#tantekI'm having trouble justifying learning / dealing with the particular usage of those tags - given they seem to have no impact in any browser or any other consumer
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#GWGtantek: You've sat on these standards groups. When do they say...no one adopted our standard...?
#tantek.comedited /h-entry (+480) "/* Issues */ subheads for specific issues, note clustering of current bad hentry properties issue examples, analysis, hypothesis, proposal resolution" (view diff)
#tantekGWG - very rarely do they say "no one adopted **our** standard" - quite the opposite, creators of standards are nearly always extremely defensive (emotional attachment) about **their** standard.
#GWGWhy people persist with an idea long after it has not worked out the way anyone wanted to
#tantekHowever, since the collossal failure of XML to replace HTML, it has become more acceptable for someone e.g. in W3C to say "no one adopted (or bothers with) *this* standard" about some other W3C standard
#tantekGWG, emotional attachment, and fear of admitting failure
#tantekmost such irrational persistence can be ascribed to a source of fear of some sort
#tantekthe irony is that failure to admit failure is an even *bigger* failure
#tantekwhereas OTOH admitting failure *as fast as possible* allows one to correct for it and adapt as quickly as possible
#tantekshort term emotional reaction (attachment, fear) seems to override long term desire for success
#tantekthe hard part is figuring out rationally what amount of time is "as fast as possible" as sometimes (often) it takes *years* to gather adoption/reaction data to a standard
#KartikPrabhutantek: also classifying what counts as "failure to adopt"
#tantekKartikPrabhu: agreed, that is challenging as well
#KartikPrabhuI have seen arguments that microformats is antiquated since "most people" have not adopted it and its proliferation is only due to default use in Wordpress themes
#GWGKartikPrabhu: That is why default incorporation is often helpful in adoption
#tantekKartikPrabhu: there is also the 2 year amnesia effect when it comes to web tech
#KartikPrabhuGWG: yes, but it is also seen as an argument against adoption
#tantekanything > 2 years old is treated as antiquated as best, or forgotten completely
#KartikPrabhuI think the work here on using microformats to do things like response-context and comment display has not yet gotten "out there"
#tantekKartikPrabhu: to be fair, there were several key issues with classic microformats that took us a while to gather data on to understand the depth/nature of, and incorporate solutions into microformats2
#KartikPrabhutrue. and in that sense mf2 has limited adoption so far
#tantekthe biggest problem was not being real world use-case driven *enough*
#KartikPrabhuwith people moving on to "linked data" and JSON and all that
#tantekwhich we are fixing with microformats2, and driving it by *requiring* real world use-cases *before* adding *anything* (properties or new formats)
#tantekKartikPrabhu: no one is "moving on" to "linked data" - except from RDF/RDFa
#KartikPrabhuthough those have pretty significant drawbacks IMO as frequently discussed here particulary the side-files anti-pattern
#tantekit's the same crowd, different triples-related buzzword. a rebranding at best.
#tantekpeople have largely moved on from XML to JSON though
#KartikPrabhuwhich might be an "improvement" but too little too late I feel
#tantekand not realizing that they're making all the same assumptions / statements about JSON being "it" for APIs etc. the way they were about XML being "it"
#KartikPrabhuyup. without the APIs doing anything visible/concrete
#tantekthus JSON is simply the dev-machine-syntax of this decade, while XML was of the previous decade
#KartikPrabhujust collecting data for collecting sake
#tantekfew people have the perspective to see fashion trends that are 10 years long
#tantekbtw - re: before about bad hentrys - aaronpk, kylewm I didn't see any objections to *not* implying properties when doing backcompat parsing of microformats
#@tStable 5+ years, yet any browsers do anything special with #HTML5 article aside figure footer header nav section tags? (ttk.me t4Zt4) (twitter.com/_/status/549788622099345409)
#tantekaside and nav are the only two that "feel" likely useful
#tanteknav to eliminate the whole "skip nav" problem
frzn joined the channel
#tantekand aside I've just found personally *very* useful when blogging, and it's exactly easily/obviously named for its usage
#tantekno real pattern to like post slugs - most put nothing, second most put some sort of auto-slug of the post they're liking, even if the liked post has no slug of its own
#tantekupon consideration, putting a slug on a like (especially more of a slug than the liked post) seems like a bad idea as it potentially does more "SEO" than the original liked post, which seems like bad form from a community / peer respect perspective
#tantekI wouldn't my like of a post showing up higher than the liked post in a search result
#Loqitantek meant to say: I wouldn't want my like of a post showing up higher than the liked post in a search result
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#tantekcan't think of a good use-case for a slug on a like post, and can think of downsides (any form of out-SEOing the liked post or author thereof), thus going with no slugs on like posts for now.
#tantekin order to make storing like posts as minimal/efficient as possible, I'm re-assessing/questioning all aspects of everything I store about a post in my flat file storage
#tantekhence some of the questioning about HTML5 article and footer for example, both of which I currently use but am looking at dropping
#tantekAs a side-effect it looks like I'm adding to my 2015-01-01 launch commitment, under the covers at least. A drastically simpler storage format.
#kylewm.comedited /Red_Wind (+83) "/* Description */ tone down "disclaimer". I can't very well claim it's only of use to me anymore!" (view diff)
#tantek.comedited /Red_Wind (-13) "drop initial == Description == subhead as it is self-evident, moves relevant content further up, adjust icon size to fit better" (view diff)
#tantekKevinMarks: too bad it's on Medium and not an indieweb site
#tantekKevinMarks: "When weird nerds watch the cool kids jockeying for social position on Twitter, we see no difference between these status games and the ones we opted out of in high school." <--- guess what, we *are* the weird nerds opting out of social position on Twitter *AND* Medium - unlike the article
stream7 joined the channel
#owen1is there a way to get rss of my twitter lists?
#tantekor is there a way to export your twitter lists into a format that your reader can subscribe to
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#tantekin other news, I think I'm dropping id attributes from my published markup on my blog posts
#tantekI'm not using them for any styling hooks nor hyperlink fragment destinations
#tantekI believe I may have put them there only as legacy thinking from when id attributes were an essential part of the permalinks of my blog posts (2002-2008)
#tantekbut now my permalinks all have their own path without fragment
KevinMarks_, michielbdejong, Sebastien-L, KartikPrabhu, myfreeweb, veselosky and stream7 joined the channel
#csarventantek I still find fragments quite useful e.g., pointing at a particular paragraph / thought.
#tantekcsarven - I agree for elements *inside* an h-entry (e.g. paragraphs), however no the h-entry itself.
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#tantek.comedited /like (+1132) "/* Brainstorming */ order clusterings in reverse time order as they would be if stacked individually, note special case of two with "and" no commas" (view diff)
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#brettantek: iirc safari reader view button was a fork of the early readability open source code... which uses some combination of microformats and semantic html tags :) https://readability.com/developers/guidelines
#LoqiThe sidefile-antipattern is a violation of the DRY principle by the use of secondary files (typically in some one-off XML format) to provide information that is a duplicate of information available in primary files on a website (in HTML), and is an antipattern due to typical DRY violation problems such as out-of-date, missing, corrupted, or outright false data https://indiewebcamp.com/sidefile
#Loqibret meant to say: plus .well-known isn't widely known X]
#kylewmthinking about the "isn't it just wordpress" confusion from yesterday; i do feel like the homepage could do a better job answering the question at the top "What is the IndieWeb?"
#LoqiThe indieweb is about owning your domain and using it as your primary identity, to publish on your own site (optionally syndicate elsewhere), and ownyourdata https://indiewebcamp.com/indieweb
#LoqiThe indieweb is about owning your domain and using it as your primary identity, to publish on your own site (optionally syndicate elsewhere), and ownyourdata https://indiewebcamp.com/indieweb
#aaronpkit does a good job of that, but we don't have an actual one-sentence definition on the home page
#kylewmit doesn't say "Create and publish content on your own site," anywhere
#tantekwe could prehaps do with a briefer version of that /indieweb definition as a one sentence before the "people-focused alternative"
#tantekkylewm: and that still won't help the "isn't it just wordpress" crowd
#aaronpksomeone just karmabombed him in another channel
#tantekoh net split - it went to the logs but not me
#kylewm(the twitter scrolling bug seems to have gotten worse today)
#tantekkylewm they're clearly trying to inspire more indie readers
#aaronpkhe's just busy rate limiting himself so freenode doesn't boot him
#tantekso that's the fundamental challenge to people that don't get why/who indieweb is different from blogs / wordpress / decentralized monoculture hooha
#tantekchallege them to tweet from their own site and see how far they get
#GWGIm annoyed Wordpress.com is trying to take over Wordpress.org
#kylewmmaybe my proposal would be, move the "Your content is yours/ you are better connected /you are in control" block above "What is the IndieWeb?" and bolster the "people focused alternative to the corporate web" with the practical description "publishing on your own site"
#LoqiThe indieweb is about owning your domain and using it as your primary identity, to publish on your own site (optionally syndicate elsewhere), and ownyourdata https://indiewebcamp.com/indieweb
#tantekkylewm - maybe fork /Main_Page to a subpage under your user page and try it out?
#GWGI consider my site still allowing for interactions with others very important
#GWGYou shouldn't silo yourself, even on your own site
#voxpelliNever made a 2015-01-01 commitment, but sort of worked on a feature anyway: There's now interaction support and facepiles on https://webmention.herokuapp.com/ !
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#tantekvoxpelli: awesome! blog about it as what you got done for 2015-01-01!
#KevinMarks_Is that for new ones, voxpelli? Or will it fix the ones on my older posts?
#voxpelliKevinMarks_: The data is there now, but I haven't pushed the facepiles out to existing embeds because that would require everyone to update the styling of their sites
#voxpelliRight now I pushed the facepiles it to a new experimental embed and I will push a new opt-in embed version with it eventually – would preferably want some feedback/experience on the new facepiles first though
#voxpelliKevinMarks_: If you like to test it before that you can try it right now if you like by adding a version=cutting-edge query param to the /api/embed script that you include – but I will push other experimental stuff eventually as well, so should move to a new stable embed soon
#ben_thatmustbemepretty soon I plan to start a cordova app to do some things such as an mp-client and hopefully notifier. I think getting indieauth methods correct will be the most complex bit though
#tantekI think I'm not going to bother to fave POSSE copies
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#tantekI was thinking about this - all it does is send the person a duplicate on their original (via Bridgy), and give more credence/relevance to silo copies