#LoqiUBOS (pronounced You-Boss) is a new Linux distro that aims to make it much simpler to deploy server-side web applications on headless hardware owned by users https://indiewebcamp.com/UBOS
#j12tI didn't talk about file systems, but well, there's always the fun of setting up RAID :-)
#j12tNext version will automate RAID setup as well, and do automatic file system snapshots
#millettej12t, I dumped LAMP (kept L) couple of years ago and happy with that
#j12tmillette: it all depends on what you want to do. I for my part don't even want to think about whether it's LAMP or whatever. Just make it work please.
#milletteforgive me, I just jumped in with a light pun I don't actually know what is being discussed
#kylewmj12t: do a lot of people ask for a comparison with CoreOS? it seems like tackling lots of the same problems
#j12tkylewm: some of the same principles, you are right, e.g. make it really small. But target audience and use case very different: CoreOS is for data centers, UBOS is for personal servers
#KevinMarks_re typed, they do say "We’re in this for the long haul, and will be publishing our own blogs with Typed."
#j12tIt's a good comparison for us, because we can point to them as doing "the same thing in the same way" in a different market.
#j12tOf course the actual tech turns out to be different because the use cases are different.
#j12tComplementary: they have been doing lots of network-level stuff that we haven't but would love to use some day. We have done lots app-level stuff which they haven't.
#tantekrather than copy/paste from their site, try to rephrase a definition so it sounds neutral, factual, and uses indieweb terminology when possible (which should then be [[]] linked)
#LoqiRAID is an acronym for Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks, a way to protect against disk failure by copying the same data to multiple hard drives https://indiewebcamp.com/RAID
#Loqisnarfed: tantek left you a message 2 days, 3 hours ago: I tried to like this FB photo http://tantek.com/2015/032/f1but got the error message: "Sorry, the Facebook API doesn't support liking pages."
thehighfiveghost, gRegor`, KevinMarks, mlncn, shiflett, pfefferle_ and interactivist joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbeme!tell aaronpk, kylewm we were so overthinking noting that a post was already liked by a user. It won't be up to the minute, but the post itself would "ideally" display the like, when its pulled in you would have that info
#kylewm_ideally that's true but I subscribe to lots of sites that don't, legacy XML feeds, proxied twitter stream, tantek.com...
#Loqikylewm_: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 25 minutes ago: we were so overthinking noting that a post was already liked by a user. It won't be up to the minute, but the post itself would "ideally" display the like, when its pulled in you would have that info
#kylewm_you would have better luck polling the logged in user's unfiltered feed, looking for like posts
#ben_thatmustbemeperhaps that should be something thats an issue for your personal site though, allowing multiple "likes" of the same url
#Loqiaaronpk: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 2 hours, 46 minutes ago: we were so overthinking noting that a post was already liked by a user. It won't be up to the minute, but the post itself would "ideally" display the like, when its pulled in you would have that info
#aaronpkben_thatmustbeme: yes tantek mentioned that yesterday
#KevinMarks_hm, socialWG use case? A posts a note containing the word "indieweb" K is notified by a persistent keyword search, and responds to A's post
#KevinMarks_"John decides not to post while on ambien next time"
#cweisketantek, could we talk about the phorkie problem of yesterday a bit? my problem is that there are two use cases (working with the paste vs. embedding the paste) which require different information (working requires edit buttons, while embedding does not. embedding requires a style sheet that's as standalone as possible, the normal phorkie display does not). should this all be expressed in the same HTML code?
#tantekcweiske if it can all be expressed in the same HTML code, it should be. and it usually can.
#tantekthe edit buttons are interesting in particular, as they could also be /webactions which enable the reader to perform edit actions on their own site, and syndicate to phorkie
upper- joined the channel
#cweiskeuse case for embeds are to embed syntax-highlighted code in your blog. it shouldn't be in the readers way, and buttons would distract
#tantekcweiske: there's a lot to be documented/explored for the special-cases of /code posts - and I think the details you point out (for different uses thereof) are important
#Loqiwillnorris: snarfed left you a message 3 weeks, 6 days ago: hi! quick question: bridgy is hitting the G+ API daily courtesy quota, and i'd like to request a bump, but i'm a bit scared to bring any attention to it. do you have any feeling for whether the G+ team would be ok with bridgy, or whether they'd ban hammer it? (i'll ask other friends there too, but you have the most direct experience. :P details: https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/22 )
#willnorrishe’s about 15 hours old, and already has level 6 security on http://indiewebcamp.com/https :) A little ways to go on indiemark, since he can’t easily do indieauth without any profiles anywhere
#KevinMarks_I do wonder if choosing baby names these days involves a lot of use of whois
#willnorriswe certainly didn’t chose a name because of domain availability, but I did preemptively buy quite a few domains for names we didn’t end up choosing
#Loqiwillnorris meant to say: we certainly didn’t choose* a name because of domain availability, but I did preemptively buy quite a few domains for names we didn’t end up choosing
#willnorrismight hang on to them for a few years in case we have a second
#ben_thatmustbeme1, post is liked by user and post is displaying like, post is liked by user and post is not displaying like, post is not liked by user
#tantekthere are more, based on all the questions you and aaronpk have already asked
#ben_thatmustbemewell, i suppose there could be "user has not liked the post but it is displaying on the post" if a like was deleted, but i think for the current implementation we are leaving out removing likes
#tantek"liked" - a reader for example can know that you *have* liked something, via its own cache, or a post claiming you've liked something, with a link to the permalink of your like post (verifiability of a like)
#tantekthen there are all the substates of where a post doesn't show that you've liked it
#ben_thatmustbemewell i think it comes back then to the only way to really know that state is to poll the user's own site (assuming it stored the status of the webmention)
j12t_ joined the channel
#tanteki.e. the reader may know that you've *tried* to like a post (either via a like post of yours the reader has cached), or via the reader's own "like" button.
#tanteksuch a "pending like" is something to indicate in the UI
KevinMarks joined the channel
#tantekso the user doesn't bother trying to re-like something
tilgovi and snarfed joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemehmm, personally, i don't consider a like "pending" once i have posted it publicly, the site i'm liking aggregating it or not is another issue
#ben_thatmustbemebut yes, all of this is intended to stop the user trying to re-like something.
#KevinMarks_so states are 1. not liked 2. like sent by micropub 3. like confirmed by reading users site 4. webmention sent to liked site 5. webmention accepted by liked site
#KevinMarks_you need that order or the webmention won't succeed
#ben_thatmustbemetantek is pointing out that there is a lot of drill down in to 4.
#tanteke.g. repost in Twitter, retweet, is a toggle
#aaronpkthis is gonna take a while to catch up on from the logs
#tantekif you retweet something, then click the colored in retweet button, it gives you the option to unretweet (confirm), which deletes the retweet post from your timeline, and resets the button to gray.
#tantekwhereas in FB/G+ if you "share" something (their name for "repost"), it's not clear if you can unshare it (besides explicit deletion), or if you can reshare it
#tantekin twitter you can only reretweet something if you've unretweeted it
#tantekhowever reply is different - as it certainly makes sense to reply to a post more than once with different replies
#tantekthough a reader that *knew* you'd replied to a post could show you your previous reply / replies if any before opening a text box to write a new (another) reply.
#tantekthough the comparison to twitter is a good one, as wherever you display an embedded tweet, assuming you load/run Twitter's JS, the embedded tweet shows the webaction buttons in a state reflecting what the (logged in) user has done with them.
#tantekwhether on their post permalink page, or when embedded inside another site (in a quote, in a reader etc.), if they have webactions buttons, those buttons should reflect the user's interaction if any with the post.
#KevinMarks_the animates star thingy they do on ios
#tantekBTW - ben_thatmustbeme - what NOT to do if the user clicks a fully red/gold heart/star - display an error like "You are not allowed to do that." or "An error occured" and "Try reloading the page". (i.e. what Twitter does if you try to favorite something that's already favorited)