tantekrhiaro: if you find issues that you think are worth documenting (i.e. aren't just ind.ie confusion, which is a separate problem), you could try adding them here: http://indiewebcamp.com/diversity
GWGThe truth is, I like Indieweb over things like Pump.io because we are building things anyone can interact with even if they have no idea what we're doing.
gRegor`CollectQT is "A (Q)ueer (T)rans (Collect)ive for rebuilding your internets. Currently forming a new social network call Quirell" and LynnMagic is referring to pumpio here https://twitter.com/LynnMagic/status/579780867121242112
LoqiCollectQT is a project to build a LGBTQ-aware social network silo which is currently documented as a series of issues on Gitlab, based on shortcomings of existing silos https://indiewebcamp.com/CollectQT
ben_thatmustbemeoh, btw, tantek, I already left a message for barnaby, I had a test case already but I don't think i had updated the pull request to include it
tantekKartikPrabhu: no to "should parse the HTML on the page" but rather, document it as an *example* of an HTML only (no script needed) photo embed code
ben_thatmustbemeyes, but i feel like going around the room like that without getting up to the podium made people feel like they had to show something off
tantekand I think as long as we frame it as, you can show anything on your personal site you like, or you can pass if you don't want to - then I think it balances well with opportunity / accessibility, vs. how much it makes people feel like they should show something
zachdonovanGWG: I work out of WeWork (a coworking conglomerate). There's a bunch of common space available for events that we could use. I'll talk to the community managers tomorrow.
GWGzachdonovan: I'd talk to my employer, but I work out in Nassau. We really need a venue in Manhattan, because you can attract people from the whole metropolitan area.
KevinMarks_Rhiaro you could use unmung.com to translate from triples if you make an rss 1.0 feed (which is full of triples, if in a somewhat unfashionable form)
cuibonoboKevinMarks__: sealioning is in the eye of the beholder, i think. i was only commenting on how piping tweets into the IRC might affect that perception
KevinMarks___There is a problem with the wiki sign-in requiring your own domain, not subdomain, and hence being exclusive in the way ashe dislikes, even though the broader indieweb principles do not assume that you bought a domain
Loqisealioning is a term for intrusive attempts to engage someone with questions and requests for evidence for their claims https://indiewebcamp.com/sealioning
gRegor`I don't think KevinMarks tweet appears much like sealioning, but having followed Ashe for a while and seeing a lot of the crap she's dealt with, I think I can pretty safely say it will come off as aggressive.
KevinMarks___Ashe and Lynne are both people I have had twitter conversations with in the past, but I can see that a many hours later response to them discussing indieweb dismissively will look sealiony
cuibonobocreating services that identify people by domain instead of by phone / email is key -- then a savvy phone or internet provider might pick up on the trend and start giving out domains with their plans
tantekcuibonobo: or perhaps we can develop sufficient open standards based comms (e.g. webRTC / FF Hello) to make "phone" providers unnecessary and even obsolete.
ben_thatmustbemetantek, I agree it isn't self controlled, but I don't know that the world can go to having everyone have their own domain without some intermediate step, namely indieweb friendly for as much as possible
tantekhowever, we should not call silos "indie" in any sense, as that propagates that aforementioned illusion and dilutes the good work that people here are doing
cuibonobotantek: agreed. the goal would be to make domains the only piece of identifying info you need to give out, and from your domain you can control info about you and means of communication
tantekcuibonobo: I'm trying to actively "live" that as I no longer have or give out a phone number - I give people my tantek.com slash contact URL which even non-tech people (but with smart phones) are able to understand / use (and some/most even add to their home screen, realizing it's more convenient than having to enter a bunch of data into a contacts app)
tantekI'd say something like "no argument from me. I support your independent creative and constructive efforts in whatever form they take." but I'd be afraid of being labeled with some new "-ism" or "-ing" term that I haven't heard before like "sealioning".
tantekalso, since KevinMarks and ben_thatmustbeme have already replied to that thread, any more @-replies there would likely look some form of outnumbering which would likely not be productive either.
tantek!tell benwerd Known feature request, when doing a "photo" post in particular, show a pop-up with suggested sharing licenses for the photo, e.g. CC0, CC-BY, CC-BY-NC etc. feel free to pick a set you think is useful (perhaps at least include CC0 to be indiewebcamp wiki friendly :) )
Loqibenwerd: tantek left you a message 15 seconds ago: Known feature request, when doing a "photo" post in particular, show a pop-up with suggested sharing licenses for the photo, e.g. CC0, CC-BY, CC-BY-NC etc. feel free to pick a set you think is useful (perhaps at least include CC0 to be indiewebcamp wiki friendly :) ) http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-03-23/line/1427126581180
cuibonoboobviously i can't speak for ashe, but based on her ordeal with gittip (now gratipay) and her essays, the 'public persona' of indieweb reflects people that are very 'open'
tantekcuibonobo: interesting. there's definitely a diversity of opinions and practices re: contact info and geo info on one's site in the indieweb community.
benwerdben_thatmustbeme It's a plugin for now. Micropub is awesome; IndieAuth is also awesome but not quite a clean fit with a large portion of Known sites (because they're multi-user)
benwerdWe also have per-item privacy in the Known codebase but haven't revealed it yet. Privacy is important, and assuming it's okay to be all-public is a position of privilege.
benwerdRight - it makes sense in the Indieweb context, just not always in the Known context. Subdomains are incredibly hard for many of our users to run.
tantekKevinMarks: Indieauth.com (not indieauth) yes, to one silo at least (can be a private account), yet webmention no, as aaronpk got private messaging working via webmention
tantekKevinMarks: don't apologize for public posts so quickly, because you may be missing / obscuring the original point of why so much works better for public posts - which is to explore the problem space
tantekit's not public *instead of* private, but rather, public first *only because it's easier* to better understand what remains to get private posts working
cuibonobothe approach that i've taken on my personal site is that all posts are private by default, but explicitly setting them 'public' will make them so
ben_thatmustbemei think tantek is pointing out that from a tool building perspective, private posts are 2 systems, posting and access controls, public only involves posting. So it is better to start by building a public system and then work on the access issues.
Loqiprivate posts refer to posts or portions of posts which are private to either the author or to a limited audience chosen by the author https://indiewebcamp.com/private
tantekcuibonobo: a lot of us have bad experiences with "privileged" technologists attempting to figure out / define how to do distributed private posts without actually building anything (c.f. FSW2010) and is why we gave up on them and just started building *something* that works even if insufficient.
gRegor`For marginalized groups the first question probably isn't "How can I make a post?" but "How can I make a post without getting harassed/threatened?"
tantekI think you need citations of those that self-represent as being from one or more marginalized groups before you can make any claims about what the first, second or third questions are.
tantekjust capturing questions / needs at all - via specific citations/quotations thereof (not extrapolations - which could be misinterpreted as privilegesplaining)
tantek.comedited /Main_Page (+375) "add an image of recent IWC next to subhead for call to actions to join, so there's an image of people to associate the "we" with" (view diff)
tantekand second, embedded a photo from our recent IWC so there is 1) a photo closer to the top of the page which I think humanizes it more (reflects at least a subset of who "we" are), and 2) provides at least some context for the "we" references in the prose text.
cuibonoboi also recall a tweet by shanley seeing a pic of an IWC and saying something to the effect of "what do i have in common with them?? no thanks"
KevinMarks2"Encourage existing minorities within the group to take more active / visible roles" can be problematic too - this gives them extra work to do
tantek.comedited /Main_Page (-356) "drop photo because it prompts too much of an implicit questioning of "do I belong here? y/n" by looks rather than principles/values, and the latter is what we want to focus on, perhaps re-assess with improved diversity in IWC participation" (view diff)
tantekpetermolnar: "entirely voluntary" tends to amplify societal defaults, which tend to not be very diverse. Thus if we want more diversity, we must take explicit steps to break from societal defaults.
petermolnardon't get me wrong, I'm not against anything but in my opinion not all the things should be force; obviously we should encourage everyone and anyone to join but it should not be forced
tantek"we should encourage everyone and anyone to join" is an excellent start / concept, however by default it does tend to result in encouraging more of those "like yourself" than everyone/anyone. Thus the need to expilcitly reach out beyond those like yourself in attempt to actually achieve "encourage everyone and anyone"
cuibonoboit's also important to note that seeking diversity isn't about checking a box in a political correctness checklist. improving diversity leads to broadening the perspective / knowldge of the group as a whole
petermolnarI believe that approach is wrong; it smells like many of the religions which say mine is the one true way; those that always try to get more followers
petermolnarif people are interesting in something, they will seek out and yes, their interest should be welcoming; but it's not necessarily the interests' task to spread the word about themselves, or is it? Am I mistaken here?
Loqipetermolnar meant to say: if people are interested in something, they will seek out and yes, their interest should be welcoming; but it's not necessarily the interests' task to spread the word about themselves, or is it? Am I mistaken here?
danlykeSo I'm getting my WithKnown installation up and running, and trying to use Brid.gy, and I am totally blanking on where I put my self-hosted WithKnown URL in... Do I need to create a new account because I've already created an account to experiment with my own code?
petermolnardanlyke you don't have to; you just need to add the post url to the actual content in the syndicated copy (e.g Facebook post ); bridgy will do the rest of the work
danlykeI may have a synchronization issue about when my tests went where, and I didn't initially notice the "See Original" link on Facebook back to my WithKnown post.
tantekI have to agree with some of what petermolnar was saying - i.e. there's definitely a cultural value here of we tend to focus on people who have already committed to making a difference for themselves by themselves.
tantekI'm less interested in asking anyone to join a "movement" than in asking hey, is there anything we can do to help you improve your own website in ways that you want to?
butterwellIt is far easier to support diversity than to be diverse: to make a principle or product allow for both the average and the village, the common and the iconoclastic.
tantek.comedited /Heartbeat () "(-893) move old heartbeat description to indi.e page history since it's gone now from their page, and make this a disambiguation page for another meaning of "heartbeat" on the web" (view diff)
tantek!tell GWG http://civichall.org/ looks/sounds like a good match for a location for an IWC NYC. Perhaps reach out to them (their email is "info@" their domain) and see what happens? The founders/leaders also did Personal Democracy Forum where I spoke on " Why We Need the #IndieWeb" last year (link in /videos ). You can reference that if that helps.
tantekFoursquare has done a good job of 1) leading with useful to users application(s), growing that into a platform for venues, and 2) simply outsurviving every other (often hamfisted, e.g. Google Latitude or over VC-funded/hyped Gowalla, Brightkite, Loopt) independent commercial attempt at this. Background: https://medium.com/@dens/six-years-in-a-few-thoughts-on-foursquare-1ec31cbbe51c
tantekThough previous "big players" Yelp and Facebook still have their own check-in UIs and use their leverage rather utility to grow integration, e.g. Instagram switching from using Foursquare venues to Facebook venues, and having worse venue tagging as a result.
KevinMarksappengine login is an api provided by google for appengine developers to use google accounts that is subject to chaotic changes based on strategy changes at google.
LoqiGWG: tantek left you a message 2 hours, 42 minutes ago: http://civichall.org/ looks/sounds like a good match for a location for an IWC NYC. Perhaps reach out to them (their email is "info@" their domain) and see what happens? The founders/leaders also did Personal Democracy Forum where I spoke on " Why We Need the #IndieWeb" last year (link in /videos ). You can reference that if that helps. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-03-23/line/1427143692145