#rhiarowho has lists of contacts/people/followers/following or is interested in posts about following/followers? I added a bunch of brainstormy stuff to /follows ^ (cc hmans, ben_thatmustbeme as people who already have such lists)
KevinMarks and lukebrooker joined the channel
#acegiakrhiaro: I use my blogroll as a list of people I'm following for whisperfollow
#GWGacegiak: I think Blogroll went out because it is a site, as opposed to person-centric way of thinking o these.
#GWGAlso, I used to find long lists of links down the side of someone's site to not be the best way to consume recommendations
#rhiaroacegiak: cool - can you add to the wiki page? Is it marked up with mf?
#acegiakrhiaro: just realised that it's not since I changed theme. will need to fix that
#acegiakGWG: Often I want to follow a site rather than a person?
#aaronpkturns out that's a pretty big hurdle to actually using a reader tho
#rhiaroalso beyond that, how follow posts could be useful for keeping track of when (and possibly why with an added note) you follow (or unfollowed) someone
#acegiakGWG: I've been trying to work out a way for for whisperfollow to have some of the things I follow be marked as important so that when I come to whisperfollow it makes sure to tell me and then I can dismiss them
#GWGI'm the one who complained about no Twitter client that would effectively keep my place
#acegiakbut I use whisperfollow for subscribing to podcasts where I don't want to miss episodes so I'd like to manually mark certain streams as priority
#rhiaroI don't actually know if it's useful or not
#rhiaroI'd also like to be able to mark certain feeds/people as more important
#acegiakat the moment though I just use whisperfollow's search function to filter to just the stream I want to check
#rhiaroThere's a small list of people I'll go check their profiles directly on twitter to make sure I haven't missed anything
#rhiaropossibly could do this with a priority tag or something
#rhiaroI tend to try to do everything with tags if possible
#acegiakrhiaro: yeah there's a few friends I have that are primarily twitter users so I'm using a twitter->rss service to subscribe to them in my reader
#rhiarosince I'm making follow posts, I'm going to be able to tag them like any other posts anyway
#rhiaroso I've decided the next step is to implement a bunch of activity-type stuff as posts and see if it works or if posts are overkill
#rhiaroThe thing I'm pretty sure *doesn't* need a post is edit/modify/update a post
#acegiakI think that saying "I listened to this song" and "I have started following simon" and "I think elizabeth warren should run for the 2016 presidency" are all pretty similar
#rhiarosome of the 'not a post' arguements are 'blah ate an apple' is an activity not a post, *but* I would argue that what I'm doing is posting about eating an apple, the action of eating the apple isn't what happens on the web, so that justifies being a post
#acegiakI would say "blah ate an apple" is a post because you're announcing it
#acegiakit would be something other than a post if it were an entry logged by some kind of software that you are incapable of curating *cough*nsa*cough*
#rhiaroKevinMarks: rel="following" works for a list of people(/sites/whatever) you follow, but not for a post saying 'I followed blah' (with the relation to blah, which I envision as u-follow-of right now)
#GWGacegiak: I'm just pondering out loud. I could add a 'follow' option rather easily.
#acegiakGWG: Maybe an option you can turn on in the options screen? like the others?
#GWGI really need to write something to exclude kinds from the main stream optionally
#GWGMaybe group them into optional extra archive pages
#LoqiKevinMarks meant to say: When twitter used xfn for following I think it used rel= friend
#GWGacegiak: I was doing bookmarks as a private post in my latest experiments. I figure...if I 'like' it or 'favorite' it, then I'm expressing an opinion.
#GWGIf I'm bookmarking it, I'm reproducing the 'save later' type mentality.
#KevinMarksThe blogroll used to be a practical tool, before we had readers
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
#KevinMarksYou'd click through the links on it every so often to see what was new
#LoqiWelcome to news about the IndieWeb where recent notable articles about the IndieWeb are cited and linked to keep you up to date https://indiewebcamp.com/new
#GWGacegiak: One of my personal goals is to move my frequency of posting closer to yours.
#GWGKevinMarks: As someone here for the long game, going back on this...what's the evolution of readers to the present?
#KevinMarksIf you look at my frozen in time blogroll on epeus.blogspot.com I sorted it by frequency
#aaronpksince there was no official API, it was just scraping the HTML
#aaronpkwas working great up until last week when I think they changed their HTML. turns out they launched an official API a couple months ago too
#aaronpkso I updated the script to use the new JSON API
#aaronpkwithin 2 days, there was already a glitch where Loqi started outputting empty entries for the whole front page, which I am assuming was because the API had some glitch
#aaronpki just thought it was funny that in several years i never had a problem with the script, and as soon as I made it use invisible data instead of HTML, it glitched out
#tantekyes a JSON read-API is a DRY violation of the HTML
#aaronpki mean that's a relatively small sample size, but 2+ years with no problems vs 2 days with a problem is not a good sign
#tantekand since more people/programs see the HTML than the API, the HTML ends up being more reliable.
#tantekaaronpk - please capture that in a short blog post or note
#tantekseriously - that is an important data point to throwback at all the JSON-all-the-things people
#tantekall developer's natural instincts is to clamor for some sort of "clean" model of the data - and turns out that in practice, from a pragmatic maintenance / what breaks / what doesn't point of view, they're *wrong*. presentation/display = quality. "clean model" = less maintained.
#Loqitantek meant to say: all developers' natural instincts is to clamor for some sort of "clean" model of the data - and turns out that in practice, from a pragmatic maintenance / what breaks / what doesn't point of view, they're *wrong*. presentation/display = quality. "clean model" = less maintained.
#aaronpkwow yeah, I wrote that code in August 2012 and it required no changes since then
#acegiakGWG: for maintainability maybe we should have a file in indieweb post kinds that straight up defines the kinds in one place to make it easier to add new kinds on the fly?
#tantek!tell rhiaro I like all the new information added to http://indiewebcamp.com/following - however the structure of the TOC makes it seem abstract (idea-centric), rather than concrete (example-centric) and mixes examples with wants.
#GWGacegiak: Should be doable. I was thinking of, after what the WordPress people told me about Simple Location, I might do a rewrite of part of it t avoid some function scope complaints.
#GWGSo, I might move that to a file for that reason.
#acegiakIs anyone else annoyed by all the tumblr/twitter pretty post features in 4.2? Like they just did it in the most annoying, silo centric way possible?
#acegiakas far as I can tell (without looking at any code) they've got some magic regex sitting at the back that turns urls containing twitter.com and tumblr.com into embedded posts
#tantekthe (un)follow discussion was very interesting to watch (I was out and about most of today)
#tantekregarding what people want in their reading experience
#tantekalso KevinMarks's observation that blogrolls were nice because you could just click and open tabs for the people you wanted to read, and catch up on them one at a time.
#tantekalso there are *at least* two classes of people I want to follow - a few I want to catch up with and not miss any posts, and the rest where dipping in an out is ok
#tanteksome kind of where you left off temporal indicator is MUCH better than the (un)read state indicator and # of messages red stress number
#aaronpkyaeh, i've totally tuned out the red stress number at this point. some people look at my phone and see all the app icons with the red numbers and have panic attacks
#aaronpkokay this post took way longer than I intended, but I hope it's useful
#aaronpktantek: yeah lol, I didn't want to critique that or suggest otherwise, and demonstrating adding h-entry to a table layout is kind of neat anyway
#petermolnara slightly offtopic, non-technical thing: this morning I've found this entry on how 500px is distorting landscape photography, and among many things, especially in the comments, I've realized how many of the photographers are either returning, sticking or never even left their blogs for social networks
#petermolnarare you aware of anyone doing indieweb-easy, photographer oriented blog engines/plugin combos, that would make very non-technical (html-less) people use our solutions?
#ben_thatmustbemeahh. I have been using mobilePub to take and post photos from my phone, but its true, there really isn't anything high end for desktop at all
#petermolnarben_thatmustbeme the main context is that recently I realized that a massive number of photographers are still/again mostly focusing on their blogs/own sites but they miss the old community sites where people actually exchanged opinions, critiques, etc. on a picture
#petermolnarand that they might be interested in the indieweb, but there is no tool for them
#zachdonovanGWG: awful slow, but I might have fixed the all_tags thing!
#zachdonovanGWG: how's your quick-post UI coming along?
#GWGI'm thinking of removing a feature to get myself to a usable version.
#GWGThe microformat parsing. May table that for a future version.
#GWGI can accomplish the same goal to start with Open Graph and enhance on that.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#kylewmalmereyda: do you have a public site built on SoLiD?
#kylewmI tried for about an hour to log into Cimba last week and could not figure it out... the documentation for how to get a WebID had so many broken links and dead ends :(
#aaronpkargh also googling "webid" comes up with a bunch of auction results because "WeBid"
wolftune, torrorist1 and petermolnar joined the channel
#almereydakylewm : Unfortunately not yet. I'm about to run rww-play for bblfish again, because he split with Stample (why stample.io doesn't fit too much anymore for it). So we'll see before the SocialWG F2F next week how that turns out. But LDApp and https://webid.im are also quite nice ...
#kylewmwebid.im gives webid.im uses an invalid security certificate.
#kylewmThe certificate is only valid for the following names:
#kylewmbut the original https link that almereyda shared redirects? at least in firefox
#petermolnar!tell KartikPrabhu how about building the webmentions/indieweb tools for http://koken.me/ ? This kind of looks like a proper cms for photographers, it may as well could be turned into the indie photographer cms.
#LoqiKartikPrabhu: petermolnar left you a message 59 seconds ago: how about building the webmentions/indieweb tools for http://koken.me/ ? This kind of looks like a proper cms for photographers, it may as well could be turned into the indie photographer cms. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-04-27/line/1430167183743
#tantekwow: “[u]nlimited storage space and SiteSafeSM technology keep all of your family memories safe and secure. No matter what.” (former Ancestry-com's MyFamily homepage)
wolftune, KevinMarks, j12t, snarfed, awolf and cweiske joined the channel
#tantekrhiaro: that excuse was often used for RSS etc. and yet the data did no support that theory, in fact, quite the opposite. RSS/Atom feeds were often broken in practice - didn't matter that they were supposedly generated from the same data store.
#Loqitantek meant to say: rhiaro: that excuse was often used for RSS etc. and yet the data did not support that theory, in fact, quite the opposite. RSS/Atom feeds were often broken in practice - didn't matter that they were supposedly generated from the same data store.
#aaronpki went through a mini exercise yesterday, attempting to have a single RSS file as a home page and style it with css and add microformats so it can be parsed as an h-feed
#tantekthe short form proof is that the "generated from" code path for the DRY violation still requires its own maintenance, maintenance which is neglected (and thus breaks) over time because it's for a secondary (or far less important) presentation of the data
#KevinMarks_that reminds me, tantek - if you put <meta> outside the <head> are they implicitly hoisted?
#tantekKevinMarks_: not AFAIK, I think all sorts of invisible data anti-patterns from Google and others actually depend on <meta> in <body>
#tantekwho's bringing swords to the SWG F2F? that doesn't very "social" :P
fourtonfish joined the channel
#KartikPrabhutantek: actually my RSS failed once for 3 weeks even though I generated it from the same database, because I changed the name of a field! Updated HTML templates but forgot the feed templates, since invisible
#rhiarotantek: for melvin's webid chat to work I'd have to generate the rdf from an h-card myself anyway
#rhiaro"Once in place, structured data middleware can then ingest the blog post and produce a Linked Data resource"
#tantekrhiaro: better to have the source of the data be some place / something visible (like an h-card) so it's more likely to be accurate / up to date.
tilgovi joined the channel
#tantekhey tilgovi - any insights from last week's annotation f2f or iannotate conf that you think apply to indieweb publishing?
#tilgovitantek: thanks for the ping, I'll get back about it. Have some other things to do this Monday first.
#aaronpki'm on the fence about the author/site h-card, and also in practice most of the mentions are not marked up with microformats
#tantekaaronpk: have you received any "mentions" worthy of actually showing their post name?
#aaronpkthere are two types of mentions i've received
#tantekaaronpk - you can use the presence of higher quality markup (microformats) as a signal for a richer display of a mention
#aaronpksome are comments on other posts, where they would normally look like comments and they have mf2 and an h-card and everything
#aaronpkfor those, there isn't a post name other than the content of the post
reidab joined the channel
#aaronpkthe other type of mention is other blog posts (with a name) linking to mine
#kylewmKartikPrabhu: instead of (or in addition to) unit tests, you could have your site email you on error or uncaught exception ... i just added that recently to hopefully avoid some future embarrassment
#aaronpkif you're gonna go that route, I recommend setting up something like errbit (it's self-hosted!) to avoid getting pummeled with 100+ emails in rapid succession
#tantekURL is the key information in the post, referenced article name, author are all from that, I added a summary but that's secondary, and I (hash)tagged it with "microformats2" thus closest to a /bookmark
#aaronpkmy post is the top result for html is my api now
#aaronpki wonder where google found it from, since I'm not publishing to their PuSH hub anymore
#KevinMarks_is srcset what I want for alternative icon images? I remeber some debate about this, but not the resolution
#snarfedaaronpk: crawl has multiple tiers, based on publish frequency
#snarfedi expect you're in the top tier, so you're at least partially crawled somewhere between 1h and 1d
#snarfed(i doubt google's push hub was ever a crawl input)
#tanteksnarfed - I think it was for a while - like a year plus
#tantekbased on having posts of mine show up in *seconds* in Google results
#aaronpkwhatever it was doing without me defaulting to my profile image was looking very bad
#tantekpresumably those other images are purely presentational? wonder if using CSS to display them (rather than <img>) would help avoid FB errantly using them
#tantekand if it defaulted to a *small* profile image of you - that could be ok, because it would show the side-by-side link-preview rather than the big-wide-image link-preview
#aaronpkugh that ?noscript link freaks out and rewrites itself when JS is enabled
#aaronpkand then it jumps to somewhere else on the page
#aaronparecki.comedited /link-preview (-15) "/* Facebook */ remove no_script thingy because facebook removes the fragment in that case when JS is enabled" (view diff)
#aaronpkodd, my image is 512x512, so it's not clear what category it would fall under
#aaronpkis 512x512 smaller or larger than 600x315?
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#tantekaaronpk - I think the resolution requiresments are an "and"