#GWGIf it is that long, I always switch from a note.
#tantekone consideration is the effect on POSSEing, specifically, how Bridgy Publish will treat it, e.g. when POSSEing to FB
#tantekspecifically, it seems Bridgy Publish ignores semantic markup in an article like lists, which are often essential to convey the meaning of a post
#aaronpkif the URL you're saving ends in /, then URL encode that
#tantekwhereas if I do the whole thing with plain text and whitespace, then the list bullets / numbers and formatting are all done there, which Bridgy Publish (mostly) propagates
#aaronpkin order to be able to store 2015 2015/ and 2015/Germany
#tantekI do find that I have to edit the Bridgy Publish FB POSSE copy and manually add back the linebreaks
#tantekperhaps worthy of documenting on /IndieArchive, and cite today's log as the reasnonining / derivation
#aaronpkthis does mean this will always require code to serve these files back via http, since this won't work with apache or nginx filesystem serving
#tantekcurious what snarfed / kylewm thinks in terms of what Bridgy Publish could/should do with both markup inside articles, and whitespace inside notes
#tantekthat is, the question of, what sites did I reference / archive in year / day x?
#aaronpkarchivists also came up with the WARC format so...
#tantekis more interesting / frequent than "where is the latest version of X" or "how many versions of X do I have"
#aaronpkin practice i have needed to find a file on disk in order to delete the cached version more often than i have ever asked my self "what did I reference in Y"
#aaronpk"what sites did I reference in Y" can almost as easily be answered by just reading my web pages from that year
#GWGI'm still trying to figure out...Portland or Edinburgh
#tantekaaronpk - another problem - putting the DDD/SSS at the end breaks the URL path
#LoqiA note is a post that is typically short unstructured* plain text, written & posted quickly, that has its own permalink page https://indiewebcamp.com/note
#tantekthis is perhaps a key distinguishing and useful factor of explicitly typing notes vs. articles - notes can be expected to preserve whitespace, and auto-link / auto-embed
#kylewmlooking at twitter css now, i wouldn't have guessed that's how they did linebreaks. interesting!
#tantekwhereas articles are expected to have explicit markup instead of preserving whitespace and auto-linking / embedding
#tantekkylewm: yeah I tried to be pretty thorough before implementing :)
#tantekkylewm: AFAIK - *everyones* plain text notes work that way
#kylewmmy notes are Markdown so linebreaks turn into <br>s etc.
#tantekwell for those that actually built a separate "note" type of post, rather than just hacking notes as title-less articles in their existing blog posting system
#tantekyes it was less work to use white-space prewrap and it was good enough for twitter
snarfed joined the channel
#tantekand FB too - when I was manually POSSEing to FB - I could just copy/paste my notes directly into it and it would "do the right thing" - no markup needed
#kylewmany suggestion on how to support this in Woodwind? use whitespace pre-wrap if there's no title?
#tantekyes, per "notes can be expected to preserve whitespace, and auto-link / auto-embed"
#kylewmwell, your post has the links already autolinked and the photos already autoembedded
#tantekCASSIS auto_link is smart enough to not doubly do so
#tantekyou can call it twice on the same input and you get the same thing
#tantekthe bigger challenge is p-content vs e-content
LauraJ, frzn, elima and KevinMarks joined the channel
#rhiaroadactio: I couldn't make 20/21 June in Brighton but could do 11/12 July
#rhiaro!tell barnabywalters: less likely I could do 11/12 July in Berlin now (but not impossible); if there was one in Brighton then instead I'd go to that
#tantekaaronpk - yeah - looks good - though what did you think of keeping foldernames the same (no : / ) and using an trailing "." for extensionless filenames like "tag" ?
#aaronpkwould you also append a "." to filenames like "styles.css"?
#aaronpki think you'd have to in order to be consistent
#aaronpkotherwise you're back in the same boat, where a folder that has a "." can't be used as a filename (example.com/foo.css and example.com/foo.css/bar)
#kylewmaaronpk: syndication posts on urls in woodwind -- right now I show them if the syndicated post was also found by woodwind... do you think it would be useful to show them all the time?
#aaronpktantek: haha actually the archive itself is going to have URLs like that
#tantek.comedited /IndieArchive (+81) "/* Origins */ found citation for the OSCON session that inspired this discussion" (view diff)
#kylewmsnarfed: tantek: I use cassis to count characters in my UI and my own python regex to shorten the actual tweet text -- bit me the other day when I was writing about hub.mode and hub.url. cassis correctly ignored them, but my code thought they were urls
#aaronpkkylewm: i don't know if you've seen the hackernews feed in your logs, but I add syncation URLs for the posts pointing to the HN URL, and it would be useful to show those in woodwind
#kylewmthat's interesting! do you think that's an overload of "syndication", or not?
barnabywalters joined the channel
#aaronpkdepends on whether syndication is meant to mean syndicated by the author of the post
#aaronpkI've submitted my own posts to HN before, and included the syndication url to the HN version on my post
#aaronpkand I've seen many other HN posts link to the HN copy, whether or not it was submitted by the author
KevinMarks and Erkan_Yilmaz joined the channel
#aaronpktantek: another thing I was thinking is that it'd be useful to be able to keep the HTTP headers that were part of fetching the URL (in order to preserve content-type or modified date for example)
#aaronpkso I was thinking about storing the headers in a file alongside the page, like page.headers
#aaronpkat which point I could store the page in page.data, and then folders could just be folders without the ":"
#barnabywaltersaaronpk: taproot/archive stores the headers in a .txt file with the same name as the .html file
#Loqibarnabywalters: rhiaro left you a message 5 hours, 55 minutes ago: less likely I could do 11/12 July in Berlin now (but not impossible); if there was one in Brighton then instead I'd go to that http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-04-30/line/1430392772992
#aaronpkbarnabywalters: do you store css or image files too?
#barnabywalterswhen I was building taproot/archive I looked into using a zip archive as the fake filesystem. It has a bunch of benefits including vastly reduced filesize, fairly easy to inspect (just unzip) and it works like a key-value based file storage system, where trailing slashes are significant and any character can be used in the keys
#barnabywaltersthe problem with that is that as soon as you unzip it, the keys break (IIRC — I was experimenting with this a looong time ago)
#barnabywaltersso my vaguely indieweb project yesterday evening and this afternoon was getting http://radio.waterpigs.co.uk set up to do live streamed audio on my domain using icecast2
#kylewmwow, this is hilarious. someone on my dorm wrote an aggregator for everyone running Winamp with the SpyAmp plugin, so you could see what everyone else on the floor was listening to
natwelch, tilgovi, revere, KartikPrabhu and todrobbins joined the channel
#barnabywaltersso now I’m trying to figure out a way of automatically recording every icecast broadcast I do, storing it in an archive by mountpoint (URL) and datetime
#barnabywaltersyou could maintain a list of the most common mime types and their equivalents, and use .data for rarer files
#aaronpki'm pretty sure i could come up with a list of examples that would be impossible to store that way
#aaronpkanother problem is relying on a mime type to determine path means you can't determine the path based only on the URL, so it becomes hard to programmatically find things later
#aaronpkthere's always going to be a tradeoff between the inspectability of the files vs robustness vs assumptions made about ppls URLs
#aaronpkwith spiderpig, I made several assumptions that allowed me to create files on disk that can be served directly by a web server and result in the same website. however i had to do things like force every page to end in a slash, adding redirects that weren't on the original site
#aaronpkbut that's safe for me to do in this case because the archive is replacing the original site, so I don't need to worry about replacing that URL
j12t, LCyrin, torrorist, tantek, elima, tantek_, lukebrooker, friedcell and wolftune joined the channel
#Loqi[mention] Barnaby Walters posted 'So far, a large part of my experimentations with graphical dataflow programming have been using Puredata which, whilst usable for general pr...' linking to http://indiewebcamp.com/https (/articles/how-to-stream-live-audio-over-the-web-using-icecast2-and-puredata/)
friedcell1 joined the channel
#KevinMarks_Â Last week I wrote about Facebook’s AOL-like dominance and concluded, “What might be the broadband to Facebook’s dial-up?” The answer, I think, is this open Twitter: an identity system for the rest of the web that connects people and apps according to interests, not just superficial relationships, and monetizes accordingly.