#tantekKartikPrabhu: what I mean about indie to indie is, perhaps document that in /photo#Brainstorming - e.g. "How to embed" and "How to make embeddable"
#KartikPrabhuwill play around with some examples to see what actually is the problem, and then add them there
#snarfedgRegor`: no, my caching is just dumb and overly aggressive. i need to fix it, i'm just lazy and not sure how. thanks for the nudge, on my todo list now
#GWGpetermolnar: It adds location to posts and pages. But this is the question
#GWGWordPress has a geodata parameter to store things. It uses freeform text for the address, whereas microformats require structured data.
wolftune joined the channel
#petermolnarI'm not that familiar with geodata; I'd store everything in longitude and latitude and transform it on the fly, but that probably requires 3rd party service
#petermolnarotherwise the internationalization will be an issue
#petermolnarfor example, I live at a place which only has a name and not a number as house "number"
#GWGpetermolnar: I'm working on the logic to turn the various returned fields into the appropriate microformats ones. So I've added the entire h-adr structure as post meta.
#GWGI don't want to request the data on load, only on save/publish so it will be stored with the post, and then it can be manually edited by the user if they don't like the return.
#GWGpetermolnar: When I get it to a certain point, I may ask you to test it and give me your opinion. Creating a location solution for WordPress is hard.
#GWGpetermolnar: There is the Geolocation plugin, but it was missing two things I considered critical. One was HTML5 geolocation support.
#petermolnarI know, I've tried 3 times; one time I was looking for a working point it on the map solution, another was to get venues & similar
#petermolnarGWG I know that problem; once I've tried to make a common abstract class and I hit the wall with PHP whereas it cannot re-declare an abstract class... I'd say copy-paste is your friend, sadly.
#GWGpetermolnar: More I need to figure out progressive enhancement
#cuibonoboit seems to be that other people have a generic image name like 'profile.jpg' or 'icon_64.png', while aaronpk and kylewm have their name, plus a number
#cuibonobohaving a more unique image name makes it look like it's being used for tracking purposes
#GWGrhiaro: I've been working with nominatim reverse address lookup. I might abstract my code a bit more so it could be used elsewhere. It takes the results and tries to convert them to MF2
elf-pavlik_ and gRegor` joined the channel
#GWGUnfortunately for me, nominatim is very inconsistent in the fields it returns.
#LoqiA permashortcitation (or permashortid) is a short non-hyperlinked citation to a post permalink, in contrast to a permashortlink which does hyperlink to a post https://indiewebcamp.com/permashortcitation
#snarfedbutterwell: alternatively, when we do include the full content, many of us don't like also linking (or using a PSC/PSL), so we put https://indiewebcamp.com/rel-syndication links on the original post instead
#snarfed(this is still an open debate in the community)
#GWGI do love Loqi being hooked to the wiki sometimes.
#rhiaroGWG: I dunno yet. I've read the spec but it's hard to form an opinion from that. I'm gradually adding AS2 terms to my data model until hopefully I can just publish a stream directly from my triplestore
yakker joined the channel
#butterwellOkay, so Loki found the tweet, verified it was me via my site. Lovely. Grand. I'm envious. How do I show up as a picture-fied underlined person on IRC?
#tantekAnd the argument I have with framing like "not here for XYZ" is that it's flawed negative framing. Rather than say what you're not here for, instead say what you are here for.
#tantekUnfortunately it's easier to strawman such negative framing rather than ship and selfdogfood positive framing.
#pwccThe second tweet I understand better, there is a financial blocker to indieweb. Easier for a middle-class tech worker in a well paying job to rent their own server.
#tantekpwcc - no it's more confusion than that. This thread shows confusion between IndieWeb, identica, pump.io etc.:
#GWGpwcc: Why rent your own server? There are hosting options that don't require it
#snarfedpwcc: also you don't necessarily need a server to be indieweb. free hosts like wp.com, blogger, and tumblr can all be good indieweb citizens: indieauth, mf2, webmention, etc
#tantekthus confusion / conflation between indieweb / identica / pump.io - all three of which are quite different (and sadly not interoperable - yet)
#pwccNot to say it's a huge expense. Perceptions are important.
#tantekpwcc: it's not a huge expense. people pay more monthly for a cellphone than they would need to pay yearly for domain+webhosting.
#tantekthus the whole argument from monetary privilege falls pretty flat
#pwccBut, I think you're right tantek - what we're seeing in front of us is some confusion. But I try to be sympathetic to other POVs.
#tantekbigger issue is *difficulty* (AKA time necessary) in getting things working, maintaining etc.
#tantekpwcc - we should absolutely be sympathetic - because clearly there's an outrcy here for *some* form of alternative to popular social network silos
#pwccYes, and times an expense when you can't really afford a PC and have to work a second job
#snarfedalso, re the '"free" internet' tweet, i think she meant (that we want) free as in freedom, not as in beer
#rhiaronotes we can't tell people what they can and can't afford based on what they may or may not already pay for
#rhiaroIf a term needed coining, I'd go with richsplaining
#tantekrhiaro: my point more is that time cost is a bigger problem here IMO than $ cost (especially since lots of foundations / orgs etc. have tried the throw money at the problem approach - e.g. OLPC etc.)
#rhiarosure, the barrier is high in a number of ways, but existence of one barrier doesn't remove existence of a different barrier, that's all
#rhiarore: twitter thread, I didn't know that's how wilkie felt
#tantekrhiaro: of course there are multiple barriers, I think it's important to point out which ones are (apparently) highest
#snarfed(i'm repeating myself, but i'm pretty sure they weren't talking about money anywhere in that thread)
#tantekrhiaro: I've seen wilkie vent once in a while so that's how I'm reading it (i.e. I don't think he means anything really insulting, just letting off steam)
#rhiarosnarfed: yes, I agree. Sounds like they think indieweb is a centralised system
#pwccsnarfed: agree, the Open Source Twitter comment etc.
#tantekrhiaro: indieweb does sometimes confuse people because they see through centralized assumption biases. e.g. people ask "where is the indieweb project that I can install"?
#snarfedrhiaro: that wasn't my reading either. assuming we're talking about this tweet, i think they were claiming hypocrisy since we like free, decentralized tech, but they think we're not diverse enough. https://twitter.com/ashedryden/status/579787595502125057
#GWGUntil I got involved here...I did not realize how controversial some of these things are
#tantekGWG, there are many controversial things. And there are only 24 hours in a day. Eveyrone has to prioritize and choose what to improve, and by opportunity cost, what gets neglected. Choosing nothing means everything gets neglected.