KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks__, j12t, mlncn and j12t_ joined the channel
#KartikPrabhuJonathanNeal: any chance of adding new syntax support to fragmention see Example here: http://indiewebcamp.com/fragmention ? Also found that my minification was causing trouble with the fragmention code for some reason
#KartikPrabhuKevinMarks_ the %20 thing is hard to do manually, so having the + for spaces is more user-friendly for just typing I suppose
scor joined the channel
#KartikPrabhuanother fragmention question. Right now marginalia.js reproduces a bunch of code from fragmention.js to find the element corresponding to a fragmentioned response. Would it be a good idea to somehow attach the methods to decode the fragmention and to find the element to the DOM or something?
#KevinMarks__Jon was talking about modifying the dom for direct highlights iirc
#KartikPrabhuKevinMarks_ yes, but I am talking about somehow exposing the functions that fragmention.js uses for other scripts like marginalia.js to re-use
#KartikPrabhuyes in some sense. I feel that the fragmention.js code is more "robust" and I'd like to directly use it. For instance I have somehow hard-coded the ## syntax into marginalia.js which I'd like to get rid off
wolftune, benwerd, lukebrooker, KartikPrabhu, lukebroo_, parzzix, tilgovi, tantek, torrorist, LCyrin, yakker, nloadholtes and snarfed joined the channel
#kylewmsnarfed: are you around? i'm looking at the twitter publish api issue ... i was able to post a tweet using the remote api console -- is that surprising?
#snarfedkylewm: that runs code locally, so no, probably not
#LoqiA comment is a kind of post that is in reply to some other post, that makes little or no sense without reading or at least knowing the context of the source post https://indiewebcamp.com/comments
barnabywalters, fkooman, friedcell and pfefferle joined the channel
#GWGThough, after the MF2 parsing thing, it occurs to me that a library to generate link previews from MF2 might be something useful to work on in future
#tommorriswas preparing to pull request it but then Github just let me commit directly.
#jonnybarnespresumably anyone in the “indieweb” group can access any repo owned by that group, I don’t think github has more granular controls than that
#barnabywaltersthanks tommorris and jonnybarnes! Tpyo corrections always appreciated :)
#tommorrispre-commit.com already lets you check .json and .xml files in your repo to see that they are syntactically valid. would be lovely to have the blobs inside Markdown files checked too.
#barnabywalterstommorris: I know of one project where outputs in the readme are generated by running the code samples, ensuring that both will always be correct
#barnabywaltersit’d be nice to make something similar for php-mf2
#tommorrisI know that's something that the Pragmatic Bookshelf folk do - their books are basically a giant script that starts with XML files and emits PDF files, and the code in them is compiled and run as part of the build process for the book
j12t, tantek, snarfed, benwerd, mlncn and LauraJ joined the channel
#aaronpkfkooman: i'm curious why you think basic auth is simpler
zero-gravitas joined the channel
#fkoomanaaronpk, the error handling by the client of bearer auth is more complicated than that of basic, other than that no reason :)
#aaronpkhow is it more complicated? you get an HTTP 4xx error in both cases
#aaronpki guess i don't see an obvious value for username+password for registered apps, whereas a bearer token "api key" style thing seems straightforward
#LoqiA scrobble (AKA a listen) is a passive type of post used to publish a song (music or audio track) that you have listened to https://indiewebcamp.com/listen
#fkoomanaaronpk, okay, so i'll use bearer as well :)
#fkoomanaaronpk, it is just that for regular oauth 2.0 operations you'd have userid/password anyway, so you could reuse the registration table of clients for introspection as well...but well, it doesn't really matter :)
#tantekthat's been an annoying antipattern in the adoption of OAuth2
#voxpelliaaronpk: probably used the terms wrong, but in OAuth 1 you could use the same mechanism for communicating between client and server no matter if you had a user token or not
#aaronpkvoxpelli: that's the client_credentials grant
#voxpellibut that wouldn't really be possible to do with OAuth 2 + Bearer tokens, as the client-credentials are now used completely separately from the tokens, rather than used together as in OAuth 1
#aaronpkif you want a way for applications to obtain an access token for a *user* without asking the user, that is not part of OAuth 2 core, but can be done with an extension grant type
#tommorrisso, PESOS from Mixcloud: http://api.mixcloud.com/tom-morris5/feed/ - my 'feed' on the site. wouldn't be hard to pull that in automatically, so when I 'repost' (i.e. 'retweet') a show on there, it'd post it on my own site.
#voxpelliaaronpk: 2-legged was a way to communicate between a client and the server when there were no users, there's really no such thing with bearer tokens, no question really, just an observation
#aaronpkvoxpelli: that is exactly what client_credentials grant is
#aaronpkthe app gets a bearer token that is only for itself, not for a user
#voxpelliaaronpk: yes yes, but client_credentials aren't bearer tokens – they are something you use with basic auth (right?) – so while it is possible to still do client-to-server communication without a user, it requires a separate mechanism
#voxpellican be annoying from a client perspective even if it makes sense from the server perspective :) and therefore basic auth looks pretty attractive for clients
#voxpelliusual tradeoffs, not saying it was right or wrong
#aaronpkin practice, some services solve this by giving developers an access token for their app from within the developer console
danlyke joined the channel
#aaronpktwitter even gives people a token for their own user account so you can make API requests without doing the OAuth flow
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
#aaronpki feel like that's a pretty good solution, it essentially makes it the same experience as using just the client credentials directly
#voxpelliyeah, I like that, makes it easy to get going – good DX
#adactioFriends—I was thinking of maybe throwing in an Indie Web Camp the weekend after Responsive Day Out. Responsive Day Out is on Friday, June 19th so that would mean Indie Web Camp on June 20th and 21st here at 68 Middle Street in Brighton.
#barnabywaltersrhiaro: Saw you had some problems with php-mf2 in the logs — sorry to hear about it, did you get it working in the end? I just revised the installation and usage documentation and would appreciate your feedback as a new user!
#aaronpkbarnabywalters: the main problem was curl wasn't installed :)
#adactiotantek: yeah, I thought about that. We'd miss out on piggy-backing on Responsive Day Out, but then again, maybe there wouldn't me much crossover in interest.
#adactiotantek: i.e. the people coming to Responsive Day Out might not be interested in Indie Web Camp and visa-versa.
#tantekhmm - IndieWebCamp has tended to attract a more user/design-centric crowd than other "distributed / decentralized [social] web" type meetups
#voxpelliadactio: having the annual Brighton meetup at June 20th and 21st? Not sure I can make it, will move to a new apartment around then and a bit like that – planned to go to the Brighton one this year otherwise though
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
#adactiovoxpelli: So July 11-12 would work better for you?
#barnabywaltersis IWC UK still planned for September this year? I’m unlikely to be able to come to one in the UK in summer
#voxpelliadactio: yes, that would be better for me
#tantek.comedited /2015 (+168) "/* Candidate Cities */ add Brighton with adactio, voxpelli; add barnaby to Berlin - all per IRC, sort "o" organizer votes to top of each city" (view diff)
#adactiovoxpelli: I'm not sure if there will be an Indie Web Camp in Brighton this September. This year that's the weekend that Clearleft will be celebrating its 10th birthday so there may not be time for an Indie Web Camp.
KevinMarks joined the channel
#tantekadactio - makes sense. even last year you pointed out how hard it was to do both dConstuct and IWC back to back
#tantekanother weekend during September might work though
#tantek(and goodness, 10 years of Clearleft - wow 2005 really was a watershed year)
#barnabywalterswow, congraulations adactio for 10 years of Clearleft!
#KevinMarks_what I was thinking was to have a replacement for the app engine users api that supports indieweb login and adds helpful things like name and phot
#snarfedby replacement, do you just mean a python lib that works on app engine? or specifically a lib with a compatible API so you can port existing code with minimal/no change?
#KevinMarks_yes, just swap "from google.appengine.api import users" for "from indieusers import users"
#snarfedhow would porting work? any app with existing users couldn't port because they'd block those existing users, right?
#KevinMarks_well, in theory existing apps can have URLs as well as email addresses 'cos that api used to support openid
#KevinMarks_so you can distinguish based on email versus url
tilgovi, benwerd, zero-gravitas, lukebrooker, j12t, KartikPrabhu and loic_m joined the channel
#aaronpkanother way to handle the problem of URLs not mapping cleanily to filesystem names for /IndieArchive could be to store the files on disk with a name that is a hash of the URL
#aaronpkthe filesystem would be a mess of filenames, but it would work
scor joined the channel
#aaronpkmight be a good idea to keep an accompanying .meta file for each, which could store the original URL as well as things like the HTTP headers from the request
#tantekaaronpk here is a dumb answer: use "tag" for the name of the file, and use "tag/" as the name of the folder (no seriously)
#tanteksince you can detect the "/" on the end of the name, and then conclude it's a folder not a file ;)
#aaronpki'm missing something... folder names on disk can't have '/' in them
yobj joined the channel
#aaronpkoh another problem with using the path directly, is some filesystems are case sensitive and others are not
wolftune joined the channel
#aaronpkso on OSX, indiewebcamp.com/Events and indiewebcamp.com/events clobber each other even though they are unique URLs
#gavincaaronpk: I assume you've looked at WARC and found it wanting already? It takes care of a large number of these sorts of issues
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#aaronpkit's been a while.. let me refresh my memory
#gavincwget already spits them out, keeps headers, etc
#aaronpki think i was never able to find good docs or code for actually reading these files later
#aaronpkvarious github repos were last updated >2 years ago
#aaronpkwhat would be great is if any of these projects gave an example of 1) creating a warc file for a specific URL, and then 2) outputting the HTML and headers from that warc file for a given URL
#aaronpkthere's plenty of examples of tools that create warc files, but i can't find anything that says what to do with them later