#kylewmaaronpk: could you explain why choosing a pronoun at random doesn't serve that purpose? i think i will agree with you, but i cannot explain it atm
#ben_thatmustbemeGWG, oh, for IWC, I still need to work out food. We are going to just do the catered second day thanks to Tim, and I think he said they will do breakfast the first day
#ben_thatmustbemeneed to figure out breakfast second day and lunch first day
#bretedrex: travis-ci is slow and kind of heavy duty for just building a static site.. so we can run cron like jobs against github webhooks using gitfish https://github.com/jmervine/gitfish
Jihaisse, gmack, alanpearce, michielbdejong, csarven, krendil, benwerd, interactivist, sanduhrs, stream7, Acidnerd, friedcell, sammachin, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks_, KevinMarks, KevinMarks__, adactio, dns53, arlen, uhsf, Sebastien-L, frzn, pfefferle and barnabywalters joined the channel
#GWGpfefferle, acegiak: I implemented two. One to declare microformats support, the other for post kinds support. If you declare post kinds support, it disables the content filter.
#GWGThat would mean running get_kind_response_display.
#ben_thatmustbemethanks GWG, we were in the room last year, and I'm pretty sure its the same room, its an odd shape
#ben_thatmustbemeand yeah, its like mine used to be, there is a screw mount piece but that has a quick release bit, which i think is what is missing. Really wish i hadn't yard saled my old tripod
#ben_thatmustbemethe screw mount piece is not there, i suspect its attached to the camera still
danlyke and KevinMarks joined the channel
#GWGben_thatmustbeme: I could bring a full sized or tabletop
#ben_thatmustbemelast year we used a tabletop one i believe and it worked out fine
petermolnar joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemei got my pop-up reminder this morning. 7 days away!
#Loqibarnabywalters: kylewm left you a message on 2/27 at 1:15pm: woodwind says it subscribed to your feed successfully, but i'm not getting pings from you :(
#ben_thatmustbemeadded some notes of logstore to the wiki last night, finally
#Loqibarnabywalters: cweiske left you a message 2 days, 2 hours ago: and strangely, login on https://waterpigs.co.uk/ works with http (without indiecert), but for https urls I get redirected to indieauth.com
#barnabywaltersI need to build better tools into shrewdness for that
#ben_thatmustbemeone of the main reasons I am not getting involved in PuSH right now
#barnabywaltersben_thatmustbeme: as a publisher, or a consumer? in theory, publishing PuSH is fairly simple — just add some <link> elements and send you hub(s) a POST after every update
#ben_thatmustbemei really just want to be able to notify my own phone of messages. but thats another problem
#kylewmbarnabywalters: good morning :) I think the problem superfeedr has with your push feed is you don't publish Link HTTP headers and it requires them right now. we have a request into julien to fall back on <link> elements
#ben_thatmustbemei did an !tell to aaronpk as well, i guess its on his side then
danlyke joined the channel
#kylewmben_thatmustbeme: and the deal with the image proxy returning 500 is weird... it gets an error because your image doesn't have a Content-Type header
pfefferle joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemeyeah, one strang thing of selecting a file from gallery when posting, the file name is just a number, it doesn't contain .jpg or anything
#barnabywaltersthere’s probably some configuration voodoo which will make anything without an extension in a certain directory get served with image/jpeg
#barnabywalterswhich would work provided you only store JPEGs in that folder
#ben_thatmustbemethe idea is to hopefully obscure the pipe for direct messaging, and thus have a single log for direct messages from a person regardless of if the message came from private post/webmention, aim, irc, xmpp, etc
#barnabywaltersben_thatmustbeme: oh, very cool — and all visible on your site as nicely formatted HTML
#ben_thatmustbemethus any app that communicates over any of those channels can easily pull up full logs and store back messages to your site
#barnabywaltersI’ve wanted to make some sort of improved h-feed view of my site’s logs for a while
#ben_thatmustbemeits not public, only owner can view it right now, due to it logging direct messages
#ben_thatmustbemeperhaps I will just throw in viewing for now so people can see it working
#barnabywaltersben_thatmustbeme: so this would be an ideal thing for, say, a feed reader to subscribe to? as it’s similar to having mentions feeds, but wider in scope
#barnabywaltersben_thatmustbeme: oh yeah I was assuming it was always private, but that the owner would have a way of viewing the HTML
friedcell joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemeyes, i suppose a feed reader could subscribe to it, not what I had thought of it for
#barnabywaltersben_thatmustbeme: well, treat “feed reader” as a legacy term for “software with which you interact with your/other people indie sites”
#barnabywalterse.g. on signing into shrewdness, it could discover log endpoints for people and create columns for each of them
#kylewmI assume we don't want to start going down the rabbit hole of microformats properties in different languages
#barnabywaltersmicroformats typically tries to accommodate as many possible languages/cultural norms e.g. “first”/“last” names with one property name
#barnabywaltersin this case, best approach is going to be to research+collect as many variations of personal pronoun usage in different languages, then design something from that
#ben_thatmustbemethat would start to get pretty crazy, languages like japanese you really can't determine things like that because its the speaker who decides the formality to speak at
#barnabywaltersben_thatmustbeme: if there’s a social network with 3rd person notifications in that language, then there are examples which can be collected
#aaronpkthat seems like a very reasonable/responsible shutdown process
#aaronpkalso WOW: "I work on Google Code, and we will be putting a service in place to redirect deep links to project homepages, issues, etc. to their new locations."
#snarfedah, i can guess why. we no longer auto-generate content for likes etc, and we try to detect changed responses (e.g. comment edits) so we can send updates, so we're seeing the content change
#bearI was just going to post that ... my question/concern is why it needs a service worker to enable - my no-javascript static site would not work with it
krendil joined the channel
#gRegor`ben_thatmustbeme, PMurphs: I'll do it for a mere 9,000 USD
#kylewmI'm not really clear what the github organization is for... i guess for generally useful libraries and/or for things that multiple people want to collaborate on
#acegiakyeah, no it wasn't that. it was the fact that GWG changed the meta fields for storage but didn't change where it hcecked that field for sending webmentions to the new value