2015-04-28 UTC
# 00:01 GWG snarfed: I think, after all the Bridgy requests, I owe you some Issue solving.
# 00:10 KevinMarks_ if you use the testing tool you can make facebook recrawl the page
scor joined the channel
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# 00:18 snarfed GWG: aww thanks! not at all though, definitely not quid pro quo like that
# 00:20 aaronpk i clicked the button that forces them to go scrape it again, and they found the new image tag, but even that page still uses the old one
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 00:37 GWG snarfed: Feedback makes things better
tmro, wolftune and snarfed joined the channel
# 01:18 GWG Hmm...just got webactions enabled in test mode
# 01:27 GWG I did, yes. But, my question was more...people who have it set up, how often do they use it.
# 01:33 GWG I added the javascript protocol handler shown off at IWC UK last year. So, that is working. I just need to add a few more features for it to work properly.
# 01:34 kylewm GWG: I use webaction endpoints multiple times a day
# 01:34 kylewm voxpelli's javascript magic, I've only gotten to use a couple of times for testing
# 01:35 GWG kylewm: Any tips? I did see your indie-config page.
# 01:39 kylewm don't worry about indie-config, that's my only tip
# 01:40 GWG kylewm: I bolted it on already. I've moved on to improving the actions themselves.
snarfed, emmak, KartikPrabhu, wolftune, kylewm_, j12t and lukebrooker joined the channel
# 03:22 aaronpk okay well 28 mentions of this post (since I didn't POSSE it anywhere myself) is now motivating me to improve the display of non-comment mentions
snarfed, tantek and LCyrin joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# 05:01 tantek classic pixelated view of code - very Hollywoodesque ;)
lukebrooker, loic_m, tilgovi, KevinMarks__, wolftune, KartikPrabhu, jacus and glennjones joined the channel
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# 13:45 petermolnar is looking for an oembed provider wordpress plugin - aaand, surprise, one of the authors for it is pfefferle :)
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# 14:24 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme meant to say: oh yeah, its response if via Location:
snarfed joined the channel
# 14:40 snarfed finally tuned the cache clearing on my site so webmentions show up immediately
# 14:41 petermolnar so if someone starts flooding you with webmentions, it'll kill your site, wouldn't it?
# 14:44 snarfed more importantly though, i think we might worry too much here about preventing DoSes, amplification attacks, etc
chalettu joined the channel
# 14:44 snarfed i expect pretty much none of us actually get attacked like that in practice
# 14:45 snarfed (btw petermolnar yes you used the ' correctly :P)
# 14:50 ben_thatmustbeme hmm, folowing a discussion on w3c about heade fields like to, cc, bcc, bto. If we do start indiemessaging, how do we specify who we are sending to?
# 14:51 rhiaro ben_thatmustbeme: also note that possible conflation of tags and mentions just now (maybe it's fine, I don't have enough brain to devote to working that out right now)
# 14:51 ben_thatmustbeme presentation wise I wouldn't want everything to be a note with a metion of the person in there, and person-tags could work but would seem to obfuscate things
# 14:53 snarfed ben_thatmustbeme: u-in-reply-to right? if it's a new msg, maybe set it to their home page
# 14:54 rhiaro while 'in-reply-to' is semantically different to 'to', practically I think it probably doesn't matter
# 14:56 rhiaro ^ where by ben_thatmustbeme I mean your homepage
# 14:57 ben_thatmustbeme the only issue that once i post my reply-to /2015/04/msg4ben I need to remember that that post is a direct message and any reply-to that would be rendered as a direct message
# 14:57 rhiaro but I probably wouldn't want direct messages to people showing up in my main/homepage feed, and filtering them out by parsing the url they're in-reply-to seems a bit heavy
# 14:58 rhiaro it depends if the direct message is meant to be public or private
# 14:58 ben_thatmustbeme where as dropping the threading you can say that all messages from a specific person on in precisely one thread
# 14:58 rhiaro in my head everything I post on my site is public at the moment, because not is too hard right now
# 14:59 rhiaro and I'm a fan of threading, and I can still collect all messages in-reply-to a particular person in one place, and keep threading
# 15:00 rhiaro well, maybe they're the same just with/without indieauth
# 15:01 snarfed for threading you'd just in-reply-to the previous message(s), right?
# 15:01 rhiaro snarfed: yes, but I think the concern is then do you lose the direct-message-ness of it
# 15:02 ben_thatmustbeme so i want to reply a second time, i guess i reply-to the last message from the other party
# 15:02 rhiaro twitter had this problem with threading actually
# 15:02 ben_thatmustbeme and which one do they reply to? are they already replying to the first before they see the second
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# 15:02 Loqi rhiaro meant to say: twitter has this problem with threading actually
# 15:03 rhiaro no there's only one thread for dms, but for public @ mentions
# 15:03 snarfed sounds like a great problem to solve after normal messaging is up and working well
# 15:03 rhiaro threads are forked all over the place depending on the message people reply ot, and it's easy to miss stuff
# 15:04 rhiaro tweets are only related to the tweet they're in reply to, and not the origin of the thread
# 15:04 rhiaro that could work, I guess just gotta try it and see
# 15:05 ben_thatmustbeme actually the simplest way might be i create a post that either mentions, tags, or in-reply-to rhiaro's homepage (undecided on this yet)
# 15:05 ben_thatmustbeme all future messages in the thread reply to both my first post AND rhiaro's first post
# 15:06 ben_thatmustbeme that way just viewing the original post on either site would get the entire thread (basically just showing up in comments)
# 15:06 snarfed i had to do exactly that for twitter backfeed in bridgy
# 15:06 rhiaro but viewing a post from the middle of the thread would only be linked to the first posts
# 15:06 rhiaro and not to the one immediately before or after it
# 15:07 ben_thatmustbeme rhiaro: true, though that will always be a problem.... but you could also in-reply-to the previous post as well
# 15:08 ben_thatmustbeme makes it easy for new people to join the thread... they just in-reply-to the last post they saw and the original two posts
# 15:08 rhiaro seems like a lot of webmentions being sent. Maybe that's fine
# 15:08 ben_thatmustbeme then their context pulls could take care of getting the entire thread to their site as well
# 15:10 rhiaro what would we lose with replying to the very first message, and what it's directly in reply to, rather then the first two messages?
# 15:10 rhiaro as the first message from the second person would show up as a regular in-reply-to on their site anyway
# 15:13 ben_thatmustbeme here is another issue, A wants to add to that message thread with a second message (not uncommon to do)
# 15:13 ben_thatmustbeme if A does in-reply-to B.com its seen as a new message, if it is in-reply-to A1, B doesn't get a webmention
# 15:15 ben_thatmustbeme as far as B13 not having a reference to A12, i wonder if thats not more of just a UI issue. B.com knows that B13 is part of a direct messaging thread and can show the entire thread in the context
# 15:16 ben_thatmustbeme I almost wonder if its better if the original message can have people "subscribe" to it
# 15:17 ben_thatmustbeme thus if C.com joins the conversation by in-reply-to A1, A.com will send the webmention along to B.com
# 15:27 rhiaro ben_thatmustbeme: so a direct messaging thread can be a h-feed
# 15:28 rhiaro I have this nagging desire for h-feeds to have unique ids, which might help here
# 15:30 rhiaro I also like tags for sorting/separating so maybe tag a post with a threads url...
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# 15:42 rhiaro ben_thatmustbeme: I haven't seen any. Maybe I haven't been looking. Or do you just mean implicitly of the page the feed is on?
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# 15:43 rhiaro also if a page has a h-card and a h-feed h-card wins as per discussion earliner in the week
# 15:44 rhiaro a u-url on a h-feed makes sense, wasn't sure if anyone used that
# 15:45 ben_thatmustbeme i like the idea of u-in-reply-to an h-feed. that would certainly work for messaging and chats... can subscribe to the h-feed by any reader that way
# 15:46 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: rather than thinking about it as "first", instead, use <body> for the "type" of page, e.g. <body class="h-card"> or <body class="h-entry"> etc.
# 15:48 rhiaro it's okay for h-entrys to be nested inside an h-card?
# 15:48 tantek it's the same thing that OGP makes you do - pick a page "type", and indicate in a meta, except there's no meta
# 16:05 KevinMarks__ Twitter does quite a good job of following the threads back with only one in-reply-to
# 16:06 ben_thatmustbeme indeed, its just a matter of a specific conversation like IMs don't follow that same threading model
# 16:07 petermolnar single threaded conversation is good imho; @mentions are there to make it clear who are you replying to
# 16:07 rhiaro I find twitters anti-explosion measures annoying because I miss stuff. But maybe it would be more annoying if I did see everything though
# 16:09 rhiaro I see QTs not threading is a bug, rather than by design
# 16:11 KevinMarks__ Has a quoted link that points to a quoted link and you have to keep clicking through
# 16:22 tantek KevinMarks: not worth having webdev arguments with people that actually have or link to their own websites on their silo profiles.
KartikPrabhu, wolftune and snarfed joined the channel
snarfed, KevinMarks, elf-pavlik, KevinMarks__, Nowaker, tilgovi and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 17:36 ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk re:micropub remove properties... you cannot remove all values from 2 properties this way?
# 17:48 aaronpk my native posting interface has a separate box i can enter tweet content for, and i do that all the time
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# 17:54 cweiske Why is the pgp key link not using rel="me" but rel="pgpkey"?
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# 17:56 aaronpk i think because people were already publishing keys with rel=pgpkey
# 17:57 cweiske kylewm, I don't know why phubb should do thin pings now
# 17:57 aaronpk the key isn't really a representation of yourself though
# 17:58 cweiske also, about the multi-valued hub.url pings - you mean I notify your subscriber about the change of multiple urls?
# 17:59 cweiske or is that question about the publisher notifying the hub about multiple changes at once?
# 17:59 aaronpk publisher notifying hub about multiple URL changes i thought
# 18:00 cweiske btw, kylewm - [2015-04-25 18:24:09] phubb.NOTICE: Verification failed {"callback":"http://woodwind.dev/_notify/134","topic":"http://push-tester.cweiske.de/","mode":"subscribe","leaseSeconds":608400,"secret":"5a2fd0de15f04fd1bbe1c49d5e64dae5","reason":"verification response status not 200 but 404","job":"H:ahso2:1057"}
# 18:00 aaronpk cweiske: wildcard doesn't make sense to me... does that mean all URLs under /tagebuch/ have been updated?
# 18:00 cweiske phubb then checks with subscriptions match that wildcard
# 18:01 kylewm could you check if verification succeeded on your side?
# 18:02 aaronpk hm that seems like it would generate more fetches from the hub to the publisher than needed
# 18:02 cweiske whenever my blog's static html gets checked out from git for update, I let phubb check all blog urls I have subscribers for
# 18:02 aaronpk also when I post an update I update URLs that don't necessarily match a wildcard
# 18:03 kylewm I don't think the wildcard is a bad idea; honestly I kind of suspect superfeedr does that under the covers
# 18:03 cweiske so the publisher (my blog from git checkout) does not have to care about tracking the changes it sent to phubb already
# 18:03 aaronpk oh yeah i'm not saying wildcard is bad, just that it's not sufficient
# 18:03 kylewm I was trying to get it just to update a tag-specific feed, and it would still just fetch everything, as far as I could tell
# 18:03 cweiske it's sufficient for me, which is why I built it in
# 18:04 cweiske kylewm, phubb.INFO: Subscriber notified {"topic":"http://push-tester.cweiske.de/","sub_id":"2","sub_url":"http://reader.kylewm.com/_notify/134","pr_id":"120","job":"H:ahso2:1066"}
# 18:06 kylewm hmm, it seems like I got a verification request from phubb with no challenge
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# 18:08 cweiske 2015-04-28 20:01:12] phubb.INFO: Verifying subscription {"callback":"http://reader.kylewm.com/_notify/134","topic":"http://push-tester.cweiske.de/","mode":"subscribe","leaseSeconds":608400,"secret":"5a2fd0de15f04fd1bbe1c49d5e64dae5","job":"H:ahso2:1063"}
# 18:08 ben_thatmustbeme i can never find this link when i want to pull it up, but according to XFN, it owuld make sense to rel=me to your pgp key
# 18:09 cweiske kylewm, phubb accepted your subscription request and the challenge
# 18:10 KartikPrabhu rel=me is supposed to indicate that the linked page is the same person as the current page
# 18:10 kylewm cweiske: is it possible you are double-escaping the url?
# 18:12 cweiske kylewm, I don't get why "ahso" should be in there
# 18:13 kylewm it looks like it's sending part of an escaped JSON blob attached to the end of the notification endpoint url
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# 18:18 cweiske kylewm, is that the notification or the verification?
# 18:18 kylewm cweiske: let's assume that JSON weirdness was me fat-fingering the copy-paste key for now
# 18:19 cweiske [2015-04-28 20:17:46] phubb.INFO: Subscription accepted {"job":"H:ahso2:1068"}
# 18:21 kylewm lol, no you know what happened: someone's IRC client (possibly mine) thought that log line you posted earlier was a link and clicked onit
# 18:23 cweiske could it be that the request is just missing the content length header, but still contains the data?
# 18:27 kylewm oh good thought, but no sadly it's reporting the actual len(request.data)
# 18:28 cweiske i didn't change phubb for a while now, so probably something changed on your side
# 18:28 kylewm Flask does do something dumb with request.data
# 18:28 cweiske maybe request.data is empty because content-length is not set
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# 18:32 rhiaro aaronpk: how much work would it be to make the wiki not redirect to homepage after login? (ie redirect back to page you hit login on)
# 18:32 fkooman aaronpk, my oauth 2 server already supports that, would be nice for indieauth as well :)
# 18:33 aaronpk rhiaro: i don't know... i don't actually know when it stopped doing that
# 18:33 aaronpk fkooman: you advertise a separate endpoint for token verification?
# 18:33 aaronpk i guess i don't see why that can't be the same as the token endpoint, since the token endpoint is the thing generating tokens
# 18:34 aaronpk i guess it could be the same and still be compatible
# 18:34 fkooman aaronpk, yeah, I guess so, no need to create an other endpoint for that
# 18:35 aaronpk oh interesting, the introspection endpoint uses the authorization header for the client to authenticate itself
# 18:35 cweiske kylewm, please check if you got content-length now
# 18:36 fkooman aaronpk, where do you see that?
# 18:36 fkooman aaronpk, the only issue is that the introspection also expects a form post, just like exchanging the code for the access_token
# 18:37 aaronpk fkooman: those requests will contain a lot of parameters, none of which are called "token", so the endpoint would still be able to determine if a request is an introspection request vs a grant request
# 18:37 fkooman aaronpk, ah, i guess that was added in later drafts
# 18:38 kylewm cweiske: fascinating, yeah I did get content that time
# 18:38 cweiske only because I now do send the content-length header
# 18:38 cweiske but I didn't change anything regarding the POST data itself
# 18:39 fkooman aaronpk, but it will be a bit tricky for e.g. the micropub endpoint to get credentials to verify the token... you need to manually do that or something
# 18:40 ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk: rhiaro: ahh, interesting, if I'm on https:// on the wiki before login it stays on the page... if i'm on http:// it goes back to home page on login.... losing some post values in an http -> https redirect i'm guessing
# 18:40 aaronpk also i think that spec says client authentication is optional
# 18:41 cweiske this is specific to PHP. some programming languages are fine with simply repeating the hub.url parameter
# 18:41 fkooman aaronpk, the endpoint MUST
# 18:41 fkooman also require some form of authorization to access this endpoint,
# 18:41 cweiske it's only PHP which has trouble understanding this
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# 18:42 cweiske but are ruby and python fine with &hub.url=&hub.url=&... ?
# 18:43 aaronpk even if they are, the fact that PHP can't understand it is kind of a dealbreaker, since that means any code written in PHP is going to have to use a custom query string parsing library instead of relying on $_POST, at which point you might as well just use JSON input
# 18:46 aaronpk fkooman: ok yeah, it says the endpoint must require some sort of authorization from the client, but it doesn't specify that it has to be client id+secret
# 18:47 fkooman aaronpk, true, but i guess at least some kind of shared secret with the server or something
# 18:47 kylewm cweiske: python is fine with hub.url=&hub.url=&...
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# 18:50 aaronpk hm, are you intending on using this to allow clients to check tokens, or for your micropub endpoint to check tokens?
# 18:50 voxpelli or rather – there has been concerns about the possibility for query params to be both strings and arrays because getting an array when you expect a string can cause exceptions
# 18:51 fkooman aaronpk, for micropub endpoint
# 18:51 fkooman so only for protected resources that need to verify the access tokens that the client send it
# 18:51 aaronpk fkooman: for the micropub endpoint, i think it wouldn't be unreasonable to require people first sign up at tokens.indieauth.com to be able to use it, at which point a shared secret can be established (basically an API key)
# 18:52 fkooman aaronpk, yeah, i was thinking the same :)
# 18:54 cweiske KevinMarks_, the parser is not shitty. it just makes assumptions on the input data that are not always fulfilled
# 18:54 cweiske and that assumption (no duplicate keys) is fine most of the time
# 18:54 kylewm I vaguely remember Ruby does some clever trick for []'s?
# 18:55 aaronpk it's too bad php doesn't parse foo=&foo= according to spec
# 18:55 KevinMarks_ where's the best summary of bridgy's problems with the new fb api?
# 18:56 benwerd (Could potentially write a more standards-compliant polyfill for PHP)
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# 18:59 aaronpk fkooman: i think i'll go ahead and add this to tokens.indieauth.com
# 18:59 fkooman aaronpk, i'll do the same on indiecert.net :)
# 18:59 aaronpk i was waiting for the oauth-introspection draft to stablize since it's been in development for a while
# 18:59 ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk, I had figured out a hack to correct that behaviour but it wouldn't work when uploading at the same time
# 18:59 aaronpk ben_thatmustbeme: yeah you'd have to write a multipart parser too
# 19:00 aaronpk which sounds like the last thing i want to do ever
# 19:04 voxpelli KevinMarks_: true, no anti-pattern in the query params themselves – but even some new parser are handling it very shitty, making it possible to more or less crash them on demand by providing multiple values when they only expected a single one
# 19:04 fkooman aaronpk, a multipart parser can't be worse than a mf parser ;)
# 19:04 kylewm KevinMarks_: I think that snarfed actually wrote a wiki entry summarizing it, one sec
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# 19:06 voxpelli think we actually used that one at Bloglovin to solve some weirdness in the PHP query param parsing
# 19:07 aaronpk oh man that's right... i remember having to code $_POST['hub_url'] because it converts . to _
# 19:07 aaronpk now that register_globals is deprecated, I wonder if a future PHP version will fix the parsing
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# 19:12 tantek or are we talking hypothetical URL query string attack vectors?
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# 19:22 aaronpk tantek: talking about foo[]&foo[] vs foo&foo for sending multiple values of the same property name
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# 19:23 aaronpk i think php is the only one that doesn't support foo&foo and requires [] for it to work
# 19:27 rhiaro benwerd: YAY I did my first repost with a webmention on your post :D
# 19:29 rhiaro I've done reposts before, just not of anything that can receive a webmention :)
# 19:31 tantek oh! that's still cool - add it as another example for yourself there - as a repost of an indieweb post!
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# 19:43 rhiaro oh wait yeah that actually was my first repost that wasn't a test
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# 19:54 aaronpk oh hm it's not really a repost unless you display the post you're reposting, right?
# 19:55 tantek similarly it's confusing when a "like" shows the whole thing you're liking
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# 19:56 kylewm I was just enjoying looking at my /likes page yesterday (which shows the full post being liked)
# 19:56 aaronpk one of my motivations for implementing likes on my site was so that I'd have a copy of the things I'm liking
# 19:56 tantek I kinda want a LOL as a different kind of "like"
# 19:58 kylewm like the Crossfit joke -- "how can you tell if someone has an Apple Watch" "Don't worry they'll tell you"
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# 19:59 tantek I suppose that's still just a reply/comment, even if it's a single emoji
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# 20:01 tantek I suppose the usecase is that I'd produce a LOLs feed that people could subscribe to - you know, to put yourself in a better mood.
# 20:03 kylewm also -- "like posts" on facebook such as they exist, show the post being liked
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# 20:07 rhiaro spose it's about time I could consume microformats
# 20:09 tantek rhiaro: the presentation is more important than the markup
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# 20:34 KartikPrabhu tantek: Twitter shows Bing translation button on your latest tweet! :P It translates from Indonesian to the same text
# 20:38 tantek that's when all the Indonesian tweets started showing up
# 20:39 tantek it's likely slang as Google Translate doesn't do anything with it
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# 21:08 rhiaro welp, I don't know enough about OO PHP to be able to get php-mf2 to work with my hideous mess of characters I mean blog code :/
# 21:08 rhiaro I guess I have to learn what Composer is and use it
# 21:09 rhiaro I thought about using pin13 but figured I didn't need more http requests
# 21:09 aaronpk rhiaro: barnaby made the php parser easy to load without composer if you want
# 21:09 tantek rhiaro: if you figure out how to call phpmf2 without OO-PHP, let me know
# 21:10 tantek as in, I just want to included *one* file, then call *one* function
# 21:10 rhiaro hang on, I'll go through everything I just tried again and report back
# 21:11 KevinMarks_ yes, that's the next thing feedparser guy has done, split it into multiple files
# 21:11 rhiaro I've botched it for the Markdown library I'm using, but apparently that works differently to php-mf2
# 21:12 aaronpk oh he published it on packagist as mf2/mf2 now, usde to be barnabywalters/mf2
# 21:12 tantek is there any way to include a simple procedural function wrapper around the OOPHP syntactic vinnegar?
# 21:12 rhiaro I get Call to undefined function Mf2\fetch() following the first example on the readme
# 21:13 rhiaro I played around with various ways to include it
# 21:13 aaronpk rhiaro: what php version are you using first of all?
# 21:13 rhiaro I also have some weird autoload function thing I borrowed when I was getting the Markdown lib to work
# 21:13 rhiaro require preg_replace('{\\\\|_(?!.*\\\\)}
', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, ltrim($class, '\\')).'.php';
# 21:15 rhiaro aaronpk: I thought that function might be helping actually
# 21:15 aaronpk rhiaro: you have require 'php-mf2/Mf2/Parser.php' somewhere?
# 21:16 rhiaro oh yeah Call to undefined function Mf2\curl_init()
# 21:16 aaronpk if you just don't put a "use" in there, you can do it with $parsed = \Mf2\parse()
# 21:17 aaronpk oh... that shouldn't happen... let me see if I have php 5.5.9 anywhere
# 21:19 aaronpk i have 5.5.23 and it definitely doesn't do that :(
# 21:22 rhiaro It seems to be looking in the Mf2 namespace for it here though
# 21:22 rhiaro oh, actually I might have never tested my micropub endpoint locally
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# 21:37 parzzix New to windows, using mIrc now, but wondering what is preferred client for irc?
# 21:38 parzzix or considered the best?
# 21:38 parzzix opps wrong forum...lol
# 21:40 rhiaro aaronpk: works now (after installing curl) :) Thanks!
# 21:44 rhiaro I guess most people parse external posts once and store contents themselves? Is anyone grabbing posts every time they need to be rendered?
# 21:44 rhiaro (and not needing to worry about if it gets edited / deleted, wrt updating own store)
# 21:44 rhiaro wait, maybe someone wrote about this on the wiki already
# 21:44 aaronpk i have a two-step process, first i fetch and store the HTML, then I parse the HTML and store that as JSON. when my site renders comments, it loads the JSON
# 21:44 tantek rhiaro: typically yes webmention sources can be cached
# 21:46 rhiaro considers storing other people's posts as rdf
# 21:47 tantek cache the procssed form in whatever works best for your system!
# 21:47 rhiaro doesn't feel like writing a mf2 to rdf converter right now
# 21:48 tantek then you could cache the JSON parsed result like aaronpk
# 21:48 rhiaro I don't expect there would be massive speed advantages to caching, but maybe I'm wrong. But another reason would be to reduce polling of other people's sites? How much does that matter?
# 21:49 aaronpk you really don't want to make an http request on each view of your page
# 21:49 aaronpk caching the parsed json may be over-optmized, you can probably get away with parsing the HTML each time
# 21:50 aaronpk the reason I store the original HTML is so that if I change how I consume HTML, I don't have to re-fetch all the URLs, Ican just update my parser
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# 21:54 KevinMarks_ tryign out srcset, wonder if anyone cares about 3x or 4x image sizes
# 22:04 KevinMarks_ I was passing w values but safari can't understand them, and fails if I say 64w 2x
# 22:07 KevinMarks_ I suppose the way to test is to screenshare my 4x device onto a TV so I can see the pixels
# 22:08 tantek KevinMarks: you need one of those Brazil-style giant magnifying glasses
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# 22:41 aaronpk it looks like setting safe_mode=Off will fix that warning
# 22:41 rhiaro yeah I have to find the php ini file on my shared hosting
# 22:45 rhiaro hmmm the time on my repost is wrong, I wonder where it got that from
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# 22:46 rhiaro and in fact all posts I've sent from Quill in the past couple of days
# 22:47 rhiaro goes to poke her micropub endpoint with a stick
# 23:08 aaronpk "Failed to verify assertion (message: No valid providers were discovered for the asserted claimed identifier)"
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# 23:13 rhiaro when you display someone's photo and name, is that from your store or do you pull that from their h-card dynamically?
# 23:13 aaronpk i display the photo and name that was in the post
# 23:14 aaronpk well i have the full HTML page of each webmention, so the author name is in each one
# 23:15 aaronpk you call it duplicates, i call it built-in versioning ;)
# 23:15 tantek people do change their icons - it's interesting to have them as of the time when they posted
# 23:15 rhiaro people also change their names, and it might be insensitive to keep using the old one
# 23:16 rhiaro might be useful to have notifications of h-card changes
# 23:16 aaronpk people change their display name on twitter all the time as a joke, which might be more appropriate to keep displaying the name at the time of posting
# 23:16 rhiaro I would definitely want to err on displaying current name as opposed to name at time of posting
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# 23:18 rhiaro given the number of people I know who have (often distressing) problems with people/orgs calling them by their old names, I wouldn't want to increase the amount of old-name-occurences lurking on the web
# 23:18 rhiaro even if it's an edge case, I think it's more important than 'what quirky thing was so-and-so calling themselves on that day'
# 23:19 KartikPrabhu how would one go about updating old names on all posts/replies to posts?
# 23:19 rhiaro KartikPrabhu: depends how you render it, but apart from that, I have an idea:
# 23:19 rhiaro when you update your h-card, you create an edit post
# 23:20 rhiaro anyone who is rendering your posts should subscribe to your h-card updates
# 23:20 rhiaro and when you change it, the rendering-party can update their output
# 23:22 KartikPrabhu as an extension of progressive enhancement it would be nice if indieweb stuff worked with static sites first and then dynamic ones
# 23:22 aaronpk static sites can easily regenerate all their pages
# 23:23 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: yes. they would have to regenerate all pages everytime one nickname was changed
# 23:23 rhiaro as in check their homepage every time you need to reference that person?
# 23:24 tantek hence lazily - only when you need to reference them
# 23:25 rhiaro but what if they change their name and you don't reference them for a while?
# 23:25 KartikPrabhu rhiaro: check homepage whenever you reference them in a new activity. new reference or even if you get a new comment (maybe?)
# 23:25 rhiaro you're still displaying their old name and photo
# 23:25 tantek rhiaro: that problem will be solved once you integrate a reader into your site
# 23:25 tantek and your reader has a PuSH subscription to their home page, and updates the nickname cache accordingly
# 23:26 rhiaro anyway, I'm still interested in updates for h-card changes given that silos do that, and commenting on/liking an profile update is also possible on silos
# 23:26 tantek rhiaro: it's merely an "h-card" follow, perhaps the lightest form of following
# 23:27 rhiaro yeah. You can do a h-card follow without needing a full reader
# 23:27 rhiaro but they need to publish their changes as posts still right?
# 23:28 tantek no need - you get an update of their homepage as a URL
# 23:28 rhiaro you just get pushed the url whenever there's an update?
# 23:29 tantek it *would* be interesting to explore *actual* h-card subscriptions, and property edits
# 23:29 tantek there was that long drawn out discussion in socialwg about people vs. profiles and editing profiles
# 23:29 tantek that of course, no one has actually implemented in the WG so it was all hand-waving
# 23:30 rhiaro okay I think we were saying the same thing just describing it differently
# 23:30 tantek when you set your profile image, or set your BG image, it makes a *post* out of it, with a permalink
# 23:30 tantek nope - the activity thing is an unnecessary abstraction
# 23:31 rhiaro so you're saying just a really simple post that doesn't say what property has changed... with: u-update-of:homepageurl
# 23:32 tantek I didn't say that - I said it would be interesting to figure it out
# 23:32 tantek and the data so far is that it is "just" a post - per FB
# 23:32 rhiaro I'm trying to scope how much figuring has been done
# 23:32 tantek we figure things out based on concrete examples
# 23:32 rhiaro and how facebook does it is also the basis for my ideas, yes
# 23:32 tantek as opposed to architectural reasoning / philosophizing
# 23:32 tantek which unfortunately is how most W3C work seems to happen
# 23:33 rhiaro which is why I'm going to implement profile update posts this week
# 23:33 tantek rhiaro: want to document profile update research first?
# 23:33 tantek before desining / implementing? so you have data to reason from?
# 23:33 KevinMarks_ my concrete example is that my facepiles are half faceless as twitter discards old profile pics
# 23:33 Loqi tantek meant to say: before designing / implementing? so you have data to reason from?
# 23:34 tantek you can cache the old images themselves instead of old image URLs
# 23:34 aaronpk i keep getting stuck on how to implement that in a sane way
# 23:35 KevinMarks_ right, I should cache old twitter images on my static site, not the company worth billions
# 23:35 rhiaro tantek: yes, will document. This conversation *is* beginngin research (which means it's a bit frustrating when you say "implement!" and I say I will and you say "reaearch!", or at least that's what' I'm getting)
# 23:35 Loqi tantek meant to say: no KevinMarks_ you should cache them in free space on github per /IndieArchive :P
# 23:36 tantek rhiaro: the implementation I mentioned did not require any new research - you took the leap there to profile updates of specific properties
# 23:36 aaronpk tantek: lol in 2 years my archive of html grew from 63mb to 415mb, which isn't too bad!
# 23:36 GWG I never figured out how to do a nicknames cache
# 23:40 KevinMarks_ thank you middleware people for making my site better, whoever it was
# 23:40 tantek rhiaro: nonetheless you drew new insights into what can/should be cached and what should be updated
# 23:42 aaronpk tantek: one problem i've encountered with storing files on disk that match URL paths is this (and this is what's keeping me from implementing indiearchive right now)
# 23:43 aaronpk when someone has two URLs such as aaronparecki.com/tag and aaronparecki.com/tag/indieweb, I can't save them on disk because the first expects "tag" to be a file, and the other expects "tag" to be a folder
# 23:44 tantek I feel like this is the kind of thing someone would have solved
# 23:44 aaronpk i had to solve it for spiderpig but it is not an ideal solution for indiearchive
# 23:45 aaronpk i force every web page to be called index.html and be served from a folder that ends in /
# 23:45 aaronpk so on disk, i would actually have aaronparecki.com/tag/index.html and aaronparecki.com/tag/indieweb/index.html
# 23:46 aaronpk which works fine when you're intending on flattening a dynamic site into HTML as a static archive of it
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# 23:57 tantek.com edited /nicknames-cache (+438) "/* Better Person Icon Display */ note that showing the icon as of the time of a post is also valid, add tweet citations from benward and kevinmarks" (
view diff )
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