2015-03-11 UTC
# 00:05 KartikPrabhu1 \nick KartikPrabhu
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
# 00:06 tantek lol I'm not using slack, I'm using open source Colloquy
# 00:06 tantek lol I'm not using slack, I'm using open source Colloquy
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 00:07 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
Erkan_Yilmaz joined the channel
# 00:08 tantek my client shows I posted "lol I'm not using slack, I'm using open source Colloquy" at 17:04
# 00:08 tantek thanks kylewm for cluing in bblfish about freenode irc vs. slack
# 00:08 indie-visitor ah it takes forever to find out what channels tantek who has nothing to learn from any one chats on
# 00:09 indie-visitor because sir tantek is of course all knowning
# 00:10 bblfish so following getting on a W3C working group and then trashing procedures is kind of a cool thing to do?
# 00:10 bblfish because we're all suppose to know on which channel you speak
# 00:11 bblfish and of course the fact that the whole IETF and the Web were built on consensus channels like e-mail, not because everyone loves it, but because it helps come to an understanding, all that is beyond sir Tantek
# 00:12 bblfish no according to Tantek there are no channels just blogs
lukebrooker_ joined the channel
# 00:12 bblfish ah leaves like a weasel
# 00:13 kylewm yeah I agree with KartikPrabhu, this is very off topic and inappropriate personal attacks for this channel/community
# 00:14 bblfish kylewm: the backhand attacks were above by Tantek, strutting around on an irc channel
# 00:14 KevinMarks__ Henry, if you're here looking for help with hosting your own website, welcome
# 00:14 bblfish I have my own web site KevinMarks__
# 00:15 bblfish there are links there to how you can actually make the social web work
# 00:15 bblfish we solved quite a few problems yes
# 00:16 bblfish but you would not know I suppose because hey, you close your ears to anything that questions your assumptions
# 00:16 bblfish seems like you get lost in details KevinMarks__
snarfed joined the channel
# 00:18 KevinMarks__ You said you're going to rebuild your blog on your new code stack. That was 5 years ago
# 00:19 KevinMarks__ I thought you might be here to see what has been built by this group since then
# 00:19 bblfish yes, it's been a long road working out all the little issues along the way
# 00:20 acegiak I thought you weren't getting lost in the details?
# 00:21 bblfish and implementations in Scala
# 00:22 bblfish yes, well that's why I don't usually bother with this channel
# 00:22 kylewm bblfish: people here respond better to running implementations rather than documents and code
# 00:23 kylewm i.e. what have you build with LDP and WebID, i'm eager to learn
# 00:24 bblfish well to learn you have to come over to our channels
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 00:24 bblfish I suggest reading a bit on the wiki there
# 00:26 kylewm bblfish: I'm genuinely not saying you don't have running code; just trying to explain why people aren't responding well to loong specs without any idea what practical purpose it's serving
# 00:26 bblfish ok, I think that video at Scala eXchange should help
# 00:26 bblfish no, I just implement in Scala
# 00:27 bblfish I think Sandro has an implementation in Go
# 00:27 bblfish the report above shows a lot of the other implementations
# 00:27 kylewm lots of hoops to jump through to watch a video of unknown length when you could just give the elevator description...
# 00:28 acegiak GWG: So I'm fixing the problem of KSES stripping iframes from context
# 00:28 bblfish There is a short blurb at the front of the video
# 00:28 bblfish "We will show how to build a full Scala client and server application by illustrating it with a use case pushing the limits of what can be done: a distributed secure Social Web server. We do this by using emerging W3C standards: using JSON-LD for distributed data [0] , the Linked Data Protocol [1] as a generic web API, with WebID for distributed authentication [2]. In order to avoid duplication of code and to give us maximum f
# 00:29 bblfish - a scala RDF library that allows us to elegantly write code that can be used both on the web client using scala-js and on the server, whilst allowing us to change implementation with one line of code. On the client we gain maximum speed with a scala-js wrapping of the Facebook React framework, allowing us to write clean functional code.
# 00:30 bblfish that's why I have a video
# 00:30 bblfish Anyway, you were saying that we did nothing over the past 5 years
# 00:31 bblfish what building a distributed social web that can avoid the problems of Snowden revealed to us, can work behind Tor, and is completely open source and open standard is boring?
# 00:31 acegiak yeah, wp_kses allows you to provide a list of allowed tags
# 00:31 bblfish Ah I suppose you must have other aims in life than I do
# 00:32 kylewm bblfish: can you give a url where this is running?
# 00:32 bblfish I'll put one up soon. For the moment you have to compile it yourself
# 00:33 acegiak GWG: I was thinking of just putting the allowed html elements list into a textarea on the options screen as a json object
# 00:34 kylewm bblfish: ok please let us know when it's running somewhere on the web, i would love to check it out
# 00:34 bblfish we had something up a year ago, then I left the startup as they were not interested in too researchy topics
# 00:34 bblfish there are others that are running but nothing yet with eye candy that would make non technical people understand the power of these tools
alanpearce joined the channel
# 00:34 bblfish So we'll tell you when it is easy to understand
# 00:35 kylewm don't need eye candy, just a visible implementation
# 00:35 kylewm or at least a description that is not packed full of plumbing acronyms
# 00:36 acegiak bblfish: also, why not throw some h-card on your blog in the meantime?
# 00:36 acegiak GWG: as long as that doesn't ring alarm bells of terrible ideas to anyone
# 00:38 acegiak I'll push it with a fix for the "sometimes the response url box isn't opopulated when editing a post" bug
# 00:38 GWG Acegiak, I want to see how you are thinking of doing it to get a sense.
# 00:38 bblfish so I hope that shows that 1. we have been working on the difficult problems and 2. why I don't hand out here cause well as Tantek said on issue 19 "Channel explosion has a simple solution, self-limit the channels you use. E.g. ignore the mailing list. It's amazing how productive ignoring the mailing list is." https://www.w3.org/Social/track/issues/19
# 00:40 acegiak KartikPrabhu: I'd love to but the kses function requires you to also list what attributes are allowed for those elements
# 00:40 acegiak and I didn't want to do arbitrary like "newline separated and attributes space separated"
# 00:41 acegiak and php will handle the json transform for me nicely
# 00:42 GWG Acegiak, that empty box issue is one that I just fixed in syndication links
# 00:42 KartikPrabhu yes. but if this is user facing then it might a UI problem to require people to know JSON style
# 00:43 acegiak KartikPrabhu: maybe, but for the moment the only person fiddling with it is lil ol technical me
hippietilley joined the channel
# 00:53 GWG acegiak: My only concern in any feature is protecting those who don't understand it.
# 00:58 acegiak aaronpk++ for displaying the tweet you're responding to.
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# 01:02 acegiak I can't work out if #lazyweb is supposed to be a jab there because it sounds like a good hting to me
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 01:04 kylewm based on today's interactions wtih bblfish, i'll assume jab
# 01:14 GWG acegiak: Convert from a ui friendly entry to json
# 01:17 acegiak GWG: where do you set the default values for the options?
scor and hippietilley joined the channel
# 01:22 GWG acegiak: I don't. I meant to fix that.
# 01:22 GWG acegiak: I realized my mistake on that recently.
# 01:23 acegiak GWG: I'm gonna do a bit of a hack on this field specifically
# 01:36 acegiak Ok so I've worked out the problem with using JSON for that
pauloppenheim and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 01:54 acegiak you'll see the UX problem if you open the settings page
# 01:54 GWG acegiak: Perfect timing. I just finished dinner.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 02:01 acegiak got to admit, feels good to submit a pull request after that interaction with bblfish
hippietilley and benwerd joined the channel
# 02:28 acegiak benwerd: I keep seeing your replies to tweets and things and then have to click on "in reply to post on suchandsuch" as a person consuming your posts it would be nice to be able to see the context at a glance
# 02:29 benwerd acegiak: I agree - it's on my list but I .. never .. quite .. seem .. to .. get .. to .. it
# 02:31 benwerd thanks for the feedback. always bumps it up a little if I hear about it from someone else ;)
# 02:31 benwerd with that: pulling myself away from the computer.
alanpearce, KevinMarks__, KevinMarks_ and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
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# 03:03 GWG Hopefully it looks a little less daunting.
KartikPrabhu, nloadholtes, ben_thawr and upper- joined the channel
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# 04:46 tantek Well, sad to see personal attacks and such but very happy that everyone here responded so much more maturely and did their best to turn things into positives, including good questions. Great job everyone.
# 04:50 acegiak mine does this thing where if I'm typing html tags and their attributes start getting randomly captilised
# 04:50 acegiak KevinMarks__: yeah I saw that, I was just wondering if the connection got made
# 04:51 tantek KevinMarks - were you able to find any sign of implementation or even community?
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
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# 04:55 KevinMarks there were alleged implementations by no instacnes of them running, and lots of turgid specs
# 04:55 acegiak So I've had this itch on whisperfollow for a while where I need to make it show what "page" you've scrolled to or some way of returning where you're up to in the stream in case you close the window or navigate away
# 04:56 acegiak but because I haven't scratched it yet I'm now playng this game where I try and scroll through ~4.5 days of feed without having chrome freak out and die
# 04:58 acegiak KevinMarks: I'm ajax loading content for infinite scroll. I have nothing at the moment to mark how far down the queue I am
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 04:59 KevinMarks you could mark the time you left with a line like slack does?
KartikPrabhu and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 05:13 KevinMarks so the *example* link in the spec, which is allegedly Tim Berners Lee's ID is full of 404s
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 05:19 KartikPrabhu also usually Alice stays on earth and Bob speeds of in his fancy spaceship
# 05:23 tantek KartikPrabhu: I think I believe more in Quantum Teleportation than LDP.
# 05:25 KartikPrabhu tantek: I should write a spec for Quantum Linked Data, the data doesn't actually exist until someone tries to read it....
upper-- joined the channel
# 05:30 KartikPrabhu oh boy this could be a great physics-web parody if I had the time. Will give it thought over this weekend
# 05:39 KevinMarks_ Where they describe watching quantum entanglement experiments on the radio
# 05:40 KartikPrabhu haha! and I can cite the actual papers from 100 years ago which are probably on some DOI-type nonsense
# 05:41 KevinMarks_ And that bogus permathread on how urls are documents so people have to be fragments
# 05:45 KevinMarks_ A unification of linked data and string theory where you roll up the extra namespaces into 11 dimensions that you can't detect with instruments
kylewm joined the channel
# 05:47 KartikPrabhu also due to the holographic princpple everything can be mapped onto 1 byte and thus we have zero latency and infinite cache
# 06:00 tantek KartikPrabhu: the quantum physics analog to web is not that far off
# 06:00 tantek data isn't actually known until it is observed (visibly), e.g. on a web page
# 06:01 KartikPrabhu but QLD won't even exist on the server until someone tries to read it :P
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# 07:41 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 07:42 KartikPrabhu tantek: that is a repost of benwerd's just fyi. I was a bit confused by the presentation too
# 07:42 tantek KartikPrabhu: are you sure? there's a reply down below
pfefferle and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 07:44 KartikPrabhu I was somehow thrown off by the presentation and didn't recognise the reply context immediately
# 07:45 tantek KartikPrabhu: indeed - auto-scroll to the start of the reply would work better
# 07:45 tantek KevinMarks: bummer about it being on medium - which is not really a "weirdoes" space
# 07:47 tantek I have mixed feelings about such divisiveness.
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# 07:47 tantek it should be ok to be weird nerds and non-weird nerds and we should just celebrate both
# 07:50 KevinMarks_ Yes, and I do try to. As you pointed out earlier I can be too tolerant
# 07:51 tantek that had nothing to do with weird or non-weird
# 07:51 tantek it's also not about tolerance but rather what/who you choose to amplify
# 07:52 tantek given that, there is something to be said for amplifying the lesser heard voices
# 07:52 tantek the problem with that is then the very talkative get more of your attention purely randomly
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
friedcell, indie-visitor, martinN, KartikPrabhu, krendil, sanduhrs, alanpearce, csarven, modem and Sebastien-L joined the channel
# 09:03 acegiak amplifications of lesser heard voices are vital to a free society. Solidarity with minorities you're not a part of prevents authorities from dividing people and conquering
KartikPrabhu, interactivist, alanpearce, KevinMarks_, loic_m, stream7, csarven, elf-pavlik, scor, frzn, pfefferle and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 10:44 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
KevinMarks_, dns53, alanpearce, Dante and scor joined the channel
# 11:38 GWG pfefferle: Anything new and exciting with you?
# 11:39 GWG pfefferle: IWC is in a week. I feel like I should have something I want to hack on there.
# 11:43 GWG pfefferle: I'm just afraid I'm going to have to learn javascript.
# 11:49 GWG pfefferle: One of the things I wanted to do was to hide/show meta boxes based on the post kind selector in the Post Editor. There isn't another easy way to do that. For example, if you select RSVP, it shows the Yes/No/Maybe dialog.
# 11:52 GWG I haven't coded RSVP yet because without the ability to hide it, it would be there all the time.
elf-pavlik joined the channel
# 11:56 acegiak GWG: code RSVP and I'll do your javascript for you
# 11:56 GWG acegiak: Appreciate it and I will do that and check-in, most likely. I definitely should learn javascript one of these days though.
# 11:57 GWG acegiak: Same as RSVP. I don't have the fields set up yet. It is there, just hidden.
loic_m and adactio joined the channel
# 12:06 GWG Also, thinking of adding another field which would indicate publication/website name/album name.
# 12:08 GWG Also, publication date is something I said I'd support.
KevinMarks_, pfefferle and friedcell joined the channel
# 12:51 GWG acegiak: Any ideas about improving the display function are appreciated.
Dante, KevinMarks_, modem, cuibonobo_, Pierre-O, sanduhrs, uhsf, verdi_, snarfed and dariusdunlap joined the channel
# 14:38 tommorris I’ve been playing with a service called Mapillary yesterday - it’s basically an app you can use that (semi-/)automatically takes photos using your smartphone while driving/biking/walking and then makes them available for OSM users. recorded a demo walking through Hyde Park - http://www.mapillary.com/map/im/gnAW2M-_Z0VbKHTLJi7iKQ
# 14:39 tommorris making sure I can get my stuff back out of it is quite important
GenioDiabolico, loic_m_, friedcell, KevinMarks_ and michielbdejong joined the channel
benwerd, wolftune, interactivist, renatostauffer, Deledrius__, scor, ben_thatmustbeme, prtksxna, halorgium, GenioDiabolico, GWG, Unifex, minsky, bret and gRegor` joined the channel
# 16:46 gRegor` Any messages Loqi?
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# 16:56 bret snarfed: your huffduff video works on pages that have a video player embed too. nice. sometimes vimeo is really annoying and wont let you link through to the video page
snarfed joined the channel
# 16:58 snarfed did it definitely fully work? it's only halfway worked when i've tried it on youtube embedded videos
iandevlin, wolftune, danlyke and alanpearce joined the channel
# 17:53 kylewm hi all, I'd like to update the /code-of-conduct page to explicitly state in the header "This code of conduct applies to all IndieWebCamp spaces both online and off, including events, our IRC channel, and wiki." currently it could be read to only apply to f2f events
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# 18:05 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
KevinMarks_, interactivist and benwerd joined the channel
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# 18:26 kylewm is sure he is the first person to ever make that excellent joke
# 18:27 benwerd knows all those words separately but is missing a cultural reference :'(
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# 18:33 KevinMarks_ "I've seen things you wouldn't believe, CSS beams glinting off the Angular gate, meteor blips off the Backbone of Orion
# 18:35 KartikPrabhu last night I stumbled across a website that didn't show any content even if my JS was on, some how disabled both right click and dev tools!!!
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# 18:43 KartikPrabhu errr no an actual website. it showed header/hero image but nothing else
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# 19:31 aaronpk !tell tantek ah thanks. she hasn't imported those yet (they had to be done manually) and I think you're getting redirected based on fancy wordpress slug matching magic
# 19:31 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 19:36 gRegor` kylewm: Also +1 on CoC
# 19:48 bear KevinMarks++ for that Blade Runner reworking
# 19:48 bear kylewm +1 on CoC edit for online/offline
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# 21:40 gRegor` What is spiderpig?
# 21:41 gRegor` Spiderpig is does whatever a spiderpig does
GenioDiabolico joined the channel
# 21:47 kylewm ha, thought it was a Charlotte's Web reference... apparently my simpsons knowledge is lacking
# 21:49 kylewm "wget --mirror" is the new way to make aaronpk crazy
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# 21:54 aaronpk and what about images that are linked to from within CSS files
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# 22:03 KevinMarks Hm, spiderpig plus Google's new cold storage cloud API sounds like a thing to try
# 22:04 gRegor` I figured someone would put the real definition in for /Spiderpig
# 22:12 aaronpk i miss my blinking gif. really freaked people out back in the day
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# 22:19 acegiak ben_thatmustbeme: I suggest other people also maybe pickup adding pronouns to their h-cards because then A) trans and non-binary aren't automatically different in the fact that they actively list preferred pronouns and B) we can actually use it really effectively for constructing status messages like "aaronpk updated his post"
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# 22:21 aaronpk and also Loqi can use the proper pronoun for !tell messages ;)
# 22:22 ben_thatmustbeme i should proably not put things like "that awesome dude" and just use "him" for now then perhaps
# 22:24 aaronpk I should make Loqi chime in with +1s when people are voting in #social ;)
# 22:25 KartikPrabhu gRegor`: waaah, something came up and so I can't make it to HWC again :(
# 22:26 gRegor` This is why we can't have nice things. ;)
# 22:27 aaronpk particularly interesting is "targeted abuse" "if the reported behavior is one-sided or includes threats"
# 22:27 gRegor` KartikPrabhu: Reminder that 3/25 is already cancelled since I have a conflict, so I guess we'll continue in April
# 22:28 KartikPrabhu "Randomly or aggressively following, favoriting or Retweeting Tweets;" what does that mean
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# 22:33 gRegor` KartikPrabhu: I've seen twitter accounts that favorite/RT just to get your attention. Visit their profile and then they're spamming their product.
# 22:33 aaronpk just repor them as spam and eventually enough peple will do that
# 22:34 gRegor` ::shrug:: if they put in a specific threshold, spammers will just work their way around it.
# 22:35 gRegor` I'm sure the behavior is noticeably different between a bot doing that and a person
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# 23:11 acegiak ben_thatmustbeme: there are so many interesting proposed nonbinary pronoun sets
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# 23:24 GWG I haven't seen some of those since high school.
# 23:33 aaronpk kylewm: where'd you get that URL? it's broken for me
# 23:34 gRegor` What is preferred pronouns?
# 23:35 acegiak dear firefox: you aren't my default browser, so why do you launch when I open links from terminal?
# 23:44 acegiak if you're on windows the gmail notifier application also can do it
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# 23:56 pwcc Good morning adelaide! Did you see you need to upgrade WPSEO if you use it anywhere?
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