2015-04-26 UTC
# 00:20 tantek darnit, FB seems to have removed all_activity
# 00:21 tantek now I'm starting to get paranoid like snarfed and kylewm
# 00:22 Loqi tantek meant to say: I just see your profile page
# 00:22 tantek OR they are slowly rolling out the removal of it
# 00:23 tantek better grab screenshots from top, scroll, etc. be sure to get as many (implied) post types as possible
# 00:24 aaronpk weird that it serves your profile page and doesn't redirect
# 00:28 aaronpk whoa, the all activity page shows all my spotify listening history
parzzix joined the channel
# 00:28 tantek need to screenshot all that before it disappears
# 00:28 tantek it's all proof that all verbs are actually nouns
# 00:28 aaronpk i'm taking a bunch of screenshots and posting them on... flickr :P
# 00:29 aaronpk the spotify listens dominate the feed for quite a while
# 00:30 tantek imagine if that was all marked up with h-entry
# 00:33 parzzix Any of you use IRC on windows? If so, what client do you use?
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# 01:32 GWG acegiak: I do have a question for you.
# 01:34 GWG I posted the screenshots of a note posting form yesterday. Would you have any ideas to improve it? I always think of you because of your use of the Post Kinds plugin.
# 01:36 GWG The simplest interface I could devise
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# 02:26 aaronpk i can't wait to drop the websockets in favor of that nginx plugin
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# 02:44 GWG acegiak: Any functionality suggestions?
# 02:48 GWG acegiak: My goal is to get a complete web actions plugin out of it, with basic post UI
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# 03:03 KartikPrabhu kylewm: snarfed: birdgy keeps resending Google+ likes for a second time. is this a bug?
# 03:11 kylewm KartikPrabhu: what's bridgy doing? Sending new likes twice or resending old likes?
# 03:12 KartikPrabhu I suspect that bridgy does not know that it has sent those (since G+ does not have URLs for them) and sends them again when it finds them in my G+ stream
# 03:15 kylewm It may be that the format changed when snarfed changed it to not have an e-content, and so it send them as "updates"
# 03:16 KartikPrabhu aah I see. Not to worry, I replace the old ones whenever a new one is resent
KevinMarks, KartikPrabhu1, j12t, KevinMarks__, nloadholtes, KartikPrabhu, torrorist, fkooman, wolftune, loic_m, eschnou, indie-guest, catsup and frzn joined the channel
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# 15:59 rhiaro !tell aaronpk: re: the http/https stuff yesterday (last night?), as someone imminantly switching from http to https I second treating them as the same identifier. And also requiring https would have been a massive blocker for me earlier on; a warning and some friendly tips for getting started would be good though
# 15:59 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
snarfed joined the channel
# 16:30 kylewm rhiaro: there's some competition between the UX and security there, I agree it would have been bad to lose all my accounts when i switched to https, but now that i have switched, I don't want my accounts to be accessible via someone logging in with http://kylewm.com
# 16:31 rhiaro kylewm: good point. Maybe accounts should be merged after the first https login
# 16:31 rhiaro also, related question: do I need different certs for subdomains?
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# 16:36 GWG rhiaro: What is your price range?
# 16:37 rhiaro I was recommended namecheap, which does single domain for $8
# 16:41 GWG rhiaro: startssl is free if you want something basic.
# 16:43 rhiaro I looked at startssl initially but then their pay-to-revoke thing seemed like kind of a jerk way to do business. But maybe I'll use that while I'm finding my feet and spend money when I have more idea what I'm doing
# 16:44 GWG rhiaro: If they give you the certificate for free, they have to charge for something.
# 16:45 rhiaro oh turns out one of my domains (not my main one) came with a free ssl cert anyway
# 16:46 rhiaro GWG: sure, I understand that, it seems like it would leave a lot of people unable/unwilling to pay and then left insecure
# 16:46 GWG rhiaro: I am not necessarily defending them.
# 16:47 GWG If you wait, the Let's Encrypt effort might change the landscape for non commercial entities
# 16:48 snarfed has anyone using the twitter API to publish ever seen this error? {"errors":[{"code":32,"message":"Could not authenticate you."}]}
vandenoever, j12t and snarfed joined the channel
# 16:59 kylewm !tell aaronpk, cweiske do either of your hubs support multi-valued "hub.url" pings?
# 16:59 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 17:05 Loqi aaronpk: rhiaro left you a message 1 hour, 5 minutes ago: re: the http/https stuff yesterday (last night?), as someone imminantly switching from http to https I second treating them as the same identifier. And also requiring https would have been a massive blocker for me earlier on; a warning and some friendly tips for getting started would be good though http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-04-26/line/1430063947762
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# 17:06 kylewm well it's a thing I want to do... :) I don't know if it's a thing anyone supports
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# 17:07 aaronpk also is there any reason we can't make hubs recognize the publish using "hub.topic" instead of "hub.url"?
# 17:07 aaronpk just seems weird to subscribe using a parameter named "hub.topic" and then publish to "hub.url"
# 17:08 aaronpk the publish ping isn't even part of the spec, so I don't see why not
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# 17:08 aaronpk "The hub and the publisher can agree on any mechanism, as long as the hub is eventually able send the updated payload to the subscribers."
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# 17:10 vandenoever how does copyright work on indiewebcamp?
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# 17:11 vandenoever is there a way to indicate information pertaining to it
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# 17:11 aaronpk vandenoever: do you mean copyright of content youre posting or of code?
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# 18:35 aaronpk snarfed: is the current published micropub wordpress plugin the same as the master branch?
# 18:37 aaronpk having a weird issue where the tokens aren't able to be verified
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# 18:37 aaronpk i had to update teacup and ownyourgram to send the access token in the post body, since some web servers don't pass authorization headers
# 18:39 aaronpk hmm...do you know why wp_remote_vet would return blank strings for the response code and body?
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# 18:41 Loqi aaronpk meant to say: hmm...do you know why wp_remote_get would return blank strings for the response code and body?
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# 18:44 aaronpk wow... okay it looks like this server isn't able to make the SNI request to tokens.indieauth.com
# 18:48 aaronpk did they break reply context? that looks like their new QT thing
# 18:50 snarfed aaronpk: re SNI, sounds reasonable, it's still got an adoption road ahead of it, esp on server side stacks
# 18:50 snarfed (that's why i still serve bridgy mf2 pages on brid-gy.appspot.com)
# 18:51 aaronpk just checked some versions of things, it's PHP 5.4.38, cURL 7.38.0, OpenSSL 0.9.8b
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# 19:02 kylewm KevinMarks__: QTs just codify the "comment RT @author original note" format... I think it would be weirder to move it above :p
# 19:03 KevinMarks__ I think it should be displayed inline as a blockquote at the point in th teach it occurs, so you could post before or after
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# 19:13 KevinMarks__ That otherwise minimal sites spend the first precious ramp-up packets transmitting metadata cruft for silos. Could we put meta tags at the end?
# 19:20 snarfed KevinMarks_: i kinda doubt that would make a big difference in end user latency
# 19:20 KevinMarks__ I suppose the actual question is "does fb parse meta tags not in head" which is testable
# 19:21 snarfed time to first byte generally far outweighs time to first 5KB
# 19:26 KevinMarks__ Certainly they should be after any things that queue other fetches, just wondering why the look most important of all
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# 19:27 KevinMarks__ The irony of single page apps who put more content in meta than in html
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# 19:28 aaronpk snarfed: well I managed to track that down in case you were wondering
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# 19:28 aaronpk apparently you need at least OpenSSL 0.9.8j to support SNI
# 19:29 aaronpk so she's asking the hosting company to update the server now, since 0.9.8b is ridiculously old
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# 19:40 KevinMarks__ Aaronpk, does your autoembed already inline the tweet? Is it recursive?
# 19:41 kylewm in php, I'm using curl_setopt(CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, array('hub.url' => s)) where s is a string of comma separate url-encoded urls
# 19:41 kylewm that will result in double-urlencoding those urls won't it?
# 19:42 aaronpk actually you're sending a multipart request in that case
# 19:42 aaronpk you have to http_build_query and pass a string to the POSTFIELDS
# 19:45 kylewm ok that's very helpful. I think I still have to do the form encoding myself since it's this weird form-encoded, comma-separated thing
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# 19:54 GWG snarfed: Addressed your bookmarklet issue already?
# 20:00 Loqi slack/snarfed: GWG: yup! i take it you saw the commit
# 20:01 kylewm I'm working on improving PuSH support in Known, think I got it working! ... hopefully this makes up for breaking their .htaccess yesterday :P
# 20:02 kylewm I still get ActivityStreams JSON from Superfeedr, which kinda sorta makes me want to support AS feeds
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# 21:29 vandenoever aaronpk: i meant content of the posts and other content
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# 21:32 vandenoever do you guys consider github a silo aggregator? (i do)
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# 21:53 GWG snarfed: Yes, I did. I didn't see your message. The slack ones don't register.
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