2015-02-09 UTC
scor and gRegor` joined the channel
simonv3 joined the channel
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
KevinMarks_, simonv3, frzn, snarfed, caseorganic, KartikPrabhu, kronda, fiatjaf, Aeyoun and voxpelli joined the channel
almereyda and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 02:54 Loqi I added a countdown scheduled for 3/15 6:54pm (#5605)
# 02:54 aaronpk which means 5 weeks until I have an indieweb reader
# 02:55 Loqi I added a countdown scheduled for 2/8 6:57pm (#5606)
# 02:57 Loqi I find out what happens when a countdown finishes
# 02:59 millette I hope to see some interest for our first Montréal HWC meeting
# 03:01 ben_thatmust i cheated on the microformats setup and started from a wordpress mf2 theme
# 03:02 millette I remember using microformats lots, but then I slipped away, and microformats 2 happenned!
# 03:03 millette I'm almost done coding my bios for my new os, I don't trust NIH *héhé*
# 03:07 ben_thatmust aaronpk, its cheating because for a while i didn't know mf2 at all, and it actually had several errors as i updated templates
# 03:10 ben_thatmust actually, i don't think my whole 2 column thing is really working that well anymore
Gold joined the channel
# 03:11 millette is a stream (river of news) necessary for a blog, or is something simpler still acceptable, like my own site?
# 03:12 millette Looking for your impressions - not much to see or talk about I guess.
# 03:13 millette looking forward to moving up the indie web levels. Good night for now
# 03:13 GWG ben_thatmust: If it makes you feel better, my new starter theme uses a lot of backported code.
# 03:20 GWG ben_thatmust, do you want feedback on your design?
# 03:24 GWG The dual columns are confusing. But what if you excerpted/summarized the articles on the main page?
# 03:25 GWG Also, Recent Posts/Mentions on the right and the stuff on the left duplicate
# 03:29 ben_thatmust the original idea of the two column was to keep articles on the home page, but shorter notes and things scroll away much faster
j12t, simonv3 and snarfed joined the channel
# 04:00 GWG ben_thatmust: Me too, obviously. I'm still refining mine, but I wanted an alternative to SemPress I could put out.
caseorganic, almereyda, KevinMarks_, lukebrooker, KartikPrabhu and wolftune joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
# 06:19 tantek I think there's an opportunity to add a bunch more
# 06:19 tantek e.g. for tagging (people, location) other posts (photos), area-tagging
# 06:20 aaronpk we're missing some basic location-based stuff too like checking in to places
# 06:21 aaronpk it'll spoil the surprise but it's probably worth it
# 06:22 aaronpk I'm planning on making a bot (or making Loqi do this) which monitors my food and drink consumption
# 06:24 aaronpk if it notices that I have drank more than 2 drinks without having eaten in the past 6 hours, it will reply to my latest drink post and comment "hey you should probably eat soon or you might have a hangover tomorrow"
# 06:25 aaronpk the great part is the system that is watching my food+drink does not have to be the same system that I use to post my food+drink
# 06:25 aaronpk and I don't have to grant the watching system access to post to my site or anything, since it will just be posting to its own site and sending me webmentions
# 06:26 aaronpk furthermore it's simple to make one or both sides of this private, using private posts that we've already figured out
# 06:26 aaronpk so I could allow only this system to see my food+drink posts but hide them publicly
# 06:27 aaronpk or the system could send me private webmentions when it replies instead of making them public
# 06:34 tantek aaronpk - awesome - just don't call them "agents" ;)
# 06:34 tantek (unless you're looking to troll for more mid-1990s proposals)
# 06:35 aaronpk because why should a bot be treated any different from a person in the indieweb?
# 06:39 GWG Does this mean everything needs a website?
# 06:39 GWG Such as aaronpk's house, to use an example.
# 06:39 tantek GWG, such as Tom Coates's house to name a real world example
# 06:40 GWG I was thinking aaronpk because I remember him mentioning he was thinking of doing it.
# 06:40 GWG And my thought of posting weather
# 06:40 aaronpk I sure hope his house gets a website soon. He and benward______ are working on some pretty amazing home automation things that would work great if their houses had their own websites
# 06:43 aaronpk interesting that he considers his scale part of his house
# 06:43 aaronpk whereas I consider my scale a way to measure an attribute of me, so the data ends up on my website rather than my house's
# 06:46 GWG Lots of interesting possibilities.
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
e-lima, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks_ and cweiske joined the channel
Jihaisse joined the channel
# 08:06 KartikPrabhu cweiske: I don't have a good way to self-host images which also gives me a way to make them responsive. So I am using Google as a stop gap
sammachin, LauraJ and upper- joined the channel
iandevlin, interactivist, friedcell, loic_m, LauraJ, KartikPrabhu, cweiske_, petermolnar, adactio, alanpearce, Garbee, stream7, KevinMarks_, FergusL, simonv3, modem, dns53, eschnou, sanduhrs, martinBrown, benatkin, nloadholtes, Sebastien-L, pfefferle, barnabywalters, scor and myfreeweb joined the channel
# 12:14 ben_thatmust !tell KartikPrabhu you do know you can disable auto-awesome and auto-enhance from G+ auto upload right? G+ account settings or in the photos app or the g+ app
# 12:14 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 12:14 Loqi KartikPrabhu: ben_thatmust left you a message 31 seconds ago: you do know you can disable auto-awesome and auto-enhance from G+ auto upload right? G+ account settings or in the photos app or the g+ app
# 12:17 KartikPrabhu hm something to do tomorrow. I don't think it affects photos that I hard link from my site
frzn joined the channel
# 12:18 ben_thatmust the auto-enhance does but they use some side file to store changes so its reversible
# 12:19 ben_thatmust there are a number of other apps that auto-backup photos now, Plex does it, i believe dropbox will as well
# 12:20 KartikPrabhu none of them seem to give alternative sizes like G+ does though so I have stuck with it
# 12:21 ben_thatmust ahh, yeah, i would just set my home machine to watch the folder and when it gets something new, run some imagemagic to create alternate sizes then upload to my site
# 12:21 KartikPrabhu i know there are tools to do it, I just haven't gotten to implementing them yet
devlul and fh joined the channel
Acidnerd joined the channel
# 12:28 barnabywalters KartikPrabhu: the issues I’ve always found with trying to automate anything to do with photos is that it’s very difficult to build something flexible enough to deal with weird shaped photos and images
devlul joined the channel
# 12:28 Loqi barnabywalters: tantek left you a message on 12/29 at 1:13pm: nvm aaronpk added you. And welcome back!
# 12:28 KartikPrabhu barnabywalters: I am not trying to automate the layout. I do that by hand
# 12:28 barnabywalters e.g. my Openphoto instance (when it still existed) had loads of issues with panoramas and screenshots
# 12:30 barnabywalters re-creating flickr on your own site, or integrating photos into note posting a la twitter/instagram/aaronpk?
# 12:31 KartikPrabhu barnabywalters: I do post photos in notes, and articles but they are hosted on G+ for responsive image reasons
devlul, barnabywalters, friedcell and eschnou joined the channel
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# 13:18 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 13:19 GWG Oh, barnabywalters is back. Hi, barnabywalters
# 13:19 GWG Long time no type, barnabywalters
KevinMarks_, pfefferle, devlul, barnabywalters_ and friedcell joined the channel
# 13:29 GWG It's days like this I go back to thinking how I can mark up weather.
Sebastien-L and devlul joined the channel
# 13:35 barnabywalters GWG: oh yeah, were you looking into starting research for a possible weather microformat?
devlul joined the channel
# 13:38 ben_thatmust GWG, just swiched to 1 column instead of two. still have a lot of clean-up to do with it, especially with responsive, but it works for now
devlul, alexhartley and Acidnerd joined the channel
# 13:56 GWG barnabywalters: Yes. My weather station is stuck with the postal service. I was going to get some data so I'd have something to research.
# 13:57 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: Still would switch to summaries for the articles on the main feed to improve scrolling.
friedcell, sammachin, devlul and verdi_ joined the channel
# 14:06 GWG barnabywalters: Any thoughts about weather microformats?
verdi__, verdi_, pfefferle and devlul joined the channel
KevinMarks_, devlul, ben_thatmust, fourtonfish, friedcell, MagicFab_, loic_m, MagicFab___ and veselosky joined the channel
devlul, LauraJ, friedcell, interactivist, modem, gRegor`, pfefferle, MagicFab_, snarfed, tilgovi and danlyke joined the channel
# 16:22 gRegor` Morning, indieweb
friedcell1, gmack, friedcell, snarfed and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
devlul, davidmead, KartikPrabhu and adactio joined the channel
yakker, LauraJ, MagicFab___ and cweiske joined the channel
# 17:47 bear GWG - for weather are you going to store the METAR report data and then have human readable versions of it? like dates are handled with MF2 ?
Acidnerd joined the channel
# 17:49 GWG bear: I bought an inexpensive internet connected thermometer for local data, and I was going to source some broader data with an API.
# 17:49 GWG But I want human readable versions
# 17:49 GWG That's why I was wondering about the markup
# 17:50 bear METAR format is text based and kinda readable, so pairing that up with human-readable would work
# 17:50 GWG I'm not putting an anemometer up in this weather though
MagicFab_ joined the channel
# 17:51 gRegor` What is weather?
# 17:54 bear GWG - the measure style is kinda what I was thinking also
# 17:57 gRegor` millette: Is this week the first HWC in Montreal?
# 17:57 GWG bear: Does p-type and value work?
ben_thatmust joined the channel
# 17:58 GWG The issue is you have type of measure and unit of measure as well as value.
# 17:58 bear not sure, channeling tantek ... I should get it added to my site and then figure that out
# 17:58 bear yea, range is one wrinkle as is hi/low markers
# 17:59 millette gRegor`, yes, it will be our first - only decided saturday to do it :-)
# 18:00 gRegor` millette: That's great!
# 18:01 millette we'll see Wednesday night, that's one topic we'll cover. And maybe have a 2-day camp this summer, who knows :-)
# 18:03 GWG bear: I'm thinking of doing it too, even without personal data
# 18:04 gRegor` millette: You're welcome. Just thinking of more ways to promote HWCs. It's exciting seeing new ones pop up.
modem, almereyda and 7GHAAT2NN joined the channel
# 18:20 gRegor` Love forecast.io
# 18:21 GWG My plan is to start with weather as a data point on a post and move from there
KartikPrabhu and barnabywalters joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
# 18:35 KevinMarks_ Well, not quite now, next year. They are probably best placed to measure uptake of http2, given that hey have so many clients and the crawl everything
LauraJ joined the channel
# 18:45 GWG SPDY was always a portion of the web. HTTP2 could be 100%
MagicFab_ joined the channel
# 18:50 GWG Google always seems to feel it needs to be aggressive to move things forward
tjgillies joined the channel
# 18:53 kylewm deploying a working implementation is a pretty good way to do that
# 18:53 kylewm especially if you're willing to let go of it when the innovation is adopted/standardised
caseorganic joined the channel
# 18:59 KevinMarks I suspect the .pub registrar reserved short words without actually registering hem
# 19:00 davidmead hi @aaronpk. after chatting with @benwerd i was wondering how i could i could pull a syndication link into Known via Ownyourgram? /cc @kylewm
# 19:01 davidmead yeah. but Ben said that “Ownyourgram doesn't give us a syndication link to Instagram”
# 19:01 aaronpk OwnYourGram sends the syndication link in a "syndication" parameter
# 19:02 aaronpk if you log in you'll see the value it would send for your latest instagram photo
# 19:03 davidmead i thought that’s what it did. I sent ben a screenshot of the dashboard for my last photo
# 19:04 davidmead this all stems from not seeing comments/likes appearing on my Known blog from Istagram. @kylewm thought is was because they didn’t have u-syndication links
# 19:05 davidmead but there’s no Instagram plugin for Known in GitHub afaik, so it hase to be in the core somehwere
# 19:08 GWG gRegor`: Get back to me when Nginx supports HTTP2
eschnou joined the channel
# 19:15 gRegor` knows nothing of nginx
# 19:15 bear GWG technically it does in v1.6+ because a lot of the SPDY changes are the same for HTTP2
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 19:21 kylewm davidmead: if it processes the "syndication" param, it would be in the IndiePub plugin
loic_m joined the channel
# 19:22 GWG bear: You can guess my intent though
Unifex and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 19:31 ben_thatmust actually i rather like that, i upped the number of latest posts to show from that
# 19:31 aaronpk ben_thatmust: you should put the excerpt in a "summary" property instead of "content" then, yea?
prtksxna and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 19:41 ben_thatmust i feel like i need to go through an strip out every class and redo all my css
# 19:42 aaronpk if I encounter an h-entry with only a summary and no content, I might render a "read more" link myself in the reader
# 19:43 aaronpk or alternately would go fetch the page and pull in the full content
# 19:44 Loqi ben_thatmust meant to say: hmm, should the "More..." link be outside the summary then?
# 19:48 GWG ben_thatmust: Told you it would work.
# 19:48 ben_thatmust but without a second copy out of place, there really is nothing showing that this isn't the entire content
# 19:49 GWG I'm looking forward to the first Indieweb reader I can install on my server.
# 19:49 aaronpk that's why it's the "summary" property and not the "content" property
# 19:49 KevinMarks except that a lot of feeds end up wiht both being the same for a short post
# 19:50 GWG ben_thatmust: I'm waiting for something that works well on my phone. Is it there yet?
# 19:50 aaronpk ben_thatmust: add a "more" link on your site, just not in the "summary" element
# 19:50 aaronpk KevinMarks: no need to include a "summary" property for a short post that you can fit in the content
# 19:51 gRegor` GWG: Woodwind is responsive, so it looks pretty good on mobile.
# 19:52 KevinMarks we both know that, but conditional code is hard and in practice that doesn't happen
# 19:52 aaronpk what do you mean? do most peoplels blogs here have a summary property? i didn't think so
caseorganic joined the channel
# 19:53 GWG gRegor`: I didn't realize it was that far along.
# 19:53 GWG I don't have a MicroPub endpoint at the moment
# 19:54 gRegor` Basic responsive is pretty easy to implement.
# 19:54 gRegor` Screenshot: reader.kylewm.com :)
# 19:54 GWG It doesn't show me what it looks like with feeds.
# 19:55 KevinMarks note how ma.tt ends up posting evrything as summary and content
# 19:55 aaronpk KevinMarks: that's a problem with atom, not his html
# 19:57 kylewm ma.tt's feed will be even better when rel=bookmark is adopted
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# 19:58 KevinMarks right, but he generates summaries for the feed, but not the markup
# 19:58 aaronpk i think you're just highlighting problems with sidefiles
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# 19:59 gRegor` ben_thatmust: Options under settings
# 19:59 gRegor` Heh, didn't see you were active :)
# 20:00 GWG Anyone using it on a phone right now?
# 20:01 gRegor` I have not, GWG, just tested by shrinking my browser width to simulate.
# 20:01 GWG I'm just curious how the experience is.
# 20:01 ben_thatmust hmm, kylewm, this is the perfect spot where mp-config makes sense too
# 20:01 GWG I'd need to get an endpoint of some sort up
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# 20:06 aaronpk ben_thatmust: what is that list of URLs in q=actions?
# 20:08 aaronpk i was confused about why it was part of the micropub endpoint beacuse it facilitates non-micropub interaction
# 20:08 ben_thatmust doesn't require browser setup for a custom url handler, but it does require log-in to whatever you are viewing it on
LauraJ, wilfredh and snarfed joined the channel
# 20:17 kylewm aaronpk: yeah I agree with you it was a weird place to shoehorn in the action-url-config stuff...
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# 20:19 ben_thatmust i agree, i think the way to really go is ultimately a Configs endpoint
# 20:20 kylewm or just stick more stuff in <link rel=""> on your homepage
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# 20:20 aaronpk i guess it doesn't really hurt if the URLs are public
# 20:22 ben_thatmust call to config endpoint could allow setting the value for 'like' for example
# 20:23 aaronpk that's a great reason to make it its own endpoint
# 20:23 kylewm wait, why wouldn't they store that on the client
# 20:24 ben_thatmust kylewm, if i want to change mp-clients i can do it for every reader by changing it in one spot
# 20:26 ben_thatmust to give practical examples to not make pronoun confusion, woodwind can still store so it doesn't poll constantly, but a 'refetch' button to update with the latest
yakker joined the channel
# 20:27 GWG kylewm: How about OPML import support?
# 20:29 ben_thatmust i really like the concept of using a config endpoint for generic configs actually
# 20:30 ben_thatmust so any reader/client can store its configs on the user site, not the reader/client
# 20:30 aaronpk that's similar to the idea that a reader shouldn't store your subscription list, your site should store the subscription list
# 20:31 kylewm ben_thatmust: starting to sound like Unhosted stuff
# 20:31 aaronpk the prototype we built at IWC read your subscription list from a URL on your site. it's not a far stretch to imagine adding a micropub API call to create and delete subscriptions
# 20:32 ben_thatmust kylewm, i had the idea when i realized that google stores all my settings across all my apps on their site, they offer an API for app developers to do the same.... well i'd rather have control of my configurations store
# 20:34 kylewm cweiske: starting to sound like a broken record ;)
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# 22:28 GWG kylewm: I think it should offer the option of an HTML feed on import if it detects one on the site.
scor, interactivist and tantek joined the channel
# 22:55 gRegor` kylewm: I'm seeing some odd behavior with tantek's likes in Woodwind. Some (most) wrap the text in h1, others don't. I can screenshot / post an issue if you'd like.
bret, JonathanNeal and lukebrooker joined the channel
# 23:01 GWG gRegor`: I've seen Tantek's likes go off the screen on his own site
scor joined the channel
Acidnerd and Sebastien-L joined the channel
# 23:05 kylewm gRegor`: it looks like some posts have e-content and some don't... that's the difference
# 23:06 kylewm and i guess i should not treat p-name as a title if there is nothing else in the post
# 23:07 kylewm i don't fetch the permalinks, just parse the h-feed
# 23:10 GWG tantek: It was tantek.com, a few days ago.
# 23:11 aaronpk the default wordpress theme (2015) is really nice!
pauloppenheim joined the channel
# 23:13 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
aranasaurus joined the channel
# 23:18 GWG tantek: Should have mentioned it at the time. I was in Florida on a Chromebook.
KartikPrabhu, wilfredh, Phae, benward______, tommorris, yakker, timmmmyboy and JonathanNeal joined the channel
# 23:58 Loqi ben_thatmust meant to say: no problem