2015-04-18 UTC
wolftune joined the channel
tilgovi joined the channel
# 00:13 tantek you understand that code better than any of us
frzn and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 00:48 GWG I'm trying to figure out php-mf2 and its friends
# 01:03 GWG I don't understand the behavior of one of Barnaby's functions
# 01:05 GWG The description suggests a function called getRepresentativeHcard should return an hcard or null, but on some urls it returns the whole parsed array
KevinMarks__ and KevinMarks___ joined the channel
# 01:26 kylewm (where the h-card encompasses the whole page)
# 01:27 GWG Actually, I last tried a random note from aaronpk's site.
soypirate joined the channel
# 01:36 GWG Kylewm, I assumed that it was me.
# 01:36 GWG I think I need to experiment a little before filing
# 01:38 GWG Also, may try some other data sources as well. Can always change the priority later.
KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks_, nloadholtes, torrorist and tilgovi joined the channel
# 02:33 tantek.com edited /Twitter (+326) "/* Developer Relations */ 2015-03-15 Sarah Kessler / FastCompany Twitter Only Gave Meerkat 2 Hours Notice Before Cutting Access To The Social Graph" (
view diff )
tilgovi joined the channel
# 02:42 tantek.com edited /Ghost () "(-4650) restore deleted content, remove content apparently copy / pasted from Wikipedia which does not have a public domain compatible license. Please update with *original content*, not just WP copy/paste, and do not remove existing content with citations" (
view diff )
# 02:55 tantek.com edited /Ghost (+39) "update definition since ghost is available, and incorporate old criticism into history since it is past/resolved" (
view diff )
nloadholtes and tilgovi joined the channel
# 03:05 tantek I've tried to update the Ghost article to restore both the previous content that was deleted, and then fix/update that content according to current easily verifiable (cited) facts that were claimed by the edits that removed the previous content.
# 03:09 GWG I'm making progress on my little project.
# 03:09 GWG But I'm thinking I may need to back away from parsing for a bit, get functionality working, and move the feature back into the future.
# 03:16 KevinMarks tommorris, kylewm do you use Beautiful Soup or html5lib in mf2py?
frzn joined the channel
# 03:26 KartikPrabhu KevinMarks: the switch was mostly me. BS4 has a lot of traversing and parsing stuff built in.
snarfed joined the channel
# 03:28 Loqi Ok, I'll tell her that when I see her next
wolftune joined the channel
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
JasonO joined the channel
tilgovi joined the channel
# 04:58 bear KevinMarks, I used Pelican until I realized that I could do the same with jinja2 templates and markdown files and a loop to take my directory structure and create the site
# 04:59 bear some of the assumptions pelican had were making me crazy
# 05:00 bear oh, they have all been fixed now - this was like 4 yrs ago
# 05:01 bear but once you invest in your own generator, even if it's simple and always on the verge of breaking, it's hard to go back
tilgovi joined the channel
# 05:02 bear you may like Pelican - it has a very structured feel to how things work - and within that structure the plugins and themes are very good
# 05:03 bear jinja2 is very nice, the ability to use more code-feel templates is handy
# 05:04 bear i found it easy to compose templates out of smaller bits of template - so I can have microformat templates for sections that are then included
# 05:04 bear that plus some borrowed css makes for a nice composition feel
KevinMarks_, torrorist1 and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
tilgovi, friedcell and eschnou joined the channel
interactivist joined the channel
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 09:31 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
# 09:50 KevinMarks so when parsing rels, we aren't getting any attributes except the href in mf2py or in PHP
# 09:51 KevinMarks which means <a rel="enclosure" href="http://example.com/movie.mp4" type="video/mpeg" title="real title">my movie</a>
# 09:52 KevinMarks or <p><a rel="coworker" href="http://example.com/johndoe">John Doe</a></p>
# 09:53 KevinMarks and <a rel="tag" href="http://del.icio.us/tag/tech">Technology</a> will lose label "Technology"
Pierre-O joined the channel
loic_m, frzn, friedcell and eschnou joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme and Erkan_Yilmaz joined the channel
friedcell and squeakytoy joined the channel
# 15:00 kylewm ben_thatmustbeme: can you post a screenshot of the notification on your phone next time you get one?
KevinMarks_ and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
# 15:58 GWG I've decided to try testing my work in live use.
friedcell, snarfed, wolftune and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
# 16:28 KevinMarks is anyone interested in helping me change the output of rel parsing to get the rest of the attributes on the link?
# 16:30 KevinMarks I can just fork mf2py to do it, but it would be nice to converge, and it will be a breaking change from now
tantek joined the channel
# 16:32 bear KevinMarks - you may want to poke kartik - IIRC he has commit privs to mf2py
# 16:34 tantek because rels are also document-scoped rather than element scoped, it gets tricky doing any kind of implying in either direction.
# 16:34 tantek the only case where it has made sense to do so so far is with a representative h(-)card for the page, that is a case where the h-card is also document-scoped.
# 16:35 tantek KevinMarks: I sympathize with getting more attributes from elements like that. the other similar case we have is with <area> and shape / coords
# 16:36 tantek problem we have discovered is that adding any kind of "extra-format" attributes like that to the canonical microformats JSON can create an impedance mismatch with Micropub - as ben_thatmustbeme figured out when he tried to implement <area> tagging.
# 16:37 tantek maybe we can do a #microformats dev meetup when Tom Morris is in town this week (like we did last time he was in town) and figure it out.
# 16:41 tantek as in right before the existing Nested h-* objects' "value" property
KevinMarks_ and chalettu joined the channel
# 17:17 KevinMarks especially from mf2 parser maintaners/users like aaronpk kylewm tommorris and kartik
# 17:20 tantek KevinMarks: why "attrs" instead of just having them in place right there?
# 17:21 tantek and for name you could use something else like "text"
# 17:22 tantek note that there is prior art in how "alternates" are parsed already with extra attributes that you may want to draw from:
# 17:24 tantek note the media and hreflang attributes in the parsed result for the alternate
# 17:26 tantek (for "text" I am presuming that you do just want the text inside the <a href>, that is, you don't want any of the markup that might be inside, e.g. <span> etc., and for <img> you'd want the alt text to automatically come through)
# 17:33 KevinMarks how should it parse <a rel="friend met colleague" href="http://tantek.com" title="Tantek Çelik">Tantek</a>
# 17:33 KevinMarks should it follow the alternates pattern and group the other xfn names?
KevinMarks__, sammachin and sammachin1 joined the channel
sammachin and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 18:09 aaronpk The mysterious pingbacks have continued all night
eschnou and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
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# 18:51 KevinMarks mind you, not going to be good if I send you a webmention from wp as there's no name
# 19:05 kylewm it actually gives authorization for all of them, but it just picks the first one to give you instructions for right now. i'll fix that
# 19:21 KevinMarks also, you need to close the link tags for blogger, ti is xml strict
# 19:21 KevinMarks <link rel="authorization_endpoint" href="https://indieauth.com/auth" />
# 19:26 KevinMarks says unauthorized for the blogger blog "Could not find an authorization for Epeus.blogspot.com."
# 19:30 aaronpk oh i'm an idiot, of course the pingbacks are coming from the indiewebcamp server
# 19:30 aaronpk they're forwarded to my site as webmentions by webmention.io
wolftune, fkooman and eschnou joined the channel
# 19:49 kylewm aaronpk: does that mean they are no longer mysterious, or just slightly less mysterious?
# 19:50 kylewm KevinMarks: I pushed an update trying to make the domain comparison case-insensitive
# 19:51 kylewm it should ask you which blog you want to setup when you auth with tumblr or blogger now
# 19:52 KevinMarks you need to fix the auth headers for blogger to close the link tags
# 19:54 kylewm can <link> be self-closing or does it need an explicit close tag?
# 19:57 kylewm it parses OK, it just doesn't have a in-reply-to
# 19:59 kylewm just shove it in the the post content i suppose
# 19:59 kylewm I could fetch the in-reply-to page and have it generate a semi-nice reply context...
friedcell joined the channel
# 20:01 kylewm I've gotta run or going to be trouble for not helping with housework
KevinMarks__, KevinMarks_, cuibonobo, squeakytoy and snarfed joined the channel
KevinMarks_ and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
KevinMarks_, KevinMarks__, tilgovi and KevinMarks___ joined the channel
KevinMarks_, KevinMarks___, KevinMarks__, tilgovi_ and tilgovi joined the channel
# 22:09 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 22:22 KartikPrabhu twitter seems to be moving towards a "look for celebrities" feel. see new homepage
KevinMarks__ and KevinMarks_ joined the channel