2015-02-06 UTC
# 00:01 tantek good evening GWG! exciting progress on indie-config today thanks to voxpelli - and kylewm's deployment
# 00:14 JonathanNeal I sure wish I had a way to communicate this idea in a document: progressive disclosable content
# 00:18 kylewm danlyke: hmm yeah that endpoint will only parse as a feed if it actually has an h-feed. in woodwind, i call mf2util.interpret_feed explicitly so that it will parse all the entries
# 00:18 tantek JonathanNeal: are you familiar with progressive disclosure as a general UI and content strategy principle?
# 00:19 danlyke kylewm so I should wrap the "h-entry"s in an "h-feed"? (ie: my <div class="content"> ?)
# 00:20 JonathanNeal I only thought about them as content hidden to the user until revealed by focus or read by screenreader.
# 00:20 danlyke (BTW, making local comments and WebMention comments peers on my system is still on my radar...)
# 00:21 tantek let's see if there's a decent reference for progressive disclosure - as that's quite useful for design & content
# 00:25 aaronpk eventbrite launched rel=me on user profiles today!
carlo_au joined the channel
# 00:33 danlyke kylewm: I guess the question is really one of the function of the h-feed and how I can best support that. I need to spend some more time digesting the Microformats2 docs.
# 00:35 JonathanNeal Now the questions I’m asking myself is … “how do I connect the dots between progressive disclosure and .offscreen:not(:focus)” – this is an the effect I use to disclose content when the user focuses over the element.
# 00:37 aaronpk tantek: sadly I cannot find any link between eventbrite custom URL, canonical URL, and eventbrite user ID
# 00:37 aaronpk so once someone logs in, i have no way of knowing if it was the person I expected
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 00:40 JonathanNeal “How do I connect the dots between progressive disclosure and the effect of content being read to screen readers but not necessarily visually” … still thinking about this one.
# 00:40 aaronpk i don't know what the other two are because they have no name
# 00:41 aaronpk my understanding of the API is that it's possible that more than on user could have admin privileges of an organizer account
# 00:42 aaronpk "An Eventbrite user can have multiple Organizers associated with accounts, and individual events are associated with Users and Organizers (optionally). Currently, Organizers can not be ‘shared’ across Users or have multiple User owners."
# 00:42 aaronpk okay so given a user who logs in, I can check if any of the associated organizers are the one i'm looking for
KartikPrabhu1 joined the channel
# 00:43 tantek JonathanNeal: you have to let go of "content being read to screen readers but not necessarily visually" <-- that's you getting sucked back into bad framing
# 00:43 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: by using progressive enhancement? have usual <a> links with title for the undisclosed content, then is JS is available disclose content with Ajaxing it
# 00:51 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: right. So i would have a "skip to main content" visible as default. then if JS is active, I hide it and reveal it only on Tab
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# 00:51 JonathanNeal That’s a common, expected interaction to have if you’re navigating a site with your keyboard, and it’s especially useful if that’s your primary way of skipping heading content and diving straight into the page’s main content.
# 00:52 JonathanNeal KartikPrabhu: oh okay, you wouldn’t need JavaScript to hide it, since it would not rely on JavaScript to be revealed.
# 00:52 JonathanNeal For most browsers on most OS’s, with JavaScript off, you can expect the tab key to move you between links.
# 00:53 KartikPrabhu so the trouble you are having is if you hide with CSS using display:none and reveal on :focus then it is also lost to screenreaders
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# 00:56 JonathanNeal @KartikPrabhu the problem I have is that I need to communicate when something is not yet disclosed to the user visually.
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# 00:59 JonathanNeal I am having a hard time disconnecting it from the experience, Tantek.
# 01:00 JonathanNeal I hope the aha moment comes sooner than later. I have a deeper purpose to this. I really want to update reset.css.
# 01:01 JonathanNeal And as part of that, I want to move some of these really useful helper classes we all use to something semantically more true.
# 01:03 JonathanNeal So, aria-hidden is supposed to describe something that is not (or not yet) disclosed to the visitor.
# 01:04 JonathanNeal However, this doesn’t accurately describe something that is not yet disclosed to the user, but is still accessible.
# 01:09 tantek JonathanNeal: that's because it's too high level a conversation
# 01:09 tantek without a specific real world example, it's hard to pursue a solution
# 01:20 GWG Reading on the Indieconfig thing.
tilgovi and carlo_au joined the channel
# 01:23 GWG Still can't figure out a reply endpoint for WordPress
nloadholtes joined the channel
# 01:39 tantek in that case, definitely get started on that user page ;)
gmack, joshwnj, mdik and simonv3 joined the channel
# 02:21 GWG I want to accomplish some things tonight
caseorganic, zapster, scor, lukebrooker, simonv3, snarfed, tantek, joshwnj, KevinMarks, aranasaurus and snarfed1 joined the channel
# 04:12 GWG I'm making progress on my bug list
snarfed, caseorganic and zapster joined the channel
# 04:47 snarfed i'm watching the dice awards instead. much more fun
# 04:47 snarfed !tell gRegor` sorry for the bridgy publish surprise, and thanks for the docs nudge. added to my todo list
# 04:47 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 04:51 GWG I just filed a request for Post Kinds to be reviewed for the Wordpress.org repository
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# 05:00 GWG prtksxna: They have 109 plugins in their queue for approval
# 05:00 GWG prtksxna: I did make a bunch of improvements
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# 05:06 prtksxna GWG: I feel the need for 3 distinct types of meta data in Wordpress. 1) Post Kind - reply, repost etc. 2) Post Type - post, bookmark, image etc, and 3) Geolocation which they already have
# 05:06 prtksxna GWG: I am not familiar with their architecture comm. Not sure how changes like these get evaluated.
# 05:07 GWG prtksxna: So you are suggesting that I should have used custom post types in WordPress in addition to custom taxonomies?
# 05:09 prtksxna GWG: And from what I understand they aren't to excited about the feature anymore
# 05:09 GWG prtksxna: No one seems excited about post formats either, alas
# 05:10 prtksxna Sorry. I don't think these should be custom post types, they should all be "posts" and hopefully have formats (which as you said is not being pursued)
# 05:10 GWG prtksxna: Well, I consider post kinds to be a replacement for post formats. I don't think they both need to be used.
# 05:11 GWG prtksxna: I think we're having terminology confusion
# 05:12 GWG prtksxna: Post Formats and Custom Post Types are WordPress elements
# 05:12 GWG prtksxna: Post Kinds is the plugin I created
# 05:12 prtksxna Post Formats <- Quote, chat etc. and Post Types <- Pages, attachments etc.
# 05:14 GWG prtksxna: That's why I had to create a new taxonomy that could be customized.
# 05:15 prtksxna Right, but your plugin - Post Kind - handles stuff like reply and repost, right?
# 05:15 GWG prtksxna: Yes, but it also has an option for article, note, and photo...
# 05:16 prtksxna I think that should be distinct from a plugin that takes care of formats like check-ins. This would allow me to reply to your blog post by checking into the restaurant you were praising (for example)
# 05:17 GWG prtksxna: That would be a multi-kind option
# 05:17 prtksxna GWG: Oh. I just think of them as distinct plugins and boxes in the UI.
# 05:18 prtksxna GWG: Clarity and separation of concerns (just my personal opinion)
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# 05:19 GWG prtksxna: I don't think that checking in is a form of reply.
# 05:24 GWG prtksxna: I have some ideas for RSVP and Check-In, which as of now, I'm not really supporting.
# 05:27 prtksxna GWG: Right, I know some people would disagree, but I like the idea :)
joshwnj, snarfed, KevinMarks and tantek joined the channel
lukebrooker, tantek, KartikPrabhu, LauraJ, sammachin, pfefferle, e-lima, simonv3, cweiske, sanduhrs, KevinMarks, caseorganic, Jihaisse, Sebastien-L, loic_m, nloadholtes, friedcell and michielbdejong joined the channel
# 08:45 KevinMarks but before I did have a nice chat with Jason Shellen who is making an iOS blogging app about including indieweb features
upper-, caseorganic, pfefferle and petermolnar joined the channel
# 09:05 KevinMarks so, could I include your magic reply stuff on my static site at kevinmarks.com, but point to known.kevinmarks.com that has a micropub endpoint?
# 09:12 Loqi pfefferle meant to say: magic reply stuff?
KartikPrabhu, caseorganic, saurik, LauraJ, stream7, ben_thatmustbeme, moshaile, interactivist, Sebastien-L, pfefferle, KevinMarks, davemenninger, scor, simonv3, Erkan_Yilmaz, Garbee, snarfed and Acidnerd joined the channel
# 11:50 snarfed !tell KartikPrabhu hey, sorry for the bridgy publish failures! shift-refresh your user page, should fix it
# 11:50 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 11:56 Loqi KartikPrabhu: snarfed left you a message 5 minutes ago: hey, sorry for the bridgy publish failures! shift-refresh your user page, should fix it
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# 11:57 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 11:57 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
sdboyer_, kylewm, wagle, aranasaurus, zapster, j12t, sivoais, FergusL_, voxpelli, bigbluehat, CaptainCalliope_, jancborchardt, minsky, amblin, smcgregor, halorgium, jden, tommorris, stream7, friedcell, davemenninger, e-lima, interactivist and pfefferle joined the channel
# 13:13 GWG pfefferle: I submitted Post Kinds for review in the Wordpress.org repository after a night of fixing the things that still bothered me.
# 13:13 pfefferle GWG be sure to update the indieweb plugin if they will accept it
# 13:16 GWG pfefferle: You want me to deploy the update? Will do. Good way to see how its done
# 13:16 GWG They have 117 plugins on their review queue.
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# 13:17 pfefferle no, but to update the indieweb plugin to use the wordpress.org version instead of the github version of the post-kinds plugin
# 13:20 GWG pfefferle: If it gets approved, I'll do that. It could be up to a week before they get back to me
# 13:21 GWG While I am waiting, I have more things to put in.
# 13:22 GWG Like hiding meta field entries when not needed.
davemenninger joined the channel
caseorganic, almereyda, bupkes, davemenninger, petermolnar and rhiaro joined the channel
# 13:57 rhiaro Hey, does anyone know anything about Ethereum? (ethereum.org) The indiewebcamp wiki about it seems outdated
# 14:01 rhiaro Hi almereyda! I'm not sure really, just had an email from them asking if they can be at indiewebcamp in Edinburgh in July. I haven't come across them before
# 14:01 rhiaro My immediate reaction is that they should update the indiewebcamp wiki for themselves as a start
# 14:04 GWG rhiaro: There was someone in here the other day mentioning it
# 14:04 GWG I remember suggesting they contact the organizer if they were interested in more information about the event.
caseorganic joined the channel
# 14:09 rhiaro I can only find stuff in the logs from April containing "ethereum"
# 14:10 almereyda Well, it's this blockchain based micro-contract platform that i.e. Primavera and many others are putting a lot of hope in.
# 14:12 rhiaro Definitely interesting to talk to them for sure. A lot of the crypto stuff is beyond me, and I suspect out of scope for core indieweb goals, but still relevant
# 14:13 almereyda Well, we still have to find out how we bridge Web and Blockchain world, for example. That'd be my starter.
# 14:15 rhiaro Thanks GWG, not sure why I couldn't find that
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# 14:24 GWG rhiaro: You are coming to Cambridge, right?
# 14:30 GWG I'm trying to get up for it. Looking like I'll be able to arrange it
mlncn-agaric, fourtonfish, shiflett, gRegor`, agaric, caseorganic, friedcell and verdi_ joined the channel
# 15:53 bret rhiaro: im still not even sure how ethereum is different than bitcoin
# 15:53 rhiaro bret: looks like it's for things other than (as well as) purchases?
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# 15:55 bret isn't that just a state of mind though? ;)
# 15:56 bret (kidding, clearly there are differences)
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# 16:00 rhiaro I guess having them at IWC is a good way to learn more
# 16:00 rhiaro I suggested they update the IWC wiki about ethereum, too
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pfefferle_, almereyda, Erkan_Yilmaz, zapster and gRegor` joined the channel
# 16:42 GWG Is there anything going on Wednesday night before IWC Cambridge
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# 17:03 GWG Pfefferle, by the way, after the next time you update Semantic Linkbacks, I am going to switch to branching each individual feature. I have been reading advice on working with others
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# 17:20 tantek once was reasonable but retweeting the same thing within minutes, I think that borders on spam. shall we ban?
Acidnerd joined the channel
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# 17:34 tantek GWG, likely there will be *something* going on Wednesday night before, as that's the second day of the W3C Social Web WG f2f, and anyone staying for both WG and IWC will be around (myself included)
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:39 aaronpk i got a pingback from them from a comment someone left that linked to a post!
# 17:39 aaronpk with a fragment ID for the comment and everything!
# 17:40 tantek wow - now we just have to get them to add h-entry markup for the question and the comments!
# 17:41 tantek ^^^ aaronpk definitely add this evidence there! (perhaps "Pingback" in a "Features" section?)
# 17:41 gRegor` And not lock up their content behind a login. Or is Quora public now?
# 17:41 Loqi gRegor`: snarfed left you a message 12 hours, 53 minutes ago: sorry for the bridgy publish surprise, and thanks for the docs nudge. added to my todo list
cweiske joined the channel
# 17:44 aaronpk tantek: should I assume they are sending pingbacks for all links? or write it as I experienced it this one time
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# 17:46 tantek aaronpk - "Appears to support sending pingbacks as of 2015-02-06 [URL]"
# 17:46 tantek though your webmention status URL only lasts for 2 days right?
# 17:46 tantek maybe post a note/article about it explicitly and quote your entire webmention status?
# 17:47 aaronpk i was going to screenshot the webmention status url
# 17:47 tantek though you know what KevinMarks would say about using images of text ;)
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# 18:02 GWG tantek: I think I can get away that afternoon and come up.
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# 18:09 GWG I'm wondering if NUX is something that belongs in the wiki
# 18:11 gRegor` aaronpk: Some of those 'other mentions' on that article are pretty messy. Are those all pingbacks showing full content for some reason?
# 18:12 aaronpk yeah, something is wrong with the comments-presentation library
# 18:14 aaronpk gRegor`: yeah that's the part of the algorithm i missed :)
# 18:17 gRegor` Hasn't caused a problem for me yet, but for completeness.
# 18:17 aaronpk luckily it's all in the php comments library so i don't have to re-implement it everywhere
# 18:17 aaronpk you probably don't proxy pingbacks to webmentions then ;)
# 18:18 gRegor` I do, just haven't received pingbacks yet I guess. Or I didn't implement it right :)
# 18:18 tantek aaronpk - that excessively long p-name is likely due to the out-of-date impying properties for classic microformats
# 18:18 tantek which we resolved at the microformats meetup we wouldn't do
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# 18:22 gRegor` Hmm. I thought I had webmention.io forwarding pingbacks, but it's missing from my <head> currently.
# 18:26 tantek aaronpk how many people are signed up for the weekly digest?
# 18:26 tantek and do people think it's something we should promote more? like in the sidebar?
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# 18:31 GWG tantek: I can cite a few examples
# 18:32 tantek BTW - pro tip: avoid naming things "new something" because everything new becomes old eventually. Unless you really can't think of a name, or expect the change to happen on a long enough time scale (centuries) that it doesn't matter.
# 18:32 GWG Sorry about that. Got the search box.
# 18:32 tantek ohhhhh it's (new user) experience, not new (user experience)
# 18:32 tantek and here I thought that was called "onboarding" :P
# 18:33 GWG Onboarding refers to the experience
# 18:33 GWG NUX would be planning onboarding, wouldn't it?
# 18:33 GWG It is planning with that in mind.
# 18:34 GWG UX is using short for User Experience and is usually referring to a design focus
# 18:34 tantek if it's "what is the experience that a new user has?" then that's actual *usage* not planning thereof
# 18:34 GWG So, therefore, wouldn't NUX also be a design focus?
# 18:35 tommorris just attempted to type “onboarding” and instead typed “onbearding”.
# 18:35 tantek because it could mean a brand new 2015 user experience
# 18:35 tantek OR it could mean, what does a "new user" experience
# 18:36 gRegor` I think I prefer the term onboarding, too
# 18:37 tantek because it's a crappy term for something that already has a name
# 18:37 gRegor` So I'm really surprised the aforementioned Quora article is available without being signed in. Anyone know if Quora changed that recently, or is it like "X free views"?
# 18:38 aaronpk gRegor`: maybe because you came there with an http referer?
# 18:38 tantek gRegor`: just turn off JS >:D you know, like with NoScript
# 18:38 GWG I wasn't suggesting we start a group. I just thought it was interesting that WordPress was focusing on designing for new users.
# 18:38 tommorris onboarding stinks as a word. there’s already a good term for getting on board: embarking.
# 18:38 GWG And that is definitely an issue for newcomers to this community.
# 18:41 tantek tommorris: I think onboarding is a good *separate* term for the context of "onto a site", as opposed to "onto a vehicle"
# 18:41 GWG So, how do we onboard people to IndieWebCamp?
# 18:41 GWG I keep going back to how we make it easier for newcomers.
# 18:43 GWG tantek: You beat me to the punch there
# 18:47 gRegor` aaronpk: I copy/pasted the link actually.
# 18:48 gRegor` Yeah, strange. Clicking to any other question in the sidebar will prompt me to log in
# 18:52 GWG Either way, I keep saying I want to figure out how to make the Getting Started stuff better
# 18:56 ben_thatmustbeme so thinking about sponsors in the area for IWC Cambridge, Google campus is close by, does anyone know if we have a contact for the previous sponsorship they did?
# 18:57 gRegor` I will, tantek
# 18:57 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: are you tracking a list of current sponsors somewhere?
# 18:59 tantek and I'm doing what I can as a secondary organizer too with the wiki page(s), letting you take the lead ;)
# 19:00 ben_thatmustbeme thanks, i just wish there were notes on everything that has needed to be done for one in the past
# 19:00 tantek typically past IWC events have an organizer section / page also
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# 19:02 tantek thus step 1, compare IWCC 2014 and 2015 pages, and copy missing stuff over to 2015
# 19:05 aaronpk i will be remote on the plane, and then at the seattle airport the first day
# 19:06 aaronpk and then remote hopefully with barnaby the second day!
# 19:07 tantek hey rascul - you coming to IndieWebCamp Cambridge march 19-20?
# 19:08 rascul tantek i don't know if i can make it up this time
# 19:09 tantek rascul, bummer. maybe see if you sister wants to participate?
# 19:09 Loqi tantek meant to say: rascul, bummer. maybe see if yoursister wants to participate?
# 19:09 tantek !tell kylewm if you post an indie event + FB POSSE copy, for the upcoming HWC SF, I'll invite a bunch of folks to it
# 19:09 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 19:10 Loqi kylewm: tantek left you a message 34 seconds ago: if you post an indie event + FB POSSE copy, for the upcoming HWC SF, I'll invite a bunch of folks to it
# 19:10 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: one of the biggest challenges to an IWC organizer is getting the word out - which is still done the tried and true classical way - direct contact with previous participants, and people you think may be interested
# 19:11 tantek great - that's a good plan to go a month out like that to give people a better chance of planning travel etc.
# 19:12 tantek aaronpk - could you post an indie event for IWC Cambridge and a FB POSSE copy, making ben_thatmustbeme, myself, sandro co-organizers of the FB event?
# 19:22 tantek wait - your posting system doesn't preview what will get POSSEd?
# 19:24 ben_thatmustbeme no, it just uses bridgy after the fact, i need to update it to at least show me a count
# 19:25 tantek if you want you can use the cassis.js functions in the front end to do tweet length estimation
# 19:25 tantek and show a counter (chars left) just like Twitter does
# 19:25 tantek you can do it both places with cassis then ;)
# 19:27 tantek the key functions are tw_text_proxy() which gives you an actual-tweet-length equivalent string for a post
# 19:28 tantek and then note_length_check() which lets you know how well a tweet "fits"
# 19:28 tantek the simple "just call one function" is tw_length_check()
# 19:30 mattl tantek: 4 days of social web and indiecamp
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# 19:32 mattl tantek: drinks in SF tonight if you're around btw.
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# 19:50 cweiske aaronpk, how's the federated indieauth login coming along?
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# 19:54 aaronpk i have to decide if i can shoot for having that done by the f2f meeting as well as having a swat0 demo
# 19:57 millette hmm, I am tempted to throw together an event for next Wednesday in Montreal, short notice... but I had a few people in mind already.
# 19:57 aaronpk millette: yes! especially if you think you'd get even 1 or 2 people to show up!
# 19:58 millette aaronpk, can I just add the city to the wiki page for now? I have to finish a bit of unrelated work
# 20:07 tantek aaronpk - I'd say the SWAT0 capabilities in micropub are more essential for the Social Web WG f2f
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# 20:07 tantek funny thing is, it's been repeatedly said that debating (federated) identity systems is out-of-scope for the Social Web WG
# 20:08 tantek so I'd say postpone work on that til after Social Web / IndieWebCamp Cambridge
# 20:08 tantek we know that federated indieauth *can* work, and that's all you need for any questions that might come up at the Social Web WG
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# 20:09 aaronpk also the demo i will be doing doesn't use indieauth.com for its login, so it actually is doing federated indieauth properly
# 20:10 aaronpk like if you go log in to quill.p3k.io it'll use the auth server you point to. doesn't have to be indieauth.com
# 20:15 cweiske <link rel="authorization_endpoint" href="http://indieauth.id.cweiske.de/" />
# 20:15 ben_thatmustbeme ah, i was going to say, if you need a second site to test, my site, mp-client, and micropub app, all assume that you might not be using indieauth.com
# 20:17 millette renoirb, I just sent a short email invitation to a few people, let me know if you didn't receive it.
# 20:19 renoirb thx millette !
# 20:27 ben_thatmustbeme hmm, wonder if there would be a benefit to contacting any smaller social networking companies in the area
# 20:27 GWG I forget who kept asking me why I kept forgetting to do that
# 20:28 GWG It was probably tantek. It usually it
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# 20:38 tantek what happened there?!? the t.co URL collided with the btmb permashortcitation
# 20:40 tantek someone's code forgot a trailing space before the permashortcitation?
# 20:41 tantek nested tags don't count in any p-* properties
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# 21:04 KevinMarks I did the tweet length thing in noterlive.com (start typing and see how the button changes colour)
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# 21:21 KevinMarks I wonder if we can pick up the XML sucks conversation from last time
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# 21:28 snarfed ben_thatmustbeme: re bridgy publish and tweet char counting, you've seen the interactive publish form on your user page, right?
# 21:31 snarfed re the newline formatting, looks like it's because there's no whitespace between the wiki link and the <br>s
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# 21:34 ben_thatmustbeme snarfed, there no "Space" character, there are non-space whitespace characters though
# 21:35 snarfed huh. ok. we'll try to handle that, but just a heads up, exotic chars like that will often get you unexpected behavior from other consumers too
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# 22:24 kodumulo ive been a fan of webid for awhile
# 22:24 kodumulo managing browser certs kinda sucks though
veselosky, snarfed, shiflett, KartikPrabhu, nloadholtes, michielbdejong, friedcell, ben_thatmust, squeakytoy and interactivist joined the channel
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