pwcc!tell GWG got your message about a project once I have time. Should be good with time once I hit the 23rd. Will be quietly freaking out about until then :/
LoqiGWG: pwcc left you a message 27 minutes ago: got your message about a project once I have time. Should be good with time once I hit the 23rd. Will be quietly freaking out about until then :/
GWGpwcc: I was thinking of spinning off an add-on to webmentions and semantic linkbacks for extra security measures. You were working on one such measure.
frznit seems very obvious to the ones that are there since always. The problem is that facebook became ubiquous in Brazil, so the mood in facebook is the mood of Brazil.
hmansThe important thing to note is, building an alternative to the big, commercial silos isn't the problem. It's been done. Multiple times. What needs to happen is that users need to be taught what they can gain by giving up just a little bit of convenience.
frznmichielbdejong: the country is stopping. Everybody is fighting in facebook all day as we wait for 2 opposite big riots. Since the time of the discussion of facebook been able to manipulate what people see in their feed, far right movements started to have a voice. Before that, always the jokes and better options from the people of the left became viral, helping Brazil to evolve a lot. But now facebook's creating a fight mood in Brazil.
frzneven if it is because of what people are feeling, this is a national security matter and well-intent social network could be of good help to solve problems and avoid a a civil war.
@awoodsthinking about #indieweb development. would it be better to create a new CMS to implement the principles of indieweb? or extend existing? (
@awoodsone thing i'm unclear about #indieweb - how do you follow the various type of content on a single site? e.g. photos + tweets, no blog posts (
KevinMarks, KartikPrabhu, snarfed, lnr, KevinMarks_, lukebrooker, wolftune and tantek joined the channel
tantekpwcc, sounded like perhaps FB's algorithms were (disproportionately) amplifying their far right's "crazy" much more than they would usually get coverage e.g. in the press?
Loqislack/pwcc: tantek: have you got a moment for a quick microformats question? The markup in my pattern library is giving author credit to the 1st commenter <>