2015-02-05 UTC
# 00:09 tantek benwerd, kylewm, KevinMarks, snarfed - I'm out of town next week - can one or more of you lead the organizing/hosting of Homebrew Website Club 2015-02-11 in SF?
j12t joined the channel
j12t_ joined the channel
tilgovi and lukebrooker_ joined the channel
# 00:31 bret KevinMarks_: that twitter star icon.. totally! dopamine rush ;)
# 00:32 kodumulo aaronpk: was a test to see what teh template rendered it as
# 00:32 kodumulo i usually copy and paste your stuff for testing
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 00:38 bret buhhhh..... media wiki citation syntax
# 00:43 kodumulo @aaronpk are those pages rendered on page load or on save?
# 00:43 kylewm interesting, google translate recognizess "kodomulo" as Esperanto but translates it to kodomulo
# 00:44 aaronpk kodumulo: you blanked out your template, what'd you expect?
# 00:45 kodumulo aaronpk: um... i started working on user page
# 00:45 kodumulo im claiming kodumulo user page
# 00:45 kodumulo plants a flag
# 00:46 kodumulo I had it right the first damn time
# 00:46 kodumulo !karma !karma
# 00:47 kodumulo aaronpk: how do you get the little favicon bugger?
# 00:47 kodumulo is that the favicon of the href?
# 00:50 kodumulo VICTORY IS MINE
# 00:50 bret kodumulo: someone should probrably write up a mini instruction page on user templates
# 00:56 kodumulo discovers the preview button
# 00:58 kodumulo aaronpk: Im literally right next to you guys.
# 00:58 kodumulo in the sushi building
# 00:58 kodumulo in front of office max
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 01:06 kodumulo bret: that mushrooms oscope video is amazeballs
veselosky and carlo_au joined the channel
# 01:23 GWG I am really wanting a simple mobile post ui right now
# 01:30 kodumulo channy owns creation.net
# 01:30 kodumulo thats a pretty decent domain
mlncn joined the channel
# 01:30 kodumulo I was in middle school
# 01:31 GWG I was in high school. Wish I had anticipated domain squatting
# 01:31 GWG I tried, but needed too many extra steps
scor joined the channel
# 01:32 snarfed share a picture or link to the app, then one tap to publish
# 01:32 snarfed press this on mobile web is also good, but the app is better
# 01:34 kylewm snarfed: benwerd: KevinMarks_: any preferences/suggestions for HWC location for next week?
# 01:34 GWG Snarfed, I just want some presets
# 01:35 benwerd kylewm: sadly I can no longer offer up our digs - no preferences
# 01:35 GWG I have different options for different types of posts
# 01:36 GWG It takes too long for me to post now
# 01:36 kylewm we need to recruit someone to indieweb with SOMA office space :p
# 01:36 GWG Snarfed, did you check out the new version?
gRegor` joined the channel
# 01:38 GWG Snarfed, I wish you well in future endeavors
# 01:39 kodumulo another company named color
# 01:39 kodumulo this isn't gonna end bad at all
# 01:40 GWG Snarfed, I just haven't found the tool for me.
# 01:40 kodumulo an instagram like thing
# 01:40 kodumulo that got like 500000 million in vc money
# 01:40 kodumulo that went nowhere
# 01:41 GWG Snarfed, that is why I hope for Micropub
# 01:47 kylewm snarfed: so your paternity leave was self-imposed? here i was impressed with quip's very liberal policy :)
# 01:49 snarfed kylewm: ahaha. the first 2mo were real paternity leave. this 2 mo are between jobs
KartikPrabhu and KevinMarks joined the channel
acegiak joined the channel
# 02:07 GWG KevinMarks, even if we did, no Android client
# 02:08 acegiak I've been using the web client for wordpress in favour of it's android app because the android app doesn't appear to trigger certain event hooks in the same way
# 02:09 acegiak get a good enough web solution going and you don't need natives
# 02:11 KevinMarks_ well, for example ownyourgram would mean you could use android instagram
# 02:12 KevinMarks_ realises that my assumed problem with CSS was me not escaping right
# 02:14 GWG Acegiak, anything you curious about that occurred in your absence?
# 02:14 acegiak GWG: hows your wordpress suite? I'm looking at which approaches are better for getting friends on the indieweb
# 02:14 acegiak I'm curious to know if I missed any major developments that I should be implementing on my site
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 02:15 GWG Acegiak, I forked Indieweb Taxonomy after the unpleasantness
# 02:15 GWG I decided to change how it worked
# 02:16 GWG Instead of working with Post Formats, by adding a note and article term, I could eliminate post formats entirely
# 02:17 acegiak post formats on wordpress is a failed implementation
# 02:18 acegiak i think it was just the wordpress team getting intimidated by tumblr
# 02:18 GWG This is more about context and less about styling.
# 02:18 GWG I am trying to get to a 1.0 release
# 02:19 GWG At that point, I intend to put it on the WordPress repository
# 02:20 GWG Acegiak, I took out that feature.
# 02:20 GWG But I had plans to put in an override for you.
# 02:21 GWG You were the only one who seems to do multi kind
# 02:21 acegiak Are you using the same metadata fields or a new set/system?
# 02:21 GWG Acegiak, the same array I switched to.
# 02:22 GWG So I could add without any further issues.
# 02:22 acegiak I feel like if I want to comment on something and also like it or rsvp to it making that two posts would violate DRY?
# 02:22 GWG I need to improve the profile picture though
# 02:23 acegiak well I might switch to it if I can keep my existing metadata and metadata display code
# 02:23 snarfed acegiak: it's been discussed before, and no, not necessarily a DRY violation
# 02:23 GWG Well, I have a bunch of things in my mind that prevent a 1.0 release
# 02:23 snarfed i don't think there was a strong conclusion, but people thought separate posts and merged post were both ok
# 02:24 acegiak snarfed: ok, so I'll keep rocking with making sure whisperfollow supports both options
# 02:24 GWG One was what you do with the absence of a kind for posts that existed before
# 02:25 acegiak not that whisperfollow is a solution many people can afford to run. It's rss aggregation is so heavy
# 02:25 snarfed !tell tantek,aaronpk just fyi, bridgy publish is now oauth protected (interactive) or requires backlink (webmention). i think that closes the outstanding security concern(s). let me know if you see any bugs!
# 02:25 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 02:26 acegiak GWG: don't you have a case for posts that have no kind anyway?
# 02:26 GWG Well, in post formats, null is standard.
# 02:26 GWG I thought that I would make it user choice.
# 02:27 GWG But it would not show up in the archives without an explicit decision
joshwnj joined the channel
# 02:29 GWG Acegiak, the selection box is something that I want to reww
# 02:29 acegiak I would have an option in the plugin options for default post type
verdi_ joined the channel
# 02:31 GWG I was also thinking of setting the post format to something to allow backward compatibility with unkind themes
# 02:33 acegiak I feel like you're never gonna get a really nice solution to the problem of unkind themes so it might actually be more annoying to offer a half-solution
# 02:34 acegiak if a kinds is an indieweb solution then you may as well require a compatible theme
# 02:35 GWG It supports Semantic Linkbacks, Post Kinds...
# 02:35 GWG I back ported a lot of SemPress code
# 02:36 GWG Acegiak, I just don't want to scare newbies
# 02:36 KevinMarks_ !tell kylewm woodwind didn't like my image only feed on svgur.com (shrewdness did))
# 02:36 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 02:37 acegiak GWG: totally understandable but the best solution there is to have some really good compatible themes I think
nloadholtes joined the channel
# 02:38 GWG I got pfefferle to add a function to count semantic types
# 02:39 acegiak I'm just aware that we spent a lot of time styling sempress to look good enough for blackwoolholiday.com so I'm trying to avoid starting again on that front with another base theme
# 02:39 GWG So I made my starter theme display the like count and so on
# 02:40 GWG Shouldn't be impossible to use a different style sheet
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 02:40 GWG Also I am keeping up with underscores commits
# 02:42 GWG For example, I added SASS when they did
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 02:46 gRegor` It's come up a couple times. IWC wiki could use a page
# 02:48 GWG It, most usefully for development, allows you to break your stylesheet into pieces
# 02:49 GWG gRegor`: I was not at an airport waiting to board a flight
# 02:49 gRegor` Oh, no worries. Safe travels!
# 02:54 GWG Plane already late and no wifi again
# 02:54 GWG They only have a few not refitted. How do I keep getting them?
# 02:57 GWG I use it to simplify my CSS. Makes change easier to do due separate files.
# 02:58 KevinMarks_ basically twitter is leaking lots of stories today as they announce earnings tomorrow and they want to have things that aren't flat user numbers to talk about
# 02:59 GWG acegiak, since they will be closing the door soon, if you get a chance to look at anything of mine and have feedback, file an issue
# 03:01 GWG I was very affected when KevinMarks and Tantek asked questions I couldn't take them through while trying to help newcomers
lukebrooker joined the channel
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# 03:03 GWG I have a lot of irons in the fire to get there
# 03:04 GWG That is why I am always trying to get ideas to make things better
KartikPrabhu, veselosky and snarfed joined the channel
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 03:19 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
ben_thatmust_ and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
snarfed, KartikPrabhu, wolftune and j12t joined the channel
# 04:51 kylewm snarfed: on facebook api issues,i feel like if we could find some of these posts "naturally" in the api, we'd have a better understanding of where they're getting ids from
# 04:51 Loqi kylewm: KevinMarks_ left you a message 2 hours, 15 minutes ago: woodwind didn't like my image only feed on svgur.com (shrewdness did))
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 04:52 snarfed kylewm: yeah, i thought that way too…but i found a few ids like that today via the api, and they still didn't fetch ok
# 04:54 kylewm so, it doesn't even work for (what we assume is) their "expected" use case?
# 04:55 kylewm why aren't there a bunch of blog posts "facebook v2.2 api irredemably broken"
# 04:58 snarfed and/or v2.x broadly don't support accessing arbitrary posts from other users, esp if they haven't "installed" your app, full stop
# 05:01 kylewm i clicked all the oauth permissions that are available in the graph api
# 05:02 kylewm i'm incredulous that their documentation could be *so* wrong, if that's the case
# 05:03 snarfed i'm not sure they claim ids in the 'id' field are always fetchable as objects
# 05:09 kylewm posts is empty, photos on the other hand is abounding with riches
# 05:12 kylewm KevinMarks_: hmm, your feed looks good to me, must be something wrong wiht my parser :(
# 05:13 kylewm snarfed: would you like me to take a first pass?
# 05:14 snarfed minus oauth scope speculation because we know it's wrong
# 05:17 kylewm are you worried about publishing Gina or Evan's name/user ids?
# 05:18 kylewm KevinMarks_: it's parsing class="h-entry e-content" strangely... what is the intention there?
# 05:20 snarfed kylewm: not worried, but you're welcome to use test users instead of you want
# 05:20 kylewm snarfed: is the question even more fundamental? "is it possible to access a public post in the facebook api"
# 05:21 kylewm nah, disregard. that's stupid... i'll ask the specific question we want the answer to ;p
# 05:22 snarfed kylewm: no, you're right. at least, for other users, who haven't installed the app
snarfed and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 06:00 snarfed also consider linking appropriate phrases to fb docs for comment/like publishing and app scoped user ids (i think that one's earlier in the gh issue)
# 06:00 kylewm i can't figure out how to give you editing power
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
e-lima and lukebrooker joined the channel
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nloadholtes, pfefferle, iandevlin, Jihaisse and michielbdejong joined the channel
cweiske, KartikPrabhu, friedcell, petermolnar, sammachin, sanduhrs, pfefferle and KevinMarks joined the channel
pfefferle, cweiske, modem, stream7, KartikPrabhu, lukebrooker, eschnou, thehighfiveghost, Sebastien-L, Acidnerd, dns53, interactivist, michielbdejong and LauraJ joined the channel
lukebrooker_, KevinMarks, thehighfiveghost, lukebrooker, loic_m, KartikPrabhu, Sebastien-L, eschnou, bupkes, Jihaisse, stream7, friedcell and scor joined the channel
caseorganic, eschnou, KevinMarks and fiatjaf27 joined the channel
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fourtonfish, eschnou, upper--, petermolnar, KevinMarks and caseorganic joined the channel
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# 15:19 Loqi aaronpk: snarfed left you a message 12 hours, 54 minutes ago: just fyi, bridgy publish is now oauth protected (interactive) or requires backlink (webmention). i think that closes the outstanding security concern(s). let me know if you see any bugs!
shiflett joined the channel
veselosky, mlncn and snarfed joined the channel
# 15:43 aaronpk so a couple friends have been playing with Promoted Tweets™ to see how they can game them
# 15:44 aaronpk so I went and started digging into the ad interface
# 15:45 aaronpk "Put a code snippet on your website or in a tag manager to collect visitors, purchasers, or downloaders."
# 15:45 aaronpk then you can target an ad to people who have visited your site
snarfed joined the channel
# 15:49 aaronpk yes that was one of the friends to whom I was referring ;)
KartikPrabhu and verdi_ joined the channel
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# 15:51 kylewm snarfed: can you think of any other tags to add to the post? to hopefully give it more visibility
mlncn and gRegor` joined the channel
# 16:01 kylewm could use this opportunity to create an #indieweb tag, if you have > 1500 rep
veselosky, LauraJ, KevinMarks and snarfed joined the channel
KevinMarks, michielbdejong and eschnou joined the channel
mlncn, KevinMarks and verdi_ joined the channel
# 16:54 aaronpk kylewm: when you added the activitystreams proxy sources does that mean woodwind is now downloading everything from that feed and storing it?
stream7_ and wolftune joined the channel
# 17:01 kylewm aaronpk: yep. i subscribed to a twitter list, not the whole entire feed
KevinMarks, mlncn, e-lima, KevinMarks__, frzn, scor, squeakytoy, LauraJ, cweiske, Sebastien-L, benwerd, shiflett, veselosky and Erkan_Yilmaz joined the channel
shiflett_, KartikPrabhu, shiflett, zapster, nloadholtes, KevinMarks and snarfed joined the channel
# 18:55 kylewm hey KevinMarks, did you see my question about class="h-entry e-content" on svgur?
eschnou and benjamin-agaric joined the channel
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# 19:35 gRegor` Quiet indieweb day
# 19:52 gRegor` Lulz. "Quiet day" => bridgy deluge
benjamin-agaric joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 20:08 gRegor` kylewm: Did you remove webactions from your posts?
# 20:23 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
caseorganic and verdi__ joined the channel
# 20:41 kylewm gRegor`: were those interactive twitter publishes?
wolftune and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
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# 21:04 kylewm <a href="https://www.brid.gy/publish/twitter"></a> in your source
# 21:05 gRegor` is reading the github issue
# 21:06 gRegor` Yeah, I've not used that historically, just sent a wm to the bridgy endpoiint.
# 21:06 gRegor` But it just changed 19 hours ago, so that makes sense that i'm seeing the error now
LauraJ joined the channel
# 21:07 gRegor` I liked not having to add HTML, but this makes sense
# 21:08 gRegor` The about page 'automatic publishing' section should be updated to reflect that.
# 21:18 gRegor` Does the Bridgy Publish link need to appear within the e-content, or anywhere within the h-entry?
# 21:18 kylewm gRegor`: yeah I agree with you, I dontt want to add invisible links to my posts, and i mentioned it
# 21:18 gRegor` If it's the h-entry, I might have a solution.
# 21:19 kylewm but it would require bridgy give out some kind of auth token that I think is anathema to snarfed :)
# 21:19 kylewm anywhere in the h-entry (probably anywhere on the page, tbh)
# 21:19 gRegor` 1: enter the bridgy publish URL in the syndication field and publish a note.
# 21:20 gRegor` 2: Send webmentions, bridgy publish URL is found. Bridgy does magic.
# 21:20 gRegor` 3: Update the syndication field with the returned Twitter URL.
# 21:21 gRegor` So no extra empty links, and the publish link only appears long enough for bridgy magic.
# 21:21 gRegor` My code does #2 now, but I think only if the field is empty. An easy update.
scor joined the channel
# 21:29 gRegor` I think it could be more explicit on the link requirement. "Just send a webmention" and listing the endpoint/target up front, followed by "If your server supports webmentions, just include the links" sounds like embedding the links is an optional shortcut to achieve the former.
# 21:30 gRegor` But it's also been a while since I implemented and I was reading it again without knowing about the link requirement.
# 21:31 kylewm popping back up, yes I removed indie-actions when i switched my theme
# 21:32 gRegor` I was looking at them as rather simple thing to add to my notes and poking through examples, that's why I noticed.
# 21:33 gRegor` Think you'll add them back, or did you find them not that useful?
# 21:38 kylewm I've never really understood what good they do... if you want to run a plugin to add a Reply/Like/etc. action, you could just look for the h-entry's u-url
# 21:38 kylewm and then you're not dependent on individual pages actually having the links
j12t joined the channel
# 21:40 tantek kylewm: they're useful for the same reason such buttons are useful in a reader
# 21:40 Loqi tantek: snarfed left you a message on 2/4 at 6:25pm: just fyi, bridgy publish is now oauth protected (interactive) or requires backlink (webmention). i think that closes the outstanding security concern(s). let me know if you see any bugs!
# 21:42 gRegor` I wonder if anyone is tracking usage of those webaction links. Though I guess it could be tricky to filter out robots crawling them.
# 21:42 kylewm tantek: could you elaborate? I see why twitter intents are useful if that's what you want. i don't see how indie-action is useful
# 21:43 tantek kylewm - the like/repost/reply webactions also provide a default interaction UI with notes on your own site that is familiar to users who view tweets or status updates and expect such UI to quickly interact.
# 21:44 tantek indie-action takes those default twitter intent-URLs tweet action handlers and upgrades them to be customizable by the user who is reading!
j12t_ joined the channel
# 21:45 kylewm ok well if someone is doing something useful with the indie-actions i'll add them back
# 21:45 voxpelli indie-actions with indie-config is useful in my opinion
# 21:46 voxpelli (I guess no one else is consuming indie-config yet though, I've done a poor job of following up on that idea)
# 21:46 tantek voxpelli: I want to also! And I think aaronpk does too.
# 21:46 kylewm indie-config doesn't work unless the site in question actually runs that block of javascript that waits for a timeout and redirects to your default handler though right?
# 21:47 tantek voxpelli: I think we're both stuck a little on the how to?
# 21:47 tantek kylewm: yes - current situation is that it requires the site to have a JS shim
# 21:47 aaronpk I did something, and I was confused, and then hit a security issue and stopped thinking about it
# 21:47 voxpelli tantek: would love to help! Any questions you have just send them my way
# 21:47 tantek however the goal is native browser support of <indie-action>
# 21:48 tantek e.g. you tell your browser the URL of your blog, and it redirects all the <indie-action> handlers to it
# 21:48 tantek the use of JS shims as polyfill is how we both prototype the UI / interaction, and get some experience with it to iterate, and prove it out
# 21:49 tantek voxpelli: will do! I too got to a certain point then got stuck - I need to document that better.
verdi_ joined the channel
# 21:52 tantek with his site having the indie-config setup, and my site having the <indie-action> tags and attempting to load indie-config via that script
# 21:55 kylewm tantek: thank you for explaining that the js shim is a prototype, that does make me feel better about it
# 21:56 tantek kylewm - cool. yeah the whole idea is to attempt to get an interaction working across our indieweb sites for liking/reposting/replying that's comparable at least to how easy it is in silos
# 21:56 voxpelli The prototype step beyond the basic shim would be to wrap it up as a full web component to really act like a real browser tag
# 21:56 tantek getting that UX to be as easy as the silos is going to be key step
snarfed joined the channel
# 22:00 tantek kylewm: I have a feeling that getting this code to work will require some interactive (in-person likely) debugging
# 22:02 tantek (maybe I'm being dumb, but the steps need to be pretty simple, like add <script src="…"> elements, with <script>var loadindieConfig …</script> etc. )
# 22:02 tantek and even better, how to test that it's properly setup / hooked up
# 22:03 voxpelli +1, I think indie-config is written with no specific use, like indie-action, in mind – will try to fix asap
tantek joined the channel
# 22:15 voxpelli tantek: how do you typically do such code referal on the wiki? embedding yet another big chunk of code feels a bit heavy, but perhaps the best way?
# 22:17 tantek but hopefully the piece of code to include on a post permalink page is very small
# 22:17 tantek ideally just one or a few small <script src=""> embeds
# 22:17 tantek think of documenting indie-config loading as a similar problem to how Twitter documented Tweet button "loading"
# 22:18 voxpelli so basically more or less pointing to my scripts in a bit and telling people to use them? :)
# 22:18 tantek except your documentation should obviously be *simpler* than Twitter's documentation
# 22:19 tantek since we don't have all those various params and such to bother with that Twitter has
# 22:20 aaronpk that's a tough one, the reason twitter's code snippets are small is because twitter is hosting the large JS file
# 22:20 voxpelli well, I can point to GitHub and tell people to download it from there
# 22:20 tantek you don't need to host the JS for small code snippets
# 22:21 tantek instead of an absolute URL for the <script src> you put a relative URL
# 22:21 tantek and then you say "copy this JS from this github to a file called blah.js on your server"
# 22:21 aaronpk right yeah. i thought you were saying that'd be too many steps
# 22:22 tantek ergo, small example, not dependent on hosting
# 22:22 tantek no we were talking about keeping the code samples small
# 22:22 tantek we don't even have a # of steps to critique as being too many yet!
# 22:23 kylewm huh, what *would* github do if you did <script src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/voxpelli/voxpelli.github.com/master/js/indieconfig.js">
# 22:23 gRegor` Should work fine
# 22:23 gRegor` I've seen it in the wild
snarfed joined the channel
# 22:23 voxpelli I think they prefer if people adds the script to a GitHub Pages site though
# 22:24 voxpelli (not that I will suggest that people got-link the scripts from my blogs GitHub Page :P)
# 22:24 Loqi voxpelli meant to say: (not that I will suggest that people hot-link the scripts from my blogs GitHub Page :P)
# 22:26 tantek depends on how dangerously they want to live / be on their site I suppose
# 22:39 voxpelli basically my blog already has the two needed parts: the config loader and the webactions shim, so I now point to them as references and point out how to load them – should work out of the box for everyone
# 22:41 tantek voxpelli++ thanks for that How to consume improvement!
# 22:42 tantek aaronpk - yeah, we should hide that Discussion link
# 22:46 tantek with the msg "Hey I have a question about %%PAGEURL%%"
# 22:46 myfreeweb hey everyone
# 22:47 myfreeweb i have a weird problem with indieauth
# 22:47 voxpelli kylewm: tantek: we should perhaps address in the indie-config FAQ the concerns kylewm had about the indie-config js shim and the fact that it's just a prototype step
# 22:47 myfreeweb it started saying that the 'code' parameter isn't found
# 22:48 voxpelli tantek: not sure I fully grasped the question and the answer, perhaps kylewm or you could add it? you could probably express it better
# 22:50 tantek voxpelli - better yet - the question is "Why?"
# 22:52 kylewm my concern was more... this seems confusing and jury-rigged with the iframe and timeout
# 22:52 kylewm doesn't have the feel of something that is going to be widely deployed
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# 22:53 kylewm but the answer -- it's just a temporary way to experiment and figure out the behavior we eventually want -- is satisfying
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# 22:54 myfreeweb I've checked with mitmproxy, my app sending the POST request to indieauth like this "code=c0...ZA&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fquill.p3k.io%2Fauth%2Fcallback&client_id=https%3A%2F%2Fquill.p3k.io&state=5...2"
# 22:54 myfreeweb oh snap, looks like it doesn't send the Content-Type header
# 22:55 kylewm btw, added Reply and Like actions and voxpelli's js filse, and it "just worked"!
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# 22:56 aaronpk and also uneditable if you do manage to track one down
# 22:56 aaronpk myfreeweb: and you're sure you're sending that in the post body and not query string?
# 22:57 tantek kylewm - it's always OK to start with a jurry-rigged hack to get something working! just to explore the UX and then iterate on it
# 22:58 myfreeweb aaronpk: yes
# 22:58 myfreeweb it stopped working without any changes on my side
# 22:58 myfreeweb adding the content-type header right now
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# 23:00 myfreeweb not that recently, that happened, like, a month ago maybe
# 23:03 myfreeweb yeaaah works now
# 23:05 myfreeweb not sending the content-type header was a silly mistake, but you probably should document that on /developers
# 23:05 myfreeweb it should contain Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8
# 23:10 myfreeweb nice. I haven't even noticed the lack of "HTTP/1.1", I've noticed the host after POST, not in the Host header :D
# 23:10 tantek kylewm - wait does this mean you're supporting *both* sides of indie-config on your own site, and that clicking the buttons/links that you added works to redirect you to your own posting interface to reply to your own posts?
wolftune and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 23:16 KevinMarks_ apparently if I link to 2 indieweb pages from one tweet bridgy sends everything twice?
# 23:17 aaronpk KevinMarks_: yes that is the correct thing for bridgy to do
# 23:17 tantek kylewm - and now that you have that working, do you find it a useful shortcut for writing a follow-up reply / clarifying comment on one of your own notes?
# 23:17 kylewm tantek: credit goes to voxpelli, i didn't do anything but copy/paste
# 23:17 aaronpk webmention.io should be smarter about clustering notifications it sends to IRC tho
# 23:18 aaronpk tantek: i don't even remember if i still have it working
# 23:18 tantek since you (aaronpk) did do the video and all!
# 23:19 kylewm KevinMarks_: so you have <div class="h-feed"><div class="h-entry e-content">...</div>...</div>, which means that the feed has a content property with a bunch of h-entry's as values
# 23:19 tantek KevinMarks is getting schooled on his microformats by kylewm ;)
# 23:20 KevinMarks_ oops, I thought "h-entry e-content" would put the content of the div into the h-entry
# 23:20 kylewm I think so; (that was why mf2util/woodwind couldn't find any h-entrys)
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# 23:21 tantek KevinMarks: the flattening stuff was about flattening of hierarchical *properties* into a flat set of properties
# 23:22 tantek you've always needed a root vs. properties distinction
# 23:22 KevinMarks_ and shrewdness was working because it looked for u-photo explicitly?
# 23:23 kylewm my guess is shrewdness grabs all h-entrys on the page?
# 23:24 kylewm oh... interesting, yes barnaby's doing something clever with u-photo too, which I don't
# 23:32 tantek kylewm: what do you think of adding indie-config loading to Woodwind?
# 23:33 tantek then you could one-click like/reply any of the posts you view in Woodwind
# 23:33 kylewm tantek: ohhh that's a great idea if the person doesn't have micropub
# 23:33 tantek it also makes it so that they don't have to give Woodwind full posting permission to their personal site!
# 23:34 tantek (that's a good thing, in the same way we encourage "apps" in general to not "ask for all the permissions")
# 23:34 tantek kylewm: sure - think of it as a good example of how it can be done :)
# 23:34 aaronpk that's a great example of why both methods are useful tho
# 23:35 kylewm KevinMarks_: ok it should work with feeds now
# 23:37 kylewm ok I will think about how I can auth first, ask for write-permissions later
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# 23:39 tantek kylewm - awesome. the beauty of loading indie-config is that for at least those two actions - you don't have to ask for permission. or you could ask for micropub permission as a fallback if indie-config loading timesout.
# 23:40 tantek aaronpk: I hope that means Google fixes their real time search handling in general, or at least restores the PuSH receiving / indexing they had until early last year!
# 23:40 tantek I think once Google lost the tweet results, they just turned the whole realtime thing off
# 23:41 tantek I'm hoping that they just flip the switch back on and everything comes humming back to full functionlity
# 23:42 tantek the social network that shall not be named? ;)
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