#Loqitantek meant to say: GWG, now there's an interesting challenge for the indieweb-set - a small / minimal style "framework" or at least starter style sheet..
#GWGtantek: What that might include is a good question.
#tantekGWG, I'll let you know when I've built something I think deserves to be put forth for that challenge.
#GWGtantek: You know I am a follower of your work.
#kylewmaaronpk, I got from tokens.indieauth.com -- Message: Undefined index: state
#LoqiAn edit (AKA diff, change) is a special type of reply that indicates a set of suggested changes to the post it is replying to. A collection of (presumably related) suggested edits in open source is often called a patch or pull request https://indiewebcamp.com/edit
#tanteksome sort of range syntax? <span class="gu">@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@</span>
#tantekthe challenge here is that ideally I should be able to say "approve" (or whatever one does to "moderate") edit posts and have them automaticaly update my post!
#tantekand here I was thinking the other way around :)
#GWGtantek: I stepped away. Did the Underscores answer satisfy?
#tantek.comedited /edit (+1413) "add explicit use case Quick Typos Fixes From Friends, add more use-case reasoning, indieweb examples with kylewm since we have one now" (view diff)
verdi joined the channel
#emmakkylewm: i am having trouble logging back in to woodwind
#emmakkylewm: i see "Warning: bad response from token endpoint:", and if i inspect the source there is an invisible element that says <response [400]>
#aaronpki agree, if you *want* to quote the entirety of a tweet then it is a repost
#aaronpkmy "like" posts happen to display the full contents of the thing I am liking, which is subtely different
#aaronpkif you are struggling with not wanting that "like" to be a "repost" then I am curious about the distinction between your intent of liking something vs reposting it
#tanteknah - if I want to quote the whole thing then I need to implement repost
#tantekI'm not a fan of like posts displaying the full contents by default
#tantekI'd prefer some form of progressive disclosure, or popup, only as a reader shortcut to clicking the link to the liked thing.
#LoqiEthereum is a project that implements a bitcoin/cryptocurrency like block chain used for sending around "contracts" https://indiewebcamp.com/Ethereum
#pfefferleGWG sure, but I miss some options to en/disable the feature… And I want to understand the code I merge ;)
#GWGpfefferle: There is no rush. I think the whitelist code works the way it should. The settings code does. The bulk conversion...I sent a gist with an alternate proposal.
#GWGthehighfiveghost: You might have to follow the organizer to their website
#GWGpfefferle: Re options/settings for Webmention, the code I set up for Semantic Linkback to add options to the Discussion page, rather than adding a new page, would work for enabling/disabling pwcc's feature.
#davidpeachGWG: My edit to SNAP plugin for WordPress has been included in latest version 3.4.10 - If the response['url'] has a twitter url in it, it will post it to twitter AS a reply.
#GWGdavidpeach: Not sure if I would be continuing in the near future. But if you want to use the code...the goal was to use the WordPress geodata format so it would be compatible with other plugins and the HTML5 geolocation API to store the data.
#GWGIf you are itching to work on it, I would be happy to contribute anything I do with it in the future to your plugin.
cstanhope joined the channel
#davidpeachGWG: Okay brill. I'll go ahead. I wasn't aware of any WordPress geodata format until I saw yours so I will make sure it ties in. Thanks.
#davidpeachGWG: Thanks! Would you recommend getting the address from the lat lng via an API, or allow user just to type it in manually? I'm thinking manually.
#GWGdavidpeach: I set it up manually. But I was going to add a filter to allow for APIs
#davidpeachGWG: I will write up the feature. I have it working on my own site. It's an automatic thing when sharing a reply to facebook with the URL field filling in.
#GWGdavidpeach: I understand. I was more commenting that they note a feature in the changelog but don't have anything I can find in the plugin or their help section telling people how to use it.
#GWGdavidpeach: Just send me a link and I'll add it into the readme.
#GWGdavidpeach: Motivation to get around to adding Post Kinds to the WordPress.org repository though
#GWGdavidpeach: There is a problem with the implementation though.
#GWGdavidpeach: Are you using Taxonomy or Post Kinds?
#davidpeachGWG : Taxonomy. I tried swapping for post kinds the other night but none of my posts showed up. Didn't have time to look at it so I stayed with Taxonomy. Will be moving over.
#GWGdavidpeach: You did just inspire me to make a list of things I want to do
#GWGdavidpeach: Did you put the function name for the response into your theme or use the automatic filter?
#GWGdavidpeach: I had to make some changes around that.
#davidpeachGWG: possibly in my theme - I'll have to check tonight.
wolftune and stream7 joined the channel
#GWGPfefferle, can I ask your advice? knowing that you are busy?
gRegor` joined the channel
#GWGPfefferle, I am thinking that I should send Post Kinds to the Wordpress.org repository, but I am trying to figure out what needs to be fixed before it is ready for that
thehighfiveghost joined the channel
#davidpeachGWG : would you mind if I had a go at adding in checkin kind in post kinds when I get a chance?
j12t joined the channel
#pfefferleGWG looks good to me… perhaps you can add some more doku to the settings page…
#Loqiaaronpk: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 1 hour, 5 minutes ago: yes I did set up updating of posts, though i don't think anyone has tested it yet.
#Loqiaaronpk: kylewm left you a message 12 minutes ago: I'm getting the error "The 'state' parameter did not match" from tokens.indieauth.com using state= in both requests
#KevinMarks_so, CSS has nice concise ways of expressing the "fit image in box" thing I want: cover and contain. However they only work on background images, not img tags o_O
jgarber, jgarber_, j12t, pfefferle and sdboyer joined the channel
#Loqitantek: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 4 hours, 11 minutes ago: yes I did set up updating of posts, though i don't think anyone has tested it yet.
#LoqiThe sidefile-antipattern is a violation of the DRY principle by the use of secondary files (typically in some one-off XML format) to provide information that is a duplicate of information available in primary files on a website (in HTML), and is an antipattern due to typical DRY violation problems such as out-of-date, missing, corrupted, or outright false data https://indiewebcamp.com/side_file
#ben_thatmustbemei just went to login and as usual i use G+. but instead of just going right through it popped up one of those "IndieAuth would like permission to ..." from Google
#kylewmaaronpk: do you have any idea why the jquery.post result would have .location pointing to your micropub endpoint?
#ben_thatmustbemei hit yes and got directed back to IndieAuth with "
#cweisketantek, pasting an URL into my CMS/blog system and get the content included, without caring what the page at the URL itself contains (navigation, ads, comments)
#tantek"the content included" - could you be more specific?
#aaronpkthat's basically what h-entry is for, and how comments work
#aaronpkwhen you send a webmention, you're just sending a URL, and the target site goes and finds the comment text to display
#aaronpkby parsing the h-entry from the HTML on that page
#aaronpkso your p.cweiske.de could make that an h-entry and mark up the paste contents with e-content, then you could easily find the "content" of the post
#cweiskewhat do you do about content you don't want in embeds? e.g. the "edit", "raw" and "xmllint" buttons
#kylewmaaronpk: I think I fixed the issue with the location header
#kylewmmy micropub endpoint was actually returning a 302 redirect, instead of 201 created... and so then i was counting on being redirected to the right location rather than reading the "Location" header
#kylewmben_thatmustbeme: thanks so much for checking it out, still ironing out micropub bugs. let me know if you see any :)
#ben_thatmustbemenothing micropub yet, helped me find a bug on my end
#ben_thatmustbemetrying to see if i can break it for you though. really need to be able to see my list of feeds and remove them
#cweisketantek, I still think there is a difference between the content marked up with h-entry and the application output I want in phorkie. it's two use cases, and they require different markup
#tantekuse-cases don't require different "markup" - that's plumbing talk
#tantek!tell kylewm when I signed into Woodwind, it presented two optons of "feeds" to follow - updates.tom, and my home page. Consider re-ordering those put put (html) option(s) before XML /sidefile options.
#Loqikylewm: tantek left you a message 7 minutes ago: Woodwind is cool - nice minimal sign-up flow :)
#Loqikylewm: tantek left you a message 4 minutes ago: when I signed into Woodwind, it presented two optons of "feeds" to follow - updates.tom, and my home page. Consider re-ordering those put put (html) option(s) before XML /sidefile options.
#Loqikylewm: benwerd left you a message 2 minutes ago: I second tantek. Woodwind is awesome.
#aaronpkso here's a question, after i've "liked" a post, the like button should be highlighted indicating as such
#aaronpkbut I may have liked a post from some other app, not Woodwind
#aaronpkso Woodwind needs a way to know whether i've liked a given post
#ben_thatmustbemenot really an easy thing to solve, you could poll from the site (some special endpoint) but thats a lot of polling, you could ask for a list of all likes (but no telling how far back the like was)
#aaronpki was thinking, what if Woodwind passed in a list of URLs to check
#aaronpkso Woodwind is like "i'm about to show these 10 posts to the user, check if any of them have been liked"
#KevinMarks_so, how come background-image has the useful "contain" and "cover" options, but there's no way to do it with an img or svg tag that's actually in the document?
#tantekhmm I thought similar properties were recently or in development