2015-03-12 UTC
# 00:00 kylewm ben_thatmustbeme: sorry it probably doesn't. I think I was being overly sensitive.
# 00:01 aaronpk the point of specifying a preferred pronoun is that you prefer that one over others
# 00:01 aaronpk if you don't have a preference, you shouldn't specify one
# 00:02 kylewm but it does serve the purpose of normalizing the concept of specifying preferred pronouns
# 00:06 kylewm aaronpk: could you explain why choosing a pronoun at random doesn't serve that purpose? i think i will agree with you, but i cannot explain it atm
gmack joined the channel
# 00:08 aaronpk choosing one at random feels like not taking it seriously
# 00:09 aaronpk and that is disrespectful to people to who this matters
alanpearce joined the channel
# 00:10 kylewm aaronpk: thanks, as i expected i agree with you :)
# 00:11 kylewm though i do list my gender as "agender" on facebook because they don't have an option for "decline to state"
# 00:13 kylewm ugh, good point. I tried and failed to blank it out, but it does accept the string "Decline to state"
tilgovi joined the channel
# 00:15 KevinMarks_ we can get pronouns in the next iteration, if we iterate them in the wild
# 00:15 kylewm yeah you can type something, you just can't type nothing, that's what i was confused about
# 00:16 aaronpk wait, I can't type in freeform text in here at all
# 00:17 aaronpk oh nvm i see what's going on, you have to click the freeform text in the dropdown and have it tokenize it in the text box
# 00:21 gRegor` "is just like, your opinion, man"
# 00:24 ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk, RE: pronouns, it serves the purpose of preferring genderless which genderless does not need a preference
# 00:25 aaronpk ben_thatmustbeme: i'm not arguing specifying them is bad. i'm saying you should be deliberate in what you choose
# 00:29 pdurbin ben_thatmustbeme: looking forward to indieweb cambridge?
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# 00:41 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: Anything that I can do to help before next week?
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# 00:44 dorian now that's handy
# 00:53 aaronpk you only need to request it if you want scope like posting to their site
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# 00:54 ben_thatmustbeme but there is the bit about the client knowing if they approved it or not, and responding accordingly
# 00:54 ben_thatmustbeme so the MP endpoint needs to return that somehow, which is what i am trying to parse out now
# 01:10 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: I meant for IWC
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# 01:25 electronicmaji white people
# 01:25 electronicmaji and their skin cancer
# 01:25 electronicmaji while peopel can't even go outside into the sunlight without contracting a disease
# 01:25 electronicmaji what good is that?
scor joined the channel
# 01:31 ben_thatmustbeme GWG, oh, for IWC, I still need to work out food. We are going to just do the catered second day thanks to Tim, and I think he said they will do breakfast the first day
# 01:32 bret Doing intros: attending in PDX dietrich, tjgillies, edrex, mathpunk and wagle !
# 01:33 bret edrex is going to do a demo on continuous deployment of websites to gh-pages
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# 01:42 bret can be wired to be socket activated via systemd so it doesnt need to run the whole time
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tilgovi, KartikPrabhu and arlen joined the channel
# 02:27 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
gmack joined the channel
# 02:42 bret cool dietrich ill add that to the wiki later tonight
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 02:44 electronicmaji Martin Luther King and Anne Frank were the same age
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tilgovi, alanpearce, snarfed, Guest___, KartikPrabhu, lukebrooker, electronicmaji and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 04:17 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
danlyke, indie-visitor and snarfed joined the channel
rhiaro_, ShaneHudson_ and danfowle1 joined the channel
# 05:08 aaronpk ben_thatmustbeme: yep i'll bring a bunch of stickers!
squeakytoy2, modem and alanpearce joined the channel
Pierre-O, KevinMarks, lukebrooker, gRegor`, PMurphs, alanpearce, cweiske and pfefferle joined the channel
# 07:32 acegiak pfefferle, is dempress going to support the indieweb post kinds?
# 07:39 acegiak might have to ask GWG. I don't see it in the github documentation
Jihaisse, gmack, alanpearce, michielbdejong, csarven, krendil, benwerd, interactivist, sanduhrs, stream7, Acidnerd, friedcell, sammachin, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks_, KevinMarks, KevinMarks__, adactio, dns53, arlen, uhsf, Sebastien-L, frzn, pfefferle and barnabywalters joined the channel
# 12:09 GWG pfefferle, acegiak: I implemented two. One to declare microformats support, the other for post kinds support. If you declare post kinds support, it disables the content filter.
csarven joined the channel
# 12:43 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: Time grows short.
# 12:46 ben_thatmustbeme Indeed. Btw. Looked at the tripod and I'm not sure I have the mount for it. I'll ask today. I think he left it on the camera
elf-pavlik joined the channel
# 12:57 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: There should be a standard screw mount
# 12:57 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: Do you know what the room looks like?
# 12:59 GWG Is it the same one you had last time?
friedcell joined the channel
# 13:02 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: You were linking to the 2014 schedule. Fixed
cuibonobo, KevinMarks, Sebastien-L, interactivist and verdi_ joined the channel
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# 13:33 GWG Pfefferle, not built into post kinds.
# 13:33 GWG I switched to tgene support for features.
# 13:34 GWG The idea of having post kinds as a theme feature would mean the theme makes all the display decisions
# 13:36 GWG That would mean running get_kind_response_display.
# 13:45 ben_thatmustbeme thanks GWG, we were in the room last year, and I'm pretty sure its the same room, its an odd shape
# 13:46 ben_thatmustbeme and yeah, its like mine used to be, there is a screw mount piece but that has a quick release bit, which i think is what is missing. Really wish i hadn't yard saled my old tripod
danlyke and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 13:54 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: I could bring a full sized or tabletop
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# 14:11 Loqi barnabywalters: kylewm left you a message on 2/27 at 1:15pm: woodwind says it subscribed to your feed successfully, but i'm not getting pings from you :(
# 14:11 Loqi barnabywalters: cweiske left you a message 2 days, 2 hours ago: and strangely, login on https://waterpigs.co.uk/ works with http (without indiecert), but for https urls I get redirected to indieauth.com
# 14:14 barnabywalters ben_thatmustbeme: as a publisher, or a consumer? in theory, publishing PuSH is fairly simple — just add some <link> elements and send you hub(s) a POST after every update
# 14:14 ben_thatmustbeme i really just want to be able to notify my own phone of messages. but thats another problem
loic_m joined the channel
# 14:15 ben_thatmustbeme yeah, it looks pretty easy, just not something i want to get in to right now honestly
# 14:15 barnabywalters in practice, I found publishing PuSH to be easy to implement, but that apparently hasn’t stopped my implementation from breaking
# 14:18 ben_thatmustbeme it is, i just forgot i reversed the order so the newest message is at the bottom as it normally would be
# 14:24 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 14:34 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 14:39 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 14:42 kylewm barnabywalters: good morning :) I think the problem superfeedr has with your push feed is you don't publish Link HTTP headers and it requires them right now. we have a request into julien to fall back on <link> elements
danlyke joined the channel
# 15:01 kylewm ben_thatmustbeme: and the deal with the image proxy returning 500 is weird... it gets an error because your image doesn't have a Content-Type header
pfefferle joined the channel
# 15:04 ben_thatmustbeme yeah, one strang thing of selecting a file from gallery when posting, the file name is just a number, it doesn't contain .jpg or anything
gRegor` joined the channel
# 15:07 barnabywalters ben_thatmustbeme: that makes sense, IIRC apache maps file extensions to MIME types. If there isn’t an extension, it leaves it out
# 15:07 barnabywalters there’s probably some configuration voodoo which will make anything without an extension in a certain directory get served with image/jpeg
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# 15:08 barnabywalters there may also be mods which try to use the first x bytes of the file to sniff the content type is
# 15:09 barnabywalters but the easiest solution is probably just to leave the extensions on the file
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# 15:09 ben_thatmustbeme indeed. but I don't have control over that. maybe i am missing something in the cordova's gallery library
# 15:10 barnabywalters nice work on the personal pronoun microformats btw acegiak kylewm ben_thatmustbeme etc! I added mine last night
# 15:12 barnabywalters I wonder what sort of safeguards would make sense to implement as a consumer of personal pronoun microformats
# 15:12 barnabywalters are most personal/alternative pronouns a single word, without spaces? that would be an easy check
# 15:12 barnabywalters of course it doesn’t matter for private notifications, as only the spammer would see them
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# 16:11 ben_thatmustbeme barnabywalters, right now I am only storing #indiechat and #indiewebcamp, or any direct messages to ben_thawr
# 16:12 ben_thatmustbeme the idea is to hopefully obscure the pipe for direct messaging, and thus have a single log for direct messages from a person regardless of if the message came from private post/webmention, aim, irc, xmpp, etc
# 16:13 barnabywalters ben_thatmustbeme: oh, very cool — and all visible on your site as nicely formatted HTML
# 16:13 ben_thatmustbeme thus any app that communicates over any of those channels can easily pull up full logs and store back messages to your site
# 16:13 barnabywalters I’ve wanted to make some sort of improved h-feed view of my site’s logs for a while
# 16:14 barnabywalters ben_thatmustbeme: so this would be an ideal thing for, say, a feed reader to subscribe to? as it’s similar to having mentions feeds, but wider in scope
# 16:15 barnabywalters ben_thatmustbeme: oh yeah I was assuming it was always private, but that the owner would have a way of viewing the HTML
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# 16:16 barnabywalters ben_thatmustbeme: well, treat “feed reader” as a legacy term for “software with which you interact with your/other people indie sites”
# 16:17 barnabywalters e.g. on signing into shrewdness, it could discover log endpoints for people and create columns for each of them
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# 16:21 ben_thatmustbeme barnabywalters: it only goes back 100 entries (i believe), but the full log is stored. I need to figure out some options for paging
# 16:22 ben_thatmustbeme this is changing quickly, so skip=? limit=? by the time you go to prev it may be outdated
# 16:25 ben_thatmustbeme ideally, if a contact has a listing of irc://freenode/<username> and aim://<username> then either of those would pull up the same log
KevinMarks_, snarfed and wolftune joined the channel
# 16:59 kylewm i'm wondering about pronouns in different languages "I'll tell lui when I see lui"
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# 17:07 kylewm I assume we don't want to start going down the rabbit hole of microformats properties in different languages
# 17:08 barnabywalters microformats typically tries to accommodate as many possible languages/cultural norms e.g. “first”/“last” names with one property name
# 17:10 barnabywalters in this case, best approach is going to be to research+collect as many variations of personal pronoun usage in different languages, then design something from that
# 17:12 ben_thatmustbeme that would start to get pretty crazy, languages like japanese you really can't determine things like that because its the speaker who decides the formality to speak at
# 17:13 barnabywalters ben_thatmustbeme: if there’s a social network with 3rd person notifications in that language, then there are examples which can be collected
# 17:13 barnabywalters we look for how other people have solved the problem before trying to solve it ourselves
# 17:20 kylewm probably should haev seen that coming when Go moved to Github
# 17:27 kylewm hard to be upset about this one... they have a good long timeline for people to migrate their stuff off
# 17:28 aaronpk that seems like a very reasonable/responsible shutdown process
# 17:28 aaronpk also WOW: "I work on Google Code, and we will be putting a service in place to redirect deep links to project homepages, issues, etc. to their new locations."
# 17:31 aaronpk I should redirect ppl's geoloqi profile pages to their websites when I finally turn it off
# 17:37 aaronpk i'll just hard-code the list of them into an nginx config block
squeakytoy2 and elf-pavlik joined the channel
# 18:02 gRegor` Wow, Friendfeed finally shutting down in April? Lasted longer than I expected.
# 18:36 gRegor` Kinda stands out since it's written in first person instead o third, heh
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# 18:54 GWG I guess I should jump on the pronoun bandwagon.
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# 19:17 gRegor` I know; trying to avoid invisible data
# 19:18 kylewm hehe, I like the idea of working them into the bio subtly
# 19:18 gRegor` I'm intending my /about page to be my primary h-card and just the authorship from posts to it
# 19:19 gRegor` kylewm: I did check to see if "him" and "his" appeared anywhere. I could have used a "He" that actually referenced someone else. :)
# 19:19 gRegor` Add it as parts of other words... T<span...>his</span>
# 19:19 gRegor` KevinMarks_: Not yet
interactivist joined the channel
# 19:25 gRegor` what is preferred gender pronoun?
# 19:28 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
snarfed joined the channel
# 19:30 snarfed i think we were already including u-like-ofs (etc) of the silo post as well as original post, so that's hopefully not new
# 19:30 aaronpk snarfed: that URL I posted doesn't have aaronparecki.com in it at all
# 19:31 snarfed maybe we haven't discovered the original post for it yet?
Pierre-O joined the channel
# 19:33 snarfed ah, i can guess why. we no longer auto-generate content for likes etc, and we try to detect changed responses (e.g. comment edits) so we can send updates, so we're seeing the content change
# 19:34 snarfed webmention source urls and mf2 uids should be the same though so hopefully this won't cause too many dupes
# 19:35 aaronpk k. but why do some of them not have a link to my site?
# 19:35 aaronpk i'mgetting a bunch of instagram ones too, but those are working fine
# 19:37 aaronpk oh man this is making me really want to be smarter about doing git commits for webmentions
# 19:37 aaronpk right now i do a git commit and push for each webmention :/
# 19:38 kylewm git won't let you do a no-op commit though will it?
# 19:39 kylewm like if you re-receive an old webmention, it doesn't update the content of the page, there shouldn't be anything to commit?
# 19:39 aaronpk oh, no I store a log of each webmention request received in a file, so it will always append to that file
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# 20:23 PMurphs yes hi i am here
# 20:23 PMurphs i can test your new webcam for a small consulting fee of 10,000 us dollars
# 20:30 bear I was just going to post that ... my question/concern is why it needs a service worker to enable - my no-javascript static site would not work with it
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# 20:36 gRegor` ben_thatmustbeme, PMurphs: I'll do it for a mere 9,000 USD
# 20:44 gRegor` I did click in FB to renew the app permissions a week or so ago
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# 20:54 PMurphs ben_thatmustbeme: youre not my boss
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# 21:02 gRegor` Keep forgetting about it/saying I need to record more clips
# 21:05 gRegor` Uh oh, here come the mass webmentions
# 21:07 snarfed considering everyone has to remember to munge your username, that's pretty solid
# 21:08 gRegor` will not get gRegornobacktick.com, will not get gRe...
arlen joined the channel
# 21:13 KevinMarks would hosting feedparser on github.com/indieweb make sense when it moves off google code
# 21:13 KevinMarks (also,how do I get in the group - I have code that would fit)
# 21:15 kylewm KevinMarks: do the feedparser maintainers have an affiliation with indieweb?
# 21:16 kylewm looks forward to the site death of code.launchpad.net
# 21:20 kylewm KevinMarks: I sent you an invite to the github group
# 21:31 kylewm I'm not really clear what the github organization is for... i guess for generally useful libraries and/or for things that multiple people want to collaborate on
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# 21:53 aaronpk I think the IndieWeb org is good for libraries but not projects
# 21:55 petermolnar it's buggy and potentially messy and many many things are copied from the Keyring Social Importers, but so far, it's working
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# 22:37 gRegor` Look at the source. <!-- Badda Bing, Badda Boom -->
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# 22:42 gRegor` Jump Station <!-- Go ahead and jump. Might as well jump. -->
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# 22:49 acegiak kylewm: you recieve webmentions but don't automatically parse as comments, right?
# 22:50 kylewm acegiak: comments/replies on my site should show up automatically... if they don't, something is broken
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# 22:52 acegiak I really need to fix my extremely long permalink problem
# 22:54 KevinMarks no, you should add giant fragmentions too, and then you won't need to have a post, just a URL
# 22:57 kylewm acegiak: my logs are kind of messed up, but i don't see a webmention from you
# 23:04 kylewm hehe someone's going to have to suck it up and make webmention more reliable sooner or later
# 23:05 kylewm monitor the status url, on error try to send again with exponential backoff...
# 23:07 acegiak yeah, no it wasn't that. it was the fact that GWG changed the meta fields for storage but didn't change where it hcecked that field for sending webmentions to the new value
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# 23:12 KevinMarks i was thinking about that - have a fork of webmention.herokuapp.com which you also ping with WM's that stores them for you
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# 23:15 pwcc acegiak: I've been changing them manually to status<postID>, it also helps ensure I can keep the good slugs for blog posts :)
# 23:16 acegiak pwcc: the problem for me is only that the title is autopopulated and sometimes long. I can add some truncation tow whisperfollow
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# 23:28 GWG acegiak: I need to rewrite it for multi reply
# 23:29 GWG Even though I don't actually allow people to do multiple urls
# 23:29 GWG Unless you want to try to write that.
# 23:32 GWG I also have my plan to expand the data fields. Some may wait till IWC next week
# 23:34 GWG I just didn't want to have to change the structure again.
# 23:35 GWG I could always just use a character, like ; in the existing fields.
# 23:36 GWG I thought after the first time I'd never change it again
# 23:36 GWG acegiak: I have plenty to do for a while
# 23:38 GWG Publication, though I'm not sure what field name that is
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# 23:40 edrex tjgillies: got convos set up on my home server, good to be back on irc again :)
# 23:40 edrex also, I had been trying to learn emacs a few weeks ago and gave up, playing with spacemacs now and liking it
# 23:41 GWG I'm thinking that I should get at least rsvp or check-in working for IWC
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# 23:53 GWG acegiak: I need to resurrect Simple Location for that.
# 23:57 GWG Simple Location just adds the post meta boxes, but it was never finished
# 23:58 acegiak I think I'm gonna switch back to firefox just because it only occupys one slot in top which and lists the full footprint in that one line