snarfed(plug: bridgy publish converts u-photo to attached image for twitter. if/when you get there, feel free to use that as a polyfill until you implement twitter images yourself)
tantekmy new code will simply hyperlink the *image* instead of displaying the link of the URL as a hyperlink, and put the alt-text inside the alt-attribute
tanteksnarfed - that is an awesome time!!! Great job. I'm still working towards a ~25min 5k even on flat ground. I was pretty happy with 1:17 though for a leg of the Marathon Relay. (~10k+)
aaronpkafaik nobody uses the CGI modules for ruby or node, they run the app directly and maybe use a front-facing web server like nginx or apache to proxy to it
PMurphsgotta order a new rotating assembly, get that motor built, rebuild the diff, buy a new transmission, call in some favors with some welder bros and machinists to get everything reinforced and installed
PMurphsyeah I'd be starting from scratch but I might end up using/working on ben_thatmustbeme's project, 'cause I have a decent amount of experience with opencart and his code style
thedodSorry about the bug, WebmentionDressing @ works again. Behold the funky timestamp you get if you webmention @ XX:20 (+-3 min) :)
finchdKartikPrabhu: is there need to incode the protocol and domain of the original? I'm pretty sure the '://' is not allowed in the rest of the URL; maybe you can get it down to: original-of/status/53#### if the domain (twitter, maybe "domain" isn't the right word for it) and user are assumed or sent/stored another way?
finchdsure, just dropping the /https:// will be enough to make it work, and copying the tail '' should be enough in most browsers, right?
danlykeYeah, I'm giving a talk on IndieWeb stuff to Hack Sonoma this evening, but haven't had a chance to prep as much as I'd like because: Home improvement. ugh.
snarfedi remember how happy (and kinda intimidated) i was when i found iwc. i'd been trying to do it myself for a while, but hadn't really thought it through, and you all had.
snarfedthanks for the kind words tantek! you definitely do me too much credit in that arena, esp since the baby has meant i've been around less recently
tantekis considering taking extra vacation around end of the month to implement posting reposts and likes as a replacement for his remaining Twitter "posting" usage, however infrequent.
snarfedfair warning, for me at least, owning likes and faves made me sink a *lot* of work into streamlining the UX for that, since i do them so often compared to posts/replies
tantek.comedited /own_your_data (+411) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ start Aaron Parecki section based on his first note which was POSSE'd, therefore possible (likely?) start of ownyournotes instead of twitter" (view diff)
danlykeAnyone else syncing with Facebook? I saw some rumblings that they were disabling stand-alone apps, and now FBCMD is giving me errors and behaving weirdly. I'm getting along by slaving Facebook to Twitter and just pushing everything to Twitter, but it'd be nice to have the rest of their API...
danlyketantek, I like what I've heard about, but I'm way more interested in services I'm running on my own hardware, for all of the silo arguments...
danlykeAnd, yeah: If I have active copies of it, I have trouble distinguishing "silo" from "single point of failure". I have cron jobs grabbing and archiving my Twitter feed every hour or so, but ...
danlykeExactly. In the current application, aside from a little bit of selectivity (which of the external sites I publish to), using as a hosted service is essentially the same as using Twitter.
gRegor`I'd argue yes. I had no concept of notes at that time. I was blogging earlier, but those earlier posts are likely lost in some static HTML files somewhere.
gRegor`The tumblr /archive URL is what I'm referring to. I haven't dived into tumblr in a while, but it looks like it's largely stayed the same.
danlyketantek, snarfed: yeah, I know y'all, and know you've got hearts in the right place, but I was also on a first name basis with ev back in the day, and know folks on the Twitter API team... If I'm not directly paying for the service, I put no particular faith in it.
LoqiPAAS (Platform As A Service) is a hosting environment typically for a web applications written in scripting languages (python, ruby, node) and usually offers simplified setup and maintenance tools compared to a VPS
danlykesnarfed: yeah. I mean really it's "trust with what?", as I don't really put a whole lot of value in the stuff that gets pushed to Twitter or Facebook, but if I'm going to have to write code to implement and debug it, I want to do that once.
danlykeGWG hosting providers are commodities. If a hosting provider gives me a machine/vm, or will let me run Perl CGIs and a few cron jobs, I can migrate to it.
@tAbsolute comparison arguments are of little utility. E.g. * two sides to … * either … or * fair & balanced #spectrums ( t4Z_1) (
snarfedGWG: oh i remembered how people should pay me back for bridgy! file bugs, bump bugs you've filed that i haven't gotten to, and ideally even tackle one yourself :P