#GWGI want XMLRPC to die and be replaced by JSON REST, but I recognize the community philosophy is that XMLRPC continues for backward compatibility for the foreseeable future, and I understand that.
#KartikPrabhujumping from XMLRPC to JSON does not do anything IMO. FWIW, HTML has stood the test of time better than any of these ephemeral fashion-formats
#GWGKartikPrabhu: I want XMLRPC gone because I hate the implementation. JSON REST is what the community decided they would implement as a better replacement.
#GWGI will agree with you that simpler works better
KartikPrabhu, hippietilley, gmack and marclaporte joined the channel
#pdurbinGWG: I like your "live and let live" attitude
#GWGpdurbin: I feel strongly about a lot of things.
#GWGBut if I went off and didn't work with others because I didn't like their views...where would that put me?
#pdurbinIt sounds like Dave Winer is waiting for alternatives to RSS to become popular before he supports them.
#GWGI don't think of h-feed as an alternative per se
#tantek!tell elf-pavlik should I add a follow-up agenda item about the problem of when people spend more time emailing about the social web rather than building it on their own personal sites?
#Loqielf-pavlik: tantek left you a message 3 hours, 9 minutes ago: should I add a follow-up agenda item about the problem of when people spend more time emailing about the social web rather than building it on their own personal sites?
#elf-pavlikaaronpk, bit unforunate that Loqi didn't watch #social exactly when Henry complained that he can't get feedbac from you and tantek, I would suggest that if you choose not to participate in mailing list discussions to try have your IRC async communication always up and running!
frzn, modem, Pierre-O, lukebrooker, dns53, stream7, friedcell, petermolnar, Tilley, peacekeep3r, BarkChudson, hippietilley and Jihaisse joined the channel
#Loqipfefferle: GWG left you a message 39 minutes ago: As a secondary measure, you could also add a check to disable the comment text filter if it is a reply.
#pfefferleGWG that is true but it doesn’t fix the problem. I would like to remove the comment-type so that the reply will be displayed correctly also if the plugin is disabled…
#pfefferleGWG to be kind of ”žbackwards“ compatible
#pfefferlebut you are right, I should also disable the filter by type
#pfefferleGWG it is less error-prone (is this a word?)
stream7 and pfefferle_ joined the channel
#pfefferle_GWG have you seen the webmention filter in the comment section btw?
#ben_thatmustbemeGWG, you should add yourself as a co-organizer for IWC Cambridge, since you seem to be taking the lead on all the streaming
#ben_thatmustbemehmm, so i'm looking at proper mf2 markup of a chat log
#ben_thatmustbemethe author stuff will be fine, but its somewhat interesting to deal with markup of a new message that should be appended to the log
#ben_thatmustbemei'm going to use in-reply-to set at the url of the h-feed
#ben_thatmustbemeso the h-feed is really the representation of the chat itself
#Loqislack/snarfed: kylewm: apologies in advance for the no-look review... my main q is whether the opensocial API (which it's based on) supported search. if so i'd want to consider that
#Loqislack/snarfed: otherwise I bet yours is great!
Sebastien-L joined the channel
#Loqislack/snarfed: ben_thatmustbeme I assume you looked at the web irc logs?
#LoqiGWG: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 1 hour, 45 minutes ago: you were asking who has a link rel=me in the head, I have one for an internal page
#LoqiGWG: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 12 minutes ago: do have a tripod if needed
#ben_thatmustbemei'm not very familiar with "types" of tripods, its a camera tripod that a photographer co-worker uses
#ben_thatmustbemealso GWG you should add yourself as a co-organizer since you seem to be dealing with all the web presence stuff
#GWGben_thatmustbeme: I will. I'm doing it sort of adhoc.
#ben_thatmustbemeKevinMarks, snarfed: what is really strange is the markup of a single message that isn't (yet) part of the chat logs, and how to markup what chat it is a message to
#ben_thatmustbemethats why i'm doing h-feed with u-url and the message with u-in-reply-to that is the h-feed url
Sebastien-L and Guest____ joined the channel
#GWGI should still have access to the Indiewebcamp account from last time if we need Google. Otherwise, I need to get with bear on a talky test
#ben_thatmustbemethe reason being that i'm testing a logging endpoint similar to micropub
#KevinMarksI suppose that makes more sense than in reply to the last message
#ben_thatmustbemeso it sends the in-reply-to so i know what chat to store it as a log of
#KevinMarksyou may want an in-reply-to override for actual direct replies
#ben_thatmustbemei'm not going to look at the threaded conversation case at this moment
#KevinMarksthinking about the twitter precedent here where time ordering was never quite right and explict
#KevinMarksnot saying do it now, but be aware of that as a useful enhancement in the thinking
#GWGben_thatmustbeme: Re relme, I've determined the only instance I've seen in the wild is Jihaisse and his Indieauth Links plugin for WordPress. Can't find any others.
#Loqiindie-config is a method of using protocol handlers and postmessage to setup your indie website to both notify the browser that it can handle webactions and then do so https://indiewebcamp.com/indie-config
#kylewmelf-pavlik: I believe indie-action/indie-config uses them^
#ben_thatmustbemeWell honestly of it came to actually logging servers I would just use logstash. Though would be actually pretty interesting to have an output plugin to store your logs after processing to logstore
#ben_thatmustbemeI want to get chats to basically not care what pipe it uses, irc/slack/etc.
#snarfedlooks like http://www.opensearch.org/ is the high level answer, but it's not clear if/how that integrates with the opensocial api itself. and even if it does, it's probably way too heavyweight for us
#kylewmsnarfed: it seems like ?q= is pretty common, (in the world and in this document)
#tantek.comedited /wikifying (+96) "expanded itches guidance just a bit to encourage broader thinking of what "online" may mean, include personal digital devices when offline - another challenge for owning your data, and a step for things to get to your indieweb site" (view diff)
#Loqislack/snarfed: btw, funny, WordPress is actually ?s=
#tantek.comedited /User:Tantek.com (+768) "add an explicit itches section, based on experience 2015-065..067 camping off the grid with very minimal digital device usage" (view diff)
#snarfedso kylewm the use case for search in a-u is woodwind? (and maybe eventually monocle etc?)
#kylewmyep -- i wanted to see twitter?q=indieweb in there
#kylewmamazing games, I played them for the first time relatively recently. can't imagine playing them at the time they came out... would've blown my mind
#snarfedi worked on a 3d engine at lucasarts way back in 2001, and i remember comparing how western 3d game art tried so hard to be "correct" and looked sterile, while japanese developers just cheated and hacked and pixel painted everything and got great unique results like ico/sotc
#pdurbinthose lucasarts games were great. indy, etc.
#snarfedyup. i just finished the grim fandango remaster. such a classicv
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
#snarfedok kylewm the search commit lgtm. i'll add a few minor notes and todos but nothing big. thank you!