#benwerdOh, interesting! We actually eventually made the decision to abandon PHP 5.3 after all with few adverse effects, but it's still a very good point
#benwerd(PHP 5.4 just introduces too many useful features)
#pdurbinbenwerd: what are the main features you miss when using PHP 5.3?
scor joined the channel
#benwerdpdurbin: there are various semantic niceties around anonymous functions in particular, but also the array syntax and a few superfluous but nice touches
#benwerdOn business models, and in particular bundling, I'd love to see a few more indieweb startups that could come together to create an Indie Web Bundle
#bengoFWIW Akismet has kind of tanked since they got bought. A couple years ago we did an analysis of spam detection vendors. They performed pretty meh. Impermium was really strong, but then Google bought them.
#bengoJanrain is an Identity Provider (as a service) company based out of Portland, Oregon. Many enterprises use them to store user data, help with social login, and proxy requests to Silo APIs
#bengoI've worked with them a decent amount. All to familiar with their solutions
#tantek.comedited /business-models (+789) "fix dfn, not a stub, clean up this page a bit, move some hypotheticals to brainstorming, make top section more clear about being for real world examples" (view diff)
#bengokylewm, about the 99% thing. ignore that row. The '-corrected' one is the pass after we learned from their support team that we hadn't trained it right or something.
#kylewmbengo: still, 68% false positives? like 2/3 of messages marked spam were not spam?
#bengoFrom this internal report: "The false positive rate, defined as the fraction of time that vendor incorrectly classified a comment as spam over the total number of such spam classifications."
#bengoWhere our own determination of whether something was spam was whether real moderators (customers of ours) had actually moderated the thing as spam
#bengoActually, from the report: "spam and hidden are those comments that were either explicitly banned by the moderators, or else classified as spam by <other-vendor>, with moderators taking no further action. Those comments are labeled with no, and are considered spam."
#acegiakIn my wordpress blogroll links I store a json object in the notes field
#acegiakso when I type @tantek in my blog it displays as @t on twitter, a tumblr hilight on tumblr if the person has a tumblr, otherwise just a link to tantek.com and displays a link to tantek.com and sends a webmention on my core site.
#LoqiIndie.js is an open-source IndieWeb project that was officially started on July 18th, 2014 but has powered mowens.com since July 8th, 2014 https://indiewebcamp.com/indie.js
#Loqicreate in the context of the indieweb refers to the act of and UI for creating a new post, in its simplest form, a new note https://indiewebcamp.com/create
verdi_ joined the channel
#GWGacegiak: In the github version of Post Kinds, you can now post a bookmark, like, or favorite by adding a query string to the website URL.
#GWGAs a general question, is anyone using a bookmarklet or similar to send URLs into their site as posts of type like/favorite/bookmark what have you without a posting UI?
#aaronpkI have to figure out how to proxy websockets through nginx tho, cause I want to run it on the same port because too many firewalls block other ports
#loqi.mecreated /MT (+25) "prompted by tantek and dfn added by tantek" (view diff)
#loqi.mecreated /PW (+44) "prompted by gRegor` and dfn added by gRegor`" (view diff)
snarfed and verdi__ joined the channel
#gRegor`Did something change recently with wiki login? I have the "Remember my login on this browser (for a maximum of 180 days)" preference checked so haven't had to log in in ages, but this last week I have to log in each day.
#Loqi[mention] hmans.io posted 'Als jemand, der gerne auf seiner eigenen Seite publiziert, sich für das IndieWeb interessiert und versucht, auch in Anderen dieses Interesse...' linking to https://indiewebcamp.com/ (http://hmans.io/zre039)
#snarfedyes, i know. :P i was replying to your second msg
#tantekyes, sites vs. pages. 410 permalinks take a bit more explicit work, and thus we can (and do) use that to mean DELETED whereas a whole site that 410s means something pretty different
#tantekin other post type (implied or otherwise) news, I just wrote / published a note this morning, then edited it to add one phone, then another, then another.
#Loqitantek meant to say: in other post type (implied or otherwise) news, I just wrote / published a note this morning, then edited it to add one photo, then another, then another.
#tantekone could say it went from a note post to a photo post to a collection (gallery) post
#snarfedre 410s, i expect that whole sites returning either 404 or 410 for the long term are very very uncommon
#snarfedso i wouldn't personally think too hard about them
#snarfedi don't usually have a crisp reason for it, but yours makes sense
#tantekright, I wanted to come up with some real world use cases before documenting it
#tantekbeing ok with a "slow POSSE" also seems complementary to "calm computing" design
#tantekit's less stressful (more calm) if you know you're free to undo/edit a post on your own site as you wish before it gets snapshotted on a silo POSSE post
#tantekgRegor`, ben_thatmustbeme re: "separate area", Facebook has the "globe" icon which gets a red number when things "change" that you've indicated interest in.
#gRegor`This also gets into tracking read state, which I understand is tricky
#tantekwhen you click on it, it drops down a list of "Notifications" (literally)
#ben_thatmustbemeeasiest way to see the change UI on twitter, search of a popular hashtag
#ben_thatmustbemetantek, but thats a different part, they have 2 layers. there is your stream and then things you indicate as more interesting
#kylewm.comcreated /Fastmail (+639) "Created page with "'''<dfn>FastMail</dfn>''' is a popular web-based paid email service launched in 1999. It was owned by Opera from 2010 to 2013, when the original developers bought the service bac..."" (view diff)
#tantekhowever that is what FB calls "Notifications"
#ben_thatmustbemeFB is a difficult example as you can never see the raw stream, it randomly picks things for you to see or not
#gRegor`ben_thatmustbeme: The Twitter UI you're describing does put new items at the top (doesn't have concept of "updated" items of course), it just requires an interaction to show them.
#tantekyet Twitter is a bad example because it doesn't do updates
#tantek!tell kylewm how long have you been creating venue permalinks? Can you add details / permalinks (e.g. first venue you created on your site) to https://indiewebcamp.com/venue#Kyle_Mahan ?
#Loqi[mention] Torsten Hartmann commented 'Als jemand, der gerne bloggt und seine eigene Seite zum Publizieren nutzt, sich für das IndieWeb interessiert und versucht, auch in Anderen ...' on a post that linked to https://indiewebcamp.com/ (http://pants.morgvom.org/vna679)
#Loqilike is a popular webaction button and in some cases post type on various silos such as Facebook and Instagram (uses a heart ♥) https://indiewebcamp.com/like
#tantekfrom enwp.org/FriendFeed "Bloggers writing about FriendFeed said that this service addresses the shortcomings of social media services which exclusively facilitate tracking of their own members' social media activities on that particular social media service, whereas FriendFeed provided the facility to track these activities (such as posting on [[blogs]], [[Twitter]], and [[Flickr]]) across a broad range of different soci
#tanteksound familiary? ***track these activities (such as posting on [[blogs]], [[Twitter]], and [[Flickr]]) across a broad range of different social networks.***
#Loqitantek meant to say: sound familiar? ***track these activities (such as posting on [[blogs]], [[Twitter]], and [[Flickr]]) across a broad range of different social networks.***