#tantekbenwerd, kylewm, KevinMarks, snarfed - I'm out of town next week - can one or more of you lead the organizing/hosting of Homebrew Website Club 2015-02-11 in SF?
#acegiakI've been using the web client for wordpress in favour of it's android app because the android app doesn't appear to trigger certain event hooks in the same way
#acegiaksnarfed: ok, so I'll keep rocking with making sure whisperfollow supports both options
#GWGOne was what you do with the absence of a kind for posts that existed before
#acegiaknot that whisperfollow is a solution many people can afford to run. It's rss aggregation is so heavy
#snarfed!tell tantek,aaronpk just fyi, bridgy publish is now oauth protected (interactive) or requires backlink (webmention). i think that closes the outstanding security concern(s). let me know if you see any bugs!
#acegiakI feel like you're never gonna get a really nice solution to the problem of unkind themes so it might actually be more annoying to offer a half-solution
#KevinMarks_hm, I'm not putting dates on them though
#acegiakif a kinds is an indieweb solution then you may as well require a compatible theme
#GWGI got pfefferle to add a function to count semantic types
#acegiakI'm just aware that we spent a lot of time styling sempress to look good enough for blackwoolholiday.com so I'm trying to avoid starting again on that front with another base theme
#GWGSo I made my starter theme display the like count and so on
#GWGI use it to simplify my CSS. Makes change easier to do due separate files.
#KevinMarks_basically twitter is leaking lots of stories today as they announce earnings tomorrow and they want to have things that aren't flat user numbers to talk about
#LoqiWelcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
ben_thatmust_ and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#KevinMarks_how do I get mf2 to use the title of an <a> for a property?
#KevinMarks_or should I put an alt on the img instead?
snarfed, KartikPrabhu, wolftune and j12t joined the channel
#kylewmsnarfed: on facebook api issues,i feel like if we could find some of these posts "naturally" in the api, we'd have a better understanding of where they're getting ids from
#Loqikylewm: KevinMarks_ left you a message 2 hours, 15 minutes ago: woodwind didn't like my image only feed on svgur.com (shrewdness did))
#KevinMarks_I have improved the feed since then, btw
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#snarfedkylewm: yeah, i thought that way too…but i found a few ids like that today via the api, and they still didn't fetch ok
#snarfedalso consider linking appropriate phrases to fb docs for comment/like publishing and app scoped user ids (i think that one's earlier in the gh issue)
#kylewmi can't figure out how to give you editing power
#Loqiaaronpk: snarfed left you a message 12 hours, 54 minutes ago: just fyi, bridgy publish is now oauth protected (interactive) or requires backlink (webmention). i think that closes the outstanding security concern(s). let me know if you see any bugs!
#gRegor`I think it could be more explicit on the link requirement. "Just send a webmention" and listing the endpoint/target up front, followed by "If your server supports webmentions, just include the links" sounds like embedding the links is an optional shortcut to achieve the former.
#gRegor`But it's also been a while since I implemented and I was reading it again without knowing about the link requirement.
#kylewmI've never really understood what good they do... if you want to run a plugin to add a Reply/Like/etc. action, you could just look for the h-entry's u-url
#kylewmand then you're not dependent on individual pages actually having the links
#tantekkylewm: they're useful for the same reason such buttons are useful in a reader
#Loqitantek: snarfed left you a message on 2/4 at 6:25pm: just fyi, bridgy publish is now oauth protected (interactive) or requires backlink (webmention). i think that closes the outstanding security concern(s). let me know if you see any bugs!
#gRegor`I wonder if anyone is tracking usage of those webaction links. Though I guess it could be tricky to filter out robots crawling them.
#kylewmtantek: could you elaborate? I see why twitter intents are useful if that's what you want. i don't see how indie-action is useful
#tantekkylewm - the like/repost/reply webactions also provide a default interaction UI with notes on your own site that is familiar to users who view tweets or status updates and expect such UI to quickly interact.
#tantekindie-action takes those default twitter intent-URLs tweet action handlers and upgrades them to be customizable by the user who is reading!
j12t_ joined the channel
#kylewmok well if someone is doing something useful with the indie-actions i'll add them back
#voxpelli(I guess no one else is consuming indie-config yet though, I've done a poor job of following up on that idea)
#tantekvoxpelli: I want to also! And I think aaronpk does too.
#kylewmindie-config doesn't work unless the site in question actually runs that block of javascript that waits for a timeout and redirects to your default handler though right?
#tantekvoxpelli: I think we're both stuck a little on the how to?
#Loqiindie-config is a method of using protocol handlers and postmessage to setup your indie website to both notify the browser that it can handle webactions and then do so https://indiewebcamp.com/indie-config
#kylewmtantek: thank you for explaining that the js shim is a prototype, that does make me feel better about it
#tantekkylewm - cool. yeah the whole idea is to attempt to get an interaction working across our indieweb sites for liking/reposting/replying that's comparable at least to how easy it is in silos
#voxpelliThe prototype step beyond the basic shim would be to wrap it up as a full web component to really act like a real browser tag
#tantekgetting that UX to be as easy as the silos is going to be key step
snarfed joined the channel
#tantekkylewm: I have a feeling that getting this code to work will require some interactive (in-person likely) debugging
#tantek(maybe I'm being dumb, but the steps need to be pretty simple, like add <script src="…"> elements, with <script>var loadindieConfig …</script> etc. )
#voxpellitantek: how do you typically do such code referal on the wiki? embedding yet another big chunk of code feels a bit heavy, but perhaps the best way?
#Loqivoxpelli meant to say: (not that I will suggest that people hot-link the scripts from my blogs GitHub Page :P)
#tantekdepends on how dangerously they want to live / be on their site I suppose
#tantek.comedited /indie-config (+341) "/* How to load someones indie-config */ capture Needs update to be simpler than comparable Twitter instructions at least" (view diff)
#voxpellibasically my blog already has the two needed parts: the config loader and the webactions shim, so I now point to them as references and point out how to load them – should work out of the box for everyone
#voxpellikylewm: tantek: we should perhaps address in the indie-config FAQ the concerns kylewm had about the indie-config js shim and the fact that it's just a prototype step
#myfreewebit started saying that the 'code' parameter isn't found
#kylewmbut the answer -- it's just a temporary way to experiment and figure out the behavior we eventually want -- is satisfying
marcthiele joined the channel
#myfreewebI've checked with mitmproxy, my app sending the POST request to indieauth like this "code=c0...ZA&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fquill.p3k.io%2Fauth%2Fcallback&client_id=https%3A%2F%2Fquill.p3k.io&state=5...2"
#myfreeweboh snap, looks like it doesn't send the Content-Type header
#kylewmbtw, added Reply and Like actions and voxpelli's js filse, and it "just worked"!
#myfreewebnice. I haven't even noticed the lack of "HTTP/1.1", I've noticed the host after POST, not in the Host header :D
#tantekkylewm - wait does this mean you're supporting *both* sides of indie-config on your own site, and that clicking the buttons/links that you added works to redirect you to your own posting interface to reply to your own posts?
#aaronpkKevinMarks_: yes that is the correct thing for bridgy to do
#tantekkylewm - and now that you have that working, do you find it a useful shortcut for writing a follow-up reply / clarifying comment on one of your own notes?
#kylewmtantek: credit goes to voxpelli, i didn't do anything but copy/paste
#aaronpkwebmention.io should be smarter about clustering notifications it sends to IRC tho
#kylewmKevinMarks_: so you have <div class="h-feed"><div class="h-entry e-content">...</div>...</div>, which means that the feed has a content property with a bunch of h-entry's as values
#tantekkylewm - awesome. the beauty of loading indie-config is that for at least those two actions - you don't have to ask for permission. or you could ask for micropub permission as a fallback if indie-config loading timesout.
#tantekaaronpk: I hope that means Google fixes their real time search handling in general, or at least restores the PuSH receiving / indexing they had until early last year!