2015-02-11 UTC
# 00:01 gRegor` In-person is the best way to have those conversations, of course. meetups, *camps, etc
# 00:01 acegiak I feel like Google Wave's failure was the turning point for google's "Don't be evil" ethos
# 00:01 Loqi acegiak: ben_thatmust left you a message 7 hours, 29 minutes ago: I just fixed the serious bug logging in and rebuilt MobilePub. Apparently its possible to have cordova apps to handle intents but there are bugs specifically with images, also there is a problem with it being a 3rd party plugin so phonegap-build won't work :( I may move back to just building it on my home machine then
# 00:01 gRegor` And hey, IRC works pretty well :)
# 00:01 Loqi acegiak: ben_thatmust left you a message 7 hours, 27 minutes ago: cordova dev is quite simple though, i'm sure you could make it do exactly what you want in minimal time.
# 00:01 acegiak like they went "well being outright good isn't working"
# 00:02 gRegor` Interesting. What was particularly evil about Wave, acegiak?
# 00:02 gRegor` What is Google Wave?
# 00:02 acegiak and it's failure was what made them go down the facebook closed silo route with g+
# 00:02 gRegor` It was Wave, then Buzz, then g+ right?
# 00:03 acegiak though wave and buzz were pretty much the same time
# 00:04 acegiak but google wave was "a modern reinvention of email" with live convos, multiuser editing, total federation
# 00:04 acegiak a lot of that tech got moved into things like google docs
# 00:05 gRegor` Yep. I remember it being pretty cool, though I never picked up using it a lot beyond toying with it with friends
# 00:05 acegiak but when I did my presentation on it in uni I was so fuckin hyped about it
# 00:05 gRegor` XMPP integration with it was cool
# 00:05 acegiak I used it to organise a couple of uni group projects and it worked well
# 00:06 gRegor` Back when Goog cared about XMPP
# 00:06 acegiak but they decided to drop it for their new closed ecosystem approach
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# 00:07 acegiak I used to want to work for google because they were inspiring. now I'd take a job at google because they're scary and I don't want to be in their way
snarfed joined the channel
# 00:10 acegiak however, in good news, I got my posse working with xmlrpc posts
# 00:14 benwerd_ snarfed: We've suddenly stopped processing verbs correctly. No changes from our end, so I'm poking at it a little. It looks like u-like-of (etc) aren't being discovered.
# 00:14 snarfed acegiak: it's subjective, but that's not quite how wave and g+ evolved. (i worked there during them and know the histories)
# 00:14 snarfed they were pretty independent. no one internally viewed wave as social
# 00:15 acegiak snarfed: ok, fair enough. I'm just saying what it looked like for a wide eyed uni student
# 00:15 snarfed benwerd_: hmm. let me look at what got pushed today
# 00:18 acegiak snarfed: are you storing your mf2 data in your post content or in metadata like GWG and I?
# 00:18 snarfed acegiak: uh. on my site? i use the semantic-linkbacks plugin
# 00:21 snarfed they have appropriate u-like-of and u-repost-of. maybe known now expects link text? those links don't have any
# 00:23 acegiak snarfed: at least for the moment with xmlrpc posts posseing properly I can use the wordpress android app and my kupfer and thunar plugins again
# 00:25 snarfed hey aaronpk, i'm trying to grok the micropub spec. a few qs (no hurry)…
# 00:25 snarfed 1. do you distinguish an update from a create by the presence of the 'url' param?
# 00:27 GWG Snarfed, what are you thinking in terms of design?
# 00:27 aaronpk there aren't a lot of implementations of updates and deletes yet :)
# 00:27 GWG Snarfed, I meant how will the plugin work?
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# 00:27 snarfed ben_thatmust: if you're one of the farthest ahead on micropub implementation, mind fleshing out the wiki page a little?
# 00:28 GWG There are dozens of POSSE options, how do you code for that?
# 00:28 snarfed GWG: hmm i don't quite follow. it implements the micropub spec. first pass will have no token mgmt, register a single url endpoint, and handle CRUD on it
# 00:28 snarfed GWG: i don't plan to implement syndication anytime soon
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# 00:29 snarfed GWG: i guess i could describe it as, iterative design instead of up front
# 00:29 GWG Snarfed, my suggestion would be if you add the right hooks, others could add that without you
# 00:29 aaronpk doesn't wordpress already have all the hooks you'd need?
# 00:30 aaronpk the micropub plugin is really just going to be creating posts
# 00:30 snarfed ok. i'll still go with punting then. easy to add hooks later
# 00:30 GWG Snarfed, next question... How will you do replies?
# 00:31 GWG Are you only doing straight notes?
# 00:31 aaronpk the micropub request for a reply will contain an in-reply-to URL
# 00:32 acegiak see here's the thing, GWG and I both store our reply metadata differently
# 00:32 snarfed these all sound like great things for me to punt on
# 00:32 GWG Aaronpk, through plugin. Nothing built in
# 00:33 aaronpk well v1 should be able to post notes, and even if that's all that launches that's a great start
# 00:33 acegiak I've stopped storing likes with my weird little plugin setup
# 00:34 acegiak but I think I might switch to using GWG's plugin so we can build a nice wordpress ecosystem
# 00:34 aaronpk GWG: maybe this could plug in to the "post kinds" plugin
# 00:34 GWG Acegiak, what is your design now?
# 00:34 aaronpk so the micropub plugin would know about all the stuff post kinds knows
# 00:35 aaronpk and if you don't have the post kinds plugin then you can still use the micropub plugin to create regular notes
# 00:35 GWG I learned from Pfefferle's response to my queries. Which was, "I'll put in a hook or a filter and you can build the rest yourself."
# 00:35 acegiak at the moment I'm just using the old method of separate meta fields for context target context quote and context title
# 00:37 GWG So, whatever snarfed builds I plan to be there proposing where to add the extension options
# 00:38 acegiak has made life a lot easier for getting things into the post editor window
# 00:38 GWG Acegiak, anything that I should know?
# 00:39 acegiak I don't think so. the js file is small enough to be understandable
# 00:40 snarfed but that's never stopped me from writing plenty of php before
# 00:42 GWG Snarfed, you are still a better PHP programmer than I am
# 00:43 GWG I learned to write programs in BASIC and PASCAL
# 00:43 aaronpk it took me a while to realize that variables could be more than 1 letter long, because all the examples in the reference book had single-letter variable names
# 00:44 aaronpk i was like "hm strange, what happens if my program gets really long and i need more than 26 variables!"
# 00:44 GWG I assume, aaronpk, that you stayed in programming after that.
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# 00:45 kylewm it took me months maybe years of writing qbasic to find the Edit > New Sub menu
# 00:46 GWG Kylewm, how did you find your talk with the RSS guy?
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# 00:48 GWG Kylewm, I wasn't speaking literally.
# 00:49 aaronpk ben_thatmust: would you consider "action" instead of "operation"? it seems better somehow
# 00:49 kylewm GWG: oh sorry :) it was a little nerve wracking, and a little frustrating for someone to say "we could interop if you would just listen to me and do things my way", but generally cool
# 00:50 GWG Kylewm, I keep learning abound here how much room there is for flexibility, but we are trying to create a common language
# 00:51 GWG Someone is bound to disagree on something
# 00:54 GWG Snarfed, usually Tantek convinces me I'm not seeing things from the broader perspective, whether or not I agree with his point of view.
# 00:55 GWG But that is a good thing. Nome of should be too wrapped up in our own opinion
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# 00:56 GWG So, someone thinks that RSS is the right path. I believe otherwise. But I will support both standards for now
# 00:56 kylewm if i could post likes and comments on winer's blog using RSS i'd do it, if i could post them on pump.io using AS2.0 I'd do it... it's all plumbing
# 00:57 gRegor` snarfed++ for "these all sound like great things for me to punt on"
# 00:57 GWG I support RSS because I already support it. If I had to maintain it, I am not sure if I would
# 01:00 GWG I support feed by email because I can't get my relatives to read my site. If enough people are interested, I want to engage with them. That is what I like about POSSE
# 01:02 snarfed huh. RSS/Atom feeds as a form of POSSE is an interesting framing
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# 01:03 kylewm snarfed: I tried that... tantek didn't buy it
# 01:03 tantek.com edited /RSS () "(-654) change Problems to Issues (under the assumption that they're resolvable), move Barnaby's example to Atom (since he has no RSS feed), move Projects to its own higher level section" (
view diff )
# 01:03 GWG Snarfed, no one has told me why RSS is better than markup
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# 01:04 tantek acegiak - or potentially more heavy as some of us have found with Atom
# 01:04 GWG People want feed readers still, but do people need RSS for that?
# 01:05 kylewm lol that's when tantek said my question was "the best illustration of feed-framing-blinders I have seen"
# 01:05 snarfed GWG: imho *right now* RSS is better because of the ecosystem
# 01:06 snarfed when indie readers etc are more mature, that will go away
# 01:06 GWG A feed reader delivers me a summary. I still visit the main site to get the content. Where is the lightness?
# 01:06 snarfed kylewm: heh yeah. the framing doesn't hold together for long…but cute while it lasts
# 01:07 snarfed kylewm: i love that tantek claimed to be shocked by the idea
# 01:07 GWG The people who didn't reply to me before still aren't going to with or without RSS
# 01:09 tantek snarfed, I'm trying to focus on documenting facts that are coming up in the debate
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# 01:10 tantek !tell KartikPrabhu which version of RSS did you used to support?
# 01:10 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 01:10 GWG So, assuming the issue is the heaviness of the full html feed, how do you address that?
# 01:10 tantek GWG, assumption rejected without personal metrics
# 01:10 acegiak so post kinds is a fork of custom taxonomy isnt it?
# 01:10 tantek since clearly we're having widely different results
# 01:10 gRegor` GWG "A feed reader delivers me a summary" That's if the feed creator is making it a summary-only feed. Aren't they likely to do the same if they adopt mf2? Since they're so greedy for the clicks, heh
# 01:11 tantek KevinMarks, as the CSS WG and W3C Publications Process folks have grown fond of telling me this week, I'm apparently quite good at breaking things (unintentionally of course)
# 01:11 tantek KevinMarks: can you file a github issue against that service?
# 01:14 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
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# 01:18 GWG Tantek, biggest question... What the heck is this?
# 01:19 tantek GWG, "this" in the immediate context is chat in IRC.
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# 01:38 GWG tantek: I was referring to your FAQ Post Kinds question.
# 01:38 tantek but I'm good with the natural collaborative evolution of this page
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# 01:41 tantek pdurbin - I like the "History" link myself :)
# 01:45 acegiak GWG: what do I need to do to get make multikind posts be a thing?
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# 01:48 GWG I'll consider unofficial support.
# 01:48 tantek.com edited /RSS (+265) "clarify RSS is not a singular format, nor is "RSS/Atom", varying degrees of adoption/usage/openness" (
view diff )
# 01:48 GWG I think it is easier as a single thing, but I'll find a way to make it work under the hood
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# 01:49 tantek pdurbin - I tried to be more precise with the wording re: RSS - please feel free to further improve the wording
# 01:50 acegiak I don't see how "repost and comment" makes sense as two separate posts rather than one single multiverb post
# 01:51 tantek acegiak: they happen at two different points in time, with different keystrokes / mouse-clicks, thus they are different human events
# 01:51 snarfed tantek: not always, facebook is an example of both as a single action
# 01:52 tantek 1. temporally distinct actions = distinct posts
# 01:52 snarfed eh fb may or may not be. you comment on the repost, but it doesn't show up as a comment on the original post, so maybe not
# 01:52 acegiak also I'm reposting largely to give context to my reply
# 01:52 tantek and kind of annoying if you're the original poster
# 01:52 tantek allows people to hijack comments on your post
# 01:54 tantek your usage of feedburner is more like POSSEing to feedburner rather than actually being an IndieWeb Example of RSS yourself
# 01:55 acegiak for my ux flow I have a post in my feed reader, I hit a button to bring up my response box, it prepopulates the quote field, I then optionally add a comment and/or tick a "like" box?
# 01:55 acegiak that way I don't have to show the reply context on my site twice for comment and like
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# 01:58 ben_thatmust !tell aaronpk I agree action is better, i remember why i avoided it, to not confuse it with action="POST" on the form
# 01:58 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 01:58 snarfed acegiak: tantek: we've had this conversation before, right? combined and separate reply/repost/like/etc are both ok, right?
# 02:00 GWG I'm willing to support multikind. I just found it was not the more common use case, so it shouldn't be the default behavior.
# 02:04 snarfed k wordpress-micropub supports update and delete now
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# 02:09 snarfed ben_thatmust: it supports both action= and operation=
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# 02:18 kylewm food for thought, would you consider using a single letter for the action param to distinguish it from a property that is being posted? h=type, o=operation
# 02:19 acegiak GWG: running indieweb post kinds with mf2_s getting these:
# 02:20 ben_thatmust hmmm, kylewm, i suppose we could, but i don't see the point. it just makes it harder to read
# 02:20 snarfed hey wordpress people, do any of you know how to get an http header from the current request?
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# 02:21 ben_thatmust but i don't think you want to go down the road of shorthanding every field name
# 02:23 kylewm ben_thatmust: as it is, it's a mix of content and control parameters in one flat hierarchy... what if i hypothetically wanted to publish a "p-action" field in my post
# 02:23 kylewm (that is to say, I'm not just suggesting shortening it because it's easier to type)
# 02:24 snarfed oh, php has some global knowledge of "the current http request"?
# 02:25 kylewm i think that function specifically doesn't exist in nginx -- we had to shim one in for Known if i remember correctly?
# 02:25 snarfed acegiak: yeah, i saw that one, it makes a separate external http HEAD request
# 02:26 ben_thatmust kylewm, i think its better to do what is logical now, don't plan for things that may never happen
# 02:27 kylewm ben_thatmust: also I'm repeating the argument that aaronpk made when I asked him why it was "h" instead of "type"
# 02:29 kylewm ben_thatmust: yeah I'd be down with prefixing too
# 02:32 ben_thatmust kylewm, i'd like to hear aaronpk weigh in on this..... now that i converted entirely to action already :P
# 02:32 ben_thatmust specifically if we get in to the other ideas of removing fields and things of that nature that are in the brainstorming page
# 02:33 GWG acegiak: Thinking about design. I have an idea.
# 02:34 Loqi aaronpk: ben_thatmust left you a message 36 minutes ago: I agree action is better, i remember why i avoided it, to not confuse it with action="POST" on the form
# 02:34 aaronpk man i'm afk for an hour and snarfed already has a working micropub endpoint for wordpress??
# 02:35 ben_thatmust aaronpk, indieweb moves pretty fast, if you don't stop to look around once in a while, you might just miss it
# 02:35 GWG acegiak: I'm not sure what happened. It's meant to be a blank theme.
# 02:36 kylewm ben_thatmustbeme++ for excellent ferris bueller reference
# 02:37 GWG It shouldn't need it. it is a product of SASS
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# 02:40 aaronpk yes the reason for h=entry in micropub was because "h=entry" looks similar to "h-entry" as well as it being very unlikely that anyone would want to set a property on their post called "h"
# 02:40 GWG acegiak: If you are interested, I'm build a full theme.
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# 02:43 GWG acegiak: It is generated, but the error doesn't appear on my site.
# 02:44 aaronpk i suppose it may make sense to prefix all micropub parameters
# 02:44 GWG I could add it to the package, if you want. But it isn't on my production site, and it runs without asking for it.
# 02:45 aaronpk since h is an upside-down µ and d is an upside-down p
# 02:45 acegiak GWG: don't add it to the package. I'll try and work out why it's asking
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# 02:47 aaronpk but I always assumed that's why h was used in the first place
# 02:49 ben_thatmust i use type= to specify what type i want to post it as (i know your dislike of it) but i can change that to mp-type
# 02:53 ben_thatmust or card, which will be useful when i get in to storing contacts and things
# 02:56 aaronpk the reason i don't like type= is because it doesn't correspond to anything in microformats
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# 02:58 aaronpk and on the brainstorming page, we'd have mp-remove-field
# 02:59 ben_thatmust i'm going to wait on using syndicate-to as that has been implemented fairly wider already
# 03:00 aaronpk and h=card for creating venues before checking in to them
# 03:04 acegiak GWG: so how do I make it so that posts with no kind are displayed?
# 03:04 aaronpk imagine what happened if I sent a request with wp=1
# 03:05 aaronpk you should use $_POST instead, unless there is a Wordpress way of fetching post parameters
# 03:05 acegiak wordpress messes with those fields sometimes though
# 03:06 aaronpk k then do `parse_str($content, $params);` instead, so you set the variables in the $params array
# 03:07 aaronpk the fact that php still allows you to set local variables from http post data is sad
# 03:09 GWG acegiak: They should be displayed.
# 03:11 GWG acegiak: It did in my tests. Maybe I missed something.
# 03:11 acegiak no I just posted a new post with no kind throug xmlrpc and it showed up was fine
# 03:13 GWG I was trying to make it so everything had a kind. But it defaults to thinking it is a note if it has no kind, for backward compatibility.
# 03:13 snarfed aaronpk: thanks. that part was copied verbatim from the webmention plugin.
# 03:15 GWG acegiak: It's a Semantic Linkbacks function. You must have an older version.
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# 03:16 GWG acegiak: Github repo. I think pfefferle hasn't updated.
# 03:18 aaronpk well luckily the webmention plugin doesn't actually use the $wp variable
# 03:19 ben_thatmust my site now all swapped off to mp-type and mp-action as well as MobilePub
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# 03:21 kylewm aaronpk: ben_thatmust: wow did you decide "mp-type" instead of "h"?
# 03:21 aaronpk i was assuming he was using mp-type for things like photo vs reply
# 03:22 aaronpk ben_thatmust: what happens when you post a reply that has a photo?
# 03:22 aaronpk see all this feels like internals that don't matter to publishers or consumers
# 03:22 aaronpk in the end you publish an h-entry post with a bunch of properties
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# 03:24 ben_thatmust yes and no, so for me actually note vs article is a difference of encoding (articles are written in html with an <hr> to define the break for the short version) but notes are just text
# 03:25 ben_thatmust i use it to determine checkin vs note, which is a minor distinction, i could eliminate one of those types
# 03:25 tantek snarfed - yes re: multi-type post or multiple posts. I think we're continuing the discussion and trying to capture / express how both models could make sense or make sense to different people.
# 03:25 GWG acegiak: The plugin needs more work. It is so far good enough. BUt it needs to be better
# 03:26 ben_thatmust and i use it for rsvp, but i don't need it for that, i have fields that would be unique for it
# 03:26 aaronpk I guess it's only needed if it is somehow possible for two different kinds of posts to have the same properties
# 03:27 aaronpk and if they have the same properties then why are they different kinds of posts
# 03:27 ben_thatmust i may include gps co-ordinates on a note, but its not a checkin to a location
# 03:28 ben_thatmust whereas i might check-in to a location, with a brief text attached to it
# 03:28 aaronpk that's where i'm not clear yet on the distinction as well, mostly around what makes something a checkin, and is that really important
# 03:28 Loqi gives ben_thatmust the presentation different on those
# 03:29 ben_thatmust the focus of a note is the text, the focus of a checkin is the location, with a checkin i show a map, with text below it, with a note i show text with a link to a geo-coords
# 03:29 aaronpk great, can you post screenshots of both examples ot the wiki?
# 03:31 ben_thatmust not right now, i'm about to head to bed. but think of it as "Dude this garden is cool" vs "I'm at XYZ Bar, try the turkey club"
# 03:32 kylewm had to read that multiple times before i figured out you meant the sandwich and not the turkey nightclub
# 03:34 tantek ben_thatmust: did you get the follow-up about your invited expert application?
# 03:34 tantek I think there's some more form filling out you need to do
# 03:39 tantek ben_thatmust: yes you should have already received an email - from Sandro I think.
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# 04:34 acegiak GWG: hell yeah! that 'header_entry_meta' hook made it so easy to get my legacy response data to display without having to modify theme files
# 04:35 GWG acegiak: Each revision gets better. This is my fourth theme rewrite
# 04:35 GWG acegiak: No, I'm obsessive compulsive. Not clinically, but...
# 04:37 acegiak now I just need to update my posse plugin to work with your metadata structure
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# 04:38 GWG acegiak: I want things to work simply, and they aren't there yet.
# 04:39 gRegor` aaronpk, acegiak, snarfed: WordPress *always* adds slashes to $_POST, regardless of magic_quotes_gpc setting *AND* will continue to do so even though magic quotes is removed as of PHP 5.4
# 04:39 gRegor` File under: WordPress is freaking stupid.
# 04:40 acegiak gRegor`: I learned to just put my head down and use wordpresses provided interfaces
# 04:40 gRegor` It's bad coding practice.
# 04:40 gRegor` strip slashes and properly escape $_POST data
# 04:41 gRegor` I have no illusions about changing WordPress. Just pointing it out.
# 04:41 GWG gRegor`: The issue is WordPress's stubborn insistence on not breaking things
# 04:42 gRegor` Yep. It's mentioned in the notes on that codex page
# 04:43 GWG gRegor`: It's why they won't dump XMLRPC when JSON comes in.
# 04:50 tantek gRegor`: what do you think of recategorizing your use of Feedburner as a form of POSSE rather than actual IndieWeb RSS? (since the URL is not at your domain)
# 04:51 gRegor` I'm actually working on migrating that back to my own domain currently.
# 04:51 acegiak GWG: ok so how do I get the response data from your system? I'm just updating my posse plugin now
# 04:52 GWG It's stored as an array in metadata.
# 04:52 tantek gRegor`: what are the reasons to use your own domain for RSS vs. using Feedburner? or using both?
# 04:52 gRegor` tantek: I confirmed and the feed I publish on my site is RSS 2.0, which Feedburner, I believe, converts to Atom.
# 04:53 gRegor` Feedburner was something I set-and-forget back in the day, when it was popular and beloved. And it worked well.
# 04:53 gRegor` It's basically been stagnant and I'd rather move it back to my domain before it just disappears one day.
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# 04:58 GWG acegiak: You could also try get_kind_response($post_ID)
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# 05:18 acegiak GWG: a repost kind doesn't save response url or the title?
# 05:19 GWG They all save identically, or should.
# 05:19 acegiak hmm, apparently none are saving titles or URLS...
# 05:21 GWG acegiak: Let me test and see if it is working for me. I don't think I broke anything.
# 05:22 acegiak my plugin for displaying my legacy posts was hijacking hte action
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# 05:42 kylewm I feel like I should know this... as a "developer" of a facebook app, do I still have to file for a review before the app can publish to my page?
# 05:42 kylewm i didn't have to for redwind, but the api has changed since then, and now it's not working for a Known i'm setting up for my partner
# 05:47 snarfed and you have to ask for the right scopes regardless, it will just always give them to you if you own the app
# 05:48 snarfed yeah. then just make sure you ask for publish_actions?
# 05:49 kylewm i had an outdated version of the known code that wasn't asking for all the perms
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# 06:25 acegiak everything appears to be working with your plugin, now GWG
# 06:26 acegiak I've made a couple of small changes which I'll submit on github
# 06:33 GWG Okay. Will look at it tomorrow. Near bed here
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# 12:44 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
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# 14:03 GWG Pfefferle, did you see snarfed's work?
# 14:07 GWG I really wanted a simple and fast note posting UI.
# 14:08 GWG Micropub could be the way to address that.
# 14:08 GWG Of course, there are many other ways too
# 14:11 GWG It takes me too long and too many steps to post a note
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# 14:19 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
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# 14:21 madpandakiller hay guys
# 14:21 madpandakiller any one play day-z
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# 14:53 GWG Anyone have any good examples of the data passed to a reply endpoint?
# 14:54 barnabywalters GWG: if you’re talking about micropub, shrewdness just sends content and in-reply-to
# 14:56 GWG Snarfed is doing micropub for WordPress. I thought I might add something that worked more like the twitter intents
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# 15:11 sandro ben_thatmust, did you get the IE email finally? I clicked the wrong place yesterday and messed up the process, but supposedly it's been sorted now.
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# 15:31 barnabywalters GWG: so you’re making posting endpoints for wordpress which auto-fill form fields with values from the URL query string?
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# 15:32 barnabywalters in that case IMO the only thing required is the in-reply-to URL, and then if the UI wants to pre-fill the content with stuff based on the URL (e.g. twitter @name) it can do that itself
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# 15:42 pfefferle GWG but micropub will only provide an API… so you still have to code a simple UI for that…
# 15:42 aaronpk you don't really need to use the micropub api if you're posting from wordpress. it's more useful for posting from other apps
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# 15:54 aaronpk pfefferle: yes also because there are a bunch of micropub apps that he'll be able to use soon! like the readers for example
# 15:55 rhiaro Just finished figuring out what to say for my talk about indieweb at Edinburgh Techmeetup tonight
# 15:55 rhiaro It's basically going to be a guided tour of the wiki
# 15:56 rhiaro Hopefully will recruit lots of people for IWC Edinburgh!
# 15:58 pfefferle aaronpk but it doesn’t simplify the posting UI at the end
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# 15:58 pfefferle aaronpk except you always want to use extenal apps/webservices to post
# 16:00 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme meant to say: rhiaro, will it be posted online?
# 16:00 rhiaro ben_thatmustbeme: they often are, though I odn't know what happens to the recordings
# 16:00 pfefferle aaronpk Yes :) My only problem: I am not sure how micropub will help GWG to simplify the WordPress posting UI
# 16:01 aaronpk it's hard to actually do something with the video after recording it
# 16:01 aaronpk your best bet is gonna be to try to snag the file at the event. bring an external hard drive :)
# 16:01 rhiaro if they don't post it on techmeetup.org I'll post it myself
# 16:02 rhiaro I know where to hunt the organisers down, so I'll pester for it :)
# 16:02 KevinMarks_ I recognise that, aaronpk. I have done talks that were obviously being videoed, so didn't ask anyone to do it for me, and then the organisers never posted them
# 16:03 aaronpk i've found the only way to make sure i post videos of talks i record is to do it the same week
# 16:03 aaronpk otherwise it quickly falls into the "low priority" status and gets buried under other stuff
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# 16:30 aaronpk really? there are no examples of people publishing an RSS feed?
# 16:30 gRegor` It was only added to the page yesterday.
# 16:31 gRegor` Barnaby and I were in that section, but he is technically Atom
# 16:31 gRegor` And now I am too. :)
# 16:31 aaronpk i have no idea why i chose atom over rss when i made it
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# 16:32 gRegor` I migrated back to Atom because popular indieweb opinion seems to be it's the lesser of two XMeviLs
# 16:32 gRegor` I've heard that outside indieweb, too.
# 16:33 gRegor` Feels good to have reclaimed the feed, though! Thankfully the FeedBurner delete+permanently redirect process was easy.
# 16:33 aaronpk they have a "permanently redirect" feature? that's a great feature to add to the feedburner page
# 16:34 aaronpk my atom tag is gone from my home page so it's not discoverable anymore. i don't know when that happened.
# 16:35 aaronpk i think i removed it when i kept getting complaints that my articles weren't showing up very nicely in atom, like images were broken or something
# 16:35 kylewm aaronpk: yeah iirc some readers couldn't parse your xml
# 16:36 gRegor` I went to the trouble of validating my feed last night and yeah, it's a bit of a pain. Mostly just the way I had to tinker with the way /Nucleus outputs information, to encode certain entities.
# 16:36 aaronpk oh huh, I don't even have an HTML page with the full text of articles
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# 17:57 snarfed straw poll: micropub and webmention endpoints with query params. subjective vote…fine? unfortunate but ok? horrible?
# 18:00 kylewm fine (note that p3k's webmention endpoint has query params)
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# 18:04 aaronpk shouldn't matter since both accept POST requests so you never need to mess with the URL you're given
# 18:04 gRegor` snarfed1: sounds fine to me
# 18:05 gRegor` As long as it's not a utm_ param
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# 18:07 gRegor` Speaking of, a week or two ago someone posted some javascript to automatically redirect to canonical links. Anyone have that handy?
# 18:08 aaronpk i don't know where it came from but i just copied that out of my bookmarks bar
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# 18:08 gRegor` Ah, so it's a bookmarklet, not something that automatically redirects?
cuibonobo, KartikPrabhu, thehighfiveghost, danlyke, eschnou, KevinMarks_, benwerd_ and tilgovi joined the channel
# 19:09 aaronpk open chrome inspector, delete overlay class, stream is already playing
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# 19:48 benwerd_ That thing when there are people you know milling around on the livestream but they're 5000 miles away *waves helplessly at screen*
# 19:48 kylewm i could happily listen to sub-audible drone of scottish accents all day
# 19:49 gRegor` benwerd_ beat me to it. I was just trying to remember the name of Coffitivity, haha
addal joined the channel
# 19:53 gRegor` Indieweb of the Rings
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# 19:54 aaronpk "indieweb is not getting everyone to use the same system"
# 19:57 gRegor` rustles the bushes outside kylewm's window
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# 20:07 gRegor` Way to break things, Twitter
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# 20:08 aaronpk soon eventbrite since they added rel=me to their profiles last week
# 20:11 Loqi Ok, I'll tell her that when I see her next
# 20:13 aaronpk "They're a really friendly bunch, but they don't believe in mailing lists"
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# 20:15 benwerd_ "Known is like WordPress for the indieweb." I'll take it.
# 20:17 benwerd_ Am resource-constrained but badly want to go to IndieWebCamp Edinburgh.
# 20:19 gRegor` Ah, don't die during q&a, livestream
# 20:20 gRegor` Question was about Bridgy handling groups.
# 20:20 gRegor` Paging snarfed to Edinburgh
# 20:21 snarfed gRegor`: edinburgh, hell yeah! you can babysit my 5mo old for a week or so right? :P
# 20:23 aaronpk Q: "aren't you still dependent on the DNS system?"
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# 20:24 aaronpk Q: "are there any recommendations on server hosting?"
# 20:28 gRegor` Heh "This website is under destruction. Check back soon for less green and more linked data. (And up to date blog posts)" http://rhiaro.co.uk/
# 20:28 gRegor` That's too bad. I like the green.
# 20:29 tbrb I've been lurking a little recently after speaking to rhiaro
# 20:30 tbrb And just looking to get involved more when I start getting time to
# 20:30 gRegor` Cool, tbrb. Welcome!
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# 20:31 gRegor` Do you have a personal website?
# 20:33 tbrb I do. I also have set up indie auth too :)
# 20:34 Loqi KartikPrabhu: tantek left you a message on 2/10 at 5:10pm: which version of RSS did you used to support?
# 20:34 gRegor` KartikPrabhu: Yep. She'll either be there or hide a key for us.
# 20:34 gRegor` There's a new lock.
# 20:35 gRegor` So, fingers crossed. :)
# 20:37 tbrb Cool gRegor`, I'll have a look at that when I get home
# 20:37 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
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# 20:40 rhiaro aaronpk: ohh shouldn't have used www when I tried to log in. Guess it was just blind luck the others worked
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# 20:41 aaronpk well if you redirect one to the other (doesn't matter which way) then it'll work either way you enter it
# 20:42 rhiaro New one was supposed to be up tonight but I had to spend that time fighting with another server instead
# 20:43 rhiaro my current site is actually parsing a blogger rss feed :/
# 20:43 rhiaro New one that runs on a triplestore (for reasons) is about ready :D
# 20:43 KitB Are you serving through docker?
# 20:44 rhiaro KitB: no, that one is going on shared hosting to prove a point
# 20:45 tbrb Aaron, regarding redirecting a site, would nginx just returning a 301 do?
# 20:45 tbrb Ace, I'll swap my vhost config tonight too
# 20:46 aaronpk in fact i appreciate them quite a bit because it means i dont have to do it
# 20:46 snarfed i love that karma is a mild black box, you often have to guess the word
# 20:46 aaronpk that's ok, you managed to get quite a lot in there!
# 20:47 rhiaro but sharedhosting-- because the server my site is on got ddosed the other week and was down for ages
# 20:47 rhiaro but sharedhosting++ because I didn't have to deal with the problem myself
# 20:48 rhiaro They never found out (or, at least, shared) who the target was, so if it had been one of my sites being on a shared server is great, but if it was someone else, then not so much
# 20:49 snarfed rhiaro: out of curiosity, how would owning the os/hardware have inherently helped with the ddos?
# 20:49 rhiaro I mean if someone else was the target of the ddos, they wouldn't have been on my server, so I wouldn't have been affected
# 20:50 rhiaro sharing with other people increases the risk of being hit as a side effect
# 20:50 rhiaro if it *had* been against me, then I'm glad I wasn't the one who had to fix it
# 20:50 snarfed at least, sharing with poor isolation and multitenancy
# 20:51 snarfed eh, even then, many of them have pretty good isolation
# 20:51 rhiaro I dunno, I'm with a company I've been with for years
# 20:54 rhiaro oh, we've had an offer of a venue for IWC Edi :)
# 21:00 snarfed what's the perfect chaser for a good old fashioned RSS debate?
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# 21:25 gRegor` aaronpk: I've noticed your dt-published <time> elements show a text cursor on hover in Firefox, but a pointer cursor in Chrome. I thought for a moment there weren't permalinks when I was browsing in Firefox.
# 21:25 gRegor` turning off ul .date { cursor: auto; }
seems to bring back the pointer in Firefox
# 21:26 gRegor` Link works fine of course. Just the cursor threw me off
# 21:26 aaronpk i wonder why i added cursor: auto in the first place then
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# 21:44 bret should we start advertising event in the topic?
# 21:46 aaronpk oh i should make Loqi do that like he does for #pdxtech
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# 22:21 KevinMarks oh wait, brid.gy doesn't find direct links to posts, dose it only replie to my tweets
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# 22:41 gRegor` kylewm: I know it's early, but do you have stats on Woodwind? # of feeds, # of people using it?
# 22:42 kylewm gRegor`: 21 users have registered, subscribing to 67 feeds
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# 22:45 kylewm 9 users have subscribed to more than 2 feeds :)
# 22:48 gRegor` I'm using it more and more regularly.
# 22:49 gRegor` I haven't used a feed reader regularly since Google Reader died, and keep thinking I need to get going with one again.
# 22:49 aaronpk i've used feed readers since google reader... the twitter app, instagram app, indiewebcamp irc logs, ...
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# 22:50 gRegor` Yeah yeah. By "reader" I mean "xml feed aggregator" :)
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# 22:54 snarfed kylewm: KevinMarks: looks like today's hwc may be quiet. should we bring laptops and plan to hack some?
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# 23:09 Blackwool hi all, new here
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# 23:10 Blackwool I actually wanted to ask the group a few questions about indie web camp in general
# 23:11 Blackwool I'm a documentarian and I have an opportunity to apply for some funding
# 23:12 Blackwool and when Ace suggested I make a film about Indie Web and the battle for the social web I thought YES!
# 23:13 acegiak kylewm: thanks! I'm just playing with custom CSS on GWG's base mf2_s theme
# 23:14 Blackwool Awesome! (We have literally only just come up with the idea this morning, so it's very new and basic)
# 23:15 Blackwool but the brief is "open a conversation you think Australia should be having"
# 23:15 Blackwool and I feel like this really applies
# 23:17 Blackwool I'll check it out!
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# 23:41 kylewm Blackwool: did you still have questions? lost on the wiki? :)
# 23:42 GWG Kylewm, acegiak, glad you like it.
# 23:42 GWG I have a theme I am developing on it up at tiny.n9n.us
# 23:42 Blackwool Haha, yeah, sorry! currently watching a talk by Tantek Celik
# 23:43 Blackwool But very keen to hear any thoughts you have, I haven't quite worked out what I need to ask yet!
# 23:44 KevinMarks a lot of our videos are CC'd so, you should be able to reuse...
# 23:44 Blackwool oh! fantastic!
# 23:45 Blackwool I obviously would want to film a ton of new stuff, because that's what I like doing, but that would be very useful...
# 23:45 acegiak trying to keep certain kinds of posts unobtrusive
# 23:46 GWG Acegiak, it's a work in progress. Bold how?
# 23:48 acegiak GWG: It's good so far! The large block shapes and sharp clean lines
# 23:51 acegiak GWG: does indieweb post kinds call webmention for response url?
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# 23:58 kylewm KevinMarks: I was happier before I read that. didn't know iPhone users see my texts as second class citizens :(
# 23:59 aaronpk I have no explanation for why, but I find myself having the same opinion about the green bubbles