2015-03-19 UTC
nloadholtes joined the channel
tantek and tilgovi joined the channel
# 00:38 acegiak GWG: any idea why mf2_s is showing a truncation/summary for my articles? or is it post kinds?
# 00:38 acegiak should be obeying the "for each article in a feed, show fulltext/summary" setting under reading
dariusdunlap, scor, tilgovi, webhat and yobj joined the channel
snarfed, KevinMarks_ and joshwnj joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 02:11 GWG acegiak: I only added the response to the feed. I didn't change it
mdik and snarfed joined the channel
# 02:56 aaronpk !tell cweiske sorry for the delay, but I just deployed the indieauth-client change to Monocle!
# 02:56 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 03:12 snarfed aaronpk: congrats again on monocle, it's shaping up great
wagle joined the channel
# 03:14 snarfed let me know if you want me to file issues about the unrelated yellow twitter links, or about twitter-activitystreams.appspot.com feeds not showing up. i've been waiting since you were busy
# 03:18 aaronpk !tell snarfed yeah go ahead and file issues! The yellow twitter icons are when it finds a syndicated post on twitter (and facebook and instagram). I should probably find a better way of displaying that though.
# 03:18 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 03:19 GWG What's the monocle URL? I'd like to have a look
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
lukebroo_ joined the channel
# 03:31 GWG aaronpk: Your travel page makes me want to implement something for travel.
# 03:32 aaronpk it's kinda fun! still needs some work and also a UI for me to create posts easier
# 03:32 GWG Well, my next project is location awareness for WordPress, to lead into check-ins.
# 03:33 GWG I have other projects, but that one is the most visual, and thus conducive to demoing.
snarfed joined the channel
snarfed and nloadholtes joined the channel
lukebrooker joined the channel
snarfed and nloadholtes joined the channel
benwerd and cweiske joined the channel
KartikPrabhu and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
kerosene and friedcell joined the channel
sanduhrs, cweiske, yakker, friedcell, danfowler, alanpearce, Jihaisse, modem, KevinMarks_, eschnou, glennjones, stream7, alexhartley, KevinMarks, Sebastien-L, alexhart_ and loic_m joined the channel
KevinMarks_, alanpearce, csarven, dns53, wolftune, frzn and friedcell joined the channel
# 11:14 aaronpk Sure! I won't be back at my computer for a few hours but will look when I can!
# 11:14 fkooman aaronpk: thanks :-)
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 11:18 GWG pdurbin: Well, I nearly had to use my air sickness bag, but yes
# 11:19 GWG Not the 5 year old part, the windy.
# 11:19 GWG Anyway, I'm looking forward to doing some hacking.
alanpearce_ joined the channel
# 11:20 pdurbin !tell tantek Approved! Coming to dinner tonight! Where? :)
# 11:20 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 11:23 GWG Speaking of which, I'd better go get cleaned up and ready to go to IWC.
tantek joined the channel
# 11:58 tantek pdurbin: good q - we'll have to ask ben_thatmustbeme :)
# 12:08 aaronpk Wheels up from Boston! I'll try to join from the plane, but if not, I'll see you when I land in Seattle!
# 12:11 GWG tantek: I had suggested Legal Seafood for a meal. Maybe that is more a dinner option
frzn joined the channel
# 12:25 ben_thatmustbeme hey, I didn't plan anything tonight for dinner, I figured that stuff would be first on the agenda today
# 12:26 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: Is anyone at the venue yet?
danlyke, kerosene and aaronpk_ joined the channel
# 13:29 pdurbin mattl: sorry to hear. hey, did you see the link I sent you in here the other day?
tgbrun and aaronpk_ joined the channel
# 13:32 aaronpk_ It's so dang loud on the plane! I need noise canceling headphones
# 13:32 Loqi pdurbin meant to say: aaronpk_: escaping Boston are you?
# 13:34 mattl pdurbin: oh cool. I'm in the IRC channel.
barryf, nloadholtes, KevinMarks_, fahrstuhl and pfefferle joined the channel
# 13:52 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme meant to say: we are live
erandros joined the channel
# 13:55 erandros Good morning, I was browsing the channels on freenode and found this
# 13:56 erandros I'm not exactly understanding what you guys do
# 13:56 GWG Have you visited indiewebcamp.com?
# 13:57 GWG Basically, we are a group of people who believe in having our own websites.
# 13:58 erandros Ok, is it like a site where people help with each other's projects?
# 13:58 erandros Or is it more oriented to...
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 13:58 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
# 13:58 GWG We do help, yes. But the projects use common tech.
# 13:59 erandros Ok, what do you with common tech?
gRegor` joined the channel
# 14:00 GWG For example, you can comment on someone else's site from your own.
# 14:02 erandros Is this blog oriented?
# 14:03 GWG Most personal sites are 'blog' style.
# 14:03 GWG But, there are other things people put on it
# 14:03 GWG erandros: Do you have your own site?
# 14:04 Loqi IndieWebCamps are brainstorming and building events where IndieWeb creators gather semi-regularly to meet in person, share ideas, and collaborate on IndieWeb design, UX, & code for their own sites https://indiewebcamp.com/indiewebcamp
# 14:05 erandros I'm building a site, it isn't a personal site though.
# 14:05 GWG The chat will answer you if you want.
# 14:06 erandros It's an educational site, oriented to academic knowledge.
# 14:06 erandros Well, seeing it might explain it better learneet.herokuapp.com
fjh and tantek joined the channel
# 14:07 erandros So, I'm browsing freenode in the hopes of finding people who needs help, and people who want to help me.
# 14:08 GWG With writing scientific articles or something else?
# 14:08 tantek erandros, it helps to have your own personal site to experiment on and learn from before building sites for others
# 14:08 GWG That isn't necessarily on topic for us here.
# 14:09 tantek erandros, and there's lots of people here who can help you with setting up a personal site and putting it to use!
# 14:10 GWG It's a good way to test things...use them yourself.
# 14:10 erandros I never thought of starting a personal site, I might consider it.
# 14:11 GWG Why should the place online that represents you be controlled by someone other than you?
scor joined the channel
# 14:11 erandros I haven't actually thought that, it makes perfect sense.
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 14:14 GWG erandros: We're having an event today, actually
# 14:15 erandros Oh, ok, hope you guys have a good time.
# 14:15 erandros I'm from Argentina so I'm afraid the plane ticket ticket it's a bit too expensive.
# 14:15 erandros Thanks for the info though, if I ever want to start a personal site, I'll probably contact you.
# 14:15 erandros Or rejoin this channel
aaronpk_ joined the channel
# 14:16 aaronpk_ I can't seem to find this by googling... Is it possible to put a content type in an HTTP link header?
snarfed joined the channel
# 14:20 GWG Good morning, pfefferle from windy Cambridge, MA and Indiewebcamp
AdamB and AnnB joined the channel
# 14:26 GWG tantek prepared to explain the principles of Indiewebcamp
# 14:26 gRegor` aaronpk: I think it's just type= on a <link>? But it's not exactly a content-type, or not the same value usually.
# 14:28 GWG tantek say: Build for yourself, not for others.
# 14:28 tommorris wishes the Bostonian indiewebsters well from grey London.
# 14:30 GWG tommorris: tantek is talking about you.
# 14:30 gRegor` Oh, you said Link header. Disregard.
# 14:30 gRegor` drinks more coffee
sanduhrs joined the channel
# 14:31 ben_thatmustbeme in the past we scribed everything in here, but i'm not sure we need to scribe this intro
milsyobtaf joined the channel
milsyobtaf joined the channel
# 14:32 GWG tommorris: Something you added to our principles.
Acidnerd joined the channel
# 14:33 GWG Something about platform agnostic platforms
AnnB joined the channel
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 14:38 GWG ben_thatmustbeme is demoing something that involves a webcam
# 14:39 GWG Oh...he's demoing his mobile posting interface on his mobile device.
# 14:40 tantek shows writing online drafts on his mobile UI / app
# 14:40 tantek and then later posting, keeping the original timestamps of when he wrote his posts.
torrorist joined the channel
# 14:40 tantek written in Apache Cordova, compiled to Android
# 14:40 tantek can theoretically be compiled to Windows Phone or iOS
# 14:41 tommorris (wow, an Apache project that isn’t all enterprise Java nastiness.)
# 14:42 gRegor` Hm. Working on de-duplication for Twitter favorites. Since Twitter doesn't have permalinks for each favorite, Bridgy sends the tweet URL, so I can't just use the u-url and target to de-dupe.
# 14:42 gRegor` How are others handling this?
aaronpk_ joined the channel
# 14:43 fjh ben's phone app should work with windows phone, not tested, or could be built for ios, requires micropub on server side and indieweb auth support
torrorist joined the channel
# 14:43 aaronpk_ tommorris: Apache Cordova was previously known as PhoneGap, Adobe basically acquired it
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 14:45 tantek shows logging into his own site with IndieAuth
indie-visitor_ joined the channel
# 14:45 tantek simplified with single user on the site assumption
# 14:45 tantek just one click then he picks an auth provider per normal indieauth flow
# 14:46 tantek hard to think of having one place to read and another to write
tilgovi joined the channel
# 14:46 tantek has been using his site a lot more for bookmarking
# 14:48 fjh is there a url for known?
aaronpk_ joined the channel
# 14:48 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: No prebuilt APK?
# 14:49 Acidnerd GWG, can i ask u a question ?
# 14:49 GWG Acidnerd: Yes, but might be slow. At Indiewebcamp
# 14:49 aaronpk_ Text is much easier to get through the tiny plane Internet
# 14:49 gRegor` waves from talkyio
# 14:50 Acidnerd directly on the theme ? or is the a plugin to insert this once ?
# 14:50 mattl ben_thatmustbeme: how do you find Cordova?
# 14:50 GWG Acidnerd: Rel-me links will be in a future version of Syndication Links
# 14:50 Acidnerd i guess this has something to do with the plugins syndication links
# 14:50 GWG Acidnerd: For now, try Indieauth Links from Jihaisse.
# 14:51 Acidnerd so right now, do i just go to main "homepage" and insert this below the article/page ?
# 14:51 gRegor` It's an aaronpk_ in the sky
# 14:51 GWG Jim Groom is showing his Known instance, and how he is using it to show off what he is interested in/working on.
# 14:51 ben_thatmustbeme mattl: not bad, there are some limitations, but for this type of app it works quite well. honestly i did that app in a couple days, there are a lot of bugs and incomplete things, it was more as a proof of concept
# 14:52 Acidnerd thanks GWG i'll try that
# 14:52 GWG He wants to syndicate to Known, as opposed to the other way round.
# 14:52 Acidnerd geez i wish i could be there
# 14:52 GWG Acidnerd: Will keep you posted on that update.
# 14:53 tantek Jim shows how students at his university are using Known
# 14:53 GWG Jim Groom is showing a Wordpress installation that aggregates student sites for an online course
# 14:53 Acidnerd thanks GWG, when u back, anytime we could have a chat/hangout & talk about my first Wp implementation, maybe some feedback can help improve the serie of plugins
# 14:53 gRegor` Thanks, camera guy
# 14:54 tantek fjhirsch.com is very simple, is running WordPress
# 14:54 GWG No camera guy here, just Amy Guy.
# 14:54 snarfed gRegor`: re de-duping twitter faves, use author too?
# 14:54 tantek uses Twitter a lot, not really thrilled with Twitter client
# 14:55 gRegor` snarfed: That's what I was leaning towards
# 14:55 tantek fjh: e.g. backup of photos, remote, off his site, in a way that doesn't lose his stuff
# 14:55 Acidnerd ben_thatmustbeme, that link is nice, but sound is really hard to catch...weird quality from here
# 14:55 gRegor` GWG: instantrimshot.com :)
# 14:55 Acidnerd sounds like this is underwater mixed with mars attack voices
# 14:55 GWG Because it is now pointing at the screen
# 14:55 gRegor` Yeah, pretty poor audio here too
# 14:55 snarfed gRegor`: maybe conditional on u-url == u-like-of, so you don't have to special case twitter
# 14:56 tantek fjh: got a shortener domain and is wanting to get that work too
# 14:56 tantek fjh: right now my photos are sitting on a harddrive at my house
# 14:56 ben_thatmustbeme Acidnerd: GWG is recording audio for later too, and we are trying to capture URLs to people's sites
# 14:56 GWG I have a directional microphone, but it couldn't hear the room. I need a boundary mic for next time.
# 14:56 aaronpk_ Okay bad audio is not just cause I'm on a loud plane?
# 14:56 gRegor` snarfed: Not tracking u-*-of URLs currently, unfortunately :/
# 14:56 tantek fjh: I don't want to use photo sites that claim they can use your photos for whatever you want
# 14:56 tantek fjh: others ask you to pay to get copies of your photos back
# 14:57 tantek fjh: wordpress seems like it could work but it doesn't seem quite right
# 14:57 Acidnerd ben_thatmustbeme, that's great..i'll keep an eye on this
# 14:57 GWG fjh: Talk to me about WordPress options when you get a moment.
# 14:57 Acidnerd talky is very similar to appear.in but worst in term of quality
# 14:58 tantek has been Drupal for a while now and enjoys it
# 14:58 tantek but doesn't enjoy doing it after he's clocked out
# 14:58 tantek wants to start playing with flat file stuff more like jekyll
# 14:58 tantek longterm project of taking grandma's recipe box
# 14:58 tantek taking index cards to Jekyll, make JSON feeds
# 14:58 tantek updates his home page when he needs a new job
# 14:59 gRegor` My processing (probably a mistake) processes the u-like-of and then sets a flag whether the wm is a like or not, but I haven't kept track of the u-like-of in the db. Still in the JSON, so I can add it without too much difficulty.
danlyke joined the channel
# 15:01 GWG Chris Buck just learned about this.
# 15:01 tantek interested in a lot of things, vast sharing of information
# 15:02 tantek we should be able to share scientific and large datasets among the populace
# 15:03 tantek started a year ago before had heard of IndieWeb
# 15:04 tantek recently broke her publishing flow, goal is to fix that, or skip straight to supporting micropub
# 15:04 gRegor` What is triple store?
# 15:04 tantek if anyone wants to talk to me about linked data
# 15:05 GWG tantek is showing his traditional style blog.
# 15:05 ben_thatmustbeme modeled after traditional blog. posts mostly on his own site but still hasn't figured some parts out
# 15:05 GWG tantek has been POSSEing to Twitter for 5 years
# 15:06 GWG There is no way to navigate to his previous tweet.
# 15:06 GWG So he built arrow keys on his site.
# 15:07 GWG tantek wants to bring back hypercard and flip through his posts
# 15:07 ben_thatmustbeme scrolling between tweets is so fast he doens't need to use ajaxy methods, full pages loads are fast enough
# 15:08 GWG tantek believes Twitter has better emoji than he does.
fahrstuhl joined the channel
# 15:13 ben_thatmustbeme (backfilling the log) when viewing a single tweet in twitter, there is no way to see next or previous tweet
# 15:14 GWG tantek likes on his site, and it POSSEs to Twitter.
verdi_ joined the channel
# 15:16 tantek Adam: is searching for a domain name to play with some stuff
timmmmyboy joined the channel
# 15:16 tantek was the first person in Boeing to bring the web into Boeing
# 15:16 GWG Both Adam and Ann work for Boeing...
# 15:16 tantek long history with web, but not putting my own stuff public
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
# 15:17 tantek … and Amy is an inspiration for me to get my stuff together and on the web
# 15:17 tantek … thinking of my [domain] name is the hardest part
# 15:17 tantek … on the other hand I may leave my job soon so it may be important to have my own website
# 15:17 tantek … I could document what it's like to become a retired person
# 15:19 tantek … I'm aiming at all my apps, every single thing on my computer stored on my owns site
# 15:19 tantek … I want every click and everything I do on my own site
# 15:19 tantek … last time my project was to get my LiveJournal stuff out of there
# 15:20 tantek company has an office in Boston so figured he'd come over
# 15:21 tantek by day he is CTO of a company, does not get to do any hacking
# 15:21 tantek this (my site) was his gateway to making things, scratching his own itches
# 15:22 tantek ported all his bookmarks and old tweets over to his own site
# 15:22 tantek ownyourgram posts it to his own site [using micropub]
# 15:22 tantek it means he can still use all the features too
# 15:23 tantek and he copies any comments or likes from those services back to his site
# 15:23 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 15:23 fjh is there a link fro bridgy
# 15:23 tantek and he also uses Bridgy to publish back to twitter
# 15:23 aaronpk KevinMarks__: but timmmmyboy has a custom domain for his! way better
# 15:23 aaronpk timmmmyboy: just a short section about how you did it in that section of /hosting would be great!
# 15:24 GWG barryf has thr reply context on his site.
# 15:24 GWG So you can see what he was replying/liking
# 15:24 tantek … I post all my replies and likes from my own site
# 15:24 tantek if I like a post with microformats support, I can get a snippet of it to display on my site
# 15:24 tantek I also do reposts, rather than doing a retweet on twitter
# 15:25 tantek now I can use any tool, e.g. Quill, Teacup, Mobilepub to
# 15:25 tantek and my own tool using micropublish.herokuapp.com
# 15:25 GWG barryf made his own tool called Micropublish
# 15:26 tantek bookmark, content, title, tags, syndication options
# 15:26 GWG He's trying to like something now.
# 15:27 GWG We are all waiting with baited breath
# 15:27 tantek the idea is that everything on my site originates via micropub
# 15:27 tantek … has been organizing a while politically on FB, but that's kind of terrible
# 15:28 GWG Trying to get patients off Facebook
# 15:28 GWG She is not going to show the site as private
# 15:28 GWG Hoping to get new ideas to get people excited.
# 15:28 tantek does not have personal site, but does have personal twitter
# 15:29 GWG Has taken the Indie concept further by now having a website hosted in his house on a laptop
# 15:29 tantek also has his website hosted on laptop in his house on static IP!
# 15:29 GWG He has a static ip. He hosts the site right from his home on Nginx and Known 0.7.5
# 15:29 tantek it's not a personal website, it's for activism
# 15:29 GWG It is not a personal site, it is for an activist site
# 15:29 tantek one of the features of the new Known is that you can now post to FB pages
# 15:29 tantek shows a post on sensible.mn and POSSE copy on FB Page
# 15:30 GWG Demonstrates FB page is is POSSEd to
# 15:30 tantek on the page he liked it, and made a short comment, through Bridgy both posted back to the original site
# 15:30 tantek definitely new at all this stuff and just getting started
# 15:30 GWG He is new at this and just getting started. Two things he is interest in...
# 15:30 GWG He wants PDFs....due data requests from the government
# 15:30 tantek does a lot of data requests from the government
# 15:30 GWG Also would like to host that himself
# 15:30 GWG Wants to record videos and host them
# 15:31 GWG Known allows for static pages. He hasn't done much with that, but he is trying this feature
# 15:33 tantek I am one of the people helping other people running WordPress
# 15:33 tantek I started out wanting to add a bunch of indieweb style tools
# 15:33 tantek what I've added is a layer to identify types of posts
# 15:36 tantek all of the context is provided in the posting UI in some boxes, URL, name, author, author photo, publisher, excerpt
# 15:37 tantek and automatically merge URLs from that plugin
# 15:37 tantek because there was one person that wouldn't follow him anywhere else
# 15:37 fjh where do you run the code that handles twitter interaction etc , bridgy, is it under your personal web site?
# 15:38 tantek I test them and bring them over when they're not crashing the site
# 15:39 tantek shows a Listen with song, musician, and album name
# 15:39 tantek because there's a micropub plugin for WordPress
# 15:40 tantek had a facepile but deactivated it, but it will be back
# 15:40 tantek she is liking it by FB, which is surprising as she never uses FB and never likes anything
# 15:40 gRegor` snarfed: Another edge case with the fb2.x api is author URLs changed, so I can't use that to uniquely identify either :)
# 15:41 tantek where if someone replies to his POSSE email copy then it shows up as a comment on his site
# 15:41 gRegor` So I will need to do the u-*-of comparison, but I still need to add something to generate a unique md5 hash, since I'd like to use that as the de-dupe check.
# 15:43 tantek david shows how new post will syndicate and to email
# 15:45 tantek it showed up as a comment on the David's note!
# 15:47 kylewm gRegor`: data point: I dedupe based on the source url only
# 15:48 gRegor` kylewm: So the Bridgy URL, or the u-url it reports?
stream7 and sandro joined the channel
# 15:49 kylewm gRegor`: the brid-gy.appspot.com url, the one that is the source= property of the webmention
# 15:49 gRegor` Yeah, now that I think about it not sure why I include the target URL in that...
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 15:49 gRegor` kylewm: Ok, so you get duplicates with this new fb2.x nonsense
# 15:49 gRegor` I was trying to avoid those
# 15:50 gRegor` Up to now that's been what I've used, too: md5(wm.source + wm.target)
# 15:50 gRegor` Good point that I probably don't need the wm.target in that, though
# 15:50 GWG He looks like a hat, according to him
# 15:51 gRegor` Unless in-reply-to multiple posts of mine, hm
barnabywalters joined the channel
# 15:52 bret that second day at the w3c f2f seemed much more productive, bravo tantek aaronpk rhiaro ben_thatmustbeme
# 15:52 GWG curl is apparently the 'one true http client'
# 15:53 mattl i wasn't there second day. i got sick on the first day.
indie-visitor__ joined the channel
butterwell joined the channel
# 15:54 GWG bigbluehat is exploring this as a replacement for webfinger or routing to openid
# 15:55 GWG The hope was to fix the problem that OpenID, that no one could remember their OpenID URL
# 15:55 GWG He believes it fits into Indieweb.
# 15:55 GWG I am thinking he should add it to the wiki
# 15:56 bret Loqi is like a sponge that absorbs positive conversation and farts karma
# 15:56 tantek the PHP is on github, the JS and Python client went up this morning
# 15:56 bret its like a lazy river for web reqs and res's
# 15:57 GWG The question is where you want to host the user data. It can either be hosted, or 302ed...
# 15:57 GWG It does not have to be an email address, just an identifier
# 15:58 tantek lunch: cafeteria on the first floor of this building suggested by Sandro
# 15:59 tantek MIT student center has more traditional food court type stuff
Acidnerd joined the channel
# 15:59 AnnB question for All: any ways to dump an entire set of photos from Flickr, with captions? (for a photographer friend who is on the decline)
# 16:01 AnnB oh cool .. thanks
# 16:01 AnnB I thought this crowd might know!
indie-visitor__ joined the channel
# 16:05 timmmmyboy aaronpk: Any idea why known.jimgroom.com would be failing Twitter and Github auth on IndieAuth?
chalettu, barryf and cweiske joined the channel
# 16:15 AnnB so sorry to have to leave... darn
barryf and almereyda joined the channel
# 16:19 timmmmyboy aaronpk: Nevermind, we figured it out. Forgot social profiles have to link back to the domain as well.
fjh, milsyobtaf and tilgovi joined the channel
# 16:31 bret !tell tantek would you open to a PR that exports some of the functions in cassis so it can be used in node/browserify?
# 16:31 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
pauloppenheim joined the channel
# 16:31 cweiske aaronpk, could you enable HSTS on indiewebcamp.com?
snarfed and barryf joined the channel
tilgovi and tantek joined the channel
loic_m, dariusdunlap, indie-visitor, indie-visitor_ and milsyobtaf joined the channel
milsyobtaf, KevinMarks_, aakriti and indie-visitor__ joined the channel
aakriti_, KevinMarks_, pfefferle, timmmmyboy and milsyobtaf joined the channel
hongpong joined the channel
# 17:17 hongpong i am going to try and improve the currently blank Drupal page. Quite a lot of the pieces exist, but aren't really organized
# 17:17 snarfed aaronpk: huh, weird. i recently moved u-like-of, u-repost-of, etc links outside of e-content. maybe it only looks for target links in content?
# 17:20 snarfed gRegor`: kylewm: re de-duping bridgy wms, sadly you might consider special casing fb. it's the only one (so far) where source, u-url, and author url have all changed for the same response
loic_m joined the channel
# 17:20 snarfed all the others should de-dupe on either source alone or uid alone
tantek_ joined the channel
# 17:21 gRegor` Yeah, I'm going to special case both twitter and facebook, but not sure how.. at least with my desired unique hash method.
# 17:22 snarfed gRegor`: sigh yeah. why special case twitter though?
# 17:22 gRegor` snarfed: Same as with facebook, the u-url is the post's URL, not unique tot he like/repost action.
# 17:23 bret ill try to keep it php compatible but ill need you to double check it
# 17:23 snarfed gRegor`: right, but source is unique and should work fine
# 17:23 kylewm aaronpk: snarfed: I noticed the first time I sent the bridgy permalink through pin13's parser, it came back blank. Maybe an error when fetching it the first time?
# 17:23 gRegor` Oh, continue using bridgy wm.source? I suppose.
# 17:23 snarfed gRegor`: maybe yeah. fb 2.x api seems to be the only troublemaker
# 17:24 gRegor` I hadn't considered that. I was moving away from bridgy source URLs to the actual u-url. I'll think about it some more.
torrorist joined the channel
# 17:25 tantek bret - I think barnabywalters sent me a pull request for PHP modules or something
# 17:26 tantek so a separate file for Node or whatever other module / package system is fine too
# 17:27 bret you would be getting a package.json and a few exports.auto_link = auto_link; ... etc inside cassis.js
# 17:27 snarfed (gRegor`: also, just fyi, bridgy wm sources will often have multiple u-like-of, u-repost-of, u-mention, etc links, and no guarantee on ordering, so be careful if you always use just the first)
# 17:27 gRegor` I'm working on a webmention plugin for ProcessWire, so trying to be the most future-proof with wm processing... but maybe that's not necessary.
# 17:27 bret (or whatever the function name that we want to expose is)
csarven joined the channel
# 17:27 gRegor` I noticed that. I was going to ask why the same u-like-of shows up multiple times in there.
# 17:27 bret ill take a quick pass at it and you can take a look
# 17:28 snarfed tantek, GWG, etc at IWC: pls say hi to sandro for me! i'd love to hear a status update on cimba, any interop with indieweb, etc!
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# 17:34 gRegor` snarfed: For FB I could use u-url (not changed) + author name and hope two John Smiths don't comment on the same status. :)
torrorist joined the channel
# 17:36 snarfed gRegor`: ugly, but sure. or just remove dupes manually? you shouldn't keep getting dupes going forward, so that shouldn't be too much work
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# 17:43 hongpong greetings benwerd
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# 17:47 fjh what is link for public pad?
# 17:48 hongpong also, heres a thing. i edited a drupal module to extract out Facebook *page* content streams, ingest into Feeds module. I can get this out on github by tomorrow i think (GPL)
# 17:49 kylewm gRegor`: (it's not the exact same issue for like permalinks, but related)
# 17:53 gRegor` Ooh, Drupal. Might be the first indieweb user?
friedcell joined the channel
# 17:57 gRegor` Better audio on talky now?
# 18:02 gRegor` I'm the mysterious black screen on talky
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# 18:07 gRegor` Which session is in alt, ben_thatmustbeme?
# 18:07 gRegor` Intro to a/v? :)
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# 18:09 gRegor` We can hear you :)
# 18:14 gRegor` Nobody appears to be taking notes there, though. Just created the etherpad
# 18:15 gRegor` jumps back to alt
# 18:16 fahrstuhl Do I get this right that there's no way to get Facebook liking and commenting on my website, safe for manual copy and paste?
# 18:18 benwerd (I feel like the product placement pirate in Monkey Island. Ask me about Loom ...)
# 18:19 bret GWG: are there active talky sessions right now?
# 18:23 gRegor` bret, there are two
# 18:26 snarfed benwerd++ for lucasarts references! (i finished the grim fandango remaster just a couple weeks ago)
# 18:27 gRegor` thought-post: The draft posts in my CMS end up just sitting there and forgotten.
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# 18:38 hongpong1 is there a good indiewebcamp linter? I would love something like a w3c validator for developing on this
# 18:39 hongpong1 oh perfect kylewm thanks
# 18:39 bret hongpong1: unfortunately only super high level and low level right now
# 18:40 bret hongpong1: if you need mentions or links you can ask here as well!
# 18:40 hongpong1 im just trying to figure out how i could work this into drupal. is most of the tags pretty much the same as official microformats then?
# 18:41 bret im not familiar with drupal, but people have some sites with super high indiemark scores using wordpress
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# 18:42 bret bummer that webRTC is so cpu intensive still
# 18:47 hongpong1 yr getting props in here dude
# 18:47 tantek just got a great testimonial about Known helping someone change how they blog
# 18:48 benwerd Aw, I missed it! Who was it? I want to thank them personally
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# 18:51 tantek etherpad.mozilla.org/indiewebcamp-thoughtpost
# 18:53 hongpong1 can someone post our schedule on Imgur or something? i bumped my drupal thing back an hr
# 18:57 gRegor` Interesting slack/IRC conversation in that thread, kylewm
# 18:57 hongpong1 i mean the stickynotes on the wall
# 18:57 hongpong1 forgot theres a padd too. i want to see the chromify thing, which room is that? interested in node
# 19:01 gRegor` I like tantek's suggestion of setting aside a fixed time (hour) to work on the *next* thing you want to blog about, and hone the topic down to the point that you can get it published within that time.
# 19:02 gRegor` Good focus practice
# 19:02 hongpong1 which one is in room 312 now?
# 19:02 gRegor` No, part of the thought-post session. How to capture thoughts/drafts and get them into posts eventually
KevinMarks_, timmmmyboy and tantek joined the channel
# 19:11 hongpong1 sorry i gotta bump back drupal again to 5PM
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# 19:28 kylewm just jumped into talky, is the unix permissions conversation part of the tilde discussion?
# 19:31 tantek since you start a tilde account with a ~username directory, with stuff in it and have to decide what you want private, share with "friends" (group), or everyone on the tilde
# 19:31 tantek organizer note: 8 people in the main room are interested in dinner
# 19:32 gRegor` talky alt has echo due to two videos, I think
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# 19:35 hongpong1 is my chromify one echoey
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# 19:35 gRegor` hongpong1: Yeah
# 19:36 gRegor` Shows two videos for some reason. Mute one?
# 19:36 gRegor` I jumped over to tilde currently, though.
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# 19:38 gRegor` tilde session is about setting up your own tilde server?
# 19:38 hongpong1 does that fix the echo? this app confuses me thats for sure
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# 19:58 tantek snarfed, it's also a subtle reference to KevinMarks's byline.
# 20:03 tantek benwerd do you know how why Known flips images? (sometimes?)
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# 20:04 aaronpk i assume because some cameras embed rotation info into the jpg and others actually store the pixels in the proper orientation
# 20:04 tantek and then click on the image and see the "full" version, which is flipped
# 20:05 tantek that tells me that Known is doing something inconsistent
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# 20:21 benwerd tantek: sorry, was stepping out. Flips images? As in mirror images them?
# 20:22 aaronpk huh... i just noticed that there are three feeds added for my site in Monocle
# 20:22 kylewm more than likely it loses the camera rotation information when it resizes the image
# 20:23 timmmmyboy Ironically Known is the only site that got it right in the post whereas everyone else showed it upside down
# 20:23 benwerd I'm actually wondering if it was _taken_ upside down - i.e. the internal rotation was 180 degrees
# 20:23 benwerd We do take note of, and adjust according to, the EXIF rotation
# 20:24 aaronpk but anybody can say their topic URL is my site, so I can't de-dupe on that, or people could hijack my feed
# 20:24 timmmmyboy benwerd: I suspect that might be the case. However iPhone figures it out in photos app, but no one else apparently can (unless in Exif and got stripped?)
# 20:24 aaronpk kylewm: you should at least be adding the trailing slash to a bare domain since a bare domain isn't a complete URL
# 20:25 aaronpk but the http / https thing is my fault since I serve my site from both
# 20:25 aaronpk i'm not sure how to handle the aaronpk.com vs aaronparecki.com case
# 20:25 benwerd timmmmyboy: I think that's exactly it. We deliberately strip GPS from stored photos (and store it alongside, in the db) to help protect your privacy - it's probably accidentally get this too
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# 20:27 rhiaro I already met benwerd in Edinburgh once so I figure it can happen again
# 20:27 benwerd I'm looking at dates and figuring it all out - I'm not exactly on a high-quality salary right now so I'm being careful :)
# 20:27 tantek benwerd you just need to ask for someone to be your patron for your art-making :)
# 20:29 benwerd rhiaro: it doesn't take much convincing to get me to come back to Edinburgh. And I have a high school reunion in Oxford in early August.
# 20:29 aaronpk okay i'm punting on the "duplicate" feed URL issue for now...
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# 20:30 benwerd Hey, does anyone support OExchange or something like it?
# 20:30 JHSheridan kylewm or anyone else using Redwind around?
# 20:31 aaronpk benwerd: you can just say "OExchange is ..." here now :-D
# 20:31 JHSheridan We discussed this briefly before, but can you run me thru getting Redwind setup again
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# 20:31 JHSheridan I've started a venv instance and installed the things from requirements.txt
# 20:32 benwerd OExchange is a simple web-based convention for sharing any website via any platform on the web. It is supported by AddThis among other services, and includes provisions for sharing services to be auto-discovered by browsers and other tools.
# 20:34 kylewm JHSheridan: sure, you'll need to copy config.py.template to config.py, and fill it out wiht your database connection information (can just use sqlite if developing locally), and run run install.py to generate the tables and such
# 20:34 JHSheridan ah... that's what that error meant... sigh
# 20:34 kylewm JHSheridan: then uwsgi uwsgi-dev.ini and you should have it running on localhost:5000
# 20:34 JHSheridan Should have gotten that one myself
# 20:35 JHSheridan You said you're having better luck with sqllite than redis, right?
# 20:35 benwerd tantek: I humbly also submit 'text-transform:1337'
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# 20:39 JHSheridan Sorry... I meant sqllite over postgres
# 20:39 kylewm JHSheridan: I use redis (for the asynchronous work queue), and the actual persistent storage is in sqlite for development and postgres in production
# 20:40 rhiaro ha thanks aaronpk. Some of the speech bubbles are a big ambiguous
# 20:40 rhiaro I'm ditching amy.so in september so I loose the cool domain :(
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# 20:48 gRegor` I thought there was a 'coffee' contact type on rhiaro's page and got excited. Guess it's actually bitbucket, though. :)
# 20:49 kylewm waht's up with that question about SFW; nothing about costs anywhere on that page
# 20:51 timmmmyboy AWS is expensive recommendation for anyone getting a small VPS. I mentioned Digital Ocean to them.
# 20:51 kylewm my bad, thanks KartikPrabhu (I searched for dollars and $, didn't think to look for cents)
# 20:52 aaronpk micro instances got cheaper, especially if you pre-pay for a year
# 20:52 aaronpk but yeah AWS is not really a good fit for stuff like this
# 20:55 aaronpk still it's a bizarre ecosystem ot get into if you think you're going to just run one server
# 20:56 aaronpk especially since now they are trying to discourage running a server with a public IP
# 20:57 kylewm aaronpk: sorry you're right, it goes down to $10 if you pay up front
# 21:02 aaronpk I would actually actively discourage ppl from using it unless they have an architecture that requires more than a single server
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# 21:02 snarfed also depends a lot on the person. i'd discourage VPSes altogether unless you're very technical and *want* to sysadmin
# 21:04 snarfed honestly for non technical people, blogger, wordpress.com, and tumblr are all totally reasonable ways to start out on indieweb
# 21:04 snarfed they can do own domain, mf2, webmentions, most of the core stuff
# 21:05 tantek now that the future is here, it's less interesting
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# 21:13 JHSheridan I'm up and running, KyleWM
# 21:13 JHSheridan Thx for the help... klyewm++
# 21:14 JHSheridan Running python3 instead of 2 solved a lot of issues... lol
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# 21:16 kylewm JHSheridan: that's great! haha yeah I don't think it will work on 2
# 21:16 tantek__ we're talking about different presentation for different kinds of posts
# 21:16 JHSheridan kylewm: you told me that before, but I'd just forfotten
# 21:18 cweiske.de uploaded /File:indieauth-authorization-process.png "Made with the open source "sdedit" tool.Sequence code:#![IndieAuth: Authorization process]browser:Browser "User browser"webapp:Application "Web application"server:Webserver "User web server"authendpoint:Webserver "Auth endpoint"browser:3. Redirect to auth endpoint=webapp.1. Click "Login"webapp:server.2. Fetch homepagewebapp:*1 webappDiscover auth endpoint*1(1) webappbrowser:5. Redirect to web application=authendpoint.4. Verify userbrowser:7. Show page=webapp.Load pagewebapp:authendpoint.6 .Verify tokenwebapp:*2 webappLog user in*2 (2) webapp"
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# 21:19 pdurbin ben_thatmustbeme: did you all decide where dinner is? /cc tantek__ GWG et. al
# 21:22 ben_thatmustbeme Pdurbin. We have not worked that out yet. I will not be attending and it's only 8 or 9 people
# 21:25 tantek__ pdurbin see location at what is IndieWebCamp Cambridge
# 21:26 pdurbin could probably swing that. same room as last time?
# 21:27 tantek like favorite share bookmark linkblog listen repost reply
# 21:28 hongpong thanks tantek
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# 21:44 JHSheridan kylewm: What's your normal workflow through RedWind to do something simple
# 21:44 JHSheridan kylewm: like posting a tweet
# 21:45 kylewm JHSheridan: I have a bookmark for kylewm.com/new
# 21:46 kylewm and bookmarklets for Reply, Like, Bookmark, Repost
# 21:46 JHSheridan ah... now I see
# 21:47 JHSheridan I can login w/ indieauth, but it says I can only poke around in the backend
# 21:47 JHSheridan I assume that's b/c of some static setting somewhere?
# 21:47 JHSheridan or b/c I'm developing locally?
# 21:50 pdurbin tantek__: jumping on my bike now. will try to get there fast
# 21:52 kylewm JHSheridan: it looks like you need to add it to the database manually, sorry
# 21:52 JHSheridan kylewm No worries, man... thank you for the quick help.
# 21:52 kylewm JHSheridan: update setting set value='yourdomain.com' where key='author_domain';
# 21:53 kylewm replace yourdomain.com with your actual domain
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# 22:12 KevinMarks_ TÍže̴̙̱xÌ•Í™Ì¯Ì£Ì©Ì ţ̞-̖̼Ị̜́t̙̀r͉̪͇̹a̲̪̬͙̞Ìn̘̙̖ͅs̮̖̦̗͖͢fÌ·o̗̹̞r̷̳̫̳͕̣̫̣mÍ͇:̧̜̩͉̳͖z̹ͅÍ̪aÍ͔̙̟͇͕lÌ›Í̹̻gÌ´o̶
# 22:12 sandro thanks, KevinMarks
# 22:16 sandro Breakout rooms: 312 (after 11:30am) and D507 (until 1:30pm)
# 22:16 JHSheridan Can you think of any other spots to update the domain, kylewm? Updated the author_domain and site_url fields in the setting table
# 22:17 kylewm JHSheridan: you just need to set author_domain so you can log in, then you can edit all the settings under /settings
# 22:18 JHSheridan hmm... still having issues authenticating kylewm
# 22:19 JHSheridan Just to be positivve, I should be authenticating w/ JHSheridan.com, right?
# 22:19 kylewm JHSheridan: it may be an issue with capitalization, I expect you'd want to set author_domain to jhsherian.com