2015-02-10 UTC
# 00:04 ben_thatmust tantek, its actually rather impossible to follow the steps there, step 1, fill out the form, asks for a user/pass, step 2 says to add yourself to the section below, which unless step 1 creates an account on the wiki, is also impossible
# 00:04 Loqi ben_thatmust meant to say: tantek, its actually rather impossible to follow the steps there, step 1, fill out the form, asks for a user/pass, step 3 says to add yourself to the section below, which unless step 1 creates an account on the wiki, is also impossible
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# 00:14 GWG Post Kinds is going in the WordPress repository
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# 00:24 GWG KevinMarks: Now it will be searchable...
# 00:24 GWG Once I figure out how to automate deployment
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# 00:27 kylewm does anyone else use supervisord, and if so do you know why it is kinda slow to restart processes?
# 00:28 kylewm KevinMarks: on svgur, you're missing a close quote in <span class="e-content>
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# 00:50 tantek ben_thatmust: you need to read the steps more closely
# 00:52 tantek !tell ben_thatmust as a result of filling out the invited expert application, you end up creating a W3C account, which then you can use to login to the wiki to do the edit in step 3
# 00:52 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 00:59 Loqi ben_thatmust: tantek left you a message 6 minutes ago: as a result of filling out the invited expert application, you end up creating a W3C account, which then you can use to login to the wiki to do the edit in step 3
# 00:59 tantek creating your own w3c account should be very straightforward
# 01:00 ben_thatmust yeah, i don't see that on the instructions, i can't click the link to the application, it asks for user/pass
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# 01:32 tantek ben_thatmust: woot! now edit the wiki per step 3 :)
# 01:35 tantek hmm - that should have shown up in the # social channel on W3C IRC
# 01:39 aaronpk tantek: oops! that is true. I'm matching pages on Socialwg/
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# 01:41 aaronpk tantek: fixed, should start seeing home page edits now
# 01:42 tantek ben_thatmust - since you're not in the WG yet it's probably not totally ok yet
# 01:42 aaronpk I am happy to add them and credit you but take responsibility for thtem
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# 01:45 tantek until you're approved as an invited expert (sorry about the bureaucracy)
# 01:46 tantek there's been enough controversy about the User Stories page that I'd like to avoid more controversy (e.g. a not-yet-member editing it)
# 01:46 tantek and specifically link to your blog post of the user stories on your own blog!
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# 02:07 GWG Just remembered how long it has been since I used SVN
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# 03:09 tantek GWG++ congrats on getting your plugin published on wordpress.org!!!
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# 03:20 kylewm GWG: did they give any comments in the review?
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# 03:27 kylewm GWG: oh right, I meant when they gave you the stamp of approval to get into the plugin gallery
# 03:29 kylewm I love a community that helps people to make their first pull request
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# 03:40 aaronpk a Planet is kind of a shared reader, especially if it has "like/reply" buttons on it
# 03:40 aaronpk like if kylewm were to create a page in Woodwind of posts from all feeds Woodwind is tracking, it would be a planet
# 03:44 tantek would make a good default home page for that matter
# 03:44 aaronpk yeah exactly, I was just thinking about doing that for Monocle (my reader) and then realized I would basically be creating a planet
# 03:46 aaronpk although I think I'm going to make a front page which features some subset of recent posts it's tracking rather than a full stream
# 03:46 aaronpk oh yeah twitter used to have a public stream of all public posts on their home page!
# 03:49 tantek and now I'm doing date-time math to post things in PST :P
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# 04:02 tantek GWG, I just posted a couple more likes - any weirdness?
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# 04:09 tantek alright, cool, let me know if you see it again
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# 04:44 kylewm interesting thought about the planet. i'm subscribed to some "private" feeds in woodwind that would make it a little trickier
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# 05:00 tantek kylewm: how do you track a feed as being "private" in Woodwind?
# 05:00 tantek or is it security through secret URL obscurity?
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# 05:04 tantek kylewm: are these exclusively feed files? or is anyone doing secret h-feeds?
# 05:07 kylewm tantek: also can you do your invite storm thing on the hwc event?
# 05:08 tantek you have secret h-feeds via Twitter? Twitter private account(s)?
# 05:09 kylewm it's just one feed, but it includes a couple of people who are private
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# 05:14 tantek kylewm - new suggestion for Woodwind home page / Planet defaults: all direct self-hosted feeds, that is, not including any (snarfed) (Twitter, IG, …) proxy thing(s)
# 05:14 tantek that way the home page prefers / surfaces more "indie" content :)
# 05:16 aaronpk yeah not showing private content is important obviously
# 05:17 aaronpk i would just make it not include any feeds that require auth
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# 05:17 aaronpk which I realize is somewhat hard because as as far as woodwind is concerned, feeds are just URLs
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# 05:20 tantek aaronpk - hence my hack to not include any proxied URLs
# 05:20 aaronpk i mean a whitelist would be easy right now, *.appspot.com
# 05:21 aaronpk how about no feeds that containing query string parameters?
# 05:21 tantek and filter out same blacklist as indiewebcamp.com does for logins :D
# 05:22 tantek hmm now I'm trying to categorize what feature aaronparecki.com/links-to/tantek.com is as an IndieWeb Example of
# 05:23 tantek I think we could collect it under the same umbrella
# 05:24 aaronpk actually you know what, it would be more useful to see both sides of links-to
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# 05:25 aaronpk I don't know how easy of a change it would be for me, but I think I would like to replace my /links-to pages with /and pages that show to and from links!
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# 05:26 aaronpk i guess if I had both directions why is the one direction useful?
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# 05:32 kylewm lots of RSS feeds have query parameters, feedburner and whatnot, you're saying filter those out though?
# 05:33 aaronpk hmm well that does accomplish the same goal of featuring "indie" feeds
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# 05:37 aaronpk do you have any examples of feeds that would be good to feature on the home page that include query params?
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# 05:45 tantek aaronpk - I have some query param variants for subsets of my content (e.g. only articles)
# 05:45 tantek but obviously that doesn't apply in my case since subscribing to my home page h-feed would get all of those
# 05:45 tantek aaronpk - ironically, another planet (Mozilla) subscribes to it
# 05:45 tantek because people there only wanted my "articles", not every single "tweet" ;)
# 05:46 tantek built it specifically for them, but it generalizes to filtering for any (sub)set of post types
# 05:46 aaronpk well for the sake of completeness, the query string filter is definitely not sufficient
# 05:46 aaronpk but for the sake of featuring a subset of indie-friendly content, I think it might be sufficient
# 05:46 tantek I'm not sure filtering on query strings either way is useful
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# 05:46 aaronpk because that kind of thing doesn't need to match 100%
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# 05:47 tantek I think a graylist of proxies to avoid, and a blacklist of non-indie sites is good
# 05:47 aaronpk so far I have only entered peoples' home pages to subscribe to
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# 05:50 kylewm aaronpk: unrelated, why does indieauth.com go to api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize instead of api.twitter.com/oauth/authenticate?
# 05:50 aaronpk probably because of a default setting in the omniauth gem
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# 05:54 kylewm but it doesn't look like you turn on use_authorize anywhere in indieauth.com so i'm stumped
# 05:54 aaronpk okay so let me check the application settings in twitter
# 05:55 aaronpk "Note: You must have "Allow this application to be used to Sign in with Twitter" checked in your application's settings - without it your user will be asked to authorize your application each time they log in."
# 05:57 kylewm hahaha i was trying to figure out why i couldn't reproduce it
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# 05:57 aaronpk thanks. i've been wondering about that for a while but never looked into it
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# 06:10 acegiak is anyone else publishing current status data? Ie, "currently listening to"?
# 06:11 aaronpk acegiak: I have a current location / current time section on my home page
# 06:11 acegiak do you keep a record of the changes to that data?
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# 06:13 aaronpk and i've been considering a "currently" section on my home page as well, pulling various stats like "currently eating" or "currently at" from checkins, as well as "listening to"
# 06:13 acegiak I'm thinking about having posts for scrobbles/metric updates
# 06:14 acegiak but I think I'd have to work out a way to exclude them from my main feed
# 06:14 aaronpk was also planning on "last night's sleep" as well as IM status
# 06:15 aaronpk acegiak: yeah I don't publish my food posts in my main feed
# 06:15 GWG acegiak: That is doable with a custom query.
# 06:17 GWG Hmm...up to 2 downloads of the plugin
# 06:18 GWG acegiak: You should watch aaronpk's presentation of Teacup. It's intricate.
# 06:18 aaronpk oh and bikes and car2go are imported from custom code in my site, not micropub at all
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# 06:19 acegiak GWG: oh did you put your plugin up on the wordpress directory?
# 06:21 GWG acegiak: I'm awaiting the first review.
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# 06:21 GWG That and I probably should work on the descritpion
# 06:23 GWG I don't think I should use kylewm's likeness again.
# 06:24 GWG He sent me a bunch of webmentions to test when I did the Facepile code and it ended up as a habit.
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# 06:43 tantek kylewm: have you RSVPd maybe to any events, e.g. especially FB, and had it work via Bridgy Publish?
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# 06:44 kylewm oh, hmm no i don't think i have tried a maybe
# 06:46 tantek kylewm - is there documentation somewhere of Bridgy Publish's RSVP to FB Events support?
# 06:47 tantek FB did add a "Save" option (button) to events
# 06:47 tantek thus I'm wondering if Bridgy Publish would accept a p-rsvp=tracking and translate that to a "Save" on a FB Event
# 06:47 aaronpk is that like so I can save it to my account without publicly acknowledging the event?
# 06:47 tantek I don't know if the "saving" is public or not
# 06:48 kylewm the docs on brid.gy/about pretty much just point to indiewebcamp.com/rsvp
# 06:49 aaronpk tantek: I just "saved" that event, do you see my action anywhere?
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# 06:49 aaronpk i don't really know where to expect to see it, but maybe in the little activity sidebar?
# 06:51 aaronpk there's a lock icon and "only me" next to the saved action which is at the top
# 06:52 tantek can you click the lock icon and make it public?
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# 06:52 tantek then after that can you click on the datetime stamp and get a permalink for it?
# 06:53 aaronpk but I can click the pencil icon to set whether it's visible on my timeline
# 06:54 tantek I like how you can report yourself as spam :P
# 06:55 tantek I'm trying think of a good prose way of saying I might remotely attend an event
# 06:55 tantek yes the permalink shows "Sorry, this page isn't available"
# 06:55 tantek is it worth capturing "remotely" as an RSVP option?
# 06:56 tantek except if it is still only lock = visible only to you
# 06:56 aaronpk because we have always had "remote attendees" listed separately on event pages on the wiki
# 06:57 tantek right - it satisfies a real-world use case for us
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# 06:58 kylewm it's sort of an awkward social situation, you don't necessarily want to invite people to an event you won't be at
# 06:59 kylewm but i can't invite them because i'm not friends with them...
# 06:59 aaronpk kylewm: I agree, I invited willow to IWC Cambridge even though I won't be there. But I felt ok about it because she was at the last one and she also knows other people who will be there
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# 07:06 tantek kylewm - I think it's ok if you're at least a remote attendee or remote maybe
# 07:06 tantek I'm just trying to figure out the prose phrasing / markup to use for such
# 07:11 tantek I may want to brainstorm the full matrix of (going to, might go to, not going to, interested in) x (remote or in-person)
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# 07:32 cweiske is anyone using a self-hosted search engine for his website (that's not the wordpress default search)?
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# 08:25 KevinMarks !tell kylewm how about a 'subscribe" button on the feed pages?
# 08:25 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 08:33 KevinMarks <div class="info"><label class="field">Medium and support</label><div class="value">Oil on canvas</div></div>
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# 08:38 KevinMarks <div class="infoRow"> <span class="infoLabel">Medium</span> <span class="infoValue infoMedium">Oil paint on canvas</span> </div>
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# 08:47 KevinMarks the hybrid way would be <dl><dt>Medium</dt><dd class="p-medium">Oil paint on canvas</dd></dl>
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# 08:53 KartikPrabhu all the while not hainvg any property that encodes "art medium" or "size"
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# 08:55 KevinMarks <div class="lotdetail-description-text"> signed, titled and dated <em>1979 </em>on the reverse<br>oil on canvas on board<br>61 by 76.5cm.; 24 by 30 1/8 in.<br> </div>
# 08:57 KevinMarks you can probably gather enough examples form sites like this to come up with a brainstorming page on microformats.org
# 08:58 KevinMarks medium looks common; size is interesting and potentially more genreal
# 08:59 KartikPrabhu yes. but in a responsive world, "size" does not apply to digital photos but only to IRL things
# 09:00 KartikPrabhu there is also the problem that the photo in the post is not *really* the actual painting
# 09:05 acegiak I wish there were a way to register webapps as handling android intents
# 09:05 acegiak but I can't even google it cause all I get is results on making android apps handle web intents
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# 09:09 KevinMarks <input type="file" accept="image/*" capture> invokes the camera
# 09:11 acegiak yeah, the wordpress create post page is PRETTY GOOD, but it's one too many steps for me to use it as much as i'd like
# 09:13 KevinMarks a shim app that accepts share events and sends a micropub post to your web app seems like a good idea
# 09:13 acegiak I'd use the wordpress app but it doesn't seem to trigger the hooks in the same way as the webapp
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# 09:23 acegiak so if I can get micropub working on wordpress that's a great solution
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# 13:36 GWG Discovered I need a better explanation
# 13:36 GWG Maybe I'll ask KevinMarks and tantek again, they seem good at suggestions.
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# 13:46 GWG pfefferle: Can you push an update to the Indieweb plugin?
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# 14:02 GWG tantek: Can I ask for your help/assistance?
# 14:02 GWG I forget what time it is there if you are still in Sydney.
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# 14:29 GWG Bob wants to interact with other people using his own website. But Sue wants to do the same
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# 15:22 frzn hey guys, what about jekyll and octopress in github? Seems to be a good configuration?
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# 15:33 frzn pdurbin: thanks! :)
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# 15:42 frzn added octopress as a tool, too.
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# 15:52 frzn pdurbin Loqi: just beginning \o
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# 16:31 ben_thatmust !tell KevinMarks, acegiak I just fixed the serious bug logging in and rebuilt MobilePub. Apparently its possible to have cordova apps to handle intents but there are bugs specifically with images, also there is a problem with it being a 3rd party plugin so phonegap-build won't work :( I may move back to just building it on my home machine then
# 16:31 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 16:34 ben_thatmust !tell KevinMarks, acegiak cordova dev is quite simple though, i'm sure you could make it do exactly what you want in minimal time.
# 16:34 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
sanduhrs, pfefferle, cweiske, gRegor`, tgbrun and thehighfiveghost joined the channel
# 16:53 kylewm ben_thatmust: aaronpk: next time you log into woodwind, it'll look up q=syndicate-to on your micropub endpoint, and give the option to syndicate when posting a like/repy
# 16:53 Loqi kylewm: KevinMarks left you a message 8 hours, 27 minutes ago: how about a 'subscribe" button on the feed pages?
# 16:53 kylewm you made need a hard refresh to get the new js/css
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# 16:57 kylewm !tell KevinMarks sorry for being dense, a subscribe button for what/where?
# 16:57 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 17:03 kylewm are you seeing this 500 error on instagram-activitystreams?
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# 17:08 snarfed they started returning null link fields in photo objects sometimes. no clue why
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# 17:13 snarfed sad though, since they do still have urls that work
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# 17:17 pdurbin "story": "Ryan Barrett commented on his own photo."
# 17:18 pdurbin snarfed: yeah, it's be nice if you could see *what* you liked
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# 18:01 snarfed aaaaaand that's my cue, i'm out for a day or so :P
# 18:02 ben_thatmust weird, so i didn't notice my logic was reversed in MobilePub because.... its doing the reverse of the logic on one device, but its performing correctly on another
# 18:11 pdurbin "If you guys used RSS, all the work I'm doing would be part of all the work you're repping. Be inclusive. RSS is good shit. Use it! :-)"
# 18:16 Loqi KevinMarks: ben_thatmust left you a message 1 hour, 44 minutes ago: I just fixed the serious bug logging in and rebuilt MobilePub. Apparently its possible to have cordova apps to handle intents but there are bugs specifically with images, also there is a problem with it being a 3rd party plugin so phonegap-build won't work :( I may move back to just building it on my home machine then
# 18:16 Loqi KevinMarks: ben_thatmust left you a message 1 hour, 42 minutes ago: cordova dev is quite simple though, i'm sure you could make it do exactly what you want in minimal time.
# 18:16 Loqi KevinMarks: kylewm left you a message 1 hour, 18 minutes ago: sorry for being dense, a subscribe button for what/where?
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# 18:20 barnabywalters that would be so ironic, if the fact that DRY-violating RSS and ATOM were different caused us to have to maintain DRY-violating implementation lists
# 18:21 barnabywalters I’ll just add a “see also” link to both, and other people can do whatever they want
# 18:24 gRegor` Heh, three of the "Subscribe with..." icons on my Feedburner feed are 404. Doesn't bode well for Feedburner if they're not even keeping up to date with which aggregators are still around.
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# 18:27 gRegor` barnabywalters: Maybe make /Atom section "Indieweb Examples" to match?
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# 18:44 cweiske re "what's the difference between rss and atom" - atom is a well-defined format, while RSS is actually 4 specifications
# 18:49 cweiske to be compatible, you have to support all of them
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# 18:55 tantek cweiske: you only have to support what people publish that you want to read
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# 19:02 KartikPrabhu kylewm: snarfed: bridgy does not seem to be respecting the "don't include link" checkbox
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# 19:07 KartikPrabhu snarfed: was planning to do it for a while, and this whole thing just prompted me to do so now
# 19:08 snarfed right, sure…just not sure it was the ideal prompt for it, considering other people were trying to work with dave, not antagonize him :P
# 19:10 snarfed oh. um. yeah, that point probably didn't come across quite so loudly
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# 19:36 snarfed deployed for myself at ownyourresponses.appspot.com/
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# 19:42 snarfed and maybe add signup UX to support other users…but no promises
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# 19:43 kylewm if you do decide to add a signup flow, i'd be interested in porting it
# 19:44 kylewm oh um it only does client stuff right now, the login flow stuff
# 19:44 snarfed definitely feel free to jump in on porting whenever you want
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# 19:46 GWG Snarfed, did I just see what I thought I saw?
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# 19:58 GWG Snarfed, I'm not sure where to start. I will watch and jump in when I can
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# 20:05 GWG I just want micropub on Wordpress
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# 20:16 gRegor` KartikPrabhu: On for HWC this Wednesday, presuming we can get in? :)
# 20:23 gRegor` Already emailed her, but I'll double check she can be there to open for us.
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# 21:17 ben_thatmust huh, interesting, found the real problem with MobilePub. PhoneGap Build wasn't pulling in the system plugins correctly, which made it very hit-and-miss with some of the features
# 21:18 ben_thatmust KevinMarks Kevinmarksweb you'll have to try out MobilePub now that its working again
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# 21:21 benwerd_ kylewm: I'm still blown away by woodwind. Really fast, nicely implemented.
# 21:23 benwerd_ Suggestion (because I'm sure you don't have enough already): list popular feeds, or feeds that the people I subscribe to subscribe to. It'd be fun to discover new people!
# 21:24 benwerd_ Because people sign in with their domains, you have an interesting opportunity to map users to sites and treat them as social profiles for discoverability
# 21:26 kylewm I love that, I wonder if there is a way to do it where it wouldn't depend on them using any particular reader/instance of a reader
# 21:26 benwerd_ bear: It's an option, although ~99% of users are on MySQL. Really important link - thanks!
# 21:26 kylewm but just within woodwind for starters would be cool
# 21:26 aaronpk benwerd_: love that idea. totally stealing it for monocle
# 21:28 benwerd_ Awesome. I love that there's going to be a reader ecosystem.
# 21:29 aaronpk the great part is everyone will be able to use any of them! doesn't need to be tied to your actual site!
# 21:29 benwerd_ The Known reader is still happening, and will almost certainly work the same way, so I count 3 so far
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# 21:33 aaronpk my goal is to have something running by March 17th
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# 21:49 Loqi elf-pavlik: tantek left you a message on 1/18 at 4:40pm: sure - so capture it somewhere in the wiki
# 21:52 elf-pavlik maybe you could document there what IndieWeb already supports?
# 21:52 gRegor` aaronpk: You should aim for Pi day instead. ;)
# 21:52 aaronpk gRegor`: possibly! although i'm gonna be gone the week before and might need that weekend
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# 23:18 gRegor` I just tried the Poll Now button and it didn't seem to change anything. Still shows that last poll from 1 hour 34 min ago with the warning icon
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# 23:32 snarfed gRegor`: yup, app engine datastore has been mildly unhappy for a bit
# 23:44 benwerd_ Did the mf2 that Bridgy's sending just change for retweets / faves?
# 23:51 pdurbin I'm interested in the RSS discussion but Twitter is such a terrible place to have a conversation.
# 23:52 aaronpk you can always write a short post and link to it!
# 23:53 pdurbin about my frustration of not being able to follow the conversation?
# 23:54 aaronpk the threading on twitter gets really broken after a while
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# 23:58 gRegor` I don't think so. Not any more than other forums. It's an interesting iteration on forums, but eh.
# 23:58 gRegor` That's just my opinion from skimming it, not usage,so...