#indiewebcamp 2014-12-09
2014-12-09 UTC
snarfed colintedford: yup, understood. you'll probably appreciate http://brid.gy/ once you support webmentions
colintedford.com edited /User:Colintedford.com (+42) "/* Current setup & practices */ POSSE-ing my replies to new FB comments" (view diff)

snarfed …which should be pretty easy since you're on wordpress. http://indiewebcamp.com/WordPress#webmention
colintedford snarfed: For sure! I'm hesitant to add to many new functions to my Wordpress right now b/c I'm still dreaming about using something else

colintedford Plus I'm focused on more basic site work. But I suspect I'll end up just hooking the ol' WP anyway.

GWG joined the channel
colintedford snarfed: Security updates + /database-antipattern (which didn't create the desire, just helped support my layperson discomfort with databases & my growing love of plain text).

colintedford I like a lot about Wordpress, though.

colintedford GWG: It'll probably be a while before I leave, assuming I actually do!

simonv3_ joined the channel
colintedford snarfed: True about the updates.

colintedford snarfed: & Yeah, I've seen the db-ap back & forth & I know it's not gospel, but it resonates with me.

@wavesco Stuart Langridge: Vouching for webmentions; hashing for vouches http://www.kryogenix.org/days/2014/11/30/vouching-for-webmentions-hashing-for-vouches/ (twitter.com/_/status/542108939044012033)
@dschnard Stuart Langridge: Vouching for webmentions; hashing for vouches http://www.kryogenix.org/days/2014/11/30/vouching-for-webmentions-hashing-for-vouches/ (twitter.com/_/status/542108939199201280)
colintedford snarfed: Mind, I'm mostly a layperson & possibly prone to overcomplicating things in the name of simplifying ;)

colintedford snarfed: Yes. Also what kind of work & whether it's fun or not.

colintedford GWG: Yeah, I've been reading the old chat logs; I'm glad Wordpress is getting attention.

simonv3_ and Pierre-O1 joined the channel
colintedford aaronpk: I came across /kirby-login-app while reading the chat logs.

colintedford I haven't caught up to prsent day & know it's late, but did anyone mention http://getkirby.com/ ?

j12t joined the channel
colintedford Oh, nice!

colintedford Well, there are only so many names in the world :)

lukebrooker joined the channel
KevinMarks Snarfed: switch www.unmung.com to it too

snarfed KevinMarks: aha. should be in the app engine section of your google apps admin page. try… https://admin.google.com/unmung.com/AdminHome?fral=1#AppEngineApps:
colintedford aaronpk: I think "Kirby Login" could be mistaken for a login plugin for the other Kirby.

colintedford They're different kinds of apps so it's prolly not that big a deal that they share a name.

colintedford Plenty of humans have the same name and it works out OK!

finchd aww, kirby isn't a Kerberos login app, but a GPG one? Kerberos service ticket auth would be cool
finchd name-overlap is normally fine, but but when you are providing the same service....
colintedford Or when kids are named after their parents, undermining the very purpose of a name :)

alexhartley and yaso joined the channel
finchd The Kerberos auth protocol has been around since the 1980s, is how Windows AD authenticates, and under active development
shiflett, KartikPrabhu and anderson joined the channel
peterwilson.cc created /User:Peterwilson.cc (+495) "Created user page with basic details of setup" (view diff)
pwcc joined the channel
KevinMarks !tell snarfed thanks - I was trying to use the sites admin to do it and that didn't work

KevinMarks Aaronpk I am now imagining a version of the pink kirby character with 3 heads

colintedford KevinMarks: That Kirby doesn't have much head-body separation so I'm curious what exactly you're picturing (I'm sure it can't easily be put in words). Anyway, http://colintedford.com/2014/12/08.2120-kirby-kerberos/ cc: aaronpk

colintedford :)

colintedford I'm too lazy to revise it, but feel free to imagine that Kirby w/ a word balloon w/ a GPG key in it.

mdik, alexhartley, Pea1, gRegor`, mlncn, lukebrooker, lukebrooker_, chalettu, snarfed, shiflett, joshwnj, addal, richardlitt and tallpaul joined the channel
joshwnj, simonv3_, lupinedev, j12t, KevinMarks_, alexhartley, carlo_au and indie-visitor joined the channel
indie-visitor What's up all?
indie-visitor I need a little starting advice setting up my POSSE
indie-visitor Well... I figure I'll start with notes
indie-visitor Posse'ing to twitter, FB status, G+ based on my preference
indie-visitor and I just can't seem to find a lot of source code from other folks doing it.
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "you using for your site" yet. Would you like to create it? https://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/index.php?action=edit&title=you+using+for+your+site

indie-visitor Yeah... from my site... which is about to be built from scratch based on all this
indie-visitor ok... so that's out... no prob
LauraJ joined the channel
indie-visitor I was looking into bridgy
indie-visitor Is webmention + micro formats using bridgy the way to go?
indie-visitor Can you explain backfeed?
indie-visitor Gotcha... so silo to website
indie-visitor gotcha
indie-visitor Sorry... just learning this terminology.
indie-visitor Which is?
indie-visitor gotcha... makes sense
joshwnj joined the channel
indie-visitor POSSE seems more ideal
indie-visitor Is ther anyone with source code out there that does this decently, or do we/I need to build it?
indie-visitor Seems like it'd be delicate w/ api changes and all
indie-visitor Cool
indie-visitor I just didn't know if I was missing some obvious starting point or what
indie-visitor but sounds like it's still wide open out here in indie world
indie-visitor which is a good excuse to dive into something
indie-visitor Python
indie-visitor me too!!!
indie-visitor I'm gonna fit in here, I think!
indie-visitor I'll be back later. Need to register my domain and such. Should be listed as JHSheridan next time I come around.
indie-visitor Thanks for the advice friend
indie-visitor Is bridgy source open source?
indie-visitor I just looked breifly
indie-visitor awessommmm
indie-visitor So this IRC is pretty active?
KartikPrabhu hark! who calleth!?

indie-visitor lol... what's up brother/sister?
indie-visitor I'm a pythonista and I'm about to start my indieweb journey
indie-visitor I'm about to leave this coffee shop, but I'll be back in a bit. Hopefully will be talking w/ you all soon.
KartikPrabhu indie-visitor: cool! see you soon on here again!

indie-visitor great!!!
lupinedev, alexhartley and loic_m joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
KartikPrabhu aaronpk: I will. I missed their first appearance

joshwnj, LauraJ, j12t and JHSheridan joined the channel
JHSheridan What's up guys?
JHSheridan and gals
JHSheridan I was on here earlier as <indie-user> and just wanted to say thanks for the help form you guys. I should be in and around and asking quesdtions the next few days of you all. Looking forward to going indie.
wolftune joined the channel
KartikPrabhu hi JHSheridan

JHSheridan Hi... You're a pythonista, right?
KartikPrabhu I use python for my site yes :)

JHSheridan Mind sharing a link?
KartikPrabhu i hesistate to call myself pythonists as I learnt python while making my site

JHSheridan Same here
KartikPrabhu Do you have a domain already?

JHSheridan Yeah... JHSheridan.com
JHSheridan It's Jekyll powered
JHSheridan But I'm moving to python for this project
JHSheridan Probably will be pelican + custom POSSE stuff
JHSheridan At least that makes sense in my head, but that's why I'm here.
snarfed you may be interested in https://github.com/snarfed/activitystreams-unofficial
KartikPrabhu static sites are good IMO. much simples

snarfed and eventually https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/235
JHSheridan amazing... amazing... just what I needed.
JHSheridan thank you people!
Jihaisse joined the channel
KartikPrabhu JHSheridan: this also might be useful: http://indiewebcamp.com/python

elf-pavlik joined the channel
JHSheridan snarfed: I'm trying to wrap my head around activity streams
JHSheridan Is it just a common API for the social APIs?
JHSheridan or a library, I guess?
JHSheridan So I don't have to implement twitter/fb/g+/etc all differently?
JHSheridan I can implement once in activitystreams and it translates
JHSheridan amazing
KartikPrabhu JHSheridan: snarfed has been kind enough to abtract the silo APIs for us! :)

KartikPrabhu is failing at spelling right now

elf-pavlik hi o/ FYI https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg#Documentation
JHSheridan Doing it right now
JHSheridan Care to sway me one way or the other? Personal bias is okay
JHSheridan thank you elf
KartikPrabhu JHSheridan: snarfed: I actually don;t have automatic POSSE but it is on my to-do list using activity streams. so I would highly recommend it

JHSheridan I think I'll continue to consume most of my content in-silo
JHSheridan So writing I guess
JHSheridan but maybe I should rethink that too
KartikPrabhu also as snarfed says often, "do it manually till it hurts, then code it" :P

elf-pavlik JHSheridan, another activitystream based 'polyglot' server http://sockethub.org/
JHSheridan niceeee
JHSheridan you people are great
snarfed more discussion in https://github.com/snarfed/activitystreams-unofficial#related-work
elf-pavlik snarfed++
KartikPrabhu so much stuff is being thrown at JHSheridan right now :P

JHSheridan haha... this is what I needed
Pierre-O joined the channel
KartikPrabhu JHSheridan: I would recommend starting with http://indiewebcamp.com/Getting_Started then maybe posting /notes ( http://indiewebcamp.com/notes ) and implementing webemention+bridgy for comments and backfeed

KartikPrabhu also Loqi is very helpful, you can ask him questions like:

JHSheridan Yeah... after reading the wiki I got the sense that I should focus on notes
KartikPrabhu what is backfeed

Loqi Backfeed is the process of syndicating interactions on your POSSE copies back (AKA reverse syndicating) to your original posts https://indiewebcamp.com/backfeed

JHSheridan with webmentions as the backbone
JHSheridan Hi Loki!
KartikPrabhu What is Loqi?

Loqi Loqi is a friendly and useful bot present in the #indiewebcamp IRC channel and other channels https://indiewebcamp.com/Loqi

snarfed KartikPrabhu: JHSheridan: good point. if you start with bridgy publish (https://www.brid.gy/about#publish), you don't have to implement POSSE yourself at all (at least FB and twitter)
KartikPrabhu yup! that is exactly what I do as a stop-gap at the moment

JHSheridan FB and TW are my main issues. With TW being much more important
KartikPrabhu writing your own POSSE code is a big project me thinks

JHSheridan So POSSE = me pushing to social
JHSheridan Backfeed is me pulling from silo
KartikPrabhu what is POSSE?

Loqi POSSE is an acronym/abbreviation for Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere https://indiewebcamp.com/POSSE

KartikPrabhu :D

JHSheridan Gotcha
KartikPrabhu JHSheridan: no need to worry about the jargon. You seem to know what you want to do :)

Haxxa, lupinedev, cweiske, Pierre-O, alexhartley, elima, j12t, friedcell, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks_, pfefferle, csarven, stream7, simonv3, addal, csarven1, petermolnar, Sebastien-L and elf-pavlik joined the channel
@tedder42 @stevelle so much for my crappy indieweb CSS, this is a much saner photo gallery. http://photoswipe.com/ (twitter.com/_/status/542253891622952961)
simonv3 joined the channel
@hugoroyd @tante trying to make hosting of @indiewebcamp technologies easier (twitter.com/_/status/542260519332106240)
@hugoroyd @tante @indiewebcamp (and others) cc @IndieHosters (twitter.com/_/status/542260657106608128)
yaso joined the channel
@elfpavlik RT @hugoroyd: @tante @indiewebcamp (and others) cc @IndieHosters (twitter.com/_/status/542261273891987457)
csarven, Garbee, adactio, Pierre-O, mlncn, adactio_, michielbdejong, yaso, friedcell, yaso_, simonv3 and j12t joined the channel
@MrNeilScott @jamiehannaford I agree but maybe it doesn't need to. As long as it is open and hostable (eg https://owncloud.com/ http://indiewebcamp.com/) (twitter.com/_/status/542283857064906752)
@IndieHosters @MrNeilScott @jamiehannaford We're already offering #indieweb hosting, #ownCloud hosting is underway, and we will offer Ind.ie hosting asap (twitter.com/_/status/542285194171285504)
simonv3, Pierre-O, yaso, csarven, j12t, KartikPrabhu, Sebastien-L, friedcell, sanduhrs, richardlitt and danlyke joined the channel
wolftune, danlyke, KevinMarks_, j12t, friedcell and reedstrm joined the channel
ShaneHudson Hey everyone, I've not been in here for far too long!

ShaneHudson Just wondering if there has been any interest in having a distributed network of "what's hot" kind of links. So each site would give stats on outgoing links. Aggregate them all together and you get a near real-time automated hacker news style tracker. Without needing to mannually add and vote for links, just see which links people are posting about.

ShaneHudson Technically would work for any site, but seems particularly useful for indieweb :)

Pierre-O joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme GWG maybe, I have been known to look at timezone issues on people's sites

ben_thatmustbeme hey ShaneHudson

ben_thatmustbeme yay

ben_thatmustbeme ShaneHudson, what do you mean by stats on outgoing links? how many people clicked on them? I think you might be better off just polling people's h-feed for links (assuming they have some way to filter like that)

snarfed joined the channel
snarfed ShaneHudson: cool! sounds like the kind of thing that could maybe fit into https://snarfed.org/indie-stats
elima joined the channel
ShaneHudson ben_thatmustbeme: Not quite. Just which links are available.

ShaneHudson So basically like polling but would be far more scalable if each person (less practical I know) held their own information in an cron-updated json file or something

ShaneHudson Then you can crawl over each of those files, instead of people's entire sites. To easily work out which people are posting about what and what might be relevant etc.

ShaneHudson Just a thought I had while in my natural computation lecture haha

gRegor` joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme I haven't heard from bear in a while about indie-stats

ben_thatmustbeme ShaneHudson: yeah though as you point out less practical. What about just getting people to have a feed of any post that has a link, thus at least filtering posts at least

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme GWG, I think so, things have been pretty busy for me too

ben_thatmustbeme i have been keeping up with a little bit of updating. been updating php-mf2 and php-comments recently. My next big push will be full photo tagging support

scor joined the channel
KartikPrabhu poo! my auto-linker does not recognise .computer domain!

ben_thatmustbeme its going to get increasingly difficult to autolink with all the new TLDs

KartikPrabhu, adactio_ and simonv3 joined the channel
colintedford I think I'm pretty OK with just having more mainstream TLDs autolink for me since they cover the majority of uses.

Loqi [mention] http://tedcurran.net/2014/12/09/posse-blog-center-digital-life/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/POSSE (pingback)

j12t, richardlitt and tantek joined the channel
colintedford When someone other than you posts to your timeline on Facebonk ... how are people handling that in relation to their sites?

KartikPrabhu colintedford: yeah that is ok until you do want to use a new TLD site

Loqi tantek: elf-pavlik left you a message 1 day, 5 hours ago: do you have any infulence on https://mozillians.org ? seeAlso: https://github.com/hackers4peace/plp-docs/issues/7

KartikPrabhu tantek: not me colintedford :P

csarven tantek http://csarven.ca/enabling-accessible-knowledge#acid-test-assumption-spoon :D
Loqi Snowdrift.coop is an in-progress platform for funding Free/Libre/Open projects of all sorts https://indiewebcamp.com/Snowdrift

shiflett joined the channel
wolftune you read about it and discussed with me a couple months ago… remember https://snowdrift.coop/p/snowdrift/w/en/snowdrift ?
csarven Damn right.
csarven Yes, I really did left that in for a paper to conf on eGov/Open*
csarven Canonical copy at my site.
csarven Linked to SWAT0 just before
colintedford KartikPrabhu: I'm OK with hand-linking odd urls in the rare cases I might link to them (not that you have to be).

colintedford Or did you register a .computer?

KartikPrabhu colintedford: well I put a link in my notes which are auto-linked plaintext

colintedford KartikPrabhu: Oh right, so you can't link it; that is pretty annoying.

KartikPrabhu yeah :P

KartikPrabhu here is the auto-link fail just to be complete: https://kartikprabhu.com/notes/magic-dirt-warrenellis

csarven Will do, thanks.
colintedford I forgot that "notes" are usually plaintext; I haven't made a very clear line between them & articles on my site.

Pea1 joined the channel
tantek wolftune: see https://kartikprabhu.com/notes/magic-dirt-warrenellis note morning.computer

KartikPrabhu it is a great domain name for warrenellis but still... annoying that it broke my auto-linker

KartikPrabhu I mean he has used it cleverly to match his blog name. But yeah in general I don't know what .conputer is supposed to mean

csarven Argh.. I have to run, but would have liked to discuss how IndieAuth works and the fact that it ends up relying on a 3rd party service get it going. (I can understand the happy middle ground)
csarven Figured one of the ideas was to DIY/ControlYourself, but for something like auth, it goes through another party.. some of which are not favoured for instance when it comes to making status updates ;)
KartikPrabhu csarven: IndieAuth can use GPG keys and you can act as your own authenticator

KartikPrabhu or SMS

snarfed joined the channel
colintedford tantek: KartikPrabhu: "dot computers" are gonna be the next big thing after smartwatches :P

colintedford Depite being hard to use and easy to lose

KartikPrabhu ha!

csarven KartikPrabhu tantek Thanks. Will have to come back to this.. Gotta run :) Didn't mean to drop and "run away" :) Interesting topic and I'd like to see how I can integrate with what I'm working on http://csarven.ca/enabling-accessible-knowledge#identity
anderson anderson--
colintedford :)

csarven FYI, the paper is more on the Linked Data end, but microformats and IndieWeb perspective can be easily integrated.
csarven "easily"
anderson Is this karma data also on the website?
gavinc joined the channel
wolftune tantek: so, I'm at http://indiewebcamp.com/2014/Guest_List but have no user page… is there a clear way to just put the stuff from the guest list into my user page?
cmhobbs joined the channel
tfontaine joined the channel
chalettu joined the channel
aaronparecki.com edited /Micropub (+139) "add note to use array syntax for multiple categories" (view diff)

colintedford When you post to someone else's timeline on Facebook, does it also appear on your own in some way?

colintedford (I just have a FB "page", not a "profile")

colintedford so I don't have all the same functions / see the same things as "regular" FB users.

Pierre-O joined the channel
colintedford GWG: Pages don't have privacy settings that I know of; they're meant to be promotional.

colintedford I have one b/c I'm a cartoonist. Was wondering b/c someone posted to my timeline & I wasn

colintedford 't sure how to handle it re: my own site.

colintedford I think there are settings to restrict who can post, but not privacy.

colintedford Ditto re: enthusiasm.

colintedford Wuzzat?

colintedford Yes, exactly.

tantek joined the channel
colintedford Anyway, tantek suggested handling "other-person-posts-to-your-timeline" as a "guest post", which is sensible

colintedford but I was considering treating it like a comment / mention to my homepage

colintedford but that maybe makes less sense if it doesn't appear on their own timeline / profile somehwere too.

simonv3 joined the channel
j12t joined the channel
colintedford Yeah, I don't think I'm too into plain reposting. I did it on Tumblr b/c that's the thing there, but it doesn't feel right for me on my site.

colintedford "Guest post" is an appropriate frame, but that's not something I normally do & I don't have a clear picture of how I'd want to.

colintedford I'm inclined to treat it as a mention to my homepage, which I would shunt off to a side feed w the other mentions

colintedford (in the future when that's the kind of setup I have :)

colintedford That fits pretty well w/ how my FB page currently displays them but I don't know what goes on on the poster's end.

colintedford If it doesn't really show up in their space then that framing might be iffy.

colintedford Yeah, I don't have a problem with that. I just wasn't sure if I was happy w/ considering it a mention b/c I don't have the whole picture

colintedford But I guess a) it's my site & I can do whatever, and b) I can just ask the person who posted (or another FB-heavy friend).

colintedford aaronpk eats food from his watch?!

richardlitt, pauloppenheim, j12t and danlyke joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, j12t and verdi_ joined the channel
colintedford Related to tantek's note to self, is anyone publishing separate notes for updates?

colintedford Not neccessarily separate in the plumbing but like the gist of a correction

Loqi An edit (AKA diff, change) is a special type of reply that indicates a set of suggested changes to the post it is replying to. A collection of (presumably related) suggested edits in open source is often called a patch or pull request https://indiewebcamp.com/edit

colintedford Oh right, wiki :)

colintedford ... or the photos added to a set? (just finishing thought for sake of completion)

Loqi A collection is a type of post that explicitly lists and/or embeds multiple other posts chosen by the author https://indiewebcamp.com/collection

ShaneHudson In my personal usecase, a collection is a database of items. A post is any type of post. A collection is something like location or book. I can reference between the two. I used Mandy Brown's website for inspiration of that

ShaneHudson Yeah database being metaphorical

ShaneHudson I wanted a clear separation between my own content, and reusable content. If that makes sense

ShaneHudson I don't have anything front-facing yet but will show you using Mandy's

ShaneHudson She has a book page like so: http://aworkinglibrary.com/reading/this-changes-everything/

ShaneHudson Then she writes a post, about the book like so: http://aworkinglibrary.com/writing/overkill/

Loqi A wiki page is a type of web page that many in the IndieWebCamp community either want to or already host on their own personal site https://indiewebcamp.com/wiki-page

ShaneHudson And the book page updates: http://aworkinglibrary.com/reading/sixth-extinction/

ShaneHudson I don't know how she does it, but in mine I just have a relationship between my post and the book. An I can list the books separately from posts, and the posts that relate to the book

ShaneHudson It was just the best term I could think of for it when I implemented

KartikPrabhu tantek: the reading notes are their own posts which have been collected on the book post

ShaneHudson It is just the term I use. I have Posts, Interactions and Collections

KartikPrabhu ShaneHudson: I like Mandy's example! A good way to do reading notes and collect them in one place by book!

aaronpk oh I see, this one is multiple posts http://aworkinglibrary.com/reading/sixth-extinction/

ShaneHudson Yep

KartikPrabhu yes

ShaneHudson Yes

ShaneHudson True, but you can view them on there own

KartikPrabhu <shrug> looks like a collection to me

ShaneHudson for instance, a page of my books or a page of my locations.

KartikPrabhu if not that then I don't know what a collection is

Loqi A collection is a type of post that explicitly lists and/or embeds multiple other posts chosen by the author https://indiewebcamp.com/collection

ShaneHudson Fair enough, it isn't a concept.. just the name I called it. Naming conventions are the hardest thing in CS right? :P

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
KartikPrabhu errr those might be curated...

ShaneHudson I see. So if I manually made a Fantasy page, and embeded that genre, you would call it a collection? Fair enough

KartikPrabhu so I can't collect my own posts into a "collection" post

KartikPrabhu I have to "curate" something

KartikPrabhu strikes me as arbitrary ... <shrug>

KartikPrabhu go is "aggregate" a post type too?

aaronpk here's a collection post of 4 photos and 1 map. this could not have been automatically done. http://aaronparecki.com/collections/2014/08/14/1/

ShaneHudson Yeah I really don't care about name.. just saw you saw collection and thought I would let you know what I do :)

ShaneHudson *say

KartikPrabhu hmmm ok

Loqi Navigation refers to the UI, UX and markup allowing people to move around a website https://indiewebcamp.com/navigation

Loqi archive in the context of the indieweb refers to date-grouped (often monthly) sets of posts (AKA personal historical archives, a common form of navigation), but can sometimes mean archival copy, a copy of a web page made (often by someone other than the author) at a particular point in time https://indiewebcamp.com/archives

KartikPrabhu does not agree with that particularly because of Mandy's example. It is not a feed, it is not comments, it is not archive

KartikPrabhu anyway, post type debates have generally not enlightened me at all so <shrug>

aaronpk here's a feed of posts, not all authored by me, which is automatically updated http://aaronparecki.com/tag/indieweb

mlncn joined the channel
ShaneHudson Essentially that is what I do yes, just in implemention side I want it separate from my post

ShaneHudson My comments are Interactions, my posts and Posts and my books are Collections. Simple. Sorry about the naming, maybe I could change later if anyone else adopts a similar system

ShaneHudson That would be a post

ShaneHudson Yeah

colintedford She's not really commenting on the content of the book post, I think; the book post is like an anchor for her "reading notes" posts about the book.

ShaneHudson For me personally it would be a Post with the post type of Album. Like I have Posts which are of post type Link

ShaneHudson Because photo albums are my own content. My "collections" are not

colintedford On the content of the book, not the content of her post summarizing the book.

ShaneHudson Yeah she is. She can also comment on multiple books at once and it will appear on all book pages. Internal webmentions of a sort

tantek ShaneHudson: precisely. just like you can /multi-reply !

ShaneHudson Yeah. I think you are only disagreeing over naming, everything else really is very simple

ShaneHudson I just wanted separation between: My content (Post), Other people's content/comments (Interactions) and Things I reference ("Collections")

ShaneHudson Do you have an idea for a better name? It shouldn't be hard for me to modify. Though it doesn't matter, I'm not proposing it as a concept, just as thing I have implemented on my own site

colintedford I guess I'm not sure how helpful this special use of "collection" is for me personally.

ShaneHudson Not on my site

ShaneHudson The way I've implemented is my own comments are posted as Post. The interaction is metadata of my own, but nothing more

ShaneHudson tantek: Yes

ShaneHudson I don't, mostly due to some bugs. But I will be able to

ShaneHudson The follow-up would be a new Post

ShaneHudson With its own permalink etc.. Same as normal

ShaneHudson Yes

cmhobbs joined the channel
ShaneHudson Right, I plan to. Though have so little time at moment, and need to get some cash in

ShaneHudson It's not really an itch right now, just a nice to have

ShaneHudson Heh fair enough

ShaneHudson Haha cheers

tantek hey colintedford - add an image for your self in https://indiewebcamp.com/irc-people

colintedford tantek: Will do eventually, don't have one handy.

simonv3 joined the channel
colintedford No, I have an account but I don't really use it & don't have a pic there.

ShaneHudson I still need to work on mobile UI, I've been using twitter without POSSE far too much

tantek ShaneHudson: yes! http://indiewebcamp.com/ownyourdata

colintedford Used to have a pic on my site but not since redesign. Been meaning to make a new one 'cause the old one doesn't work well as a square.

ShaneHudson I mean, it all works but the lack of offline-mode and the fact that I live in a city where most buildings are over 400 years old means I never have good signal

ShaneHudson tantek: Yeah I am still too addicted to Twitter, it is a habit haha

colintedford tantek: FB (has the old non-square pic, or maybe awkward crop thereof)

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
ShaneHudson I do make sure to post notes that I don't want to lose to Twitter. But most stuff I don't care too much about

ShaneHudson I may do that

colintedford Used to use Tumblr but haven't in a while.

ShaneHudson Has anyone got POSSE-as-reply working on Facebook?

jonnybarnes ShaneHudson: I also pretty much only POSSE stuff to twitter

ShaneHudson I am so glad I post links to my site now though. That was a very good move

ShaneHudson Even if it isn't styled yet haha https://shanehudson.net/links

jonnybarnes tantek: so, original tweets are only ever POSSEd notes

ShaneHudson I used to have a bookmarks folder on one computer and a different one on another

ShaneHudson No POSSE for links

jonnybarnes occasionally Ill reply to someone's tweet natively in my twitter app

tantek jonnybarnes: excellent! add yourself to http://indiewebcamp.com/ownyourdata#IndieWeb_Examples

ShaneHudson I just post a note that links if I want to POSSE it. The links part of my website is just for links, not commenting/note about the link

jonnybarnes sometimes ill bother to make a reply on my own site that gets copied across

tantek ShaneHudson - you should add yourself to http://indiewebcamp.com/ownyourdata#IndieWeb_Examples as well, specifically per http://indiewebcamp.com/ownyourdata#Per_Post_Type and "[[bookmarks]]" as the post type that you own

ShaneHudson I need to start tagging my links, but I can never come up with reusable tag names haha

tantek ShaneHudson: ^^^ -> http://indiewebcamp.com/User:ShaneHudson.net#Itches :)

ShaneHudson If I add everything I want to do to my site to that page, I will have written another book! :P

ShaneHudson The ISBN one is quite a big itch, do you know of any API that scans a barcode and returns a nice json of details?

ShaneHudson Haha okay, in a bit. Preparing a soup at moment :)

tantek ShaneHudson: perhaps start a http://indiewebcamp.com/User:ShaneHudson.net#LazyWeb section with such requests?

tantek I have a similar section http://indiewebcamp.com/User:Tantek.com#need_help_with

ShaneHudson Do you "POSSE" of sorts your itch page?

ShaneHudson Mine is at https://shanehudson.net/itch

ShaneHudson It felt a little silly saying "I want to do this to my site" on a different site haha

tantek I would like to, yet doing so depends on me first implementing http://indiewebcamp.com/Falcon#Indie_Wiki

ShaneHudson Yeah true

elima and marcthiele joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
ShaneHudson Is there plans for IWCUK'15 yet? If it is after May/June then I could probably help organise

colintedford.com edited /collection (+134) "/* Changes */ Changes might be reflected by update posts." (view diff)

tantek joined the channel
ShaneHudson reedstrm: Ah thanks :) Yeah there are a few ways to do that bit. Hopefully someone has done the whole lot, I don't see myself having time to implement a barcode scanner! (It would be fun though)

jonnybarnes ShaneHudson: how come the object note type is crossed out on your itch page?

ShaneHudson jonnybarnes: Because it is implemented, I could just remove from list but for some reason wanted to cross off. No real reason

jonnybarnes ahh kk

tantek snarfed++ on /ownyourdata ! Impressive !!

sparverius cuecat raised $185 million
jonnybarnes ShaneHudson: I just see random numbers on https://shanehudson.net/notes

j12t joined the channel
jonnybarnes they look like times to me

JHSheridan joined the channel
JHSheridan So I spent most of the evening researching indieweb stuff, and it seems like brid.gy is the way to go for me, but I want to make sure I fully understand how it works
JHSheridan Brid.gy PULLS (Backfeeds?) info from social silos and sends them to my site via webmention
JHSheridan and it PUSHES by my site sending a webmention to Bridgy, theb bridgy uses the social APIs to send them to each silo
JHSheridan Thanks Tantek. Big fan of your work and have watched some of your talks online!
JHSheridan right
JHSheridan but can also ping bridgy w/ a webmention too right?
JHSheridan like I mentioned above?
JHSheridan Is there a reason I shouldn't use brid.gy?
JHSheridan lol... no.
JHSheridan definitely no.
JHSheridan Only slightly allergic, but it's open source, so that mitigates most of my fears
JHSheridan And talk about support! Better than any commercial product!
JHSheridan Just talk to the maintainer directly
JHSheridan haha... no doubt.
JHSheridan ok... well there's todo #1 for me: Get JHSheridan.com sending/accepting webmentions
snarfed gives JHSheridan a library, http://indiewebcamp.com/webmention#Libraries
JHSheridan amazing... I'll probabaly use Ronkyuu or Webmention-tools
JHSheridan for the python
jonnybarnes tantek: what I was mainly getting at (I want a less angry sounding word but cant think of one) was surely the url /notes should let me read the notes, not give me a load of links?

jonnybarnes which is Loqi?

finchd what is Loqi?
Loqi Loqi is a friendly and useful bot present in the #indiewebcamp IRC channel and other channels https://indiewebcamp.com/Loqi

Loqi Loqi is a friendly and useful bot present in the #indiewebcamp IRC channel and other channels https://indiewebcamp.com/Loqi

KartikPrabhu JHSheridan: I would recommend ronkyuu. it gets more attention than webemention tools

JHSheridan Great. Thanks KartikPrabhu!
jonnybarnes true dat tantek

KartikPrabhu JHSheridan: might I also suggest https://github.com/kartikprabhu/connection which is what I use. It binds together ronkyuu, mf2py and mf2util for webmention stuff

jonnybarnes “Stream of Consciousness”

JHSheridan awesome
wowaname joined the channel
@sillygwailo Webmention in Drupal http://r13n.com/2014/webmention-in-drupal (twitter.com/_/status/542430492696395776)
@drupalnation RT @sillygwailo: Webmention in Drupal http://r13n.com/2014/webmention-in-drupal (twitter.com/_/status/542431576752009217)
prontotest, simonv3 and KevinMarks joined the channel
ShaneHudson My notes archive is worse than my links haha https://shanehudson.net/notes

saurik joined the channel
bret an interesting alternative to email https://github.com/maxogden/messages

KartikPrabhu so... you should know git to read email... hmmmm not a good UI

thedod joined the channel
KartikPrabhu snarfed: i was thinking particularly about the PGP encrypted issues

KartikPrabhu snarfed: see: https://github.com/maxogden/messages/issues/9

KartikPrabhu lol

scor and lukebrooker_ joined the channel
aaronpk course there's also this: https://aaronparecki.com/replies/2014/02/26/7/gpg

colintedford "maxogden changed the title from Gnihihi to an encrypted message" What? Gnihihi's a way cooler title. Gnee-hee-hee!

tantek bret, well if you think it is "interesting" - feel free to add it as a "Silo example" in a new such named section here http://indiewebcamp.com/messaging

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
thedod I just forked WebmentionDressing at https://zzzen.com/420/ so that if you webmention and the TOD minutes are ~20, you get \o/ in the timestamp :)

@kevinmarks in #indiewebcamp @aaronpk was explaining that Kirby was short for Kerberos. Colin Tedford illustrated my confusion: http://colintedford.com/2014/12/08.2120-kirby-kerberos/ (twitter.com/_/status/542451956929662976)
scor joined the channel
tantek anyone know a good way to go from an IG permalink like http://instagram.com/p/wSZg-QA9XJ to its jpg like http://photos-e.ak.instagram.com/hphotos-ak-xaf1/10852837_606021952835284_2081190166_n.jpg ?

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
iboxifoo and rschulman joined the channel
tantek currently my /autolink and /autoembed functions are purely algorithmic - just string manipulation - zero network access. = performant and fast.

KartikPrabhu nods

KartikPrabhu errr... me nods with tantek not at JS

@kevinmarks @mala your blog is right there Danny. The #indieweb is chanting "one of us" (twitter.com/_/status/542455442442448896)
simonv3 joined the channel
@kevinmarks @mala I just know you could write your own #indieweb compliant posting interface to procrastinate from actually blogging (twitter.com/_/status/542458040088141828)
jonnybarnes Yay, it works https://jonnybarnes.uk/notes/4y

npdoty and lukebrooker joined the channel
Loqi PBWorks is a wiki content-hosting silo that was originally called "PBWiki" https://indiewebcamp.com/PBWorks

[Keith] joined the channel