2015-02-13 UTC
stream7 joined the channel
# 00:08 snarfed aaronpk: huh. i just tried ownyourgram, and it seems like it didn't send an access_token
carlo_au joined the channel
Deledrius joined the channel
# 00:55 bret all of aaronpk's clients come in the head
# 01:01 GWG snarfed: The API does go through wp.com for the Jetpack version. You can install the development version for core with doens't.
addal joined the channel
# 01:05 GWG snarfed: Looking at your code. Might submit some pull requests.
tantek and kerosene joined the channel
kerosene joined the channel
# 01:29 tantek so I'm getting tired of doing manual original post discovery from those yours' tweets that lack any kind of permashortlink or citation
# 01:29 tantek thus if you're POSSE tweets/replies lack obvious citation to an original, I'm merely going to "like" the tweet when I see it, rather than the original. the lack of permashortcitation introduces too much work to find the original
# 01:33 tantek aaronpk, I would rather like *only* the indie web post
# 01:33 aaronpk snarfed: yes to clients sending no markup, there will be properties like "like-of" etc
# 01:33 tantek but because discovery / viewing the tweets is still easier for me, I'm liking those instead except when they're "obviously" (by inspection) POSSE tweets
# 01:33 aaronpk tantek: I expect my reader to take care of that actually
# 01:33 tantek aaronpk, neither your nor benwerd's tweets are "obviously" POSSEd
# 01:34 tantek like not even some kind of a clue or watermark or something
# 01:34 tantek when someone lands on your tweet permalink page(s), it's a dead end
scor joined the channel
# 01:38 tantek just another throwaway complaint posted silo-only.
# 01:38 aaronpk Reading his other tweets it seems he likes to complain about lots of things
# 01:38 aaronpk So meh, not really interested in engaging further
# 01:39 kylewm he's an old friend of benwerd__, we learned last night
# 01:39 tantek I think it's good to give people a chance like that
# 01:40 tantek and then ignore further complaints when they don't respond positively to the first attempt
mlncn-agaric joined the channel
# 01:40 kylewm re: posse tweets with no backlink -- I still kind of want to do posse-post-discovery as a service from bridgy
# 01:41 tantek did I read the logs correctly? did snarfed ship a WordPress plugin that adds micropub support to a self-hosted WordPress install?!?
# 01:41 GWG snarfed: How did you do that so quickly?
# 01:42 GWG I meant, it took them 4 days to approve my plugin
# 01:42 tantek (nevermind the side-effect of that is all the tools / open source he's deployed that's helped so many others)
# 01:44 tantek kylewm: the problem with having to use something explicitly (bridgy, anything) to do original post discovery on posse tweets with no backlink, is that you have to then try it ON EVERY SINGLE TWEET, "just in case"
# 01:45 tantek if people don't like permashortlinks or permashortcitations, we need some sort of indie(water)mark
# 01:45 tantek maybe something very generic that just indicates that the tweet is a *copy*
# 01:46 snarfed tantek: an alternative is to read those people's notes in an indie reader instead of on twitter
# 01:46 aaronpk I feel like having the perma link at the end makes people more hesitant to interact with the tweet on Twitter
# 01:46 snarfed there are now a number of good working ones to choose from!
# 01:46 tantek snarfed: that (use an indie reader) alternative works for the indieweb aware / active, however it does nothing for those who see tweets directly
# 01:47 tantek e.g. in Twitter searches, Twitter embeddings on other sites, etc.
# 01:47 snarfed i understand the evangelism use case, the tradeoff just doesn't work for me personally
# 01:47 GWG snarfed: I'm looking at map_params
# 01:47 tantek whereas if we decided on an indieweb emoji, e.g. to use as a termination character at the end of a tweet, we could use that as a clue that the tweet is a copy
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 01:49 snarfed i guess an emoji is no more cryptic to newbies than a PSC
# 01:50 tantek snarfed, the hope is that *one* emoji character is less intrusive / confusing than a PSC
# 01:51 snarfed neither is self explanatory, but yes, emoji is more innocuous
# 01:51 GWG snarfed: I'd like to add a filter to it.
# 01:51 tantek snarfed, if we pick well, it becomes an icon / brand
# 01:55 tantek some thoughts: ℹ ðŸŒâœ´âœ³ 🔗 📡 📠📰
# 01:56 aaronpk Oh weird, Safari ios renders those differently than from within limechat
# 01:57 tantek.com edited /📠(-4) "redirect the fax machine to POSSE, as POSSEing is the act of sending downsampled facsimiles of your content to other locations" (
view diff )
# 01:58 kylewm tantek: would the watermark make you want to go manually look up the original post?
# 01:58 tantek it's also to help those who only sometimes own their notes
# 01:59 tantek and sometimes tweet directly on the twitter silo
# 01:59 tantek so I would know which tweets were POSSE copies
# 02:00 tantek oh wait, if we used a *pair* of emoji, it would nearly eliminate false positives
# 02:00 kylewm 2 could uniquely identify half a million posts...
joshwnj joined the channel
# 02:10 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 02:11 millette tantek, people were too shy, I have to picture of a glass ;-)
# 02:12 tantek millette: show them the photos from other HWC!
# 02:12 tantek snarfed: ah I see you ran into the WordPress category vs. tag confusion
# 02:13 tantek I agree with GWG. Both. But if you must pick one, tags, since category UI is poorly defined and of little use in practice.
# 02:13 tantek ok all caught up on the logs so far. time to get a snack. bbiab.
# 02:14 GWG I would have said, pick tags because it is most like what most people use as categories.
# 02:14 tantek GWG, yes that is better reasoning. thank you.
# 02:14 tantek "most like what most people use" is great user-centric thinking and reasoning. well done.
# 02:15 GWG snarfed: Question about the micropub_request hook, should it have the post_ID as an argument?
# 02:16 millette hmm, is there a bug tracker/feature request site for Loqi ? Perhaps it could refrain from !telling when less than 5 minutes happened or maybe 2 minutes.
# 02:18 kylewm millette: there is, but it's not uncommon to !tell someone something and then they come online 2 minutes later
# 02:18 millette kylewm, good point, loqi owuld have to keep track, etc. kiss it is.
# 02:20 snarfed GWG: maybe! i haven't really thought about that hook at all, i doubt it's useful
# 02:21 snarfed right now i'm thinking maybe one filter, for the args that get passed to wp_insert_post etc before they're called
# 02:21 snarfed and then one hook, w/post id and full micropub post body, after the post is created/updated/etc
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# 02:22 GWG snarfed: That was what I was thinking. Your hook isn't useful without the post id.
# 02:22 GWG snarfed: But I would also add a hook to the mapping function
# 02:23 GWG The ability to customize the mapping between micropub and wordpress.
joshwnj joined the channel
# 02:24 GWG For example, if I want to map it to a taxonomy on insert.
# 02:24 KevinMarks_ tantek_: sanrfed was talking about liking tweets on twitter and PESOS back to own site being better ux
# 02:24 GWG Although I could do that with the action hook as an update, I suppose
snarfed joined the channel
# 02:26 GWG What if you want to set all micropub inputs to draft mode?
# 02:26 snarfed GWG: sure, you'd set $args['post_status'] = 'draft' in that filter
# 02:27 GWG But are you proposing a filter before or after insert_post?
# 02:27 GWG I'm suggesting a filter before, and an action after
# 02:28 snarfed yes, me too. i think that's what i described earlier. :P
# 02:29 GWG So, we are actually talking about the same thing.
tantek joined the channel
# 02:37 tantek KevinMarks - though we have some brainstorms about using â™»ï¸ or ♻︎ for /repost annotation, I think they may serve as more memorable icons for POSSE posts too.
# 02:37 tantek POSSE posts are kind of like a special kind of repost anyway, a repost of your own content to a silo
# 02:38 tantek I'm curious if any of these seem useful / (un)acceptable / (un)desirable to those of you POSSEing without a PSC/PSL
# 02:40 snarfed i like it! i don't know if i'd personally use it, but that's just because i prefer to evangelize in other ways, not by watermarking posse posts
# 02:40 tantek KevinMarks: another possibility is to use two emoji to indicate "came from world wide web"
# 02:41 aaronpk i added one of them to my adblock extension so i don't see them anymore
tantek joined the channel
# 02:45 tantek or we could even use a small handful to indicate different "see originals"
# 02:46 tantek e.g. This is a note I worte on my site and POSSEd. ⬅ ðŸŒ
# 02:46 kylewm tantek: I'm not sold on the emoji thing. I'd rather write "all tweets are syndicated from kylewm.com" or something in my bio
# 02:47 tantek e.g. This is a tweet I POSSEd, and replies/faves on this tweet get backfed to my site. ↔ðŸŒ
# 02:47 tantek aaronpk - problem with bio idea is yet again, you have to alway check *some other URL* to see if the tweet is POSSEd
# 02:48 Loqi tantek meant to say: aaronpk - problem with bio idea is yet again, you have to always check *some other URL* to see if the tweet is POSSEd
# 02:48 tantek and it doesn't work for the folks who only partially own their notes
# 02:48 aaronpk I dunno, this just doesn't really seem like a priority for me
# 02:54 aaronpk lol none of these show up in my terminal IRC client
saurik joined the channel
# 02:55 snarfed kylewm: are those two bidirectional arrows different?
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# 02:56 kylewm aaronpk: the globes don't show up in hexchat on windows either
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# 02:59 GWG Not sure if it is what you were thinking.
# 03:00 snarfed aaronpk: right, it's not pushed yet. just approved
# 03:05 GWG But the plugin turns the slug into the post name
# 03:06 GWG aaronpk: Responded to your question.
# 03:06 GWG snarfed: Let me run this by you. What if you store the micropub request as postmeta?
# 03:07 snarfed right now i'm just going to generate html and put it into the post content
# 03:07 snarfed and expose to other plugins via the filter and hook
# 03:09 snarfed GWG: the pr looks good so far, but you also need to set $result on wp_insert_post and wp_trash_post, right?
carlo_au and tantek__1 joined the channel
# 03:10 GWG snarfed: Aren't you already setting it on wp_insert_post?
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# 03:11 tantek__1 switching to web UI
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# 03:19 snarfed hey aaronpk, not sure if you saw my q earlier about ownyourgram not sending an Authorization header?
# 03:24 aaronpk preeeety sure it's sending it, it's still sending photos to people just fine
# 03:25 snarfed yeah i bet. this is the setup test, if it matters
# 03:27 snarfed during the ownyourgram wizard, it does a test post
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# 03:29 tantek____ having finally had a real world use-case / itch for myself to scratch
# 03:29 tantek____ sharing / promoting an event that I wish I could go to but can't make it to
# 03:31 tantek____ aside: return flight to SF, take two. boarded and pulled away from the gate.
# 03:31 tantek____ aaronpk, exactly. a good reason to *publicly* RSVP no, and POSSE it!
benjamin-agaric joined the channel
# 03:33 kylewm tantek____: is this the thing where you're going to get here 5 hours before you left?
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# 04:07 GWG I'm wondering if someone should write a MicroPub client that can be embedded as a WordPress plugin.
kerosene joined the channel
# 04:19 GWG A server suggests a client, at the least.
# 04:20 GWG snarfed: I wasn't suggesting it be in this plugin.
# 04:21 GWG But a micropub client that can be embedded on a WordPress site using a WordPress shortcode is an interesting idea.
# 04:21 snarfed sure! definitely an interesting idea. i guess i still don't see a use case though
# 04:31 GWG snarfed: Either way, with the filter and the action hook...I could add code to support micropub to my plugin.
# 04:35 aaronpk sadly I can't add "micropub" as a search term for Loqi because there's lots of non-indieweb usage of micropub :)
# 04:40 GWG snarfed: I added some more ideas.
# 04:41 GWG snarfed: Not sure what you think of them
# 04:41 GWG It's keeping with the minimalist theme
# 04:42 GWG Basically, provide the plumbing, but leave the rest to outside the plugin.
# 04:44 snarfed if we do syndication, we'd probably want to try to detect at least the major plugins
# 04:44 GWG snarfed: I would disagree on that
# 04:45 snarfed you think they'd accept changes to explicitly support the micropub plugin?!
# 04:46 GWG I'm not sure how davidpeach got a reference to Indieweb Taxonomy in there
# 04:49 GWG aaronpk: I asked David Peach if he could change it. It doesn't check if the kind is a reply. So, it would set a favorite/like as a reply as well. Also, there is no documentation anywhere
# 04:54 aaronpk oh yeah i definitely need to work on that wiki page
Guerillero|BNC joined the channel
# 04:57 snarfed off topic: the curl man page's example for using —form-data sends your computer's password file to mypasswords.com
# 04:58 GWG snarfed: Pushed micropub into the Indieweb plugin for review.
# 04:58 GWG snarfed: pfefferle will likely check and push tomorrow to the repository.
# 05:01 GWG snarfed: Thank you for the opportunity to contribute
# 05:09 GWG snarfed: By the way, to answer your question of earlier, why I might want to add a client is that I've wanted a simple note posting UI.
# 05:10 aaronpk GWG: oh you mean like how the P2 theme has an inline posting interface on the home page?
# 05:11 GWG aaronpk: But I just don't always want the full WordPress editor for jotting a single sentence or sharing a link. It's overkill
# 05:12 snarfed totally. i just suspect, if you're building that posting ui inside wordpress, it's easier and more effective to use the wp api directly, not micropub
# 05:13 GWG I've thought of building my own posting UI. I just keep avoiding it.
# 05:14 snarfed spend your time building truly new functionality instead
# 05:15 GWG snarfed: If the new version allows me to pass in my own parameters, which I suggested...
# 05:17 GWG snarfed: I have a lot of projects. Not yet returning to that one.
# 05:18 snarfed hey aaronpk, you don't have a curl command handy that sends a micropub request with photo, do you?
# 05:18 aaronpk that sounds like a great thing to add to the wiki page :)
# 05:19 snarfed my code doesn't find the non-photo params, but maybe my code is wrong to use parse_str()?
# 05:20 aaronpk wait do you actually see anything after parse_str? i'm kind of surprised
# 05:20 snarfed you mean, with -F, every param is only in $_FILES?
# 05:20 aaronpk are you familiar with form-encoding vs multipart HTTP?
# 05:20 snarfed probably not. i'm not getting photo from parse_str, but everything else yes
# 05:21 snarfed i'm just not really planning to do a deep http dive here :P
# 05:21 aaronpk a regular form-encoded request sends a string like foo=bar&bar=foo
# 05:22 aaronpk so i'm kind of surprised that you get anything after running parse_str from file_get_contents, but maybe php is doing something magic
# 05:22 snarfed and so does micropub support both? in any combination?
# 05:23 aaronpk yeah normally in PHP you get regular string values in $_POST (whether or not it's form-encoded vs multipart) and files get set in $_FILES
# 05:25 snarfed i should just drop parse_str and use _POST and _FILES
# 05:25 snarfed yup i'm using that. it's the other params that were missing
# 05:27 aaronpk simple answer: that makes sense because you won't be able to parse_str the stdin string on a multipart request
# 05:27 aaronpk so use $_POST unless wordpress has a better way of getting post data
# 05:28 aaronpk acegiak was saying something about how wordpress overrides the magic quotes thing and it's bad
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# 07:35 acegiak lol, i am booting up my laptop to reply to a couple of tweets because the ux i have on there with greasemonkey extensions is so much better than trying to do it on my phone
Jihaisse and snarfed1 joined the channel
# 07:37 acegiak huh. this the first time ive found myself wanting to multireply
LauraJ and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 07:52 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
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# 14:10 barryf Nice to see another Ruby indieweb project, hmans
# 14:10 hmans Thanks. Are you looking at github.com/hmans/pants or indiepants?
# 14:11 hmans I'm doing a rewrite (indiepants). The original project started out as a non-Indieweb project and contains a lot of baggage from the olde times.
# 14:11 barryf Your original one. Ooh, I'll check out indiepants too.
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# 15:01 ben_thatmustbeme !tell kylewm woodwind seems to have stopped confirming my posts. I replied to a post and got no feed back, but it did post on my end ??
# 15:01 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
danlyke_ joined the channel
# 15:04 GWG !tell acegiak Wanted to ask your opinion on some features for Post Kinds.
# 15:04 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 15:08 kylewm ben_thatmustbeme: did you do a hard refresh to get updated JavaScript?
# 15:08 Loqi kylewm: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 6 minutes ago: woodwind seems to have stopped confirming my posts. I replied to a post and got no feed back, but it did post on my end ??
# 15:15 aaronpk whoa are you using something in particular that requires ruby 2.2.0?
# 15:17 barryf Not particularly, just haven't tested below that.
barnabywalters joined the channel
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# 15:20 GWG kylewm: Why, now that I enabled Micropub on your reader, do I have two like buttons?
LauraJ and gRegor` joined the channel
# 15:36 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: Now I have to add support.
# 15:36 aaronpk ha wow I don't even have support for updating posts in my own micropub endpoint
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# 15:42 barnabywalters are the syndication options also filtered by the syndication destinations of the target post?
# 15:42 barnabywalters if the post you’re liking doesn’t exist on facebook, then there’s no point showing the facebook option, even in the user’s micropub endpoint supports it
# 15:43 Loqi barnabywalters meant to say: if the post you’re likifg doesn’t exist on facebook, then there’s no poift showifg the facebook option, even if the user’s micropub endpoift supports it
# 15:43 ben_thatmustbeme bridgy doesn't support it, but i could write my own that says "I like this" and cites it
# 15:44 aaronpk that's not really a "like" then, that's just a post
# 15:44 kylewm I was just thinking about that... I think it should probably be up to the site itself to make that decision
# 15:44 barnabywalters generally I’m quite conservative about syndication destination UIs (probably as I have very few external accounts)
# 15:45 barnabywalters in most cases I want my publishing software to figure out where things should be syndicated to rather than having to choose them when publishing
# 15:46 ben_thatmustbeme better case might be replies, I want to post a reply to a website, but syndicate to twitter, bridgy doesn't like this because it can't find the tweet i'm replying to, but i still want a short version of my comment on twitter saying i replied to some url
# 15:47 aaronpk I don't post to twitter if i'm replying to something that was not on twitter
# 15:47 barnabywalters aaronpk: agreed, although currently I have to manually specify this by adding a #notweet tag. Better way would just be to detect non-twitter.com in-reply-to URL. does p3k do this automatically?
# 15:48 aaronpk barnabywalters: yeah I have some JS that matches the URL i'm replying to and checks or unchecks the syndication targets
# 15:48 ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk, i post articles that are in reply to articles online, by definition its a reply, but i want links to my article syndicated
# 15:49 barnabywalters the nice thing about the design of micropub syndication queries (good job whoever did that — aaronpk?) is that my software doesn’t have to specify any if I want it to handle all syndication automatically
# 15:50 aaronpk like sometimes I think of my tweet to an article not as the twitter-copy of the article but as a separate note that links to my own article
# 15:50 barnabywalters but clients should respect that and streamline the UI, allowing single-click likes in the case that a single click would usually bring up a syndication UI
# 15:51 barnabywalters aaronpk: by “tweet to an article” you’re referring to the POSSE copy of the article?
# 15:52 kylewm barnabywalters: I agree, though I think it's more likely I will shrink the syndication buttons and just make them always visible, so Like will go back to one-click for everyone
# 15:52 ben_thatmustbeme oh, other example of liking data not on the platform, Google+, you can +1 any external URL
# 15:53 barnabywalters ben_thatmust: if only G+ could be POSSEd to without ridiculous workarounds :)
# 15:54 aaronpk yeah because that way it's consistent with the response of the rest of the micropub requests
# 15:55 GWG kylewm: I filed the issue. But where in the spec does it talk about posting Likes to your site?
# 15:55 kylewm because aaronpk is the davewiner of x-www-form-encoded
# 15:55 aaronpk so you could have a micropub client library that handles encoding and decoding requests
# 15:57 GWG You are all making me think I should go back to projects that work on metadata.
# 15:59 gRegor` aaronpk: You could invent x-www-form-encoded 2.0
# 15:59 gRegor` What is x-www-form-encoded?
# 16:00 ben_thatmustbeme although i wonder if a config endpoint is duplicating efforts of mp endpoint at some spots
# 16:00 barnabywalters awesome that there’s a discoverable way for clients to provide action UIs without demanding post or edit permissions on the user’s site
# 16:00 aaronpk barnabywalters: oh you're right, the only part of the response clients care about is the Location header
# 16:01 barnabywalters aaronpk: I have nothing in particular against x-www-form-encoded (except the name of the MIME type), just pointing out potential simplifications
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# 16:02 aaronpk barnabywalters: the main reason for using it is to not invent random encoding schemes that require custom parsers to be written
# 16:05 aaronpk come to think of it, because there is a little bit of inconsistency in how parsers handle [] it would be worth formally documenting how micropub expects it as part of the micropub spec
halorgium, LauraJ, Jeena and emmak joined the channel
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# 16:32 GWG I've decided on my project for the weekend.
# 16:34 GWG I'm going to fix Syndication Links.
# 16:34 GWG Better go do my errands so I can get to that.
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# 18:23 GWG snarfed: I may need your help with something.
# 18:23 GWG I've decided what on my list I'm going to tackle next
# 18:25 GWG I'm going to work on getting the rest of my work to a point where I can post a stable copy to the repository
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# 18:28 GWG The next one is a plan to merge the functionality of the jihaisse syndication plugin with mine. So one plugin addresses both use cases.
# 18:31 GWG The major difference is that my plugin stores the individual URLs and the other plugin stores the complete mark up.
# 18:32 GWG Adding rel-syndication links to a WordPress post. Yes.
# 18:33 snarfed ok. i guess i'm still missing the motivation for merging then
# 18:34 GWG snarfed: I think it is easier to maintain one thing than two?
# 18:35 GWG You contributed the Bridgy code for the plugin.
# 18:39 GWG I spoke to the other two contributors to the plugin. I wanted to list you as a contributor and didn't want to do that without asking.
# 18:40 aaronpk lol I like how @micropubinfo is picking up indieweb tweets now
# 18:42 GWG snarfed: Would you rather be uncredited?
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# 18:43 snarfed and re maintaining 1 vs 2, eh. sounds like a low priority since they're both small and low maintenance burden and it wouldn't add any new functionality
# 18:44 GWG snarfed: Actually, I have plans for functionality
# 18:44 snarfed i'd suggest focus on new functionality, not refactoring or redesigning or rewriting
# 18:44 GWG I think jihaisse has stopped development of the other one anyway
# 18:45 GWG I'm adding the functionality the other plugin already has to mine, then building on it.
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# 20:38 gRegor` For what purpose?
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# 21:08 KevinMarks_ hm, I got all set up to do gillmor gang, then realised that I didn't get a ping for it this week
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# 22:08 aaronpk now i'm getting delayed push notifications from the twitter app. like push notificatinos i got yesterday
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# 22:31 aaronpk heh I started writing a github issue for Monocle and realized I was essnetially writing a blog post...
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# 23:18 snarfed aaronpk etc: for multi-valued micropub params, it looks like both array syntax and comma-separated should be supported...right?
# 23:19 aaronpk but I haven't tracked down all occurrences of comma-separated
# 23:19 aaronpk the only trick is I still thing comma separated is useful for tags
# 23:24 KevinMarks_ can php not be tight to understand &tag=red&tag=blue is {"tag":["red","blue"]}
# 23:24 Loqi KevinMarks_ meant to say: can php not be taught to understand &tag=red&tag=blue is {"tag":["red","blue"]}
# 23:24 aaronpk i'm sure someone's written an alternate parser that does that
# 23:24 KartikPrabhu can't PHP people write "special code" to deal with their fav language instead of everyone else doing it
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