Spanish legislation that gives publishers the right to claim compensation for republishing any part of their content. "
ben_thatmustbemefor those interested in person-tag, do you think it makes sense to break tags up into their own post or are they just a comment with additional features
ben_thatmustbemewell i have a plan on that, i am thinking it will just be as a standard comment with a note saying that they tagged John Smith in this photo
ben_thatmustbemei tend to do those just as another "post" with more options. It will be pulling in the tagged image that should be interesting. Have not dealt with that in the past
tantekben_thatmustbeme: there are three variants: 1) your own post (e.g. perhaps a photo post) with tags (perhaps people/area tags), 2) your own *reply* tag post that is tagging *someone else's* post, 3) *others* comments with tags on *your posts*, that tag your post.
ben_thatmustbemebasically since I don't display mentions of a post, anything that comes through as a "mention" (not "comment" or "like") just goes in to that general bin for now
ben_thatmustbemei already store that, or rather, I store what *post* things mention, so that if a static page (like my WM client) gets mentioned its noted as that same type, but it would be a good idea to have just the homepage as something special in that
tantekwhat I have not quite worked through (but have mentioned in IRC in the past week or so) is how to create an "untag" post to untag yourself from a post or a photo etc.
tantekthe simple/obvious thing is a reply post with u-untag-of link to the post with the person-tag, and that's it. the receiver of the webmention from the reply simply uses the domain of the source as what to untag in the post. no extra markup needed.
ben_thatmustbemei remember discussing multiple photos and such, but for some reason i thought it was said 1 person-tag per post, but you are right, there is no need to limit it there
tantekI've never seen it saved anywhere in stream like format, but the *action* of untagging a plain text tag certainly exists in Flickr - and maybe other systems
tantekKartikPrabhu: do you know if anyone has done a JS embed to display marginalia similar to how you display them, however retrieving the marginalia from a webmention proxy like webmention.io?
tantekcould be handy for displaying marginalia on things like W3C specs which may be able to delegate their webmention receiving, but not actually be able to handle receiving/storing webmentions themselves