#tantekso I'm getting tired of doing manual original post discovery from those yours' tweets that lack any kind of permashortlink or citation
#tantekthus if you're POSSE tweets/replies lack obvious citation to an original, I'm merely going to "like" the tweet when I see it, rather than the original. the lack of permashortcitation introduces too much work to find the original
#aaronpkThat seems like a reasonable tradeoff Tantek
#tantekaaronpk, I would rather like *only* the indie web post
#aaronpksnarfed: yes to clients sending no markup, there will be properties like "like-of" etc
#tantekbut because discovery / viewing the tweets is still easier for me, I'm liking those instead except when they're "obviously" (by inspection) POSSE tweets
#aaronpktantek: I expect my reader to take care of that actually
#tantekaaronpk, neither your nor benwerd's tweets are "obviously" POSSEd
#tanteklike not even some kind of a clue or watermark or something
#tantekwhen someone lands on your tweet permalink page(s), it's a dead end
#aaronpkI keep going back and forth on it honestly
#tantekaaronpk, did @tef ever show up per your and KevinMarks's requests to positively contribute to the wiki? Or does it appear https://twitter.com/tef/status/565601676145745920 was simply a throwaway complaint, without any apparent desire to correct it?
#snarfedbtw, looking at https://indiewebcamp.com/micropub , it looks like ownyourgram is the only micropub client that sends photos? does anyone know of any others?
#tantekkylewm: the problem with having to use something explicitly (bridgy, anything) to do original post discovery on posse tweets with no backlink, is that you have to then try it ON EVERY SINGLE TWEET, "just in case"
#aaronpkI feel like having the perma link at the end makes people more hesitant to interact with the tweet on Twitter
#snarfedthere are now a number of good working ones to choose from!
#tanteksnarfed: that (use an indie reader) alternative works for the indieweb aware / active, however it does nothing for those who see tweets directly
#tantekwhereas if we decided on an indieweb emoji, e.g. to use as a termination character at the end of a tweet, we could use that as a clue that the tweet is a copy
#aaronpkOh weird, Safari ios renders those differently than from within limechat
#tantek.comedited /📠(-4) "redirect the fax machine to POSSE, as POSSEing is the act of sending downsampled facsimiles of your content to other locations" (view diff)
#kylewmtantek: would the watermark make you want to go manually look up the original post?
#millettehmm, is there a bug tracker/feature request site for Loqi ? Perhaps it could refrain from !telling when less than 5 minutes happened or maybe 2 minutes.
#tantekKevinMarks - though we have some brainstorms about using â™»ï¸ or ♻︎ for /repost annotation, I think they may serve as more memorable icons for POSSE posts too.
#tantekPOSSE posts are kind of like a special kind of repost anyway, a repost of your own content to a silo
#tantekI'm curious if any of these seem useful / (un)acceptable / (un)desirable to those of you POSSEing without a PSC/PSL
#snarfedi like it! i don't know if i'd personally use it, but that's just because i prefer to evangelize in other ways, not by watermarking posse posts
#GWGaaronpk: I asked David Peach if he could change it. It doesn't check if the kind is a reply. So, it would set a favorite/like as a reply as well. Also, there is no documentation anywhere
#snarfedtotally. i just suspect, if you're building that posting ui inside wordpress, it's easier and more effective to use the wp api directly, not micropub
#snarfedand you can still use other external mp clients
#acegiaklol, i am booting up my laptop to reply to a couple of tweets because the ux i have on there with greasemonkey extensions is so much better than trying to do it on my phone
Jihaisse and snarfed1 joined the channel
#acegiakhuh. this the first time ive found myself wanting to multireply
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#LoqiWelcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
#ben_thatmustbeme!tell kylewm woodwind seems to have stopped confirming my posts. I replied to a post and got no feed back, but it did post on my end ??
#kylewmben_thatmustbeme: did you do a hard refresh to get updated JavaScript?
#Loqikylewm: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 6 minutes ago: woodwind seems to have stopped confirming my posts. I replied to a post and got no feed back, but it did post on my end ??
#barnabywaltersare the syndication options also filtered by the syndication destinations of the target post?
#barnabywaltersif the post you’re liking doesn’t exist on facebook, then there’s no point showing the facebook option, even in the user’s micropub endpoint supports it
#Loqibarnabywalters meant to say: if the post you’re likifg doesn’t exist on facebook, then there’s no poift showifg the facebook option, even if the user’s micropub endpoift supports it
#barnabywaltersgenerally I’m quite conservative about syndication destination UIs (probably as I have very few external accounts)
#barnabywaltersin most cases I want my publishing software to figure out where things should be syndicated to rather than having to choose them when publishing
#barnabywaltersbut I do tend to publish a less diverse range of posts than many others here
#ben_thatmustbemebetter case might be replies, I want to post a reply to a website, but syndicate to twitter, bridgy doesn't like this because it can't find the tweet i'm replying to, but i still want a short version of my comment on twitter saying i replied to some url
#aaronpkI don't post to twitter if i'm replying to something that was not on twitter
#barnabywaltersaaronpk: agreed, although currently I have to manually specify this by adding a #notweet tag. Better way would just be to detect non-twitter.com in-reply-to URL. does p3k do this automatically?
#aaronpkbarnabywalters: yeah I have some JS that matches the URL i'm replying to and checks or unchecks the syndication targets
#ben_thatmustbemeaaronpk, i post articles that are in reply to articles online, by definition its a reply, but i want links to my article syndicated
#barnabywaltersthe nice thing about the design of micropub syndication queries (good job whoever did that — aaronpk?) is that my software doesn’t have to specify any if I want it to handle all syndication automatically
#aaronpkarticles fall into a different category for me
#aaronpklike sometimes I think of my tweet to an article not as the twitter-copy of the article but as a separate note that links to my own article
#barnabywaltersbut clients should respect that and streamline the UI, allowing single-click likes in the case that a single click would usually bring up a syndication UI
#barnabywaltersaaronpk: by “tweet to an article” you’re referring to the POSSE copy of the article?
#kylewmbarnabywalters: I agree, though I think it's more likely I will shrink the syndication buttons and just make them always visible, so Like will go back to one-click for everyone
#ben_thatmustbemeoh, other example of liking data not on the platform, Google+, you can +1 any external URL
#barnabywaltersaaronpk: I have nothing in particular against x-www-form-encoded (except the name of the MIME type), just pointing out potential simplifications
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#aaronpkbarnabywalters: the main reason for using it is to not invent random encoding schemes that require custom parsers to be written
#barnabywaltersespecially given the mixed support for blahblah[] parsing in query strings
#barnabywaltersbut consistency often > simplicity in cases like this
#aaronpkcome to think of it, because there is a little bit of inconsistency in how parsers handle [] it would be worth formally documenting how micropub expects it as part of the micropub spec
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#snarfedand re maintaining 1 vs 2, eh. sounds like a low priority since they're both small and low maintenance burden and it wouldn't add any new functionality